OUR CAUSE Spring 2018

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Sigma men were among the first black commissioned officers during WWI. Their story began in the most unlikely of places: Des Moines, Iowa.


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Bro. Dr. Georg Iggers was born in Germany in 1926, and barely escaped the Holocaust in 1938 with his family. They relocated to the United States, where he became a noted professor of European History and a Civil Rights Activist. Bro. Iggers joined Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity in 1953, through the Phi Chapter (Philander Smith College, Little Rock, AK). He was the first Caucasian to join the Fraternity in the South. Bro. Iggers was in the forefront of the desegregation movement in Little Rock, working with the NAACP to file the nation’s first desegregation lawsuit. Dr. Iggers received many honors for his work as an historian. He was a Distinguished Professor Emeritus at the University of Buffalo (NY), received honorary doctoral degrees from Philander Smith College, the University of Richmond and the Technische Universität Darmstadt. He is the recipient of numerous fellowships for his work. His work and legacy as a member of Phi Beta Sigma shall always be remembered!


Hon. Bro. Dr. Archie James Powell was born in Lakeland, Florida. At the age of 14 he won First Prize at a National Guild of Piano Teachers Southern District Piano Competition. The First Prize Award was a scholarship to the Juilliard School of Music in New York City. Upon graduating from Atlanta’s Charles Lincoln Harper High School he also received an academic scholarship to Morehouse College. He chose to attend Morehouse College, rather than Juilliard. While at Morehouse Bro. Powell served as senior class president and graduated with honors in June 1972. Upon graduation Powell enrolled at Brown University and was accepted into their Doctoral Degree Program. While at Brown he would join the Pi Beta Sigma Chapter (Providence, RI) of Phi Beta Sigma. He later introduced the Brown University campus to Phi Beta Sigma when he founded the Iota Upsilon Chapter at Brown. Powell served as New England Area Director and founded the Providence Area Sigma Beta Club. He later served as Regional Secretary, Vice Regional Director and Eastern Regional Director. During the 2013 Conclave, held in Philadelphia, PA, Bro. Powell was inducted into the Distinguish Service Chapter and became DSC# 172.




Sigma Remembers

Hon. Bro. Robert Greaux was born in New York City in 1941. He graduated from Booker T. Washington High School in Norfolk, VA in 1959. He earned a four year academic scholarship to study engineering at Pratt Institute in Brooklyn, NY. He would later transfer to Rutgers University where he earned a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Psychology and a Masters Degree in Labor and Industrial Relations. Bro. Greaux enjoyed a long career employed by the federal government. He began with the United States Postal Service, reached the Senior Executive level at the US Department of Labor and also served as a Division Chief with the Department of Defense. Following his retirement from the federal government he founded a successful human resource management consulting firm, which specialized in Equal Employment Opportunity. Bro. Greaux joined Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity in 1974, through the Chi Sigma Chapter (Northern NJ). He served as chapter president and graduate advisor on the chapter level. He served the Eastern Region as Director of Social Action, Vice Regional Director and Eastern Regional Director. On the national level he served as Director of Social Action and President of Life Members and Chairman of the National Human Resources Committee. During the 1997 Conclave, held in Orlando, FL, Bro. Greaux was inducted into the Distinguish Service Chapter and became DSC# 122.

Contents 2018 EASTERN REGIONAL BOARD Devon Henry - Regional Director J.R. Reeves - Vice Regional Director Moises Urena - Associate Regional Director Wayne Allen - Treasurer Edmund Hardy - Secretary Roberto Peguero- Director of Social Action Ra Alim Shabazz - Director of Education Nigel Coehlo - Director of BBB N. Scott Phillips - Legal Counsel Marcus A. Daly, Sr. - Director of Publicity Leonard Lockhart - Immediate Past ERD


Brotherhood Profiles

Bro. Kevin Christian........................................................................................Page 8

Blue and White Legacy

Bro. Michael Tyler......................................................................................... Page 10

Todd D. Le Bon Editor-in-Chief Kevin Christian Willard Hutt Jenabu C. Williams Brandon Brown

The Fort Des Moines Project


Looking Back: 2018 Eastern Regional Conference

Charlie Batchelor Willard Hutt Frank Larmond Tyree Stokely LAYOUT & DESIGN Bro. Ron Lewis Lewis Design Group www.ldgcreative.com

Bro. Keith E. King, Ph.D. ............................................................................... Page 12

Man Up On Owning Your Health

Bro. Jenabu C. Williams, MPA, M.Ed.............................................................. Page17 Bro. Todd LeBon............................................................................................ Page 19

OUR CAUSE MAGAZINE is published by the Publicity Committee of the Eastern Region of Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc. Any use of the stories, pictures or articles without the expressed or implied consent of the Publicity Committee and the Eastern Region of Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc. is strictly prohibited. © 2018

Greetings, Brothers of the Mighty Eastern Region: I bring you greetings on behalf of the Eastern Regional Board. First, let me take a moment to thank you for electing me to serve another term as your 26th Eastern Regional Director. Serving in this capacity is both an honor and privilege. The newly elected Eastern Regional Board is looking forward to serving the membership and moving the Region forward. We would like to thank all brothers, ladies of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Sigma Betas and guests who attended the 2018 Eastern Regional Conference in Baltimore, MD. A special thanks to the host chapters, Zeta Sigma and Delta Delta, for their hard work in planning and executing an excellent conference. When we began this journey our goal was for Sigma to continue to be agents of change in the community. After attending the Conference, I pray that you witnessed how #Team26 is striving to elevate our region to new levels of leadership and visible impact. From The Lighthouse to the OUR CAUSE, the Regional publication has been an opportunity to educate and share local, regional and Sigma stories. Thank you to Bros. Todd Le Bon, Marcus Daly and your team for being stewards of this important publication for the Region. Finally, I am challenging all brothers and chapters to continue to identify and share stories in an effort to record the wonderful activities and services we continue to provide to the communities we serve. Moving forward, continue to ask these questions: • • • • • •

