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I f t h e r e a r e v i s i b l e d a m a g e s o r s h o r t a g e s w h e n a s h i p m e n t i s r e c e i v e d b y c o m m o n c a r r i e r, p l e a s e n o t e t h e p r o b l e m o n t h e b i l l o f l a d i n g b e f o r e s i g n i n g a s r e c e i v e d . B e f o r e s i g n i n g, a l s o c o u n t t h e n u m b e r o f b o x e s a n d s k i d s t o m a k e s u r e t h e n u m b e r s m a t c h w h a t i s l i s t e d o n t h e b i l l o f l a d i n g. I f t h e r e i s a d i s c r e p a n c y, p l e a s e n o t e i t o n t h e b i l l o f l a d i n g. P l e a s e r e p o r t t o c u s t o m e r s e r v i c e a n y d a m a g e s o r s h o r t a g e s w i t h i n 1 0 d a y s o f r e c e i v i n g a s h i p m e n t . S a v e a l l o r i g i n a l b o x e s a n d p a c k i n g m a t e r i a l . D e l i v e r i n g c a r r i e r s m a y r e q u i r e b o x e s , p a c k i n g m a t e r i a l a n d d a m a g e d i t e m s t o b e i n s p e c t e d b y a f i e l d a g e n t b e f o r e t h e y w i l l i s s u e p a y m e n t f o r a d a m a g e c l a i m . Cu s t o m e r s e r v i c e w i l l f i l e c l a i m s f o r y o u w i t h t h e d e l i v e r i n g c a r r i e r i f d a m a g e s a n d m i s s i n g b o x e s a r e r e p o r t e d t o c u s t o m e r s e r v i c e w i t h i n 1 0 d a y s o f r e c e i v i n g s h i p m e n t a n d t h e o r i g i n a l b o x a n d p a c k i n g m a t e r i a l h a v e b e e n s a v e d f o r i n s p e c t i o n .

N o d e d u c t i o n s c a n b e t a k e n o f f i n v o i c e s w i t h o u t p r i o r a u t h o r i z a t i o n f r o m c u s t o m e r s e r v i c e .


N o c u s t o m i m p r i n t e d i t e m s o r f o o d p r o d u c t s m a y b e r e t u r n e d f o r c r e d i t .

A l l o t h e r m e r c h a n d i s e m a y b e r e t u r n e d f o r c r e d i t a t t h e c u s t o m e r ’s e x p e n s e w i t h p r i o r a u t h o r i z a t i o n . T h e c u s t o m e r w i l l b e c h a r g e d a 2 0 % r e s t o c k i n g f e e p l u s f r e i g h t c h a r g e s i f t h e y r e c e i v e d f r e e f r e i g h t o n t h e o r d e r.

A n y c u s t o m i m p r i n t e d o r d e r s r e f u s e d o r r e t u r n e d w i l l b e s u b j e c t t o f u l l i n v o i c e , a l l f r e i g h t c h a r g e s , a n d / o r a r e d e l i v e r y f e e .

A n y o t h e r r e f u s e d o r r e t u r n e d m e r c h a n d i s e w i l l b e i n v o i c e d f r e i g h t c o s t s b o t h w a y s , p l u s a 2 0 % r e s t o c k i n g f e e .


P r i v a t e l a b e l a n d c u s t o m i m p r i n t o r d e r s r e q u i r e a f o u r - w e e k n o t i c e b e f o r e c a n c e l l a t i o n . A l l o t h e r o r d e r s r e q u i r e a t w o - w e e k n o t i c e b e f o r e c a n c e l l a t i o n o r a 2 0 % r e s t o c k i n g f e e w i l l b e c h a r g e d .


T h e p r o d u c t s i n t h i s c a t a l o g a r e n o t I n d i a n m a d e o r I n d i a n p r o d u c t s p e r 2 5 U. S . C . § 3 0 5 e t . s e q .

OF CONTENTS Agate Slices � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � 42 Amethyst � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � 44 Andean Musical Instruments 208 Andean Pottery � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � 203 Andean Stone Animals 156 Apophyllite Titanium � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � 55 Arrowheads � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � 70 Baubles � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � 154 Bookends � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � 126 Bottle Stoppers � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � 177 Bracelets � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � 276 Bracelets-Beadwork � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � 280 Bracelets-Natural Stone � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � 251 Butterfly Magnets � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � 147 Capstones � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � 4 Celestial Charms � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � 260 Chakra � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � 171 Chakra Rock Crystal Candy 220 Daisy Chain Jewelry � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � 275 Desktop Gemstone Wind Chimes 143 Displays-Rocks by the Piece � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � 34 Displays-Rocks by the Pound 12 Display Stands & Easels � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � 69 Drawstring Bags � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � 32 Dream Catchers & Mandalas 194 Flats � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � 79 Floating Frames � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � 183 Foil Prints � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � 205 Fossils-Genuine � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � 124 Fossils-Replica � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � 110 Gem Bottles � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � 80 Gemlights™ � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � 296 Gemstone Cradles � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � 187 Gemstone Hearts� � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � 93 Gemstone Pendants � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � 253 Gemstone Points � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � 92 Gemstone Pyramids � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � 90 Gemstone Slabs 64 Gemstone Trees � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � 139 Geodes � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � 46 Geodes � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � 50 Hiking Sticks � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � 211 Incense � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � 288 Incense Holders � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � 295 Keychains & Magnets � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � 82 Magnetic Hematite � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � 263 Many Moods Jewelry � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � 277 Minerals on Wood Base � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � 78 Napkin Rings � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � 180 Necklaces-Arrowheads � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � 277 Necklaces-Beads � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � 273 Necklaces-Cabochon � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � 240 Necklaces-Dream Catcher 281 Necklaces-Druse � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � 267 Necklaces-Gemstone� � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � 223 Necklaces-Heavenly Stone � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � 262 Necklaces-Silver Pendants � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � 244 Necklaces-Wire-Wrapped � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � 237 Neck Ropes & Chains � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � 259 Night Lights � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � 160 Onyx--Carved � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � 153 Pendulums � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � 99 Picture Sandstone � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � 132 Points � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � 134 Points � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � 138 Ponder Stones 102 Pumice � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � 54 Pyrite� � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � 56 Pyrite- Carved � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � 128 Rings � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � 269 Rock Crystal Tea Sugar � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � 219 Rocks by the Pound� � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � 17 Salt Lamps 162 Selenite � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � 74 Shoshone Silver Jewelry � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � 282 Showpieces � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � 182 Soap Dispensers � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � 181 Soapstone � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � 96 Soapstone--Carved � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � 153 Spheres & Eggs� � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � 98 Storage Boxes � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � 36 Strata Stones � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � 146 Talc � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � 54 Taper Candles � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � 305 Tea Light Holders � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � 308 Tea Lights 304 Terra Gem- � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � 250 Terra Lamps � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � 161 Toadstools � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � 114 Tumbled Gemstone Jewelry� � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � 266 Walking Canes/Sticks � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � 215 Wax Melts � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � 303 Wicsktone™Car Coasters � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � 167 Wicsktone™Coasters � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � 163 Zen Gardens � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � 159 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

PeruvianPyrite Capstones Capstones

A Gift to Celebrate Life’s Achievements

A shaped stone or finial in ancient times was often placed on the pinnacle of a temple, pyramid, or fortress wall as a symbol of completion. That symbol was known as a Capstone.

Today, Capstones, carved and polished from precious stones of Amethyst, Pyrite, and Agate, make wonderful gifts to symbolize the hard work and dedication that led to a lifetime accomplishment.

A graduation, anniversary, promotion, retirement, buying a home, and recovery from an illness are just a few examples of crowning achievements that will be remembered through time by the thoughtful gift of a Capstone. Free

Pyrite Capstones

Sizes range between 1 5/8”-4 1/8”

DO108XS - 90-149 grams. .

DO108S - 150-249 grams.

DO108A - 250-349 grams.

DO108B - 350-449 grams.

DO108C - 450-549 grams.

DO108D - 550-649 grams.

DO108E - 650-749 grams.

DO108F - 750-849 grams.

DO108G - 850-949 grams.

DO108H - 950-1049 grams.

*Not Pictured

.$12.40 ea.*

.$18.60 ea.*

.$24.80 ea.

.$31.00 ea.

.$38.30 ea.

.$45.60 ea.

$52.80 ea.

$60.00 ea.*

$67.30 ea.*

$74.50 ea.*

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5” x 7” point of purchase
with any capstone purchase
request). Additional easels
POP102 $4.00 ea.

BrazilianAgate Geode Capstones



Agate Geode Capstones, assorted colors cut and polished with a flat base

Sizes range between 2 1/2”- 5 1/2”

DO109A - small, 150 - 299g.

DO109B - medium, 300 - 499g.

DO109C - large, 500 - 699g.

DO109D - x-large, 700 - 900g.


$6.00 ea.

$9.00 ea.

$12.00 ea.

$15.00 ea.


5   
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Sizes range between 3”- 5”

8X-Large 1400-1499 Grams

9 X-Large *

1500-1599 Grams

DO107M . . . $51.00

Small 400-499 Grams

DO107A . . . $14.50 ea.

Medium 500-599 Grams

DO107B . . .$17.40 ea.

Large 600-699 Grams

DO107C. . ..$20.30 ea.

X-Large 700-799 Grams

DO107D. . .$23.20 ea.

2X-Large 800-899 Grams

DO107E . . .$26.10 ea.

3X-Large 900-999 Grams

DO107F. . .$29.00 ea.

4X-Large 1000-1099 Grams

DO107G . . ..$32.00 ea.

5X-Large 1100-1199 Grams

DO107H . . .$35.00 ea.

6X-Large 1200-1299 Grams

DO107J. . .$38.00 ea.

7X-Large 1300-1399 Grams

DO107K . . .$42.00 ea.

DO107L. . .$47.00 ea. *not pictured

Amethyst Capstones Regular Grade
DO107L DO107K DO107J DO107H
10 X-Large* 1600-1699 Grams
. . . $55.00 ea.
DO107P .
DO107Q .
1900-1999 Grams DO107R . . . $67.00 ea.
X-Large* 2000-2099 Grams DO107S . . . $71.00 ea.
X-Large* 2100-2199 Grams DO107T . . . $75.00 ea. DO107G DO107F DO107E DO107D DO107B DO107C DO107A
. . $7.50
. .
. .
*not pictured *not pictured *not pictured *not pictured *not pictured *not pictured
11 X-Large* 1700-1799 Grams
$59.00 ea. 12 X-Large* 1800-1899 Grams
13 X-Large*
3x Small 100-199 Grams
ea. 2x Small 200-299 Grams DO107A2 .
$9.50 ea. Xtra Small 300-399 Grams DO107A 1.
$11.50 ea.
DO107A1 DO107A2 DO107A3

Extra grade capstones are distinguished by the quality of their crystals and the richness of their color. A perfect gift for when only the best will do!

Sizes range between 3”- 5”

6X-Large, Extra Grade* 1200-1299 Grams

Small, Extra Grade 400-499 Grams

DO107XA . . . $19.00 ea.

Medium, Extra Grade 500-599 Grams

DO107XB . . .$23.00 ea.

Large, Extra Grade 600-699 Grams

DO107XC. . ..$27.00 ea.

X-Large, Extra Grade 700-799 Grams

DO107XD. . .$31.00 ea.

2X-Large, Extra Grade 800-899 Grams

DO107XE . . .$35.00 ea.

3X-Large, Extra Grade 900-999 Grams

DO107XF. . .$39.00 ea.

4X-Large, Extra Grade 1000-1099 Grams

DO107XG . . ..$43.00 ea.

5X-Large, Extra Grade 1100-1199 Grams

DO107XH . . .$47.00 ea.

DO107XJ. . .$51.00 ea.

7X-Large, Extra Grade 1300-1399 Grams

DO107XK . . .$55.00 ea.

8X-Large, Extra Grade 1400-1499 Grams DO107XL. . .$59.00 ea. DO107XA DO107XD DO107XG DO107XH DO107XK DO107XL DO107XE

DO107XF DO107XB DO107XC *not pictured
DO107XM . . . $63.00
DO107XN . . . $67.00 ea. 11 X-Large, Extra Grade* 1700-1799 Grams DO107XP . . . $71.00 ea. 12 X-Large, Extra Grade* 1800-1899 Grams DO107XQ . . . $75.00 ea. 13 X-Large, Extra Grade* 1900-1999 Grams DO107XR . . . $79.00 ea. 14 X-Large, Extra Grade* 2000-2099 Grams DO107XS . . . $83.00 ea. 15 X-Large, Extra Grade* 2100-2199 Grams DO107XT . . . $87.00 ea. Amethyst Capstones Extra Grade Xtra Small, Extra Grade 300-399 Grams DO107XA1 . . . $16.00 ea. 2x Small, Extra Grade 200-299 Grams DO107XA2 . . . $14.00 ea. 3x Small, Extra Grade 100-199 Grams DO107XA3 . . . $12.00 ea. *not pictured *not pictured *not pictured *not pictured *not pictured *not pictured DO107XA3 DO107XA2 DO107XA1 *not pictured 7   
9 X-Large, Extra Grade*
ea. 10 X-Large, Extra Grade*

BrazilianAgate Capstones

Agate Capstones, assorted colors

cut and polished with a flat base

Sizes range between 2 1/2”- 5 1/2”

DO101 - x-small, Avg 225g.

DO102 - small, Avg 680g.

DO103 - medium, Avg 1132g.

DO104 - large, Avg 1585g.

. $5.25 ea.

. $10.50 ea.

$17.25 ea.


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DO101 DO102 DO103 DO104

Aura Amethyst Druse Capstones

When titanium is vaporized by heating to over 3,600 degrees Fahrenheit in a vacuum chamber, titanium ions combine with nitrogen gas to form TiN, Titanium Nitride Ions. Amethyst druse placed in the vacuum chamber then becomes coated with a very thin layer of Titanium Nitride Ions. The layer of ions is only 3 to 5 microns thick which is about the length of a bacterium. A plating material is added in the vacuum chamber to create different colors of titanium nitride coatings. The process is called PVD, Physical Vapor Deposition, and the titanium nitride coating is called “ionic plating”.

9   
DO111CA 150 - 450 Grams . . . $14.50 ea. DO111CB 451 - 850 Grams. . . $27.00 ea. DO111CC 851 - 1250 Grams . . . $39.00 ea. DO111CD 1251 - 1650 Grams. . . $49.00 ea.
DO111LA 150 - 450 Grams . . . $14.50 ea. DO111LB 451 - 850 Grams. . . $27.00 ea. DO111LC 851 - 1250 Grams . . . $39.00 ea. DO111LD 1251 - 1650 Grams. . . $49.00 ea.
Cobalt Opal
10 Aura Amethyst Druse Capstones DO111NA 150 - 450 Grams . . . $14.50 ea. DO111NB 451 - 850 Grams. . . $27.00 ea. DO111NC 851 - 1250 Grams . . . $39.00 ea. DO111ND 1251 - 1650 Grams. . . $49.00 ea. Garnet DO111PA 150 - 450 Grams . . . $14.50 ea. DO111PB 451 - 850 Grams. . . $27.00 ea. DO111PC 851 - 1250 Grams . . . $39.00 ea. DO111PD 1251 - 1650 Grams. . . $49.00 ea. Peacock
11    DO111GA 150 - 450 Grams . . . $14.50 ea. DO111GB 451 - 850 Grams. . . $27.00 ea. DO111GC 851 - 1250 Grams . . . $39.00 ea. Gold Aura Amethyst Druse Capstones Silver DO111SA 150 - 450 Grams . . . $14.50 ea. DO111SB 451 - 850 Grams. . . $27.00 ea. DO111SC 851 - 1250 Grams . . . $39.00 ea.

Floor Displays Rocks by the Pound

Gemstone Super Mix Small Open Bin “By the Bagful” Floor Merchandising Deal

BR900SG . . . .$1411.53

• BR900MS Small Floor Open Bin “By the Bagful” display, 23 ¼” x 23 ¼” x 34 ¼”, $565

• FREE 20 lbs. of Gemstone Super Mix + 113 2" x 3" drawstring bags to offset cost of display at $4.99 SRP per bagful

• 130 lbs. BR137 Gemstone Super Mix, $5.10/lb., $663.00

• 50 BR303 Origin of Rocks and Minerals Books, $1.00 ea., $50.00

• 357 faux glove leather drawstring bags in eight assorted colors

129 DBA23 2”x3” Faux Glove Leather Drawstring Bags, 35¢ ea, $45.15

141 DBA33 3”x3” Faux Glove Leather Drawstring Bags, 38¢ ea, $53.58

87 DBA34 3”x4” Faux Glove Leather Drawstring Bags, 40¢ ea, $34.80 FREE custom hot stamped logo on drawstring bags with one-time plate fee of $50.00

Substitute BR137S Small Gemstone Super Mix @ $3.70/lb. BR900MXS . . . .$1215.88

• BR900M Large Floor Open Bin “By the Bagful” Display with bin dividers and compartmentalized shelf below, 30” x 30” x 58”, $590

• FREE 21 lbs. of Gemstone Super Mix +119 2" x 3" Drawstring Bags to offset cost of display at $4.99 SRP per bagful

• 39 lbs. BR137 Gemstone Super Mix, $5.10/lb., $198.90

• 30 lbs. BR112 Fool’s Gold, $3.90/lb., $117.00

• 30 lbs. BR115C Quartz Crystals in Color, $11.10/lb., $333.00

• 80 BR313B2 Second grade Agate Slices, $3.50 ea., $280.00

• 50 BR303 Origin of Rocks and Minerals Books, $1.00 ea., $50.00

• 360 faux glove leather drawstring bags in eight assorted colors

120 DBA23 2” x 3” bags holds 2.8oz. of tumbled gemstones, 35¢ ea., $42.00 120 DBA33 3” x 3” bags holds 4.8oz. of tumbled gemstones, 38¢ ea., $45.60 120 DBA34 3” x 4” bags holds 7.8oz. of tumbled gemstones, 40¢ ea., $48.00

FREE custom hot stamped logo on drawstring bags with one-time plate fee of $50.00


• 67 B117 Small Wooden Crate Box with plastic sliding lid, empty, 2 3/4" x 3" x 1 1/4", $2.25 ea., $150.75

• 55 B118 Large Wooden Crate Box with plastic sliding lid, empty, 3 1/4" x 3 ⁷/8" x 1 1/2", $2.75 ea., $151.25

FREE custom imprinting on large and small crate boxes with a $300 order and a one-time $50.00 plate fee


• 120 SW101RM Round Tin Container with Lid and Mesh Sides, 3 3/4" dia. x 1 ⁹/16", $2.50 ea., $300.00

FREE custom imprinting on tins with $300 order and a one-time $50.00 plate fee

Merchandising Deals Not Pictured

Gemstone Super Mix Large Open Bin “By the Bagful” Floor Merchandising Deal

Small Gemstone Super Mix Large Open Bin“By the Bagful”Floor Merchandising Deal

BR900MX . . . .$1474.90
Shown With BR112 - Fool’s Gold BR137- Gemstone Super Mix
Agate Slices
Jumbo Quartz Crystal Points
BR900SS . . . .$1297.73

Rocks by the Pound

Counter Displays

Mineral Crystal, Gemstone Storage Box, 11 ¼” x 7 ½” x 2 7/8” CBD304. . . .$7.50 ea.

Display Idea!

Use the storage boxes to create a display for tumbled stones. Each compartment holds approximately 25 of our 1" tumbled gemstones. Glue or tape Identification Cards to the lid to identify each stone.

Gemstone Counter Display Merchandising Deal BR400. . . .$311.41

• BR200 Counter Open Bin “By the Bagful” Display, 16” x 16” x 18”, $125.00

• FREE 5 lbs. of Gemstone Super Mix + 25 2" x 3" faux glove leather drawstring bags to offset cost of display at $4.99 SRP per bagful

• 25 lbs. BR137 Gemstone Super Mix, $5.10/lb., $127.50

• 24 BR303 Origin of Rocks and Minerals Book, $1.00 ea., $24.00

• 95 faux glove leather drawstring bags in eight assorted colors

51 DBA23 2” x 3” bags holds 2.8 oz. of tumbled gemstones, 35¢ ea., $17.85

27 DBA33 3” x 3” bags holds 4.8 oz. of tumbled gemstones, 38¢ ea., $10.26

17 DBA34 3” x 4” bags holds 7.8 oz. of tumbled gemstones, 40¢ ea., $6.80 Increase order of bags to 500 for FREE custom hot stamping with a one-time plate fee of $50.00

• Also available: BR400S w/ BR137S Small Gemstone Super Mix, $276.41

13  

Agate Slice Counter Merchandising Deal

AS1000 . . . . $395.50

• BR200 Counter Open Bin Display, 16” x 16” x 18”, holds 100 slices, $125.00

• FREE 13 BR313B2 Agate Slices to offset cost of display at $9.99 SRP

• 67 BR313B2 Medium sized assorted Agate slices, $3.50 ea., $234.50

• 36 BR303 Origin of Rocks and Minerals Book, $1.00 ea., $36.00

Quartz Crystals Counter Merchandising Deal

QC400 . . . . $535.05

• BR200 Counter Open Bin Display, 16” x 16” x 18”, $125.00

• FREE 4 ½ lbs. BR115C Quartz Crystal in Color to offset cost of display at $27.99/lb. SRP

• 15 ½ lbs. BR115C Quartz Crystals in Color, $11.10/lb., $172.05

• 240 BR327C Quartz Crystal Points Jumbo, 90¢ ea., $216.00

• 25 DBA34 3” x 4” Faux Glove Leather Drawstring bags, asst., 40¢ ea., $10.00

• 12 BR303 Origin of Rocks and Minerals Book, $1.00 ea., $12.00

Tiger Eye "By the Bagful" counter Merchandising Deal

TE1000. . . .$454.40

• BR200 Gemstone Counter Display, holds up to 26.5 lbs. of Tiger Eye gemstones, $125.00

• FREE 4 lbs of Tiger Eye + 20 2”x3” glove leather drawstring bags to offset cost of display at $6.25 SRP per bagful

• 26 lbs. BR136 Tiger Eye gemstones, $9.70/lb., $252.20

• 200 BR136E Tiger Eye educational cards, 12¢ ea., $24.00

• 152 DBA23 2” x 3” glove leather drawstring bags in 8 assorted colors, each holds approx. 2.8 oz. of Tiger Eye, 35¢ ea., $53.20 Increase order of bags to 500 for FREE custom hot stamping with a one-time plate fee of $50.00

Tiger Eye Educational Cards BR136E. . . .12¢, $12.00/pk 100


Fool's Gold

Fool’s Gold “By the Bagful” Counter Merchandising Deal

FG1000 …$293.75

· BR200 Counter Open Bin “By the Bagful” Display, 16” x 16” x 18”, $125.00

· FREE 5 lbs. of Fool’s Gold (Iron Pyrite) + 25 2” x 3” faux glove leather drawstring bags to offset cost of display at $4.99 SRP per bagful

· 25 lbs. BR112 Fool’s Gold (Iron Pyrite), $3.90/lb., $97.50

· 135 DBA23 2” x 3” faux glove leather drawstring bags, 35¢ ea., $47.25

· 200 BR112E Fool’s Gold Educational Fact Cards, 12¢ ea., $24.00

Increase order of bags to 500 for FREE custom hot stamping with a one-time plate fee of $50.00

FREE freight with $1,500 order or 150 lbs. rock, packed three 10 lb. bags per case, may assort up to 3 different bags per case

Fool’s Gold BR112 - $4.90/lb. packed in 1 lb. bag

$3.90/lb., $39.00/10-lb. bag

2” x 3” bag fill: 3 oz. =73¢

3” x 3” bag fill: 6.5 oz. = $1.59

3” x 4” bag fill: 9 oz. = $2.20

Small crate box fill: 2.6 oz. = 64¢

Large crate box fill: 10 oz. = $2.44

Round Tin fill: 16 oz. = $3.90

Fool’s Gold Treasure Chest “By the Bagful” Counter Merchandising Deal

TR700MG . . . .$282.20

• TR700 Treasure Chest “By the Bagful” counter display, includes 4-compartment divider $98.00

• FREE 4 lbs. of Fool’s Gold (Iron Pyrite) + 20 2” x 3” faux glove leather drawstring bags to offset cost of display at $4.99 SRP per bagful

• 26 lbs. BR112 Fool’s Gold (Iron Pyrite), $3.90/lb., $101.40

• 24 BR303 Origin of Rocks and Minerals Books, $1.00 ea., $24.00

• 168 DBA23 2” x 3” faux glove leather drawstring bags in 8 assorted colors, holds 2.8 oz. of Iron Pyrite, 35¢ ea., $58.80

Increase order of bags to 500 for FREE custom hot stamping with a one-time plate fee of $50.00

Pyrite Chispa AAA First Quality BR112B - $8.00/lb. packed in 1 lb. bag $7.00/lb., $70.00/10-lb. bag

2” x 3” bag fill: 3 oz. = $1.31

3” x 3” bag fill: 6.5 oz. = $2.84

3” x 4” bag fill: 9 oz. = $3.94

Small crate box fill: 2.6 oz. = $1.14

Large crate box fill: 10 oz. = $4.38

Round Tin fill: 16 oz. = $7.00

Pyrite Educational Card, 4” x 5 ½” BR112E. . . .12¢ ea., $12/100
15   

Displays Ferromagnetic Stones by the Pound ™

Ferromagnetic Stones® Small Open Bin “By the Bagful” Floor Merchandising Deal

BR900MG. . . .$1149.45

• BR900MS Small Floor Open Bin “By the Bagful” display, 23 ¼” x 23 ¼” x 34 ¼”, $565

• FREE 36 lbs. of Ferromagnetic Stones® + 114 2" x 3" faux glove leather bags to offset cost of display at $4.99 SRP per bagful

• 114 lbs. BR145 Ferromagnetic Stones®, $4.05lb., $461.70

• 200 BR145E Ferromagnetic Stone® Educational Cards, 12¢ea, $24.00

• 264 faux glove leather drawstring bags in 8 assorted colors

99 DBA23 2” x 3” bags holds 5oz. of Ferromagnetic

95 DBA33 3” x 3” bags holds 8.5oz. of Ferromagnetic

70 DBA34 3” x 4” bags holds 11.5oz. of Ferromagnetic

Increase order of bags to 500 for FREE custom hot stamping with a one-time plate fee of $50.

Ferromagnetic Stones® Counter Merchandising Display Deal

BR400MG. . . .$371.85

• BR200 Counter Open Bin “By the Bagful” Display, 16” x 16” x 18”, $125

• FREE 8 lbs. of Ferromagnetic Stones® + 25 2" x 3" glove leather bags to offset cost of display at $4.99 SRP per bagful

• 52 lbs. BR145 Ferromagnetic Stones®, $4.05lb, $210.60

• 100 BR145E Ferromagnetic Stones® Educational Fact Card, 12¢ea, $12.00

• 65 faux glove leather drawstring bags in 8 assorted colors

25 DBA23 2” x 3” bags holds 5 oz. of Ferromagnetic

25 DBA33 3” x 3” bags holds 8.5 oz. of Ferromagnetic

15 DBA34 3” x 4” bags holds 11.8 oz. of Ferromagnetic

Increase order of bags to 500 for FREE custom hot-stamping with a one-time plate feet of $50..

Magnet Stones ® Educational Card, 4” x 5 ½ BR145E . . . .12¢ ea., $12/100



Made from natural elements including iron, ferromagnetic stones are often used in healing and to ward off negative energy.

BR145- $5.05/lb packed in 1 lb bag

$4.05/lb., $40.50/10-lb. bag

Avg. 31 pc/lb

2” x 3” bag fill: 5oz = $1.27

3” x 3” bag fill: 8.5oz = $2.15

3” x 4” bag fill: 11.8oz = $2.99

Small crate box fill: 4.3oz = $1.09

Large crate box fill: 12.8 oz. = $3.24

Round Tin fill: 19.7 oz. = $4.99

$9.50/lb packed in 1 lb bag

$8.50/lb., $85.00/ 10-lb. bag

Avg. 9.3 pcs. / lb.

2” x 3” bag fill: 5 oz. =$2.66

3” x 3” bag fill: 8.5 oz. = $4.52

3” x 4” bag fill: 11.8 oz. = $6.27

$8.50/lb packed in 1 lb bag

$7.50/lb., $75.00/ 10-lb. bag

Avg. 9.75 pcs. / lb.

2x3 bag holds 3 with bag closed, $2.31 to fill

3x3 bag holds up to 6 with bag closed, $4.62 to fill

3x4 bag holds up to 9 with bag closed, $6.92 to fill

$10.90/lb packed in 1 lb bag

$9.90/lb., $99.00/ 10-lb. bag

3” x 3” bag fill: 7.3 oz. ( 1 Giant Orb ) = $4.52

$9.50/lb packed in 1 lb bag

$8.50/lb., $85.00/10-lb. bag

Avg. 4.2 pcs. / lb.

3” x 4” bag fill: 14.06 oz. ( 2 Giant Orbs ) = $9.04 FREE freight with 150 lbs., packed three 10 lb bags per case, may assort up to 3 different bags per case.

Swallow-proof for children age 3 and under, Pat. pend. 2x3 bag holds 1 with bag closed, $2.03 to fill

3x3 bag holds up to 3 with bag closed, $6.07 to fill 3x4 bag holds up to 5 with bag closed, $10.12 to fill

3” x 3” bag fill: 8.5 oz. = $5.26

3” x 4” bag fill: 11.8 oz. = $7.30

17  
FERROMAGNETIC Peacock Titanium Ionized Magnet Stones® BR145TP
$10.90/lb packed in 1 lb bag $9.90/lb., $99.00/10-lb. bag
3” bag fill: 8.5
4” bag fill: 11.8
Avg. 31 pcs. / lb.
x 3” bag fill: 5 oz. =$3.10 3” x
oz. = $5.26 3” x
oz. = $7.30 Gold Titanium
Ionized Magnet Stones® BR145TG
$10.90/lb packed in 1 lb bag $9.90/lb., $99.00/10-lb. bag
bag fill: 8.5
4” bag fill: 11.8
Avg. 31 pcs. / lb.
x 3” bag fill: 5 oz. =$3.10 3” x 3”
oz. = $5.26 3” x
oz. = $7.30
Silver Titanium Ionized Magnet Stones® BR145TS
$10.90/lb packed in 1 lb bag $9.90/lb., $99.00/10-lb. bag
Avg. 31 pcs. / lb. 2” x 3” bag fill: 5 oz. =$3.10
Magnet Asteroids® BR145A Magnet Ellipsoids® BR145U Magnet Orbs, 1 5 / 16 ” to 1 1 / 64 ” dia. BR145R Giant Magnet Orbs, 1 3” dia. BR145RX Magnet Stones®


Gemstone Tumbled Mixes from Africa

FREE freight with 150 lbs., packed three 10 lb bags per case, may assort up to 3 different bags per case.

the pound

$10.50/lb packed in 1 lb bag $9.50/lb., $95.00/10-lb. bag

2” x 3” bag fill: 2.8 oz. = $1.66

3” x 3” bag fill: 4.8 oz. = $2.85

3” x 4” bag fill: 7.8 oz. = $4.63

May include any of the following stones:


Chevron Amethyst

Picture Jasper

Snowflake Obsidian

Brecciated Jasper

Blue Tigereye

Red Tigereye

Dalmatian Stone


Quartz Crystal

Snow Quartz


Lace Agate

Turretella Agate

Botswana Agate (gray and apricot)

Carnelian Agate

Rose Quartz

And others

Average 41
All Natural Gemstone Super Mix, Africa
Size Medium Average 91 stones per pound Approx. 3/4” in size All Natural Gemstone Super Mix, Africa
stones per pound
1” in size
All Natural Gemstone Super Mix, Africa R401 -Size Small Average 200 stones per pound Average 1/2” in size
All Natural Gemstone Super Mix, Africa R401XL- Size Extra Large Average 23 stones per pound
1 1/4” in size
FREE freight with 150 lbs.


by the pound

Natural Tumbled Mix


$5.50/lb packed in 1 lb bag

$4.50/lb., $45.00/10-lb. bag

Includes jasper, agate, quartz, sunstone, aventurine, carnelian, tree agate, painted agate, amethyst and others, assorted sizes 1/2” – 1 1/4”

Safe for fish in aquariums and plants in terrariums, all natural.

