June 2015 tlccv magazine

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June 2015

Overland Cruisering Toyota Land Cruiser Club of Australia (Victoria) Inc.



Registered by Australia Post Publication No. PP339119/00013 $5.00



General Meetings: 7:30pm on the 3rd Tuesday of each month at Mulgrave Country Club Wellington Road (corner Jells Road), Wheelers Hill Melways Ref 80 H1 Geelong Meetings: 7.30pm the 1st Tuesday of each month & 2nd Tuesday each November at the Supper Room, Geelong West Town Hall, 153 Pakington St. 3218. (Mel. 451 J2) ENQUIRIES: Membership & General to: The Secretary Toyota Land Cruiser Club PO Box 363, HAWTHORN 3122

Website: http:www.tlccv.com.au MEMBERSHIP DETAILS Joining Fee: $280.00 Membership: $145.00 REINSTATEMENT OF PAST MEMBERS If a member rejoins the Club within 5 years, a joining fee is not applicable. If a member rejoins the Club after 5 years, they are required to pay the joining fee and undertake the Club’s Driver Awareness course.





Club Information


Committee 2014-2015


President’s Report


Over the Hill


News from Toyota


Calendar/Coming Events


Coming Activity


Yarck Report


Yarck Memorial Garden




Annual General Meeting


News from ARB


ARB Iconic 4WD


Yarck Bushfire Plan


YARCK PROPERTY Our property is a registered Land for Wildlife property and no inference is drawn in the publication that the sign or registration has any other meaning. Life Members: Graeme Wilson, John Whitney (Dec), Don Honey, Bill Dower, Alan Winch, Barrie McCarthy, Harold Ross, Sandra Tanner, Brian Stewart, Charles Norman, Ashley (Dec) & Judith Williams, John Turbill, Garry Cooper, Jan Chivers & Ken Hildebrand Honorary Members: Ross McClure, Clive Blakely, Reece DeJong Club Auditor: Chris Rumble

Photo by Laurie Miles The opinions expressed in the articles appearing in this magazine are not necessarily those of the Editor or the Toyota Land Cruiser Club of Australia (Victoria) Inc. The Editor reserves the right to delete where necessary any section of any article, which has been sent for publication in the magazine. Acceptance of advertisements does not necessarily imply endorsement of products or associated companies or individuals by the Toyota Land Cruiser Club of Australia (Victoria) Inc.

Overland Cruisering 1

COMMITTEE President Ian Ross president1@tlccv.com.au

2014 - 2015 Driver Training John MIlls: driverawareness@tlccv.com.au * Driver Training Course bookings * Awareness Course certificates

Marketing/Public Relations Coordinator Brian Tanner marketing@tlccv.com.au Emergency Response Coordinator

Vice President Laurie Miles president2@tlccv.com.au

Yarck Management Brian Stewart yarckmanage@tlccv.com.au Magazine Distribution Gordon Chessum

Raffles & Supper Gabi & Grace Azzam Karen Wade

trips@tlccv.com.au Trip Convenor Tony Middleditch * Register a Member’s trip * Assistance in trip preparation

Club Shop Graham Cahill

Technical Brett Dyson

Social Coordinator

Secretary Sandra Tanner secretary1@tlccv.com.au Assistant Secretary Ian wells secretary2@tlccv.com.au Treasurer Alan McMeekin


Training Matt Lilley training@tlccv.com.au • Club training courses co-ordinator Special Events

Assistant Treasurer Steve de Mamiel

events@tlccv.com.au • Shows & special event co-ordinator


Membership Barbara Bryant membership@tlccv.com.au * Membership renewals, name badges, contact detail changes

Committee Adam Takacs committee2@tlccv.com.au Magazine Editor Sandra Tanner: Advertising Sandra Tanner


Librarian Wendy Wilson library@tlccv.com.au * Borrow DVDs & books * Contributions to the Library FWDV Delegate Tony Bryant fwdvdelegate@tlccv.com.au Webmaster Laurie Miles


Activities Coordinator Ian Ross activities@tlccv.com.au



social@tlccv.com.au * Book for participation in social events


Committee Michael Schuettke committee1@tlccv.com.au



Visitor Greeters Carol & Greg Edmunds Cruiserkhana enquiries@cruiserkhana.com.au

GEELONG BRANCH President Matt McPhee


Vice President Matt Lilley


Secretary Jennie Harvie

Social Judith Williams


Excursion Visits Coordinator excursions@tlccv.com.au




All articles, trip reports and other contributions are welcome for inclusion in the magazine. They must be in the hands of the Editor by the first of the month. Please send them to: The Editor, Overland Cruisering, PO Box 1778, Geelong 3220

• Please submit articles as Word documents with no formatting. (No fancy formats as it will only have to be removed in preparing for publication). In particular DO NOT embed pictures in your documents • Images (photos) should be supplied as seperate JPEG files. The higher resolution the better. As a guide images should be of 300 pixel per inch with image files around 1-5MB fine. • If you have multiple images, please burn to a CD and post to Editor rather than trying to email numerous images. • Articles can be posted with normal photos. They will be scanned and returned to the author if a self-addressed envelope is provided.

• Note: if selling a vehicle in the Trading Post it is a Motor Car Trader Regulation (1988-22(4) legal requirement that a cash price, registration number or engine number are supplied.

or email: editor1@tlccv.com.au

Members’ name and membership number must accompany all articles and/or contributions.

ADVERTISING A TRIP • Note: All trips must be approved by the Trip Convenor before they can be gazetted in Overland Cruisering.

All contributions MUST BE received by the 1st of the month.

ADVERTISERS Please support those companies that advertise in our magazine. Let them know you saw their advert in Overland Cruisering.

ARE YOUR MEMBERSHIP DETAILS CURRENT? If you have recently moved, please notify Barbara Bryant – Membership Officer – and provide your new address, telephone number(s) and (if altered) your email address as soon as possible. Please also remember to remove the Club sticker if you change or sell your four-wheel drive.