Who are those brothers who are consistently impacting the community? How is Sigma continuing to play a role in your community? What is the historical legacy of Sigma in your city? What impact is the Sigma Beta Club having in the community? How are our undergraduate brothers/chapters taking Sigma to the next level on campus? Are we identifying those brothers who are a part of a Sigma Legacy?

We look forward to your submissions to future publications and your continued impact to the communities we serve. ELEVATE!!! BRO. DEVON HENRY 26th Eastern Regional Director


G REETIN G S , Greetings my brothers in Sigma, “Behold, good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity” Psalm 133:1. I would like to thank you all for allowing me to serve a second term as your Director of Publicity. The Our Cause Magazine has always been the central component for the Eastern Region to share our programs, stories and most importantly pass down our history. Over the next two years I look forward to sharing the outstanding programs that the chapters and brothers of the Eastern Region are doing, as well as telling the stories of the great men of Sigma who have shaped the community, region, fraternity and the world. As always, this magazine would not be possible without the diligent work of our Editor Bro. Todd D. Le Bon and his team, who I wish to recognize for their hard work and commitment. I also wish to recognize Bros. Tyree Stokely, Frank Larmond, Charlie Batchelor and Willard Hutt for their assistance covering the 2018 Eastern Regional Conference through their lenses. Brothers, we ask that you support the Our Cause Magazine by sending in your submissions, so we can continue to produce a regional magazine that we can all be proud of. Let’s continue to give of our gifts and resources, to lift our communities up, so that Our Cause Can Speed Nobly On Its Way. Fraternally,

BRO. MARCUS A. DALY, SR. Eastern Regional Director of Publicity

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International Director of Education Challenges Chapters: CHI SIGMA CHAPTER ANSWERS THE CALL

The Chi Sigma Chapter was founded in the spring of 1923, in Newark, NJ. Since the Chapter’s inception, we have provided impactful services to multiple communities in the Northern, NJ area. Chi Sigma Chapter is one of the preeminent graduate chapters in the Fraternity, with over 110 active and financial members. As a chapter, we take great pride in strengthening the foundations of community through the implementation of quality programs. We believe that in order for inner-city youth to be successful we must not only give them the tools to excel academically, morally and socially, but hold them accountable. As a Founders Level Chapter, we implement the Fraternity’s four National Programs, which are: Social Action, Education, Bigger & Better Business and the Sigma Beta Club, with absolute fidelity. In July of 2017, the Chapter was awarded the Outstanding Mentoring Award, for having the most active and progressive Sigma Beta Club program in the county, and in the Eastern Region. One of our goals, in 2018, is to be


one of the top five Chapters in the Fraternity. Chi Sigma Chapter is certainly on the move! According to our newly installed Chapter President, Bro. Mark A. Williams (Principal of Charles H. Stillman Elementary School), “We are just getting started!” In support of the International Director of Education, Bro. Dr. Steven Kniffley, Jr., Bro. Williams has encouraged the Chapter to formalize all of our local partnership by establishing Memorandum of Understanding with each of the schools that we provide services to in the Northern NJ area. During the Chapter’s Founders Day Luncheon, at the Brownstone House in Paterson, NJ, the Chapter did just that! As a Brotherhood of Conscious Men, we take great pride in taking our rightful place in the community as LEADERS. We also take delight in doing our part to create the “Next Generation of Leaders Who Accept Responsibility and Love the Challenge”. BY BRO. JENABU C. WILLIAMS, MPA, M.Ed International Director of Sigma Beta Clubs

Iota Chi Sigma Chapter Sigma Beta Club Members Visit Wall Street

The brothers of the Iota Chi Sigma Chapter (Monmouth County, NJ) took a trip to the New York City Stock Exchange to teach members of their Sigma Beta Club about investments. The Chapter’s Sigma Beta Club program is led by Bro. Dr. Lamont Repollet, who is the New Jersey Commissioner of Education. While visiting the Stock Exchange Bro. Repollet shared a quote that resonates with him by Benjamin Franklin, “An investment in knowledge pays the best interest.” We see it all the time with athletes and entertainers where they are blessed with an abundance of monetary gain, but don’t understand the concept of compound interest or investing. In order to break the cycle of poverty, it is imperative we emphasize and educate on the importance of financial literacy so our youth can start to understand how to have your money make you money. BRO. JAMES D. JACKSON, JR.