$9.20/lb packed in 1 lb bag

$8.20/lb., $82.00/10-lb. bag

Natural Tumbled

$22.00/lb packed in 1 lb bag

$24.00/lb packed in 1 lb bag

FREE freight with 150 lbs., packed three 10 lb bags per case, may assort up to 3 different bags per case.

$10.70/lb packed in 1 lb bag


$9.50/lb packed in 1 lb bag $8.50/lb.,

Natural Gemstone Mix BR157 Goldstone Confidence, Empowerment BR156 $21.00/lb., $210.00/10-lb. bag Sapphire Goldstone Courage, Creativity BR156B $23.00/lb., $230.00/10-lb. bag Emerald Goldstone Courage, Creativity BR156G Brown Diamond Goldstone Grounding, Passion, Sensuality BR156D $22.00/lb packed in 1 lb bag $21.00/lb., $210.00/10-lb. bag Aventurine, green Good Luck, Optimism BR102 Petrified Wood, tumbled Grounding, Balance BR160 $97.00/10-lb. bag Carnelian Agate Courage, Success BR125 $85.00/10-lb. bag
19   







FREE freight with 150 lbs. by the pound
Amethyst, tumbled Stability, Strength, Peace BR105 $10.30/lb packed in 1 lb bag $9.30/lb., $93.00/10-lb. bag Amethyst Chevron Banded Inspiration, Meditation BR178 $10.70/lb packed in 1 lb bag $9.70/lb., $97.00/10-lb. bag Grey Botswana Banded Agate Patience, Courage BR126 Apricot Botswana Banded Agate Serenity, Inner Strength BR165 packed in 1 lb bag $12.50/lb., $125.00/10-lb. bag Carnelian Botswana Banded Agate Comfort, Inner Peace BR166 packed in 1 lb bag $12.50/lb., $125.00/10-lb. bag Fancy Jasper Wholeness, Healing BR134 packed in 1 lb bag $6.75/lb., $67.50/10-lb. bag Picture Jasper, tumbled Security, Comfort BR161 $10.70/lb packed in 1 lb bag $9.70/lb., $97.00/10-lb. bag Coffee Jasper, tumbled Protection, Grounding BR462 packed in 1 lb bag $13.50/lb., $135.00/10-lb. bag Leopardskin, tumbled Strength, Vitality BR367 packed in 1 lb bag $9.70/lb, $97.00/10-lb. bag
Natural Tumbled





by the pound
Jade Wealth, Success, Wisdom BR459 packed in 1 lb bag $14.90/lb., $149.00/10-lb. bag Iron Alloy Strength, Protection, Command BR104 packed in 1 lb bag $6.50/lb., $65.00/10-lb. bag Sunstone Sensuality, Creativity BR131 packed in 1 lb bag $6.75/lb., $67.50/10-lb. bag Tigereye Inspiration, Perspective BR136 Red Tigereye Vitality, Clarity BR181 $10.70/lb packed in 1 lb bag $9.70/lb., $97.00/10-lb. bag Blue Tigereye Creativity, Calming BR182 $10.70/lb packed in 1 lb bag $9.70/lb., $97.00/10-lb. bag Unakite Positivity, Openness BR425 $10.70/lb packed in 1 lb bag $9.70/lb., $97.00/10-lb. bag Dalmatian Stone Joy, Playfulness BR162 $10.70/lb packed in 1 lb bag $9.70/lb., $97.00/10-lb. bag Rock Crystal, tumbled Healing, Increased Energy BR107
21   
packed in 1 lb bag $9.60/lb., $96.00/10-lb. bag
Natural Tumbled



freight with 150 lbs.
Rose Quartz Love, Forgiveness, Compassion BR103 $10.70/lb packed in 1 lb bag $9.70/lb., $97.00/10-lb. bag Sodalite Communication, Harmony, Trust BR108 packed in 1 lb bag $10.90/lb., $109.00/10-lb. bag Serpentine Regeneration, Healing BR456 $14.50/lb packed in 1 lb bag $13.50/lb., $135.00/10-lb. bag Shark Skin Rock Positive Energy BR460 $14.50/lb packed in 1 lb bag $13.50/lb., $135.00/10-lb. bag Fluorite Peace, Bliss, Calm BR421 $9.50/lb packed in 1 lb bag $8.50/lb., $85.00/10-lb. bag Painted Agate Strength , Stability BR128 $7.00/lb packed in 1 lb bag $6.00/lb., $60.00/10-lb. bag Howlite Memory, Stress Relief BR169 $10.70/lb packed in 1 lb bag $9.70/lb., $97.00/10-lb. bag Dragon Stone Rejuvenation, Protection BR171 packed in 1 lb bag $9.70/lb., $97.00/10-lb. bag Amazonite Truth, Soothing BR168 $13.50/lb packed in 1 lb bag $12.50/lb., $125.00/10-lb. bag
Natural Tumbled

$10.70/lb packed in 1 lb bag


$13.50/lb packed in 1 lb bag

$10.70/lb packed in 1 lb bag



$7.50/lb packed in 1 lb bag

$9.50/lb packed in 1 lb bag

by the pound
Prehnite Relaxation, Intuition BR173 $9.70/lb., $97.00/10-lb. bag Rhodonite Compassion, Healing BR174 $12.50/lb., $125.00/10-lb. bag Hieroglyphic Stone Tranquility, Wholeness BR132 $8.50/lb, $85.00/10-lb. bag Mugglestone Focus, Motivation BR179 $9.70/lb., $97.00/10-lb. bag Rainbow Moonstone, tumbled Harmony, Creativity BR464 packed in 1 lb bag $13.00/lb., $130.00/10-lb. bag Dumortierite Wisdom, Growth BR176 $15.50/lb packed in 1 lb bag $14.50/lb., $145.00/10-lb. bag Snakeskin Inner Peace, Balance, Protection BR129 packed in lb bag $8.20/lb., $82.00/10-lb. bag Cobra Stone, tumbled Calming, Balance BR180
23   
$6.50/lb., $65.00/10-lb. bag
Natural Tumbled

Includes black tourmaline, muscovite, smoky quartz, blue kyanite, brazilian agate, amethyst, aquamarine, sodalite and others Unworked

$6.90/lb packed in 1 lb bag $5.90/lb.,

$6.90/lb packed in 1 lb bag

$5.90 / lb., $59.00/10-lb. bag


the pound
Fool’s Gold Wealth, Success, Protection BR112 $4.90/lb packed in 1 lb bag $3.90/lb., $39.00/10-lb. bag Pyrite Chispa AAA First Quality Wealth, Success, Protection BR112B $8.00/lb packed in 1 lb bag $7.00/lb., $70.00/10-lb. bag Quartz Crystals Healing, Clarity, Purity China BR115A up to 1” on longest side $11.50/lb packed in 1 lb bag $10.50/lb., $105.00/10-lb. bag Quartz Crystals, Brazilian Healing, Energy, Clarity, Purity BR115B $10.90/lb packed in 1 lb bag $9.90/lb., $99.00/10-lb bag Quartz Crystal Points Jumbo Healing, Energy, Clarity, Purity BR327C 1 1/2” to 2 1/4” long, second grade, 90¢ ea., $36.00/40ct. Bag Fire Quartz Stability, Balance Madagascar, up to 1” SL314RM
$6.90/lb packed in 1 lb bag
$5.90/lb., $59.00/10-lb. bag Rose Quartz Love, Forgiveness, Compassion Madagascar, up to 1” SL307RM Amethyst Crystals Stability, Strength, Peace Brazil, up to 1” BR113 packed in 1 lb bag $6.90/lb., $69.00/10-lb. bag Brazilian Mix, Up to 1" SL345RM $59.00/10-lb. bag


Rhodonite Compassion, Healing Madagascar, up to 1”

$6.90/lb packed in 1 lb bag $5.90/lb., $59.00/10-lb. bag

Talc Inner Peace, Stillness India, 1/2” to 1”

$5.90/lb packed in 1 lb bag $4.90/lb., $49.00/10-lb. bag

Apatite, Creativity, Intelligence Madagascar, up to 1” SL310RM

$6.90/lb packed in 1 lb bag

$5.90/lb., $59.00/10-lb. bag


Septarian Nurturing, Grounding Madagascar SL334RM up to 1” on longest side

$6.90/lb packed in 1 lb bag $5.90/lb., $59.00/10-lb. bag


Energizing, Healing Madagascar, up to 1”

$6.90/lb packed in 1 lb bag $5.90/lb., $59.00/10-lb. bag

Amazonite Good Luck and Fortune, Soothing Madagascar, up to 1” SL309RM

$6.90/lb packed in 1 lb bag

$5.90/lb., $59.00/10-lb. bag

FREE freight with 150 lbs.

Selenite Connection, Clarity Morocco, Transmits light, up to 3/4

$7.90/lb packed in 1 lb bag $6.90/lb., $69.00/10-lb. bag

$6.90/lb packed in 1 lb bag $5.90 / lb., $59.00/10 lb. bag

$16.50/lb., packed in 1 lb bag $15.50/lb., $155.00/10-lb bag

by the pound
SL319RM “ SL332RM SL352RM Fluorite Cleansing, Clarity China, up to 1” SL354RM SL316RM Emerald in Matrix Clarity, Joy, Love Brazi, up to 1” SL355RM
25   


Citrine Crystals Wealth, Prosperity, Enthusiasm Brazil, up to 1”

$7.90/lb packed in 1 lb bag

$69.00/10-lb. bag

$6.90/lb packed in 1 lb bag

$59.00/10-lb. bag


Attraction Mexico, Splits light into two rays, up to 3/4”

$7.90/lb packed in 1 lb bag

$6.90/lb., $69.00/10-lb. bag



$6.90/lb packed in 1 lb bag

$59.00/10-lb. bag

$6.90/lb., packed in 1 lb bag


Confidence Mexico, up to 1”

$5.90/lb., packed in 1 lb bag

$4.90/lb., $49.00/10-lb. bag

FREE freight with 150 lbs.

$6.90/lb packed in 1 lb bag

$59.00/10-lb. bag

$6.90/lb., packed in 1 lb bag



$6.90/lb packed in 1 lb bag $5.90/lb., $59.00/10-lb. bag

by the pound
Peach Moonstone Illuminating, Vulnerability Madagascar, Up to 1 1/4” SL350RM $5.90/lb., BR114 $6.90/lb., White Opal Balance, Healing Madagascar, up to 1” SL315RM $5.90/lb., Green Opal Cleansing, Rejuvenating Madagascar, Up to 1/4” SL351RM $5.90/lb., Tri-Color Calcite Confidence, Good Will Mexico, up to 1” SL366RM $5.90/lb., $59.00/10-lb. Zebra Calcite Enhances Self-Worth Mexico, up to 1” SL365RM $5.90/lb., $59.00/10-lb. bag Calcite Healing, SL367RM Orange Calcite Integrating, Energizing Mexico, up to SL340RM Calcite Optimism, SL327RM


$5.90/lb., packed in 1 lb bag

$6.90/lb packed in 1 lb bag


$6.90/lb packed in 1 lb bag

$5.90 / lb., $59.00/10-lb. bag

$5.90/lb., packed in 1 lb bag


$19.00/lb packed in 1 lb bag


$15.60/lb packed in 1 lb bag

$14.60 / lb., $146.00/10 lb bag

FREE freight with 150 lbs.

$5.90/lb packed in 1 lb bag

$6.90/lb packed in 1 lb bag

$5.90 / lb., $59.00/10-lb. bag

by the pound
Pistachio Calcite Balancing Emotions, Healing Mexico, up to 1” SL368RM $4.90/lb., $49.00/10-lb. bag Green Calcite Emotional Balance, Prosperity Mexico, up to 1” SL341RM $4.90/lb., $49.00/10-lb. Blue Calcite Communication, Soothing Mexico, up to 1” SL330RM $4.90/lb., $49.00/10-lb. bag Blue Calcite Balance, Harmony Madagascar, up to 1” SL311RM $5.90/lb., $59.00/10-lb. bag Native Sculptured Copper Prosperity, Energizing Michigan, up to 1” SL325RM $35.00/lb. Aragonite Crystal Nurturing, Clarity Morocco, up to 1” SL353RM $18.00/lb., $180.00/10 lb bag Petrified Wood Grounding, Balance Madagascar, up to 1” SL318RM Fossil Ammonite Diffuses Anger, Clears Negativity Morocco, up to 3/4” SL343RM Cystoid Geode Fossil Fragments Heals Feelings, Purifies Negativity Morocco, up to 1” SL326RM
27   



$11.00/lb packed in 1 lb bag

$100.00/10 lb bag

Brachiopod Healing, Clarity Morocco, up to 1”


$18.75/lb packed in 1 lb bag $17.75/lb., $177.50/10 lb bag

Crinoid Stem Stress, Mental Health Morocco, up to 1”


$18.75/lb packed in 1 lb bag $17.75/lb., $177.50/10 lb bag


Archaegastropod Ancient Wisdom, Growth Morocco, up to 1”


$18.75/lb packed in 1 lb bag $17.75/lb., $177.50/10 lb bag

Pelecypod Inner Peace, Creativity Morocco, up to 1”


$18.75/lb packed in 1 lb bag $17.75/lb., $177.50/10 lb bag

Mixed Fossil Teeth Transition, Personal Growth Morocco, 3/4”- 1 1/4”


Including Corax Shark Tooth, Mosasaur, Alligator, Bones

$18.75/lb packed in 1 lb bag $17.75/lb., $177.50/10 lb bag

by the pound


$18.75/lb packed in 1 lb bag

Mesogastropod Regeneration, Purification


$18.75/lb packed in 1 lb bag

$177.50/10 lb bag

Fossil Shark Teeth Communication, Personal Growth Morocco, up to 1”


Dug from the phosphate mines of the Sahara Desert, 60 million years old

$18.75/lb packed in 1 lb bag $17.75/lb., $177.50/10 lb bag

Fossil Fish Bone and Vertebrae Healing, Grounding, Tranquility Morocco, up to 1” $10.00/lb., Morocco, up to 1” $17.75/lb., Fossil Echinoid Protection, Flexibility Morocco, up to 1” $17.75/lb., $177.50/10 lb bag

Mixes Include: Chalcedony, Agate, Moss Agate, Rose Quartz, Crackle Quartz, Carnelian, Lizardskin, Aventurine, Quartz and Cobra Stone.

by the pound
FREE freight with 150 lbs.
Ocean Colors Gemstone Mix BR155 $7.50/lb packed in 1 lb bag $6.50/lb., $65.00/10-lb. bag Tumbled Gemstones Mix Africa, natural & color enhanced mix, tiny, up to ¹/4” SL331RM $7.90/lb packed in 1 lb bag $6.90/lb., $69.00/10-lb. bag Crackle Chalcedony, color enhanced BR146 $7.50/lb packed in 1 lb bag $6.50/lb., $65.00/10-lb. bag Gemstone Super Mix BR137 Average 44 pcs/lb., Size: ³/4”-1 ¹/4” $6.10/lb packed in 1 lb bag $5.10/lb., $51..00/10-lb. bag Gemstone Super Mix, Small BR137S Average 167 pcs/lb., Size: ³/8”-⁷/8” $4.70/lb packed in 1 lb bag $3.70/lb., $37.00/10-lb. bag Economy Gemstone Super Mix BR177 $5.40/lb packed in 1 lb bag $4.40/lb., $44.00/10-lb. bag Quartz, color enhanced BR142 $7.50/lb packed in 1 lb bag $6.50/lb., $65.00/10-lb. bag Rose Quartz, color enhanced BR103D $7.50/lb packed in 1 lb bag $6.50/lb., $65.00/10-lb. bag
29   
Lizardskin, color enhanced BR149 $7.50/lb packed in 1 lb bag $6.50/lb., $65.00/10-lb. bag
Color Enhanced

Faerie Glow Stones® are phosphorescent rocks that, after being exposed to light for a short period of time, will glow in the dark. The stones absorb photons in natural or artificial light which cause electrons in the Glow Stones to become excited and raise to a higher energy level, emitting light as a result. Faerie Glow Stones® can be used outdoors to create Faerie Trails or indoors as a

packed in 1 lb bag


Size range: ⁷/8”-1 1/4”

Pieces per pound: 232

Faerie Glow Stones®, Assorted BR199 $10.90/lb $9.90/lb., $49.50/5-lb.
FREE freight
lbs. 30
Faerie Glow Stones are non-toxic, non-radioactive and harmless
with 150


Empty Round Tin Container w/ Lid and Mesh Sides

3 3/4” dia. x 1 ⁹/16”

Tin holds up to 13.5 oz. of Gemstone Super Mix or approx. 19.7 oz. of Magnet Stones®

SW101RM. . . .$2.50ea

Crate Boxes

Small box holds 2.1 oz. quartz gemstones. Large box holds 7.5 oz. gemstones or 12.8 oz. Ferromagnetic Stones®

Crate Boxes, empty, with plastic sliding lid.

B117 - small, 2 ¾” x 3” x 1 ¼”

B118 - large, 3 ¼ ” x 3 7/8” x 1 ½” .

. $2.25 ea.

.$2.75 ea.

“By the Pound” accessories

Magnet Stones ® Educational Card, 4” x 5 ½” BR145E . . . .12¢ ea., $12/100

Pyrite Educational Card, 4” x 5 ½” BR112E. . . .12¢ ea., $12/100

Origins of Rocks and Minerals book

All the varieties of rocks and minerals students can put in their drawstring bags can be identified and studied using this full-color book from Earth Exploration Co. BR303 . . . .$1.00 ea.

31   
. . .
. . .

Talisman Bags

Faux Glove Leather Drawstring Bags

Faux Glove Leather Drawstring Bags, 3"x 3"

• With the purchase of any By-The-Pound product. . . . . . 38¢ ea.

• Without the purchase of By-The-Pound product. . . . . . .57¢ ea.

DBC33 Charcoal

DBB33 Brown

DBS33 Sand

DBR33 Red

DBN33 Blue DBA33 Assorted Colors

DBP33 Purple DBG33 Green

DBT33 Turquoise DBOR33 Orange

DBK33 Black DBY33 Yellow

• FREE Hot Stamped Gold Foil Logo with Minimum order 500 bags, any combination of sizes and colors.

• Hot Stamp Logo won’t rub or flake off with handling.

• One-time $50 plate fee covers all three sizes if ordering all three sizes on first order.

Faux Glove Leather Drawstring Bags, 2"x 3"

• With the purchase of any By-The-Pound product. . . 35¢ ea.

• Without the purchase of By-The-Pound product. . . .53¢ ea.

DBC23 Charcoal

DBB23 Brown

DBS23 Sand

DBR23 Red

DBN23 Blue DBA23 Assorted Colors

DBP23 Purple DBG23 Green

DBT23 Turquoise DBOR23 Orange

DBK23 Black DBY23 Yellow

Faux Glove Leather Drawstring Bags, 3"x 4"

• With the purchase of any By-The-Pound product. . . 40¢ ea.

• Without the purchase of By-The-Pound product. . . .60¢ ea.

DBC34 Charcoal

DBB34 Brown

DBS34 Sand

DBR34 Red

DBN34 Blue

DBP34 Purple

DBT34 Turquoise

DBK34 Black

DBA34 Assorted Colors

DBG34 Green

DBOR34 Orange

DBY34 Yellow


Talisman Bags

Muslin Drawstring Bags

Muslin Drawstring Bags

One time $30 design and plate fee covers all five sizes of drawstring bags.

FREE custom imprinting with $300 order of any combination of drawstring bag sizes.

SL131 Drawstring Bag, small, 3” x 4 ¼”, 85¢ ea.

SL132 Drawstring Bag, med, 4 ½ x 6”, $1.05 ea.

SL136 Drawstring Bag, med, 5 x 7”, $1.25 ea.

SL133 Drawstring Bag, large, 6” x 8”, $1.40 ea.

SL137 Drawstring Bag, Xlarge, 8” x 10”, $1.75 ea.

Faux Suede Drawstring Bags

2“ x 3” Drawstring Bags

• With the purchase of any By-The-Pound product . . . .

• Without the purchase of By-The-Pound product. . . . .



53¢ ea.

DBR102 Assorted: navy, gray, purple, sea blue, pink, turquoise, black, red, seaweed green

DBR100 Brown faux suede

3“ x 4” Drawstring Bags

• With the purchase of any By-The-Pound product . . . . . .40¢ ea.

• Without the purchase of By-The-Pound product. . . . . . . 60¢ ea.

DBR202 Assorted: navy, purple, sea blue, pink, turquoise, black, red, seaweed green

DBR200 Brown faux suede

3“ x 5” Drawstring Bags

• With the purchase of any By-The-Pound product . . . 40¢ ea.

• Without the purchase of By-The-Pound product . . . .60¢ ea.

• Glow Stones bag fill: 5.45 oz. = $3.03

• Super Gemstone Mix bag fill: 13.95 oz. = $3.88

• Magnet Stones bag fill: 21.7 oz.=$5.15

DBR404 Red

DBR410 Sky Blue

33   
Top row: navy, gray, purple, sea blue, pink Bottom row: turquoise, black, red, seaweed green, brown
. . . . . .35¢
. . . . . .
row: navy, purple, sea blue, pink Bottom row: turquoise, black, red, seaweed green, brown

Minerals, Gemstones & Crystals By the Piece

Each mineral, gemstone & crystal are hand selected by our experts to have the same perceived value, can be displayed in the same bin and sold at the same price.

9-bin Collector Rocks and Minerals Counter Merchandising Deal

R100 . . . .$355.00

• R500 oak display, 18” x 18” x 16”, $155

• FREE R-series Collector Rocks and Minerals to offset cost of display at SRP

• $200 of your choice of 9 specimens, R-series Collector Rocks and Minerals

Geological Fact Cards with barcode come FREE with each R-series Collector Rock

16-bin Collector Rocks and Minerals Counter Merchandising Deal

RRC225. . . .$460.00

• RRC500 oak revolving display, 25” x 17”, $260

• FREE R-series Collector Rocks and Minerals to offset cost of display at SRP

• $200 of your choice of R-series Collector Rocks and Minerals

Geological Fact Cards with barcode come FREE with each R-series Collector Rock


Collector Rocks and Minerals Revolving Floor Display Merchandising Deal

RRF200C. . . .$2030.00

• RRF500 revolving oak display, 20” x 20” x 68”, $890

• FREE Collector Rocks and Minerals to offset cost of display at SRP

• 50 BR303 Origins of Rocks and Minerals book, $1.00ea, $50.00

• $1000 of your choice R-series Collector Rocks or related merchandise

• 12 CBD304 Minerals, Crystals, and Gemstones 12 compartment storage box, $7.50ea, $90.00

• Geological explanation cards are FREE with each R-series Collector Rock

Collector Rocks and Minerals Wall Floor Display Merchandising Deal

RRW125C. . . .$2352.00

• RW600 oak display, 30” x 12” x 65”, $990

• FREE R-series Collector Rocks and Minerals to offset cost of display at SRP

• 12 CBD304 Minerals, Crystals, and Gemstones 12 compartment storage box, $7.50ea, $90.00

• 72 BR303 Origins of Rocks and Minerals Books, $1.00ea, $72.00

• $1000 of R-series Collector Rocks to fill the display

• Geological explanation cards are FREE with each R-series Collector Rock

• 500 colored glove leather drawstring bags, 3” x 4”, 40¢ea, $200

FREE custom hot stamped logo on drawstring bags with one-time plate fee of $50

35   

Storage Boxes

Large, 12 compartments, 7” x 9 ¼” x 3” CBD602 . . . $8.95 ea., $53.70/case Small, 9 compartments, 5 ¾” x 7 ½” x 2 ½” CBD601. . . .$6.70 ea., $40.20/case Wood Storage Boxes with clear sliding lids, packed 6 per case Mineral Crystal, Gemstone Storage Box, 11 ¼” x 7 ½” x 2 7/8” CBD304. . . .$7.50 ea.
Collection box shown with 2 ½" - 3" collector rocks. Fact card fits behind the stone in each compartment.

Unworked Gemstones by the Piece

Quartz Crystal Points, Brazil

approx. 1” - 1 ½” R327B . . . . 70¢ ea.

approx. 1 ½” - 2 ¼” R327A. . . .$1.00 ea.

Includes FREE Geological Fact Cards with Barcode


approx. 1”-1 1/2” R373.

approx. 1 1/2”-2" R373M.

approx. 2"-2 1/2” R373L.

approx. 2 1/2” - 3" R373XL.

approx. 3” - 4" R373XXL.

.$2.90 ea.

.$6.90 ea.

$11.70 ea.

$21.70 ea.

$31.70 ea

Rose Quartz, rough

approx. 1 ¼” R328A . . . . 55¢ ea. approx. 2” R328B.


.$1.05 ea. approx. 2½” R328C .

Botryoidal Chalcedony

approx. 1-1 ½” R351A . . . . $1.75 ea. approx. 1 ½ - 2” R351B . . . . $2.30 ea. approx. 2”+ R351C . . . . $3.20 ea.

. .
. . .$1.65
. . ..
. .
. .
. .
Order minimum 6 per stone, applies to stones $6 each and under 37   

Azurite Druse

approx. 1”-1 ½” R577A

approx. 1 ½”-2 ¼” R577B

approx. 2 ¼”- 3" R577C.

approx. 3” + R577D.

$2.30 ea.

$3.10 ea.

$3.90 ea.

$4.70 ea.

Aragonite Crystal

approx. 1” R493XS . . . $2.20 ea.

approx. 1 ½” R493S . .

approx. 2 ½” R493A.

approx. 3 ½ ” R493B.

. $2.75 ea.

$3.30 ea.

$4.40 ea.

Apatite, rough

approx. 1¼” R471A

approx. 1¾” R471B

Citrine Druse

approx. 1 1/16”-1 7/16” R334A. .

approx. 1 ½”-1 13/16” R334B.

approx. 1 7/8”-2 3/8” R334C. .

approx. 2 7/16”-3 3/16” R334D.

55¢ ea.

75¢ ea.

$1.95 ea.

$3.00 ea.

$4.10 ea.

$5.25 ea.

Apache Tear, rough

approx. ¾” R329A

approx. 1” R329B.

approx. 1½” R329J.

70¢ ea.

85¢ ea.


Pink Tourmaline in Matrix

approx. 1” R553A.

approx. 1 1/2” R553B

approx. 2” R553C

$1.25 ea.


$4.25 ea.

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. . .$1.00
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. .$2.25
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Order minimum 6 per stone, applies to stones $6 each and under
. . .
. . . .


approx. 1” R335A . . . . $1.25 ea. approx. 1 ½” R335B . . . . $3.00 ea. approx. 2” R335C . . . . $6.30 ea.

Each stone carries unique metaphysical properties - Your customers can create their own collection; talisman bags available.

Over 215 Gemstones, Minerals, and Fossils available. Every rock is hand-selected by our experts to have the same grade and size so they have the same perceived value. Display in the same bin and sell at the same price. No weighing, grading, sizing, or individual pricing!

Each stone comes with a fact card detailing its geological science, physical properties, or historical significance.

Galena approx. 3/4” R314A

.$1.90 ea. approx. 1” R314B.

$3.20 ea. approx. 1 ¼” R314C

Galena in Quartz

approx. 1 ¼” R330A

$5.05 ea.

.55¢ ea. approx. 1 ½” R330B

. 80¢ ea. approx. 1 3/4” R330C .

$1.30 ea. approx. 2” R330D . . . .$2.00 ea.

Tektite, rough

approx. 5/8” R419RAA. . . .55¢ ea. approx. 3/4” R419RA.

. .$1.00 ea. approx. 1½” R419RB .

$3.15 ea. approx. 2½” R419RC. .

Peacock Ore, approx. 3/4” R331S

$10.00 ea.

$1.00 ea.

approx. 1” R331M

approx. 1¼” R331L .

approx. 1½” R331XL .

.$1.45 ea.

.$2.35 ea.

. .$3.25 ea.

approx. 1 3/4 -” - 2 ½" R331XXL . . .$4.25 ea.

approx. 2 3/4 -” - 3 ¼" R331XXXL

.$5.25 ea.

39   
. . .
. . .
. .
. . .
. . .
. . . .
. . .
. .
Order minimum 6 per stone, applies to stones $6 each and under

Celestite Druse

approx. 1” R475A

$3.60 ea. approx. 1 3/4” R475B

$6.60 ea. approx. 21/2" R475BC

$12.50 ea. approx. 3” R475C

$34.80 ea.

$18.00 ea. approx. 4” R475D

Includes FREE Geological Fact Cards with Barcode


approx. 3/4” R391B

$2.70 ea. approx. 7/8” R391C

$4.20 ea. approx. 1” R391D

$5.10 ea. approx. 1 1/8” R391E

$6.60 ea.

White Opal, rough

approx. 1¼” R527A

55¢ ea. approx. 1¾” R527B.

Garnet Crystal, rough approx. 1/2” R375A .

75¢ ea.

$1.20 ea. approx. ⁵/8” R375B

$1.60 ea. approx. 3/4” R375C

$2.40 ea. approx. 1” R375D

$3.10 ea. approx. 1 1/8” R375F.

.$3.80 ea. approx. 1 1/4” R375G

$4.90 ea.

$4.40 ea. approx. 1 3/8” + R375H

Garnet Crystal, polished

1” R390S

1 1/4” R390M

1 1/2” R390L

$4.10 ea.

$5.40 ea.

$6.70 ea.