2 Overland Cruisering



his is my first report for the last few months. It seems like forever and as I write this it is ten weeks. It has been a long and tough road for me, however I really do appreciate all of the support, best wishes and visits that I have had from so many Club members. I was able to attend the last general meeting, but took a seat in the audience as it had been a tough day with my cast being removed that morning. I am undertaking extensive rehab and hydrotherapy and seeing results. I probably will not be able to drive until about week twelve. The last meeting I was looking forward to and thoroughly enjoyed the presentation on Geocaching. It was incredible to see and learn just how big this recreation has become. I was particularly intrigued by the sheer numbers that are in the suburbs let alone anywhere else. I have to say that the idea of having to find a cache that may only be as big as a blow fly or a tiny film canister is pretty daunting. The idea that the caches are hidden was a real eye opener. A fun topic and one I intent to have a go at when I can. Recently a celebration of ten years of the Club’s memorial garden was held. The garden was the idea of Joy Thomas whose life was celebrated



on the day. I was unable to attend due to physical constraints but delightedly wrote a short recollection of the garden and Joy to be read on the day. If you have not had the chance to visit the memorial garden, then next time you are up there take the short walk in and see what makes this spot on the property so very special. FWDV’s 40th anniversary celebration is about to take place as I write this report. This event has taken a lot of effort to set up and run. I am delighted to report that the event was booked out. The support of the event has been simply overwhelming. It would be remiss of me not to specifically thank Sandra Tanner for all of her hard work in organizing the event and also to Tony Middleditch for his efforts in organizing all of the trips that are to be run over the weekend. It is hard to put a price on the impact of the event to the community, but with fuel, food, accommodation, etc. etc. Mansfield will gain significant financial advantage due to our attendance. Just this last weekend the Explore Australia Expo took place again at the show grounds. I am yet to receive a report as to just how the event went, but I would like to thank all of those people involved both in the set-up and manning of the



stand. I hope all went well. At the last meeting a debate took place about the age of dependent children being allowed to be part of their parents membership. The Committee has considered the situation, however further investigations are yet to take place. That’s about all that I have to say at this stage, but can I just remind you all to make sure that you support our Club sponsors and make sure you tell them what Club you are from and whilst at it, thank them for their support. Also remember that many tracks close on the Queen’s Birthday weekend. I look forward to catching up with more of you over the coming months.

Ian Ross (1409) PRESIDENT

JORDAN VALLEY LOOP WORKING BEE REGION G Saturday 27th and Sunday 28th June, 2015

Members are invited to submit entries for the Annual John Whitney Photographic Award DIGITAL IMAGES are requested so there is NO excuse for not submitting an entry. ENTRY • • • • • •

REQUIREMENTS You must have taken the photo Advise where the photo(s) have been taken The picture should be taken on a Club trip or activity Images should be submitted as digital JPEGs Each image must not exceed 5MB in size Limit of 5 images per member

Please email your digital entries to whitneycomp@tlccv.com.au Entries must be received before 30th June with your name and membership number

4 Overland Cruisering

Overland Cruisering 3


INFORMATION FOR TRIP LEADERS • Trip leaders please note that under the Constitution, members may not take part in any club activities involving four-wheel driving unless they have completed the Driver Awareness


Course (Theory & Practical) and have filled in an Indemnity Form. • The Club Insurance Policy states that only Club Trips that are gazetted in the Club Magazine and the Club website are covered by the Club Public Liability Policy.

• All Club Trips gazetted in the Club Magazine must include a telephone number (or mobile) and/or an email address for the purpose of booking on a trip. • Members please note that telephone calls should not be made later than 8:30 pm.

Club trips are for club members only. Non members are not afforded insurance coverage by the club and may jeopardise our coverage. If you have any queries they may be raised with our Trip Coordinator, Tony Middleditch.

Members Please Note: All guests attending TLCCV trips must take out Temporary Membership. This includes children of members 18 years of age and older. If you have any queries contact our Trip Convenor, Tony Middleditch at trips@tlccv.com.au. All applications and pay-ments for Temporary Membership MUST be received by the Membership Officer NO LATER than 14 days prior to the trip. Facebook: Any trips advertised on Facebook that have not been approved by the Trip Convenor will not be recognised as an official Club trip and therefore not be covered by the Club insurance. Seasonal Road Closures: Contact Parks Victoria at http://parkweb.vic.gov.au/safety/fire,-flood-and-other-closures/seasonal-road-closures2.

JUNE Date: Trip Leader:

LOCK YOUR HUBS SIMPSON DESERT - Trip Full Saturday 27th June - Friday 10th July 2015 Simon Mustey & Sherry Salvesen: Email: simon@mustey.com

JUNE/JULY Date: Meeting Place: Time: Limit: Standard:

THE OLD GHAN RAILWAY Sunday 28th June (Melbourne) - Wednesday 8th July (Alice Springs) To be advised. To be advised. 8 vehicles - No pets. Genuine off-road trailers OK. Easy to medium, but adverse weather or track conditions could make some individual sections more difficult. New members most welcome. Will be advised at pre trip meeting. Various - 10, 15 and 40 UHF Good off-road tyres with ample tread & a second spare (or casing), standard recovery equipment, compressor & tyre gauge, camping equipment, water & supplies. Further details will be provided at a pre trip meeting. Primarily bush camping. This trip follows the Oodnadatta Track, covering the historic route of the Old Ghan railway between Pt Augusta & Alice Springs. Side trips include Lake Eyre, Dalhousie Springs, Lamberts Centre, Chambers Pillar & other places of interest along the way. As this period falls within the July school holidays, children are most welcome. (I’ve invited my own 9yo granddaughter). Participants will each be asked to research an assigned historic or geographic aspect of this trip & to present a 10 minute spiel at the appropriate time as tour guide. Don Bryant: Email: dbryant@bigpond.net.au

Fuel: Radio: Equipment: Overnight: Details:

Trip Leader:

JUNE/JULY Date: Meeting Place: Time: Limit: Standard: Fuel: Radio: Equipment:

Overnight: Details:

Trip Leader:

BIG RED BASH - BIRDSVILLE Sunday 28th June - Sunday 12th July. (I will be there Saturday 27th June) Pink Lakes (Lake Crosbie, Mallee H’way, 60km west of Ouyen to all weather gravel road,13km to main camp area). 9:00am 6 vehicles. Easy-medium (weather dependent). Suitable for camper trailers. Full tank from Ouyen 15 UHF No dogs, genuine 4x4 camper trailers - not light duty road variants or caravans, standard DA recovery gear, genuine off road biased AT tyres or better with at least 50% tread, second spare tyre (carcass only if you are able to carry out a repair) plus suitable trailer spares. Pink Lakes. Birdsville from 3rd to 7th July for the Big Red Bash: http://www.bigredbash.com.au/bigredbash/index. Travel via Birdsville Track & return through Corner Country. Free camping at Big Red. Overnight at Pink Lakes, Quorn, Farina, Mungerannie, Big Red, Innaminka, Tibooburra, Broken Hill. Graham Cahill: Email: gra.cahill@bigpond.com

