TKC Tribute To Dr. Myles Munroe

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Tribute To Dr. Myles Munroe

››"Death is not what dies, it's what dies in you while you are alive." - Myles Munroe

greatest tragedy in life is not death, but life without a purpose.” “The

- Myles Munroe "Success without succession is failure" - Myles Munroe

ISSN 2164-148X (Print) ISSN 2164-1501 (Online)

Connecting and Uniting His Children Worldwide

Table of Contents

“Neither shall they say, Lo here! or, lo there! for, behold, the kingdom of God is within you.” Luke 17:21 (KJV)

Publisher’s Message...............................3.

Publisher Nancy B. Bocalan thykingdomcarriers@

Tribute Messages ...............................4-9

Editor and Executive Editor Nancy B. Bocalan (Florida/Philippines)

Memories ......................................10-11

Articles Editor Dr. Kevin Storr (Texas)

Tribute Messages ...........................12-15

Editorial Board Nancy B. Bocalan (Florida/Philippines) Dr. Rod Howell (Alabama) Dr. Kevin Storr (Texas) Creative Design Julie Rezendes (Florida) Contributing Writers Nancy B. Bocalan (Florida/Philippines) Patricia Banks Moore (South Carolina) Maurizio Tiezzi (Italy) Dr. Leonard Robinson (Pennsylvania) Dr. Kevin Storr (Texas) Derrick Wood (Virginia) Lavada Humphrey (Illinois) Israel Ikpeka (Nigeria) Dr. Helen Copeland (Florida) Julio Alvarado (Wisconsin) Mike Hill (Georgia) Dr. Dana Davis (North Carolina) Devin Rajah (Mauritius) Eric Supen (Germany) Glenn Bleakney (Canada) Dr. Rod Howell (Alabama) Pastor Reggie Jones (South Carolina) Pastor Rodney Ballenger (South Carolina) Pastor Tim Copeland (South Carolina) Apostle DC Terry Sr. (South Carolina)

Thy Kingdom Carriers Thy Kingdom Carriers | |

All contents copyright 2015 by TKC, Inc. All rights reserved. Nothing can be reprinted in whole or in part without written permission from the publisher. Publisher is not responsible for claims and content of advertisers.

Publishers Message Munroe was sent by Our King to awaken my mind and spirit about Dr.theMyles true meaning of the Gospel of the Kingdom of God. I read his book

on Rediscovering the Kingdom in 2008 which enlightened me and created a hunger to learn more about it. I attended the 2010 Kingdom Training Seminar in Bahamas, where I initially met Dr. Myles, which ignited my heart to build a lasting connection and relationship with those who are pursuing the Gospel of the Kingdom which resulted to Thy Kingdom Carriers ministry and magazine in order to teach and spread the true message about The Kingdom of God. His passion and vision in bringing change into the hearts of many with heaven’s culture influenced me to pursue the desire that was already within me to serve God and others with a new understanding of His Kingdom. Thy Kingdom Carriers is the product of what I have experienced and learned from the training I received under his leadership and which Dr. Munroe will always be a part of. We thank him for serving his gift and the inspiration he has left in our hearts. He is missed!

Nancy B. Bocalan\ Florida

Tribute to Myles Monroe âœť 2014 -THY KINGDOM CARRIERS


Tribute Messages Dr. Myles was the most influential natural father figure to me. My biological father left our family when I was 13 years

old and I was without a true male role model in my life. Even after surrendering my life to the Lord at the age of 26, the men that pastored and discipled me for the first 20 years of my traditional Christian life truly did not father me. I suffered for many years with my marriage, manhood, relationship with God and my overall identity. It was not until I came in contact with Dr. Munroe’s books, CDs, DVDs and then him personally through his mentorship program that true order came into my life. Dr. Munroe effectively fathered me through his wisdom, love, mentorship and his genuine interest in seeing that I maximize my life according to God’s perfect will. He ultimately taught me how to be fathered . by God a c c u r a t e l y, affectively and at the Highest Level possible. This was accomplished through teaching me how to hear the Voice of God in my inherent learning environment - the Kingdom of God, which is within me. I will forever be grateful for Dr. Munroe’s placement in my life and I will honor his legacy by teaching others what he has taught me. ✽


