February 2015 tlccv magazine

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February 2015

Overland Cruisering Toyota Land Cruiser Club of Australia (Victoria) Inc.


Tackling the MVO Tracks of the Grampians



< Aberfeldy

< Robe

Adventure Report

beach driving, South Australia

< Tantalising Tingaringy East Gippsland

Registered by Australia Post Publication No. PP339119/00013 $5.00






Club Information


Committee 2014-2015


President’s Report


Over the Next Hill


Calendar/Coming Events


Robe Beach Driving Trip


Trading Post


Grampians MVO Tracks


Aberfeldy Adventure


Tantalising Tingaringy Trip


News from ARB


Yarck Bushfire Plan


Member Business Directory


February 2015

Overland Cruisering Toyota Land Cruiser Club of Australia (Victoria) Inc.


Tackling the MVO Tracks of the Grampians

General Meetings: 7:30pm on the 3rd Tuesday of each month at Mulgrave Country Club Wellington Road (corner Jells Road), Wheelers Hill Melways Ref 80 H1 Geelong Meetings: 7.30pm the 1st Tuesday of each month & 2nd Tuesday each November at the Supper Room, Geelong West Town Hall, 153 Pakington St. 3218. (Mel. 451 J2) ENQUIRIES: Membership & General to: The Secretary Toyota Land Cruiser Club PO Box 363, HAWTHORN 3122

Website: http:www.tlccv.com.au MEMBERSHIP DETAILS Joining Fee: $280.00 Membership: $145.00 REINSTATEMENT OF PAST MEMBERS If a member rejoins the Club within 5 years, a joining fee is not applicable. If a member rejoins the Club after 5 years, they are required to pay the joining fee and undertake the Club’s Driver Awareness course.


YARCK PROPERTY Our property is a registered Land for Wildlife property and no inference is drawn in the publication that the sign or registration has any other meaning. Life Members: Graeme Wilson, John Whitney (Dec), Don Honey, Bill Dower, Alan Winch, Barrie McCarthy, Harold Ross, Sandra Tanner, Brian Stewart, Charles Norman, Ashley (Dec) & Judith Williams, John Turbill, Garry Cooper, Jan Chivers & Ken Hildebrand Honorary Members: Ross McClure, Clive Blakely, Reece DeJong Club Auditor: Chris Rumble



< Aberfeldy

< Robe

Adventure Report

beach driving, South Australia

< Tantalising Tingaringy East Gippsland

Registered by Australia Post Publication No. PP339119/00013 $5.00

Tracking the MVO tracks of the Grampians The opinions expressed in the articles appearing in this magazine are not necessarily those of the Editor or the Toyota Land Cruiser Club of Australia (Victoria) Inc. The Editor reserves the right to delete where necessary any section of any article, which has been sent for publication in the magazine. Acceptance of advertisements does not necessarily imply endorsement of products or associated companies or individuals by the Toyota Land Cruiser Club of Australia (Victoria) Inc.

Overland Cruisering 1


2014 - 2015

President Ian Ross president1@tlccv.com.au

Driver Training John MIlls: driverawareness@tlccv.com.au * Driver Training Course bookings * Awareness Course certificates

Vice President

Yarck Management Brian Stewart yarckmanage@tlccv.com.au

Emergency Response Coordinator Bruce Fullard tlccrg@tlccv.com.au


Magazine Distribution Russell & Lesley Edwards lredance1@gmail.com

Raffles & Supper Gabi & Grace Azzam Karen Wade

Trip Convenor trips@tlccv.com.au Tony Middleditch * Register a Member’s trip * Assistance in trip preparation

Club Shop Graham Cahill

Secretary Sandra Tanner secretary1@tlccv.com.au

Assistant Secretary Ian wells secretary2@tlccv.com.au

Treasurer Alan McMeekin treasurer1@tlccv.com.au

Technical Brett Dyson


committee1@tlccv.com.au Committee Adam Takacs committee2@tlccv.com.au

Advertising Sandra Tanner

Training Coordinator Matt Lilley training@tlccv.com.au • Club training courses co-ordinator

Visitor Greeters Carol & Greg Edmunds Cruiserkhana enquiries@cruiserkhana.com.au

Membership Barbara Bryant membership@tlccv.com.au * Membership renewals, name badges, contact detail changes


Librarian Wendy Wilson library@tlccv.com.au * Borrow DVDs & books * Contributions to the Library


Webmaster Laurie Miles

Activities Coordinator activities@tlccv.com.au Ian Ross

social@tlccv.com.au * Book for participation in social events

events@tlccv.com.au • Shows & special event co-ordinator



Sergeant-At-Arms Russell Edwards lredance1@gmail.com

Social Coordinator

FWDV Delegate Tony Bryant Magazine Editor Sandra Tanner:



Special Events Assistant Treasurer Steve de Mamiel treasurer2@tlccv.com.au

Marketing/Public Relations Coordinator Brian Tanner marketing@tlccv.com.au

President Matt McPhee

Vice President Matt Lilley

AH: 5243 0797 geelong@tlccv.com.au geelong2@tlccv.com.au

Secretary Jennie Harvie

Social Judith Williams ashleywilliams2@bigpond.com


Excursion Visits Coordinator Russell Edwards excursions@tlccv.com.au




All articles, trip reports and other contributions are welcome for inclusion in the magazine. They must be in the hands of the Editor by the first of the month. Please send them to: The Editor, Overland Cruisering, PO Box 1778, Geelong 3220

• Please submit articles as Word documents with no formatting. (No fancy formats as it will only have to be removed in preparing for publication). In particular DO NOT embed pictures in your documents • Images (photos) should be supplied as seperate JPEG files. The higher resolution the better. As a guide images should be of 300 pixel per inch with image files around 1-5MB fine. • If you have multiple images, please burn to a CD and post to Editor rather than trying to email numerous images. • Articles can be posted with normal photos. They will be scanned and returned to the author if a self-addressed envelope is provided.

• Note: if selling a vehicle in the Trading Post it is a Motor Car Trader Regulation (1988-22(4) legal requirement that a cash price, registration number or engine number are supplied.

or email: editor1@tlccv.com.au

Members’ name and membership number must accompany all articles and/or contributions.

ADVERTISING A TRIP • Note: All trips must be approved by the Trip Convenor before they can be gazetted in Overland Cruisering.

All contributions MUST BE received by the 1st of the month.

ADVERTISERS Please support those companies that advertise in our magazine. Let them know you saw their advert in Overland Cruisering.

A R E Y O U R M E M B E R S H I P D E TA I L S C U R R E N T ? If you have recently moved, please notify Barbara Bryant – Membership Officer – and provide your new address, telephone number(s) and (if altered) your email address as soon as possible. Please also remember to remove the Club sticker if you change or sell your four-wheel drive.

2 Overland Cruisering



ell as I write this we are having a warm day. I can see on Facebook that some people are out on trips, others at the beach and yet others doing club stuff. That said though of interest is the fact that I learnt all of this from Facebook. Don't get me wrong but isn't it amazing how technology has changed and continues to change our lives. With an app like FireReady I can find out what is going on around me that could present a danger. Only a moment ago I was checking the weather on my phone, sending a text to somebody on the other side of the world and sending a photo to somebody else. Times are a changing. When I was in my 20's I was completely up to date with what was going on in the world of technology. It was about the time that firms were changing from stand- alone computers to networked systems (no internet then) and dot matrix printers (the noisy type) were on the out being replaced with laser printers. Like the rest of the world we as a club have changed. Some say not nearly enough yet others say too far. At the moment we have to make sure that we keep pace, but then there are a lot of areas that we need to catch up on. The task for the committee is to try and find the balance. I think that we can help the process by working with the members to show them the wonderous advantages that technology has to offer. Laurie and a few others are offering to help show you. Please have a look and then decide for yourself. Just this last month the committee has continued to review the options regarding the magazine. At this stage it is intended to put forward a motion to the members that the Magazine continue to be produced monthly February to December but printed bi-monthly say commencing from June this year. The money saved from this exercise together with other strategic renegotiation of the printing we believe will restore the financial position of the club and also allow us to budget a reasonable amount to core club activities such as trips and training. It is with sadness that I would like to let you all know that Russell and Adriano have resigned from the committee. For those of you in the know Russell has recently sold his print shop and has been spending a lot more time up at his lovely place in Rutherglen. Russell has been a fabulous contributor to the committee and is always one to put his hand up. Shortly after Adriano returned from an extended holiday overseas only to find that a huge project at Adelaide airport was awarded to his firm. At least for the next year he will be spending a lot of time over there and any time back has to be devoted to the family. Adriano has also been a fabulous