Overland Cruisering 5


JULY/AUGUST NT/QLD SAVANNAH EXCURSION Date: Sunday 12th July (Alice Springs) - Monday 3rd August (Cooktown) Meeting Place: To be advised. Time: To be advised. Limit: 8 vehicles - no pets. Standard: Easy - medium but subject to weather & track conditions Fuel: Will be advised at pre trip meeting. Radio: Various - 10, 15 and 40 UHF Equipment: Good off-road tyres with ample tread & a second spare (or casing), standard recovery equipment, compressor & tyre gauge, camping equipment, water & supplies. Further details to be provided at a pre trip meeting. Overnight: Some campgrounds but primarily bush camping. Details: Commencing with the Finke River Gorge south of Alice Springs, this trip follows various roads/tracks north to the Keep River National Park in the far north west of the Territory. From there the trip follows the Savannah Way (in part) to Queensland taking in various other parks & points of interest before turning up the western side of Cape York to Kowanyama & Pormpuraaw. It then crosses to Cape Melville on the east coast & finishes in Cooktown. Trip Leader: Don Bryant: Email: dbryant@bigpond.net.au AUGUST Date: Meeting Place: Time: Limit: Standard: Fuel: Radio: Equipment:


LOCK YOUR HUBS MT SKENE SNOW TRIP Saturday 15th & Sunday 16th August, 2015 Jamieson 8:15am 20 vehicles. 18 vacant (5 positions for new members) Medium Full tanks from Mansfield (Alpine Diesel for diesels). 15 UHF Genuine all/mud terrain tyres with minimum 50% tread (road biased tyres not acceptable), recovery points front & rear, full recovery equipment, suitable cold/wet weather clothes, UHF radio, compressor & tyre gauge, shovel, emergency sleeping bag, water & food. Jamieson Courthouse Hotel: 5777 0503

hastingscamping@gmail.com 6 Overland Cruisering


Lock your hubs Mt Skene snow trip.....continued Details: A large, exciting & family friendly weekend trip to Mt Skene to experience some of the best snow driving in Victoria. We will be based at the Jamieson Hotel from where we will travel up to Mt Skene to drive in the snow, have some fun & then return to the pub & socialise. New members are encouraged to come along & vehicles will be split into two groups with two trips run concurrently to ensure that the large number of vehicles run smoothly. Trip Leaders: Simon Mustey & Sheery Salvesen: Email: simon@mustey.com Matt & Sara Lilley. AUGUST Date: Meeting Place: Time:


Standard: Equipment:


Trip Facilitator:

NOVEMBER Date: Meeting Place: Time: Limit: Standard: Fuel: Radio: Equipment: Overnight: Details:

Trip Leader:

‘THE COOKOUT’ Friday 14th - Sunday 16th August, 2015 Yarck Hilton People are welcome to come up on Friday afternoon / evening & set up their gear (I’ll be there). Cooking extravanganza to start on Saturday soon after breakfast but people are welcome to start beforehand if timing is critical to their efforts, and I’ll be attempting scones - again. All people welcome to attend (on the proviso that everyone cooks something, but no roasts please - unless it is a roast with a difference, i.e if you do it on a spit (someone has done this in the past) or if you bone & stuff it (we also had someone do a carpet bag roast once), or if it is an exotic meat (goat, roo, emu, rabbit, buffalo, camel) - you get the idea. That depends on your appetite. Any/all your camp cooking equipment & paraphernalia you have collected over the years OR stuff you’ve bought in anticipation of using one day (but never had the chance - or the courage - to use it). In the past we’ve had everything from camp ovens to bedouries to converted kegs, to spits, to dream pots & even cardboard ovens. This trip was run a few years ago with great success. Due to work commitments & other stuff, it went by the wayside for a number of years, but due to popular demand, it is back. It has been designed with EVERYONE in mind to learn & share their cooking experiences, recipes, etc. that they’ve collected over the years. As winter will be upon us (& the tracks closed), & we’ll all be snuggled in our respective hidey-holes, this is about doing somein WINTER. Everyone is requested to prepare something - Saturday night has been known to be a rather large evening with a record 16 camp ovens in 2003 (so don’t eat). People are also welcome to test ‘stuff’ on Friday evening as I’ll be up there early anyway. IMPORTANT NOTES: No camp oven roasts please. This is about challenging yourself & your gear to try something new/different (unless it is a roast with a difference). Normal camping rules apply. Please be self sufficient (BYO everything) & take your rubbish with you. Please make sure you have a written (typed is better) copy of whatever it is you’re cooking for the ‘trip report’ (even email is OK as we now have reception at Yarck). Hari Maragos. Email: hari@vwm.net.au PORTLAND SAND DUNES - Melbourne Cup weekend Friday 30th October - Tuesday 3rd November, 2015 Swan Lake Camping area (maps supplied for participants) 9:00am start time Saturday morning from Swan Lake Camping area. 14 vehicles Medium to hard depending on sand conditions and your experience. Full tanks from Portland. 15 UHF Standard recovery gear, snatch strap, compressor, rated recovery points & shackles. Base camping at Swan Lake. Drive the only legal sand dunes in Victoria. Test your skills on the many steep sand hills. Apart from a drop toilet there are no amenities at the camping area. Caravans & camper trailers are OK. No pets. Be prepared for wet & windy conditions. Sand driving for Saturday & Sunday, Monday trip to Picaninny Ponds, beach drive in SA, lunch at the Nelson Pub. Return home Tuesday. To allow time to process PDBC paperwork, your intention to join this trip needs to be in the hands of the trip leader by the end of August. Garry Cooper: (Garry is away until 1 Sept. Please email Gabi Azzam while Garry is away) Email Gabi Azzam: amazing_grace_59@hotmail.com