In 2009, while listening to Dr Myles Munroe teach on potential, the Lord used him to inspire me to write my first

book; “Against All Hope-In Hope Believe.” In 2011, I participated in the Kingdom Training Seminar at the Diplomat center and was so impacted, that I decided to enroll with the International Leadership Training Institute, Nassau, Bahamas. The entire course outline seemed to have been tailored for me because it brought clarity to my life’s purpose. ✽


Julio Alvarado Waukesha, Wisconsin


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Eric N. Supen, Germany

✻ 2014

Tribute Messages Dr. Myles Munroe was my spiritual grandfather who spoke

to me privately on numerous occasions and because his time was very limited, especially during conferences he would just say things in passing, like “Whatever you do, do it for God’s namesake,” as if he knew, I was on the road of making a major decision. Dr. Myles Munroe’s teachings and lectures on the Kingdom of God have changed my relationships with God, Family, this world and me. He was a master teacher and I loved him very much for allowing me to experience his short visit on earth.

DR. MYLES MUNROE QUOTED: “YOU MUST DECIDE IF YOU ARE GOING TO ROB THE WORLD OR BLESS IT WITH THE RICH, VALUABLE, POTENT, UNTAPPED RESOURCES LOCKED AWAY WITHIN YOU.” Understanding Your Potential This made me realize that I have a gift within me that is purposeful, valuable and designed to bring solutions within the health industry. You see, I spent hours, days, weeks, months and years with Dr. Myles Munroe. Let me explain, I did not have the privilege of being invited to his house or within the executive meetings, but I have his books, DVD’s,Youtube videos and other recorded messages that have changed and will continue to impact my life. I go to sleep listening to him and find myself waking up to his teachings. I am grateful for him being a leader and a master teacher. Because of him carrying out his God given assignment, I am living a purpose-filled life. ✽

Love you, Dr. Myles Monroe

Dr. Timothy Ellington Omaha, Nebraska Certified Herbalist Herbal Right to Health!

I began following Dr. Myles teachings in the mid 1990’s, and in

2008 I authored my first book entitled,“The Kingdom.” My dream was to have Dr. Myles write the foreword for my book. Through a dear friend, I sent a letter asking Dr. Myles to please take a look at my manuscript and write a couple sentences to endorse it. A day later, I received a personal email from Dr. Myles who not only endorsed the book, but wrote an 8 paragraph foreword. This showed the heart of a true selfless leader, who took a chance on someone whom he didn’t know, but recognized the Kingdom leader within. I later met Dr. Myles in 2009 at a conference in Fort Lauderdale Florida where I presented him a copy of my new book. The personal e n c o u n t e r, impartation and wisdom from the private session was priceless and life changing. The most influential part of that weekend came when Dr. Myles walked into the hall during break, I asked him did he need anything and was everything ok? His reply changed my life forever; with much confidence he said, , “I have no problems, only solutions!” That statement was the catalyst for a radical change in my thinking and shifted every aspect of my life! I am eternally grateful and indebted to him for uttering those simple, yet profound words to me. ✽

Dr. Dana Davis The Kingdom Centre North Carolina

Tribute to Myles Monroe ✻ 2014 -THY KINGDOM CARRIERS


Tribute Messages Dr. Myles Munroe:

A Tribute to a

Our Guru of Purpose


I’m extremely grateful to Dr. Munroe for the message of purpose. Over the years of all the messages I’ve heard from Dr. Munroe, the message of purpose resonates with me most. Through it I have found my purpose, which is to assist people in finding the You That Always Was (purpose)! I am further grateful for the leadership and guidance of the Creator for giving me a more concrete spiritualscientific methodology for finding individual purpose. Through the Omniscient One, and Dr. Myles Munroe I want to continue to help people change their mind (thinking), and reach beyond cultural, social, governmental and religious barriers using two concepts some thought to be diametrically opposed to each other... spirituality and science. I am extremely grateful to Dr. Munroe for all he’s meant to me, and the world. It’s good to know he lives on, in ALL his children, worldwide. We honor you Dr. Munroe our Guru of Purpose!

