KINGDOM Vol 2013 Issue II
The Resurrection Age Letter from the Publisher Nancy Bocalan Schwartz Florida, USA
New Creation Maurizio Tiezzi Siena, Italy
Power of Resurrection
April - June 2013
Mike Hill Georgia, USA
ISSN 2164-148X (Print) ISSN 2164-1501 (Online)
Kingdom Koinonia II Conference May 3-5, 2013 Hunstville, Alabama
New Woman Empowerment
Kingdom Life International Center Orlando, Florida May 10-11, 2013
Table of Contents
Publisher’s Letter..................................3. Greetings...............................................4 The Message.......................................5-6 Kingdom Messengers Italy..................................................7 Philippines.......................................8 Germany..........................................9 Nigeria...........................................10 Mauritius........................................11 Within the Globe.................................12 Kingdom Access..................................13 A Deeper Look ...................................14 Empowerment.....................................15 Purposeful Living................................16 Fresh Winds.........................................17 Awake Nations....................................18 God of Science....................................19 Wholistic Health.................................20 New Connection..................................22 Bible School........................................23 Wholistic Health.................................24
| THY KINGDOM CARRIERS - April - May - June 2013
Thy Kingdom Carriers Connecting and Uniting His Children Worldwide “Neither shall they say, Lo here! or, lo there! for, behold, the kingdom of God is within you.” Luke 17:21 (KJV) Publisher Nancy B. Schwartz Enterprises Editor and Executive Editor Nancy B. Schwartz (Florida/Philippines) Articles Editor Dr. Kevin Storr (Texas) Editorial Board Nancy B. Schwartz (Florida/Philippines) Dr. Rod Howell (Alabama) Dr. Kevin Storr (Texas) Creative Design Julie Rezendes (Florida) Chief Marketing Ambassador Timothy Ellington (Virginia) Contributing Writers Nancy Bocalan Schwartz (Florida/Philippines) Patricia Banks Moore (South Carolina) Maurizio Tiezzi (Italy) Dr. Leonard Robinson (Pennsylvania) Dr. Kevin Storr (Texas) Derrick Wood (Virginia) Lavada Humphrey (Illinois) Israel Ikpeka (Nigeria) Dr. Helen Copeland (Florida) Julio Alvarado (Wisconsin) Mike Hill (Georgia) Dr. Dana Davis (North Carolina) Devin Rajah (Mauritius) Eric Supen (Germany) Glenn Bleakney (Canada) Dr. Rod Howell (Alabama)
Publisher’s Letter Dear Reader, I always thank the Lord for the opportunity to share with you what He places in my spirit and heart. I thank Him for you as you journey with me into the heavenly realm where His Kingdom is the ultimate rule. In this season, I would like to share with you, The Truth of Who We are in this Resurrection Age. Jesus has risen and is reigning on earth as He does NOW in heaven. Through his resurrection, we are reconciled to our original position with God, and we are in Him, just as Jesus is in the Father. We are not literally in heaven, but we are through the Holy Spirit, in Him and the heavenly, resurrected realm. The Resurrection of our Lord is the key to restoring who we are (identity) and what we are (position) in the royal family of The Kingdom of God. We are without power when we don’t know the truth of our identity as sons of the I Am. What gives us the right to say the resurrection of Jesus redeemed us into who we originally were and how we are to live as sons and daughters of the royal Family? Matthew 28: 8-10 (NIV), “So the women hurried away from the tomb, afraid yet filled with joy, and ran to tell his disciples. Suddenly Jesus met them. “Greetings,” he said. They came to him, clasped his feet and worshiped him. Then Jesus said to them, “Do not be afraid. Go and tell my brothers to go to Galilee; there they will see me” (emphasis mine). The angel of the Lord appearing to the women told them to let His disciples know Jesus had risen from the dead. But when Jesus spoke to the women, He said, “Tell My Brothers.” Alleluia! Whosoever believes in Him is no longer a dead in spirit, stranger, but alive in the resurrected realm as His brother and a son of the Father! What an awesome promotion and translation of whom we are in the risen King! We are now in the resurrected age and realm which is the highest place where any person could live. Our true position is not based upon what we do for God, instead, what he has done for us. Glory to GOD! Let it be Lord that no one can boast of his own works. Jesus has taken us with and in Him to the Father as His brothers, because of who He is – LOVE. There is much rejoicing in my spirit and heart for remembering what His death, resurrection and ascension to heaven means to me! I am overjoyed as His Love continually flows over and covers me. What then can we say of the things that are happening around us? There is a reality beyond it all; a reality which is accessible through The Way. We can now enter and experience as sons, the inheritance He prepared for us which is His Kingdom. Let His Kingdom reign in our lives to relate and testify to others, Who and What is, the Resurrection. Jesus said, “I am The Resurrection;” therefore whoever has Christ has the Resurrection. I pray you will experience and encounter, The Life and the Resurrection in your life to its fullness by the Holy Spirit! Happy Resurrection Day!
Nancy B. Schwartz
April - May - June 2013 -THY KINGDOM CARRIERS
Greetings Arise and Shine For Thy Light Has Come and , Has Risen Upon You! the Glory of the
Isaiah 60:1 In conclusion of this scripture and greeting, “For your Light has come and the Glory of the Lord has risen upon you - wow! This brings joy and excitement to my spirit. The Light brings revelation and visibility to us in understanding a “nugget” of the manifold wisdom of God’s intent. It is seen in our lives being redeemed from a place of desolation, destruction, and permanent damage, to a fulfilled and prosperous life in Him. This is the power of the redeeming work and resurrecting power of Jesus Christ. The execution of the Father’s perfect plan brings Glory to Him and guarantees access and a promise that we are now seated in Heavenly Places. We reflect His light in the earth; this allows the world and future generations to know the King of Kings is not dead, but Lives; and New Life awaits you in Him.
I greet you my sisters and brothers with this scriptural salutation and gentle command from the Lord of Hosts. As we enter another season of Lent and Passover, it is an exciting time to Reflect, Refocus, and Realign ourselves as active agents in the presentation of His word. This is an effective way of commemorating and celebrating our Savior’s Life, Death, and Resurrection. According to the “Word of Truth,” in Isaiah 60:1, God’s people (Zion) are initially instructed with a charge to
ARISE It is a command to come out of,
come forth, or surface from anything that has an adverse effect (whether negative thoughts, wrong places or ill spoken words) to the will of God in our Lives.