4 Overland Cruisering

contributor. His work in putting together the Forecourt project was extraordinary. Although it did not receive the majority support from the membership, Adriano poured so much time into it. We wish them both well and the committee will be considering giving the opportunity to some other members to be co-opted. Please join me and the committee in wishing Russell and Adriano all the very best and thank them for their extraordinary contribution. FWDV will be celebrating its 40th anniversary in Mansfield over the Queen’s Birthday long weekend. This promises to be a fantastic event and the association looks forward to seeing lots of our members and others up there to join in the celebrations. Please watch out for details but in the meantime book those dates into your calendar. Hopefully everybody would by now be aware that the club carried out a comprehensive survey of the members. Thank you goes to Ian Wells for putting this together and coordinating it. Of particular delight was the fact that an unprecedented number of members participated. The results of the survey are available now on line. If you require a printed version please see Ian. It is a very detailed and extensive paper. The club will be conducting a Strategy Meeting with a number of heads of the various club subcommittees later this month. The survey results will be taken into consideration at that meeting. With this warm weather please make sure that you stay safe and remember no open fires are allowed at Yarck at the moment. When you are up there please take heed of the fire equipment and the emergency fire plan. Cruiserkhana is once again almost upon us. Please note that the organisers are looking for Marshals to assist with the event. They are also looking for club participation. This is a great opportunity for newer members to get involved and meet other members in the process. This year’s Cruiserkhana promises to be a fantastic event. Well done all. Well I think that is all for now. See you out and about and remember, stay safe! Ian Ross (1409) PRESIDENT

SHOW & TELL FEBRUARY Whatever you get up to in the ‘great outdoors,’ from four-wheel driving through the High Country or taking an extended trip across the deserts of Australia or maybe a cruise on your boat and anything in between, Fleximake have the products that will help make your journey more enjoyable. Fleximake produce bladders for water, diesel and petrol in a range of sizes to suit your vehicle.

These products are made in Australia and use the finest 100% Australian made PVC fabric. I’m sure this Show & Tell will be of interest to many members, so join us on Tuesday 17th February for this interesting presentation. Liz Mills Show & Tell Coordinator

Overland Cruisering 3


INFORMATION FOR TRIP LEADERS • Trip leaders please note that under the Constitution, members may not take part in any club activities involving four-wheel driving unless they have completed the Driver Awareness


Course (Theory & Practical) and have filled in an Indemnity Form. • The Club Insurance Policy states that only Club Trips that are gazetted in the Club Magazine and the Club website are covered by the Club Public Liability Policy.

• All Club Trips gazetted in the Club Magazine must include a telephone number (or mobile) and/or an email address for the purpose of booking on a trip. • Members please note that telephone calls should not be made later than 8:30 pm.

Club trips are for club members only. Non members are not afforded insurance coverage by the club and may jeopardise our coverage. If you have any queries they may be raised with our Trip Coordinator, Tony Middleditch.

Members Please Note: All guests attending TLCCV trips must take out Temporary Membership. This includes children of members 18 years of age and older. If you have any queries contact our Trip Convenor, Tony Middleditch at trips@tlccv.com.au. All applications and payments for Temporary Membership MUST be received by the Membership Officer NO LATER than 14 days prior to the trip. Facebook: Any trips advertised on Facebook that have not been approved by the Trip Convenor will not be recognised as an official Club trip and therefore not be covered by the Club insurance. Seasonal Road Closures: Contact Parks Victoria on http://parkweb.vic.gov.au/safety/fire,-flood-and-other-closures/seasonal-road-closures2.

FEBRUARY Date: Meeting Place: Time: Limit: Standard: Fuel: Radio: Equipment: Overnight: Details:

Trip Leader: MARCH Date: Meeting Place: Time: Limit: Standard: Fuel: Radio: Equipment: Overnight: Details:

Trip Leaders:

MARCH Date: Meeting Place: Time: Limit: Standard: Fuel: Radio: Equipment:

Overnight: Details:

BEAUTIFUL BUTCHER COUNTRY Saturday 28th February & Sunday 1st March, 2015 Licola Saturday 8:30am 6 vehicles Medium to Difficult Full tanks Traralgon UHF (initially channel 15) Recovery Gear, closed recovery points on front & back, shovel, air compressor for tyre inflation. Off Road AT or MT tyres with at least 50% tread including spare tyre. Bush Camping on the Caledonia River Starting from Licola, we will cross the Macalister River a few times before climbing up to the Butcher Country Trk. On Sunday, we cross the Caledonia River a few times, then climb up Dingo Hill then south to Chromite Mine. Michael Schuettke: Email: michael-tlccv@outlook.com MacFARLANE FLAT ADVENTURE - (Labour Day weekend) - Trip Full Saturday 7th - Monday 9th March, 2015 Bruthen Caravan Park Saturday 8:30am 8 vehicles Medium to hard - depending on weather conditions Full tank from Orbost UHF (initially channel 15) Basic recovery gear including snatch strap, closed recovery points on front & back, shovel, air compressor for tyre inflation, genuine off road tyres with at least 50% tread including spare tyre. Caravan Park on Friday night (fees apply). Saturday & Sunday night bush camping. From Bruthen, we will head up to the NSW border & 4WD across the Ingeegoodbee Track & MacFarlanes Flat. After camping overnight on MacFarlanes Flat, we will 4WD to The Playgrounds at the base of Mt Cobberas No. 1. A short walk to the summit of Mt Cobberas No. 1 is possible. Overnight camping is possible at Native Dog Flat or Native Cat Flat. Monday will take us down through Hells Gate, exiting out of the 4WD tracks at Swifts Creek. No trailers, no dogs, no cats, no firearms permitted on this trip. Laurie & Heidi Miles: Email: trips@zebra400.com MT COBBLER - Trip Full Saturday 21st & Sunday 22nd March, 2015 Mansfield BP Service Station, Mt Buller Road, Mansfield 9:00am 6 vehicles - 2 places reserved for new members. Medium Full tank ex Mansfield. 15 UHF Basic recovery gear including snatch strap, closed recovery points on front & rear, shovel, air compressor for tyre inflation, genuine off road tyres with at least 50% tread, including spare tyre, camping equipment, water & supplies. No trailers, dogs, cats or firearms. Bring along a bag of firewood. Bush camping on Saturday night. Pit toilet available. Take in the superb views from Mt. No. 3, descend down Westons track to the King River, visit Pineapple Flat, King Hut & Lake Cobbler. View Dandongadale Falls, Victoria’s highest single drop falls.