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Order minimum 6 per stone, applies to stones $6 each and under 40

Wishing Wells

Approx. 1 1/4”

WW101 Amethyst


WW102 Rose Quartz. . ..$1.75 ea.

WW103 Quartz Crystal. .$1.75 ea.

Aquamarine, rough

R492S 1”

$1.20 ea.

Fuchsite, green mica

R377 2”.

Selenite TV Rock

R451 1 1/4”.

. $1.25 ea.

85¢ ea.

Orange Calcite, Shiny

R338A 1 ½”

R338B 1 3/4”

R338C 2”

R338D 2

Lodestone, Magnetic

$1.50 ea.

Halite, salt crystals

R363 1 1/4”


Native Copper, sculptured R302SA 1”

R302SB 1 ½”

Chrysocolla, rough R397A 1”

Desert Rose

R513A Approx. 1” dia

R513 Approx. 1½” dia

$2.05 ea.


$1.05 ea.

.$2.20 ea.

Hematite Druse

R467A 1”- 1 ¼”

R467B 1 ½”- 1 3/4”. . .$2.00 ea.

R467C 2”- 3”

75¢ ea.

$1.50 ea.

Apophyllite, Color Enhanced

R468B 2”-3 ½”

$4.65 ea.

Green Calcite, Shiny

R346A 1¼”

R346B 2¼”

R346D 2-3”

$1.35 ea.

$2.75 ea.

$4.95 ea.

Gypsum Desert Rose

1” dia

R344B 1 3/8” dia

Optical Calcite

R306 1”-1 ¼”

Honey Calcite, Shiny

R345A 1 ¼”

R345B 2 ¼”

$1.35 ea.


R467D 3”- 4”. .


.$5.50 ea.

Black Tourmaline

R554L 1”


R554XL 1¼”


R374A ½” -11/16”



R374B 3/4”-1”

85¢ ea.

Quartz Crystal Titanium R542 1 ¼”

ea. R338F 3”


. . .
. .
. . .55¢
. . . .
. . .
. $2.75
. . .
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. $1.00
. . .
. . . .
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. . .
. . . .
. . . .
. . . .
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. . . . .$1.75
. .
. . 60¢
. . .
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$1.80 ea.
. . . .
$1.35 ea.
. . . .
. . . .
½ ”. . . .$4.95
. . . . . . $6.70
. . . . . . 75¢
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.$1.50 ea. R344C 1 3/4” + dia. .$3.50 ea.
. . . .
. 85¢ ea.
. .
R397B 1¼”.
$1.25 ea.
. . . . 65¢ ea.
. .90¢ ea.
R554XXL 1 ½”. .$1.15 ea.
. .
. . .$1.25 ea.
. . . . .$3.20
. . .
Order minimum 6 per stone, applies to stones $6 each and under 41   


Agate Slice, Mini, 1 3/4 to 2 ½ sq. inches R313M. . . .$1.15 ea. Agate Slice, Small, 5 to 8 sq. inches R313A . . . .$1.90 ea. Agate Slice,Large, 14 to 18 1/2 sq. inches R313C. . . .$5.35 ea. Agate Slice, Medium, 11 to 14 sq. inches R313B. . . .$4.05 ea. Agate Slice, x-small, 2 ½ to 5 sq. inches R313XS . . . .$1.45 ea.
Order minimum 6 per slice, applies to slices $6 each and under Agate Slice
approx 4” across, second grade 40 pieces per pack, asst colors $3.50 ea., $140.00/40ct bag
43   
Agate Slice, X-large, 18 1/2 to 23 sq. inches R313D. . . .$6.90 ea. Agate Slice, XX-large, 23 to 32 sq. inches R313E. . . .$9.70 ea. Agate Slices, 3XL, 32 to 41 1/2 sq. inches R313F. . . .$15.00 ea. Agate Slice, 5XL, 51 to 60 sq. inches R313H. . . .$24.25 ea.
Order minimum 6 per slice, applies to slices $6 each and under
Agate Slice, 4XL, 41 1/2 to 51 sq. inches R313G. . . .$20.50 ea.

AMETHYST Brazilian

Amethyst Druse

R301XS .

X-small, approx. 1 ½”

R301A . . . . .

Small, approx. 2”

R301B .

Med., approx. 3”

Ionized Titanium Amethyst Druse

Medium, approx. 3” R301TB

Large, approx. 4” R301TC

Amethyst, tumbled, A grade

Small, Approx. 1” R318

Large Approx. 1 ½” R318L

Extra Large, approx. 2” R318XL

Amethyst Druse, Extra Grade

$16.30 ea.

$27.30 ea.

R301UOS. .

Large, approx. 4”


.$1.00 ea.

$2.00 ea.

. $3.60 ea.

Darker rich purple color, well defined crystals

R301HA 4”

R301HB 5”

R301HC 6”

R301HD 7”

$1.60 ea.

.$3.00 ea.

.$6.00 ea.

. .$18.00 ea.

$25.00 ea.

$28.00 ea.

$43.00 ea.

.$64.00 ea.

.$85.00 ea.

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Order minimum 6 per piece, applies to pieces$6 each and under


1 3/4"across $2.90 ea. includes geological fact card

R583R Rainbow R583B Cobalt R583S Silver R583W Opal
Order minimum 6 per geode, applies to geodes
Not to scale, image enlarged to show detail of the geode.
$6 each and
Aura Quartz Geodes, Mixed Color Flat, 22 to 24 geodes per flat ADF108M. . . .$62.70ea. 45


Agate Geodes are found in the most southern state of Brazil, Rio Grande do Sul where millions of years ago ancient bubbling magma cooled and turned to basalt riddled with round-shaped cavities. The cavities later became filled with super- heated water saturated with silicon, oxygen and other trace elements causing beautiful layers of agate to form on the inside of the cavities. As the cavities became filled with agate, crystals of quartz would grow inside the hollow area left inside the cavity.

AGD102A . . . .$8.80 ea.

approx. 3” on longest side

AGD102B . . . .$10.60 ea.

approx. 3.5” on longest side.

AGD102C. . . .$14.40 ea.

approx. 4” on longest side.

AGD102D . . . .$17.40 ea.

approx. 4.5” on longest side.

Color Enhanced Natural

AGN102A . . . .$8.80 ea.

approx. 3” on longest side

AGN102B . . . .$10.60 ea.

approx. 3.5” on longest side.

AGN102C. . . .$14.40 ea.

approx. 4” on longest side.

AGN102D . . . .$17.40 ea.

Order minimum 6 per geode, applies to geodes $6 each and under 46




1 ”

1 1/2”


2 ”


$2.20 ea.

$3.20 ea.

Color Enhanced R310DXS



1 ”

1 1/2”





Agate Nodule Half, cut and polished


2” - 3” on longest side, avg 3 /lb.

$2.50 ea.


3 1/8”-4” on longest side, avg 1.1/lb.

Oco or Ocho geodes are found in the Tres Pinheiros region of Brazil and usually have thin outer walls with beautiful miniature quartz crystals inside. Millions of years ago in this region there were lava flows that cooled and turned to basalt. Inside the basalt were ½” to 3” rounded cavities caused by trapped gas bubbles. The cavities then became filled with water saturated with silicon, oxygen and other trace elements. Beautiful Quartz Crystals began to grow inside the cavities forming Oco Geodes. Order

$6 each and under
per geode, applies to geodes
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
R310A .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
R310A R310XS R310B
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
R340A .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$1.30
R310DA R310DXS.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
R310DA .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
47   

Crack Open Fossil Geodes from Morocco

Guests choose their own geode and crack it open using a hammer and chisel to reveal gorgeous crystals that have never yet been seen before.

These Geodes are fossils of ancient sea animals called cystoids that lived at the bottom of the ocean millions of years ago.

Crack Open Geode Fossil Cystoid Fact Card, 4” x 5 ½” BR158C. . . .12¢ ea., $12.00/100ct pack

Our Crack Open Geode Display holds four different sizes of geodes and information cards. Add our stump, hammer, chisel, and safety shield to create a cracking station.

Crack Open Geode Cystoid Fossil Floor Merchandising Deal

BR4700 . . . .$1192.24

• BR470F Crack Open Geode Cystoid Fossil Floor Display, four bins, each bin holds appox. 40 lbs. geodes, 41 3/4” x 14 ½” x 37 ½”, including sign, weight empty: 71 lbs., $450

• FREE 16 R470DA Crack Open Geode Cystoid Fossils, 4” – 4 7/8”, to offset cost of display at $14.25 SRP

• FREE 25 R470C Crack Open Geode Cystoid Fossils, 3” – 3 7/8” to offset cost of display at $9.30 SRP

• 280 R470AB Crack Open Geode Cystoid Fossils, 1 ½” – 1 ⁷/8”, 75¢ ea., $210.00

• 136 R470BB Crack Open Geode Cystoid Fossils, 2 3/8” – 2 3/4”, $1.85 ea., $251.60

• 55 R470C Crack Open Geode Cystoid Fossils, 3” – 3 ⁷/8”, $3.10 ea., $170.50

• 10 R470DA Crack Open Geode Cystoid Fossils, 4” – 4 7/8”, $4.75 ea., $47.50

• 522 BR158C Crack Open Geode Fossil Cystoid Fact Card, 12¢ ea., $62.64

Geode Cracking Stump

Approx. 13” dia x 24” tall, weight approx. 100lbs

BR470S. . . .$210.00

Geode Cracking Hammer

BR470H. . . .$16.50

Geode Cracking Safety Face Shield

BR470FS. . . .$19.70

Geode Cracking Chisel with rubber hand guard

BR470C. . . . .$13.00

BR470S BR470FS BR470H BR470C R470AB R470BB R470C R470DA BR158C

Fossil Crack Open Geodes from Morocco

49   
R470AA. . . .50¢ ea. avg.1” -1 3/8” R470AB . . . .75¢ ea. avg.1 ½” -1 7/8” R470BA . . . .$1.25 ea. avg. 2” -2 ¼” R470BB . . . . $1.85 ea. avg. 2 3/8” - 2 7/8” R470DA . . . . $4.75 ea. avg. 4” - 4 7/8” R470DB . . . .$6.70 ea. avg. 5” - 6”
Order minimum 6 per geode, applies to geodes $6 each and under
R470C . . .$3.10 ea. avg. 3” - 3 7/8”


Fossil Cystoid Geode Half color enhanced, approx 2 1/2“ across R402L. . . .$3.15 ea.

Fossil Cystoid Geode Halves Floor Deal BR402L. . . .$865.84

Includes the following:

Fossil Cystoid Geode Half color enhanced, approx 2” across R402M . . . .$2.10 ea.

• BR900MS Small Floor Open Bin Display, 23” x 23” x 55 1/4”, holds 129 Cystoid Fossil Geodes, $565

• FREE 60 R402L Fossil Cystoid Geode Half, color-enhanced; to offset display at $9.45 SRP

• FREE 60 ECR402L Fossil Cystoid Geode Half, color enhanced, Educational Cards

• 92 R402L Fossil Cystoid Geode Half, color enhanced, $3.15 ea., $289.80

• 92 ECR402L Fossil Cystoid Geode Half, color enhanced, Educational Cards, 12¢ ea., $11.04

Fossil Cystoid Geode Halves Counter Deal BR402M. . . .$318.14

Includes the following:

• BR200 Counter Open Bin Display, 16” x 16” x 18”, holds 102 Cystoid Geode Fossils, $125

Cystoid Fossil Geode, color enhanced, Educational Cards, 4” x 5½”

ECR402L . . . 12¢ ea., $12.00/100ct pack

• FREE 20 R402M Fossil Cystoid Geode Half, color enhanced, to offset display at $6.30 SRP

• FREE 20 ECR402M Fossil Cystoid Geode Half, color enhanced, Educational Cards

• 87 R402M Fossil Cystoid Geode Half, color enhanced, $2.10 ea., $182.70

ECR402M . . . 12¢ ea., $12.00/100ct pack Order minimum 6 per geode, applies to geodes $6 each and under

• 87 ECR402M Fossil Cystoid Geode Half, color enhanced, Educational Cards, 12¢ ea., $10.44


Crack Open Geode Fossil Cystoid Fact BR158C . . . 12¢ ea.,

Crack-Open Geode Cystoid Fossil Counter Merchandising Deal


• GC500 wood counter display, 11” x 11 ¼” x 10”, $65

• FREE 19 geodes and 19 drawstring bags to offset cost of display

• 44 R470AB Geode Cystoid Fossils, 1 1/2” - 1 7/8”, 75¢ ea., $33.00

• 44 3 ¼” x 5” drawstring bags with Crack Open logo, 45¢ ea., $19.80

• FREE 63 Crack Open Geode Cystoid Fossil Fact Cards

Drawstring Bags, 3 ¼” x 5”

Printed with Crack-Open Geode logo S301 . . . .45¢ ea.


Crack-Open Geode Cystoid Fossil, 1 ½” - 1 7/8” Pre-Loaded Display Tray R470ABD . . . .$52.00/ 65 ct. tray

BR4701. . . .$726.00

• BR900MS Small Floor Open Bin Display and sign, holds 90 large cystoid geodes, $565

• FREE 61 R470C Crack Open Geode Cystoid Fossils, 3”- 3 ⁷/8” at $9.30 SRP

• FREE 61 BR158C Cystoid Geode fact cards, 4” x 5 ½”

• 50 R470C Crack Open Geode Cystoid Fossils, 3”- 3 ⁷/8”, $3.10 ea., $155.00

• 50 BR158C Cystoid Geode fact cards, 4” x 5 ½”, 12¢ ea., $6.00

Crack-open Geode Kit

Contains 10 crack-open geodes, drawstring bag and instructions

Packed 12 per case

CG202. . . .$7.00 ea.

51   
. . .$117.80

Drawstring Bags, 3 ¼” x 5”

Quartz Crack-Open Geode Counter Merchandising Deal GC100 . . . .$117.80

• GC500 wood counter display, 11” x 11 ¼” x 10”, $65.00

• FREE 18 R355B Quartz Crack Open Medium Geodes and 18 drawstring bags to offset cost of display

• 44 R355B Quartz Crack Open Medium Geodes, 1 1/2” - 1 ⁷/8”, 75¢ ea., $33.00

• 44 3 ¼” x 5” drawstring bags with Crack Open logo, 45¢ ea., $19.80

• FREE 62 instruction cards for cracking open a geode

Quartz Crack Open Geodes from Mexico

Merchandising Deals and Kits include cracking bag, educational information and instructions for cracking open a geode to reveal sparkling quartz deposits inside. Chalcedony

Printed with Crack-Open Geode logo S301. . . ..45¢ ea.
Crack-open Quartz Geode Large, 2” to 2 ¼” across R355C. . . .$1.25 ea. Crack-open Quartz Geode X-Large, 2 3/8” to 2 3/4” across R355D. . . .$1.85 ea. Crack-open Quartz Geode Medium, 1 ½” to 1 ⅞” across R355B. . . . 75¢ ea. Crack-open Quartz Geode Small, 1” to 1 ⅜” across R355A. . . . 55¢ ea.
Crack Open Geodes from India
Loaded Display Tray, Medium 1 1/2”- 1 ⁷/8” Quartz Geodes R355BD. . . . .$52.00/65 ct. tray TrayDimensions:111/4”x 7 3/4”x 2 1/2” Order minimum 6 per geode, applies to geodes $6 each and under
Chalcedony Crack-open Geode X-small, 1” dia. R443XS. . . .50¢ ea.
Crack Open Geode Medium

Fossil Geodes From Morocco Already Cracked Open

Education fact card comes free with each Cracked Open Geode

Cracked-open Geodes Pre-loaded Display Tray

R506D. . . .$64.90/ 40ct tray

CRACKED OPEN GEODES. Each geode is guaranteed to have beautiful, sparkling quartz crystals inside. We can guarantee it because we have already cracked them open and inspected to make sure. We then close them back up and use both a strong rubber band and a shrink band to hold the two halves together until the Cracked Open Geode is purchased. Rock collectors will not be able to see what the crystals look like inside the geode they pick until they buy it.

Cracked Open Geodes, Fossil Cystoid Geodes, ½” to 2 ½” on longest side. Guaranteed to be hollow with crystals of quartz in every geode. Each geode is different. Open the two halves to reveal how beautiful the crystals are in the geode you pick. Origin: Morocco. R506. . . .$1.50ea.

Cracked Open Geode Counter Merchandising Deal

GC400. . . .$135.50

• GC500 display, 11” x 11 ¼” x 10”, holds approx. 50 geodes, $65

• FREE 15 R506 Cracked Open Geodes to offset cost of display at $4.50 SRP

• FREE 62 CDR506 Cracked Open Geode fact cards

• 47 R506 Cracked Open Geodes, $1.50 ea., $70.50

Shrink band keeps geode halves together until purchased.

Pumice Educational Card 12¢ ea.,

R359CS - Pumice Educational Card

R359CM - Pumice Educational Card

R359CL - Pumice Educational Card

R359CXL - Pumice Educational Card

Scrape talc with a knife to make talcum powder!

54 Order minimum 6 per mineral, applies to minerals $6 each and under
Pumice, 1 ¼” - 1 3/4” R359XS . . . . 50¢ ea. Pumice, 1 3/4” - 2 ½” R359S . . . .75¢ ea. Pumice, 2 ½” - 3” R359M . . . .$1.15 ea. Pumice, 3” - 3 ½” R359L . . . .$2.25 ea. Pumice, 3 ½” - 4 ½ R359XL . . . .$3.30 ea. $12.00/100ct pack
Talc, Avg. 1 ½“ R362S . . . . 55¢ ea. Talc, Avg. 2 ¼“ R362M . . . . 80¢ ea. Talc, Avg. 3“ R362L . . $1.05 ea. Avg. 3 ½“ to 4” R362XL . . . . $1.30 ea.
The Rock that Floats PUMICE


Apophyllite Ionized with Titanium

Pink Color Enhanced

R707PC, 101-200 grams.

R707PD, 201-300 grams.

R707PE, 301-500 grams.

R707PF, 501-800 grams.

R707PG, 801-1200 grams.

$8.00 ea.

$13.50 ea.

$21.50 ea.

$35.00 ea.

.$55.00 ea.

Apophyllite Ionized with Titanium

Purple Color Enhanced

R707BC, 101-200 grams.

R707BD, 201-300 grams.

R707BE, 301-500 grams.

R707BF, 501-800 grams.

R707BG, 801-1200 grams.

$8.00 ea.

$13.50 ea.

$21.50 ea.

$35.00 ea.

.$55.00 ea.

Apophyllite Ionized with Titanium Green Color Enhanced

R707GC, 101-200 grams.

R707GD, 201-300 grams.

R707GE, 301-500 grams.

R707GF, 501-800 grams.

R707GG, 801-1200 grams.

$8.00 ea.

$13.50 ea.

$21.50 ea.

$35.00 ea.


55   
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. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$55.00
Order minimum 6 per piece, applies to pieces $6 each and under

Cubic Pyrite Crystals

Iron pyrite, FeS2, is made up of the elements iron and sulfur. Its crystal structure is cubic; however, there are very few places in the world where near-perfect pyrite cubes form naturally underground with sharp edges and shining, mirror-finish sides. One of those rare locations is Navajun, a tiny village nestled in the Alcarama Mountains in northeastern Spain known for producing the world’s most beautiful pyrite cubes.

These cubes are from the Navajun mine, meticulously extracted from the ground by local miners. Besides being cleaned, it has not been altered in any way. Its shape and sheen are completely natural.

3/8” R383XS . . . .95¢ ea. ⁹/16” R383S . . . .$1.65 ea.
3/4” R383M. . . .$2.30 ea. R383L. . . .$4.20 ea. 1 3/16” R383XL. . . . $7.50 ea.

Cubic Pyrite Crystals in Host Rock

These cubes in matrix are from the Navajun mine, meticulously extracted from the Earth still embedded in the host rock. The host rock is marl, a sedimentary rock consisting of clay and lime. Besides being cleaned, these pyrite cubes have not been altered in any way. Their shape and sheen are completely natural. Do not soak these specimens in water or the marl will soften and disintegrate.

Two or more cubes, size range 5/16” - ⁹/16” R385MC. . . .$35.00 ea cube average size, 5/8" R385S. . . .$20.00 ea. cube average size, 3/4" R385M. . . .$35.00 ea. cube average size, 7/8" R385L . . . .$85.00 ea.


Pyrite, tumbled

3/4” approx. R336XS

1” approx. R336S

1 ¼”, approx. R336M

1 ½”, approx. R336L

$1.05 ea

$1.45 ea

$2.10 ea


Includes FREE Geological Fact Cards with Barcode

Fool’s Gold

approx. 1 1/8” across R304A .

approx. 1 ⁵/8” across R304B .

approx. 2 1/8” across R304C

approx. 2 5/8” across R304D

.75¢ ea.

$1.05 ea.

$2.30 ea.

$4.60 ea.

Pyritohedronal Pyrite, First Quality

approx. 1 3/4” across R509S

approx. 2” across R509M

approx. 2 3/8” across R509L

approx. 2 3/4” across R509XL

$3.15 ea.

$6.00 ea.

$8.60 ea

$10.75 ea

. . . . . .
. . . . .
. .
. . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . .. . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . .
. . . . . . .
. . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . .$3.50
Order minimum 6 per piece, applies to pieces $6 each and under
59   Order minimum 6 per stone, applies to stones $6 each and under
Points 2 1/4” - 2 3/8” x ⁵/8” base dia. R382C . . . . $8.50 ea.
Octahedrons ⁷/16” - 1/2” R303S . . . . 70¢ ea. ⁹/16” - ⁵/8” R303GP . . . . 90¢ ea. 11/16” - 3/4” R303 . . . . $1.15 ea. 13/16” - ⁷/8” R303A . . . . $1.45 ea. 1⁵/16” - 1” R303B. . . . $1.85 ea. 1 1/16” - 1 1/4” R303C . . . . $2.40 ea. 1 ⁵/16” - 1 1/2” R303D . . . . $3.30 ea. 1 ⁹/16” - 1 1⁵/16” R303E. . . . $5.50 ea. 2”+ R303F . . . . $9.90 ea.
Fluorite Polished



Green Onyx

R562S 1 ”

60¢ ea.

R562M 1 1/8 ”. . .85¢ ea.

Tourmalinated Quartz

R379 1”

$1.00 ea.

Rock Crystal

R343 1”


Blue Opal

R537M 1” . . . . . . .90¢ ea.

R537L 1 1/8”

R537XL 1 ¼”

$1.30 ea.

$1.70 ea.


R559M 1 ”

R559L 1 ¼”

Iron Alloy

R311A 7 /8”. . . . 50¢ ea.

R311B 1 ½”. .$1.00 ea.

Jade R459 1”

75¢ ea.

Snowflake Obsidian

R349L 1”.

85¢ ea.

R349XL 1 ¼”+. .$1.10 ea.

Dalmatian Stone

R394M 3/4”

R394L 1”

R394XL 1 ¼”

R394XXL 1 ½”

50¢ ea.

..60¢ ea.

.85¢ ea.


Assorted Gemstones, 1 3/16”- 1 3/8” dia. EBA103. . . $2.50 ea.


R572S 1 ”

R572M 1 1/8”

R572L 1 ¼ ”

Rose Quartz, African, dark

R316L 1”. . . . 60¢ ea.

R316XL 1 ¼”. .85¢ ea.


R465M 3/4 ”

60¢ ea.

85¢ ea.

$1.10 ea.


R352S 3/4”


R352M 1”. . . . . .60¢ ea.

R352L 1 1/4”. . . . .80¢ ea.

R352XL 1 ½” . . $1.10 ea.

Lapis Lazuli

R539XS 7/8”. . . . 50¢ ea.

R539S 1”. . . . . . 85¢ ea.

R539M 1 1/8” . . $1.10 ea.

R539L 1 ¼”.


R539XL 1 ½”. . $2.25 ea.


Rutilated Quartz

R378 1”


.60¢ ea.

R465L 1 ”

R465XL 1 ¼ ”

R465XXL 1

.85¢ ea.




R364M 1 ¼” . . . 75¢ ea.

R364L 1 ½” . . $1.00 ea.

R364XL 1 3/4”. .$1.25 ea.

Sunstone and Feldspar

R412M 1”

80¢ ea.

R412L 1 ¹/4”. .$1.30 ea.

Rainbow Moonstone

Black Obsidian, Golden Sheen

R551M 3/4”

R551L 1 ”

R551XL 1 ¼”

60¢ ea.




R421M 3/4". . . . . .55¢ ea.

R421 1"

R421XL 1 ¹/4"

80¢ ea.



R412 1”

50¢ ea.

Amethyst Chevron Banded R561M 1 ”


Hieroglyphic Stone

R413M 1”

R413L 1 ¼”

R540M 1”

R540L 1 1/8”

R540XL 1 ¼”

R540XXL 1

¢ ea.




Moonstone, synthetic R411 1”

. . . . $1.00
. . . .
. . .
. . . . . .50¢
. . . . 75¢
. . . . . .
. . . . .
. .
. .$1.10
. . . .
. . . .
. . $1.35
. . .
. . . . . . .
. . .$1.05
Wheel of Time Gemstone
. . .
Grape Jade
. . . . .
. . .
. .
. . .
. . . . . .
. . . . . . .
. . .
. . .$1.35
½ ”
. . . . . .60¢
. . . . .
85¢ ea.
. .
R559XL 1 ½ ”
$1.10 ea.
. . . . .
.60¢ ea.
. . . . .
R561L 1 ¼”
85¢ ea.
. .$1.10
R561XL 1 ½ ”
. . . .
55¢ ea.
. .
.70¢ ea.
. . . .
75¢ ea.
. . . . . . .80
. . . .$1.05
. . .$1.30
. .$2.20
. . . .
. . . . .
. .$1.10
Order minimum 6 per stone, applies to stones $6 each and under

Collector Rocks


R424 1”.


90¢ ea.

$1.30 ea.

White Opal, hand polished freeform

R485 1 ¼”

Sapphire Goldstone R424B 1”

$1.00 ea.

Serpentine, freeform, hand polished

R456S 3/4”

60¢ ea.

Amazon River Stone R461 1”


R508 1”

R508XL 1 ¼”

R508XXL 1

Brown Diamond Goldstone

R424D 1”. . . . 90¢ ea.

Emerald Goldstone

R424G 1”

$1.00 ea.

Snakeskin Rock, Peru freeform, hand polished

R458S 3/4”


R486M 3/4”

R486L 1”

R486XL 1 ¼”




Agatized Coral

R521 1 ¼”

$1.05 ea.

R515L 1”



R425S 3/4”.

R425M 1 ”.


. ..60¢ ea.

R425L 1 ¼”. . . .85¢ ea.

R425XL1 ½”. .$1.10 ea.

Snakeskin Rock, India R410 1”

. 60¢ ea.




Buddstone/African Jade

R516S 3/4”

R516M 1 ”


R515XL 1 ¼”+. . .$2.00 ea.


R522L 1”

. .60¢ ea.

R522XL 1 ¼”. .85¢ ea.

R516L 1 ¼”. .

R516XL 1 ½”

R516XXL 1 3/4”

. 50¢ ea.

60¢ ea.

85¢ ea.

$1.10 ea.

$1.90 ea.


R523L 1”

R523XL 1 ¼”.

R523XXL 1

Prasiolite, Green Amethyst

R518 1 ¼”

$1.05 ea.



Black Tourmaline

R507L 1”

$1.00 ea.

R507XL 1 ¼”. .$1.75 ea.


R519S 3/4”


ea. R519L 1”

. . . . . .
. . .
. . . .
. .
. .
. . . .50¢
. .
. . .
. . .
. . . .
. . .
. . .$1.30
. . . ..
. . .
. . . .
. . . .
. . . .
. . .
. . . . .65¢
. .
. .$1.10
. .$1.60
. . . . . . . . .85¢
. $1.10 ea.
. .
. $1.50
. .
. . .
. 75¢ ea.
. . . . . .
. .$1.00
. .
. $1.50
. .
. $2.00
. . . .
. . $1.80
. . .
. . . . . . .
. . . .
. . . .$3.00
R519M 7/8”. .
. $2.10
$2.40 ea. R519XL 1 ¼”
$2.70 ea. R519XXL 1 ½”
. . . . 75¢
3/4”. . . . . 70¢ ea. R533M 1”. . . . . 85¢ ea. R533L 1 ¼”. . .$1.10
1 ½”. .$1.35 ea.
Sharkskin Rock R460 1”
ea. Onyx
ea. R533XL
. . . .
$1.10 ea.
. . . . 80¢ ea.
R573S 1 ”. . . . . 60¢ ea. R573M 1 1/8”. . . 85¢ ea. R573L 1 ¼ ”. . $1.10 ea. Howlite R466M 3/4 ”. . . . . . .50¢ ea. R466L 1 ”. . . . . . . .60¢ ea. R466XL 1 ¼ ”. . . . .85¢ ea. R466XXL 1 ½ ”. . .$1.10 ea. Order minimum 6 per stone, applies to stones $6 each and under
3/4”. . . . . 55¢ ea. R584S 1”. . . . . .$1.75 ea. R584M 1 ¼”. . . $2.60 ea. R584L 1 ½”. . . . $4.75 ea. R584XL 1 3/4”. . . $8.90 ea 61   
Yellow Serpentine
Shungite R584XS

R538S ⁷/8”

R538M 1”


. 80¢ ea.

. $1.20 ea.

R538L 1 1/8”. . . .$1.65 ea.

R538XL 1 ¼”. . .$2.20 ea.

R538XXL 1 3/4”. .$2.85 ea.


R578S 3/4 ”

R578M 1 ”

R578L 1 ¼ ”

R578XL 1 ½”

Dragon Stone

R557M 1 ”.

R557L 1 ¼”

R557XL 1 ½ ”

60¢ ea.

85¢ ea.

$1.10 ea.

.$1.35 ea.

Caribbean Blue Calcite

R564S 1 ”

R564M 1 1/8 ”

R564L 1 ¼ ”

.60¢ ea.


.$1.10 ea.

60¢ ea.

. 85¢ ea.



R308L 1”

R308XL 1 ¼”

60¢ ea.

85¢ ea.

Mangano Pink Calcite

R569S 1 ”

R569M 1 1/8 ”

R569L 1 ¼ ”


R566S 1 ”

.60¢ ea.

R566M 1 1/8 ”. . . . .85¢ ea.

R566L 1 ¼ ”


Red Tigereye

R548L1 ”. . . . . 60¢ ea.

R548XL 1 ¼”. . 85¢ ea.

Lemon Calcite

Raindrop Azurite, hand polished freeform

R536S 3/4”. . . . . 85¢ ea.

R536M 1 ”. . . $1.10 ea.

R536L 1 ¼”

$1.35 ea.

Blue Tigereye

R549L1 ”. . . . . 60¢ ea.

R549XL1 ¼”

. 85¢ ea.

Green Aventurine

Gemstone Africa Mix, all natural R401 approx. ½”. . . . $9.50/lb.