4 Overland Cruisering

Overland Cruisering 7



oyota's HiLux was Australia's bestselling vehicle in May as the rugged workhorse marked a significant milestone by passing 850,000 sales in this country. Continued popularity of HiLux and Corolla - the country's most popular ute and passenger car - lifted Toyota to a total of more than 15,900 sales last month. The market leader's May tally was 82.7 per cent higher than any other brand and lifted Toyota to a 2015 total of more than 80,000 sales - a lead of more than 35,000 vehicles over its nearest competitor. Toyota's May total included 3,173 HiLux single, extra and double cabs - almost 300 sales ahead of any other vehicle in the market. It is the 14th time HiLux has topped the monthly sales charts - and HiLux remains the only vehicle of its type to have achieved that distinction. Early in the month, Toyota registered its 850,000th Australian HiLux customer since the nameplate was born in 1968. The grand total now includes more than 478,800 HiLux 4x4 variants and 373,500 in 4x2 guise. Other segment leaders for Toyota in May were LandCruiser 200, LandCruiser Prado and Kluger were the top selling large SUVs. Toyota Australia's executive director sales



H I L U X I S A U S T R A L I A’ S B E S T S E L L E R and marketing Tony Cramb said HiLux is a global and Australian success story with more than 16 million sold around the world. "HiLux has been a long-time favourite in Australia with 850,000 sales and is now more popular than ever as confirmed by its best-selling status last month," Mr Cramb said.

"Renowned for its 'unbreakable' tag, HiLux has delivered the size, capabilities and performance demanded by customers for more than 47 years," Mr Cramb said. "The current model line-up continues to out-perform its rivals, which gives Toyota a great launching pad for introducing an allnew HiLux to the market later this year," he said.


Courtesy ‘Mt Buller News’ Friday, June 5th, 2015

Overland Cruisering 9

AT TERRAIN TAMER, we have been designing, modifiying and manufacturing 4WD parts for nearly fifty years. Proudly designed by a team with decades of engineering experience and developed in Melbourne, our parts are then produced in partnership with the world’s leading manufacturers. Be assured that we’re playing our part in providing you with the very best for your vehicle. Talk fluent 4WD with us on 1300 888 444 or visit terraintamer.com


CALENDAR June 20th & 21st June 27th & 28th June 28th – July 12th June 28th – July 8th June 27th – July 10th June 27th & 28th July 12th – August 3rd July 14th July 25th & 26th August August August August August

1st & 2nd 11th 14th – 16th 15th & 16th 22nd & 23rd

August 29th & 30th September 5th & 6th September 8th September 12th & 13th September 19th & 20th

TRAINING Date Aug 14/15/16

Sept 5th (1 day

Sept 6th (1/2 day)

Sept 12/13

Prior to booking or setting any dates for an event, please check with the Activity Coordinator who will ensure that there are no clashes. Please email to the Activity Coordinator the proposed date, time, venue and overview of the event.

COMING TRIPS Maintenance & Construction weekend Jordan Valley Loop working bee Big Red Bash – Birdsville The Old Ghan Railway Lock Your Hubs Simpson Desert trip DA Practical weekend NT/Qld Savannah Excursion Yarck Management and DA Theory Maintenance & Construction weekend DA Practical weekend Yarck Management and DA Theory ‘The Cookout’ at Yarck Lock Your Hubs Mt Skene Snow Trip Maintenance & Construction weekend DA Practical weekend Communications / Vehicle prep at Yarck Yarck Management and DA Theory Mapping at Yarck Maintenance & Construction weekend

September 26th & 27th October 3rd & 4th October 13th October 16th-18th October 17th & 18th October 24th & 25th Oct 30th – Nov 3rd November 7th & 8th November 10th November 21st & 22nd November 28th & 29th December 8th

DA Practical weekend Bush craft & basic camping at Yarck Yarck Management and DA Theory Nissan Club visit to Yarck Trip/Meal Prep & Bush Mechanics @ Yarck Maintenance & Construction weekend Portland Sand Dunes Melbourne Cup w/end DA Practical weekend Yarck Management and DA Theory Monster Maintenance & Construction weekend DA Practical weekend Yarck Management

C O M I N G T R A I N IINPG O P P O R T U N I T I E S Training / Activity Topic


The Cookout

Communications (Radio, Sat Phone, Spot)

Vehicle trip prep (packing & pre trip inspection)



Hari Maragos


Tony Middleditch


Tony Middleditch


Paul Howden (Tracks) & Jeff Gazzard


Oct 3/4

Bush craft Basic Camping Skills


Paul Howden (Tracks)

Oct 17/18

Trip meal preparation, Cooking & Bush mechanic weekend


Liz Mills / Brad Schafer

ELTHAM TIMBER & HARDWARE P/L ROB DEYLEN (1622) MANAGING DIRECTOR Mobile: 0409 305 534 1175 - 1181 Main Road, Eltham Vic. 3095 Phone: 9439 5533 (All Hours) Fax: 9431 1762

Overland Cruisering 11

12 Overland Cruisering



JORDAN VALLEY LOOP WORKING BEE - REGION G Saturday 27th and Sunday 28th June, 2015 This weekend we will be teaming up with Rudi’s volunteers and we will be helping to erect new signage for the new historical sites being erected in and around the Jericho area. The gates are now closed so please arrive Saturday morning by 9:00am, up the track opposite the Victor Spur Track between Matlock and Aberfeldy. Bush camping opposite the Victor Spur Track (no toilet). You will require standard recovery gear, good off road tyres, food and drinks. Extras required are all the usual gardening equipment to maintain the historical sites. A detailed email will follow to those who wish to attend closer to the weekend. Full tank of fuel from Warburton or Marysville or Moe. Standard will be easy to moderate, depending on the weather. Radio 15 UHF.

Contact: Dulcie Watts: Email: dulciew@bigpond.net.au




Brad Schaffer

Saturday 9.30am start:

PLANNING A WEEKEND OR EXTENDED OUTBACK TRIP? This two day course is designed to give tips and ideas on catering and packing plus cooking on hot coals, all to make your trip more fun. PRIZES TO BE WON

DO YOU KNOW? Solar panels and what size do I need? What spare parts and tools do I take on a trip?

Are LEDs good and do I need them? What to look at on your 4WD before going away?