My Blessings to you for a Happy and Joyous Easter
a command to emerge and become apparent. You are called, gifted and valued to carry out official Kingdom Business. Yes, the King has decreed a mandate over your life for such a time as this!
Patricia Banks Moore Spartanburg, South Carolina
| THY KINGDOM CARRIERS - April - May - June 2013
The Message
The Hydrologic Cycle of Praise God is interested in bringing all the Kingdoms of this present world under his perfect rulership so that the earth would survive and remain for the sake of humanity. Throughout the entire bible God has repeatedly showed his love for mankind and his desire to live and reign with us forever on earth. In the book of revelation, we see the vision of God to repair the heavens, the earth and Jerusalem after man had messed it up. He has a repair period or era for creation’s restoration. This period of restoration began as soon as man sinned in the Garden of Eden. When man lost his identity through his disobedience, he immediately disconnected from his original responsibility to creation. Man is the cornerstone of all of God’s creation who holds the keys for interlocking everything in creation so that it will function to full capacity. However, because of the fall of man creation is in much pain waiting for man to discover and reconnect each Kingdom on earth both living and non-living. Romans 8:19-22 (NIV) “19 For the creation waits in eager expectation for the children of God to be revealed. 20 For the creation was subjected to frustration, not by its own choice, but by the will of the one who subjected it, in hope 21 that the creation itself will be liberated from its bondage to decay and brought into the freedom and glory of the children of God. 22 We know that the whole creation has been groaning as in the pains of childbirth right up to the present time.” The reconnection of all Kingdoms on earth is very important to the Kingdom of Heaven rulership on earth. This responsibility of reconnection has been given to the species of creation called man. When God gave man rulership (Genesis 1:26) he placed on the inside of him the potential and keys for balance and restoration. This was the sole responsibility to man and man only. God has since been pointing man back to this ecological engineering since his fall through the kingdoms of living and non-living things. God’s plan of restoration is with the involvement and help of man and creation knows it. The sound of the seventh angel will be the greatest sound the earth and its habitants will ever hear. It will be the sound that will announce the unity of heaven and earth as all kingdoms submits
itself to the King. It will be the sound that announced that man has fulfilled his part in uniting the Kingdoms of the earth and God will rule as King forever and ever. Revelation 11:15(KJV) “And the seventh angel sounded; and there were great voices in heaven, saying, The kingdoms of this world are become the kingdoms of our Lord (OWNER), and of his Christ (ANNOINTED KING); and he shall reign for ever and ever” This will be the greatest sound of praise to the creator of heaven and earth. Heaven and earth in unison as praises fills the air, atmospheres, environments and the heavens. The heavens and all creation will declare the glory of the Lord and there will be no room for evil. God has given us the power of praise and continuously shows us its principles in his creation. Nature displays the glory, splendor, and majesty of its creator through the praises it continuously gives out within its surroundings. God has made himself easy to be found and shines forth the mysteries of his Kingdom and its principles in the power of nature. God displays his character in the animals
❝ The heavens and all creation will declare the glory of the Lord and there will be no room for evil. ❞ and shows forth his glory in the elements of the environment. He quickly refers to the lion and eagle as a tangible expression of what his character looks like. Then he explains the powers of his Kingdom in the science of a fungus, called Saccharomyces cerevisiae, commonly known as Yeast. As we study the ecology and biology of this unique fungus the mysteries of the Kingdom begins to unfold in a dimension of understanding that will change our lives forever. God wanted us to find him so he placed his glory in everything that is tangible to us. We are really without excuse. Matthew 13:12 (NIV) 12 Whoever has (THE MYSTERY OF THE KINGDOM) will be given more, and they will have an abundance. Whoever does not have, even what they have will be taken from them.
April - May - June 2013 -THY KINGDOM CARRIERS
The Message Continued from page 5 The great noise in heaven at the sound of the seventh angel will be a great sound of celebration in the expression of praise. Over the years in studying the environment and atmosphere through the various disciplines of science I heard the voice of God. I saw a principle that unfolded a mystery to me on the power of praise and worship. I realize that the sound of worship is the vibrations and gravity that holds the environment of heaven on earth. God has placed the principles of worship all
❝ I realize that the sound of worship is the vibrations and gravity that holds the environment of heaven on earth. ❞
around us in his creation and he wants us to search it out. I saw a very powerful principle of creating tangible blessings through the studies of the hydrologic cycle. I want to carefully explain this cycle to you so that you can understand the real substance of what I found in it. The Hydrologic Cycle is simply the evaporation of water in the form of moisture from the earth into the atmosphere and returning it back to the
earth as water for plants, animals and humans. There are basically two ways evaporation takes place. One is through transpiration and the other is through heat from the sun upon a body of water called EVAPORATION. Studies have revealed that about 10% of the moisture found in the atmosphere is released through plants, especially flowering plants through a process
called TRANSPIRATION. Flowering plants are most likely to bear fruits. Fruitful plants help the stability of the atmosphere more than any other plants. The remaining 90 percent is mainly supplied by evaporation from oceans, seas, and other bodies of water (lakes, rivers, streams). The flowering corn trees of about an acre of corn gives off about 3,000-4,000 gallons or 11,400-15,100 liters of water each day. A large oak tree can transpire up to about 40,000 gallons, which is 151,000 liters per year. The evaporation from the sun heats up water in the rivers, lakes, and ocean around us and turns it into vapor or steam. The water vapor or steam leaves the river, lake or ocean and goes into the air because it is lighter in weight. As the vapor leaves the environment it climbs as high as it can until it reaches the cold air of the atmosphere. It is at the height of the cold air that these water vapors begin to condense quickly and form precipitation or liquids. Precipitation occurs when just enough water has condensed that the air cannot hold it anymore. The clouds get heavy and water falls back to the earth in the form of rain, hail, sleet or snow. When water fall back to earth as precipitation, it may fall back in the oceans, lakes or rivers or it may end up on land. When it ends up on land, it will soak deep into the earth and become part of the “ground water” that plants and animals use to drink or it may run over the soil and collect in the oceans, lakes or rivers where the cycle starts all over again. It is extremely important to know that when the vapor leaves the earth, it leaves sometimes from impure and polluted lakes and rivers. But as the vapor climbs higher into the atmosphere it begins to drops off all the impurities and heavy metals that were trapped in its source. The flowering plants; however, releases pure water vapor through transpiration and it reaches the atmosphere ready to be converted into pure precipitation.