Pink Banded Calcite

R563M 1 1/8 ”.

R563L 1 ¼ ”.


.$1.10 ea.

Aventurine in Mica Schist

. .60¢ ea.

.85¢ ea.


Aragonite, freeform, hand polished

R457S 3/4”

R457M 1”

R457L 1¼”

. 70¢ ea.

85¢ ea.

.$1.10 ea.

Pink Botswana Agate

R326 1”

60¢ ea.

Blue Aragonite

R570S 1 ”

R570M 1 1/8”

60¢ ea.

. 85¢ ea.

R570L 1 ¼ ”. . $1.10 ea.

Grey Botswana Banded Agate

R333S 3/4”

R333M 1”

R333L1 ¼”

R333XL 1 ½ ”

.60¢ ea.


$1.05 ea.


R571S 1 ”

R571M 1 1/8”

R571L 1 ¼ ”

. 60¢ ea.

. 85¢ ea.


Cheetah Agate

R547L 1”. . . . . . . . .85¢ ea.

R547XL 1 ¼”. . . .$1.10 ea.

R547XXL 1 ½”. . .$1.90 ea.

Apricot Botswana Agate

R463M 1 ”

R463L 1 ¼”

R463XL 1

80¢ ea.

$1.05 ea.

.$1.30 ea.

R317M 1”

R317L 1 1/8”

R317XL 1 ¼”

. 45¢ ea.

.60¢ ea.

.80¢ ea.

Lizardskin Agate

R407 1”

. 60¢ ea.

R407XL 1 ¼”. . 85¢ ea.

Carnelian Agate, Africa

R464M 1 ”

R464L 1 ¼”

R464XL 1 ½ ”

. 80¢ ea.

$1.05 ea.

$1.30 ea.

R567S 1 ”

R567M 1 1/8 ”



R567L 1 ¼ ”. . . .$1.10 ea.

Painted Agate

R409 1”

R409M 1 ¼”

R409L 1 ½”

50¢ ea.


Carnelian Agate, India

R319 1”

50¢ ea.

. . . .
. .
. .
. .
. . .85¢
. . . . . .
. . . . .85¢
. . .
. . . . .
. . . .$1.10
. . . . . . .60¢
. . . . .85¢
. .
. . .
. . . .
. . .
. . . .
. .
. . . .
. .
. . $1.10
. . . . . .
. . . . . .
. . .
. .
. . . .
. . .
½ ”
. . . .
. . .
. . . .
. .
. . .
. . . . .
. . . .
. .80¢
. . .
. .$1.30
. . .
. . . . .
. . .
. . $1.10
. . . .
. . . . . .
. . . 75¢ea.
. $1.00
. . .
. . .
. .
Order minimum 6 per stone, applies to stones $6 each and under 62

Rhodonite, Peru

R529L 1 ¼”

R529XL 1 ½”

$1.35 ea.

$1.75 ea.

R541S ⁷/8”

R541M 1”

R541L 1 ¹/8”

. 55¢ ea.

.80¢ ea.


Rhodonite, Africa

R560M 1 ”. . . . . .80¢ ea.

R560L 1 ¼”

R560XL 1 ½ ”

.$1.05 ea.

$1.30 ea.


R556S 3/4 ”

R556M 1 ”

R556L 1 ¼ ”

Snowflake Black Rhodonite

R565S 1 ”. . . . . . .60¢ ea.

R565M 1 1/8 ”

R565L 1 ¼ ”

R565XL 1 3/8 ”.

.85¢ ea.

.$1.10 ea.

.$1.35 ea.

.50¢ ea.

85¢ ea.

R558M 1 ”

R558L 1 ¼”

R558XL 1 ½ ”


85¢ ea.

$1.10 ea.

R524S 3/4”. . . . . 50¢ ea.

R524M 1”. . . . . 60¢ ea.

R524L 1 ¼”

85¢ ea.

R524XL 1 ½”. .$1.10 ea.

R342S 3/4”

R342M 1”.

Jasper, fancy assorted natural colors

R415S 3/4”. . . . . . 50¢ ea.

R415 1”. . . . . . . .60¢ ea.

R415XL 1 ¼”. . . .85¢ ea.

. 50¢ ea.

. 60¢ ea.

R342L 1 1/4”. . . 85¢ ea.


R437 1”


R427 1"

R427XL 1 ¼”


R396 1”

$1.05 ea.

Turquenite, ocean blue color enhanced

R399S 3/4”

R399M 1”

.60¢ ea.

85¢ ea.

¢ ea.

.85¢ ea.

Quartz, color enhanced, assorted colors

R428 1”

Turquenite, sky blue color enhanced

R348M 1”

R348L 1 ¼”

R399L 1 ¼”


R348XL 1 ½”


R546L 1 ¼”


Aventurine, color enhanced, assorted colors





. . . . 50¢
. .
. . .60
. . .
. . . . .
. . .85¢ ea.
. . .
. .$1.20 ea.
. . .
. $1.55
. . .
. .60¢ ea.
R428XL 1 ¼”. . 85¢ ea.
Agate, color enhanced, assorted colors
. . . .
Color Enhanced
Crackled Quartz Crystal, color enhanced, assorted colors
. . 75¢ ea.
Cobra Stone, color enhanced
. . . . 50¢ ea.
color enhanced, assorted colors
. . . . . .
. . . . .
. . .
. . .
.60¢ ea.
. . . . .
R556XL 1 ½ ”.
.$1.10 ea.
Red Striped Jasper
. . .
. . .60¢
. . . .
. .
. . .
. .
Picture Jasper
. .
. . . .
. .
Coffee Jasper
. . .
. . . .
. .$1.05
. . . .
. . .
Order minimum 6 per stone, applies to stones $6 each and under
Angelite, polished
. . .
. . . . . $1.10
Leopardskin Jasper
63   

Gemstone Slabs With Polished Face

Approx. 1 3/4” to 2” Across

. . .$2.25
Color-Enhanced R481F. . . .$2.25
Dalmatian Stone R481E.
ea. Cobra Stone, Turquoise
. . .$2.25
Rock Crystal R481G.
. .
Apatite R480D.
.$2.25 ea.
. .
Sea Jasper R480P.
.$2.25 ea.
Blue Calcite R480E.
. . .$2.25 ea.
Amazonite R480B. . . .$2.25 ea. Alligator Jasper R480H. .
. .$2.25 ea.
Desert Jasper
R480J. . . .$2.25 ea.
Fire Quartz R480K.
.$2.25 ea.
. .
White Opal R480L.
.$2.25 ea.
. .
Sunstone R480V.
.$2.25 ea.
Black Tourmaline R480W. . . .$2.25 ea. Red Jasper R480X. . . .$2.25 ea. White Quartz R480Y. . . .$2.25 ea. Lapis Lazuli R481A. . . .$2.25 ea.
. . .$2.25
. . .$2.25 ea.
Bloodstone R481B.
ea. Lepidolite R481C.
. .
Epidosite R480Z.
.$2.25 ea.
. . .$2.25
Sodalite R481D.
Labradorite R480M.
.$2.25 ea.
Septarian R480T. . . .$2.25 ea.
Order minimum 6 per slab, applies to slabs $6 each and under 64
Raindrop Azurite R482C. . . .$2.25 ea. Rhodonite (Madagascar) R480R. . . .$2.25 ea. Rose Quartz R481H. . . .$2.25 ea. Serpentine (India) R481L. . . .$2.25 ea. Green Aventurine R481K. . . .$2.25 ea. Tigereye R481J. . . .$2.25 ea. Aragonite R481Q. . . .$2.25 ea. Snakeskin Rock R481T. . . .$2.25 ea. Serpentine (Peru) R481S. . . .$2.25 ea. Angelite R481U. . . .$2.25 ea. Rhodonite (Peru) R481V. . . .$2.25 ea. Orange Orthoclase w/ Black Tourmaline R481X. . . .$2.25 ea. Tarma Azurite R481Y. .
.$5.25 ea. Pyrite R481W . . . .$3.25 ea. Onyx Marble R482B. . . .$2.25 ea. Spiderweb Calcite R482A. . . .$2.25 ea. Nephrite Jade R481Z. . . .$2.25 ea. Green Opal R481M. . . .$2.25 ea. Yellow Hematoid Quartz Crystal R481N. . . .$2.25 ea. Carnelian R480F. . . .$2.25 ea. Mangano Pink Calcite R482E. . . .$2.25 ea. Blue Aragonite R482F. . . .$2.25 ea. Lemon Calcite R482G. . . .$2.25 ea. Green Grape Jade R482H. . . .$2.25 ea. Yellow Serpentine R482J. . . .$2.25 ea. Green Onyx R482K. .
.$2.25 ea. Pink Banded Calcite R482L. . . .$2.25 ea. Caribbean Blue Calcite R482M. . . .$2.25 ea. Snowflake Black Rhodonite R482N. . . .$2.25 ea. Azurite R482P. . . .$2.25 ea.
Order minimum
per slab,
each and under 65   
Aventurine in Mica Schist R482Q. . . .$2.25 ea.
applies to slabs $6




Marine Snail, Morocco

approx. 3/4” dia.

R496 .

Echinoid, Morocco approx.1” dia.

. 85¢ ea.

Pelecypod, Clam Morocco

approx. 3/4” dia.


85¢ ea.

Petrified Wood, Arizona, tumbled

R489L 1".

R489 1 1/4”.

60¢ ea.

.85¢ ea.

Stromatolite, polished, freeform, banded, Approx. 1”

R469. . . .$1.10 ea.

Includes FREE Geological Fact Cards with Barcode



approx.1” dia.


$1.25 ea.

Petrified Algae, China, tumbled, approx. 1”


.85¢ ea.


Marine Snail, Morocco

approx.1 ¼” in length


. 85¢ ea.

Turritella Agate Fossil, tumbled

R347L 1”

R347XL 1 1/4”


$2.00 ea.


$1.25 ea.

Fossil Mosasaur Tooth, approx. 1”

R512 .

$1.70 ea.

Corax Shark Tooth


approx. 3/4” across R503

. 85¢ ea.

Tiny Phacops Trilobite, approx. 1/2”

R511T .

$1.40 ea.

2”- 3”


Trilobite Fossil approx. 1½”

R511S .


. .
. . .
. .
. .
Trilobite Fossil B grade, from Morocco approx. R309C . . . .$5.00
. .
. . . . .
. . . .
. .
. .
. .
. . . .
. . . .
. .
Order minimum 6 per fossil, applies to fossils $6 each and under
Trilobite Fossil B grade, from Morocco R309D 3”- 5” long. . .$7.00 ea.

Fossil, Goniatite, polished

R442S 1 ½”

R442M 1 3/4”

$4.20 ea.


Cystoid Fossil Geode, partials, color enhanced R402P 2”. . . .$1.25 ea.

Quartz Crystal Druse, average 2” on longest side

R470P. .

.$1.00 ea.

Ammonite Fossil,Perisphictes, rough Madagascar

R353PS 1”. . . . $2.00 ea.

Ammonite, fossilized in rock, Polished, Morocco

R353A 1”

$2.00 ea.

Crinoid Stem Morocco

average 1¼” in length


. $1.25 ea.

Ammonite Fossil, opalized, Madagascar


$1.25 ea. 1½”

.$2.00 ea.

Fossil Sand Dollar Morocco

R453XS 3/4”- 15/16”

R453A 1”-1 1/4”

R453B 1 3/8”-1 3/4”.

$1.00 ea.

$1.45 ea.


Fulgurite, Petrified Lightning Strikes

R514S ½” to 3/4”

R514M 3 /4” to 1½”

R514L 1½” to 2”

R514XL 2” to 2½”

R514XXL 2½” to 3½”

R514XXXL 3½” to 4½”

. 75¢ ea.


$3.35 ea.

.$6.10 ea.

.$9.85 ea.


67   
. .
. .
. . . . .
. .
. .$2.00
. .
. . .
. . . .
. . .
. . . . . . . .
. . .
. . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . .
. . . . .
. . . .
Order minimum 6 per fossil, applies to fossils $6 each and under

Shark Tooth, fossilized Morocco

R307A ½" to 3/4”

R307B 1” to 1¼”

R307XL 1¼” to 1½”

55¢ ea.

.$1.40 ea.


Coprolite, Petrified Prehistoric Poop Dimensions range from 3" to 4" long, 1" to 1 3/4" diameter

R528A approx. 2.4 oz to 4.0 oz

$3.65 ea.

Orthoceras Fossil, polished Morocco

R354A up to 2”

R354B 2 ½” -3 ½”

Petrified Wood Branch Cross Section


.$1.55 ea.

1” diameter, polished end


.$4.65 ea.

2” diameter, polished end


3” diameter, polished end


Petrified Dinosaur Bone

R332A 3/4”.


R332B 1 ½”. . . . .$1.60 ea.

Fossilized Whale Bone

R505 Average 1 ½” in length . . .$1.40 ea.

R505L Over 2” in length . .

Polished Fossilized Coral Avg 8 oz., 3 ¼” across R6026. . .



Stromatolite Slab

R481R 1 3/4" to 2"

Petrified Wood, rough

R315A1 ¼” .

R315B 2” . .

$2.00 ea.

$3.00 ea.



$2.25 ea.

Petrified Wood Slab

R480Q 1 3/4" to 2"

.$2.25 ea.

. . . .
. . . .
. . . .
. . . . . . .
. . . . .
. . .$2.50
. . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . .
. .
. . . . . . . . . .
. .50¢ .$1.00 .$9.00
. . .
Order minimum 6 per fossil, applies to fossils $6 each and under
. . . . . $1.00
. . . .$2.10
. . . .

Display Stands and Easels

RD113 . . . .60¢ ea.

Wooden Easel, small, 2 ⅝” x 4 ¼”

RD114 . . . . 75¢ ea.

Wooden Easel, large, 3 ⅞” x 5 ¼”

For minerals and fossils, shells, eggs, and spheres. Not shown to scale.

RD120 . . . .15¢ ea., $3.60/24ct pack

Plastic Sphere and Egg Stand, small, ⅝” dia.

RD117 . . . .20¢ ea., $4.80/24ct pack

Plastic Sphere and Egg Stand, med, 1 ¼” dia.

Clear Acrylic Easels and Stands

Not shown to scale




Hematite Ring

Egg and Sphere Stand, assorted sizes

RD111 . . . . . 30¢ ea.

RD103 . . . .$2.65 ea., $31.80/case

Acrylic Easel, large, 3” x 3” x 3”, holds large agate slices, packed 12 per case

RD103L . . . .$13.50 ea.

Large Acrylic Easel With Light

RD102 . . . .$2.00 ea., $24.00/case

Acrylic Easel, med., 2 ¼” x 2 ¼” x 2 ¼”, holds med. agate slices, packed 12 per case

RD101 . . . ..85¢ ea., $10.20/case

Acrylic Easel, small, 1 ½” x 2” x 2”, holds sm. agate slices, packed 12 per case

RD106 . . . .$1.85 ea., $22.20/case

Three-peg stand, large, 2 ½” x 3 ½”, holds large specimens, packed 12 per case

RD105 . . . .$1.30 ea., $15.60/case

Three-peg stand, large, triangular base, 2 ½” x 2 ½” x 2 ½” x 1 ½”, packed 12 per case

RD104 . . . .85¢ ea., $10.20/case

Three-peg stand, small, triangular base, 1 ½” x 1 ½” x 1 ½” x 1”, packed 12 per case

RD121 . . . .$4.40 ea.

Acrylic Riser, 3” x 2” x 2”

69   
RD101 RD106 RD105 RD104 RD121

Made by the same technique Native American Tribes used 3,000 years ago.

Agate Obsidian
R439S R439M R439L R439XL R439XXL R4393XL R4394XL R543S R543M R543L R5434XL R543XL R5433XL
Replica Arrowheads R439S - 1 1/4". . . . . . . . . . 50¢ ea. R439M -1 1/2" . . . . . . . . . 70¢ ea.
- 2". . . . . . . . . . . $1.00 ea.
- 2 1/2" . . . .. . . $1.30 ea.
- 3" . . . . . . . . $1.80 ea.
- 3 1/2" . .. . . $2.25 ea. R4394XL - 4 1/4" . .. . . $2.75 ea.
- 1 1/4". . . . . . . . . 50¢ ea. R543M -1 1/2" . . . . . . . . 80¢ ea.
- 2" . . . . . . .. . . $1.50 ea.
- 2 1/2" . . . . . . $2.00 ea.
- 3" . . . . .. . . $3.50 ea.
- 3 1/2". .. . . $4.50 ea.
- 4 1/4".. . . $7.50 ea. Order minimum 6 per piece, applies to pieces $6 each and under
R543XXL Agate
Arrowheads R543S

Made by the same technique Native American Tribes used 3,000 years ago.

Mahogany Obsidian Replica Arrowheads

R544S - 1 1/4".

R544M -1 1/2"

R544L - 2".

ea. R544XXL - 3"

R5443XL - 3 1/2"

R5444XL - 4 1/4"

Synthetic Moonstone Replica Arrowheads

R545S - 1 1/4".

R545M -1 1/2" .

- 2".

R545XL - 2 1/2" .





71   
Mahogany Obsidian R544S
R544M R544L R544XL R544XXL
R5443XL R5444XL
. . . . . . . . .
50¢ ea.
. . . . . . . . .
80¢ ea.
. . . . . . . . . .
. . . .. . . $2.00
. . . . . . . .
$1.50 ea. R544XL - 2 1/2"
$3.50 ea.
. .. . .
$4.50 ea.
. .. . .
$7.50 ea. R545S R545M R545L
Synthetic Moonstone
. . . . . .
. . 75¢
. . . . .
. $1.00
. . .
. . . . . .
. $1.75
.. .
Order minimum 6 per piece, applies to pieces $6 each and under
. .
. $2.50
72 Agate Titanium Quartz Crystal Rose Quartz Crystal
Agate Titanium Replica Arrowheads R439TS - 1 ¹/4". . . . . . . . . . $1.25 ea. R439TM - 1 ¹/2" . . . . . . . . . $1.55 ea. R439TL - 2". . . . . . . . . . . . .$1.95 ea. R439TXL - 2 1/2". . . . . . . . . . $2.60 ea. R439TXXL - 3". . . . . . . . . . .$4.30 ea. Quartz Crystal Replica Arrowheads R438QS - 1" -1 ¹/4". . . . . . . . . $1.00 ea. R438Q -1 ¹/2"- 1 ³/4" . . . . . . . . $1.95 ea. Rose Quartz Crystal Replica Arrowheads R438RS - 1" -1 ¹/4". . . . . . . . . . $1.00 ea. R438R -1 ¹/2"- 1 ³/4" . . . . . . . . . .$1.95 ea. Replica Arrowheads Tray Counter Merchandising Deal RE4000AH . . . .$60.00 • RE500 Display Tray with Replica Arrowhead Display Sign, 7 1 / 2 " x 8 1 / 4 ", $10.00 • FREE Replica Arrowheads to offset cost of display at SRP • $50 worth of your arrowhead choice Order minimum 6 per piece, applies to pieces $6 each and under
R438RS R438R R438QS R438Q R439TXXL R439TXL R439TL R439TM R439TS

Agate Totems

Made by the same technique Native American Tribes used 3,000 years ago.

2” - 2 1/2”

R439SYM. . . .$2.00 ea.

Agate Titanium Totems

Made by the same technique Native American Tribes used 3,000 years ago.

2” - 2 1/2”

R439SYMT. . . .$3.25 ea.

73   
Order minimum 6 per piece, applies to pieces $6 each and under


Selenite, which gets its name from the Greek word for the moon, is a mineral that has a unique and striking effect on the behavior of light that passes through it. Light travels through crystal fibers in selenite, so when selenite is placed on a light-up display, light travels through the mineral and shines out the top. Selenite shimmers in light, which makes the mineral look like it is glowing.


½” dia. x 3 1/16” tall TL125GP . . . .$25.00 ea.
Satin Spar Selenite Terra Light Golden,
lbs., 6 ¼” tall
electric assembly and bulb
$32.00 ea.
Satin Spar
Terra Lamp Glacier, Small, Avg. 2.5
light holder
3/8” x 4 ¼” x 2 13/16” TL125W . . . .$22.35
White Satin Spar Selenite Tea
Gold Satin Spar Selenite Tea light holder, Natural Rough Finish, Rectangular 5 7/8” x 4 ¼” x 2 3/16” TL125GR . . . .$22.75 ea.
Spar Selenite lamps contain crystal fibers. Light from the bulb is transmitted the full length of the fibers, creating a glow on all sides, even below the lamp.
Selenite Lamps &Candles
. . .
Gold Satin Spar Selenite Tea light holder 4 5/8” dia. x 2 15/16”
TL125G .
$22.75 ea.

Selenite Counter Wood Tray Display Merchandising Deal

SS500 . . . .$128.25

• RE500 Display Tray with display sign, 7 1/2” X 8 1/4”, $10

• FREE 2 R494 Selenite Spheres to offset cost of display at $7.99 SRP

• 13 R494 Small Selenite Spheres, 1 3/4” dia., $2.75 ea., $35.75

• 15 R495 Small Selenite Hearts, 1 ½”wide x 1 ¼” tall, $2.75 ea., $41.25

• 15 R6001S Small Selenite Glaciers, 1” dia. x 2 ¼” tall, $2.75 ea., $41.25

Cut Corner Cube, small 1 1/2” dia x 1 3/8” tall R6029A .

Cut Corner Cube, med 1 ⁷/8” dia x 1 ⁷/8” tall R6029B


Selenite Heart, small 1½” wide x 1¼” tall R495 . . . .$2.75 ea.

Selenite Sphere, small 13/8” dia R494 . . . .$2.75 ea.

Point, 1” dia x 2 ¼” tall R6025 . . . .$4.80 ea.

Satin Spar Selenite Glacier, small, 1”dia x 2¼” tall R6001S . . . .$2.75 ea.

75   
. . . .$7.25
. . .
$5.50 ea.
Corkscrew, med 11/8”dia x 4” tall R6008A . . $5.50 Cylinder 1½” dia x 4” tall R6012 . . $7.25 ea. Cone 1½” dia x 4½” tall R6013 . . $3.25
Satin Spar Selenite
Angel, 3 3/4” tall R6017 . . $19.00 ea.
Glacier, med 1½” dia x 4” R6001 . . $4.80 ea. Knife 1/2” dia x 4 13/16” ” tall R6028A . . $5.50 ea. Knife, large 1/2” dia x 9 1/2” tall R6028B . . $8.90 ea. Infinity Massage Wand ⁷/8” dia x 7 ⁵/8” tall R6030 . . $2.90 ea. Pyramid, 1 ⁷/8” dia x 2” tall R6027 . . $4.20 ea. Corkscrew Point Massage Wand ⁷/8” dia x 6” tall R6031 . . $2.90 ea.
77   
LED Light and Mirror Display Stand, 2½” x 2½” x 13/16” tall Requires 3 AAA batteries, not included. Continuously changes colors, lighting and enhancing whatever mineral is displayed upon it. RD119 . . . .$2.50 ea. Carved Selenite on LED Display

Minerals on Wood Base

Collector Minerals Mounted on Wood Base - each specimen approximately 3” x 2 ½”. Assorted minerals, including amethyst, citrine, quartz crystal, muscovite, kyanite, lepidolite, fuchsite, rose quartz, black tourmaline and others, packed 10 per box

R6000 . . . .$6.60 ea., $66.00/box

Amethyst Druse Fuchsite Quartz Crystal Point Kyanite Lepidolite Citrine Druse Muscovite Amethyst Point Black Tourmaline Quartz Crystal Cluster Citrine Point Rose Quartz

Collector Rocks by the Flat

ADF101. . . .$28.50 ea. Amethyst Druse, color enhanced, sold by the flat, 43/4” x 63/4” x 1½” ADF102. . . .$26.50 ea. ADF103 $20.00 ea. ADF104. . . .$35.00 ea. Quartz Crystal sold by the flat, 43/4” x 63/4” x 1½” Assorted Rough Minerals sold by the flat, 43/4” x 63/4” x 1½” Agate Geodes sold by the flat, 43/4” x 63/4” x 1½” ADF105. . . .$47.00 ea. Ionized Titanium Amethyst Druse sold by the flat, 43/4” x 63/4” x 1½” ADF107. . . .$22.90 ea.
79   
Amethyst Druse sold by the flat, 43/4” x 63/4” x 1½”

Gem Bottles

Includes more than 30 different gemstones:




Blue Topaz



Gem Bottles, 72ct assorted case Size from top of cork to bottom of bottle: 2 5/16” tall x 15/16” dia.

Holds .65 oz. of tumbled, semi-precious gemstones


Crackle Quartz





Each bottle has a label on the back with the name of the gemstone and a UPC

GB201 . . . .$1.10 ea., $79.20/case

Gemstone Bottles

Pre-loaded Display Tray

GB201D. . . . $32.97/ 21ct tray

FREE your logo printed in full color!

• Printed directly - not a label

• Does not scratch off

• Low $300.00 MOQ

• One-time $50.00 set up

Gem Bottles Counter Merchandising Deal

GB2000 . . . .$221.50

• GB200 teak wood display with inlaid-gemstone sign, 19” x 7 ⁵/ 48 Gem Bottles, $95.00

• FREE 29 Gem Bottles to offset cost of display at $3.30 SRP

• 115 Gem Bottles at $1.10 ea., $126.50

Increase Gem Bottle quantity to reach $300 min. bottle order for FREE private labeling plus $50.00 one-time plate fee





Moonstone Moss Agate

Peridot Quartz



Rose Quartz

Rutilated Quartz

Snowflake Obsidian Tigereye Turquoise Unakite

Water Sapphire and others...

Gemstone Zipper Pulls $2.50 each
GZP102 Cystoid Geode Half GZP103 Fluorite GZP104 Banded Amethyst Rough GZP105 Quartz Crystal Point GZP106 Agate Slice, assorted GZP107
Crystal Cluster
Gemstone Zipper Pull Counter Merchandising Deal GZP1000 . . . . $169.00 • KC500 Zipper Pull Counter Display, 8” x 9” x 9”,holds 60, $29.00 • FREE 4 Gemstone Zipper Pulls at $7.99 SRP • 56 assorted Gemstone Zipper Pulls, $2.50 ea., $140.00 81   
Tumbled Amethyst GZP108 Tigereye GZP109
Pyrite GZP110 Botryoidal Chalcedony
GZP112 Amethyst
GZP113 Rose Quartz Rough

Terra Gem Spiral Keychains

Terra Gem Key Ring Counter Merchandising Deal

KC2020 . . . .$97.20

• KC500 Key Ring Counter Display, 8” x 9” x 9”, holds 48, $29.00

• 5 FREE Terra Gem Key Rings to offset cost of display at $6.30 SRP

• 31 TG202 Terra Gem Key Rings, assorted metals and gems, $2.20 ea., $68.20

Triple Caged Gemstone Keychains

Triple Caged Gemstone Keychains Counter Merchandising Deal

KC1180 . . . .$83.00

• KC500 Key Ring Counter Display, 8” x 9” x 9”, holds 48, $29.00

• 8 FREE Caged Gemstone Key Rings to offset cost of display at $3.99 SRP

• 40 KC118 Triple Caged Gemstone Key Rings, assorted tumbled gemstones, $1.35 ea., $54.00

Triple Caged Gemstone Keychains, assorted tumbled gemstones KC118 . . .$1.35ea., $16.20/12ct pack

Terra Gem Keychains, assorted metals and gems, packed 12

Extra Large Chalcedony Slice Keychans. gold edge, assorted KC120 . . . .$3.90 ea.


Gemstone Keychains

Made with tumbled agate and quartz

Gemstone Tumbled Agate & Quartz Keychain

Counter Merchandising Deal

KC1170 . . . .$73.10

• KC500 Key Ring Counter Display, 8” x 9” x 9”, holds 60 keychains, $29

• FREE 11 KC117 Gemstone Tumbled Agate & Quartz Keychains to offset cost of display at $2.69 SRP

• 49 KC117 Gemstone Tumbled Agate & QuartzGemstone Key Chains, 90¢ ea., $44.10

Tumbled Agate and Quartz Keychains

Actual length of keychain approx. 3½” Packed 25 assorted gemstones and colors

Gemstone Keychain Counter Merchandising Deal

KC1150 . . . .$191.40

• KC500 Key Ring Counter Display, 8” x 9” x 9”, holds 60 key chains, $29.00

• FREE 4 Gemstone Key Rings at $8.99 SRP

• 56 assorted Gemstone Key Rings, $2.90 ea., $162.40

KC117 . . . .90¢ ea., $22.50/pkg.