Overland Cruisering 5


Trip Leader:

After a night bush camping we will check out the views from the razorback, then continue on to cross the King River on our way to Lake William Hovell for lunch, with one little surprise after lunch,it will be time to air up & head home via Tolmie & Mansfield. Brad Riddington: Email: bradridd@iinet.net.au

Trip Leaders:

Vic / SA BORDER TRACK - Easter weekend - Trip Full Friday 3rd - Monday 6th April, 2015 Lake Hindmarsh Friday 8:30am 8 vehicles Medium - depending on weather conditions 145Lt capacity - full tank from Horsham - refueling at Pinnaroo if required. UHF (initially channel 15) Basic recovery gear including snatch strap, closed recovery points on front & back, shovel, air compressor for tyre inflation, genuine off road tyres with at least 50% tread including spare tyre. Thurs. - Lake Hindmarsh CP (fees apply). Bush camping Friday, Saturday & Sunday nights. Travel through the sandy Wyperfeld National Park via Lake Albacutya, circling the Big Desert via Ross Springs. We will then travel through the ‘Disputed Country’ before crossing into SA & heading down the Vic/SA Border Track. We will experience the border sand dunes & some interesting bog holes, before finishing in Nhill. No trailers, no dogs, no cats, no firearms permitted on this trip. Laurie & Heidi Miles: Email: trips@zebra400.com

MAY Date: Meetng Place: Time: Limit: Standard: Fuel: Radio:

SIMPSON DESERT - EAST WEST CROSSING - Trip Full Sunday 10th May to Thursday 21st May Broken Hill 8.00 am 6 vehicles - no trailers or pets Medium Sufficient for 850km sand driving UHF

APRIL Date: Meeting Place: Time: Limit: Standard: Fuel: Radio: Equipment: Overnight: Details:

hastingscamping@gmail.com 6 Overland Cruisering



Trip Leader:

Genuine all terrain tyres with minimum 50% tread, 2nd spare (Casing acceptable if you have the equipment and experience to fit to a rim) Compressor and tyre pressure gauge Full recovery equipment including snatch strap, shackles and shovel Food and water supplies for a minimum 7 days Predominantly bush camping with no facilities We will be crossing the Simpson Desert east to west, which is slighty more difficult than the more traditional west east route and for the most part will be sticking to the less used WAA line. The final route will depend on weather and track conditions. In addition to the actual crossing the itinerary will include the Dig Tree and other Bourke & Wills historic markers, Cullyamurra Waterhole, Innamincka, Coongie Lakes, Birdsville, Dalhousie Springs and various historical and geographic points of interest along the Oodnadatta Track. Desert Parks Pass required and compliance sand flag. Harry King: Email: hg.king99@bigpond.com

JUNE Date:

SANDY WYPERFELD TRAILER TRIP - (Queens Birthday weekend) - Trip Full Friday 6th - Monday 8th June, 2015

Trip Leaders:

Laurie & Heidi Miles: Email: trips@zebra400.com




Saturday 27th June - Friday 10th July 2015

Trip Leaders:

Simon Mustey & Sherry Salvesen: Email simon@mustey.com


CAPE YORK - Trip Full Saturday 8th August - Wednesday 2nd September, 2015

Meeting Place:



9am Saturday


6 vehicles



Overnight: Details:


600km fuel range




Full recovery kit & closed points on front & back. Shovel, Air compressor for tyre inflation and guage. Raised suspension. Off road AT or MT tyres with at least 50% tread including spare tyres at Cairns. No split rim wheels. 2 Spare Tyres. Waterproof snorkel. Water blind. Drinking water and food for 10 days.


Cape York is one of the last great wilderness areas remaining and one of the most iconic 4wd adventures in Australia. Come and see the sights on this 4 week relatively relaxed 3000km adventure. The itinerary has been formulated to get off the main road and drive the more interesting tracks such as the CREB Tk, Bloomfield Tk, Old Telegraph Line Tk (OTL), Frenchmans Tk and Old Coach Road. Expect many river crossings (some very deep, most rough), diabolical corrugations, log bridges and serious side angles.

Trip Leader:

Michael Schuettke: Email: michael-tlccv@outlook.com



Date: Activity details: Time: Meeting Place: Overnight: Trip Leader:

Saturday 28th February and 1st March 2015 Working Bee to maintain all Historic sites in our Region G - need to tackle Jericho Cemetery. Arrive Saturday morning by 9am, up the track opposite the Victor Spur Track between Matlock and Aberfeldy. Bush camp opposite the Victor Spur Track. Bush camping (no toilet) up the track opposite the Victor Spur Track between Matlock and Aberfeldy Dulcie Watts dulciew@bigpond.net.au Standard recovery gear. Good off road tyres. food and drinks Full tank from Warburton or Mansfield Channel 15 UHF Easy to moderate depending on weather 12 vehicles Preference will be given to those with a steel bladed brush cutter to tackle Jericho Cemetery

Equipment: Fuel: Radio: Standard: Limit: Please Note:

4 Overland Cruisering

Overland Cruisering 7


T N a A n a h K W r e s i u L r 5 1 C 0 L 2 I T S S R E P L HE TOYOTA LAND CRUISER CLUB

2 days of exciting 4x4 all terrain, all fun, family four wheel drive skill competitions PLUS 4x4 TEAM CHALLENGE ruiserKhana is a skills based 4x4 event suitable for fourwheel drivers of all standards. No vehicle modifications are necessary to be successful. Full vehicle specification details are found on the website, but basically are as required by the Cross Country Drivers Association. Highly modified 4x4s are not permitted. Applications are now invited for drivers in Standard and Touring Classes. Note each vehicle requires a driver and navigator.


Entry Fees

Major prizes - More than $10,000 worth of prizes will be


distributed across all categories, including individual and team awards.

• Email - tlccv@cruiserkhana.com.au • Phone - Neil on 0419 520 810

Weekend (Includes camping and Saturday night 3-course dinner.) • Competitors: $115 • Navigators $45 • Non competitors $40 * Children under 12 $30 Day visitor $10 • Hot and cold food and drinks available all weekend • Event held at Club property at Yarck ( 2 hrs north of Melb.)

4x4 Club Teams Challenge Four wheel drive clubs are invited to field a team(s) to compete for the CruiserKhana Perpetual Trophy. Teams consist of three vehicles from the same club.

Entries close 14th February, 2015

Early Bird Special - Save 10% for entries received before 31st December 2014

20-22nd March 2015 www.cruiserkhana.com.au

Major sponsors

CALENDAR February 21st & 22nd February 21st & 22nd Feb. 28th – March 1st Feb. 28th – March 1st March 7th – 9th March 10th March 14th & 15th March 20th – 22nd March 21st & 22nd March 28th & 29th April 3rd – 6th April 14th April 18th & 19th May 2nd & 3rd May 12th May 23rd & 24th May 30th & 31st June 6th – 8th June 5th - 8th June 9th June 20th & 21st

COMING TRIPS Maintenance & Construction weekend Swifts Creek Explorer Jordan Valley Loop – Region G w/bee DA Practical weekend MacFarlane Flat Adventure Yarck Management and DA Theory Maintenance & Construction w/e & CK set-up TLCCV CRUISERKHANA 2015 Mt Cobbler trip DA Practical weekend Vic/SA Border Track (Easter w/end) Yarck Management and DA Theory Maintenance & Construction weekend DA Practical weekend Yarck Management and DA Theory Maintenance & Construction weekend DA Practical weekend Sandy Wyperfeld Trailer trip (Queens B/day w/end) Four Wheel Drive Victoria 40th Anniversary - Mansfield Yarck Management and DA Theory Maintenance & Construction weekend

Prior to booking or setting any dates for an event, please check with the Activity Coordinator who will ensure that there are no clashes. Please email to the Activity Coordinator the proposed date, time, venue and overview of the event.

June 27th – July 10th June 27th & 28th July 14th July 25th & 26th August 1st & 2nd August 11th August 22nd & 23rd August 29th & 30th September 8th September 19th & 20th September 26th & 27th October 13th October 24th & 25th November 7th & 8th November 10th November 21st & 22nd November 28th & 29th December 8th

Lock Your Hubs Simpson Desert trip DA Practical weekend Yarck Management and DA Theory Maintenance & Construction weekend DA Practical weekend Yarck Management and DA Theory Maintenance & Construction weekend DA Practical weekend Yarck Management and DA Theory Maintenance & Construction weekend DA Practical weekend Yarck Management and DA Theory Maintenance & Construction weekend DA Practical weekend Yarck Management and DA Theory Monster Maintenance & Construction w/e DA Practical weekend Yarck Management

This year your Four Wheel Drive Association celebrates its 40th anniversary. To celebrate we are staging a weekend of fun and friendship at Mansfield on the Queens Birthday weekend -

Friday 5th-8th June 2015. Affiliated Club members are invited to attend. Camping will be available at the Mansfield Showgrounds Members are invited to arrive Friday night, or Saturday morning for registration. Saturday afternoon members may enjoy some four wheel driving in the area, or jus t relax and mix with other Clubs. Saturday evening a dinner will be held at the Showgrounds, along with a DJ into the early hours. Sunday members can again go four wheel driving. Fees are yet to be finalised, with powered and unpowered campsites available. (There are also numerous other accommodation options in Mansfield & District)

