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In this difficult time of global trouble, we are facing new challenges that mankind has never before experienced.


In Italy, in less than a month our lives changed completely, for the worse. All of a sudden, we found ourselves to live socially isolated,

forced by law to stay closed in our homes. Our economic system has been at a large extent shut down and hundreds of thousands don’t know how to manage without money. Our political system is

disoriented and limited in taking effective actions. Our administrative system suffers in applying so many new confused rules issued daily. Our judicial system has almost stopped functioning and urgent cases are delayed beyond comprehension. Media and social networking feed peoples with “CoronaVirusOnly”, including daily pandemic projections, death bulletins, fake news as well as fake hopes. All social and religious gatherings, no matter the number, are forbidden and closed down by law. Meanwhile, people keep dying and being infected. It’s not yet over at all. What a time we are living in!

Many say that we are not yet getting closer to the end of the age, as to

a certain degree these things have always been happening. Others are saying that this pandemic is just a strong warning, but that afterwards “all will be fine”. Others say that the final process of the very last days has already started.

It seems reasonable to say that:

this global crisis is a special warning. At least for the Saints of

the Most High on earth.  we might be living in the time of the ten virgins, when its

needed to procure the extra oil, as any average portion might soon

not be sufficient to follow Yeshua.  it is the proper time to keep focussing on giving food to our fellow servants in the master’s household, rather than treating them badly and use the community money and personal influence to enjoy the pleasures of the world.  it is undoubtedly the time to keep using our talents to bring fruit for the King.

For now, however, we have only a virus threatening us. But one day it will be the turn of persecution and betrayal. If now some Christians feel lost, abused and angry because someone stopped church meetings against their constitutional rights, what about when for our faith in Yeshua some of us will be killed or imprisoned, or our women raped, or our homes and business destroyed? Would we be ready and still willing to keep praying “May your Kingdom come?” Surely, we know

that for the King to come back, birth pangs have to occur! And that produces purification in His body.

As fellow citizens with God’s people and also members of His household, it would be wise to ask ourselves at least, “What lessons can we learn?” and, “Would we be ready for the very last days?”, rather than to stir up our indignation for political “incorrectness” or to lose time reasoning around conspiracy theories. And here I offer some personal answers and reflections.

As for the first question:

we could be learning that we are mortal and non-omnipotent.

That it is all about God and not us. Thank God!  We may rediscover the most basic values of the family, care and love for one another. How much have we been living socially isolated in our homes, to the point of not having intimacy with our family members? How little have we been praying for the lost ones

of our families and cried out to God to save them? How often have

we not been bold enough to proclaim the truth in our families?

How often have we not been courageous to pray for a sick person

in our homes? How often have we not cared for the elderly of our families, nor honouring them according to God’s commandments?  We should return to a simple and authentic “church” life. In less than 1 month, all big church halls, large stages, powerful lights, cameras, big music bands, powerful amplification systems, dancing shows and flags, as well as queues of people wating to be touched by a “powerful” minister have gone as something belonging to the far past. Big ministries, named after men or women are already faded away because of their own uselessness. Let us return to our houses as the basic gathering place of believers! Let us return to spread the Gospel from person to person! Let us take our responsibility to be God’s Royal Priesthood!  We have the opportunity to rediscover the values of friendship,

rather than emphasizing titles; to be a living corporate body, rather than to keep creating dead corporate structures; to enjoy being generous, rather than to increase budgets.  The Kingdom of Heaven belongs to the humble and only the meek will inherit the earth.

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