Gemstone Keychains

Made with minerals and gemstones

Gemstone Keychains . . . .$2.90 ea. (unless noted otherwise)

KC101 - Quartz Crystal

KC102 - Amethyst

KC103 - Citrine

KC104 - Agate Slice

KC105 - Geode

KC106 - Quartz Wishing Well

KC107 - Amethyst Wishing Well

KC108 - Fool’s Gold

KC109 - Crackle Rock Crystal

KC110 - Polished Agate Nodule

KC111 - Agate Geode, Polished

KC113 - Rose Quartz Wishing Well

KC119 - Ionized Titanium Amethyst Point. . .$3.25

Gemstone Keychain Revolving Counter Tree Merchandising Deal

JDW502RK . . . .$384.90

• JDW502 revolving counter display, 11” dia. x 29”, 18 pegs, holds 144, $115.00

• FREE 13 Gemstone Keychains to offset cost of display at $8.99 SRP

• 64 KC117 Gemstone Tumbled Agate & Quartz Keychains, 90¢ ea, $57.60

• 49 KC101-KC113 Gemstone Keychains, $2.90 ea, $142.10

• 18 KC120 Extra Large Chalcedony Slice Keychains, $3.90 ea, $70.20

83 
KC109 KC110 KC111 KC113 KC102 KC103 KC101 KC104 KC106 KC107 KC108 KC105 KC119

Gemstone Magnets Picket Fence Counter Merchandising Deal

MG400GS . . . .$81.00

• MG400 Picket Fence Magnet Counter Display with sign, 6 ¼” x 5 ¼” x 11”, $21.00

• FREE 7 Gemstone Magnets to offset cost of display at $2.99 SRP

• $60 of Your Choice Assorted Gemstone Magnets

90¢ Gemstone Magnets

MG309 Agate Replica Arrowhead

TMG118 Obsidian Replica Arrowhead

$1.00 Gemstone Magnets

TMG101 Tigereye, tumbled

TMG102 Iron Ore, tumbled

TMG103 Rose Quartz, tumbled

TMG104 Aventurine, tumbled

TMG107 Jasper, tumbled

TMG116 Sodalite, tumbled

TMG136 Dalmatian Stone, tumbled

TMG140 Chalcedony, tumbled

TMG142 Carnelian, tumbled

TMG143 Pink Botswana Agate, tumbled

TMG144 Grey Botswana Agate, tumbled

Gemstone Magnets and Key Chains Counter Merchandising Deal

MG1000GR . . . .$407.10

Pricing for Individual Magnets

TMG145 Painted Agate, tumbled

TMG146 Coffee Jasper, tumbled

TMG147 Mugglestone, tumbled

TMG148 Picture Jasper, tumbled

MG109 Rose Quartz, rough

$1.10 Gemstone Magnets

MG301 Agate Replica Arrowhead

$1.20 Gemstone Magnets

MG308 Obsidian Replica Arrowhead

$1.25 Gemstone Magnets

MG117 Fossil Cystoid Geode

MG118 Moonstone, tumbled

MG119 Jade, tumbled

TMG138 Unakite, tumbled

TMG149 Sharkskin Rock, tumbled

TMG150 Amazon River stone, tumbled

TMG125 Snowflake Obsidian, tumbled

TMG141 Crackled Quartz, tumbled

$1.30 Gemstone Magnets

TMG114 Rhyolite Replica Arrowhead

$1.40 Gemstone Magnets

TMG105 Amethyst, tumbled

TMG124 Banded Agate, tumbled

TMG151 Turquenite, tumbled

TMG135 Goldstone, tumbled

TMG135B Saphire Goldstone, tumbled

TMG135BR Brown Diamond Goldstone, tumbled

TMG135G Emerald Goldstone, tumbled


• MG200 Metal Peg Wall Counter Spinner Display, 13 1/16” x 9” x 23 3/4”, includes 24 2” display hooks, $149.00

• FREE 17 Gemstone Keychains to offset cost of display at $8.99 SRP

• 29 KC101-KC113 assorted Gemstone Keychains, $2.90 ea., $84.10

• 50 KC117 Tumbled Agate and Quartz Gemstone Keychains, 90¢ ea., $45.00

• $129 worth of gemstone magnets of your choice

MG104 Agate Geode, cut and polished

MG306 Chipped Quartz Replica Arrowhead 1¼"

MG307 Chipped Rose Quartz Replica Arrowhead 1¼"

TMG139 Labradorite, tumbled

TMG153 Black Tourmaline, tumbled

TMG154 Citrine, tumbled

$1.75 Gemstone Magnets

TMG119 Mini Agate Slice

TMG155 Agate Titanium Replica Arrowhead

MG114 Agate Geode, color enhanced, cut and polished

MG201 Amethyst Druse, color-enhanced

MG120 Fossil Shark Tooth

$2.00 Gemstone Magnets

MG102 Amethyst Druse

MG303 Quartz Crystal Cluster

$2.40 Gemstone Magnets

MG305 Ammonite Fossil, polished

Quartz Crystal Point MG101 Iron Pyrite (Fool's Gold)
Gemstone Keychains & Magnets

Gem Miner’s Spiral Cage Necklace Counter Merchandising Deal

. . . .$82.10

JDH18 Hang Tag Necklace Display, Tall, " dia. x 24 1/2" including sign, 9 pegs, holds up to 54 necklaces, $47.00

FREE 12 SP101G Children’s Spiral Cage Necklaces, 21”Gold color to offset cost of display at $4.25 SRP

6 SP101SL Adult’s Spiral Cage Necklace, 28” Silver color, $1.95 ea., $11.70

6 SP101GL Adult’s Spiral Cage Necklace, 28” Gold color, $1.95 ea., $11.70

6 SP101CL Adult’s Spiral Cage Necklace, 28” Copper, $1.95 ea., $11.70

Turn gem mining at your attraction into an unforgettable personalized experience and increase your sales and profit with Spiral Cage Necklaces or Key Rings. The cage spiral stretches apart allowing a gem, crystal, mineral or fossil that they found in their, Up to 1" at your sluice to be slipped inside. These add-ons turn their gems and minerals into one-of-a-kind jewelry pieces!

Spiral Cage Necklaces

SP101G for children, gold color 21”, $1.95 ea., $23.40/12 ct pack

SP101SL for adults, silver color 28”, $1.95 ea., $23.40/12 ct pack

SP101GL for adults, gold color 28”, $1.95 ea., $23.40/12 ct pack

SP101CL for adults, copper 28”, $1.95 ea., $23.40/12 ct pack

Gem Miner’s Spiral Cage Key Ring Counter Merchandising Deal

SP2000 . . . .$85.55

• KC500 Key Ring Counter Display, 8” x 9” x 9”, holds 48, $29.00

• FREE 7 SP102S Spiral Cage Key Rings, silver color to offset cost of display at $4.25 SRP

• 29 SP102S - SP102C Assorted Spiral Cage Key Rings, $1.95 ea. $56.55

SP102S silver color, $1.95 ea., $23.40/12 ct pack

SP102G gold color, $1.95 ea., $23.40/12 ct pack

SP102C copper, $1.95 ea., $23.40/12 ct pack

85   
Spiral Cage Key Ring

Lapidary Worked Gemstones

Hearts Points

Pyramids Slabs

Titanium Quartz Geodes

• Hand-crafted by native artisans in their country of origin in assorted shapes and gemstone material

• Come in assorted flats for easy ordering and reordering

Lapidary Worked Gemstones 5-tier Floor Merchandising Deal


• CRB600 Floor Display, 5-tier 18” x 21 3/4” x 54 3/4”, holds 5 Flats, $149

• Free 10 Gemstone Hearts to offset the cost of display at 14.99 SRP

• 1 GFL101 Gemstone Hearts 25ct., $7.50 ea., $187.50

• 1 GFL102 Gemstone Points 35ct. flat, $5.50 ea., $192.50

• 1 GFL103 Gemstone Pyramids 35ct. flat, $12.50 ea., $437.50

• 1 GFL104 Gemstone Slabs 24ct. flat, $2.85 ea., $68.40

• 1 GFL105 Titanium Quartz Geodes 35ct. flat, $3.50 ea., $122.50


Lapidary Worked Gemstones by the flat

Each flat comes with assorted lapidary worked gemstones.

Gemstone Slabs, 24ct flat GFL104…$2.85 ea., $68.40/flat Titanium Quartz Geodes, 35ct flat GFL105…$3.50 ea., $122.50/flat
87   
Gemstone Hearts, 35ct flat GFL101…$7.50 ea., $262.50/flat Gemstone Points, 35ct flat GFL102…$5.50 ea., $192.50/flat
Gemstone Pyramids, 35ct flat GFL103…$12.50 ea., $437.50/flat

Gemstone Points & Pyramids

Gemstone Point Counter Tray Deal

PG300 …. $132.50

• RE500 Cherry Wood Tray Display, 8 ¼” x 7 3/4” x 3 ¼” tall with sign, holds 26 points, $10.00

• FREE 1 Gemstone Points to offset cost of display at $12.25 SRP

• 25 Gemstone Pyramids PG302 – PG333, $4.90 ea., $122.50

Gemstone Pyramid Counter Merchandizing Deal

PYG300 …. $388.20

• ST500 Counter Stage display, 15 3/4” x 9 ½” x 13 ½” with sign, holds 20 pyramids, $55.00

• FREE 2 Gemstone Pyramids to offset cost of display at $29.75 SRP

• 28 Gemstone Pyramids PYG101 - PYG136, $11.90 ea., $333.20

89   

Gemstone Pyramids

1 ½" x 1 ½" x 1 5/16" $11.90 ea.

Red Jasper nurturing PYG113 Rose Quartz love PYG114 Green Aventurine prosperity PYG115 Sodalite confidence PYG116 Rhodonite compassion PYG117 Lapis Lazuli intuition PYG101 Pink Mangano Calcite inner peace PYG102 Blue Aragonite soothing PYG103 Lemon Calcite manifestation PYG104 Green Grape Jade healing PYG105 Yellow Serpentine transformation PYG106 Green Onyx discipline PYG107 Pink Banded Calcite love PYG108 Caribbean Blue Calcite serenity PYG109 Snowflake Black Rhodonite comfort PYG110 Azurite insight PYG111
Aventurine in Mica Schist determination PYG112 Synthetic Moonstone harmony PYG119 Goldstone ambition PYG120 Sapphire Goldstone empathy PYG121 Fluorite detoxifying PYG123 Amethyst calmness PYG118 Quartz Crystal healing PYG122 Howlite memory PYG124 Fancy Jasper joy PYG126 Alligator Jasper serenity PYG127 Bloodstone creativity PYG128 Dalmatian Stone patience PYG129 Lepidolite restore PYG130 Labradorite wisdom PYG131 Serpentine independence PYG132 Larvikite inner transformation PYG133 Nephrite Jade emotional healer PYG134
91   
Black Tourmaline protection PYG136 Rose Quartz love PG314 Green Aventurine prosperity PG315 Black Labradorite wisdom PG316
¼" X 3/4” dia.
Moss Agate new beginnings PG317
Gemstone Points 2
Lapis Lazuli intuition PG302 Pink Mangano Calcite inner peace PG303 Blue Aragonite soothing PG304 Lemon Calcite manifestation PG305 Green Grape Jade healing PG306 Yellow Serpentine transformation PG307 Green Onyx discipline PG308 Pink Banded Calcite love PG309 Caribbean Blue Calcite serenity PG310 Snowflake Black Rhodonite comfort PG311 Azurite insight PG312 Aventurine in Mica Schist determination PG313 Rhodonite compassion PG320 Moonstone, synthetic harmony PG322 Goldstone ambition PG323 Sapphire Goldstone empathy PG324
Quartz Crystal healing Amazonite truth PG318 Sodalite confidence PG319
memory PG327 Alligator Jasper serenity PG328
Tourmaline protection PG329
Chalcedony verbal dexterity PG330
Chalcedony mental flexibility PG331
Chalcedony optimism PG332
focus PG333 92
Amethyst calmness PG321

“From the Heart” Gemstones Counter Merchandising Deal


• FH500 “From the Heart” Counter Display, 13” x 8” x 10”, holds 48, $65.00

• FREE FH600 “From the Heart” Easel ID Guide, 8 ½” x 11”

• FREE 5 Gemstone Hearts to offset cost of display at $14.99 SRP

• 43 Choose Your Own or Assorted Gemstone Hearts, $6.90 ea., $296.70

• 48 FH201 3” x 4” Drawstring Bags, 60¢ ea., $28.80

• 100 FH301-FH304 From the Heart Cards, 10¢ ea., $10.00

3” x 4” drawstring bags with “From the Heart” logo

FH201 . . . .60¢ ea.

"From the Heart" Cards. . . . . 10¢ ea., $2.50/25 pk

Love FH301 Friend FH302

2 x 3” drawstring bags with “From the Heart” logo FH202 . . . .53¢ ea.

“From The Heart” Revolving Counter Merchandising Deal

FH6000 . . . .$597.86

• TG500S Revolving “From the Heart” Counter Display,14” x 14” x 16 ¼”, $125.00

• FREE 9 Gemstone Hearts to offset the cost of the display at $14.99 SRP

• 63 Choose Your Own or Assorted Gemstone Hearts, $6.90 ea., $434.70

• 72 FH202 2” x 3” Faux Suede Drawstring Bags, 53¢ ea., $38.16

Gemstone Hearts ID Guide Easel FH600 . . . .$8.00 ea.

ID Guide pictures each type of gemstone heart with corresponding meaning.

Encouragement FH303 Everyday FH304

. . . .$400.50
93   

Gemstone Hearts

1 ½" X 1 ½" X 3/4"


Howlite memory FH101 Picture Jasper grounding FH102 Aventurine prosperity FH103 Jasper tranquility FH104 Rose Quartz love FH105 Snowflake Obsidian balance FH106 Jade good luck FH108 Leopardskin strength FH109 Rhodonite compassion FH110 Yellow Jade emotional support FH111 Goldstone ambition FH113 Sapphire Goldstone empathy FH114 Hematite concentration FH115 Selenite clarity FH116 Narmada Stone curative FH119 Snow Quartz purity FH120 Unakite, India vision FH121 Black Tourmaline protection FH122 Snakeskin cleansing FH123 Fancy Jasper joy FH124 Alligator Jasper serenity FH125 Amethyst healing FH126 Amazonite truth
Bloodstone creativity Dalmatian Stone patience FH129 $6.90 Labradorite wisdom FH130
Lepidolite restore FH131

Sodalite confidence


Tiger Eye focus FH134 Lapis Lazuli intuition FH137 Apatite insight FH138 Blue Chalcedony verbal dexterity FH139 Pink Chalcedony mental flexibility FH140 Sunstone fortune FH135 Serpentine independence FH136 Ruby in Zoisite courage FH142 Teal Chalcedony optimism FH141 Pink Mangano Calcite inner peace FH144 Blue Aragonite soothing FH145 Nephrite Jade abundance FH157 Painted Jasper stability FH160 Quartz Crystal accuracy FH159 Lemon Calcite manifestation FH146 Green Grape Jade healing FH147 Yellow Serpentine transformation FH148 Green Onyx discipline FH149 Pink Banded Calcite love FH150 Caribbean Blue Calcite serenity FH151 Snowflake Black Rhodonite comfort FH152 Azurite insight FH153 Aventurine in Mica Schist determination FH154
perceptivity FH156 Fluorite detoxifying FH155
Rainbow Moonstone harmony FH132
95   

Soapstone Hearts

Gemstone Heart, natural soapstone, assorted natural colors & patterns, 2" x 1 3/4" x 3/4", approx. 2 oz.

FH118 . . . .$2.25 ea.

Soapstone Boxes

Soapstone, box with hinged lid, carved vine and flowers, color enhanced: black & white 3” x 4” x 1 3/4”

SS216 . . . .$5.70 ea.

Gemstone Heart, natural soapstone, assorted carved designs & enhanced colors: red, dark red, green & blue, 3 1/2” x 3 ¼” x 1 ½” , approx. 15 oz.

FH504 . . . .$5.90 ea.

Soapstone, box with hinged lid, carved seeds and flowers, color enhanced: black & white 3” x 4” x 1 3/4”

SS217 . . . .$5.70 ea.


Soapstone Eggs

...with cut base

SS202A . . . .$2.40 ea.

Small, 1 1/2" x 2", assorted colors & patterns

SS202B . . . .$3.10 ea.

Medium, 2 1/2" x 2", assorted colors & patterns

SS202C . . . .$5.10 ea.

Large, 3 1/2" x 2", assorted colors & patterns

97   

Spheres and Eggs

Collector Spheres & Eggs Counter Merchandising Deal

RM300 . . . .$165.95

• ST500 Counter Stage Display, 15 3/4” x 9 ½” x 16 ½”, holds 20 spheres and eggs, $55

• FREE 4 R416M Medium Cat’s Eye Eggs to offset cost of display at $13.35 SRP

• FREE 1 R416S Small Cat’s Eye Eggs to offset cost of display at $11.25 SRP

• 2 R416L Large Cat’s Eye Eggs, $8.20 ea., $16.40

• 5 R416S Small Cat’s Eye Eggs, $3.75 ea., $18.75

• 2 R434L Large Cat’s Eye Spheres, $8.20 ea., $16.40

• 4 R434M Medium Cat’s Eye Spheres, $4.45 ea., $17.80

• 6 R434S Small Cat’s Eye Spheres, $3.60 ea., $21.60

• 8 R434XS X-small Cat’s Eye Spheres, $1.30 ea., $10.40

• 32 RD111 Hematite Ring Egg & Sphere Stand, 30¢ ea., $9.60

Cat’s Eye/Fiber Optic Glass Spheres

R434L . . . .$8.20 ea.

Large, 5.75 oz., 50mm, 2” dia., assorted colors



Med., 3.1 oz., 40mm, 1 5/8” dia., assorted colors

R434S . . . .$3.60 ea.

Small, 1.6 oz., 30mm, 1 3/16” dia., assorted colors

R434XS . . . .$1.30 ea.

X-small, .5 oz., 20mm, 3/4” dia., assorted colors

R434T . . . .$1.10 ea.

Mini, .23 oz., 18mm, 11/16” dia., assorted colors

Marble Sphere, x-large 4” dia., 53 oz.

R436XL . . .$15.00 ea.

Cat’s Eye/Fiber Optic Glass Eggs

R416L . . . .$8.20 ea.

Large, 6.4 oz., 38mm x 50mm, 2” long, assorted colors



Med., 1.8 oz., 30mm x 40mm, 1 ⅝” long, assorted color



Small, .5 oz., 20mm x 30mm, 1 3/16” long, assorted colors


.$2.30 ea.

Mini, .4 oz., 18mm x 25mm, 1” long, assorted colors

Embryotrophic Eggs

EE201 . . . $2.75 ea., $33.00/pk 12

Egg Dimensions: 1.96” tall x 1.56” diameter

An iridescent glass egg that refracts light, creating the illusion of an egg yolk inside.

Embryotrophic Eggs Counter Merchandising Deal

EE1000. . . .$136.25

• B215 Wood Square Bamboo Basket with Looped Sides, 9 ¼” x 9 ¼” x 2 3/4” with embryotrophic eggs sign $7.00

• FREE 1 EE201 Embryotrophic Eggs to offset cost of display at $7.99 SRP

• 47 EE201 Embryotrophic Eggs, $2.75 ea., $129.25

. . . .$4.45
. . .
. . . .$3.75
. . .
R416L R416T R416M R416S R434T R434XS R434S R434M
99    Pendulum
Counter Merchandising Deal MZ5000 . . . .$238.40
• Dimensions of display : 8 ⁷/8" diameter, 22 1/4" tall including sign
• MZ500 wood counter display and sign, holds 36 pendulums, $65.00
• FREE 6 Pendulums to offset cost of display at 2x wholesale SRP
MZ335, MZ329, price on
Pendulum Instruction Cards MZ501 4” x 5 ½ “ , 12¢ ea., $6.00/50ct pack
• 36 Pendulums to fill display, one of each, $167.40 MZ334,
following pages

Top row left to right...

MZ301. . . .$2.50

Pendulum, rose quartz 6 side faceted plumb

MZ302 . . . .$2.50

Pendulum, jasper 6 side faceted plumb

MZ303 . . . .$3.15

Pendulum, quartz crystal 12 side faceted plumb

MZ304 .

Pendulum, black onyx plumb

MZ305 . . . .$3.35

Pendulum, tigereye plumb

MZ306 . . . .$3.35

Pendulum, quartz crystal plumb

MZ307 . . . .$3.35

Pendulum, amethyst plumb

MZ308 . . . .$3.35

Pendulum, green aventurine

Bottom row left to right...

MZ315 . . . .$4.45

Pendulum, gold plated copper fluted plumb

MZ316 . . . .$4.45

Pendulum, silver plated copper fluted plumb


Pendulum, gold plated copper flared sided plumb


Pendulum, silver plated copper flared plumb

MZ319 . . . .$4.45

Pendulum, silver plated copper straight sided plumb

MZ320 . . . .$4.45

Pendulum, gold plated copper ball plumb

MZ321 . . . .$4.45

Pendulum, gold plated copper plumb with spiral

Middle row left to right...

MZ309. . . .$3.60

Pendulum, amethyst half octahedron


Pendulum, rose quartz half octahedron


Pendulum, rose quartz & quartz crystal sphere with silver plated copper cap

MZ312. . . . $3.60

Pendulum, amethyst point & quartz crystal sphere with silver plated copper cap

MZ313 . . . .$4.25

Pendulum, rose quartz, 14 sided tetradecagon, silver plated copper decorations

MZ314 . . . .$4.25

Pendulum, green aventurine, 14 sided tetradecagon, silver plated copper decorations

. . .$3.35
. .
. .$3.60
. . .
. .
. . . .$4.45
MZ301 MZ302 MZ303 MZ304 MZ305 MZ306 MZ307 MZ308 MZ309 MZ310 MZ311 MZ312 MZ313
MZ315 MZ316 MZ317 MZ318 MZ319 MZ320 MZ321 100

Top row left to right...

MZ322 . . . .$4.45

Pendulum, rose quartz ball with silver plated copper decorations

MZ323 . . . .$4.45

Pendulum, amethyst ball with silver plated copper decorations

MZ324 . . . .$4.45

Pendulum, green aventurine top with silver plated copper decorations

MZ325 . . . .$4.45

Pendulum, quartz crystal ball with silver plated copper decorations

MZ326 . . . .$4.45

Pendulum, chakra 6 sided, 7 gemstone plumb

Bottom row left to right...

MZ332 . . . .$5.95

Pendulum, chakra 7 gemstone stacked half octahedron

MZ333. . . .$6.25

Pendulum, rose quartz faceted jewel with silver plated copper hat and garnet cabochon

MZ334 . . . .$6.75

Pendulum, quartz crystal sphere, point & hexagon column with silver plated copper caps

MZ335 . . . .$6.75

Pendulum, amethyst sphere, point & hexagon column with silver plated copper caps

MZ336 . . . .$13.00

Pendulum, quartz crystal spin merkaba, sphere

Middle row left to right...

MZ327 . . . .$5.35

Pendulum, gemstone triple stacked half octahedron, quartz crystal, black onyx, sunstone

MZ328 .


Pendulum, amethyst merkaba

MZ329 .

Pendulum, quartz crystal merkaba

MZ330. . . .$5.95

Pendulum, gemstone bottle, quartz crystal sphere & point with silver plated copper caps

MZ331 . . . .$5.95

Pendulum, gemstone bottle, rose quartz sphere & point with silver plated copper caps

. .
. .$5.95
MZ322 MZ323 MZ324 MZ325 MZ326 MZ327 MZ328 MZ329 MZ330
101   
MZ332 MZ333 MZ334 MZ335 MZ336

Gemstone Ponder Stones, 1 5/8" x 1 1/14" - sandblast etched Assorted gemstones: rose quartz, aventurine, picture jasper, leopardskin, rhodonite, goldstone, onyx, snowflake obsidian, howlite, jade, etc. PO101. . . .60 Assorted Ponder Stone Words $2.25 ea., $135.00/60ct bag

Gemstone Ponder Stones

1 5/8" x 1 1/14"

Gemstone Ponder Stone Counter Merchandising Deal

PO6000G . . . .$174.75

• PO600 Ponder Stone Counter Display with mirror, 8” x 16” x 5”, holds 48 Ponder Stones, $60.00

• FREE 9 Gemstone Ponder Stones to offset cost of display at $6.75 SRP

• 51 Gemstone Ponder Stones, assorted, $2.25 ea., $114.75

• Specify desired series

2” x 3” Faux Glove Leather Drawstring Bags, assorted colors DBA23 . . . .$53¢ ea.

2” x 3” Suedine Drawstring Bags, assorted colors DBR102 . . . .$53¢ ea.

FREE hot-stamping with 500 bags (One-time plate fee of $50)

Self-awareness series

Gemstone Ponder Stones, 1 5/8" x 1 1/14" 12 per bag, Includes: accept, feel, enjoy, forgive, heart, smile, kindness, laugh, listen, patience, thankful, compliment PO105

$2.25 ea., $27.00/12 ct bag

Relationship series

Gemstone Ponder Stones, 1 5/8" x 1 1/14" 12 per bag, Includes: forever, friends, hugs, kisses, love, passion, sisters, brother, always, give, touch, soulmate PO103

.$2.25 ea., $27.00/12 ct bag

. .
. . .

Meditation series

Gemstone Ponder Stones, 1 5/8" x 1 1/14"

12 per bag Includes: dance, play, sing, walk, live, breathe, rest, relax, heal, harmony, remember, survivor PO104 . . . .$2.25 ea., $27.00/12 ct bag

Inspiration series

Gemstone Ponder Stones, 1 5/8" x 1 1/14"

12 per bag, Includes: beauty, eternity, faith, freedom, grace, joy, peace, pray, trust, truth, blessing, hope PO102 .

. .$2.25 ea., $27.00/12 ct bag

Motivation series

Gemstone Ponder Stones, 1 5/8" x 1 1/14"

12 per bag, Includes: change, choice, courage, create, confidence, dream, imagine, organize, practice, strength, teach, think PO106

ea., $27.00/12 ct bag

103   
. . .
104 PO505 - Giraffe Silhouette PO506 - Elephant Silhouette PO507 - Tiger Eyes Silhouette PO108 12 assorted per bag, Includes: environment, recycle, conserve, preserve, protect, sanctuary, sustain, wildlife, nature, nourish, renew Gemstone Ponder Stones
Series $2.25 ea., $27.00/12 ct bag 1 5/8" x 1 1/14"
Series PO501 - Cave Bat Silhouette PO502 - Eagle Silhouette PO503 - Wolf Silhouette PO504 - Bear Silhouette
PO404 - Peace Symbol PO408 - Celtic Knot Symbol PO405 - Ankh Eternity Symbol PO409 - Celtic Cross Symbol PO406 - Jolly Roger Pirate Symbol PO410 - Cross Symbol PO407 - Recycle Symbol PO411 - Happy Face Symbol
Symbol Series
105    PO314 - Play PO315 - Laugh PO316 - Dream PO317 - Beauty PO318 - Kisses PO319 - Give PO320 - Forever PO321 - Blessings PO322 - Happy Birthday PO323 - 13.1 PO324 - 26.2 PO325 - Namaste PO326 - Positive PO327 - Potential PO328 - Success PO329 - Energy PO330 - Adore PO331 - Precious PO332 - Gratitude PO333 - Thanks PO334 - Spirit PO335 - Calm PO336 - Serenity PO337 - Clarity PO338 - BFF Word Marble Ponder Stones . . . .$1.80 ea., $21.60/12 ct bag PO202RM1- Eternity PO203RM1 - Always PO205RM1 - Enjoy PO205RM2 - Feel PO402 - Arkansas Gemstone Ponder Stones $2.25 ea., $27.00/12 ct bag 1 5/8" x 1 1/14" By the Word PO101LT - Lake Tahoe PO301 - Hope PO302 - Love PO303 - Faith PO304 - Pray PO305 - Trust PO306 - Grace PO307 - Joy PO308 - Peace PO309 - Friends PO310 - Hugs PO311 - Sisters PO312 - Brother PO313 - Soulmate

Gemstone Ponder Stones Displays

Gemstone Ponder Stone Faux Rock Counter Merchandising Deal

PO5000G . . . . $183.00

• PO500 Ponder Stone Faux Rock Counter Display, 12”x 16” x 8”, holds 48, $75

• FREE 12 Gemstone Ponder Stones to offset cost of display

• 48 Gemstone Ponder Stones, assorted, $2.25 ea., $108.00

• Specify desired series

Gemstone Environment Ponder Stone

Counter Merchandising Deal

PO6000E . . . . $174.75

• PO600 Ponder Stone Counter Display with mirror, 8” x 16” x 5”, holds 48 Ponder Stones, $60.00

• FREE 9 Gemstone Environment Ponder Stones to offset cost of display at $6.75 SRP

• 51 Gemstone Environment Ponder Stones, assorted, $2.25 ea., $114.75

Gemstone Ponder Stone Counter Tray Deal


• RE500 Cherry Wood Tray Display w/sign, 8 ¼” X 7 3/4” X 1”, $10.00

• FREE 2 Gemstone Ponder Stones to offset cost of display

• 58 Gemstone Ponder Stones, $2.25 ea., $130.50

• Choose from any of our best selling Gemstone Ponder Stones

. . . .$140.50

Gemstone Ponder Stone Magnets

Gemstone Ponder Stone Magnet, 1 5/8" x 1 1/14"

Individual words

PO301M - PO507M $2.65 ea.

PO301M - Hope

PO302M - Love

PO303M - Faith

PO304M - Pray

PO305M - Trust

PO306M - Grace

PO307M - Joy

PO308M - Peace

PO309M - Friends

PO310M - Hugs

PO311M - Sisters

PO312M - Brother

PO313M - Soulmate

PO314M - Play

PO315M - Laugh

PO316M - Dream

PO317M - Beauty

PO318M - Kisses

PO319M - Give

PO320M - Forever

PO321M - Blessings

PO322M - Happy Birthday

PO323M - 13.1

PO324M - 26.2

PO325M - Namaste

PO326M - Positive

PO327M - Potential

PO328M - Success

PO329M - Energy

PO330M - Adore

PO331M - Precious

PO332M - Gratitude

PO333M - Thanks

PO334M - Spirit

PO335M - Calm

PO336M - Serenity

PO337M - Clarity

PO338M - BFF

PO404M - Peace

PO405M - Ankh

PO406M - Jolly Roger

Wishing Wells . . . .$1.75 ea.

WW101 - Amethyst

WW102 - Rose Quartz

WW103 - Quartz Crystal

PO407M - Recycle

PO408M - Celtic Knot

PO409M - Celtic Cross

PO410M - Cross

PO411M - Happy Face

PO501M - Cave Bat

PO502M - Eagle

PO503M - Wolf

PO504M - Bear

PO505M - Giraffe

PO506M - Elephant

PO507M - Tiger Eyes

PO101LTM - Lake Tahoe

Gemstone Ponder Stones Magnet Picket Fence Counter Merchandising Deal

MG400PS . . . .$76.65

• MG400 Picket Fence Magnet Counter Display with sign, 6 ¼” x 5 ¼” x 11”, $21

• FREE 3 Ponder Stone Magnets, assorted, to offset cost of display at $7.99 SRP

• 32 Gemstone Wishing Wells, asst. $1.75 ea., $56.00 WW101 WW102 WW103

• 21 Gemstone Ponder Stone Magnets, assorted, $2.65 ea., $55.65

Gaze into a gemstone wishing well and make a wish.

Genuine crystalline amethyst, rose quartz and quartz crystal, rough tumbled, cut and polished on one face

WW100 . . . .$116.00

• WW500 Wishing Well Counter display, 8” x 16” x 5”, $60.00

• FREE 12 Gemstone Wishing Wells to offset displayat $5.25 SRP

Luck of the Irish Good Luck Stone Counter Merchandising Deal

LU1000 . . . .$111.25

• RE500 Display Tray with display sign, 7 ½” x 8 ¼”, $10.00

• FREE 2 LU104 Good Luck Stones to offset cost of display at $6.75 SRP

• 45 LU104 Good Luck Stones, $2.25 ea., $101.25

107 

Stones • Hearts • Slabs

Carved Gemstones, assorted symbols, 1 3/4" to 2 ¼" dia., $3.70 ea., $44.40/12ct. pack ASH101
Agate Hearts, assorted symbols , 1 3/4" x 1 3/4" dia., $4.90 ea., $58.80/12ct pack

Labradorite Slab

10 assorted symbols

2 ½" dia.

CHK105 . . . .$4.25 ea,

10 assorted symbols

CHK106 . . .

2 3/4" - 4" dia.