Dr. Pepe Ramnath Miramar Christian Center International - Florida
| THY KINGDOM CARRIERS - April - May - June 2013
Kingdom Messengers
The New Creation The resurrection is the central fact about the Messiah as He is not dead, but alive! His resurrection was not merely resuscitation, but an eternal resurrection so that He will never die again. Jesus is our Big Brother, Savior, King and High Priest forever. Just as He was changed through the resurrection, in the same way, we, who trust in Him, will be transformed into a new creation by the Lord’s Spirit. During our lifetime, He transforms our souls and one day soon our body will be changed;
❝ Just as He was changed through the resurrection, in the same way, we, who trust in Him, will be transformed into a new creation by the Lord’s Spirit. ❞ raised to live forever. What type of a body shall we have? Paul says its nature will be an incorruptible, glorious, spiritual body, 1 Cor. 15: 35-49. Jesus appeared many times after his resurrection. He was seen by Peter; by the
twelve and afterwards by more than five hundred at one time; later by James; all the apostles and by Paul on the road to Damascus. Some women also saw him alive, as well as two disciples along their way to a village called Emmaus. But what did they really experience? What did they see? What was He like? What is this new creation? When He first showed Himself as risen to His disciples, they were all gathered together. Startled and terrified, they thought they were seeing a ghost. In order for them to see the new creation, the risen Messiah did not tell them ghosts did not exist. Rather, He showed them the signs of the crucifixion clearly visible in His body and said ghosts do not have flesh and bones, as they could plainly see He had. Yet, the disciples were still unable to trust Him, so Jesus did something more. He did something every human does; this would show them His body could perform basic acts essential to human life. He asked them for something to eat and ate fish in their presence. It is clear that after the resurrection, the body of Jesus was a real body of flesh and bones. It was the same body He had when
He died, because the signs of the nails from His crucifixion were still present. But at the same time, it was a new body in which all earth’s reality was present as well as all heaven’s glory and power. Spirit and body were now mingled in such a way, that the physical could obey the laws of matter and the laws of the spirit at the same time. Jesus’ body had flesh and bones. Thomas could even place his hand in His side. Jesus could eat a meal and speak with His audible voice. Yet, the same body could walk through closed doors, disappear in a moment and change appearance to such an extent, that His closest friends could not recognize Him. Further, with His new body, He could even ascend to heaven in a blaze of glory. Truly, in the resurrected body of Jesus we have a new creation, a new reality, in which the physical dimension merges with the spiritual. The two exists in peace and perfect harmony in obedience to the purpose of God and His original plan. Through this body, the meaning and secret of life is made visible. The second man accomplished what the first man failed at, and we who follow Him will be like Him, a new creation in the regenerated world.
Maurizio Tiezzi Italy
April - May - June 2013 -THY KINGDOM CARRIERS
Kingdom Messengers
Encountering the I am There is more to God beyond what we have preached and written that can only be understood and known through a personal encounter with the Author Himself. Man can only write so much and put so many letters together to describe God’s glory and being. We cannot contain our creator as it is written 1 King 8:37,“But will God really dwell on earth? The heavens, even the highest heaven, cannot contain you. How much less this temple I have built!”
Our Lord sent the Holy Spirit who will teach us ALL things and what is to come. The Holy Spirit is God Himself who came from heaven for man to experience and live in God’s presence. We are to take advantage of this access granted to us, so that heaven can intervene in our lives here on earth. In so doing, we will receive more of Him and more of the very presence lost in the Garden of Eden. We were created to be in and with Him. Since we have been restored into Him again through Christ, we are now able to have
intimate encounters as was His original plan. What a privilege to have access to heaven anytime and to be able to come boldly to His throne through our Lord Jesus! We cannot limit Our Everlasting God by what we can only grasp and comprehend of Him. May our hearts endlessly long and desire to have intimacy with Him. There is so much more of Him that we have not yet encountered, only because we are limited to what we can receive of the eternal God. What we can take and experience of Him in our lives is a taste of heaven on earth, which causes us long and desire even more of Him. Keep seeking Him in life, his boundless wisdom; his eternal love and his endless mercy. No matter where we are in life, God has intended greater things for us. He desires for us to know Him and will not withhold what He prepared for us before the creation of the world. However, we must take the step to reach out and touch Him in Spirit, because He is at hand. He said “seek me and you will find me, if you seek me with all your heart.” He is not a God who will lie; ask, seek and knock and He will open the door to His dwelling place through Jesus Christ who is and has made the WAY! He will unselfishly reveal Himself through a repentant and humble heart. He may break us and plow our hardened hearts first before we can encounter Him, but it is worth it all. Make time with Him now and begin to understand the power of encountering, the great I AM.
Nancy Bocalan Schwartz Philippines/Florida
| THY KINGDOM CARRIERS - April - May - June 2013
Kingdom Messengers
The Spirit of Resurrection Resurrection by definition is the act of rising from the dead; returning to life; or the act of bringing back to practice, notice, or use. Throughout the Bible, the Spirit of Resurrection which is synonymous with the Holy Spirit resurrects people and circumstances to their original condition, intention or purpose. Ezekiel 37 gives an account of the Spirit of resurrection turning the captivity of the Israelites. When God showed Ezekiel the condition of the children of Israel, it was a state of hopelessness, lost dreams, inactivity and death (Ezekiel 37:11-14). God revealed to Ezekiel the root cause of their predicament; they believed and were declaring their hopeless condition. Ezekiel 37:11, “then he said to me: Son of man, these bones are the whole house of Israel. They say, ‘Our bones are dried up and our hope is gone; we are cut off” (NIV). The power of their tongues was seen by giving permission to the grave to impact their lives (Ezekiel 37:12-13). For indeed, a fool’s mouth is his undoing, and his lips are a snare to his soul (proverbs 18:7) and the tongue has the power of life and death, and those who love it will eat its fruit (Proverb 18:21). The power of the grave buries potential, dreams, vision, hope, life, success and prosperity. The spirit of hopelessness, depression and death are thus granted legal grounds to limit, frustrate,
and snuff out life. Thank God for prophetic revelations and declarations that break the wicked cycles of oppression. These revelations enforce freedom and liberty for people to begin to dream again and live out God’s purpose for their lives (Ezekiel 37:12-14). God revealed to Ezekiel in verses 1-10, how to resurrect a vast army (a people or nation) affected by hopelessness, expressed in the form of death. The instruments God used to resurrect His people were: revelation, prophetic declarations of His word and the Spirit of Life and Resurrection. In the same way the Spirit of death seeks opportunities to ensnare, the Spirit of resurrection wants us to give Him the license to resurrect and release life, vision and purpose into our lives, jobs situations and nations. He is the same Spirit that quickens things back to life (Romans 8:11). He lives in us and wants us to return people, circumstances and things to their original condition. This is accomplished through divine revelation, prophetic declaration and strategies. The King is risen and we are raised up and seated with Him in the heavenly realms, He is full of power and glory (Ephesians 2:6a). He says to His Church locally, nationally and globally, “I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in me will live, even though he dies ;26and whoever lives and believes in me will never die”
(John 11:25). In faith, I would like to agree with you in prayer that the law of the Spirit of Life through Christ Jesus (Romans 8:1-2) breaks through into any and every darkness, sickness, habit, circumstance and crisis. So that everything will align with the order of heaven, and bring about a supernatural and divine turnaround in Jesus’ name. May you celebrate Easter in victory because you are born of God through the Spirit of sonship and of the incorruptible seed of God’s Word (1John 5:4-5, 1 Peter 1:23).
