International Law Institute
A Member of Laureate International Universities
Kurumsal Üyesidir The International Law Institute (ILI), of Washington, DC., in collaboration with Corporate Governance Association of Turkey (TKYD) and İstanbul Bilgi University, Faculty of Law jointly present the following Program on:
CAPITAL MARKETS - REGULATION & COMPLIANCE The Program is the second of a series of programs by ILI, of Washington, DC., TKYD, and Istanbul Bilgi University Faculty of Law. The first of the Programs was held on “Governance and Anti-Corruption Methods” in June 2012. This second joint program will be on “Capital Markets- Regulation and Compliance” at İstanbul Bilgi University Dolapdere Campus and will be held on 6-8 and 14-15 December. The Program will be led by William W. Uchimoto and Professor Stuart Cohn from the ILI. Dr. Murat Doğu, Dr. Yusuf Z. Sönmez, Attny. Kayra Üçer and Bekir Yener Yıldırım will be attending the Program to address the issues within the Turkish context.
Date: 6-7-8 December and 14-15 December Venue: İstanbul Bilgi University, Dolapdere Campus The Program This course highlights the major issues and procedures relating to the development and regulation of capital and securities markets. Participants will discuss the major building blocks of an effective capital market, the policy environment needed to help its development and issues related to the growing interaction of emerging markets with developed capital markets as well as the implications of capital markets regulations, obligations of publicly listed companies and capital markets institutions and institutional investors within the Turkish context. The participants will be certified jointly by the ILI, TKYD and İstanbul Bilgi University.
To Register. Tuition is US$ 1,800 + 18% VAT, which covers all lectures, materials, lunches, and reception. Please contact Ertan Küçükyalçın at Tel:+90 212 347 62 73 or
* TKYD reserves the right to change or cancel any part of its published program due to unforeseen circumstances