From the time I first heard your voice my spirit man

transformed. You adopted me and shaped me as your offspring when I didn’t even know I needed to be fathered. From that experience I learned that adoption is more powerful than biology. Your living example taught me to reduce everyone to a human, the image of God. As a father, you taught me to love the presence of God. As a father, you taught me to love my wife, the mother of my children. As a father, you taught me to love instruction from the word of God, and to study to get revelation through the Holy Spirit who is the governor of my life. As a father, you continuously encouraged me to maximize my potential and to live in a way that I rob the grave of the treasure that God placed on the inside of me. As a father, you taught me the importance of leaving a lasting spiritual legacy, not in buildings, but in people because it is one of the greatest investment. The lessons you taught me will be transferred and passed on through the life I live and the many I will father in my lifetime. My tribute to you is to continue to produce change agents. I love you and miss you. ✽


Know Purpose, know purpose, no passion! ✽

Dr. Gregg Palmer Founder of PurposeQuest International Washington, DC


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Derrick Wood Founder of Derrick Wood Enterprises Virginia

✻ 2014

Tribute Messages

Dr. Myles Munroe an

Apostle of The Kingdom of God The Apostolic Age brought forth the message of the Kingdom to a people who sat in darkness and again the message

of the Kingdom is bringing light to a generation in darkness. God has and is raising leaders to advance the Kingdom as ambassadors representing the government that is the Kingdom of God. Dr. Myles Munroe was a forerunner in this Apostolic Age, one such leader among many, though there may be none quite like him. But even Dr. Munroe would tell us all to never to be a copy, but to be an original.

BROTHERS AND SISTERS; COPY JESUS AND REDISCOVER THE ORIGINAL “YOU”. FULFILL THE ASSIGNMENT GOD HAS GIVEN YOU, SO THAT WHEN YOU LEAVE THIS WORLD, YOU WILL LEAVE EMPTY. THE GOAL IS TO TAKE ALL THAT THE FATHER GAVE TO YOU, AND DEPOSIT IT INTO THIS WORLD BEFORE YOU LEAVE. God used Dr. Myles Munroe as a type of spiritual father in my life to confirm the Kingdom message Jesus was teaching me more than a year previous to Dr. Munroe and I reconnecting. As an authentic Apostolic Kingdom Father, Papa Myles made himself, his wife Ruth and his ministry team available to me when I called, and when he came, he always gave the people what the Father put on my heart that they needed. In fact, he has ministered at my request more than 25 times since 1990. Whether it was a Soul Winners, Advancing the Kingdom or Kingdom Culture Bible Conference; whatever the theme, he would come and serve God in meeting the spiritual needs of the people. I recall one day asking him about a particular church where I was considering hosting a Kingdom Culture Bible Conference, his response was, “Always bring me where you think I can be the most effective.”

Papa Myles you will never be forgotten nor truly duplicated, but like Jesus, there is a portion of you that lives in all of us who have been impacted apostolically by your life and ministry. The logo for my ministry was given to me to use by Dr. Myles Munroe and his ministry team, at my request. It is the gold and blue oval with the graphic lettering that says “Pursuing God’s Priority, Seek Ye First, Matthew 6:33, Kingdom First and a crown. This logo will continue to serve Kingdom Vision Ministries International as a graphic statement of our mission. I am greatly blessed and honored to have known Dr. Myles Munroe the man, the minister and spiritual father. He richly blessed my life and instilled in me the sense of responsibility to pass on what he’s passed on to me. He will be forever missed, but his impact will always be present. ✽


Dr. Leonard Robinson Pennsylvania Senior Pastor Kingdom Vision Ministries International

Tribute to Myles Monroe ✻ 2014 -THY KINGDOM CARRIERS


Tribute Messages

Memories of Pastor Myles From an Island Boy The rich soil of the Bahamas has served as a nursery for scores of Bahamians who