❝ Thank God for prophetic revelations and declarations that break the wicked cycles of oppression. ❞
Eric N. Supen, Germany
April - May - June 2013 -THY KINGDOM CARRIERS
Kingdom Messengers
Resurrection of Dry Bones
Whenever I think about Resurrection, I think of the Valley of Dry Bones in the Book of Ezekiel Chapter 37: 1-14. The bones were in a state of hopelessness in the valley; they were dry, without flesh, disjointed and in fact good for nothing.
The hand of the Lord...brought me out…and set me in the middle of a valley; it was full of bones. 2He led me back and forth among them, and I saw a great many bones on the floor of the valley, bones that were very dry. 3He asked me, “Son of man, can these bones live?” I said, “Sovereign Lord, you alone know.” 4Then he said to me, “Prophesy to these bones …7So I prophesied…and… there was a noise, a rattling sound, and the bones came together, bone to bone. 8… flesh appeared on them and skin covered them, …9 Then he said to me, “Prophesy to the breath;…10So I prophesied…and breath entered them; they came to life…11Then he said to me: “Son of man, these bones are the people of Israel. They say, ‘Our bones are dried up and our hope is gone;
The dry bones represent: 1. People who think hope is lost and their businesses are gone forever. 2. The person who has tried to succeed, but the more they try, the more it seems success cannot be found. 3. Couple who has been married for years and are unable to conceive a child. 4. Person who lost their job and has found it difficult to find employment. 5. Person who sat an examination and failed many times.
If any of the descriptions above fits you, or even if it is unlisted, I have Good News. The Lord says, “You shall live again!” Like the woman with the issue of blood, the man at the pool of Bethesda, the man born blind, and like me, Israel Ikpeka, there is hope for you. I am a testimony of the resurrection of a dry bone. The same God who raised me, can and will raise you! I speak to you in the name of the Lord, “arise from your valley of hopelessness to your mount of celebration.” I announce to you that your deliverance has finally come. Be free and never be bound again in Jesus’ name, amen. Hallelujah Christ arose, and so shall you.
Israel Ikpeka Nigeria
| THY KINGDOM CARRIERS - April - May - June 2013
Kingdom Messengers
Christ Our Passover The nation of Israel was in bondage to Egypt. God heard their cry and delivered them through many miracles; one of which was by the death of a lamb to avoid the effects of the tenth plague. Hebrews 11:28, “it was by faith that Moses commanded the people of Israel to keep the Passover and to sprinkle blood on the doorposts so that the angel of death would not kill their firstborn sons.” Taking some of the blood and placing it on the two doorposts and on the lintel of the houses shows the symbol of the cross. Two is a covenant number (Amos 3:3), where covenant is an agreement or contract. The Blood on the door has two meanings which were: The people inside were walking together with God and they were walking with each other. Jesus’ greatest service to the world and to the church is connected with the cross, which brought salvation to multitudes of people, resulting in justification. Jesus is the Lamb of God, (John 1:29) who became our Passover. Jesus’ desire is to enter your home and beautify it with the garment of salvation, healing, deliverance and abundance. He is the Lamb of God who died for the sins of the world (John 1:29); whose mission became clear to us after His death (by the cross) and resurrection. Yet the scriptures reveal in Revelations 13:8 that the Lamb was slain from the creation of the world. His death gave meaning, and
the resurrection gave power to all mankind. Calvary is the greatest blood donation in the history of the world, as the power of salvation, redemption and victory is in His Blood. Without the shedding of blood, there is no forgiveness, Hebrews 9:22; as only the blood of Jesus cleanses our sin. The theme of the entire Bible is about sacrifice and the Lamb of God. Christ is our Passover; as a result we were bought at a costly price, with the honorable, highly esteemed blood of Jesus. Christ hath redeemed us from the curse of the law, being made a curse for us: for it is written, cursed is everyone that hangs on a tree, Galatians 3:13. He redeemed, purchased or paid the ransom for us to walk free from poverty, sickness and spiritual death. The curse of the law is seen in: poverty, sickness, and spiritual death. Through His blood, the blessing of Abraham now comes upon the Gentiles, that we might now receive the promise of the Spirit through faith. Jesus’ blood places us in a position to be blessed. We are not redeemed with corruptible things; Jesus’ blood is incorruptible and eternal. Agree with me today that when Christ triumphantly cried, “It is finished,” it was a shout of victory. It meant we were all redeemed and restored to the Father – both Jew and Gentile. Our God is a resurrecting God; He can return to life what is believed to be dead. He is a God
who can do exceedingly, abundantly, above and beyond what we ask. He is a healer, a restorer, and a God who gives beauty for ashes. All glory to our King. Amen!
Devin Rajah Bambous, Mauritius
April - May - June 2013 -THY KINGDOM CARRIERS
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Within the Globe
Pepe Ramnath
Brazil Trip We went to Brasilia and Celandia, Brazil and spoke to over 15,000 leaders on the Kingdom. Many were healed instantly as the spot of Eden descended and touched the grounds of Brazil. Deaf ears were opened, pains left the bodies of hundreds and the lump of a woman breast went away completely. I never know what God is going to do but I always know he is going to do something. Bishop Robson Rodovalho has graciously invited both me and Angela to his annual breaking the curse Conference. I used Genetics and DNA with the bible to help people to understand how to break curses over their lives easily. We were blessed by the hospitality, hunger and humility of the people of Brazil.