Zeta Chi Sigma Celebrates 40 years of Brotherhood, Scholarship and Service The Brothers of the Zeta Chi Sigma Chapter (Prince George’s County, MD) invite you to join them on Friday, June 29, 2018, as they celebrate 40 years of Brotherhood, Scholarship and Service. The Spirit of Washington will serve as the venue for our dinner cruise, as we raise money for our scholarship fund. For more information on the celebration, please contact, Bro. Willard Hutt (Chapter President) at 301.281.7489 or visit http://www. zxs1914.org/event/40-years-of-service-special-dinner-cruise/. SPRING 2018 | 7


Bro. Ryan Duff, Spring 2016 President, Howard University National Pan Hellenic Council Hometown: Georgetown, Guyana Major: Economics and Political Science *(Double major) As Chapter President, I had the privilege to work on numerous events focused on our national programs; Education, Social Action and Bigger & Better Business. The highlight of the year was having the Chapter awarded the NPHC Fraternity of the Year and Organization of the Year. Through the Fraternity I have obtained the necessary skills and knowledge to move on and lead other organizations with confidence. The Fraternity has broadened my understanding of the obligations Sigma Men have in their community. I currently serve as the President of the NPHC Chapter at Howard University. The work I pledged to do for the Fraternity has just begun and I look forward to what the future holds. Bro. Luke Pierce, Spring 2017 Secretary, Rho Tau Chapter President, George Mason University National Pan-Hellenic Council Member of The National Society of Collegiate Scholars Hometown: Chesapeake, VA Major: Music Technology with a focus in Recording Minor: Business I am grateful to my fraternity for instilling in me the values of conducting business. Prior to joining Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc., I did not possess the skills necessary to properly manage a business meeting. Today I use those skills in my role as National Pan-Hellenic Council President at George Mason University. It helps me to not only maintain order, but provide our members with a voice necessary to share input and ideas during our business sessions. Bro. Mark A. Lawrence Founder / Managing Principal Inncuvate Consulting LLC (www.inncuvate.com) Inncuvate provides underserved communities access to sustainable life changing opportunities that creates wealth, bridges economic gaps, develops more serial entrepreneurs and ultimately fuels growth and improves the standard of living. This is accomplished by connecting the innovation economy to underserved communities so that more people can see where they fit in and participate. Inncuvate offers advisory services to address both business and technology challenges. Inncuvate’s long-term goal is to create a superior ecosystem that supports innovation and entrepreneur development, community development and economic development in the communities we serve. 8 | OUR CAUSE MAGAZINE




Throughout 2017 the Eastern Regional Program Directors have promoted a new regional initiative, the Program Directors’ Tour. The Tour is an effort to deliver program recordable workshops focused on supporting college campuses and local communities throughout the Region. During each tour stop each of the program directors facilitate a workshop that focuses on a key area related to their programmatic thrust- Bigger & Better Business, Social Action or Education. To ensure all attendees have the opportunity to participate in each workshop, the program directors come prepared to present each workshop three times in a round robin format. “The goal of the Tour is to deliver REAL and effective programming to undergraduate chapters on their campuses and/or to the communities in which our graduate chapters regularly serve!”, stated Eastern Regional Director of Bigger & Better Business, Bro. Nigel Coelho. Thus far tour stops have included Philadelphia, PA, Dover, DE, Syracuse, NY and Towson, MD. In 2018 the Program Directors’ Tour is scheduled to visit Boston, MA and Hampton, VA. If you would like additional information, or would like to invite the Program Directors to your campus or city, feel free to contact us on our website (www.pbseast.org). BRO. NIGEL COELHO Eastern Regional Director Bigger & Better Business

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Blue & White Legacy studying for finals, and finally getting a day off from work, I almost did not go. We arrived at the gravesite and I decided to wander around to see the different headstones. No more than 50 yards away, I saw a tombstone which read, “Viola Tyler Goings, Zeta Phi Beta Co-Founder.” I asked my mom who she was and she said, “Oh that’s one of your relatives.” I promptly called my father and he told me how I connected to Aunt Viola, and then told me there was another aunt that connected with the Zetas Aunt Myrtle. This revelation was a seed planted, but would not break the soil of my soul until I sought membership into our Wondrous Band Bro. Michael Tyler at the Phi Beta Sigma Centennial Monument at Howard University. in 2014, when I became When walking into my home in Columbus, a member of Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc. I became a member during a special time for OH, you will see toys scattered courtesy of my daughter, Embree, multiple computers from Sigma, as we were celebrating our Centennial. my digital communication jobs, and numerous After telling one Zeta of my connection to photos of me and my wife, Colleen. But, what Aunt Viola and Aunt Myrtle, two hours later I sticks out the most is a large photo hanging in had taken more pictures and accepted more my Sigma Corner. Upon closer inspection of the Facebook friend requests than I ever had. All photo, you see me, two women, and the words those pleasantries paled in comparison when I “Zeta is my Legacy, Sigma is my Destiny.” You finally got down to our Centennial Monument, will take a double take at the women to discover on the Howard University campus, and saw my they are Myrtle Tyler Faithful and Viola Tyler Aunts’ names engraved on it. At that moment Goings . . . my paternal great-great aunts and two I knew that being a legacy of Founders was of the Five Pearls of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc. not a ceremonial badge, but a gateway to I have known about the connection with my something greater. I know - - that is what Aunt aunts for only a brief period of my life, and that Myrtle and Aunt Viola would expect of me. As more and more Sigmas and Zetas learn of connection was initiated while on a visit to a cemetery. On Memorial Day weekend, in 2009, my connection, I have been invited to different my mother wanted me to help her put flowers on events and treated like somewhat of a “Blue & my maternal great-grandparents gravesite. Amid White Family Celebrity”. Don’t get me wrong,


having the spotlight shining my way, as well as spreading positive vibes and adding an energy of success wherever I go, brings me a certain level of joy. However, at the same time, I equally enjoy the “normalcy of home”. Here in Ohio, most of our Blue & White Family know of my connection, but see me for the work I have done in Sigma on an equal platform as who I am related to. These humble relationships keep me grounded and rooted in the soils of selflessness. Whenever I find myself “fraternally unbalanced”, I will often return to Aunt Viola’s gravesite. Sometimes it is to have a personal conversation, other times it is to make sure the grave is well kept. I have been asked numerous times, what is the greatest part of my legacy? My answer has always been, learning about my aunts. Aunt Viola passed before I was born and with Aunt Myrtle living in Maryland, I never had an opportunity to meet her. For me, the stories of what they accomplished and the lives they impacted are invaluable. Zetas and Sigmas have sat down with me to tell the stories of my aunts. As I listen to