have contributed to the expansion, cultivation and definition of our country. Such was Myles Egbert Munroe; a son of the native soil; a teacher of the principles which shapes her sons and daughters; consultant to those whom wield the power of the pen; representative of a Kingdom whose royal standard is flown in the lives of her citizens; gift to the nations, husband of Ruth Ann, Father to Charisa and Chairo; Pastor of Bahamas Faith Ministries International and Ambassador of the Kingdom of the God whom he loved. Throughout the decades, Pas. Myles became synonymous with several words, perhaps the four most prominent are: Potential, Purpose, Leadership and Kingdom. These words were the major lens through which he served himself to the world. They summarized the heart of his global presentations and the measureable areas of development in his listeners and readers. He engineered these topics to global perfection. Pas. Myles often reminded us of his early life in Bain Town; it was relatable, whether you grew up in Kemp Road (as I did), Fox Hill, Blue Hill Road, or Ann’s Town. His public life took flight with The Visionaires and ministry in the parks. I can still recall singing as a preteen, Brand New World and the refrain from the song, Living with Jesus on the Other Side. Bahamas Faith Ministries International was the vision of Pas. Myles and his team, which included Pas. Richard Pinder (deceased), Pas. Dave Burrows, Pas. Jay Mullings and Pas. Henry Francis. From a living room, to Prince Charles Drive, to a spot above a furniture store, to the Balmoral Beach Hotel, to Mackey Street to the Diplomat Center on Carmichael Road. Transforming Followers Into Leaders, and Leaders Into Agents of Change, is the ongoing vison of BFM. I began attending Bahamas Faith Ministries over 31 years ago and was taken there by my aunt Beverly Storr; she was my example and my spiritual genesis. I recall the days when Pas. Myles played the guitar during praise and worship and we engaged in a dance during praise and worship called the King David hop. I was shorter than Pas. Myles and Pas. Rich, but I recalled the words they spoke provoked me, they emboldened me, they fed me and they grew me. I recall Pastor Myles during his NewYear’s Eve 1990 teaching stopping to address me publically and personally about returning to school after a layoff. I recall in 1990, after I shared my vision and life purpose (which I typed on an old IBM typewriter), I took it to Pas. Myles and we talked and discussed it. Shortly afterwards during a prayer meeting, he called and prayed for me. Six years later in 1996, I found myself kneeling before he and Pas. Rich as they ordained me to become an Assistant Pastor in Tallahassee Florida. While in college, about once a year Pas. Myles would visit my city; I always made arrangements to meet him pas. Ruth and the team traveling with them. He genuinely


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took interest in all the college students and made time for us; you never left without him putting money in your hands. This was Pas. Myles. I look back with fond memories of having meals together, talking, (whether in person, on the phone, via email) and simply sitting and listening to him teach. Pas. Myles wrote the foreword for three books of mine, it was like yesterday, when the first foreword came, and I beamed with excitement. Pas. Myles was a father and friend to many of us growing up on that small island in the Bahamas and affected us in ways which cannot be quantified. He brought out the best in us, he challenged the hidden core of us and he loved us all. Earlier this year, I was notified my father passed; in October my physics graduate advisor (directed my PhD dissertation) passed, Sunday November 9 2014, I received the hard news that my Pastors, Dr. Myles and Ruthanne Munroe and Dr. Richard Pinder passed in a plane crash. All these men are responsible for me being present Physically, Physics wise and Spiritually. These men were the defined my life in all ways. My last message from Pas. Myles was a text asking me to email him; that was the last message. Though it was his last message to me, I have many continuing replies for him. Some of them are: 1. On Saturday November 8 2014, my wife and I along with others launched the Impact Center, 24 hours before your transition. 2. You told me to get my message, and I have it. 3. You told me to make myself available and I have; now more than ever. 4. You told me to live on purpose, and that is the quest. Many people sent condolences and well wishes to me and they are all appreciated.