Pastor Pepe Ramnath Florida Miramar Christian Center International
| THY KINGDOM CARRIERS - April - May - June 2013
Obey Your
Kingdom Access
Being thirsty was a picture John painted several times in his gospel. Here are some of the times this picture of thirst is presented.
1. John 4:13-16, the woman at the well asked Jesus to give her some of the water that would free her from thirsting again.
2. John 6:35, Jesus said unto them, “I am
the bread of life: he that cometh to me shall never hunger; and he that believeth on me shall never thirst.”
3. In John 7:37, “In the great day of the
feast, Jesus stood and cried, saying, If any man thirst, let him come unto me, and drink.”
4. John 19:28, John brings us to his final
illustration of thirst coming from the One who quenches all thirst. I thirst is five of the seven last words Christ spoke during His crucifixion.
It is important to note that the writer started out by saying, “After this…” If you are like me, you are asking after what? Well I am glad you asked. What was Jesus’ mission? Was it to establish a Religion or a Kingdom? I believe no one who has lived has been misunderstood more than a young teacher who happened to be born, not by preference but by promise. Misunderstanding Jesus has caused Muslims to reject Him, Hindus to suspect Him, Buddhists to ignore Him, Atheists to hate Him, and Agnostics to deny Him. But it may just be those who claim to represent Him the most –Christians – have in fact misunderstood and, therefore, misrepresented Him the most. We as Christians have misunderstood Him by transforming His teachings and methods into customs and His activities into rituals and tradition. Many even have reduced His
message to nothing more than an escape plan for getting to heaven and His promises as a mere insurance policy for escaping the pains of a tormenting hell. Religion, therefore, is simply man’s search for God. Religion is man’s substitute for the Kingdom and that is why it cannot and will never satisfy him or quench his thirst. Religion preoccupies you in order to distract you from your hunger and emptiness for the Kingdom. In essence, religion is designed to keep you too busy to complete your assignment for the Kingdom. Perhaps this is why religion has so many activities related to it. Religion is hard work and its work is its reward. But will the work fill the void and the thirst you seek? Yet a simple review of Jesus’ message and priority reveals that Jesus had only one message, one mandate, and one mission – the return of the Kingdom of Heaven to earth. From the very beginning, Jesus made it clear that the principal need for mankind, and the only solution to our dilemma, is the Kingdom of Heaven. His first public statement reveals this Kingdom priority: see Matt 4:17; 5:3. Now the question you may be asking is, how did Christ become thirsty on the cross and more importantly why are there so many thirsty in this season of their lives? When our physical body thirsts, it cries for water. You can feel the longing within your being, and your cells will begin to malfunction without it. Your spiritual body should be
crying out the same way for God’s Kingdom and His righteousness. Your spirit should cry out, like Jesus on the cross, I thirst, and I want to be right with God. I cannot have anything between us; I need to know His purpose for me. Christ, on the cross, was in the process of making an exchange of righteousness for our unrighteousness, see 2 Corinthians 5:21. Because of God’s love for us, He who knew no sin, became sin for us, and in His body bore our sin on the cross. It was there He cried out – “I thirst!” Righteousness is a key to quenching your thirst. It is a key to proper development because righteousness ensures that whatever is necessary for development is available as a result of proper alignment with the Source of Life. It is in YOU! Can you obey your thirst and seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness? If so, everything else will be added to you. Don’t be thirsty! Obey your thirst! Happy is the man who hungers and thirsts after righteousness, because it is the key to quenching their thirst. Matt 5:6.
Derrick Wood Dumfries, Virginia
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A Deeper Look If you had the cure for cancer, wouldn’t you want to tell the world? What if you discovered the reason for every single thing wrong and evil in the world today? The Mystery of Iniquity Revealed is a unique and captivating book in which Julio Alvarado delves into the mystery of a rare word, and uncovers the truth of what this one, single ill has wrought across centuries, and throughout the world. His book provides answers to the biggest and deepest questions you have ever asked, and promises to lead you on a journey of renewal into a life free from the greatest evil the world has known. If you have ever wondered, “Is there more to me than what I have become?” or “Is there more to God than what I have experienced?” this book is a must-read. Enlightening chapters and pertinent applications at the end of each chapter will ensure that your life will never be the same again. About the Author Julio Alvarado is an Author, Speaker, Teacher and Kingdom Life Coach-Mentor. His life journey has taken him from times of great emotional, physical and spiritual difficulty to a new life of experiencing God in an authentic and unique way. Through the many things that he has overcome, and wonderful truths he has discovered, Julio’s journey is now a blessed and focused path, which at this time involves helping others to discover, develop and deploy the Kingdom that lies within every human being. He follows God’s original, Kingdom-of-Heavenoriented personal growth and development plan, which is to Build One’s Life from the Inside Out.
The book is available in paperback and Kindle formats at: and
Julio Alvarado Waukesha, Wisconsin
| THY KINGDOM CARRIERS - April - May - June 2013
Jesus is Alive; we are Empowered! And they said to one another, “Did not our heart burn within us while He talked with us on the road, and while He opened the Scriptures to us?” (Luke 24:32). One of my favorite readings is about the two men who conversed on the road to Emmaus concerning Jesus Christ’s “crucifixion”. According to the Scriptures, the event must have left an imprint in their hearts and minds because their conversation seemed to have no hope. Their comment indicated they were “hoping” Jesus would be the One to redeem Israel (Luke 24:21). Well, I write to you with exciting news! Jesus not only redeemed Israel, but He empowered the world through His death, burial and RESURRECTION - JESUS LIVES! Jesus redeemed the world and left His Holy Spirit to teach, lead, and guide us into all truth. We are the “sons of God” and that means we are “empowered” to do great things in this world and to bring that same “hope” to the hopeless. Hope, that He is the living “resurrected Savior” and that He left us with “power” to be empowered.
Q. What does that mean? A. The Scriptures has been opened for you to be “Empowered”! It means Jesus “shifted” so to speak legal authority upon us to empower others. “I do not pray for these alone, but also for those who will believe in me through their word; that they all may be one. As You, Father, are in Me, and I in You; that they also may be one in Us, that the world may believe that You sent Me” (John 17:20-21). Empowerment to “spread” the seed of the Word of God throughout the world; thus leaving the nations the seed of an empowering hope, that Jesus is “alive” and because He lives, there is hope.