Please place this event on your Club calender and make this your Club’s Queens Birthday trip. Further details & costs will be circulated shortly when finalised. 4 Overland Cruisering

Overland Cruisering 9



31st October – 4th November, 2014 Trip Leaders: Brian & Sandra Tanner Participants: Freda Simons John & Wendy Vanderleest Robert & Bee-Lee Fairweather Neville & Sally Kidd Robert & Alison Duff

riday everyone made their own way to Robe setting up various choices of accommodation from cabins, caravans or tents. A quiet night for all to relax and get to know each other. Saturday morning after a briefing on the day’s outing and advising the newer members on sand driving conditions and requirements, we left camp at 9:30am. The temperature had struggled up to 13 degrees and there was a very strong southerly wind blowing. Also there were occasional showers, but nothing could dampen our enthusiasm for sand driving. We aired down our tyres to 18 psi prior to


Mazda BT50 Troop Carrier 100 Series 200 Series Prado 120 79 Series

John & Joye Pinnis Ian & Ellen McCartney Graeme & Veronica Innis Mark & James Ker-David Alison & Judith Williams Brad & Melody Schaffer Ian, James & Cameron Ross T/end Charlie: Walter & Maria Denni

reaching the sand dunes. Brian led us over a few easy dunes then Sandra gave us our first challenge – the steep Simca hill. Approach this dune too slowly and you won’t make it to the top. Approach too fast and your vehicle will become airborne at the top. Our President, Ian had two attempts without reaching the top having to reverse down the hill and try again. On the third attempt, with Sandra encouraging Ian to go even faster over the radio, Ian launched his 100 Series at the hill like a missile. It flew up the hill becoming airborne at the top. . It is difficult to maintain directional control with the front wheels off the ground and the spectators, who had assembled at the crest of the dune to watch and photograph the proceedings, had to flee for their lives!

Prado 120 200 Series 200 Series HJ 75 Series Ute 80 Series 100 Series 100 Series 100 Series

The beauty of Long Beach Overland Cruisering 11

Morning briefing

I followed Ian and had the same experience of getting the front wheels off the ground on the second attempt, but not quite so spectacularly as Ian. After this excitement, we drove along beaches. The sand area was narrow as the tide was fairly high. The seas were rough and our vehicles were soon covered in salt spray, blown over us by the strong wind. On leaving the beach it was necessary to climb a steep sand dune. Freda in

Some made hard work of the ‘medium’ difficulty dunes! Others did it easily.

12 Overland Cruisering

her Troopy had problems. She made 4 attempts to get up the dune but each time the Troopy came to rest a few metres from the crest. Walter (our ever reliable tail end Charlie) then went ahead of Freda and snatched her Troopy over the crest. On another steep dune, Walter had to again snatch Freda’s Troopy over the top. We then followed many winding tracks through the undergrowth with branches scratching both sides of our vehicles and

back to the caravan park for a late lunch break. Robert Fairweather (2262) Saturday afternoon after a quick lunch and in warmer conditions, we set off again. We turned left out of the caravan park this time with a few extras in our convoy towards Little Dip Conservation Park. The decision was made to head inland – a wise choice as someone in the other convoy got into difficulties very quickly. Sandra and Brian struggled to get up the first dune onto the beach – it was beginning to look like a challenging afternoon, and we’d only been on the sand for a short time. A decision was made – if they couldn’t get up the dune after a few attempts, we would need to find another way onto the beach. It wasn’t necessary as they had no problems on their second attempt. Most vehicles managed on their first or second attempt, others had to avoid vehicles coming the other way as well. After that little adventure, we finally made it onto the beach, dodging rocks for the most part. Minutes later we were off the beach, travelling through the dunes again and so it continued – a bit of beach driving followed by rocky outcrops in the dunes. At 4:00pm the rain came down, the sea looked treacherous, motor bikes were approaching us – in front and from behind. It was all happening while we were trying to weave our way from the beach to the dunes. All of a sudden, we came to a stop. Another convoy was winching a car up a hill and there were 11 other vehicles waiting behind. An executive decision was made to change our direction and go back. Just as we were about to leave another convoy arrived, and then another! It was busier than Bourke Street! And so it continued for the rest of the afternoon. We continued driving through the dunes amidst calls from Sandra: “3 bikes

approaching,” and “vehicles approaching.” After our afternoon adventure, we returned to the caravan park to freshen up in readiness for our well-earned meal and drinks at the Robe pub at 5:30pm Victorian time. Rob & Alison Duff (2620) Sunday morning started promptly at 9:00am with Sandra briefing 13 drivers, all keen to get started on a beach drive to Beachport. It was a quick run up to Nora Creina with the lead cars wary of a pair of kangaroos that appeared on the roadside, and then onto the beach for the formal trip photo shoot. A pleasant run to and along Stinky Bay, which was straightforward as the cool weather and previous day’s rain kept the sand compact. A seal lying on the beach took offence to our approach and it was lovely to see it run across the sand and then dive through the waves to swim away, then it was off the beach and over a rather steep headland and back onto the beach. A good start to the day as no-one needed a pull over the headland and Freda even found enough power in Turtle to make it up and over on the first run. Back on the beach we needed steady momentum with plenty of loose sand when getting off the end of the beach challenged even Brian (or was it the Mazda he was driving?) in the lead vehicle when he got stuck leading us to the next headland crossing – only time he needed a tow in the entire weekend. On to the Buggy Club sand dunes for morning tea and Sandra’s encouragement for us to “go on – have a play in the sand dunes,” which the adults interpreted as pulling out chairs to have a hot cuppa, eat Angela’s lovely cake and partake of Freda’s jubes and aniseed lollies while watching the children push each other over down the dunes on a boogie board. Again, we were indulged with the appearance of two large emus walking across the dunes. Then it was on to Beachport, but unfortu-

nately the beach was too soft to drive so we enjoyed winding around the back of the sand dunes with a number of rocky crawls. A highlight was a particularly steep sand dune that Brian found for us to descend – good fun for the newbies. Nature kept turning it on for us, with a huge number of black swans on Lake George as we approached Beachport at 1:30pm. John Pinnis (2686)

Lunch at the Beachport foreshore after a challenging morning driving the areas dunes and beaches was a delight. Original rail carts from the long jetty there have been converted to large picnic tables. The warm sun also obliged (a godsend after the cold, windy day yesterday). Ice cream dessert was very popular before heading off at around 3:00pm. The general consensus of the group was that we should take the quick and easy way back

Overland Cruisering 13


In LandCruiser Country, you’ll be thanking your lucky stars you’re in the technology-packed Prado. It’ll turn mountains into molehills – and piddly ones at that. In Kakadu models, when \RXśUH RƩ URDG \RXśUH LQ PRUH WKDQ FDSDEOH KDQGV ZLWK &5$:/ FRQWUROƹ and Multi-Terrain Select system. Make the short trek to your local Toyota dealer and test drive a Prado with either the 3.0L Turbo diesel or 4.0L Petrol engine (not available on GX models) today. 1 &5$:/ Control is a driver assist technology and should not be used as a substitute for safe driving practices. $UHDV LQWR ZKLFK WKH YHKLFOH LV GULYHQ PXVW EH YLVXDOO\ PRQLWRUHG


to camp after a day and three-quarters of full on four wheel driving in sand. . The exception being Alison and Judith Williams who could not make it due to tyre problems (they were missed and with us in spirit at least). Moving off, we went towards base at a sedentary pace as the majority of the convoy was still running on tyres with low pressure. On the way we took a small diversion to Woakwine cutting which is a very large drainage ditch over 30m deep. It was built by a farmer and his mate in the 1930s using a D7 dozer, cable operated scraper, a plough and a towed ripper for the rock. All of this equipment is displayed at the site. They moved over 276,000 m3 of soil and rock over 3 years. The viewing platform is old and hangs out over the cutting and there was a query about its capac-

