10 minute read
A Prayer for The Season Brazil
My father in heaven,
I would like to ask for your forgiveness upon all nations, for our sins that are a disgrace for you, for the decisions that we made by the flesh and not by the spirit according to your words which is our guide. I pray that during this time of pandemic we can walk with the spirit and guide our emotions, guide our thoughts, our expressions, our body, our ways as encouragement to not lead in depression, suicide, destruction
and all that may lead us to dark places. Yet I believe that the light of your glory as it appeared to Apostle Paul, can also come upon your sons and daughters, upon the leaders of the world, presidents, governors, mayors, deputies and all that have a place as a leader for
the nations in each country of the world.
Lord I declare your provision upon all sons and daughters, provision of food, jobs, opportunities as your word says in the of Matthew 6:
23-33 and that due this hard time, we can be joyful and seek at first in our lives the kingdom of God. I know that heaven is accessible to those who trusts and believes in your son Jesus and that your kingdom is within us.
God we pray upon those that are in need of healing, that they shall be
healed of cancer and all diseases, healing for their body framework,
healing to all that are contaminated with the covid-19, corona virus
and more so to those that are afflicted in their spirits and souls that they shall be healed by the blood of Jesus Christ..
God, we declare on the same blood mentioned in Exodus, used by the
Hebrew people to protect them, from the evil spirit, that the blood of Christ can be seen upon our houses, our lives, upon families throw out the nations, the blood of Christ upon the leaders of the world..
Father, we believe you hear our prayers just as you heard the prayers
of your son Daniel and that it is done for the same purpose that will bring glory to your name. Father I thank you for everything, we thank you Lord for your provision
of life, food, place to be, families, and for the healed nations. A special
thanks for our Pastors around the world, for those that are going to the
churches and preaching the word of the Lord and bringing a word of hope and the Love of God upon His world, His creation, His sons and daughters…In Jesus name, Amen and Amen! ✽
Thiago and Roberta Pereira Brazil
God has translated us into His kingdom for a purpose that we might be partakers of His divine nature as matured sons who will do the works of dominion on earth, share in His righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit forever.
Our Lord Jesus Christ, the Great-Master-Teacher taught us about the universal nature of the kingdom of God and its great value.
People will not understand the importance of obedience until they understand the uncompromising nature of God, thereby, if we fail to appreciate the great value of God’s governing rulership we will not be able to possess the riches of our inheritance in God’s Royal Family. On this premise, we need to understand the wealth of God’s Kingdom.
There was an honorable counselor in the Bible, Joseph or Arimathea, a distinguished man, who probably held a high office among the Jews, as one of their great council, or a Jewish senator. He was someone like any other faithful servants of God who have waited for the arrival of the anointed King to build up the kingdom.
According to the Scriptures, Joseph believed “Jesus Christ” to be the Promised Redeemer-Restorer, and he was described as one of the secrets disciples for the fear of the Jews (see: John 19:38). Furthermore, his faith and allegiance were proven when he asked his Lord’s body to Pilate to acknowledge his closeness to Christ. for a special and most important event in the human history. It was an indisputable fact that most of Christ’s disciples had fled, and if they had not, they had no influence with Pilate. If it wasn’t because of Joseph who made the necessary effort and made a special petition or claim to Pilate in behalf of Jesus, our Lord’s body would have been buried “that night” in the same grave with the malefactors, for it was the law or regulation among the Jewish that the remains of an executed man should not remain on the cross on the Sabbath Day.
It is very fascinating fact that at this critical crisis God called FORWARD this “secret” but STRATEGIC DISCIPLE. Joseph of Arimathea is indeed an authentic friend of our Lord, though UNKNOWN as such to the world. He confidently dared to express SYMPATHY and LOYALTY for His King Jesus, and he went BOLDLY and BEGGED the body of his Master and King. It needed no small measure of courage to do this.
In the time of shameful persecution and humiliation, his King was mocked and condemned, tortured, spit on, and executed on crucifixion-death for slave and of the most shamefaced criminals. In like manner, like Joseph, we are to affirm and publicly declare our attachment for Christ as the Lord and King of our lives. This is the solid proof of our sincere affection and loyalty.
What was there in the life of Joseph of Arimathea that he was moved by the Holy Spirit to act on motion worthy of special notice, and has admitted his bold commitment for Christ and of His kingdom?