Sunday 10am start: Have fun using your new skills for a "Scone Cook Off" DVD for kids on Saturday evening

Numbers are limited for this weekend. Participants must bring their own cooking pots, all ingredients plus notepad and pen

RSVP no later than Sunday 4th October email: training@tlccv.com.au Overland Cruisering 13


Long days. Harsh environments. Extreme weather. You could say it’s pretty tough out here, but the locals wouldn’t have it any other way. In the face of extreme adversity the LandCruiser 200, LandCruiser 70 Double Cab, FJ Cruiser and Prado are built to thrive. Whatever the outback throws at them, it’s just another day in paradise. This is LandCruiser Country.




MAINTENANCE & CONSTRUCTION WEEKEND 23rd & 24th May, 2015 nother great Yarck weekend with chilly nights and fresh sunny days that were enjoyed by the following members: Ian & Ellen McCartney, Tony Swinden, Gabi Azzam, John Nazloomian, Ted Gray, Eamonn King, Greg West and Leeanda Berryman, Dulcie Watts, Neil Chambers, Brian Stewart, Garry Cooper, Colin Low, Trajco Vilarov, Bernice Manley, Sue Bland and new member Moshe Belleli, and on Sunday visitors, Lorraine Hollow and Helen Cox. A large pile of scrub that had been cleared at the start of the fire season was disposed of. Dead trees behind the hut were taken down - these can be cut at the upcoming chainsaw training weekend - then stacked in the firewood shed. Verandah posts were prepared for the bush hut, this involved treating the ends that will be in the ground. The holes will be drilled next month – weather permitting. Water from the bus stop roof has now been connected to the storage tank behind the



Fundraising with Entertainment

toilet block and all plumbing checked. The outlet on the tank at the top of the triangular garden has been replaced and will be filled next month. A new gas bottle cage for the small bottles has been installed next to the large one. This was a safety issue as they could not be left in the hut. Water was pumped to the top tanks and some equipment checked. As the Sunday was the 10th anniversary of the opening of the Memorial Garden, preparations were under way for some plants to go in. I gave background information on Joy’s vision and how this project progressed. Sue spoke of Joy’s love and dedication to the Evergreeen aspects of our property. A number of past members were remembered and Lorraine Hollow was there to plant a shrub in memory of Bob Hollow (a past President). Sue planted one for Joy and Bernice planted one for Bill who passed away last month. We then returned to the hut for a late morning tea and to swap a few memories. Brian Stewart (340) YARCK MANAGEMENT COORDINATOR

For only $65 this book is packed with hundreds of up to 50% off and 2-50-1 offers for the best local restaurants, cafes, attractions, hotel accommodation, travel and much more, which gives you over $20,000 worth of valuable offers valid through to 1st June, 2016!

eNews – Are you receiving your copy of TLCC Weekend Wrap? Make sure you include your email address on your membership renewal form. Alternatively you can send an email to the Membership Officer (Barb) at membership@tlccv.com.au with your updated details. Weekend Wrap is produced by Laurie Miles (1058) and Garry Cooper (1219). Items for Weekend Wrap can be sent to info@tlccv.com.au


DIFFERENTIALS EXPLAINED This presentation is about automotive differentials. How they work and the best way to use them. Don’t miss this informative power point presentation

Liz Mills Show & Tell Co-Ordinator

(Please let me know if you have any suggests or a trip you would like to show)

16 Overland Cruisering

ANNIVERSARY Yarck Memorial Garden 10th Anniversary his was initiated by Joy Thomas (GUMNUT) in 2003 and her vision was to create a special area where members could go and sit to reflect on times gone by spent with those no longer with us. Where should this be? A number of sites were looked at and Joy chose this spot. There are magnificent views out across the valley to the hills far away and of the competition area with the ‘bus stop’ tucked in the trees. A great choice. September/October, 2003 preparations are underway as Joy recruits helpers. There are holes to dig for the plants, some of which will attract the birds. Digging to shape the seat area that will be built of stone. Sparky (Alan Whitefield) said he would acquire a selection to choose from


Yarck Memorial Garden A Personal View How The Seat At The Memorial Garden Happened oy proposed if we could have a special place at our property to sit and remember the special people from Club and our lives who have passed on. This seemed a good idea, and a site was located. When Joy found out that I did stone work, she asked me if I was interested in doing the stone work. A seat was carved out of the embankment at the site by a few eager


Joy Thomas Memorial Garden hortly after joining the Toyota Land Cruiser Club, I was introduced to Joy Thomas. The first time I heard from her was at a Club meeting where she stood up and addressed the meeting about one of the many landscaping and greening projects at Yarck. One thing that I learnt very quickly about Joy was her absolute passion for Yarck and its flora and fauna. Today, looking around Yarck, there are many projects including the magnificent gardens that we as a Club owe thanks to Joy. One of these includes the Memorial Garden. Joy came up with the concept and then it was a case of finding an


JOY THOMAS MEMORIAL GARDEN and Paul Langenberg offered his landscaping skills to do the stone work. Over the next few months that were very dry a pathway to the site was formed; this made it easier to get materials there. May and June 2004 saw some really good rainfall and the planting of some hakeas. The stone is there and ready to be worked on. Paul, with the help of his son Gus, started trimming and shaping the stone, and by the end of August the seat is completed. River pebbles are obtained to go at the front of the seat. A Memorial Garden sign pointing along the path is erected. It is now February, 2005 and Joy has been receiving some very good feedback on this project. She is organizing for a small stone plaque to be engraved. A date is set for the official opening time. It will be