16 Overland Cruisering

ity when many of us were on it. Some quickly got off! Leaving the cutting we were off for another attempt to get back to base for an early happy hour, but before we got there, another question arose; from where did the term tail end Charlie originate? Our learned member of Italian origins advised it came from the name for the tail gunner on bomber aircraft in World War II. This

sounded like a good answer, so was readily accepted. Happy hour was a raucous affair with Brad dishing out the fines for indiscretions over the 2 days. Our President was considerably poorer after the event. Sally & Neville Kidd (2577) Monday morning was a play with the big kids for those who were interested. Mark & James departed 8:45am with a small group from TLCC SA and Neil from Cairns, Qld to try their hand at some bigger dunes. We travelled through the top of Nine Mile beach to the other end, and being low tide we made good time. It took a few goes getting off the beach, but we were soon into the dunes. It was loads of fun – up and down, round and round the buggy dunes. James liked going up the steep dunes, the best with the roar of the engine and bouncing up and over. We had a good play around Simca Hill going up the steep hill three times, ‘cause James liked it. After all the fun around the dunes, we returned back at camp via the beach at 12:30pm. Thanks for a great morning. Mark & James Ker-David (2653) While Mark & James adventurously went to play on the beach and in the dunes, the rest of the group took a leisurely drive along the beach in the direction of Kingston. Travelling was easy at first, but the sand became softer the further we drove. We stopped for morning tea at a protected cove where the water was beautiful and calm. Quiet and restful!

Overland Cruisering 5


Moving on, the sand was becoming thickly covered by seaweed, which is not a good idea to drive on as one never knows what’s been caught up amongst the long tendrils. Brian was watching the tide line, and as it appeared to be changing, we decided to return to camp for a leisurely lunch and restful afternoon. Sandra Tanner (607) Monday afternoon saw us driving on the black top, this time playing tourist around Mt Gambier. We were fortunate to be able to visit a couple of cave diving sites located on private land. YES, Cave Diving – where people go caving underwater. The first site was owned by the Cave Divers Association of Australia (CDAA). When we arrived, we were surprised that all we could see was a small shed and a manhole in the ground. Like the TLCCV, the CDAA purchased land for the training and enjoyment of their members. But unlike us, there was virtually nothing there just a small wooden shed with a map. The map showed a maze of underground tunnels, nearly 7km in all and all underwater. As 4WDers, we would look for good wide open spaces to play, while cave divers would look for small dark holes filled with water. Where we would look for clean fresh air to breathe, they preferred to mix helium or extra oxygen in their scuba tanks to give them more time underwater. We also learnt that cave divers often wear their tanks on their sides rather than their backs, making it easier for them to move through some of the low, flat underwater passages. We all got a chance of climbing down the manhole to look at the water. It was crystal clear and very cold at 14C. The thought of putting on a wetsuit and up to 4 scuba cylinders to enter into that beautiful but One of the caves

dark water was a bit much. Cave divers are certainly wired a bit differently. Our claustrophobia became even more realistic when we discovered that two people have dived cave diving in this cave. Suddenly, 4WDing the sand dunes around Robe sounded so much safer. We also discovered that the highway we were just travelling, sits on top of a massive underwater room big enough to swallow several trucks if the roof collapsed. But it was OK, the cave divers did tell the roads people and worked with their engineers to make sure it was safe. Still – it might be worth losing a few kilos (off the 4WD I mean). From here we travelled to another farming location where we could see a massive 80m deep hole in the ground, mostly filled with water. This one had a good size surface area and, with its crystal clear water and pontoon, was too much for our hot and weary brethren. It took only minutes before the kids were all in the water, followed by several of us adults. For the history buffs among us, we learnt that this site was once a secret military installation used for testing submarine sonar buoys. The depth and clarity of the water was ideal for making visual observations. While there, the landowner dropped by and we were able to thank him and show him some good TLCCV hospitality of cake and other sweats. Being a hard working farmer, he was ready for an energy boost and gladly ate all that was on offer. With a late afternoon tea and smiling faces from all, it was time to head back to camp, our final evening and drive back to Victoria. John Vanderleest (1631)

FOR SALE A variety of recovery and camping gear. • 2 x BFG Muddies 265x75-16 85% tread • 1 x Cooper Discovery ST maxx 285x75-16 Brand New. • 100 Series (IFS) springs heavy duty • Original shockers for 100 Series • Magellan Explorist GPS • Extension screen, antenna and Oziexplorer software Further details Contact: Duncan Hopkins (1907) email: hoppy442@gmail.com

FOR SALE Tigerz 11 Roof Top Tent – brand new, never been out of its box. RRP $1,335.00. Selling for $1,000.00 Contact: John Turbill (418) Mobile: 0409 236 826

FOR SALE Suit 2000 Prado 95 Series. • Springs and shock absorbers $50.00 • Metal rim/new tyre 6-stud, 16-inch $50.00 • Tradesman roof rack with mesh 2.2m x 1.3m. Cosy $1,450 sell for $500 3004 Toyota Land Cruiser GXL V8 dual fuel, 5-sp auto, 8 seat wagon. 4x4 constant, 198,000km, excellent condition, bullbar, a/c, p/s, 6-stack CD player, tinted windows, dual battery, UHF radio, spotlights, dual air bags, tow bar, BF Goodrich All Terrain tyres, full service history. Reg. No. ICU 4PN, $34,000 neg. Contact: Slawko Kulyk or Rebecca (#2270). Mobile: 0417 354 014 or 0409 351 504

FOR SALE The following items are ex-Telstat (Peter Dwyer) and while not new are in excellent condition • Magellan GPS 324 with software & maps. Large screen & easy to use. For the enthusiast. $750.00 ONO. • Iridium 9505A Satellite phone unlocked and out of contract. $600.00 ONO. For enquiries, please contact Ian Lacey: Mobile: 0423 035 054. Phone: 03 9723 4908.

Overland Cruisering 17



December, 2014 Trip Leaders: Laurie & Heidi Miles Convoy: Michael & Megan Bourke Ryan Davies Andreas & Tristan (8) Faulwetter John Poelwyk & Julie Ross Phil & Marleen Susman Chris Smith


80 Series TD

Eagle 1 Rhino Chintags Big John Noddy Chris

150 Series Prado TD FJ Cruiser Petrol 100 Series Petrol Troopy TD 200 Series TD 100 Series TD

Heading along Victoria Range: Our bush camp for this great weekend trip was within 2 kilometres of Halls Gap. Our convoy of 7 vehicles assembled to be briefed about the day’s adventures. Chris Smith had just returned from his 4 month outback trip, so it was great catching up with him and hearing about his recent travels. We followed directions from our convoy leaders Laurie and Heidi, and after 15 minutes on the bitumen found ourselves at Reid’s Lookout (the lookout you have when you are not having an out-look!) Unfortunately the view of the valley floor was completely under cloud. As we were to find out across the weekend, this part of Victoria provides 4WD enthusiasts and nature lovers with a huge diversity of rock formations, native vegetation, driving conditions and ...weather. We soon turned into Rose Creek Road and onto the Wallaby Rocks track. The track was solid underneath, clearly bedded down by the weathered basalt, which makes up the roadside outcrops

which provide worthy viewing. The vegetation was thinned and the soil covered with an ash layer as a result of the devastating bushfires in the Grampians earlier in 2014. However, sparser vegetation made for excellent visibility along the track and towards the escarpments, so we could see the myriad of tracks available in the region. After morning tea we were ably led along Launders Track, which was a steep descent as well as being challenging and tricky. Before lunch we had experienced a good range of easy – medium tracks, all well signposted: this included a left into Hines Track, then along Syphon Road, left onto Goat Track and left again onto the Victoria Range Track. Phew ! Downtime for lunch at 950m at Mt Thackery (yep, the mist rolled in over the valley once more which gave us a very cool lunch break)....but we discovered a mystical beauty in the bush when shrouded in cloud. Somehow the green seemed greener and the shades of grey more pronounced.