Tribute Messages Several asked me to help understand what Pas. Myles’ death meant. Perhaps a better question would be to reflect and ask what has his life meant and what will it continue to mean? I am reminded of the grief the people felt when Moses died, but they went on to possess the land. I contemplate the grief felt by the Apostles when Jesus died and they went on to take the Kingdom to the world, which continues today. What does it mean? It means even though a tree may have fallen, its fruit and seed remain. Though, the trunk be no more, its graftings will flourish. Pastor Myles often told us, death was a servant, absent from the body, present with the Lord. He told us that he would die empty. He told us that the cemetery was the wealthiest place on this planet and asked, will we add to the wealth of the graveyard. I felt the loss like all those whose lives reflect a quality and maturity which came from his gift that he served to us freely. I grieved like all the participants of Youth Alive in the 90s. I grieved like everyone whose definition cannot be absent of Pas. Myles and Pas. Rich’s name. Yes, we grieved; but I know, (because I have spoken with many of you), you feel this surging, burning sensation to make more of what we received from Pas. Myles. We do not desire to fill his shoes, but to wear the unique metaphorical fitted foot apparel prepared for us before the creation of the world, which is to live a unique life defined by purpose. We profess that we were born originals and will not die as copies, not even of Pas. Myles, because this is what he taught us. Pas. Myles told us, men who changed the world placed their ideas in a book and then they died. So today we study Plato, Newton, Einstein, Martin Luther King and we will study Dr. Myles Munroe. This is our beginning, not the end. As the days go on, the grief lessens, the pain subsides and at most we may see embers of the hurt from our loss. We will with divine strength and Kingdom resolve push through the shock, with individual purpose and corporate destiny. In the face of death we are asked, “Kingdom Citizens, will you still live before me?” With symphonic resound the answer is yes! We live as we were taught; we live as we were destined; we live before our King and the great cloud of witnesses which looks upon us. Pas. Myles, Pas. Ruth, Pas. Rich, Pas. Lavard, Radel, JoJo, Stanley, Frahkan and Diego… we live. We live and give, and pour, and by faith bring the Mind of God to visual and physical maturity on this planet. We transform followers into leaders and leaders into agents of change. We put our feet to the pavement; we flap our wings in flight; like eagles, with keenness of vision we soar; like yeast we influence; like seeds we produce forests. I was asked, “What does it mean?” Here is what it means, “it is your time! It is my time!” Hold tightly to the baton, continue the race, run in your lane, until that day when expectedly or not, the finish line suddenly appears, and our cloud of witnesses stand assembled just beyond the tape, cheering us on, reciting the words of the one true King, well done, well done, good and faithful servant, enter into the joy of the Lord and receive unto yourself a Kingdom prepared before the foundations of the world. ✽


See You at the Top, Kevin Dr. Kevin Storr Associate Professor of Physics Cypress Texas

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Bahamas Kingdom Training 2010 and Leadership Gathering 2011-2013

Tribute Messages

Follow Me and You Will Become Jesus said to his future disciples; “Follow Me and I will make you fishers of men” (Matthew 4:19), literally, He was saying; “I will make you to become who God your Father has always purposed for you to be.” The word BECOME is a process word indicating cultivation into something already set. The Apostle Paul said something similar in

1 CORINTHIANS 11:1; “BE YE FOLLOWERS OF ME, EVEN AS I ALSO AM OF CHRIST.” THE MOTTO OF DR. MYLES MUNROE WAS; “TURNING FOLLOWERS INTO LEADERS, AND LEADERS INTO AGENTS OF CHANGE” Just as Jesus came not to be served, but to serve His Father’s Kingdom, Dr. Munroe exemplified the character of Jesus in that he served his gift to the world and that gift was cultivating Kingdom purpose into thousands upon thousands of emerging kings and priests from every sphere of influence. Dr. Munroe was never interested in gathering followers, but he invested himself into mentoring champions who would take this gospel of the Kingdom into all the world. ✽

Dr. Rick Kendall President of Global Embassy Network in Florida


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Tribute Messages How Dr. Myles Munroe


My Life I was invited to Bahamas Faith Ministries at a time when my life was at a crossroad. I was seeking my purpose and reason for being on this earth and even though I visited many churches of various denominations and enjoyed the services, something was still missing until I visited BFM, Bahamas Faith Ministries. For the first time I was immediately transformed, this was from Dr. Myles teachings. It was not just his teachings, but the great man himself, Dr. Myles Munroe, full of energy, knowledge and passion; he was never short of words - the right words. I knew that I had finally found the right place not just to fellowship, but to discover my potential. I became a member, submitted to the leadership of Dr. Myles and his teachings on Principles and Purpose transformed my life. If it wasn’t for Dr. Myles teachings, I would not have been a successful man in my spiritual life and in my business. Dr. Myles trained me in the area of leadership, he helped pull out the leadership potential in me and brought out the gift hidden within me. I discovered my area of gifting, which was writing and Outreach ministries and Dr. Myles channelled that gifting to where I began to operate fully in it. I became very active in all of Dr. Myles’ conferences, most importantly The Leadership Conference. It was at those conferences I interacted with leaders from across the globe and gained a wealth of knowledge to successfully grow my business, doing business the Kingdom way. Dr. Myles was a fun person to be around; on many occasions I had the opportunity to sit and eat with him at his kitchen table, his patio or at a fancy restaurant. He was always the most exciting person around the dinner table, full of energy, life and grace. Dr. Myles not just lived what he taught to the world, he became what he taught, he was a man of faith, integrity and character.