10 assorted symbols

$42.50/10pk Fluorite Slab .$4.25 $42.50/10pk Rose Quartz Slab
1 ½" - 2 3/4" dia.
CHK107 . . . .$3.50 ea, $35.00/10pk

Replica Fossils - cast from real fossils

Cast from real 34-56 million year old fossils

Trilobite, Phacopidae 4” wide x 6 ½” long RE124

Fossil Fish Knightia Replica, assorted RE119L . . . .$6.50 ea

Cast Replica Knightia Fossil Fish Tray Counter Merchandising Deal FF2000 . . . .$81.49

• B217 Wooden tray with slat sides, 11 11/16” x 7 ⁷/8” x 6 3/8” with sign, $9.99

• FREE 1 RE119L Cast Replica Knightia Fossil Fish to offset cost of display at $19.99 SRP

• 11 RE119L Cast Replica Knightia Fossil Fish, assorted styles, 6 3/4” x 4 3/4” x 1/4”, $6.50 ea., $71.50

Dinosaur Egg 3” wide x 6” long RE129

Ammonite, Perisphinctes 3” dia RE130


Tyrannosaurus Rex Tooth, casts of two different teeth, assorted Approx. 4” long RE127

. .
. . .
. . .
.$11.40 ea
. . .

Replica Fossils - Cast from real fossils

Replica Fossils Tray Counter Merchandising Deal

RE1000 . . . .$66.00

• RE500 Display Tray with display sign, 7 ½” x 8 ¼”, $10.00

• FREE 4 RE200A Assorted Replica Fossils to offset cost of display at $2.99 SRP

• 56 RE200A Assorted Replica Fossils, $1.00 ea., $56.00

Replica Fossil Magnet Picket Fence Counter Merchandising Deal

MG400RF . . . .$44.40

• MG400 Picket Fence Magnet Counter Display with sign, 6 ¼” x 5 ¼” x 11”, $21.00

• FREE 6 Replica Fossil Magnets to offset cost of display at $3.89 SRP

• 18 MGF200A Replica Fossil Magnets, assorted, $1.30 ea., $23.40

Cast from real fossils of ancient animal life

111   
Golden Ammonite, 2 3/4” Trilobite with Spines, 2 3/4” Raptor Claw , 2 5/8” Ammonite Perisphictes, 1 1/2” Shark Tooth, 2 3/4” T-Rex Tooth, 2 3/4” Toxoceratoide, 2 1/2” Trilobite Metacanthina, 2 3/4” Trilobite Elrathia, 3” Fossil Replicas, Assorted RE200A . . . .$1.00 ea., $12.00/pk12 Replica Fossil Magnets, Assorted MGF200A. .
. . $1.30 ea., $15.60/pk12

Arrowhead Key Chain Counter Merchandising Deal

KC1160 . . . .$81.50

• KC500 Key Ring Counter Display, 8” x 9” x 9”, holds 48 key rings, $29.00

• FREE 10 Arrowhead Key Chains to offset cost of display at $3.15 SRP

• 50 KC116 Arrowhead Key Chains, $1.05 ea., $52.50

Arrowhead Keychains

Actual length of keychain approx. 3 ½”, packed 25 assorted colors and styles

KC116 . . . .$1.05 ea., $26.25/25ct pack

Arrowhead replicas are cast from genuine Native American hand-chipped arrowheads.

MG307 Chipped Rose Quartz

Replica Arrowhead Magnet

MG306 Chipped Quartz

Replica Arrowhead Magnet

TMG118 Obsidian Replica

Arrowhead Magnet


TMG155 Agate Titanium

Replica Arrowhead Magnet

1 ¼". . . $1.75 ea.

MG308 Obsidian Replica

Arrowhead Magnet


MG309 Agate Replica

Arrowhead Magnet


MG301 Agate Replica

Arrowhead Magnet

1 ½"

Agate Replica Arrowhead Magnet Picket Fence Counter Merchandising Deal

MG400AH . . . .$47.40

• MG400 Picket Fence Magnet Counter Display with sign, 6 ¼” x 5 ¼” x 11”, $21

• FREE 6 MG301 Agate Replica Arrowhead Magnets to offset cost of display at $3.59 SRP

• 24 MG301 Agate Replica Arrowhead Magnets, assorted, $1.10 ea., $26.40 This product is not

Indian made or
Indian product under 25 U.S.C.&305 et.seq.
¼" . . . . 90¢ ea.
1 ¼". . . .$1.40 ea.
. . .
.$1.10 ea.
1 ¼". . . .$1.40 ea.
¼". . . ..90¢ ea.
1/2" . . . . $1.20 ea.


Madagascar is an island about 250 miles east of the Africa coast. It’s the world’s second largest island at 228,900 square miles. Because Madagascar is so isolated from other continents, it is home to many plants and animals found nowhere else on Earth. Madagascar is comprised of mainly igneous and metamorphic rocks and is very rich in beautiful minerals, gems, and fossils which native Malagasy people mine, cut and polish into beautiful works of art.

113   
Toadstools Mineral & Gemstone
Desert Jasper determination TS404. . . . .$12.50 ea. Petrified Wood grounding TS407. . . . . $12.50 ea. Carnelian success TS402. . . . $12.50 ea. Fire Quartz stability TS405. . . . .$12.50 ea. Rose Quartz love TS408. . . . .$12.50 ea. Alligator Jasper serenity TS403. . . . $12.50 ea. Septarian nurturing TS406. . . . .$12.50 ea. Blue Apatite creativity TS409. . . . .$12.50 ea. White Opal healing TS410. . . . .$12.50 ea. Labradorite wisdom TS401. . . . .$12.50 ea. Labradorite Toad Stool shown enlarged for detail. Madagascar

Gemstone Desktop Slabs Gemstone Desktop Slabs

These gemstone collectibles from Madagascar are a combination of a slab with highly polished face and a groove cut rough base of the same stone in one desktop display. Each slab is 3 ½” - 4” tall by 3” - 3 ½” across. $23.50 ea.

115 
Alligator Jasper serenity SS102 Desert Jasper determination SS103 Fire Quartz stability SS104 Labradorite wisdom SS105 Petrified Wood grounding SS106 White Opal healing SS111 Green Opal rejuvenating SS112 Sea Jasper tranquility SS116 Amazonite truth SS118 Yellow Hematoid support SS114 Rhodonite compassion SS107 Rose Quartz love SS108 Septarian nurturing SS109 Zebradorite inner peace SS110 Blue Calcite communication SS113

Gemstone Stalagmites from Madagascar

The gemstone material is sized in the rough by hammer & chisel and then ground & polished free-form by hand.The flat, cut base allows the stalagmites to be set on a desk, table or stand.

Each is approx. 2 lbs. , 1 3/4” - 2 ½”dia. and 4 - 4 ½”tall $46.00 ea.

Rose Quartz love ST415 Agate soothing ST401 Rhodonite compassion ST414 Septarian nurturing ST416 Alligator Jasper serenity ST408 White Opal healing ST418 Petrified Wood grounding ST413 Blue Apatite creativity ST404 Zebradorite inner peace ST417 Yellow Quartz wisdom ST419 Amazonite truth ST402 Carnelian, success ST406 Blue Calcite communication ST405 Orange Calcite energizing ST412 Desert Jasper determination ST409 Fire Quartz stability ST410 Sea Jasper tranquility ST421 Labradorite wisdom ST411


Carved from artisans in Brazil of Blue Quartz, Quartz Crystal and Rose Quartz. Retail by the pair or by the piece.

Dimensions on the stand : avg. 3" x 8 1/2"

Wing dimensions only: 3" x 6 7/16"


117 
Blue Quartz Carved Angel Wings on base GW101 Quartz Crystal Carved Angel Wings on base GW102 Rose Quartz Carved Angel Wings on base GW103
Amethyst Druse R6000A. . . .$6.50 ea. Amethyst Point R6000AP. . . .$6.50 ea. Emerald R6000E . . . . $6.50 ea.
Aquamarine R6000AQ . . . . $6.50 ea..
Tourmaline R6000PT . . . .$6.50 ea.
Quartz Crystal Point R6000QP. . . .$6.50 ea.
Gemstones onMetal Stand Approx. 3 ½-4” Tall Uruguayan Amethyst Demi Showpiece
Quartz Crystal Cluster R6000QC. . . . $6.50 ea.
R6032 . . .
ea. 5-6” Tall (300 - 500 grams)
showpiece is unique.
Uruguayan Amethyst Demi Showpiece on Metal Stand

Brazil & Uruguay

South Brazil and Uruguay are rich in minerals found in its mountainous basalt rock formations. Eons ago, as 2400 degree Fahrenheit magma cooled, pockets of gas became trapped in the magma. The pockets of gas later became hollow cavities in the solid, newly formed basalt rock. These hollow cavities became filled with super-hot mineralladen ground water which resulted in layers of agate and quartz crystals forming inside.

Miners in Brazil and Uruguay use hand tools to extract agate geodes from eroded mountain sides. For generations Brazilian and Uruguayan miners have learned to cut the geodes in half, polish the cut surface, sides and some of the backs. The miners sell the worked geodes to collectors who enjoy their beauty and wonder.

119 

Amethyst Druse Showpieces

Uruguayan Amethyst on Iron Stand Medium, 1600-1899 grams GH402B . . . .$68.50 ea. Uruguayan Amethyst on Iron Stand Large, 1900-2199 grams GH402C . . . .$78.50 ea. Uruguayan Amethyst on Iron Stand Small, 1300-1599 grams GH402A . . . .$58.00 ea. Uruguayan Amethyst on Iron Stand Extra Small, 1000-1299 grams GH402AA . . . .$47.50 ea.
Uruguayan Amethyst on Iron Stand Extra Large, 2200-2499 grams GH402D . . . . $89.00 ea.
Uruguayan Amethyst on Iron Stand XX- Large, 2500-3000 grams GH402E . . . .$99.50 ea. Uruguayan Amethyst on Iron Stand XX- Small, 700-999 grams GH402AAS . . . .$37.00 ea.

Extra Grade

Each Amethyst Druse piece is carefully extracted from the amethyst mines in Uruguay. Lapidary artisans then cut and polish the druse edges. To finish, an iron stand is individually formed by artisans to hold each Amethyst Druse piece creating a beautiful one-ofa-kind showpiece for home or office.

121 
Uruguayan Amethyst Extra Grade on Iron Stand Extra Small, 1000-1299 grams GH402XAA. . . .$59.00 ea. Uruguayan Amethyst Extra Grade on Iron Stand Medium, 1600-1899 grams GH402XB . . . . . . . . . . . . .$86.00 ea. Amethyst Extra Grade on Iron Stand Extra Large, 2200-2499 grams GH402XD . . . .$113.00 ea. Uruguayan Amethyst Extra Grade on Iron Stand Small, 1300-1599 grams GH402XA. . . .$72.50 ea. Uruguayan Amethyst Extra Grade on Iron Stand Large, 1900-2199 grams GH402XC . . . .$99.50 ea.

Showpieces Geode Polished Agate

Polished Agate Geode Showpiece, mounted on Iron Stand, large, average 6” across, 12” tall, 8 lbs. GH401L . . . . $76.50 ea. Polished Agate Geode Showpiece, mounted on Iron Stand, medium, average 43/4” across, 9½” tall, 5 lbs. GH401M . . . . $52.75 ea. Polished Agate Geode Showpiece, mounted on Iron Stand, small, average 4¼” across, 8½” tall, 3 lbs. GH401S . . . . $37.50 ea.

Dimensions: 10 1/2" x 10"

Base diameter: 4"

123   
Rainbow Fluorite Butterfly BFS102 . . . . $260.00 ea.
Blue Hemiomorphite Butterfly BFS101 . . . . $225.00ea.
Carved Gemstone Butterflies

Small, 2.5”-3”







Fossilized Mosasaur Teeth in Matrix, 4 lbs., 11 3/4” x 7 ½”

Genuine fossils, Cretaceous Period, 70-65 million years old Packed in a display crate with educational information R6002. . . . $35.00 ea.

Genuine Fossil Fish R305S . . . .$8.00 ea

Genuine Fossil Fish Tray Counter Merchandising Deal

FF3000. . . . $160.99

• B218 Wooden tray with slat sides, 8 3/4” x 6 ½” x 6 3/8”with sign, $8.99

• FREE 1 R305S Genuine Fossil Fish to offset cost ofdisplay at $19.99 SRP

• 19 R305S Genuine Fossil Fish, $8.00 ea., $152.00

Trilobite Fossil in Host Rock small R6015S . . . . $11.80 ea. Trilobite Fossil in Host Rock medium R6015M. . . . $17.50 ea. Trilobite Fossil in Host Rock large R6015L . . . . $23.50 ea. Flat Trilobite Fossil, giant, 4’’-5’’ R369. . . .$125.00 ea. Rolled Trilobite Fossil, giant, 4’’-5’’ R369R. . . .$125.00 ea. Fossilized Coral X-Small 2”-2 3/8” R6014XS. . . . . $4.00 ea.
. . . .
$7.00 Medium, R6014M . .
. $10.00 Large, + R6014L . . . . $13.00

These 350 million year old fossils were sculpted from host rock by villagers in the Atlas Mountains of Morocco

At least one ammonite and one orthoceras per sculpture

Ammonite and Orthoceras Sculpture, approx. 6” x 9”, 50 to 70 square inches, approx. 2 to 4 lbs.

Beautifully preserved ammonite fossils of Madagascar from both the Jurassic and the Cretaceous periods (65 to 200 million years old)

Ammonite Slice, polished, XLG, 8” to 10” R474D. . . .$103.00 ea. Ammonite Slice, polished, medium, 4” to 6” R474B. . . .$26.00 ea. Ammonite Slice, polished, smalll, 2” to 4” R474A. . . . $13.50 ea. Orthoceras Fossil Tree Sculpture, med., black, approx. 8” approx. 2 to 2½ lbs. R6003A - $15.00 ea. R6010A - $30.00 ea. Orthoceras Fossil Sculpture small., approx. 3” x 8” Tall R6016. . . . $18.40 Ammonite on Base 20 oz., Approx. 3 ½” x 4 3/4” tall R6018. . . .$30.00 ea. Ammonite and Ortho Carved Stand Small 19 oz., 4 ½” x 6 ¼” tall R6023. . . .$21.00 ea. R370A - 2 ½” - 3 ½” - $8.75 ea. Orthoceras/Ammonite Fossil all polish tea light holder TL191. . . . $14.00 ea. Orthoceras Fossil Sculpture all polish tea light holder TL192 . . . .$20.00 ea.

Gemstone Bookends

Hand cut and polished decorative mineral bookends from Madagascar. Each half measures approximately 7”- 8” wide x 5”- 6” tall and weighs between 7-11 lbs. The bottoms and sides are polished to accentuate the details of the mineral.

Desert Jasper BE203. . . . $97.30 Set Alligator Jasper BE202. . . .$97.30 Set Septarian BE205. . . .$97.30 Set Labradorite BE204. . . .$97.30 Set

Agate Bookends, Brazil

natural cracks and flaws are normal

BE201C - med, 5-7 lbs.

Each half 5 1/8” x 3” $45.50/set

BE201D - lg, 7-9 lbs.

Each half 5 5/8” x 4 ¼” $59.00/set

BE201E - xlg, 9+ lbs.

Each half 6 3/4” x 4 3/4” $71.50/set

127 
Inkblot Gabbro BE207. . . .$97.30 Set White Opal BE209. . . .$97.30 Set Fire Quartz BE206. . . .$97.30 Set Rose Quartz BE208. . . .$97.30 Set
128 2 3/4” PYB101XS $10.90 ea. 2 ¼” PYB101XXS $8.30 ea. 1 3/4” PYB101T $5.95 ea. 1 ¼” PYB101TT $3.65 ea. 3” PYB101S $15.20 ea. 3 3/8” PYB101M $19.50 ea. 3 3/4” PYB101L $25.00 ea. 4” PYB101XL $29.40 ea. 1 3/4” PYH101XS. . $7.60 ea. 2” PYH101S . . $10.90 ea. 2 ¼” PYH101M. . $14.20 ea. 2 ½” PYH101L. . $17.40 ea. 1 7/8” PYE101XS.
$10.90 ea. 2” PYE101S
$14.20 ea. 2 ¼” PYE101M.
ea. Carved Pyrite 4 ½” PYB101XXL $33.70 ea. 1 5/8” PYE101XXS.
ea. 1 ½” PYH101T.
$4.00 ea. 2 ½” PYE101ML.
ea. 2 5/8” PYH101XL. . $19.70 ea.
. . .
. .$17.40
. $9.90
. .$21.00

Showcase Pieces from the Andes Mountains of Peru

129 
. .
. . .
1 7/8” PYS101S. .
$14.20 ea. 1 7/8” PYK101XS.
$16.30 ea. 1 ½” PYP101S $19.50 ea. 1” PYP101T $5.70 ea. PYP101M $25.00 ea. 1 ¼” PYP101XXS $7.80 ea.
. . . .
. . .
. . .
ea. 3” PYK101XL. . . .
ea. 2”
. . . $17.40 ea. 2 1/8” PYS101L. . . . $20.70 ea. 2 3/4”
. . .
PYP101L $33.70 ea. 1
3/8” PYP101XS
$12.50 ea.
$21.75 ea. 2
ea. Pyrite Cube with Cut Corner 1 ¼" PYC101XS. . . .$10.50 ea. Pyrite Cube with Cut Corner 1 ½" PYC101S . . . . $13.50 ea. Pyrite Cube with Cut Corner 2" PYC101L. . . .$33.50 ea.
PYP101MS $22.50

Shungite is a black stone first discovered in Shunga Village, Karelia, Russia hundreds of years before it was written about in 1792 for its healing and cleansing properties. Shungite is rare because it contains many of the elements in the periodic chart plus an unusual carbon structure called fullerenes. Fullerenes are carbon nanoparticles first discovered in 1985. Carbon nanoparticles are composed of carbon atoms that are connected in the same pattern of hexagons and pentagons you find on a soccer ball. Their cagelike structure enables them to conduct electricity and accept loose electrons from other materials.

Some theories about how Shungite was formed include a large meteorite containing Shungite collided with the Earth, microorganisms in water formed Shungite billions of years ago, and the composition of organic matter in sedimentary rocks morphed into Shungite over a period of millions of years. Many people believe and there is a scientific study that indicate Shungite may block or absorb EMFs (electromagnetic radiation) emitted by cell phones, microwaves and other electronic devices. Shungite placed strategically nearby may help shield from potentially harmful EMFs.

Shungite Sphere

40 mm R585M. . . .$15.00 ea.

Shungite Sphere

50 mm R585L. . . .$27.00 ea.

Shungite Point

2 3/4” tall x 3/4” dia. SH403. . . .$7.00 ea.

Shungite Ring Phone Holder

1½" x 1 1/8" SH402 . . . .$4.70 ea.

Shungite Pop Phone Holder Round 46mm, 1 3/4" dia. SH401. . . .$4.70 ea.


Shungite, tumbled

3/4” R584XS. . . . 55¢ ea.

1" R584S. . . .$1.75 ea.

1 ¼” R584M. . . $2.60 ea.

1 ½" R584L. .

1 3/4" R584XL.

$4.75 ea.


Warning: black dust is present on rough, unfinished shungite

Shungite, rough half pound bag, 6 " x 6" R579. . .


. .
$8.90 .$4.00 Shungite Triangle Sphere Stand 2 1/8" x 2 1/8" x 2" RD127. . . .$4.70 ea. Sphere sold separately
131 

Picture Sandstone

Each coaster has a unique and natural pattern

Picture Sandstone Coaster, 4" diameter PSS102 . . . . $3.00 ea.
Double Arch Sculpture,
x 9" PSS106 . . . .
. . . .
Arch Sculpture, 6"x 6" PSS105
Set of 4 Picture Sandstone Coasters with Coaster Holder , 4" diameter PSS102H . . . . $14.50 ea.
Steel Coaster Holder, holds 4 Picture Sandstone Coasters approx. 4 ⁷/8" dia. x 2 1/4" tall PSS110 . . . . $2.50 ea.

while gazing into a piece of Picture Sandstone.

These pieces have been cut and sanded by skilled artisans bringing out natural patterns of the sandstone.

Arch Sculptures have been shaped by sandblasting, much like how arches in nature are formed from erosion by windblown sands, rain and changing climates.

. . . .
Cut Cactus Sculpture, 4 3/4" x 5 1/2" PSS107
$12.00 ea.
. . . .
Arch Sculpture Tea Light Candle Holder 7 1/16" x 4" x 3 3/8" PSS109 $24.50 ea.
. .
133 
Thick Slab Tea Light Candle Holder 4 3/4" x 1 3/16" PSS108 .
$11.00 ea.

Calcite Polished Points

Yellow White 3” R381YXS $3.50 ea. 3 ⁵/8” R381YS $5.70 ea. 4 1/8” R381YM $7.80 ea. 4 ⁵/8” R381YL $10.70 ea. 5 1/4” R381YXL $15.70 ea. 3” R381WXS $3.50 ea. 3 ⁵/8” R381WS $5.70 ea. 4 1/8” R381WM $7.80 ea. 4 ⁵/8” R381WL $10.70 ea. 5 1/4” R381WXL $15.70 ea. Calcite Polished Points 5 ⁷/8” R381Y2XL $24.90 ea. 6 1/2” R381Y3XL $35.60 ea. 7 1/8” R381Y4XL $53.40 ea. 5 ⁷/8” R381W2XL $24.90 ea. 6 1/2” R381W3XL $35.60 ea. 7 1/8” R381W4XL $53.40 ea. 135 

Agate Cylinder Points

Agate point, 1 1/2" - 2 1/2" tall x 1 1/2" dia., assorted colors

. . .$3.90 ea.

Agate point 2 ⁵/8" -3 1/8" tall x 1 1/2" dia., assorted colors


Agate point 3 1/4" - 3 3/4" tall x 1 1/2" dia., assorted colors


Agate point 3 ⁷/8" - 41/2" tall x 1 1/2" dia., assorted colors

. . .$8.40 ea.

R386A. R386B. . . . $5.40 R386C. . . .$6.90

Rough Gemstone Polished Points

Small, assorted 2 1/4" dia. x 2" tall PG301A. . . .$5.75 ea. Medium, assorted 2 1/2" dia. x 3" tall PG301B. . . .$9.00 ea. Large, assorted 2 3/4" dia. x 3 1/4" tall PG301C. . . .$12.60 ea. X-Large, assorted 3" dia. x 3 /2" tall PG301D. . . .$15.40 ea.
137   
Assorted gemstone materials include rock crystal, rose quartz, sodalite, dumortierite, orange calcite, orchid calcite, fluorite, green quartz & amethyst

Crackled Quartz Polished Points

Crackled Quartz Points, cut base, assorted colors, (blue, purple, yellow & teal), approx. 3 3/4 tall x 1 3/4 dia. QP101. . . .$10.90 ea.

Agate Slice Flower Candle Holder medium, Avg 4” dia. TL191A . . . .$23.75 ea.

Crackled Quartz Points, cut base, assorted colors, (blue, pink, teal & yellow), approx. 2 3/4 tall x 1 3/4 dia. QP101S. . . .$7.15 ea.

Agate Slice Flower Candle Holder large, Avg. 6” dia. TL191B. . . .$31.50 ea.

Quartz Crystal Point, Gold Electroplated end, average 3.2 oz., 2”-2 3/4” QPG101. . . .$5.50 ea.

Bonsai Trees of Life

Chakra , TF117 . . . . $12.00 ea. (amethyst, lapis, quartz crystal, dark green aventurine, yellow aventurine, carnelian, red jasper) Light Blue Topaz Quartz, TF106 . . . .$12.00 ea. Emerald Quartz, TF105 .
. .
. $12.00 ea. Rose Quartz, TF101 . . . . $12.00 ea. Amethyst, TF103 . . . . $12.00 ea. Quartz Crystal, TF104 . . . . $12.00 ea. Apatite, TF120 . . . . $13.50 ea.
139   
Medium Blue Topaz Quartz, TF106MB . . . .$12.00 ea.

5” high; 190 drilled genuine gemstones strung with copper wire. Pots are fashioned from serpentine.

Aventurine, TF102 . . . . $12.00 ea. Garnet, TF108 . . . . $12.00 ea. Mixed Gemstone, TF107 . . . . $12.00 ea.
. . .
Peridot, TF116
$13.50 ea.
. . . .
Carnelian, TF118 $13.50 ea.
. . . .
Water Sapphire, TF119 $13.50 ea.
. . . .
Citrine, TF121 $13.50 ea.

Oak Trees of Life

Amethyst GT202. . . .$13.00 ea. Garnet GT201. . . .$13.00 ea. Bloodstone GT206 . . . .$13.00 ea. Aventurine, Ruby color GT209 .
. .$13.00 ea. Quartz, Lapis color GT208. . . .$13.00 ea. Turquoise Cobra Stone GT207. . . .$13.00 ea.
141   
Citrine GT216. . . .$15.00 ea.

9 ¼” high, 240 Drilled Stones. Genuine gemstones strung with copper wire. Mounted on mineral base.

Blue Chalcedony GT203. . . .$13.00 ea. Moonstone GT204. . . .$13.00 ea. Moss Agate GT205 . . . .$13.00 ea. Chakra GT211. . . .$13.00 ea. (amethyst, lapis, quartz crystal, dark green aventurine, yellow aventurine, carnelian, red jasper) Peridot GT212. . . .$15.00 ea. Carnelian GT213. . . .$15.00 ea. Water Sapphire GT214. . . .$15.00 ea.
Apatite GT215 . .
. .$15.00 ea.

Desktop Gemstone Wind Chimes

Quartz Crystal 5 Points Desktop Wind Chime with Gemstone Base, approx. 9” tall WC105D. . . .$8.30 ea.

Quartz Crystal Point Desktop Windchime with Gemstone base, assorted colors, approx 9” tall WC105B. . . .$7.60 ea.

Amethyst Crystal 3 Points Desktop Wind Chime with Gemstone Base, approx. 9” tall WC105G . . . .$7.60 ea.

Agate Geode Slice Desktop Wind Chime with Gemstone Base, approx. 9” tall WC105F. . . .$9.30 ea.

Agate Geode Desktop Wind Chime with Gemstone Base, approx. 9” tall WC105E . . . .$7.60 ea.

Agate Slice Desktop Windchime with Gemstone base, assorted colors, approx 9” tall WC105A. . . .$7.60 ea.

Gemstone Trees
Serpentine GT405. . . .$5.00 ea. Raindrop Azurite GT408 . . . .$5.00 ea. Rhodonite GT401 . . . . $5.00 ea. Chrysocolla GT402 . . . .$5.00 ea. Pyrite GT403. . . .$5.00 ea. Azurite GT406. . . .$5.00 ea. Angelite GT404. . . .$5.00 ea. Opal GT407 . . . .$5.00 ea. 2” dia x 3 ½” tall 18 rough, natural gemstone leaves, pyrite chips around trunk, white marble base. 143   

The Five Platonic Solids Geometric Shape Quartz Crystal Set. Genuine quartz crystal, precision made on a jeweler’s faceting lap. The Five Platonic Solids are described in Plato’s Timeaeus: cube (6 faces); tetrahedron (pyramid); octahedron (8 faces); dodecahedron (12 faces); and icosahedron (20 faces), includes solid wood display box. Box dimensions: 6 7/8” x 1 ½” x 1 9/16” GEO101 . . . .$29.60 ea.

Sphere sold separately

Quartz Geode Chalice 5" - 6" tall x 2 ½ - 4" dia. CHA101. . . .$23.00 ea. Amethyst Druse Sphere Holder 3" - 3 3/4" RD126. . . .$5.25 ea.
Quartz Nova
145 
Quartz Nova with brass arc, on marble base 13 ½” tall x 7 ½” wide GL109. . . .$95.00 ea.

Strata Stones

Rose Quartz Quartz Crystal

SS401A - 2 3/4”

SS401B - 3 1/4”

SS401C - 3 3/4”

SS401D - 4 1/4”


SS403A - 2 3/4”

SS403B - 3 1/4”

SS403C - 3 3/4”

SS403D - 4 1/4”

Strata Stones are igneous rocks that have been cut by lapidary workers in Brazil to resemble horizontal bedding planes of sedimentary rock. Distinct parallel layers of sedimentary rock were usually laid down at the bottom of ancient seas one on top of the other.

$10.80 ea.

$12.20 ea.







SS402A - 2 3/4”

SS402B - 3 1/4”

SS402C - 3 3/4”

SS402D - 4 1/4”

$10.80 ea.

$12.20 ea.

$19.30 ea.


Enlarged to show detail

Sodalite Strata Stones

SS404A - 2 3/4”

SS404B - 3 1/4”

SS404C - 3 3/4”

SS404D - 4 1/4”





Green Quartz Sodalite Rose Quartz Strata Stones
. . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . .
Quartz Crystal Strata Stones
. . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . .$27.50
Quartz Strata Stones
. . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . .$27.50
. . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . $12.20
. . . . . . . . . $19.30
. . . . . . . . . .$27.50


Butterfly Magnet Picket Fence Counter Merchandising Deal

MG400BF . . . .$43.12

MG400B Picket Fence Magnet Counter Display with sign, 6 ¼” x 5 ¼” x 11”, $21.00

• FREE 21 Butterfly Magnets to offset cost of display at 99¢ SRP

• 79 MGY101 Butterfly Magnets, 28¢ ea., $22.12

Butterfly Magnets, assorted styles and colors

MGY101 . . . .28¢ ea., $28.00/100ct. box

Andean Butterfly Wind Flute, includes history card and instructions, Individually packaged, terra cotta, 3” x 2” AZ110 . . . .$2.50 ea.

Andean Butterfly Wind Flute Counter Merchandising Deal AZ1100 . . . .$94.99

• B217 Tray with slat sides counter display, medium, 7 3/4” x 11 3/4” x 2 3/4”, holds 24 Andean Buttefly Wind Flutes, $9.99

• FREE 2 Andean Butterfly Wind Flutes to offset cost of display at $7.50 SRP

• 34 AZ110 Andean Butterfly Wind Flute, individually packaged, 3” x 2”, terra cotta, $2.50 ea., $85.00

BN101 Butterfly Nets, assorted colors, 11 ½” dia x 35”, string loop in handle allows nets to be hung on pegs or hooks, $1.65 ea., $39.60/24ct pack

Butterfly Net Floor Display Merchandising Deal

BN1000 . . . .$116.05

• FREE 11 Butterfly Nets to offset cost of display at $4.95 SRP

• W600A Butterfly Net 10 hole floor display and sign, 22” x 8 3/4” x 38 ½”, $55.00

• 37 BN101 Butterfly Nets, $1.65 ea., $61.05

147   

Gemstone Butterflies

approx. 1 1/2" wide by 1 5/8" long

GB301G GB301S $2.50 ea. Tigereye Moss Agate GB302G GB302S Fluorite GB303G GB303S GB304G GB304S Sodalite Goldstone GB305G GB305S Sapphire Goldstone GB306G GB306S
GB307G GB307S Amethyst Zoisite GB308G GB308S GB309G GB309S Rose Quartz Lilac Jade GB310G GB310S Unakite GB311G GB311S GB312G GB312S Dragon Bloodstone White Jade GB314G GB314S Labradorite GB313G
149 

Gemstone Butterflies

approx. 1 1/2" wide by 1 5/8" long

Caribbean Blue Calcite

GB315G GB315S


GB316G GB316S

Lemon Jade

Lapis Lazuli


$2.50 ea.