Overland Cruisering 19

After lunch Laurie unlocked the gate to the first MVO (Management Vehicles Only) tracks of the trip. This track (Victoria Range Fireline) was rocky and challenging but nothing that couldn’t be handled by both the more experienced in our trip group and those of us who had just completed DA. (This was in sharp contrast to Zebra’s recce a few weeks earlier, when their convoy spent quite a few hours clearing this track of fallen and overhanging branches just so they could get through). Late afternoon, we all rolled back into camp. In the evening we enjoyed the relaxation that comes from having had a fun and challenging day and the simple pleasures of dinner around the campfire, excellent company and conversation and a couple of drinks. As our first club trip, we thought this one was the perfect mix of easy and challenging tracks. Even some partner drivers were gently encouraged to ‘have a go’ to build confidence – which was very achievable on flatter tracks which were crossed by tiny streams, sandy patches, rocky, bumpy terrain – everything we had experienced at Yarck a few weeks before – but not as steep as Garvey’s Gully! Thanks to Laurie and Heidi for their friendly leadership of our group. Clearly it was a well planned trip which must have required hours of preparation and reconnaissance. The outcome was a group of very happy club members having had a ‘top’ weekend.

20 Overland Cruisering

Mother Nature also turned on muted colours to the delight of everyone. Michael & Megan Bourke (2713) MVOs around Lake Wartook: A blanket of grey sky hung over the Grampians as we left camp for the Boroka lookout. The views were limited, but the blue sky hanging under the grey blanket was quite spectacular. After a short break, taking in the views, we headed back to Mt Victory Road and continued on to Ricky Track (MVO) – well that was the plan! There were some issues with the keys for the MVO gates and although Parks Victoria was supposed to have changed the locks, the key that Laurie had been given would not open the gate.

The convoy enjoyed access to MVO tracks normally closed

Overland Cruisering 5

A spontaneous change to the itinerary was required. We continued on the bitumen to the Wartook track (MVO), taking the Old Mill Rd and the East Wartook Track, where the key did open the gate. This area was very badly affected by the bush fires last year and although the MVO was an unchallenging flat, sandy track, the new growth on the trunks of the trees and the persistence of the ‘black boys’ and ferns was an inspiring display of how the Australian bush survives. Due to the fire, the creeks had re-made their path across the landscape and many small crossings were not on Laurie’s map. We travelled along the east side of Lake Wartook until we were about 1km south of the Mt Difficult road where we stopped for morning tea. With the tracks closed in front of us because of fire damage, we retraced our steps back to the Mt Victory Road and headed to the McKenzie Falls Rd. The difference in this area after the fires was also a stark reminder of last year’s bushfire. The shop and facilities at McKenzies Falls, including lookouts were all burnt out and apart from the toilet block, little has been replaced. After an energetic walk down to the bottom of the falls we all made the steep stair climb back to the car park for lunch. After lunch we headed north onto Cranages Track, before tackling the interesting Chinaman’s track. This track

provided an open view back to where we travelled yesterday. It was enjoyable 4WDing with the surface fairly dry and rocky, with the undulating hills adding interest. After completing Chinaman track, we headed down the Mt Zero road past Roses Gap to take another 4WD track towards the Mt Difficult range. At the start of this track, we all successfully negotiated the weekend’s most challenging rock climb with Laurie giving great instructions of the line to take. Whether it was the exhilaration of the successful negotiation of the climb or the track itself – several of us felt this unnamed track was the best drive of the weekend! We finally returned to the Mt Zero Road which was close to our base camp. We arrived back at camp by 4.00pm and all declared it a most successful weekend. Thanks to Laurie and Heidi. Phil & Marleen Susman (2700)

McKenzie Falls Overland Cruisering 21



December 2014. Trip Leaders: Laurie & Heidi Miles Convoy: James Clark John & Lachlan (15) Klopstock Antony Peloza John Poelwyk & Julie Ross Mark Robinson Marianne & Marcel Van den Bronk Michael Schuettke


80 Series TD

James Kloppy Silver Big John Gopher MnM Michael

79 Series TD 100 Series TD 79 Series TD Troopy TD HiLux Dual Cab TD Pajero TD 100 Series TD View from the fire tower

eading for O’Tooles Flat: With the weather quite cool and overcast, everyone slowly arrived at the Rawson Caravan Park. Arriving early, Heidi decided to drag out her trusty MTB and hit the MTB tracks around Erica and Walhalla. On her return covered in mud, it was time for some to prepare dinner while others took the easier option of a counter meal at the Caravan Park pub. Eager to hit the tracks, we all set off on time and headed south to Coopers Creek. The ‘new’ pub, which has now been closed for around 10 years, is still standing and creates a great backdrop for a photo shoot while airing down our tyres for the weekend.


The mighty Thomson River is always fun to cross. Each year there are different holes in the river caused by the sudden release of water from the Thomson Dam some 15kms upstream. After crossing the Thomson, Laurie told us to get out of our warm, comfortable 4WDs, and make way by foot along the edge of the Thomson River to the Cooper Mine ruins and old smelter. With plenty of water holes and a dilapidated bridge, it certainly was an interesting walk to see the ruins and an old disused mine. We now headed for the Thomson River bridge. This is where the Walhalla steam train terminates. After crossing the river once again, we put our 4WDs in low 4 as

we climbed the very steep Morman Town track (a 400 metre climb over 5kms). With some 4WDing under our belts, it was time for a break with lunch taken on the Aberfeldy River. Lachlan thought it was a good time to take a dip in the relatively cool water. The oldies just looked on, thinking it was way too cold for a dip. After lunch we headed back for some more fun 4WDing. This time we headed down Fultons Creek Track. After crossing the Aberfeldy River again, it was back to low 4 as we climbed the steep One Spec Track. This climb was 500 metres over 3 kms, so plenty of concentration was needed by each driver.

Overland Cruisering 23

After a short break, it was time to head down to O’Tooles Flat, where we would camp tonight. The way down is via S Track (also known locally as Steep Track). Steep it was as we wound down the Donnelly Creek – drop is about 450 metres over 3.5 kms. Arriving at the lovely O’Tooles Flat, we were pleasantly surprised to find that the place was almost empty. This allowed us to camp right next to the Donnelly Creek. Some took a dip in the creek while others moved straight into happy hour. Soon the fire was roaring, ready to cook our evening meal. John Klopstock (1596) Exploring the Aberfeldy locale: After a peaceful night at the campsite, it was time to cross the Donnelly Creek again and head up to Mt Useful. The morning drive included some great 4WDing as we rose 1000 metres from the

24 Overland Cruisering

creek to the summit of Mt Useful via the White Star track. With the fire tower operator at work, some of our convoy made the shaky climb up to the fire tower. Although Marianne was keen, step rungs on the ladder showed us that we were no mountain climber. Marcel, on the other hand, took on the challenge and made it to the top. His camera was working overtime whilst up there as he took in the sensational views right back down to the Loy Yang power station near Traralgon, some 60kms to the south. With more 4WDing planned, we descended the mount via McGuires track and Toomstar track. James and Michael were keen to drive on Toomstar, as this was the location on a previous Zebra trip where they struggled to recover vehicles up a rocky and very slippery track. Today the weather was kinder with no foreseeable rain or wet tracks so no-one suffered the

same fate today, although Julie was known to have very red hands after hanging on to the Jesus bar while Big John rattled and rolled his way up the 300 metre climb over 1km. With a new hut built at Jorgensen Flat, it was a good time to take a lunch break to check out the almost finished hut. It was now time to retrace our steps back along Donnelly Creek towards O’Tooles, however this time we climbed back up via Flats Track. It’s a strange name for a track that is quite steep. This was a 450 metre climb over 1.8 kms. The Jesus bar was working overtime again as some of the passengers put their faith in their driver. Reaching the top brought some flatter tracks as we retraced our steps. However this time, we headed for a new venture. Trig Track is only open from 1st December to 1st May, so it is always a must when 4WDing around the Aberfeldy area.