Bro. Tyler is joined by Bro. Dean Smith (Alpha Sigma Chapter) at Myrtle Tyler Faithful’s gravesite.

those stories, I must admit, a hint of positive jealousy creeps in. I wish I could tell a story about how my aunts did this or did that with me. So, in a weird way, hearing those stories helps paint a picture of my aunts that only resides within me. BRO. MICHAEL TYLER

Zeta Pearls Myrtle Tyler Faithful (left) and Viola Tyler Goings (right) with Soror Iva McBride

With my cousin the late Francis Faithful at the 2016 Great Lakes Joint Regional Conference. Francis is the daughter of Aunt Myrtle.

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The Fort Des Moines Project: Iowa’s Little-Known Secret

By BRO. KEITH E. KING, Ph.D. Fort Des Moines Museum Tour 2016 (Rick Fredericksen / Iowa Public Radio)


hen most people think of Iowa, they think corn or pigs, but they definitely don’t think it possesses a rich Black History. That is exactly what I have learned living in Iowa for the last twelve years. From the Hitchcock House being a stop on the Underground Railroad, to the prominent Black former coal-mining town of Buxton, IA, to the owner of the Kansas City, Monarchs being from Algona, IA, to Bros. George Washington Carver and Samuel P. Massie’s connection to Iowa State University and Iowa leading the charge of the historical election of this nation’s first African-American president, President Barack H. Obama, it is apparent that there is a little more to Iowa than crops and livestock. This historical nugget began as a request to represent the Fraternity at a local event. As president of the Eta Epsilon Sigma Chapter 12 | OUR CAUSE MAGAZINE

(Des Moines, IA) I was invited to bring greetings at Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity’s 84th Annual Midwestern Regional Convention Vice Presidents’ Reception. The event was held at the Fort Des Moines Museum and Education Center. I had never heard of the Museum at the time, and was unaware of its significance or why this particular location was chosen. By the time the evening was over, it was very apparent why the venue was chosen. One of the exhibits focuses on men from Black Fraternities who trained at Fort Des Moines in 1917. As the Alphas were unveiling their display, highlighting the Alpha men who received their commissions at the Fort during World War I, the lead Alpha on the project pulled me to the side and asked, “Keith do you know if any Sigmas were here during this time?” My reply was, “I am not sure, but I would think so. I will reach out to our History

Team and find out.” So began the process of Colonel Howard Donovan Queen, Thomas identifying men of Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity who Montgomery Gregory and Victor Julius Tulane. received their commissions at Fort Des Moines. From here, this project morphed into I began this journey by researching the historical something that I could never have imagined. I had significance of Fort Des Moines. Fort Des Moines the opportunity to meet and talk to people who was where African-Americans were trained to be were very knowledgeable about World War I and officers for the U.S. Army during World War I. the Buffalo Soldiers. One of those meetings took In May 1917, the first Black officer candidates me to Kansas City, where I had a conversation with began arriving at the facility. There were 1,000 Bro. Joe Louis Mattox about the importance of the black college graduates and faculty from Howard, Buffalo Soldiers. Bro. Mattox was recognized as a Tuskegee, Harvard and Yale universities. Fort Des historian on the subject. I found our conversation Moines also had 250 non-commissioned officers to be very informative. What made this meeting (sergeants) from the Army’s four Black standing even more special; I discovered we both knew units – the 9th and 10th Cavalry and the 24th and Bro. Williard C. Pitts. Bro. Pitts was the Beta 25th Infantry. These 1,250 candidates made up Epsilon Chapter (Langston University) advisor the 17th Provisional Training Regiment. After when I was an undergraduate, and it turns out 90 days of rigorous that Bro. Mattox was technical and the Dean of Pledges physical training, when Bro. Pitts 639 captains and became a member. lieutenants received We were able to their commissions exchange stories on October 15, 1917. about Bro. Pitts, Upon completion of and Bro. Mattox training at Fort Des reminisced about Moines these men the things they did were dispatched for back in the day. He basic training at a also told me the story variety of camps of how their paths including Camp ended up crossing Dodge, located in again when they were Men enlisting at Colored YMCA for Training in Des Moines Des Moines, IA. both in the military. I was able to obtain the list of the 639 At that time Bro. Pitts outranked him, and commissioned men, dispatched for basic training, although they were Fraternity brothers, they and began the process of trying to find out if were not allowed to fraternize. Unfortunately, any were members Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity. I was not able to spend more time with Bro. My initial research did not turn up anything. I Mattox, as he passed away shortly thereafter. knew this was going to be a daunting task, so When you work on a project like this, you are I reached out to members of the Fraternity’s often met with progressions followed by setbacks History Team; Bros. Mark Pacich (International that briefly take the wind out of your sails. In Historian), Kevin Christian and Willard Hutt this case, the best piece of information came as (Eastern Region Historian) to see if they the result of a chance meeting with Mr. Anthony could provide any assistance. To my surprise Powell. Mr. Powell resides in California and was and delight in a short time Bro. Christian was invited to visit the Fort through a partnership able to provide a short list of brothers who with the Museum and a local non-profit. I was received their commissions. They were: Captain also invited because of the work I was doing on Charles C. Dawson, Major Milton T. Dean, the project, while also serving as a volunteer with