GB317G GB317S

GB318G GB318S






Agate Butterflies

Each pair of agate wings are cut from the same agate nodule which makes each butterfly have matching wings. Assorted teal, blue, pink and purple matched agate wings.

Agate Butterfly, gold body, assorted color enhanced Medium AG103G. . . . $8.30 ea.

Large AG104G $10.40 ea.

Agate Butterfly, silver body, assorted color enhanced $8.30 ea. $10.40 ea.

Agate Butterfly, silver body, assorted red and natural Medium $8.30 ea.


Agate Butterfly, gold body, assorted red and natural Medium AG105G. . . . $8.30 ea.

Large AG106G . . . . $10.40 ea.

Each pair of agate wings are cut from the same agate nodule which makes each butterfly have matching wings. Assorted red and natural matched agate wings.

151   

Agate Circle of Bars Wind Chimes

WC102A. . . .$20.50 ea.

Agate Bars in a Row Wind Chimes

WC104A. . . .$31.50 ea.

Quartz Crystal Point Wind Chimes, 7 points


Wind Chime Wood Floor Merchandising Deal

WC1000 . . . . $691.70

• W7003 Wood Wind Chime Floor Display, 20 3/4” x 20 3/4” x 80”, holds 54, assembly required, $290.00

• FREE 4 WC102A Agate Circle of Bars Wind Chimes at $61.49 SRP

• FREE 1 WC106C Quartz Crystal Point in Color Wind Chime at $58.50 SRP

• 4 WC106 Quartz Crystal Point Wind Chime, $16.30 ea., $65.20

• 4 WC104A Agate Bar Wind Chimes in a Row, $31.50 ea., $126.00

• 8 WC101 Agate Slice Wind Chimes, $19.00 ea., $152.00

• 3 WC106C Quartz Crystal Point in Color Wind Chime, $19.50 ea., $58.50

Quartz Crystal Points in Color Wind Chimes, 7 points


Agate Slice Wind Chimes

Assorted colors: blue, teal, purple, pink, red, natural WC101. . . . $19.00 ea.

WC106. . . .$16.30 WC106C . . . .$19.50

Hand-Carved soapstone from india Hand-Carved Soapstone from india Carved Soapstone Animals with baby carved from one piece of soapstone.

Hand-Carved Onyx from Mexico

Hand-Carved Onyx from Mexico

Onyx marble is favored by stone carvers because of its soft, pliant nature. These figurines and accessories were individually crafted by artisans in Mexico. In shades from deep black to translucent white, usually characterized by intricate patterns and bands of color, this beautiful stone blends with any decor.

Mixed Fruit, mini, color enhanced, 1” - 1½”, 9 oz., 10 ct bag OX108D .
. .$4.40/10 ct. bag Egg, x-small natural, 0.8 oz., 1” x 11/16” OX128XS . . . . 75¢ ea.
. . .
Dinosaur xx-large 6 ½” x 3” x 1 ½” ON127
5.80 ea.
. . . .
Dinosaur x-large , 5” x 3” x 1” ON126 $3.85 ea.
. . . .
Zuni Bear xx-large 5” x 3 ¼” x 1” ON145 $5.00 ea. Rainbow Angel Fish, color enhanced 2.5 oz., 21/8” x 2½” OX117. . . .$2.00 ea.
. .
Zuni Buffalo xxx-large, 5 ½” x 4” x 1” ON149
$10.50 ea. Elephant, natural Small, approx. 0.6 oz., 1¼” x 1½” OX102A. . . . $1.40 ea. Turtle with baby inside, natural 2 1/2” SS220 . . . .$2.65 ea. Elephant with baby inside, natural 2 1/2” SS221 . . . .$2.65 ea. Owl with baby inside, natural 2 1/2” SS222 . . . . $2.65 ea. Frog with baby inside, natural 2 1/2” SS223 . . . .$2.65 ea.
. .
153 
Bear large, 3 1/4” x 2 1/4” x 1” ON103B .
$3.50 ea.

Gemstone Baubles with pure silver electroplate

Gemstone Ornament Windswept Tree Display Counter Merchandising Deal

OR2000 . . . $548.75

• GN500-2 Windswept Tree Counter Display, 24” x 12” x 24”, $245.00

• FREE 15 OR101 Agate Slice and 6 FREE OR102 Quartz Point Ornaments to offsetcost of display at $12.00 SRP

• 8 OR103 Quartz Point Ornament, silver electroplate, 1 ¼”, $3.75 ea., $30.00

• 8 OR104 Amethyst Point Ornament, silver electroplate, 1 ¼”, $3.75 ea., $30.00

• 8 OR105 Citrine Point Ornament, silver electroplate, 1 ¼”, $3.75 ea., $30.00

• 8 OR106 Rock Amethyst Ornament, silver electroplate, 1 ¼”, $3.75 ea., $30.00

• 8 OR107 Rock Crystal Ornament, silver electroplate, 1 ¼”, $3.75 ea., $30.00

• 8 OR108 Emerald in Matrix Ornament, silver electroplate, 1 ¼”, $3.75 ea., $30.00

• 8 OR109 Rock Green Quartz Ornament, silver electroplate, 1 ¼”, $3.75 ea., $30.00

• 8 OR110 Rock Rose Quartz Ornament, silver electroplate, 1 ¼”, $3.75 ea., $30.00

• 8 OR111 Black Tourmaline Ornament, silver electroplate, 1 ¼”, $3.75 ea., $30.00

• 9 OR102 Quartz Crystal Point Ornament, $3.75 ea., $33.75


Each agate bauble is unique. Assortments include various colors and shapes

155 
Baubles, assorted colors (pink, blue, teal, purple) OR101. . . . $3.95 ea.
Agate Baubles
. .
Quartz Crystal OR102
.$3.75 ea.
. .
Quartz Point Bauble OR103 .
$3.75 ea.
. . .
Emerald in Matrix Bauble OR108 $3.75 ea.
. .
Rock Green Quartz Bauble OR109
$3.75 ea. Rock Rose Quartz Bauble OR110. . .$3.75 ea. Black Tourmaline Crystal Bauble OR111 . . .$3.75 ea. Citrine Point Bauble OR105 .
. . . $3.75 ea.
Rock Amethyst Bauble OR106 . . . . . . $3.75 ea. Rock Crystal Bauble OR107 . .
. . $3.75
Slice Baubles, red & natural color OR112. . . . $3.95 ea.
Amethyst Point Bauble OR104 . . . . . . .$3.75 ea.

Andean Stone Carvings

Andean Stone Carving Counter Merchandising Deal SA600 . . . . $88.30

• ST500 Counter Stage Display, 15 3/4” x 9 ½” x 16 ½”, holds 30 carvings, $55.00

• FREE 11 Large Andean Stone Carvings to offset cost of display at $5.49 SRP

• 12 Small Andean Stone Carvings at $1.40 ea., $16.80

• 6 Large Andean Stone Carvings at $2.75 ea., $16.50

Small, approx. 1¼” x 1½” SA601-634 . . . $1.40 ea.

Large, approx. 2¼” x 2½” SA701-734 . . . $2.75 ea.

Eagle, standing SA601 - small SA701 - large Eagle, flying SA602 - small SA702 - large
SA704 - large
SA705 -
- small SA706 - large
- small SA707 - large
Horse, standing SA603 - small SA703 - large Horse,
running SA604 - small
Horse, rearing SA605 - small
Deer SA607


SA608 - small

- large


- small

- large


- small

- large


- large


- small

- large


SA631 - small

- large


- small

- large

- large

- large SA611 - small


- small


Brontosaurus SA633 - small

- large SA634 - small

- large

SA731 SA632 SA732 SA733 SA734 Sea Turtle SA630 - small SA730 - large Dolphin SA629 - small Shark SA628 - small SA728 - large SA627 - small SA727 - Lion SA626 - small SA726 - large Panda SA624 - small SA724 - large SA625 - small SA725 - large Elephant SA621 - SA721 - large SA619 - SA719 - large SA618 SA718 Dog SA617 - SA717 Alligator SA612 - small SA712 - large Moose SA613 - small SA713 - large SA614 - small SA714 - large Cave Bat SA615 - small SA715 - large SA616 SA716 SA711 SA610 SA710 Bear SA609 SA709 Bear SA708

Soapstone Chess Sets

8" x 8" Chess Set, Inlaid board and hinged storage box

Natural and color enhanced pieces

SS230. . . . $30.00 ea.

12" x 12" Chess Set, Inlaid board and hinged storage box

Natural and color enhanced pieces

SS231. . . . $48.00 ea.



Zen Garden, small Walnut finish, 4 ⅝” x 7 ¾”

Includes rake, gemstones and white sand ZN101 $19.00 ea.

Zen Garden, medium Rosewood finish, 6 ⅜” x 9 ½”

Includes rake, gemstones and white sand ZN102. . . . $23.00 ea.

Zen Garden, large Ebony finish, 7 ½” x 11”

Includes rake, gemstones and white sand ZN103. . . . $27.00 ea.

Zen Gardens are individually boxed for retail.

159   

Agate Night Lights Counter Merchandising Deal

NL5000. . . . $334.60

• NL500 Night Light Counter Display, 12” x 8 ½” x 27”, requires 110V three wire grounded outlet, holds 9 night lights, $255.00

• FREE 10 NL101 X-Small Agate Night Lights to offset cost of display at $17.55 SRP

• FREE 5 NL102 Small Agate Night Lights to offset cost of display at $19.49 SRP

• 2 NL102 Small Agate Night Light, $6.50 ea., $13.00

• 4 NL103 Medium Agate Night Lights, $7.75 ea., $31.00

• 4 NL104 Large Agate Night Lights, $8.90 ea., $35.60

Night Light with x-small agate slice


$5.85 ea.

Night Light with small agate slice


$6.50 ea.

Night Light with med, agate slice


$7.75 ea.

Night Light with large agate slice

NL104. .

. $8.90 ea.

. . .
. . .

Terra Lamps

Light bulb assembly included with each terra lamp.

Terra Lamps are shaped and drilled from gemstone. Require 110 volt outlet. Small lamps require a 4-watt bulb. Large lamps may use a 4 to 15-watt light bulb. A 4-watt bulb is included.

161   
Rose Quartz Terra Lamp, small, with wooden base 7 ½-8 ½” tall, 3 3/4” wide, , 5-6 lbs. each TL203. . . .$49.00 ea. Agate Terra Lamp with wood base, small, 4 ½” tall, 4 ½-6 ½ lbs. each; assorted colors: blue, purple, pink, teal TL217A . . . .$42.70 ea. Tumbled Amethyst Terra Lamp 2lbs, 3oz., 5”wide x 5½”tall TL219A. . . .$60.00 ea. Amethyst Druse Terra Lamp 7-8” tall, 4 ¼” wide, 5-6 lbs. each TL215 . . . . $60.00 ea. Tumbled Quartz Crystal Terra Lamp 2lbs, 3oz., 5”wide x 5½”tall TL219Q. . . . $60.00 ea. Tumbled Citrine Terra Lamp 2lbs, 3oz., 5”wide x 5½”tall TL219C. . . . $60.00 ea. Tumbled Carnelian Terra Lamp 2lbs, 3oz., 5”wide x 5½”tall TL219N. . . . $60.00 ea. Tumbled Rose Quartz Terra Lamp 2lbs, 3oz., 5”wide x 5½”tall TL219R. . . .$60.00 ea.

A Beautiful Accessory that’s Worth its Salt

Imagine a sea breeze, a mountain stream, and the freshness in the air after a summer storm. Now create the same refreshing atmosphere in your home. Lamps and candle holders made of salt help you breathe easier, naturally by cleansing the air in the same way as a rushing stream or ocean waves.

Salt Lamps may use a 4 to 15 watt bulb. 4-watt bulb and brochure explaining health benefits are included.

Salt Lamp Cube approx. 4 ½” x 4 ½” x 7” tall, 11 lbs

Salt Lamp, Sphere

Salt Lamp Pyramid 7 ½"-8 ½" tall, avg. 4 ½ lbs. TLS217

$25.90 ea.

Salt Tea Light Holder Small, approx. 2 ½” x 3 ½”, 1.5 lbs. TLS143

$4.25 ea.

Light bulb assembly included with each salt lamp.

Salt Tea Light Holder Large, approx. 3 ½” x 4 ½”, 3 lbs. TLS144

$5.90 ea.


above: Salt Lamp with wood base TLS206 - small, approx. 8” tall, 6 to 8.5 lbs. . . . $8.25 ea. TLS211
. . . .
$25.90 ea.
. . . .
. . . .
TLS214 $19.70 ea.
. . .
Brick, 8” x 4” x 2”, approx 5 lbs SBR101 $5.00 ea.
. . . .

WickStone™ Coaster Counter Merchandising Deal

WSC1000. . . . $464.20

made from wicking sandstone

• PSS500 WickStone™ Coaster Counter Display holds 72 Coasters, 18 ¼” x 17” x 17 ½”, $259.00

• FREE 44 WickStone™ Coasters to offset cost of display at $5.99 SRP.

• 72 WickStone™ Coasters, assorted, $2.85ea, $205.20

Made of natural sandstone that naturally wicks moisture and condensation from the outside of drinking glasses.

Merchandises well in our poplar wood counter display made in our own wood shop, holds 72 coasters.

corkedbackto protectsurfaces

Steel Coaster Holder, holds 4 Picture Sandstone Coasters approx. 4 ⁷/8" dia. x 2 1/4" tall PSS110. . . . $2.50ea
3 7/8" dia. 163   

designs to choose from:

$2.85 each, order in multiples of 12

Aquarius WSC101B Aries WSC101D Cancer WSC101G Capricorn WSC101A Gemini WSC101F Leo WSC101H Libra WSC101K Pisces WSC101C Sagittarius WSC101M Scorpio WSC101L Taurus WSC101E Virgo WSC101J

designs to choose from:

$2.85 each, order in multiples of 12

Diamandia WSC102A Torus Yantra WSC102B Seed of Life WSC102C Starflower WSC102D Medallion WSC102E Tiger Lily WSC102F Eye of Hera WSC102G Divine Fire WSC102H Atomica WSC102J Celestial WSC102K
165   
Saturna WSC102L Hexemony WSC102M

designs to choose from:

$2.85 each, order in multiples of 12

Trinity WSC103A Ring WSC103B Dara WSC103C Tree WSC103D Shamrock WSC103E Spiral WSC103F Circle WSC103G Loop WSC103H Square WSC103J Celtic WSC103K Shield WSC103L Braided WSC103M

Designed to fit in your car's cup holder with a cut-out that makes it easy to remove.

Made of natural sandstone that naturally wicks moisture and condensation from the outside of drinking glasses. Merchandises well in our poplar wood counter display made in our own wood shop, holds 72 coasters.

made from wicking sandstone protectcorkedbackto surfaces

2 3/4" dia.

WCC1000. . . . $343.20

WickStone™ Car Coaster Counter Merchandising Deal

• PSS600 WickStone™ Car Coaster Counter Display holds 72 Coasters, 13” x 13 3/4” x 14”, $210.00

• FREE 53 WickStone™ Car Coasters to offset cost of display at $3.99 SRP.

• 72 WickStone™ Car Coasters, assorted, $1.85 ea, $133.20

167   

designs to choose from:

$1.85 each, order in multiples of 12

Aquarius WCC101B Aries WCC101D Cancer WCC101G Capricorn WCC101A Gemini WCC101F Leo WCC101H Libra WCC101K Pisces WCC101C Sagittarius WCC101M Scorpio WCC101L Taurus WCC101E Virgo WCC101J

designs to choose from:

$1.85 each, order in multiples of 12

Diamandia WCC102A Torus Yantra WCC102B Seed of Life WCC102C Starflower WCC102D Medallion WCC102E Tiger Lily WCC102F Eye of Hera WCC102G Divine Fire WCC102H Atomica WCC102J Celestial WCC102K Saturna WCC102L
169   
Hexemony WCC102M

designs to choose from:

$1.85 each, order in multiples of 12

Trinity WCC103A Ring WCC103B Dara WCC103C Tree WCC103D Shamrock WCC103E Spiral WCC103F Circle WCC103G Loop WCC103H Square WCC103J Celtic WCC103K Shield WCC103L Braided WCC103M
171    sun catchers Chakra Sun Catchers Display Box Assorted styles GWD118. . . .$4.10 ea., $73.80/18ct. box
Gemstone Chakra Pendant Display Box Assorted styles GWD116. . . .$6.75 ea., $81.00/12 ct. box
chakra pendants


Chakra Selenite w/ Gemstone Hearts

7" tall x 1 ¼” dia. R6043 . .


Chakra Selenite Wand w/ Symbols

5 ½" - 6" tall x 3/4” dia. R6044 . . $7.80 ea.

Chakra Selenite Bar w/ Symbols

9 ¼" tall x 1 ½” dia. R6045 . . $7.60 ea.

Chakra Selenite Glacier w/ Gemstones

5 " - 5 ¼" tall x 13/4” dia. R6046 . .


Chakra Selenite Bar w/ Gem Beads

7 " - 7 ½" tall x 13/4” dia. R6047 .


$14.00 $12.70 . $8.25 Star Tetrahedron Crystal Grid Wooden Box Set Box: 4 7/8" x 4 7/8" x 2 ½" tall CHK104A. . . .$33.50 ea. Includes:
Box • Stones • Mat Instructions • Travel bag
Metatron's Cube Crystal Grid Wooden Box Set Box: 4 7/8" x 4 7/8" x 2 ½" tall CHK104B. . . .$33.50 ea.
175 
Black Obsidian Coffin, solid 3” long x 1 3/4” tall VG101. . . .$17.50 ea. All-Seeing Eye Black Obsidian Pyramid, solid 3 ¼” tall x 3 ½” wide VG103. . . .$22.60 ea. Chakra 7 Gemstone Hanging Ornament 11 ½" x 1" CHK101. . . .$7.25 ea. Hamsa Ceramic Magnet 3" x 2 ¼" CHK109. . . .$1.25 ea.

Gemstone Notebooks

Notebook with Cabochon 5 ¼" x 6 7/8" x 1 5/8" NB102. . . .$21.25 each Notebook with Cabochon 4" x 5 ½” NB101. . . .$13.90 each
177  Gemstone Wine Bottle Stoppers Gemstone Wine Bottle Stopper Counter Merchandising Deal WS5000 . . . .$329.90+ WS500 Gemstone Wine Bottle Stopper Counter Display, 10.75” x 10.5” x 8”, holds 30, $98.50 FREE 4 Assorted Free Form Wine Bottle Stoppers to offset cost of display at $24.99 SRP yields $99.96 retail. 26 assorted Wine Bottle Stoppers - your choice or specify best sellers
WS114 Amethyst Druse Cylinder, $11.00 ea. WS116 Amethyst Druse, $9.90 ea. WS117 Amethyst Point, $9.90 ea. WS118 Citrine Point, $9.90 ea. WS119 Quartz Crystal Point, $9.90 ea. WS115 Amethyst Druse, free form, polished sides, $12.00 ea.
Gemstone Wine Bottle Stoppers Each Gemstone Wine Bottle Stopper is barcoded.
WS113 Inkblot Gabbro $8.90 ea. WS106 Desert Jasper $8.90 ea. WS110 Petrified Wood $8.90 ea. WS105 Alligator Jasper $8.90 ea. WS107 Fire Quartz $8.90 ea. WS108 Labradorite $8.90 ea.. WS111 Rhodonite $8.90 ea. WS112 Septarian $8.90 ea. WS109 Yellow and Green Jasper $8.90 ea. WS102 Apatite $8.90 ea. WS103 Blue Calcite $8.90 ea.
Now made with elegant glass stoppers
WS101 Amazonite $8.90 ea.
179 
WS130 Citrine Druse $11.00 ea. WS128 Black Tourmaline $9.90 ea. WS129 Citrine Rough $9.90 ea. WS121 Banded Agate, free form, $8.90 ea. WS136 Sodalite Rough $8.90 ea. WS138 Tourmalinated Quartz $9.90 ea. WS140 White Opal $9.90 ea. WS141 Quartz Crystal Cylinder $9.90 ea. WS142 Rose Quartz Cylinder $9.90 ea. WS143 Yellow Quartz Cylinder $9.90 ea. WS144 Fire Quartz Cylinder $9.90 ea. WS137 Crystal Druse Cylinder $11.00 ea. WS120 Banded Agate Cylinder, $9.90 ea. WS135 Rose Quartz Rough $8.90 ea. WS125 Alligator Quartz $9.90 ea. WS126 Amethyst Rough $9.90 ea. WS122 Rock Crystal, free form, $8.90 ea. WS123 Rose Quartz, free form, $8.90 ea. WS124 Hematite, free form, $8.90 ea. WS131 Rock Crystal Quartz $8.90 ea. WS132 Quartz Crystal Cluster $11.00 ea. WS133 Emerald in Matrix $9.90 ea. WS134 Green Quartz Rough $8.90 ea. WS127 Aquamarine Rough $9.90 ea.
180 Gemstone Napkin Rings
NR106A Amethyst Druse $6.60 ea.
NR104Q Quartz Crystal Two Points $5.40 ea. NR105 Agate Geode Slice, Natural $6.00 ea.
Agate Slice Coaster Sets Agate Coaster Set, natural, plain edge Agate Coaster Set, natural, gold edge ASC101NG . . . .$42.50 for a set of 4 Agate Coaster Set, natural, silver edge ASC101NS . . . .$42.50 for a set of 4 Agate Coaster Set, blue, plain edge ASC101B. . . .$26.00 for set of 4 Agate Coaster Set, blue, silver edge ASC101BS . . . .$42.50 for a set of 4 Agate Coaster Set, blue, gold edge ASC101BG. . . .$42.50 for a set of 4
NR106Q Quartz Crystal Druse $6.60 ea. NR104A Amethyst Two Points $5.40 ea. NR104C Citrine Two Points $5.40 ea.

Soap Dispensers

The natural properties of these powerful gemstones become infused in hand soap, sanitizer or lotion with each use.

Rose Quartz soothes; Sodalite relaxes; Aventurine balances; and, Rock Crystal heals.

4lbs, over 7” tall • Great for soap, hand sanitizer, or lotion • Carved by skilled lapidary artists in Brazil

Gemstone Soap Dispenser, Rose Quartz Avg. 4 lbs, 3 ¼” x 3 ¼” x 7 ¼” SD102R . . . .$29.00 ea. Gemstone Soap Dispenser, Sodalite Avg. 4 lbs, 3 ¼” x 3 ¼” x 7 ¼” SD102S . . . . $29.00 ea. Gemstone Soap Dispenser, Aventurine Avg. 4 lbs, 3 ¼” x 3 ¼” x 7 ¼” SD102A . . . . $29.00 ea.
181 
Gemstone Soap Dispenser, Rock Crystal Avg. 4 lbs, 3 ¼” x 3 ¼” x 7 ¼” SD102C . . . .$29.00 ea.

3lbs, 5 7/8” dia. x 2 ½” tall MD102 . . . .$54.90 ea.

4.125 lbs., 6 ¼” x 5 ½” x 1 7/8” MD101. . . .$54.90 ea.

Gemstone &
Agate Slab Dish, asst., average is 6.9 oz. per dish Assorted Colors Approx 5 ¼” x 3 3/4” ATS103. . . .$12.00 ea.
Ammonite Fossil Dish, asst. shapes oval and round Round dimensions: 6 3/4” dia., Oval dimensions: 6 3/4” x 5 7/16” AFD101. . . .$12.50 ea. Ammonite Oval Dish with Carved Swirl 7.50 oz., 4 7/8” x 3 7/8” R6021. . . .$12.50 ea. Orthoceras Teardrop Dish 7.50 oz., 5 7/8” x 3 7/8” R6022. . . .$12.50 ea. Carnelian Bowl Septarian Bowl Ammonite Box with Lid 13 oz., 2 5/8” x 2 5/8” x 1 ½” R6019. . . .$14.50 ea. Orthoceras Teardrop Box 13 oz., 4 3/8” x 3 3/8” x 1 3/4” R6020. . . .$14.50 ea.

Floating Frames

Floating Frames

Floating Frame 3 ½"x 3 ½" x 5” tall, small, empty FF101 . . . .$1.50 ea., $15.00/10pk

Floating Frame 4¼" x 4 ¼" x 6 ¼" tall, large, empty FF102 . . . .$1.85 ea. , $18.00/10pk

Push tab to open frame. No tools required!

Simply place in the frame and snap shut!

Load floating frames with your own collector rocks & fossils, or other collectibles such as butterflies, guitar picks, coins, seashells, insects, etc.

FF101 FF102
183 

Pre-Loaded Large Floating Frames

FLOATING FRAMES MOUNTED WITH GEMSTONES & FOSSILS - Includes Logo Imprint Free With Minimum $300 Order and One-time $30 Design and Set-up Charge 4.25” x 4.25” x 5”

Fossil Fish Floating Frame, Large FFL101.
. . .$9.90
Faith/Hope/Love Gemstone Ponder Stones, Large FFL102
. . . .$8.60
Agate Slice Floating Frame, Large, Assorted Colors FFL103
. . . .$3.90
Agate Geode Floating Frame, Large FFL104
. . . .$4.35



Pre-Loaded Small Floating Frames

3.5” x 3.5” x 5” tall


- Includes Logo Imprint Free With Minimum $300 Order and One-time $30 Design and Set-up Charge




Fossil Ammonite Perisphictes Madagascar, small FFS101. . . .$5.25 Ammonite Opalized Madagascar, small FFS104 . . . . $3.60 Stromatolite Peru, small FFS107. . . . $4.10 Peru, small FFS110 . . . .$4.10 Fossil Goniatite Morocco, small FFS102 . . . .$7.80 Ammonite Morocco, small FFS105 . . . .$3.60 Jasper Madagascar, small FFS108 . . . .$4.10 Green Opal Madagascar, small FFS111 . . . .$4.10 Fossil Shark Tooth Morocco, small FFS103. . . .$4.25 Fossil Orthoceras Morocco, small FFS106 . . . .$3.60 Carnelian Madagascar, small FFS109 . . . .$4.10
185 

Pre-Loaded Small Floating Frames

Petrified Wood Madagascar, small

Yellow Quartz Madagascar, small


- Includes Logo Imprint Free With Minimum $300

Order and One-time $30 Design and Set-up Charge

Blue Calcite Madagascar, small



Lapis Lazuli India, small FFS116 .



Nephrite Jade Peru, small FFS121 . . .

Agate Slice Brazil, small, Assorted Colors FFS119 . . .

Iron Pyrite Peru, small FFS122 . . .

Labradorite Madagascar, small

Fire Quartz Morocco, small

FFS112 . . . .$4.10 FFS115 . . . .$4.10 FFS118. . . .$4.10 .$4.10 FFS113 .
. .
. . .$4.10
.$3.15 .$5.10 Morocco, FFS114. . . . $4.10 South Africa, FFS117. . . .$4.10 FFS120 . . . .$4.10
x 3.5” x 5” tall

Gemstone Cradles

Each hand carved from a single piece of poplar wood.


to 3" Decor Gemstones, Minerals, & Fossils Shown on Small Gemstone Cradles Sold Separately R419RC $10.00 Tektite, China, 2 ½” R517XXL $13.00 Chrysoprase Polished Freeform, Brazil, 2” R628L $5.50 Quartz Crystals with combinations of Pyrite, Sphalerite, Galena or Chalcopyrite, Peru, 2” R615L $5.50 Okenite, India, 2 3/4” R338D $4.95 ea Orange Calcite, shiny approx. 2 ½” Large 8” RD123L $4.65 Medium 6” RD123M $4.35
187 
Small 4” RD123S $3.85 R402L $3.15 Fossil Cystoid Geode Half, color enhanced , approx. 2 ½” across R434L $8.20 Cat’s Eye Sphere, asst. colors, China, 50mm/2” dia. R475B $6.60 Celestite Druse, 1 3/4” across, 200g, Madagascar R509XL $10.25 Pyritohedronal Pyrite, First Quality, Peru, 2 3/4” R304D $4.60 Iron Pyrite, Regular Quality, Peru, 2 3/4” R301TB $16.30 Ionized Titanium Amethyst Druse, Brazil, 3” Botryoidal Chalcedony, 2”, Morocco Citrine Druse, Brazil, 2 Fossil Coral, Morocco, 2 3/4” Agate Geode, natural, polished face, Brazil, 3” Silicon, Germany, 2” Amethyst Druse, Brazil, 2 3/4” Agate Geode, color enhanced, polished face, Brazil, 3”
Amethyst Druse, Color Enhanced, assorted colors, approx. 3”


R301UOS $18.00 Amethyst Druse, Brazil, 3 ½” Apophyllite, India, 2 3/4” Aragonite, Mexico, 2 3/4”
3" to 5" Decor Gemstones, Minerals, & Fossils Shown on Medium Gemstone Cradles Sold Separately
$1.65 Rose Quartz, rough, Madagascar, 2 ½” Fossil Cystoid Geode Half, Morocco, 3”
R6014M $10.00 Fossil Coral, Morocco,
R617XL $11.00 Fluorapophyllite, India,
189 
Aragonite Crystal, 2 /2", Morocco R475C $18.00 Celestite Druse, 3” across, 1 to 1 ½ lbs. each, TS405 $12.50 Fire Quartz Toadstool, Blue Apatite Toadstool, Carnelian Toadstool, White Opal Toadstool, Quartz Crystal Cluster, TS407 $12.50 Petrified Wood Toadstool, Madagascar, 3” TS408 $12.50 Rose Quartz Toadstool, Madagascar, 3” TS401 $12.50 Labradorite Toadstool, Madagascar, 3” TS403 $12.50 Alligator Jasper Toadstool, Madagascar, 3” TS406 $12.50 Septarian Toadstool, Madagascar, 3” TS404 $12.50
Desert Jasper Toadstool, Madagascar, 3”






$27.30 Ionized Titanium Amethyst Druse, Brazil, 4” $4.20 Agate Nodule Half, color enhanced, Brazil, 3 ½” R334D $5.25 Citrine Druse, $10.00 Stilbite, India, 4” R493B $4.40 Aragonite Crystal, 3 1/2" Morocco $5.50 Fossil Cystoid Geode Half, Morocco, 4” R707PD $13.50 ea Apophyllite Titanium Pink Color Enhanced, 201-300 grams R707BD $13.50 ea Apophyllite Titanium Purple Color Enhanced, 201-300 grams R707GD $13.50 ea Apophyllite Titanium Green Color Enhanced, 201-300 grams
191   
$6.70 ea. Orange Calcite, shiny 3"

5" to 6" Decor Gemstones, Minerals, & Fossils

Shown on Medium Gemstone Cradles

Sold Separately

R341B $9.75 Aragonite, Mexico, 4” R707BF $35.00 ea Apophyllite Titanium Purple Color Enhanced, 501-800 grams R707GF $35.00 ea Apophyllite Titanium Green Color Enhanced, 501-800 grams R707PF $35.00 ea Apophyllite Titanium Pink Color Enhanced, 501-800 grams AGD102C $13.75 Agate Geode, color enhanced, polished face, Brazil, 4” AGN102C $11.00
Agate Geode, natural, polished face, Brazil, 4”


5" to 6" Decor

Gemstones, Minerals, & Fossils Shown on Gemstone Cradles

Sold Separately

R470D2 $7.50 Fossil Cystoid Geode Half, Morocco, 5” R341C $19.00 Aragonite, Mexico, 5 ½” R6014L $13.50 Fossil Coral, Morocco, 5” R616XXL $14.50 Stilbite, India, 5” to 6” $25.00 Amethyst Druse, Brazil, 5 ½” R475D $34.80 Celestite Druse, Madagascar, 5”, 3 to 3 3/4 lbs each R436XL $15.00 Marble Sphere, China, 4” dia R617XXL $15.50 Fluorapophyllite, India, 5” to 6”, 1 to 1 ½ lbs.
193   

Dream Catchers & Mandalas

Dream Catcher Wood Floor Merchandising Deal

WC7000DC . . . . $429.35

• W7003 Wood floor display, 20 3/4 ” x 20 3/4 ” x 80”, $290.00

• FREE 2 10-404 28” Tepee Wind Chimes to offset cost of display at $39.00 SRP

• FREE 6 Dream Catcher Drums, 6 ½” x 20” to offset cost of display at $31.95 SRP

• FREE 2 10-109 8” Leather Dream Catcher to offset cost of display at $18.45 SRP

• 1 AW112A Wind Chimes with Wolf, $2.70 ea.