10:00am on Sunday 22nd May, 2005. April and the Memorial Stone is set in place. It reads: “REMEMBERING OUR LOVED ONES” and has a small gumnut engraved on one corner. A happy hour was held there that evening with a brilliant full moon to light up the valley, (read Joy’s invite in separate article). May 22nd 2005 10:00am. President, Tony Swinden opened proceedings then Ian Ross conducted a very appropriate service, and those present were asked if they would like to name someone they want remembered. Here today on the 10th Anniversary of that event, we should honour the memory of Joy and her love of this great club. Brian Stewart (340)

members and stone was sourced the following month. It ended up being granite, not my favorite as it is hard to work with as it has no grain and so has the tendency to break randomly. A month or two later on the day of the “build”, Gus (only 9 back then) was there to give me a hand. He did some mixing of the mortar, trimming of the granite slabs. Sand was sourced from the sand pit, not ideal as it is very course, that’s why the joints are a bit grainy. The stone was roughly set out and then mortared in

place. At the end of the day, we had a seat. It did not turn out too bad, even if I say so myself. I have sat there with friends and by myself with a beer or glass of wine in hand, and admired the view, while remembering good times with ones no longer with us. Paul Langenberg (33)

appropriate yet discreet location on the property. Anybody that knows the property will be well aware of the magnificent views afforded of the property from the top of Latimers. A location on the same hill was found that was discreet and accessible by foot. A group of people were assembled and the concept discussed. Those of you that have had the chance to visit the Memorial Garden will have had the ability to see and feel the tranquility that the location and layout offers. Many people have told of their time up there reflecting on loved ones or simply just on life generally. As a Club, we are blessed to have such a beautiful and very special place. It is hard

not to think of Joy, the amazing contribution that she made to the Club and the wonders including the Memorial Garden that she left behind. I am certain that she will never be forgotten. Ian Ross (1409) PRESIDENT

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Notice is hereby given that the Annual General Meeting of the Toyota Land Cruiser Club of Australia (Victoria) Incorporated will be held Tuesday 21st July, 2015 commencing at 7:30 pm. As per the Rules of the Constitution: “…appoint another member as his proxy by notice given to the Secretary no later than 24 hours before the time of the meeting in respect of which the proxy is appointed.” In practical terms with our meetings being held on Tuesday, proxies must be received by the Secretary by 8:00 pm. on Monday 20th July, 2015. APPENDIX 1 - FORM OF APPOINTMENT OF PROXY I ………………………………………………………………………………. of …………………………………………………………………………………………………….……….…. Member No…….........……….

being a member of the Toyota Land Cruiser Club of Australia (Victoria) Incorporated

hereby appoint …………………………………………………………………… of…………………………………………………………………….…………………………………….…………………………………. being a member of that incorporated Association, as my proxy to vote for me on my behalf at the Annual General meeting of the Association to be held on Tuesday 21st July, 2015 and at any adjournment of that meeting. My proxy is authorised to vote in favour of / against (delete as appropriate) the resolution (insert details).

Signed…………………………………………......…………… Membership No. ……………..........

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Date ……………………………………



Notice is hereby given that the Annual General Meeting of the Toyota Land Cruiser Club of Australia (Victoria) Inc. will be held on Tuesday 21st July, 2015 at The Mulgrave Country Club, Cnr. Wellington & Jells Road, Wheelers Hill at 7:30 pm. BUSINESS OF THE MEETING WILL BE: 1. Confirm the Minutes of the previous Annual General Meeting. 2. Receive the President’s report. 3. Receive the Treasurer’s report. 4. Receive other sub Committee reports. 5. To elect Life Members if so nominated and/or Honorary Members. 6. To elect Officers (4) Assistant Officers (2) and Ordinary Members (2) of the Committee. 7. To present the Awards for the year. 8. Any other business of which due notice has been given. By order of the Committee. Sandra Tanner Honorary Secretary.

AGENDA • • • • • • •


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VAL McGURGAN AWARD is awarded to the Club member – new or old, male or female – who achieves the most they possibly can out of the Club. This person shows great enthusiasm & support for their Club. This award is usually presented by Frank McGurgan in memory of his wife Val. The words “Joy of Being” are on this award. BEST CLUB WOMAN is awarded to the woman who displays a high level of Club involvement and is a great team player within the Club. BEST CLUB MAN is awarded to the man who displays a high level of Club involvement and is a great team player within the Club. TRIP LEADER AWARD is presented to the member(s) who ran the most trips during the past year. JOHN WHITNEY PHOTOGRAPHIC AWARD (judged by the Life Members) is presented to the member who enters the best photo from a TLCC Club trip. BEST JUNIOR CLUB PERSON GENERAL BUSINESS COMMITTEE ELECTIONS

o o o o o o o o o

President introduces Returning Officer. President seeks a mover and seconder to accept as the Returning Officer President declares all positions vacant Returning Officer runs nominators presentation – each has two minutes Explains voting procedure Explains preference voting system Explains how we handle votes on a person who has nominated for more than one position Membership votes Returning Officer hands back to President to suspend AGM and run the General Meeting.

• • • • • • • •


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MINUTES OF THE ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING OF THE TOYOTA LAND CRUISER CLUB OF AUSTRALIA (VICTORIA) INC. – A0005442C Held on Tuesday 15th July, 2014 at the Mulgrave Country Club, Wheelers Hill. The Annual General Meeting was opened at 8:04 pm by President, Ian Ross who explained to the members the business of the AGM meeting. PRESENT AS PER REGISTER. APOLOGIES AS PER REGISTER. Motion: That the apologies be accepted. Moved Matt Lilley. Seconded Barbara Wilson. Carried. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS WERE MADE TO: FOUNDATION MEMBERS: Graeme & Barbara Wilson were recognised and welcomed. LIFE MEMBERS: Life members were asked to stand and be recognised. PAST PRESIDENTS: Past Presidents were asked to stand and be recognised. MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS AGM: Motion: That the minutes of the Annual General Meeting held Tuesday 20th August, 2013 be accepted. Moved Alan Winch. Seconded Brian Tanner. Carried. BUSINESS ARISING FROM THOSE MINUTES: Nil. TREASURER’S REPORT: Motion: That the Treasurer’s report as presented be approved. Moved John Turbill. Seconded John Nazloomian. Carried. Question from the floor asking if the Treasurer’s report has been audited. As presented to the AGM Agenda, the following was provided: Finance Review Committee. Following changes to the Association’s Act there is no longer a requirement for our Association to conduct an annual audit of our financial accounts. The Committee has instigated the setting up of an independent financial review sub-committee consisting of three Club members. The role of the sub-committee will be to review the financial statements prepared by the Treasurer. Motion: That the Treasurer’s reports be audited. Moved John Turbill. Seconded Ian Wells. Carried. It was questioned regarding the figures from two Cruiserkhanas, if in fact there was a profit. It was confirmed that there was in fact a profit from both Cruiserkhanas. Annie McGennisken confirmed that last year was $3,000 and this year was $7,000. ANNUAL REPORTS: As well as referring to those presented in the July magazine, President Ian Ross gave a rundown of the past year noting difficulties with trips being an issue, which is a matter that must be rectified. FWDV noticeably has a number of TLCCV members on the board which is good to see plus receiving government funding of $220,000 which is a great result. The coming 12 months will present some issues but these will hopefully be sorted out. Ian acknowledged the hard work put in by the 2013-14 Committee and thanked each of them. Special thanks were also given to the many sub-committees who have worked tirelessly over the past 12 months. HONORARY MEMBERS: Recommendations were made for the following: a) Clive Blakely – Instrumental in obtaining the frame for the Yarck Hilton. b) Ross McClure – Club Solicitor. c) Rhys De Jong – Outstanding support to TLCCV Motion: That the above recommendations be accepted. Moved Russell Edwards. Seconded Karen Wade. Carried. ANNUAL TLCCV AWARDS: Val McGurgan Award – presented by Dean McGurgan, son of Frank McGurgan (dec) – Greg & Carol Edmunds. Best Club Woman – Rebecca Schlosmacher. Best Club Man – Neil Chambers Trip Leader – Ian Wells John Whitney Photographic Award – John Nazloomian Best Junior Club Person – Thomas Mustey President’s Award – Brian Stewart. CERTIFICATES OF APPRECIATION: These were presented to – John Mills (DA) Wendy Wilson (Library) Barbara Bryant (Membership) Graham Cahill (Club Shop) Carol & Greg Edmunds (Meeters & Greeters) Python Red (Special Events) Laurie Miles (Webmaster) Helen Foley & Rebecca Schlosmacher (Club Social) Russell Edwards (Sergeant-at-Arms) Brian & Sandra Tanner (Magazine Editors) Dulcie Watts (Jericho Heritage)