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this non-profit. Unbeknownst to me, not only did not have one available for the long coat. was Mr. Powell a historian he also grew up living The Museum Curator asked if our chapter, Eta in a retirement community with his grandfather, Epsilon Sigma, would be able to raise funds to a World War I veteran photographer. Aside purchase a display case for Maj. Dean’s long from his extensive photograph collection, which coat. They also inquired about the possibility he has confirmed includes photos of many of of the national organization having an interest the Sigma men we have identified; he is quite in putting forth funding to have a display the curator of WWI memorabilia. During his similar to that of the other organizations; Alpha visit to the Museum he had some special items Phi Alpha, Kappa Alpha Psi and Omega Psi pertaining to the project. Those items were Phi Fraternities. The Chapter accepted the that of Bro. Major challenge, and with the Milton T. Dean, and assistance of the Sigma consisted of his long Military Network coat, short coat and Facebook group, we hat. Mr. Powell had were able to raise the agreed to loan these necessary funds to have items for display at the the display case built for Museum. Through Bro. Dean’s long coat. my communications In 2017, I had with Mr. Powell he the opportunity to has also agreed to present this project provide us with photos to the Fraternity and other items in his at the Great Lakes Brother William Covington’s grandfather’s dog tags / 368th possession of those Region Leadership Company A. (Keith King) Sigma men we have Conference. The identified as being at Fort Des Moines. Fraternity immediately recognized the The significance of having something of historical significance of the work being done. Bro. Dean’s was priceless, as he was a member More importantly, I was delighted to receive of the Alpha Sigma Chapter (Washington, a commitment from the General Board to DC) in 1922. Maj. Dean, who was the 3rd support our military veterans, as well as their Highest Ranking African-American in the U.S. eagerness to work towards including an exhibit Army in 1918-19, serving as a Colored Troupe like the other fraternities. It was also during Commander of the 317th Ammunition Train. this time that I had the opportunity to meet In the early 1920s Maj. Dean was the Army Bro. William Covington, whose grandfather ROTC teacher at the prestigious Dunbar served in World War I. Bro. Covington High School in Washington, DC. He was had the opportunity to tour the Fort and also an Army ROTC instructor at Howard donated a set of his grandfather’s dog tags and University. Major Dean was later reassigned uniform emblems to the Museum for display. as Professor of Military Science and Tactics. Of all the findings we have had thus far, the Additionally, Major Dean served on the Honor most surprising was the discovery that Bro. Guard at West Point, and helped establish the Thomas Montgomery Gregory has a daughter California National Guard’s first black battalion. living in Washington, DC. As these things After receiving the Maj. Dean memorabilia go, the Museum Curator, Jack Lufkin, just the Museum solicited the Fraternity’s assistance. happened to stumble across her information. In They had a display case for the short coat, but our communications with her, it became very


African-American captains at the Officer Reserve Training Camp at Fort Des Moines army post on Oct. 15, 1917. Photographer: Hebard Showers, Des Moines. (Photo: State Historical Society of Iowa)

apparent that she has quite a few photos and other items of her father’s in her private collection. Mrs. Sheila Gregory Thomas said of her father, “this collection exists because my father recognized the historical significance of the camp and what led to its establishment. He knew that evidence of its existence needed to be preserved.” There were obvious geographical limitations with our efforts to meet with her and see her collection. Bro. Kevin Christian was solicited to coordinate a meeting with Mrs. Gregory Thomas to take a look at the items in her collection. After meeting with Mrs. Gregory Thomas, Bro. Christian suggested that arrangements be made to have her and the collection flown to the Museum. This would be a great opportunity to view her collection and possibly include some of the items in the exhibit. Mrs. Gregory Thomas had this to say about their initial meeting, “I was impressed by the span and depth of Kevin’s knowledge regarding African-American history. In addition, he has a warm and engaging manner, which made for a very easy and pleasant interaction.” As one can see, this project has had many moving parts, with contributions from many people. Although I have taken the lead on the project, the majority of the leg work has been done by selfless brothers who saw the importance of this project. This includes the meticulous work of Bro. Willard Hutt, who thus far has compiled the most complete list of twenty brothers who served during World War I. Bro. Hutt said of his work,

Display case for Brother Milton T. Dean’s (inset) long coat that Eta Epsilon Sigma raised funds to build. (Keith King)

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List of Sigma Brothers Who Were Trained and Commissioned at Fort Des Moines U. S. ARMY: Lt. Charles C. Dawson* Maj. Milton T. Dean (Third highest African-American Officer in WWI)* Lt. Thomas Montgomery Gregory {USO}* Capt. Howard Donavan Queen* Lt. Victor Julius Tulane* Lt. William H. Jones* Lt. Subbeal S. Anderson Lt. William A. Clark Lt. Willis Cole I {MP} Lt. Flemming Adolphus Jones Jr. Lt. James Daniel Diggs Lt. Irving F. Scott Lt. Wilbur E. Pannell* Lt. Thomas H. Walters* Lt. William S. Warfield Lt. Earl Lawson Lt. Norwood C. Fairfax* Lt. Col. Robert Pollard U. S. NAVY: Omatt Price Edward P. Jimson *Brothers who received commissions at Fort Des Moines