Tribute to Dr. Myles Munroe One evening, I was on a conference call with Dr. Myles, and a gentleman asked a question. He asked, if Dr. Myles had written a book on a particular subject. He first, thoroughly expressed, that his purpose for being in the earth was to raise up leaders. In short, he then encouraged all of us, by saying “You Write The Book,You Do It”.

THESE WORDS CHANGED MY LIFE & SOLIDIFIED MY PERCEPTION OF DR. MYLES MUNROE, ETERNALLY. THEY WERE INSPIRING, IGNITING AND SELFLESS. I’ve seen many throughout the years, which desire that you soar, behind them. This was not the case with Dr. Myles Munroe. That simple statement, said to me, “you soar with me, you soar instead of me, and or, you soar beyond me”! All of that out of one statement, among many, locked inside of just one conference call... So now we shall “soar with him (because of his impartation), “soar instead of him (because his body is no longer with us) and “soar beyond him (because his earthly assignment, is complete)…. Dr. Myles Munroe, A Man Of Great Impact!! ✽

Thank you Dr. Myles and may your soul rest in peace. ✽

Randy Lundy Bahamas Faith Ministries

Apostle DC Terry Sr. The Kingdom Learning Center Columbia, South Carolina

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Tribute Messages

Where Are We Now Are We There Yet? In the wake of current events around the Globe

including wars and rumors of wars, many Christians are asking “are we there yet?” Even in America, with all the power struggles between political parties, the intentional widening division between the Haves and the Have-Nots, the increased resurfacing of racism, the spurring of police brutality coupled with merciless killings, and continuous messages not sanctioned by the Holy Spirit being released from the pulpits, are convincing many church attendees that we have arrived at the end of the world. However, most Kingdom Citizens have not come to such conclusions. Even with the recent death of our Kingdom Mentor and Spiritual Father, Dr Myles Munroe, Citizens of the Kingdom are not asking the question “are we there yet?” But, there is one question they are asking: “Where Do We Go From Here?” In order to know where we go hence this time period, we need to know, what period of time we are now in. Thus, a more appropriate question is “Where Are We Now?” I believe the Holy Bible answers this pivotal question in both the Old and New Testament, if only we view the story of Moses, Joshua, and Jesus as prophetic for today. They each point us toward His Kingdom. We must understand that our Heavenly Father inspired the Scriptures for the purpose of pointing us toward His Kingdom. From Genesis to Revelation the stories, events, and prophecies entice us to worship God. In addition, we postulate that He gave us our testimony of Jesus as the spirit of prophecy

…THY BRETHREN THAT HAVE THE TESTIMONY OF JESUS: WORSHIP GOD: FOR THE TESTIMONY OF JESUS IS THE SPIRIT OF PROPHECY. (REV. 19:10) Moses was a deliverer whom was called to lead people out of a land of bondage, to a land flowing with milk and honey (Ex. 3:8). He also gave them God’s standards for kingdom living so they could be an example for other nations. There is a biblical prophetic connection between Moses and Myles Munroe found in the word land. The word land means earth or territory. The Hebrew word for land is ‘erets’ and spelled with the three (3) letters: [alef] = master or teacher; [dalet] = door or lift up; and [tzaddik] = righteousness. Each letter has