He was never ashamed or fearful anymore to stand for Christ, before a very intimidating political and religious leaders in that time. Mark 8:38 puts it aptly, “Whosoever is ashamed of Me, and of my words, of him also shall the Son of Man be ashamed when He cometh in the glory of His Father and with the holy angels.” It was a remarkable decision that he went in “boldly” to Pilate. Undeniably, God has raised him up as distinguished counselor, a “former” secret disciple that turns out to be like a “secret weapon” With timidity natural to a rich man and a ruler, why Joseph became involved in the heat of persecution of the harshest kind? Never forget that Joseph of Arimathea become prominent on the momentous historic day of Calvary. He belongs to a class who appear for a moment on the center stage of the history. To teach some lesson or to perform some special service, and then “humbly” disappear.
Continued from page 8 The Exceptional Influence of God’s Kingdom Has an Incomparable Responsibility
and just who started fearful and as a secret disciple but end up courageous and compromised ambassador of God’s Kingdom in the day of Christ’s greatest humiliation. He declared himself Christ’s disciple and he had the high honor of laying Jesus body in his own new tomb embalmed and perfumed it. He hewn a rock cave and left there a lasting fragrance and a monument of virtue where storms of time can never destroy.
Joseph’s life is inspiring that he never wasted his capabilities and governmental functions in the society he belongs and was conversant and knowledgeable of the sacred scriptures that makes him highly respectable among the Sanhedrin Council. Even if our faith could be too shallow, weak or even on the state of being under-development but by the grace of God may spring into strength to meet and surmount even the greatest difficulties. It is not a time to shrink from shame or danger when our Lord and King seems powerless, naked, bleeding and dying upon the Cross.
You like Joseph of Arimathea could be a useful instrument to fulfill God’s Kingdom purpose and agenda even when in the sights of unbelieving and wicked people would seem impossible. In addition, God has invested in you a spirit of excellence and powerful influence in times and opportunities that will occur to render essential service to the kingdom truth and virtue.
An honorable man in God’s kingdom has a holy character and spiritual power. The humblest lifestyle we practice has enough irresistible heroic influence for good in some measures and certain heavenward recompense.
Moreover, we need not to be nobly born or distinguished for talent and wealth, in order to do brave work for God. Even though at times it yet remains true that those who are held in high esteem among men have an exceptional influence and so are weighted with an incomparable responsibility.
It was plausible that no other of the disciples could have accomplished what Joseph of Arimathea affected. His social standing position matched against that of Pilate, and so received courteous handling, and his request granted.
In the final analysis, whoever you are a commoner, ruler, rich, statesman and scholar need not to parade nor display your religious good works in the eyes of men, but if it is genuine and intense it can make channels of influence for itself. ✽
Pastor Christian Umlas
Cavite, Philippines
Proverbs 3: 5-6
5 Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; 6 in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.[a]
In This Hour Canada
The World Health Organization implemented social distancing as one of the guidelines to battle the spread of corona virus. We all know that the reason is to reduce or eliminate the virus spread through close contact, so the world must stay at a certain distance even from your own family. What is happening with the world in this hour? Things do happen for a reason and this situation somehow awakened many people to think, to reflect about life and to prepare of what is to come. Spiritually, it seems that God uses the enemy’s tactics to create miracles all over the world. We can see how God moved and transformed lives, people begin to pray harder and harder, people learned to care more, we saw power of LOVE touching others by the help received by them in so many ways. This pandemic brought humanity to look back and learned that only God has power over everything with the working together of His children on earth. God wants to establish the proper alignment of the body of Christ to Himself. He wants mankind to live and learn on how to commune with, to believe and have faith in Him once again. I believe this is the final hour and the grace period is almost over. We need to cry out and call upon the name of Jesus who has a power to heal and deliver us from sin and unbelief. God wanted His children to experience how good God He is. He said in Matthew 6:33 “But seek first the Kingdom of God and
His righteousness and all these things shall be added to you.” God cares so much about us. His love is pure and unconditional, and He died for us as the ransom for many. This is a turning and returning time that we all need to change and go back to His purpose and His will for us. Many people are called but a lot are living with itching ears not listening to the voice of Him speaking to them in spirit and therefore only few are chosen. “For many are called but few are chosen,” Matthew 22:14.
Because of His love, God gives us so many chances and this is the time and the hour to get back to God, His hand is open wide if we repent for our sins and be in right standing with Him. He is not a distance God who cannot hear or see us. God is knocking at the door of our hearts and He is waiting for us to respond to Him.
Jeremiah 24:7 ”I will give them a heart to know Me, that I am the Lord; and they shall be My people, and I will be there God, for they shall return to Me with all their hearts.”
You deserve a highest praise oh God, all glory belongs to you! Amen. ✽
Alva Angelina Cornelio
Eagle Worldwide Ministries Canada