As Laurie and Heidi drove down, they told us about the 12 switchbacks that we would need to negotiate Each one required us to do a 3 point turn, with the first point usually having the front of our vehicles looking over the side of the track, straight down to the Aberfeldy River. It is a 200 metre drop to the river from the top of the switchbacks, and with a distance of only 450 metres, that’s quite a serious drop if you get it wrong. I am pleased to say that everyone made it down without any major issues, apart from a few passengers suffering from an adrenalin rush. After negotiating the crossing of the Aberfeldy River for the last time, we made our way up the west side of Trig Track to the Walhalla-Woods Point Road. With the steepness of Trig track, it was extremely difficult to see what was travelling on the Walhalla Road until you had made the turn. It was just a short drive from here to the end of our trip, as we headed across the Tomson dam wall to the picnic area. After airing up and a quick cuppa, it was time to head home after a great club trip. Antony Peloza (2703)

4 Overland Cruisering


January 2015. Trip Leaders: Laurie & Heidi Miles Convoy: Greg & Carol Edmunds Ian & Jeremy (13) Frost Peter & Kate (8) van Mourik Andrew Browne John Poelwyk & Julie Ross Michael Schuettke

Zebra Coota Frosty Merlin AB Big John Michael

80 Series TD Prado 150 80 Prado 120 200

Series TD Series TD Series TD Series TD Troopy TD 100 Series TD

Crossing the Snowy River at McKillops Bridge

Overland Cruisering 25

riving through the leafy Errinundra National Park: After the usual briefings and ceremonious handing over of the forms to the trip leader and tail end Charlie, the convoy departed the Orbost Caravan Park shortly after 9:00am. Within minutes we were onto the Bonang Highway and already could see the tall timber in the foothills of the ranges where we would spend the next few days. 10:00am saw us turning onto Sardine Creek Track where we had morning tea on Big River Road an hour or so later. After passing Mt Ellery, we continued on through Errinundra National Park towards the Ocean View lookout. After turning onto BA Road, we came to a tree across the road that was determined to stop our progress. The trunk of the tree stretching right across the road was so thick, it was probably about five feet in diameter – although in folklore by the end of the weekend was many times larger. The tree had also punched a seriously large hole into the track where it fell. With the sheer size of the tee, chainsaws did not make it out of any of our vehicles so we all executed varying numbers of multi-point turns before we beat our retreat. After back tracking on BA Road, we lunched beside the Brodribb River near Goonerah. In the early afternoon we were again turned back by the presence of more horizontal trees, this time across Postman Track. Our fearless trip leaders were not to be defeated so we circled around and found another route up to the infamous Ocean View Lookout. Ironically, when we looked out we could not view any ocean. It was here that our Trip Leader and Webmaster having the first mobile reception in hours posted a pic showing more people checking out their phones rather than the view (which was still impressive, despite the apparent lack of an ocean!). Soon, we could hear thunder from above, so we retreated down to our campsite for the evening in the Bonang State Forest. Upon reaching camp there was a mad flurry of activity getting tents up before the rain and thunder started. Everyone seemed to retreat for an hour or so while the weather sorted itself out. It was a cosy campsite for seven vehicles. Michael blocked the entrance and resorted to using more fallen trees instead of pegs to secure his tent. Dry firewood was in short supply but a fire for cooking, warmth and lots of smoke was still achieved. An easy day’s touring made very enjoyable by the banter over the radios and the stunning scenery. Peter van Mourik (2588) Heading for Mt Tingaringy: Sunday morning saw the group wake to a damp aftermath of the Errinundra rainforest overnight rain and the wounds inflicted by a few mozzies. Departing our camp alongside the Bonang River, we headed towards our trip’s names sake, Mt Tingaringy. Laurie had received advice from Vic Park Ranger that the Deddick River crossing on the Tingaringy track was washed out and would be best


26 Overland Cruisering

avoided so our alternate route was to cross the Deddick via the Rosendale Track and head up to Mt Rosendale and intersect the Tingaringy Track further up the divide. Peter and Jeremy offered to walk the river, and gave us some good advice the best way to get across. The feedback was that our best route would be to hug the left bank. Zebra lead the way followed by the rest of the convoy. Couta decided that the centre of the river looked a little more fun, so made a wider cut into deeper water which resulted in leaning at a strange angle. Carol corrected her line in Coota, and successfully (a few suggestions by Laurie over the radio) made it back to the left bank and exited safely. The Rosendale track was a great drive with some very nice climbs to Mt Rosendale at about the 830 metre mark. Shortly thereafter we re-joined the Tingaringy Track and continued an interesting drive with a few more great climbs to Mt Tingaringy at 1450 metres. Michael was finally able to say he made it (after 4 subsequent attempts) to reach the summit. On previous club trips he had failed to make it due to several unforeseen circumstances. The views from the top of Mt Tingaringy are some of the most spectacular in the High Country with views into NSW towards Mt Kosciusko the norm. Tingaringy summit is also a short 600 metre walk from the NSW border, and a few of the group walked down to the border cairn marking. This section of the border is known as the Black-Allen Line, which for those who don’t know is the straight bit of the Victorian – NSW border. The marker is of historical significance given its age and the history involved in the border survey work. After the views we moved off the summit out of the cool wind to our lunch stop. After lunch we headed back down the Tingaringy Track and turned onto the Laurie Track. A few questions were posed to Laurie as to how he managed to get a track named after him. Laurie Track is also a spectacular drive with views varying from mountain ranges to open farmland; it also crosses a few creeks and a spectacular crossing of the Tingaringy Creek which involves a drive down the creek bed for several hundred metres alongside a vertical granite cliff face. After leaving Laurie Track, we turned further south on the Amboyne Track. We were soon crossing open farmland to our Sunday night campsite on the Deddick River. Several of the group decided to

partake in a blackberry collection from the wild blackberry’s lining the river. Many purple lips could be seen around the campfire later! A pleasant night around the campfire was a perfect end to great day’s 4WDing. Thanks to Laurie and Heidi for once again running a great trip. John Poelwyk & Julie Ross (1999) Across the Snowy River at McKillops Bridge: After a full day of exhilarating 4WDing on the Sunday, ascending and descending the 1448 metres to the summit of Mt Tingaringy, the drive out along the Deddick River Road and McKillops Road to the trip’s official finish around noon on Monday at Little River Falls, looked as though it would be a low key day. But this was far from the actuality, as both roads travelled afforded great views of the Deddick and Snowy Rivers respectively the magnificent McKillops Bridge and access to the viewing platform above Little River Gorge. We could only marvel at what the Snowy River once was with the volume and force to wash away the two previous bridges before its volume was curtailed to one fifth of natural flow with the building of the Jindabyne dam as part of the Snowy Mountains Hyrdo-Electric Scheme…..what a great river it once was, now depleted to a fraction of its former self. The Little River Gorge formed some 410 to 395 million years ago with the formation of the Buchan Rift leaving a valley gorge some 4kms long and up to 500 metres deep, making it the deepest gorge in Victoria. It was definitely worth the 400 metre downhill walk and return to the viewing platform to take in the sight of this magnificent geological formation. Our walk was also rewarded on return to the carpark where Carol and Heidi had organised an Australia Day morning tea complete with Carol’s Anzac biscuits and fortified fruit cake decorated with Heidi’s Australian flag. Thanks Ladies. Thanks Zebra, Big John, Merlin, Frosty, Couta and Michael. A great weekend, especially our ascent of Mt Tingaringy on Sunday. I enjoyed your company over the weekend....a great group. This weekend was made special not just by the group but by the leadership of Laurie and Heidi......the soul of TLCCV if you're interested in going off-road, especially in the Victorian High Country. Andrew Browne (2664)

Overland Cruisering 27


ARB EXPANDS INTENSITY LED RANGE ARB Corporation Ltd is pleased to announce the next addition to the expanding Intensity driving light range. The AR21 Intensity LED driving lights set a new benchmark for on-vehicle performance lighting upgrades and offer owners convenience and flexibility, packaged within a compact assembly. After the success of the highly regarded AR32 Intensity LED lights, the AR21 has been developed to provide the growing LED driving light market with a lighting option suited to smaller bull bars or areas where space may be limited. Utilising 21 highly efficient Osram LEDs, situated within a patented reflector design, the AR21 produces a light output of 6,950 raw lumens at 6,500 Kelvin, delivering the closest possible colour to daylight, resulting in reduced fatigue for the driver. A near unbreakable polycarbonate lens shields the optics from road debris and impacts, while a moulded polycarbonate lens cover provides additional scratch and damage protection. The electronics are contained within a corrosion resistant, pressure cast and IP68 rated aluminium housing that allows submersion beyond 3 metres. The housing