Q. What does it mean to be alive in Jesus? A. It means we take on His nature and character. It means we are immersed in the culture and country of the Kingdom. We live in this world, but not of it (Romans 12:1-2). To be empowered means to have the “ability to do, to accomplish, to perform or enable.” We are called to inform humanity that “HE LIVES.” We are conversationalists of God’s Kingdom. We are “hope carriers,” called and chosen to declare that Jesus Christ is “ALIVE” and to talk about His Kingdom (Psalm 145:11-13). Be EMPOWERED, knowing you are redeemed by the Cross and the resurrection restores you to the Kingdom of God.
La Vada D. Humphrey, The Kingdom Coach | 815-263-4183 Kingdom Coaching Radio Show, Wednesday 9:00pm CST, www.
April - May - June 2013 -THY KINGDOM CARRIERS
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Purposeful Living
The Power of His Resurrection “..that I may know Him and the power of His resurrection..” (Phil 3:10)
Paul had every right to complain. Three times he was beaten with rods and three times he was shipwrecked. He was stoned and left for dead and even spent a night and day adrift at sea. He was constantly required by God to take journeys fraught with dangers from rivers, robbers and even his own people, He was persecuted in cities and in the country; constantly toiling and in hardship, He suffered sleepless nights and often had to go without food or water (see 2 Cor. 11:25-27). Yet through every tribulation, he still maintained a reason to rejoice and boast in the Lord. What was Paul’s secret and where did he get the strength to continually thrive in the midst of undeserved hardship?
of Christ. When Christ rose from the grave, it was more than just a miraculous, one-time event. The resurrection of Christ was a part of a powerful plan to reconnect mankind to its royal heritage in the Kingdom of God. The resurrection brings to life the original plan of God; that mankind would have dominion and exercise power and control over the earth. The resurrection of Christ was so powerful, that it broke every curse and freed every imprisoned
heart, so that mankind could once again serve in the earth as originally intended. The resurrection of Christ was so powerful that even some 2,000 years later, that same resurrection still has enough power to produce change. It brings life into dead situations, delivers us from every circumstance and brings the glory of God upon our lives.
The only time a man can ignore pain is when he is overflowing with purpose. Paul had a conviction that in turn gave him a fearless determination to serve God, regardless the cost. He had many reasons to boast in his own achievements — he was a blood-borne member of the tribe of Benjamin, a Pharisee, a man full of zeal (as evidenced by his persecution of the church before his conversion); he was righteous and blameless. Yet, he counted it all as nothing in comparison to the life he now has in Christ Jesus (Phil 3:4-7). In fact, he clarifies it by saying, “For his sake I have suffered the loss of all things and count them as rubbish, in order that I may gain Christ” (Phil 3:8). Paul had a single-minded passion to know, understand, and do the work of Christ. He said further, “that I may know him and the power of his resurrection, and may share his sufferings, becoming like him in his death, that by any means possible I may attain the resurrection from the dead” (Phil 3:10). So what drove Paul to continue his work even in the midst of hardship? He kept his eyes intently focused on the power and glory that was now in his life through the resurrection Mike Hill Georgia
| THY KINGDOM CARRIERS - April - May - June 2013
Fresh Winds
The Shared Power Principle Most Christians although saved, still are not experiencing the fullness of life meant for us on the earth. Some have been stuck in a less than kingly existence of just merely surviving, when it has been on the mind of God from the beginning that we would experience the fullness of the Kingdom right here on earth! We have the ability to live the very best lives that we desire simply because of the power and authority that we possess on the inside through the Shared Power Principle. The Shared Power Principle is the idea that we share the same power, character and authority (name) that Jesus possesses. In the book of John chapter 14 we were given permission and authority to make earthly appeals, declarations and decrees using the “name” of Jesus. The word name in the Greek means: power, character and authority. This permission is what spawns the Shared Power Principle. First of all, Jesus states in the 14th chapter of John that He was in the Father and the Father was in Him. He then goes on to say that as the Father was in Him, so shall He (Jesus) be in us! This means now we have the fullness of the Godhead living inside of us. This gives us unlimited access to the supreme powers that rest both in our Father and in Jesus. This principle is seen more clearly when we look at Romans 8:17 where it says that we are “heirs of God and joint-heirs with Christ”. The words “joint-heirs” literally means “to share equally with”. This simply means that we share equally in the power, character and authority that Jesus possesses. The Bible also says that we are “seated in heavenly places”. This means that as the
body, we all occupy the same place of power as our savoir simply because we have Him resting, and abiding in us. As we become more comfortable with this principle, we then begin to reflect the Glory of God in the earth. Psalms the 8th chapter says, “He has crowned us with Glory and honor.” There, glory means “the full weight of power.” So when we reflect the Glory of God, we are expressing His power and authority in the earth and that is what makes us authentic sons and daughters of God.
As we celebrate the Resurrection season, we must remember that the totality of Jesus’ death was so that we can receive salvation, which literally means “to be whole and complete in every area of life”. His death was such that as we receive and believe Him, we would be made whole and complete in every area of our lives because we share His power and authority. This needs to become a part of our current reality so that we can live the victorious life we were created to live. And once this becomes our reality, the scripture will be fulfilled in our individual lives which says, “we are seated in heavenly places.”