Bruce Fullard (Emergency Response) Brian Stewart (Yarck Management) Tony Middleditch (Trip Convenor), Jenny Johnson (Merchandise) Jeff Gazzard (Club Statistician) Russell Edwards (Special Events) Gabi & Grace Azzam (Raffles) Bret Dyson (Technical) Lesley Edwards (Magazine Distribution) Brian Tanner (Marketing)

GENERAL BUSINESS: Nil. 24 Overland Cruisering

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COMMITTEE ELECTIONS: Ian Ross introduced Tony Bryant as the Returning Officer. Motion: That Tony Bryant be accepted as the Returning Officer. Moved Tony Swinden. Seconded Theo Plousi. Carried. Tony Bryant declared that all positions were vacant, but the following positions had been filled by notification as per Rule 50 sub section 2 as approved by Consumer Affairs. The following are already elected as they have no other nominations: Vice President: Adriano Denni Secretary: Sandra Tanner Treasurer: Alan McMeekin Assistant Secretary: Ian Wells Assistant Treasurer: Steve de Mamiel Motion: That the above be accepted. Moved Matt Lilley. Seconded Garry Cooper. Carried. The two Committee positions did not require a vote as one of the nominees withdrew their nomination. Committee x 2: Russell Edwards and Adam Takacs Motion: That the 2 Committee positions be accepted. Moved Phil Ryan. Seconded John Wilson. Carried. As there was more than one nomination for the position of President – Ian Ross and Laurie Miles – each person has 2 minutes to present their case as to why they should be elected and what they are going to do for the Club, moving forward. As Laurie Miles was away, Ian Wells presented a case on his behalf advising that Laurie has been in the Club for 19 years, he has run 80 trips for the Club, he has a passion for four-wheel driving, he has been assisting members with OziExplorer and been the Club Webmaster over the past 13 years, which is a big job. He publishes Weekend Wrap fortnightly, and set up the Club’s Facebook website. Laurie is a qualified Financial Planner but as he no longer wished to continue that role he became a “Postie.” On asking Laurie why he wished to take on the role of President, he advised that there were some divisions within the Club and he wanted to bring people together again. There are 5 very important aspects of the Club, which are 4WD trips and activities, training, FWDV, emergency response and the Club property at Yarck. He wants to develop that strategy for the Club and engage with the Club members, sustainability within the Club, and just by looking at the number of deleted members – we have to have change. Ian Ross asked the members to vote for him for a further term. As President, Ian has achieved quite a number of things: (a) Trip attendances have been quite an issue, and we hope to put in place a review process to look at that (b) We’ve used the strength of the Club to pro-actively assist FWDV to get it back on track, which it now is (c) We provided members the opportunity to be involved with community activities and public relations (d) We’ve provided members choice of activities including community, etc. centered around responsible 4WDing (e) I have made myself available and attended numerous meetings, events and socials, etc (f) I’ve questioned, probed and considered numerous ideas together with the Committee and embraced the challenge of a strong yet effective leadership to the members, and more importantly to let the members have their say. I ask that you allow me the opportunity this year to complete and implement the new membership system and website. I have further developed a good financial position for the Club, which has greatly improved during my term as President. Complete the trip review process and implement the recommended changes. Continued to provide good governance, support our sub-committees as best as possible to deliver the best training opportunities, trips, facilities and activities, strengthen our reputation in the 4WD community and seek ways to improve our members’ involvement and enjoyment, and most importantly allowing you, the members to have your say. Tony Bryant, the Returning Officer explained the voting procedure and advised that the scrutineers were Brian Tanner, Mary Phillips and Gabi Azzam. All proxies that were received have also been handed out to those for voting. THE AGM WAS SUSPENDED AT 8:55 pm. THE AGM WAS RE-OPENED AT 9:10 pm. Returning Officer, Tony Bryant advised that the voting had been concluded. Motion: That the voting papers be destroyed. Moved Paul “Tracks” Hawdon. Seconded Andrew McLean. Carried. The vote was very close and the counting was carried out twice to make certain the result was correct. The President for year 20142015 is Ian Ross. Tony congratulated all those on the new Executive Committee and asked the outgoing Executive Committee members to hand over their badges. The Executive Committee for 2014-2015 is: President: Vice President: Treasurer: Assistant Treasurer: Secretary: Assistant Secretary: Committee x 2:

Ian Ross Adriano Denni Alan McMeekin Steve de Mamiel Sandra Tanner Ian Wells Russell Edwards and Adam Takacs