4 Overland Cruisering

is finished in a textured polyester powder coat for further corrosion resistance and aesthetic appeal. Cooling fins cast directly into the rear of the housing act as a heat sink, resulting in an increase in surface area of more than 200%. This draws away damaging heat and enables the light to operate at peak efficiency in all temperatures. Advanced reflector and lens optics control the light emitted from the LEDs with 93% efficiency. The reflector projection patterns are available in either a 20째 spot or 10째 flood beam, providing users with a beam that best suits their driving style and environment. To deter theft, each light

incorporates tamper proof TORX security fasteners. The AR21 Intensity LED lights will be available thid quarter, with a recommended retail price of $495.00. www.arb.com.au

Overland Cruisering 27



The Toyota Land Cruiser Club does not recommend a “Stay and Defend” plan. Infrastructure on the property can be replaced. FIRE DANGER PERIOD [November – May] It is members’ responsibility to listen to radio news reports each evening during the Fire Danger Period for advice on the possibility of fires. Also be up to date with any declaration of Total Fire Ban Days. Yarck is in the NORTH CENTRAL FIRE BAN DISTRICT-149 Rennies Lane, GOBUR It is recommended that members leave the property the day before a declared Total Fire Ban day or very early in the morning of a Total Fire Ban day Members should not go to the property during any Total Fire Ban day. EVACUATION Those present will select one person from their number to take charge, The issue of evacuation during an emergency must be addressed early in the planning. Evacuation can be extremely dangerous unless it takes place well in advance of the fire hazard entering the general area of the camp. Roads may be blocked with fallen timber and visibility reduced by thick smoke. Increased pressures on emergency services may make it difficult for them to render assistance.

Evacuation should only be done via the main access track to Rennies Lane and the Gobur –Yarck Road. REFUGE There are NO bushfire proof shelters on the property. If a fire incident occurs and members cannot leave the property, then the Hut could possibly be used as a “safer place” to provide protection from radiant heat. It should be made as fire safe as is practical. Wet towels to be placed under doors to prevent embers entering. There is running water inside; there are knapsacks and fire extinguishers. Other equipment to have on hand should include. A battery operated am/fm radio and P2 filter masks. UHF radios left on – mobile phones – torches – first aid kits – drinking fluids. Clothing - it is advisable to have long trousers, long sleeved shirt and sturdy footwear. Gloves and hat are also useful. The wearing of shorts, dresses, thongs or any synthetic fabrics is totally unsuitable. Be prepared for smoke and embers that may enter the building. After the fire front has passed check outside and extinguish any burning embers or fires around the hut. All vehicles should be parked on bare ground, facing towards the exit with all doors and windows closed and keys in

the ignition. DO NOT BLOCK OFF ANY ACCESS TRACKS. Alarm, A distinctive alarm signal should be used, a simple manual device such as the triangle hanging in the tree outside the hut or the electronic device near the radios in the hut. Panic. This is something that can well be done without. Anyone showing signs of panic should be kept under some form of supervision, and provided with reassurance and prevented from doing anything rash. COMMUNICATION and CONTACTS • Phone: 1800 240 667 for Bushfire information. • 000 only to report a fire. • Alexandra Fire Station Phone 0357721855 • Yarck Fire Captain Phone 0357734334. Mobile: 0439 656 913. • ABC radio AM band 774 • Local Radio Station (Alexandra) UGFM 106.9 (an official emergency broadcaster) • GPS coordinates (six figure grid) of the Hilton. • Websites www.abc.net.au/emergency www.cfa.vic.gov.au A Bushfire Survival Kit is located on the notice board behind the hut door. It is available for members to read and return it.



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Overland Cruisering 28

9758 9288 9735 0188 Visit our website: www.widetread.net.au

LILYDALE 32 Main Street

FERNTREE GULLY 1158 Burwood Highway

Huge ran for SUV’s AWD’s & 4x4’s Mud Terrain T/A / KM2 Mud-Te T rrain T/ T /A

All-Te T rrain T/A T Eats rocks and dirt All fun, all action, all the time, BF Goodrich All-Terr T ain T/A KO K tyres are the ultimate in on/off road tyres. Rocky or smooth, like their name says, they can handle anything on any terrain.

Savage your way through the wilderness with BFGoodrich Mud T rrain T/AKM tyres. With these tyres Te you can go way out of bounds offroad and still play dirty. A proven race winner, their DiggerLugzTM shoulder blocks can handle any deep mud, dirt and sand.

Inspired by the BF Goodrich Tires KrawlerTM T/R ® KX has a footprint made to to dominate almost anything in its path Linear flex zones allow the tyre to wrap aroung obsticale for unnatural amounts of traction. Smart design gives it excellent mud-clearing ability and low road noise. The MudT rrain T/A KM2 features a 3-ply Te T iGuard carcass wth a single-strand Tr bead for smoother ride and uniformity.

Quality Snow Chains WRANGLER AT/R

The all-terrain specialist tyre capable of handling all conditions - on or off road.





Tough, durable and long T lasting, outstanding in extreme conditions.

Perfect for drivers who spend as much time off the road as they do on it.

Outstanding on and off-road performance, this tyre gives you the best of both worlds.

An ideal tyre for drivers who seek a combination of on and off road use.

LTX A/T A 2 The Michelin LTX A/T 2 is the ultimate all terrain 4x4 tyre designed to deliver rugged off-road durability, for Australia's harshest rural and mining environments, and a quiet, comfortable Michelin highway ride.

ST - Sure Tr T ac Baja Radial AT A Z - 4 Rib Design 60% Road & Sand 40% Dirt & Mud

The Baja Radial ATZ A is the latest 4 Rib All Terrain T design from Mickey Thompson. This unique design delivers excellent off road traction in a wide variety of terrains, without compromising the on road ability of the tyre. The wider footprint incorporates larger tread lugs with the latest internal siping technology to give better handling in wet and greasy conditions.

Latitude To T ur HP The MICHELIN Latitude Tour HP lasts 20% longer, has improved 5% in accoustic comfort as well as vibration comfort, and is safer with 5% extra grip on wet surfaces

Proven 4x4 tyre on versatility, durability and excellent traction in some of the toughest terrains. Continuous circumferential blocks provide good handling both on and off road. Twostage unidirectional sturdy lugs provide maximum self-cleaning properties and provide maximum traction on soft ground. Sturdy independent blocks provide excellent rock climbing property.

60% Road & Sand 40% Dirt & Mud

Ideal for outback touring, and high mileage with regular bitumen and offroad driving. Exellent offroad traction and good performer in muddy conditions. Reinforced for puncture resistance and guaranteed to last up to 80,000 kms*

STT - Super traction Ty T re 20% Road & Sand 80% Dirt & Mud

Ideal for serious offroad applications. Armor-Tek3 carcass construction now 33% stronger in sidewalls and 2.5 times mor resistant to tearing. Exellent offroad traction. Surprising bitumen grip and quiet ride for an aggresive traction tyre.

Baja Radial MTZ 40% Road & Sand 60% Dirt & Mud

The Baja Radial MTZ is designed for maximum traction off road and on the blacktop. The new tread blocks are designed to minimise noise, making the MTZ one of the quietest traction tyres available.

Baja Radial Claw

A - All Te ATR T rrain Reinforced 70% Road & Sand 30% Dirt & Mud

Ideal for high mileage driving on bitumen and exploring offroad. Suprisingly quiet ride with exellent bitumen grip, especially in the wet. Excellent for driving on sand. Reinforced for puncture resistance and guaranteed to last up to 90,000 kms*

Road & Sand 80% Dirt & Mud

Radial Claw has 23 degree angles the ultimate angle for and self cleaning (used on blades and tractor tyres.) This you get maximum traction and e level of road noise as a less ve tyre. Reinforced sidewals are here you need it, just below the tread.

CS4 Touring i - All Wheel Drive i 90% Road & Sand 10% Dirt & Mud

Twice the mileage without giving up grip or comfort. Superior wet traction. Excellent stability, traction and and treadwear, premium appearance and guaranteed to last up to 80,000 kms*

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