Dr. Dana Davis Charlotte, North Carolina 704-737-8093 Cell 866-925-0002 Office
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Awake the Nations
A Resurrection which Restores The Lord created man in His image and glory (1 Cor. 11:7). Psalm 8:5 further reveals that man was “…made a little lower than the angels and crowned him with glory and honor.” The word ‘crowned’ in Hebrew means encircled or covered. Prior to sin, while dwelling in the Garden of Eden, Adam and Eve were naked, yet they were not embarrassed, “And they were both naked, the man and his wife, and were not ashamed” (Genesis 2:25). After their transgression, they immediately became conscious of their nakedness, “Then the eyes of both of them were opened, and they knew that they were naked; and they sewed fig leaves together and made themselves coverings” (Genesis 3:7). The reason for this sense of shame was they were no longer covered by the glory of God; they were stripped of their glory garments! “For all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God” (Romans 3:23). Not only did Adam and Eve experience the loss of God’s glory as a result of sin, their spiritual authority was also forfeited. Hence, Satan now became the god of this world (2 Corinthians 4:4). When Jesus came to Earth, He came to restore to man their lost glory and authority (Luke 19:10). “For the Son of Man has come to seek and to save that which was lost.” The devil knowing this, attempted to strike a deal with Jesus at
❝ Of course, Jesus would not negotiate with Satan.❞
the very beginning of His ministry. “And the devil said to Him, “All this authority I will give You, and their glory; for this has been delivered to me, and I give it to whomever I wish. Therefore, if You will worship before me, all will be Yours” (Luke 4:57 Emphasis Mine). Of course, Jesus would not negotiate with Satan. He was well aware that such a transaction would not be legal in nature, as it failed to address the root cause of the forfeiture, namely, sin. “For without the shedding of blood there is no remission of sin” (Hebrews 9:22). After Jesus’ resurrection, a permanently binding, legal transaction occurred; this resulted in authority and glory being restored to humankind. Jesus cried out, “All authority is given unto me in heaven and in earth. Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations” (Matthew 28:18 - 19). What is the result of this? The person that is truly born–again and filled with the Spirit has received restored access to the authority and glory of God. Paul says that God called us by the Gospel “...for the obtaining of the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ” (2 Thessalonians 2:14). Paul reminded the Ephesians that God is “… able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us” (Ephesians 3:20, emphasis mine). Notice, he says it is the power of the Spirit in us that is limitless! The glory of God fully manifested in and through the Church is unstoppable and will bring transformation to the nations! Consider with me the power that was at work in the Early Church. Acts informs us that the anointing carried by Peter was so strong, the sick were brought “…out into the streets
and laid…on beds and couches that at least the shadow of Peter passing by, might fall on some of them. Also a multitude gathered from the surrounding cities to Jerusalem, bringing sick people and those who were tormented by unclean spirits, and they were all healed” (Acts 5:14-16). Paul, likewise, was so full of the glory of God that the Lord worked “…extraordinary miracles by the hands of Paul, so that even handkerchiefs or aprons were brought from his body to the sick, and the diseases left them and the evil spirits went out of them” (Acts 19:11, 12). Let’s be honest! When was the last time you witnessed such glory and power at work in the Church? Most, Christians have never witnessed the like. Nevertheless, the fact is, it is God’s desire to manifest His glory and power through His people to the nations today! Paul shares a profound revelation regarding this. He says the Church ”…is His body, the fullness of Him Who fills all in all [for in that body lives the full measure of Him Who makes everything complete, and Who fills everything everywhere with Himself]” (Ephesians 1:23 Amplified). The traditions and teachings of men, as well as an innate sense of personal unworthiness often keep us from fully appropriating this revelation. The truth is; you are not merely “a sinner saved by grace!” On the contrary, you are a “saint empowered by glory!” As such, you can live like Jesus did on the earth, overcoming sin, the powers of darkness, and performing miracles.
Glenn Bleakney Canada
| THY KINGDOM CARRIERS - April - May - June 2013
God of Science
The Kingdom’s
View of Resurrection In the Book of Ezekiel chapter thirty-seven, the prophet is carried by the Holy Spirit to an open valley filled bones. The bones were described as being dry and the prophet was asked, “Can these bones live?” The prophet was confronted with a biological and theological question? The answer to the question was based on his biology and theology. These two answer the question, “can these bones live?” There are several things to consider from the text:
1. The
location of the bones. Being in an open valley, it was probably the location of a battle (vss. 9, 10).
2. The amount of the bones. The valley which prior to some event contained many living people was now the place of their remains.
3. The condition of the bones.
Being dried, the bones had been picked clean by animals of prey. They were weathered and devoid of any type of identification to associate them with the person who previously lived.
4. The hope of the bones. The question
was asked, can these bones live? Or can their condition be reversed or reverted back to their original state.
There were two possible answers: one biological and the other theological. Biologically, could the bones live? What are bones used for? They make up the skeletal system and provide a support, a frame and
protection for vital organs. So the question was really, “can we from these bones recover the individual who initially existed? To do so, did not require solely bones, but organs, tissue, muscle, skin and life. The theological question was, is there a being capable of restoring life? He was not asked who could restore life, but if life could be restored? The option was two-fold. Man or a deity. Man deals with death by burial, because what remains is solely the physical for him to contend with. The Divine deals with death first spiritually; spirit which comes from the Divine do not die, therefore the Divine’s main concern with death is not a physical response by burial. The prophet was faced with seemingly two possible answers: yes or no. Yes, meant going beyond a single person being raised from the dead after recently dying; it meant matching bones, provision of muscles, organs and personality. No meant, beyond death and beyond decay and dismemberment there is no return, it is over! Ezekiel answered quite well. His response was, “Lord, you know the answer to that question.” If the Lord said no, this would have shaped our theology concerning the lack of a resurrection. If He said yes, again our theology would be shaped with hopes of a resurrection. The command was given to the prophet to prophesy to the bones (vs. 4). The Lord demonstrates His power over death using the word of prophesy which originated from Him. The word was sent to all the dry bones and they came together along with the reformation of organs, tissue, muscle and skin. Then the Lord commanded the prophet to prophesy to the breath, (vs. 9).
This he did and life entered the body and a great army stood before him. This power which brought the reformation of the body and the renewal of life was the Word of God. It is a picture of Jesus who is the sent Word of God; He gives life and raises the dead with His words. The bones represent the House of Israel who said their hope was gone and they were cut off (vs. 11). In application, the bones are the hopes, promises and life of people who have already had last rites performed on their dreams. The question lingering over their heads is, “can the dried, dusty dead dream live again?” The answer is still the same, “you know Lord.” To which comes the Lord’s response – prophesy. Prophesy to the dried dream. Prophesy to the pungent odored promise. Prophesy to the abandoned vision and watch me connect the scattered hope. Prophesy to the breath and watch the chest cavity of your failures inflate with the heaving motion of life. Son of man, can the dried bones in your life live? You know Lord. Prophesy; prophesy son of man to them and then you will know that I am the Lord (vs. 6), the Resurrection and the restorer of life.
Dr. Kevin Storr is a Professor of Condensed Matter Physics and Pastor of the newly formed Kingdom Life Impact Center in Cypress Texas. For more information about Prof. Storr visit, look us up on facebook or email us at storr@
Kevin Storr, Ph.D. Texas
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Celebrating Two Years. Glory be to God!! View the digital magazine online by visiting and you can download the file so you can print it for your copy.