Brother King discusses World War I and the Buffalo Soldiers with Brother Joe Louis Mattox. (Keith King)

“I concentrated on the U.S. Army personnel, but there were members of Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity who also served in the U. S. Navy. There are more brothers that served in World War I but their names do not appear on the master list of AfricanAmericans trained at Fort Des Moines, Des Moines, Iowa.” (The left column lists brothers we have identified thus far:) This project has seen many ups and downs, but has been very rewarding as we reveal a history many people, especially AfricanAmericans, had no idea existed. With those frustrations, we are still waiting to get confirmation of the Fraternity’s commitment to fund the remainder of the project. Additionally, the Museum has recently faced funding issues and its future is in question. Eta Epsilon Sigma Chapter has begun planning events, such as a Military-5K to take place on the anniversary of the commission, to help raise awareness for the project. If I had to ask something of the Fraternity, it would be to solicit support to not only fund the display project, but also help find additional avenues to keep the Museum open so that this rich history is not lost and forgotten. For additional information on the Fort Des Moines Museum and Education Center, or to make a donation, please visit these links: Web page: http://www.fortdesmoines.museum/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/fortDSMmuseum/ C-SPAN Cities Tour video: https://www.c-span.org/ video/?320290-1/history-fort-des-moines

“MAN UP, ON OWNING YOUR HEALTH” On Saturday, March 3, 2018, Chi Sigma Chapter kicked off their 2018 Sigma Wellness Initiatives with a fellowship breakfast entitled, “MAN UP, ON OWNING YOUR HEALTH.” This program was hosted in partnership with the Sigma Community Enrichment Initiative (SCEI), Men Make a Difference, and Hackensack Meridian Health Mountainside Medical Center.

The program was facilitated by one of the top Internal-Medical Physicians, Raghav Rastogi, MD. Dr. Rastogi skillfully engaged the 60 male participants (ranging in age from 26 - 76) on an in-depth conversation regarding a variety of topics surrounding men’s health. He empowered us with information such as the effects of smoking, drinking and the importance of having a primary care physician that evaluates your health annually. Dr. Rastogi also talked about diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure, prostate cancer, sexual health/erectile dysfunction, depression and mental health to name a few. The warm, comfortable, and inviting atmosphere of the Mountainside Medical Center enabled all the men to feel welcome enough to open up and ask questions such as, “Why does my doctor have to stick his finger in my rectum to check my prostate? These topics are often considered taboo and Dr. Rastogi debunked myths with visual images of the prostate and why the rectal exam is the best way to determine if the prostate is enlarged. Chi Sigma would like to express a special thank you to Florey Cruz-Cerpa, Community Health Manager for Hackensack Meridian Health, for all of her help and support with pulling this program together. As a Brotherhood of conscious men, we take great pride in bringing these types of impactful programs to our community. Please be on the lookout for our next Men’s Health Initiative in the months to come. #BrotherhoodFirst #BrotheroodOCM #PBS1914MensHealth #SCEI #ChiSigma BRO. JENABU C. WILLIAMS, MPA, M.Ed

Brotherman Comics Featured In The NMAAHC

Washington, DC – Artwork and memorabilia from the BROTHERMAN Comics series is now included as part of the archive collection at the Smithsonian National Museum of African American History & Culture (NMAAHC). The items will be used in research and future exhibitions. The critically acclaimed and award-winning BROTHERMAN: Dictator of Discipline Comic book series was created and published by brothers, Dawud Anyabwile, Guy A. Sims and Jason Sims in 1990 under the banner of Big City Comics, Inc. In 2007, Dawud Anyabwile formed Big City Entertainment, Inc., a multi-media and publishing company with Sigma Bro. Guy A. Sims as Head Writer. BROTHERMAN is the continuing story of a man drawn deeper into the darkness to bring light to those who have lost all hope. BROTHERMAN is noted as a major catalyst for the modern day Black comic book movement. The National Museum of African American History and Culture is the only national museum devoted exclusively to the documentation of African-American life, history, and culture. To date, the Museum has collected more than 36,000 artifacts. For more information on BROTHRMAN comics, read the WINTER 2017 issue of The CRESCENT Magazine. You can also visit Big City Entertainment on the internet at www.brothermancomics.com.

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4th Annual Sigma Beta Club Male Empowerment Conference “REWRITING THE NARRATIVE”

On Saturday, December 16, 2017, the Brothers of Chi Sigma Chapter and the Sigma Community Enrichment Initiative (SCEI) cosponsored their 4th Annual Sigma Beta Club Male Empowerment Conference entitled, “REWRITING THE NARRATIVE”. 198 young men pre-registered to attend and be a part of this life-changing conference, held at the Rutgers New Jersey Medical School in Newark, NJ. The Male Empowerment Conference attracts young men from Sigma Beta Clubs in New Jersey and New York. This event has become the preeminent gathering of middle school and high school young men in New Jersey. The goal of the Conference is to assist these young men to excel in the areas of education, understanding the criminal justice system, preparing for college, starting your own business (entrepreneurship) and capacity building. Our desire is for every young man to manifest his destiny and


become a contributing member of society. In life, we make a living with what we get, but we make a life by what we GIVE . . . We would like to extend a special thank you to all brothers of Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc. from NY/NJ and all of our community volunteers who donated their time to ensure this conference was an overwhelming success! As a Brotherhood of Conscious Men it is an honor and a privilege to take our rightful place in the communities as MEN. BRO JENABU C. WILLIAMS, MPA, M.Ed International Director of Sigma Beta Clubs