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ARB INTRODUCES SUMMIT PROTECTION RANGE ARB has introduced the ARB Summit, the next generation of vehicle protection sysems for modern four wheel drive vehicles. As consumer demand for a greater level of vehicle integration from aftermarket accessories continues to grow, ARB is addressing this concern with the introduction of Summit. Comprising a full range of protection systems, including front, rear and side protective options, ARB Summit was developed and styled to provide a modern interpretation of the renowned ARB protection range that would complement modern dual cab and wagon vehicles through a fresh, contemporary design language. Building upon our proven air bag compatible bull bar mounting architecture, the Summit bull bar is the first product in the new range. Unique design elements include the 30mm edge radius on the wings and centre pan, wider press formed

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cover straps, 60.3mm top frame tubing, two piece polyethylene buffers and redesigned fog light surrounds, to name a few. Provided as standard, the high output LED indicator and clearance lights provide a distinctive on road presence with long service life. With twin aerial tabs and driving light mounting provisions, the Summit bull bar provides an ideal platform for additional vehicle accessorisation. In the interest of improving usability, the Summit bull bar removes the need for winch clutch cut outs in the top pan of the bar, replaced by an easy to use access port integrated directly into the front grille section. The Summit bar accepts a range of Warn, Magnum, Bushranger and Smittybilt winches up to 10,000lbs and is the first model to include an integrated control box mount to conceal winch electrics behind the bar. This further enhances air flow to the vehicle, while protecting the control box from damage off road.

Summit’s attention to detail continues throughout, with the inclusion of a patented side rail attachment system that couples the bull bar and larger 60.3mm side rail tubing securely without any visible fixation. A reinforced Nylon cover sleeve protects the attachment system and provides a higher level of aesthetic finish. An all new anodised aluminium tread plate makes entering and exiting the vehicle safer and aids traction in inclement conditions. Adding to the overall visual aesthetics of the Summit range is the use of synchro pulse controlled welding. The system controls the current pulse so only a single droplet of filler metal is detached each time, resulting in a virtually spatter free weld that offers seam quality in line with that of the TIG process The Summit bull bar and side rails and protection steps are currently available for the Ford Ranger PX (2011 on). Additional vehicle applications will follow. www.arb.com.au

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Key Stats:

ARB INTRODUCES FIRST OFF ROAD ICON To celebrate their 40th anniversary, ARB are selecting four of the most iconic 4WDs in the last four decades, restoring them to their former glory and pitting them up against one of Australia’s most iconic 4WD destinations... the Simpson Desert. Their first iconic 4WD from the last four decades is the Toyota LandCruiser 40 series. The Toyota LandCruiser 40 Series was Toyota’s best selling vehicle in the 60’s and

maintained a healthy 24-year lifespan on the market. More than one million were sold around the world with 121,000 sold in Australia. The reason for its popularity was clear; it was the first four wheel drive designed with the everyday family in mind. Its durability stands the test of time with many seen on the roads today. In a testament to its popularity, in 2006 Toyota developed the FJ Cruiser, a modern version of its old counterpart.

• 24 years in production, fro m 1960 1984 • The most ve rsatile vehicle of its era • one million sold around th e world (121,000 in Au stralia) • Shor t (FJ40) and long (FJ4 5) wheelbase va riants • Used by farm ers, rural driv ers and everyday Aust ralian families Unique Featur es • Removable doors, roof, an d windshield • Folding jum p seats allow ed for two more psseng ers and maxim um cargo space • Compatible with GM’s sm all block engines

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The Toyota Land Cruiser Club does not recommend a “Stay and Defend” plan. Infrastructure on the property can be replaced. FIRE DANGER PERIOD [November – May] It is members’ responsibility to listen to radio news reports each evening during the Fire Danger Period for advice on the possibility of fires. Also be up to date with any declaration of Total Fire Ban Days. Yarck is in the NORTH CENTRAL FIRE BAN DISTRICT-149 Rennies Lane, GOBUR It is recommended that members leave the property the day before a declared Total Fire Ban day or very early in the morning of a Total Fire Ban day Members should not go to the property during any Total Fire Ban day. EVACUATION Those present will select one person from their number to take charge, The issue of evacuation during an emergency must be addressed early in the planning. Evacuation can be extremely dangerous unless it takes place well in advance of the fire hazard entering the general area of the camp. Roads may be blocked with fallen timber and visibility reduced by thick smoke. Increased pressures on emergency services may make it difficult for them to render assistance.

Evacuation should only be done via the main access track to Rennies Lane and the Gobur –Yarck Road. REFUGE There are NO bushfire proof shelters on the property. If a fire incident occurs and members cannot leave the property, then the Hut could possibly be used as a “safer place” to provide protection from radiant heat. It should be made as fire safe as is practical. Wet towels to be placed under doors to prevent embers entering. There is running water inside; there are knapsacks and fire extinguishers. Other equipment to have on hand should include. A battery operated am/fm radio and P2 filter masks. UHF radios left on – mobile phones – torches – first aid kits – drinking fluids. Clothing - it is advisable to have long trousers, long sleeved shirt and sturdy footwear. Gloves and hat are also useful. The wearing of shorts, dresses, thongs or any synthetic fabrics is totally unsuitable. Be prepared for smoke and embers that may enter the building. After the fire front has passed check outside and extinguish any burning embers or fires around the hut. All vehicles should be parked on bare ground, facing towards the exit with all doors and windows closed and keys in

the ignition. DO NOT BLOCK OFF ANY ACCESS TRACKS. Alarm, A distinctive alarm signal should be used, a simple manual device such as the triangle hanging in the tree outside the hut or the electronic device near the radios in the hut. Panic. This is something that can well be done without. Anyone showing signs of panic should be kept under some form of supervision, and provided with reassurance and prevented from doing anything rash. COMMUNICATION and CONTACTS • Phone: 1800 240 667 for Bushfire information. • 000 only to report a fire. • Alexandra Fire Station Phone 0357721855 • Yarck Fire Captain Phone 0357734334. Mobile: 0439 656 913. • ABC radio AM band 774 • Local Radio Station (Alexandra) UGFM 106.9 (an official emergency broadcaster) • GPS coordinates (six figure grid) of the Hilton. •Websites www.abc.net.au\emergency www.cfa.org.au A Bushfire Survival Kit is located on the notice board behind the hut door. It is available for members to read and return it.



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