Design Foundations Portfolio Mohammed Tareq Al Khawam
Des 111/131 112/132 Fall 2010/ Spring 2011
Table of Contents Des 132
Des 111
Folding and Unfolding Perform Interface
Still Life 1 Still Life 2 Exterior
Des 112
Des 131
Lego CAAD Desk
Doritos and Long Tracing Operations and Pencil Colouring Excavations and Watercolouring Gestures and Gizmos
Des 132 Professor. Nadia Mounajjed Spring 2011
Des 132 Final Drawing
A Constructed Space Folding and Unfolding
A3 Field Structure
By the use of a given field structure, I traced regulating lines in order to construct space, keeping in mind to show a relationship between the chosen adjectives and the spatial construction. The result is a drawing built up in layers from light construction lines to heavier space-defining lines. Iterations
The relationship between the application of various methods of folding and the addition of texture, furthermore increased the creation of space. In addition, we mounted the project onto a wooden frame 2cm high to support the folded sheets. Detail Images
Final Model
Des 111
Perform The project begun by the exploration of the body and its different interactions with space. Abstract shapes were drawn around the moving sequence to start things off.
Abstarct shape
Example of 1 exploration
Dancing man sequence
3D models were made by chipboard, and multiple iterations were built due to different explorations. In my case the different results between the vertical and the horizontal scheme
Final Plaster Model
Orthographic drawing
Des 132
The project’s concept is to help the person wearing it, the easy access to a surface in which they can write on. This will help peoplew who have trouble remembering things during the day or week, because it will be always intact to their arm.
Des 111
Acrylic was used for the overall model and wood was attached in order to hold the writing surface. The pencil slides in between the acrlyic and is lifted up in place. Furthermore, the model can stand facing the user.
The challenging part in making this model was the ability to make it practical in terms of attaching and detaching it from the arm. As well as making it not fall off the arm when in motion.
Des 112 Professor. Seth Thompson Spring 2011
The content of this studio course is analytical drawing, which focuses on proportion, geometry, order and construction of things and cares less about the visual content of things.
Orthographic Drawing of Lego Scale 1:1
Des 112
Analytical Drawing
Elevation Oblique
Plan Oblique
The objectives of these drawings, is to emphasize the representation of 3-dimentional objects and spaces on a 2-dimentional surface. The emphasis is on representation of objects, proportions, and space using a perspective system, that would remain logical throughout the drawing. Isometric Drawing 30 Shaded
Orthographic Drawing of CAAD desk Scale 1:10
Des 112
Analytical Drawing
Elevation Oblique
Elevation Oblique
Following on our understanding with the drawings of the Lego structure, we used similar techniques in drawing the CAAD desk in multiple views. Isometric Drawing 30 Shaded
Des 111 Professor. Phillip Sheil Fall 2010
Throughout this studio course we practiced the process of describing things as they are observed, with the attention to the available light source at the time and the supposed arrangement of objects.
Still Life
Des 111
Observational Drawing The still life projects included the final drawing and an under-drawing. An under-drawing is a kind of representation was very much like a sketch, however it was required that we try as much as we can to accurately measure every line visually as we drew. The process of continuously adjusting every line by the use of different coloured pens ensured no parts were made up or poorly represented,
Colour pen under-drawing
Contour Drawing
Still Life
Des 111
Observational Drawing
The aim of this project was ability to see and draw accurately. Then by the use of coloured pencils tonal shading was to be achieved.
Colour pen under-drawing
Pencil colour drawing
This drawing is based on the ability to draw as much detail as possible of what we see in a specific amount of time given by the professor.
Des 111
Observational Drawing
Des 131 Professor. Brian Dougan Fall 2010
Doritos and Long Tracing
By the use of Dorito chips we produced meaningful relationships in relation to format. The final was retraced projected into a new surface and adjusted using new regulating lines to alter the shape into a new composition with better formal qualities
Des 131
Process Work
Final coloured composition
Tracing of Dorito line
Coloured elements of line
Final coloured composition line
Des 131 Mirroring
Process Work
Operations and Pencil Colouring
3 different segments of the line were chosen in order to make different operations. The rotation operation was chosen and adjusted.
Yes Pencil Drawing
Des 131
Process Work Excavations and Watercolouring Multiple excavations were extracted from the YES drawing in order to form a new one. The excavations were to be united formally keeping in mind essential key words such as heirachy.
Final Yes Excavations
Eruption Watercolour drawing
Des 131
Process Work Gestures and Gizmos The final part of the semester was focused on 3D. Multiple generations were made starting with the paper gesture and ending with a big model made of many materials including the use of wood. The final model was based on the chipboard model but twice the size or more.
Paper Gesture
Paper Gesture with chipboard
Cardboard gesture with chipboard
Final Model
American University of Sharjah Architecture