The Eastern Regional Conference 2018! On April 18-22, 2018, the brothers of the Eastern Region of Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc. gathered in Baltimore, MD to take care of the business of Sigma. The brothers of Zeta Sigma Chapter (Baltimore, MD) and Delta Delta Chapter (Coppin State University) would serve as our hosts for the 98th Eastern Regional Conference. also presented a check for $10,000 to Habitat Chesapeake. Financial contributions enable Habitat The service component of the 98th Eastern Chesapeake to build with more families in need of Regional Conference began before most of the safe, decent, affordable homes and cover direct brothers and guests arrived. On Wednesday costs associated with builds. The work brothers morning brothers gathered to partner with did that day would assist two deserving families to Habitat for Humanity of the Chesapeake for a day realize their dream of home ownership. This was of service. They were there to lay the groundwork the start to The Eastern Regional Conference 2018! for a lasting Sigma imprint in the City. A group of Thursday: April 19, 2018 brothers volunteered at two housing construction sites in Baltimore. Another group of volunteers were The morning began with the official opening spread throughout three Habitat for Humanity of conference registration. Brothers arrived early ReStore locations. ReStores are nonprofit home to pick up their registration packets and prepare improvement stores and donation centers that sell for a day of committee meetings and training new and gently used furniture, home accessories, workshops. In the afternoon the Eastern Regional building materials and appliances to the public at Board had the Pre-Conference Board Meeting. At a fraction of the retail price. The Eastern Region the meeting the Hon. Devon Henry, 26th Eastern Wednesday April 18, 2018

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Friday, April 20, 2018

Eastern Regional Director Devon Henry congratulates Hon. Bro. Peter Adams, Bro. Willie Nichols, Hon. Bro. T. Harding Lacy, and Hon. Bro. Emanuel Kenny, Jr. on receiving awards for 50 years of continuous service to the Fraternity.

The morning would be highlighted by the opening of the much anticipated Sigma Museum. The Museum was filled with rare items telling the story of our rich history. Bro. Kevin Christian (Omicron Zeta Sigma) was there to share stories about the items on hand, and answer any questions the brothers had. The 1st Plenary Session officially began the business component of the 98th Eastern Regional Conference. The Session was called to order by Hon. Devon Henry. It was time to handle the business of Sigma, and recommit ourselves to impacting the communities we serve. The committee reports would begin with the Nominating Committee. The names of all the current board members came out of the Committee, with the exception of the Associate Regional Director. Only one name came from the floor, Bro. Craig Collins (Kappa Beta Sigma) was throwing his hat into the ring for the position of Vice Regional Director. The Secretary, Bro. Edmund Hardy, was instructed to cast a single vote for all uncontested positions. The voting for the position of Vice Regional Director was on the schedule for later in the day. During this session we would also hear from the Treasurer, Bro. Wayne Allen, and receive the Audit Committee Report. Both reports were received

Regional Director, gave the marching orders for the conference. We also received greetings from the Hon. Scherod Barnes, Conference Chair. The PreConference Board Meeting would conclude the business for the day. Next on the schedule was the Opening Ceremony, which was open to the public. That evening we were joined by our sisters of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, members of the National Pan-Hellenic Council, local dignitaries, family and friends to open up the social program of the conference. Bro. Van Rosebrough served as the Master of Ceremonies for the evening. One of the highlights of the evening was the Zeta Sigma Choir. They shared several selections during the program and were well received by those in attendance. The Region also took a moment to honor those brothers that have been active in the Fraternity for 50 years. These men continue to set the bar for all brothers with their commitment to Sigma. Those in attendance to receive this honor were; Bros. Hon. Peter Adams (Kappa Beta Sigma), Willie Nichols (Zeta Sigma), Hon. T. Harding Lacy (Iota Sigma) and Hon. Emanuel Kenny, Jr. (Nu Sigma). The regional program directors also took a moment to honor those in the community who are serving in the area of our three national programs. After the program all in attendance were invited to join the Hon. Bro. Devon Henry, 26th Eastern Regional Director officially men of Sigma at the Regional Director’s Reception. opens the first plenary session.


with great enthusiasm by the Body. The Region continues to be fiscally sound, and measures are in place to protect the Region moving forward. Next we were presented with a joint report by the three program Directors; Bros. Nigel Coelho (Bigger & Better Business), Ra Al-Shabazz (Education) and Roberto Peguro (Social Action). This joint presentation gave them an opportunity to discuss the joint programs they are currently working on, as well as those programs specific to each individual program area. The session would close out with the Distinguished Service Chapter (DSC) Committee Report. A single name came out of the Committee, Bro. Darryl T. Williams (Kappa Upsilon Sigma / 24th Eastern Regional Director). Bro. Williams’ DSC Citation will be presented to the Conclave Las Vegas DSC Committee for consideration and possible inclusion into the DSC. Brothers took a moment to congratulate Bro. Williams, and he expressed his gratitude to the Body for the honor. The Session would be followed by the Necrology & Rededication Ceremonies. This gives the Region and opportunity to honor those brothers whom have

Gamma Chapter wins Step Show

moved on to the Omega Chapter, and rededicate ourselves to the vision of our beloved Founders. After lunch brothers attended the Candidates’ Forum. The only contested position was that of Vice Regional Director. The two candidates; Bros. James Reeves and Craig Collins shared their vision for the office of Vice Director. Elections would close