Thy Kingdom Carriers | 6495 SW 51st Terrace, Ocala, FL 34474 | Phone: (352) 216-1180 | Fax: (352) 509-4026 |
ŠThy Kingdom Carriers is published quarterly by Nancy B. Schwartz Enterprises. All contents copyright 2013 by TKC, Inc. All rights reserved. Nothing can be reprinted in whole or in part without written permission from the publisher. Publisher is not responsible for claims and content of advertisers.
New Connection John Natale Ministries, Inc. is a prophetic ministry that flows under the direction of the Holy Spirit. We are called to release the prophetic word of the Lord individually and corporately. To encourage, restore and awaken people so they can be living testimonies worldwide. Our website is We are blessed to have our sons lead worship during our ministry travels. Their music ministry is called Nusound Worship. I am an author and also co-founder of Voices in the Wilderness | School of the Prophets. We have written two books; Journey of Destiny and Listen.Learn.Obey
| THY KINGDOM CARRIERS - April - May - June 2013
Bible School
Rudiments of Kingdom Faith Ask any Christian “what is faith?” and they will quote Hebrews 11:1 “Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.” It’s good to be able to quote this verse. However, what the majority of Christians and Scholars hear and see in this verse is the word “hope”. I believe today the majority of Christians live life equating faith with hope and wishful thinking. This is evident when you hear them say “I have faith that God is going to heal me” or “just pray and have faith for things to get better!” Some people will say that there is nothing wrong with these statements. However, the thinking behind them produces actions from many Christians of “beg God, and wish for the best.” When Christians feel they have to beg God and wish things would get better, is an indication they are misinformed about operating in faith. For example, many Christians do not understand they are already healed by Jesus Christ’s stripes (Isaiah 53:5), and that the enemy comes to steal their healing, thus, they beg God to be healed.
and Greek origin. The word faith (Heb.- emuwnah; Gr.-pistis) means firmness, steadfastness, conviction of the truth of anything, belief with the predominate idea of trust or confidence. The word pistis comes from peitho which means to be persuaded of a thing concerning a person; to listen to, obey, yield to, comply with to trust, have confidence, be confident. By developing a deeper comprehension of the word faith as the Biblical authors used it, we come to understand that it is lifestyle. Jesus said, “I am the way, the truth, and the life…” (John 14:6) Hebrews 12:2 exhort us to look unto Jesus who is the author and finisher of our faith. Therefore, as we have received Him, we are also to walk in Him (Col. 2:6). We summarize that the word “faith” deals
with us being persuaded that Jesus is the way, and convicted that His ways are true for successes and challenges in life. By accepting Christ and all that He offers with confidence, we firmly change our way of thinking, acting, and living to comply with His. No more do we rely on the law, nor do we trust in our works. For a deep and thorough study in “The Rudiments of Kingdom Faith” I invite all that are interested to enroll in KME University. Learn how the word “faith” is used in the Bible, and understand that Heb. 11:1 does more than define faith but, declares a certain time in our lives when our faith becomes substance or fruit for others to get nourishment from. You can also enroll now to earn a degree through our live online conference style classes
One day the apostles ask Jesus to increase their faith. Jesus replied, “If ye had faith as a grain of mustard seed, ye might say unto this sycamine tree, be thou plucked up by the root, and be thou planted in the sea; and it should obey you.” Many misinterpret this verse in thinking that Jesus was talking about the size of the seed. The truth is Jesus was illustrating the operation or lifecycle of the seed. Therefore, declaring Habakkuk 2:4 “the just shall live by His faith” (Jesus’ ways) and confirming faith to be a lifestyle. To clarify this point we must look at the Biblical definition of faith from its Hebrew
Dr Roderick Howell President Freedom Bible School Alabama April - May - June 2013 -THY KINGDOM CARRIERS
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Wholistic Health
Meditation + Declaration =
Manifestation Prov. 18:21 Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and those who love it will eat its fruit. Eating the wrong types of food is not the only cause of sicknesses and diseases! What about words? Have you heard the saying, “sticks and stones may break your bones, but words will never hurt you”? Is this really true? As a child, for years a person I looked up to said negative things that stuck to me and crippled my life. The effects lasted for years, even into adulthood. Why? I didn’t reject the negative reports; instead I meditated, then talked about it over and over again (declared) until it began to manifest. This was the case even with my health. In the past, I had a physical and the doctor reported that my heart arrhythmia was off; they performed an electrocardiogram (EKG) test and diagnosed me with high blood pressure. I developed a condition called hypochondria. Every time someone I knew passed away due to a stroke or heart attack, I was always taken with anxiety. This continuously occurred until one day over ten years ago, I said, “enough is enough.” I refused to believe the reports from anyone or anything which contradicted what my Father (God) had already said. I began to exercise God’s
word and changed my spiritual food consumption. I must also add, I began visiting a gym and watched my food intake. Today, I no longer have high blood pressure or a heart condition. Whose report will you hold on to? Here are some of my formulas. 1. Deut. 28:3 Blessed shall you be in the city, and blessed shall you be in the field. 2. III John 1 Dear friends, I pray that you may enjoy good health and that all may go well with you, even as your soul is getting along well. 3. Isaiah 53:5 But he was pierced for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was upon him, and by his wounds we are healed. 4. Mark. 11:24 Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours. 5. Phil. 4:8 Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable —if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think (meditate) about such things.
Believe God’s Report! Timothy Ellingtons Kingdom Traveler Group
| THY KINGDOM CARRIERS - April - May - June 2013
Alabama Conference Koinonia II
Cultivating His Kingdom May 3-5, 2013 at Holiday Inn Expo & Sts 8956 Madison Blvd. - Madison, AL 35758
Sponsors Kingdom Ministries Embassy, Inc. & K.M.E. University Early Registration Ends April 25th!! + $5 afterwards! Purchase Now!! Online: or Call 256-230-1600 For Travel $20 per Sess. (Sat 9am & 5:50pm) Graduation Sun. 4-5pm (no charge) $20 Pr. Wor. Banquet 6-9pm *Praise leaders Min Eugene Edwards and Bishop Dexter Elston w/Kingdom Connection Minis.
More than just a meeting!! Watch the Conference Online!! Register Now at and receive your Certificate of Attendance to this Innovative, Multifarious, Mind Enhancement Experience!! SPEAKERS Dr. Rod Howell - Yvonne Jones Bishop Dexter Elston - Dr. L. Howell Dr. Nancy B. Schwartz - Dr. G A Palmer Dr. Tim Ellington - Dr. Patricia B. Moore Dr. Kenneth Tate
“ I am the way, the truth and the life� John 14:6
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