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meaning to shape the pictograph that gives us the inspired definition of the word. Therefore, Moses not only delivered or lifted up the Children of Israel, but also, in giving them God’s law, he taught them about His righteousness, of which they were to uphold upon entering the land flowing with milk and honey. In similarity, Jesus taught the Kingdom message that liberated people, then commanded to “seek first (ultimately) The Kingdom of God and His Righteousness” (Matt. 6:33a) Like Moses, and Jesus, Myles led many Christians out of religious bondages with teachings about The Kingdom of God. This teaching re-opened The Kingdom’s doorway and lifted us to another territory/ land of promise, called Kingdom of Heaven of which we will inherit forever (Ex. 32:13; Matt. 25:34. Out of all the teaching, lifting, and opening doors, it would seem to some people of their time, that all three of these leaders left prematurely. The fact is, they all completed their destiny and left empty. In doing so, Moses, Jesus, and Myles lived fruitful lives and multiplied themselves like God commanded (Gen. 1:28). Moses left the people with the Levite Priest or Joshua. Jesus left the world with his Disciples or Apostles, and Myles left the world with his Sons or Mentees. We can now answer the question “Where do we go from here?” by scripturally identifying our current status as the “Joshua Period.” What I mean by the Joshua Period, is we must be prepared to take on some giants (religious denominations) and fight some battles (political systems) as did Joshua. While attending the Nassau Kingdom Training Conference in August 2010, I heard Dr Munroe say, “My fear is that people will take the Kingdom message and turn it into a religion.” He goes on the express his concern by saying “the next big war of the Church will not be amongst Christianity and Islam, but amongst religious Christians and Kingdom Citizens.” I believe that with the passing of the baton by Myles, we are about to embark upon those wars. Why do I say this? Because as Kingdom Citizens, Students, and Mentees, we have vowed to take the Gospel of the Kingdom to the Nations and continue the work of Dr Munroe as commissioned by Christ. Harnessing this mandate makes us more than just preachers. We are the new Joshua and Caleb, the new disciples and apostles of Jesus the Christ. When Joshua, and Caleb first spied on the new land, they believed the Israelites could win against the Giants. Much like Joshua, many of us whom are now Kingdom minded, had the same type of winning zeal when first rediscovering The Kingdom. Our thoughts were to change

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church folk into kingdom folk. Our desires were to root up and rend down religious traditions. Our ambitions were that once people hear this Kingdom message they would follow and bring someone with them. But, we have since found the pathway to kingdom colonization was not going to be according to our design. We have found our analogous 40 year journey and wander in the wilderness was our Creator’s plan for us also. Joshua was 71 years old when he began to lead the children of Israel after a 40 year wilderness seasoning in the faith of God’s word taught by Moses. The passing or vanishing of the Lord’s Servant, Moses, is comparable to His Son Jesus, and His Servant Myles whom God placed a kindred spirit of leadership and divine purpose to reintroduce The Kingdom. Truly, the Heavenly Father has already sketched our road map in the Story of Joshua/ Jesus. Today, we must understand that Joshua and Jesus are not just one person, but represent many persons. Dr Myles have made Disciples and sent out Ambassadors all over the world. Therefore, as we near the cusp of 2014 and 2015, we the Joshua’s of the world, hear the Lord saying “Myles, my servant is dead; now arise and go over this Jordan.”The Hebrew word “Jordan” is ‘Yarden” meaning river or water; and come from “Yarad” which is a pictograph of someone sinking and descending against their will; or those who from prosperity and affluence are cast down into poverty. The word implies going down to drink. Therefore, God is telling us, not only have we been taught Kingdom Concepts and Principles, but we have been chosen to lead people in

our communities, over their Jordan, even if they be not Kingdom Citizens. We are to help pull them from the sinking quicksand of greed, power struggle, democracy, racism, and man-made religion. Like Jesus, we too are anointed to preach the gospel of the Kingdom to the poor and those with broken hearts. In this same period that you see people sinking in the flood waters of life, you will begin to see them walking over their Jordan when liberated with this Kingdom message. In the days to come, many will become captive in their own folly and others blinded or bruised by wolves in sheep clothing. But I declare to all Kingdom Ambassadors, we are here now, at the acceptable year of our Lord Jesus the Christ. So, just as God commanded Joshua, he is commanding us; “Be strong and of a good courage; be not afraid, neither be thou dismayed: for the LORD thy God is with thee whithersoever thou goest.” (Joshua 1:9). ✽

Dr. Rod Howelll KME University Chancellor Alabama Tribute to Myles Monroe ✻ 2014 -THY KINGDOM CARRIERS

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Therefore do not worry and be anxious, saying, What are we going to have to eat? or, What are we going to have to drink? or, What are we going to have to wear? For the Gentiles (heathen) wish for and crave and diligently seek all these things, and your heavenly Father knows well that you need them all. But seek (aim at and strive after) first of all His kingdom and His righteousness (His way of doing and being right), and then all these things taken together will be given you besides. - Matthew 6:31-33 AMP

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