Bro. Jenabu Williams accepts the Sigma Man Of The Year Award from Hon. Bro. Devon Henry.

out the day’s business schedule. Bro. James Reeves was re-elected for a second term as Vice Director. The Sigma Step Show was the only event remaining on the schedule for Friday evening. All Step Teams represented their chapters proudly. The brothers from Gamma Chapter took home the trophy, and will represent the Region at Conclave Las Vegas. Saturday, April 21, 2018 Brothers and guests gathered early for the Sigma Awards Breakfast. This was an opportunity to acknowledge brothers and chapters for their accomplishments in the areas of programming, academics and community service. Bro. Derrick Bailey (Alpha Sigma) served as Master of Ceremonies for the morning. Along with the regional awards our 35th International President, Hon. Bro. Michael Cristal, was on hand to present a few awards to deserving brothers. Hon. Bro. Devon Henry presented Bro. Jenabu Williams (Chi Sigma Chapter / Director of Sigma Beta Clubs) with the Sigma Man of the Year Award. Bro. Henry lauded Bro. Williams for his outstanding work in the area of mentoring and the Sigma Beta Club. Following the breakfast the brothers went straight into the 2nd Plenary Session. Highlights of this session included reports from the Chapter Reports, Collegiate Affairs and Time & Place Committees. Winners of the Chapter Reports Award were the Xi Theta Chapter (NJIT) and Zeta Sigma Chapter (Baltimore, MD). The Collegiate

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Affairs Committee shared with the Body some recommendations to increase communication and support for our undergraduate brothers. The Time and Place Committee gave recommendations of best practices moving forward as the Region begins to take on the financial responsibility for future regional conferences. The Collegiate Luncheon was the next item on the schedule. The Collegiate Luncheon was a chance to support and acknowledge our undergraduate brothers for their continued success in academics and community service. Bro. Christian Clarke (Associate Regional Director) served as the Master of Ceremonies for the Luncheon. During the Luncheon we also heard presentations from our Oratorical & Debate winners; Bro. John Doe (Alpha Chapter / Oratorical) and Bros. Tremar Pringle and Kwasi Brobbey (Rho Tau Chapter / Debate). These brothers will represent the Region at Conclave Las Vegas. Bro. Robert Nelson, Sr. (Zeta Sigma), sponsor of the Collegiate Luncheon and father of four sons who are also Sigma men, shared some inspirational words with the brothers in attendance. The 3rd Plenary Session would close out the official business of the 98th Eastern Regional Conference. Before hearing from our international officers in attendance, it was time to take care of one final report. It was time for the PBS (Prominent Brothers Service) Award Committee to report. The following brothers would make up the 2018 PBS Class, the highest honor a brother can receive in the Region: Bros. Rommel Cave (Epsilon Sigma), Brad Leak (Rho Delta Sigma), Frank Larmond (Omicron Chi Sigma), Jason Brown (Theta Omicron Sigma), James Johnson (Kappa Upsilon Sigma) and Maynard Minor (Nu Sigma Sigma). These Brothers received a wholehearted standing ovation from the Body. Now brothers were ready to receive reports from our International Treasurer Bro. William Frasier, Jr. and the State of the Fraternity address


from our 35th International President, Hon. Bro. Michael Cristal. These reports gave the brothers a snapshot of the state of the national organization, and Bro. Cristal shared his vision moving forward. The highlight of the session was the State of the Region address by our 26th Eastern Regional Director, Hon. Devon Henry. Bro. Henry reflected on his first term in office and took a moment to thank those who played a role in our success. He then gave the Body marching orders moving forward and asked for their continued support. The address was received enthusiastically by the Body. Now it was time to prepare for the Orchid Ball and celebrate our success. The Orchid Ball was a joyous occasion. Brothers were joined by our sisters of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, family and friends to celebrate the success of Sigma in the Eastern Region. We were also joined by Catherine E. Pugh (Mayor of Baltimore) and Darryl De Sousa (Baltimore Police Commissioner). Mayor Pugh congratulated the men of Sigma for their community involvement, and thanked the conference attendees for the economic impact made during the conference. The Ball was also a time to present the newly elected Eastern Regional Board; Hon. Devon Henry (Regional Director), James Reeves (Vice Director), Moises Urena (Associate Director), Edmund Hardy (Secretary), Wayne Allen (Treasurer), Nigel Coelho (Bigger & Better Business), Ra Al-Shabazz (Education), Roberto Peguro (Social Action), Marcus Daly (Publicity) and Leonard Lockhart (Immediate Past Regional Director). One of the highlights of any Orchid Ball is the Grand March, and this time it did not disappoint. Brothers had to double up as they entered the room. The numbers reminded brothers of a conclave march. Brothers and guests enjoyed themselves well into the early morning hours. This was a fitting close to a successful conference. All roads lead to Conclave Las Vegas (2019) and the Eastern Regional Conference, Richmond, VA (2020). March on, March On!!!

Conference Review in Pictures Bro. Darryl Williams Thanks the Body for nominating him for DSC at Conclave Las Vegas President Hon. Bro. Micheal Cristal

1st Vice President Jean Lamothe


Bro. Elford Jackson, Darryl De Sousa (Baltimore Police Commissioner), Catherine E. Pugh (Mayor of Baltimore) and Bro. Devon Henry




2018 PBS Class


Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc. Eastern Region Publicity Committee 200 Nutmeg Lane #219 East Hartford, CT 06118



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