• 2 AW112C Wind Chimes with NSWE, $3.40 ea., $6.80

• 2 AW113A 3” Dream Catchers, $1.10 ea., $2.20

• 1 AW113B Medium Dream Catcher, $1.60 ea.

• 1 AW113C Medium Double Dream Catcher, $3.05 ea.

• 1 AW113D Large Dream Catcher with 4 Rings, $4.90 ea.

• 1 AW113E Small Dream Catcher, $1.05 ea.

• 1 AW119A Small totem Pendant, $2.40 ea.

• 1 AW117B Tom Tom Pendant, $3.25 ea.

• 1 10-131 2” Beaded Double Dream Catcher, $5.45 ea.

• 1 10-132 4” Double Dream Catcher Wind Chime, $5.45 ea.

• 1 10-112 Leather Dream Catcher, 4” x 16”, $3.40 ea.

• 1 10-125 3” Mandala with Real Rabbit Fur, $3.90 ea.

• 1 10-114 3” Leather Dream Catcher Wind Chime, $3.75 ea.

• 1 10-130 3” Dream Catcher Wind Chime, $4.30 ea.

• 1 10-129 3” Dream Catcher, $4.30 ea.

• 2 10-124 4” Leather Dream Catchers, $4.60 ea., $9.20

• 2 10-107 3” Leather Dream Catchers, $2.20 ea., $4.40

• 1 10-123 3” Beaded Dream Catcher, $4.05 ea.

• 1 10-127 3” Leather Heart Dream Catcher, $2.85 ea.

• 1 10-126 2” Leather Heart Dream Catcher, $2.05 ea.

• 3 10-122 2” Beaded Dream Catchers, $3.95 ea., $11.85

• 1 10-115 2 ½” Dream Catcher, $2.60 ea.

• 1 10-111 2” Leather Dream Catcher, $1.70 ea.,

• 1 8000284 Dream Catcher with 3 Vertical Rings, $7.10 ea.

• 1 20-506 3” Drum Pendants, $5.20 ea.

• 1 8000222 2 ¼” Drum Pendant, $4.15 ea.

• 1 10-307 6 ½” Twigs Dream Catcher, $4.90 ea.

• 1 10-308 4 ½” Twigs Dream Catcher, $2.25 ea.

• 2 10-310 2 ½” Dream Catcher, Leather, $5.10 ea., $10.20

• 1 10-1010 10” Dream Catcher, $8.35 ea.


Dream Catchers Dream Catchers

10-307 . . . .

• Originated from the Ojibwa Chippewa


the bad dreams and

the good dreams

the feathers.

• These gorgeous pieces are a beautiful homage to Native American artistry, paying tribute to one of the most recognizable and beloved indigenous traditions.

tribe, Dream protect you while you sleep, catching allowing through the netting and down $4.90 ea. Dream Catcher,Twigs, 6 ½ ” x 24” Turquoise nuggets, stone totem AW113B $1.60 ea., $19.20/dz Dream Catcher, med, 6 ½“ x 22”, Assorted colors, packed 12 AW113C $3.05 ea., $36.60/dz Double Ring Dream Catcher, med., 6¼" dia. 6 ½“ x 15”, Assorted colors, packed 12 AW113A $1.10 ea., $13.20/dz Dream Catcher, small, 3" diameter 3 ½“ x 15”, Assorted colors, packed 12 Dream Catcher, 5 vertical rings Rings are 9”, 6”, 4”, 2” and 1 ½” dia, 40” long, assorted colors 8000283 $13.15 ea.
AW113D $ 4.90 ea., $58.80/dz Dream Catcher, large with 4 rings 10” x 20”, Assorted colors, packed 12 10-111 $1.70 ea. Leather Dream Catcher, 2 ¼” x 14” Feathers and beads, assorted colors 10-126 . . .
$2.05 ea. Leather Heart Dream Catcher , 2” x 14” With feathers and beads, assorted colors AW117A $2.80 ea., $33.60/dz Drum Pendant, 2” x 10” Assorted colors, packed 12 10-131 $5.45 ea. Beaded Double Dream Catcher 2" x 9”, Assorted colors 10-134 $3.65 ea. Double Dream Catcher 2" x 9”, Assorted colors
Mandalas 1” to 2 ¼” DiameterDream Catchers
AW119A . .
. $2.40 ea., $28.80/dz Totem Pendants, small, assorted designs 2” x 8”, Packed 12
Dream Catchers &
10-122 . . . . $3.95 ea. Beaded Dream Catcher, 2" x 12” Leather, with feathers and beads, assorted colors
AW113E . . . . $1.05 ea., $12.60/dz Dream Catcher, small with 6 feathers 1 ½ “ x 12”, Assorted colors, packed 12

Up to 4” Diameter Dream Catchers

10-115 . . . . $2.60 ea.

Traditional Dream Catcher, 2 ½” x 7”

Grey leather, feathers, beads and stones

10-107 $2.20 ea.

Leather Dream Catcher 3" x 17”

With feathers and beads, assorted colors

10-310 $5.10 ea.

Dream Catcher, Leather Asst carved gemstone totem, bear/ turtle/arrow, 2 ½” x 9” asst colors, 6 Assorted per pack

10-127 $2.85 ea.

Leather Heart Dream Catcher , 3 ¼" x 13”

With feathers and beads, assorted colors

10-123 . . . . $4.05 ea.

Leather Beaded Dream Catcher 3" x 10”

With feathers and beads, assorted colors

AW113A $1.10 ea., $13.20/dz

Dream Catcher, small, 3" diameter 3 ½“ x 15”, Assorted colors, packed 12

10-112 $3.40 ea.

Leather Dream Catcher 4” x 16”

With feathers and beads, Assorted colors

197   

10-109 . . . . $5.90 ea.

Leather Dream Catcher 8” x 22”

Feathers and beads, assorted colors

10-125 $3.90 ea.

Mandala with rabbit fur, 3 ½" x 14”, Leather, with feathers and beads Assorted colors

Dream Catchers & Mandalas

Up to 4 ½” Diameter

Dream Catchers & Mandalas

10-114 $3.75 ea.

Dream Catcher Wind Chime Leather

With feathers and beads, 3 ½” x 11” Assorted colors

AW112A . . . $2.70 ea., $16.20/6ct pack

Wind Chimes with Wolf Dream Catcher

Packed 6

Side One, Sun

Side Two, Blank

20-506 $5.20 ea.

Drum Pendant, 3 ½" x 12” sun graphic on front side

10-132 $5.45 ea.

Double Dream Catcher Wind Chime, 4" Assorted colors

10-309 . . . . $6.15 ea.

Dream Catcher, Leather Double ring, asst carved gemstone totem, bear/ turtle/arrow, 4 ½ ” x 13”, asst colors, 6 Assorted per pack

10-308 . . . . $2.25 ea.

Dream Catcher, Twigs, 4 ½ ” x 12”

. . . .
8 ½”
10-314 . . . .
ea. 5” to 8” Diameter Dream Catchers
. . . . $10.65 ea.
6 ½ ” x 20”
6 ½
x 20”
. . .
6 199   
Peace Sign Totem Dream Catcher 6 ¼ ” dia plus feathers 10-317
$8.65 ea. Headdress Totem Dream Catcher, 8” dia, plus feathers, asst colors 10-312 $8.65
Arrowhead Totem Dream Catcher, 6 ½” x
¼ ” plus feathers, asst colors 10-313 $8.65 ea. Owl Totem Dream Catcher, 7” x
plus feathers, brown
Wolf Head Drum,
8000219 $10.65
Wolf and Waterfall Drum,
$10.65 ea. Wolf and Eagle Drum, 6 ½ ” x 20” 8000216 $10.65 ea. Eagle in Mist Drum, 6 ½ ” x 20” AW112C $3.40 ea., $20.40/6ct pack
Chimes with NWSE Dream Catcher Packed

Dream Catchers & Mandalas

5 ¼” to 10” Diameter

Dream Catchers & Mandalas

Dream Catcher with 3 vertical rings Rings are 6”, 4” and 2” size rings, 26” long, assorted colors 8000284 $7.10 ea.

. . . . $3.25 ea.
. . . $3.25 ea. Wolf
. . . . $3.25 ea. Wilderness
. . . . $3.25 ea. Flying Eagle
. . . . $3.25 ea.
Trail Mandala, 6" x
Mandala, 6” x
Wolf Mandala, 6” x
Mandala, 6” x
Native American Mandala, 6” x
10-1010 $8.35 ea.
Dream Catcher 10” x 28”, brown leather, turquoise nuggets

Dream Catcher/ Mandala Magnets

& Key Rings

Dream Catcher Magnet and Keychain Counter Merchandising Deal

MG1000DC . . . .$236.70

• MG200 Metal Peg Wall Counter Spinner Display, 13 1 / 16 ” x 9” x 23 3/4 ”, includes 24 2” display hooks, $149.00

• FREE 24 10-303 Small Dream Catcher Magnets to offset cost of display at $5.70 SRP

• FREE 2 10-304 Large Dream Catcher Magnets to offset cost of display at $6.15 SRP

• 48 AW114 Dream Catcher Key Rings, $1.40 ea., $67.20

• 10 10-304 Large Dream Catcher Magnets, $2.05 ea., $20.50

Dream Catcher Key Ring Counter Rack Deal

AW114C $1.51 ea., $36.24/rack

• Wire counter rack, 6 ½ ” x 6

½ ” x 13” plus sign

• 24 AW114 Assorted Dream Catcher Key Rings

201 

Dream Catcher Magnets & Key Rings

Sticks to metal with a magnet inside the leather, or

leather loop

Large Dream Catcher Magnet, 2" 10-303 $1.90 ea . Small Dream Catcher Magnet, 1 ½” Assorted colors
AW114 . . . . $1.40 ea. $33.60/pack 24
. . . . $4.70 ea.
hangs with
Dream Catcher Key Rings 10-135
Beaded Double Dream Catcher Key Ring, 1 ½” Assorted
colors 10-133 $3.65 ea.
Double Dream Catcher Key Ring, 1 ½” Assorted colors

Native South American Made Andean Pottery

Pottery making by Native South Americans in the Andes Mountains of Peru is an ancient art using native clay mined in the Andes Mountains. This pottery is hand thrown on a wheel and individually painted by hand before being fired in a homemade brick kiln.

203   

Native South American Made Andean Pottery

Andean Pottery, 4 ⅞” dia x 3” tall

Holds 16.1oz water filled ½” from brim.

Weight of pot: 10.4oz AP101 . . . .$7.15 ea.

Andean Pottery, 3 3/4” dia x 3 ⅞” tall

Holds 12.5oz water filled ½” from brim.

Weight of pot: 9.15oz AP102

.$7.15 ea.

Andean Pottery, 3 ½” dia x 4” tall

Holds 12.5oz water filled ½” from brim.

Weight of pot: 9.15oz AP103 . . . .$7.15 ea.

Andean Pottery, 3 ⅝” dia x 2 3/4” tall

Holds 7.9oz water filled ½” from brim.

Weight of pot: 6.6oz AP104

.$6.75 ea.

Andean Pottery, 4” dia x 2 ½” tall

Holds 7.6oz water filled ½” from brim.

Weight of pot: 5.15oz AP106

. . .$6.75 ea.

Andean Pottery, 3 3/4” dia x 2” tall

Holds 5.3oz water filled ½” from brim.

Weight of pot: 5.35oz AP107

.$6.75 ea.

Pottery is fire glazed on the inside to hold water and can be used to pot a plant.

. .
. . .
. . .
AP101 AP104 AP106 AP107 AP102 AP103

Foil Prints

Hand-engraved, embossed foil prints are made in England using a process developed in the early 1900s.

Louis Dufay, a Frenchman and a printer by trade, was sitting in his garden on a sunny day, watching butterflies. He noticed that the butterflies’ wings produced an iridescence, or play of light of varying colors, depending on the angle from which they were observed. Intrigued, Dufay began to experiment with special foil materials, attempting to duplicate the color reflections he saw in butterfly wings.

This foil print was created using the process originally developed by Louis Dufay. Hand-engraved designs are embossed onto metal foil sheets and printed in full-processed color using transparent inks. Transparent inks are used because they allow the reflective quality of the foil to be retained, creating depth and movement through the diffraction of light on the image surface. A team of engraving specialists enhance details of each image by hand. The result is a lightcatching, faceted surface that appears alive with color.

Framed Foil Prints, 8”x 10”

Foil Print Flip-thru Counter Cardboard Display Deal

FP300EZ . . . .$90.00

Framed Prints are under glass 8" x 10" including frame

Engraved Foil Framed Print Counter Shipper Deal

FPSD200 . . . .$97.20

• Master carton, holding 1 display, 1 sign board and 18 prints Size: 14” x 9 ½” x 11 ¼”

• 18 Best Seller Assortment Engraved Foil Framed Prints

• Average print cost $5.40 each

Packaged Foil Prints, 6”x 8”

• SD300 E-Z set up Cardboard Counter Display, 9 ½” x 6 3 / 4 ” x 9 ½”, holds 50 prints ($10.00)

• FREE 3 Packaged Foil Prints to offset cost of display at $4.80 SRP

• Your choice 50 Packaged Foil Prints, choose from 80 different prints, $1.60 ea., $80.00

Packaged Prints are 6" x 8"

205 
156765 Framed 156765U Packaged
Solar System
A Planet is Born 156763 Framed
Jupiter & Four Moons 156766 Framed 156766U Packaged Mountain Lion 25-1009 Framed 25-1009U Packaged Headin’
West 17041 Framed 17041U Packaged
81056U Packaged
All Is Still 5731 Framed 5731U Packaged Lazy Day 81056 Framed
Running 25-577 Framed 25-577U Packaged
Wolf 25-597 Framed 25-597U Packaged
Curious 25-721 Framed 25-721U Packaged
Path of Dreams
Packaged Visitors 67496 Framed 67496U Packaged
25-731 Framed 25-731U Packaged
Lone Brave 156279 Framed 156279U Packaged Eternal Light 156439 Framed 156439U Packaged Night Voyage 156632 Framed 156632U Packaged Wolf Spirit 156699 Framed 156699U Packaged Eagle Spirit 156700 Framed 156700U Packaged Fairy Dreams 156737 Framed 156737U Packaged Wolf and Pack 156746 Framed 156746U Packaged Keeper of Lost Hearts 156760 Framed 156760U Packaged Wolves in the Sky 25-1010 Framed 25-1010U Packaged Thunderbird Maiden 25-720 Framed * Only Available Framed Summoning the Storm 400038 Framed 400038U Packaged Unicorn Dream 25-730 Framed 25-730U Packaged Moonlit Unicorn & Foal 25-725 Framed 25-725U Packaged Dolphins 25-729 Framed 25-729U Packaged
Earth Shadow 25-723 Framed 25-723U Packaged

Made in the Andes Mountains of Peru by Native South American artisans.

Andean Instrument Floor Four Basket Display Merchandising Deal AZ1000 . . . .$631.20

• AZ500 Andean Floor Four Basket Display, 16” x 16” x 54 ¼", including sign, basket inside dim: 14” dia. x 4” deep, weight 18lbs empty, one basket holds 36 - 72 pcs. depending on the Instrument, $198

• FREE 18 AZ106 Hand Drums to offset cost of display at SRP

• 30 AZ106 Hand Drums, $3.80 ea., $114.00

• 48 AZ112 Eagle Calls, $1.65 ea., $79.20

• 48 AZ101 Wind Flutes, $2.50 ea., $120.00

• 48 AZ108 Bird Warblers, $2.50 ea., $120.00


Andean Musical Instruments

Andean Pottery Bird Warbler, includes history card and instructions, Individually packaged, 2 ¼” x 2 3/4 ” AZ108 $2.50 ea.

Andean Pottery Bird Warbler Counter Merchandising Deal AZ1080 . . . . $94.99

• B217 Tray with slat sides counter display, medium, 7 3/4 ” x 11 3/4 ” x 2 3/4 ”, holds 18 bird warblers, $9.99 FREE 2 Andean Bird Warblers to offset cost of display

Andean Butterfly Wind Flute, includes history card and instructions, Individually packaged, terra cotta, 3” x 2” AZ110 $2.50 ea.

Andean Butterfly Wind Flute Counter Merchandising Deal AZ1100 . . . . $94.99

• B217 Tray with slat sides counter display, medium,

Andean Eagle Call, includes history card and instructions, Individually packaged, terra cotta, 1 ⅝ ” x 1 ¼” AZ112 $1.65 ea.

Andean Eagle Call Counter Merchandising Deal AZ1120 . . . . $89.84

• B218 Tray with slat sides counter display, small, 6 ½” x 10 3 / 8 ” x 2 3/4 ” with signage, holds 24 Andean Eagle Calls, $8.99

• FREE 2 Andean Eagle Calls to offset cost of display at $4.95 SRP

• 49 AZ112 Andean Eagle Call, individually packaged, terra cotta, 1 3 / 8 ” x 1 ¼”, $1.65 ea., $80.85

Andean Chac-Cha percussion instrument, includes history card & instructions, Individually packaged, 9 ½” long AZ114 $4.40 ea.

209   

Andean Wind Flute Pre-loaded Display Tray AZ101D $33.60/12 ct. tray

Andean Wind Flute, includes history card and instructions, Individually packaged, 2 AZ101 . . . .

Andean Hand Drum Pre-loaded Display Tray AZ106D $72.00/18 ct. tray

Andean Hand Drum, 3” dia x 8” AZ106 . . . . $3.80 ea.

Andean Circle Wind Flute Pre-loaded Display Tray AZ111D $43.20/16 ct. tray

Andean Circle Wind Flute, includes history card and instructions, Individually packaged, terra cotta, 3” dia. AZ111 . . . . $2.50 ea.

Andean Fish Wind Flute, includes history card and instructions, Individually packaged, terra cotta, 3 ½” x 1 ½” x 2” AZ109 . . . . $2.50 ea.

Andean Fish Wind Flute Pre-loaded Display Tray AZ109D . . . . $33.60/12 ct. tray


Hand Carved Spirit Animal Hiking Sticks

 Hiking Sticks are a full 60" tall. Hiking sticks can be useful to:

• distribute your load more evenly between legs and arms

• provide extra balance and stability

• break or even prevent fall

• reduce stress on back, knees, legs and feet

• increase endurance

• clear spider webs

• brush stones out of the path

Use a hiking stick to help you enjoy exploring the world around you.

Animal Hiking Sticks Merchandising Deal

W12000 . . . . $285.00

• W1200 display 16” x 16” x 5”, holds 16 hiking sticks, $105.00

• FREE 4 Animal Hiking Sticks to offset cost of display at $29.99 SRP

• 12 Hiking Sticks, assorted, $15.00 ea., $180.00

Your logo stamped in genuine leather

Minimum order 100 pieces, 60 ¢ ea. plus one-time $50 plate fee. When ordering by the case per style, custom embossed leather fobs, if ordered, will be sent separately and are easy to tie on in the store.

Animal Hiking Sticks

Two-dimensional, profile carvings, assorted . . . $15.00 ea.


WW1204 Tiger WW1201 Giraffe
WW1206 Black Bear WW1207 Moose 211 
WW1202 Elephant
Spirit Animal
Sticks...$15.00 ea.
Hand Carved
WW1211 Squirrel WW1212 Prairie Dog WW1213 Buck WW1214 Wolf WW1215 Turtle WW1216 Frog WW1208 Buffalo WW1209 Raccoon WW1210 Fox
WW1220 Cardinal WW1221 Eagle WW1222 Hummingbird WW1205 Gorilla 212
WW1218 American Alligator WW1219 Rattlesnake WW1236 Cobra WW1239 Rooster WW1240 Owl WW1242 White Alligator WW1231 Lion WW1233 Flamingo WW1223 Monarch Butterfly WW1224 Ladybug
Hand Carved Spirit Animal Hiking Sticks...$15.00 ea.
WW1225 Thoroughbred WW1243 White Tiger WW1259B
Native American Chief
WW1249 Quarter Horse WW1259D Native American #2 213 
WW1247 Chimpanzee
Palomino WW1261A Skunk WW1261B Tree Spirit Face #1 WW1261E Gecko WW1261H Macaw
Hand Carved Spirit Animal Hiking Sticks...$15.00 ea.
WW1260 Cave Bat WW1261J Grizzly Bear WW1261R Cheetah WW1261U Rhino
WW1261W Dragon, assorted colors
WW1217 Red-Eyed Tree Frog WW1241 White Buffalo
WW1232 Penguin

Walking Canes/Sticks

Walking Sticks, 36’’ . . . $9.70 ea.

Walking Canes, 36” $10.70 ea.

 10-ct. Walking Stick/Cane Floor Merchandising Deal

W6000A $126.90

• W600A 10-ct. Walking Stick/Cane Floor Display, 22” x 8 3/4 ” x 38 ½”, $55.00

• FREE 3 Walking Sticks to offset cost of display at $21.50 SRP

3-Stair-Step Walking Stick/Cane Floor Merchandising Deal

W6000C. . . . .$285.30

• W600C 3-Stair-Step Walking Stick/Cane Floor Display, 18 ½” x 9 ½” x 41 ½”, holds 24, $95.00

• FREE 5 Walking Sticks to offset cost of display at $21.50 SRP

• 13 Walking Sticks, assorted, $9.70 ea., $126.10

• 6 Walking Canes, assorted, $10.70 ea., $64.20

W631 Giraffe W651 Giraffe W663 Moose
215 
W625 Moose W624 Palomino W606 Thoroughbred W607 Buffalo W608 American Alligator W609 Eagle W610 Black Bear W604 Gorilla W605 Lion W603 Dolphin W602 Frog W614 Turtle W615 Parrot W613 Flamingo W612 Fox W611 Big Horn Sheep W616 Zebra W617 Panda W631 Giraffe W622 Cave Bat
Hand Carved Spirit Animal Walking Sticks...$9.70 ea. 216
W623 Bear Cub W629 Raccoon W630 Wolf W618 Tiger W632 Rattlesnake W633 Manatee W627 Buck W628 Squirrel W626 Quarterhorse W625 Moose W633E Dragon, assorted colors W633D Spirit Tree Face #2 W633C Native American #1
W633B Elephant
Hand Carved Spirit Animal
W633F Cardinal W633K Skull W633L Black Beard Pirate
217 
W633H Crab W663 Moose W664 Buck (assembly required) W665 Thoroughbred W666 Palomino W667 Quarter horse W670 Wolf
W671 Fox W673 Buffalo W672 Rattlesnake Walking Canes...$10.70 ea.
W669 Raccoon W651 Giraffe W652 Frog W654 Black Bear W655 Lion W658 Zebra W657 Eagle W656 Parrot W659 American Alligator W662 Tiger
W650 Turtle


100% Natural Raw Cane

Natural molasses imbues a light brown color and a subtle note of honey.

100% Pure Cane White crystals enhance tea’s flavor without altering its essence.

100% compostable

Raw Cane Rock Crystal Tea Sugar

Packed ten 1-lb. bags per case

Packed 20 lbs. per case

One-pound, resealable, stand-up bags!

Contains only one ingredient: CANE SUGAR!

Zero additives • Gluten-free • Non-GMO

RCTS101 . . $6.70/1-lb. bag ($67.00/10-ct. case)

BTS101 . . . . . . $6.70/lb. bag ($134/20-lb. case)

Pure Cane Rock Crystal Tea Sugar

Packed ten 1-lb. bags per case

RCTS102 . . $5.65/1-lb. bag ($56.50/10-ct. case)

Packed 20 lbs. per case

BTS102 . . . . . . $5.65/lb. bag ($113/20-lb. case)


Delicious and timeless rock crystal candy in vibrant chakra-themed colors with sparkling sugar crystals! ®

Why Capstone Esoterica Rock Crystal Candy:

1. Made with 100% pure cane sugar grown by American farmers on American farms.

2. True flavors that are delicious and long-lasting.

3. Colors that sparkle and grab customers’ attention.

4. Rock crystal candy is grown naturally over seven days; never machine moulded or mass produced.

Chakra Wrapped Rock Crystal Candy Sticks Patented acrylic display bin with false front Merchandising Deal WRC401CH . . . .$120.32

• RCW500 display, 8 3/4” x 10” x 10 1/8”, holds 144 sticks, $60

• FREE 40 Chakra Wrapped Rock Crystal Candy Sticks to offset cost of display

• 104 Chakra Wrapped Rock Crystal Candy Sticks, 58¢ ea., $60.32

Beautifully display unwrapped sticks in the false front and neatly hold wrapped sticks in bin


Rock Crystal Candy sticks come assorted in all seven colors!

Chakra Rock Crystal Candy Sticks, 144 ct. WRC2CH .... 58¢ ea., $83.52/144ct. Case
221 
Forest-Tundra Windswept Tree Gem Necklace Counter Merchandising Deal GN1000 . . . . $469.75 • GN500 Forest-Tundra Windswept Tree Gem Necklace Counter Display, $245.00 Made of cast resin and hand painted for durability and authentic look, 24” x 12” x 24”, holds up to 36 Gem Necklaces • Base merchandises Ponder Stones (48), Gemstone Hearts (24), or Assorted Natural Gemstone Bracelets (24) • FREE 37 Gemstone Ponder Stones to offset cost of display at $6.75 SRP (may substitute) • 11 Gemstone Ponder Stones $2.25 ea., $24.75 • Your Choice of Gem Necklaces totaling $200.00 or more. Your retail price printed here for free! Specify mark up of 2X, 2.5X, 3X or more. GemSTONe NecklaceS FOreST-TuNdra WiNdSWepT Tree diSplay 2 FT Tall, hOldS 36 NecklaceS 223 

Assorted gemstone material

GN149. . . . $3.25 ea

UPC: 009138923571

Amethyst Point, 1”

GN133G . . . .$3.20 ea

Gold, UPC: 009138923274

GN133S. . . . $3.20 ea

Silver, UPC: 009138923281

Gold, UPC: 009138923298


Silver, UPC: 009138923304

Citrine Point, 1”

GN135G . . . . $3.20 ea

Gold, UPC: 009138923311

GN135S . . . . $3.20 ea

Silver, UPC: 009138923328

Assorted gemstone material

GN103. . . .$5.30 ea

UPC: 009138922895

GN147. . . . $3.60 ea

UPC: 009138923557

Gemstone Elongated Oval Silver, 3/4” x 1 ½” Freeform Gemstones, Silver wire wrap, 1 ½”
Quartz Crystal Point, 1” GN134G. . . . $3.20 ea
. . . $3.20 ea
Gemstone Point, Silver cap, 1 ⅜” Assorted gemstone material
Open Circle, 2 ⅛” Assorted gemstone material GN211S . . . .$3.70 ea UPC:
. . .$3.20 ea UPC: 009138924318
Assorted gemstone material GN150. . . .$4.25 ea UPC: 009138923588 Quartz Crystal Point & Ball, Silver cap, 2” GN148. . . . $4.60 ea UPC: 009138923564
Open Circle,
¼” Assorted gemstone material GN199S. . . . $4.25 ea UPC: 009138924288
Assorted gemstone
GN104. . . .$5.30 ea UPC: 009138922901 Quartz Crystal Cluster, Electroplated Cap, 1 ½” GN140G . . . .$9.90 ea Gold, UPC: 009138923410 GN140S . . . .$9.90 ea Silver, UPC: 009138923427 224
Gemstone Tusk with Silver
009138924301 Gemstone Tusk with Silver Cap, 1 3/4”
gemstone material GN212S.
Gemstone Plumb, Silver, 1 ½”
Banded Gemstone Tusk with Silver
Gemstone Tear Drop, Silver, 3/4” x 1 ½”

Gemstone Rectangle, 1” x 1 ⅜”

Assorted gemstone material

GN119. . . .$5.30 ea

UPC: 009138923052

Gemstone Machine Nut Silver, 1 ⅛” x 1 ⅛”

Assorted gemstone material

GN116. . . . $5.50 ea

UPC: 009138923021

Gemstone Round Silver, 1 ⅜” dia

Assorted gemstone material

GN110. . . . $4.80 ea

UPC: 009138922963

Gemstone Rectangle Silver, 1 ⅛” x 1 ½”

Assorted gemstone material

GN118. . . . $5.30 ea

UPC: 009138923045

Gemstone Tusk with Crystal Ball, Silver cap, 2”

Assorted gemstone material

GN210S . . . .$4.60 ea

UPC: 009138924295

Gemstone Rounded Rectangle Silver, 1” x 1 ⅜”

Assorted gemstone material

GN115. . . . $5.30 ea

UPC: 009138923014

Gemstone Heart Silver, 1 ⅝” x 1 ⅝”

Assorted gemstone material

GN108. . . . $5.90

ea UPC: 009138922949
Gemstone Irregular Polygon Silver, 1 ⅛” x 1 ⅝” Assorted gemstone material GN109.
. . .$4.70 ea UPC: 009138922956
. . .
Gemstone Faceted 3-D Oval Silver, 3/4” x 1 ⅛” Assorted gemstone material
$5.30 ea UPC: 009138922932
3/4” x 1 ½” Assorted gemstone material GN105 . . . .$6.10 ea UPC: 009138922918
1 ⅜” Assorted gemstone material GN102. . . . $5.30 ea UPC: 009138922888
Silver, 1” x 2” Assorted gemstone material GN113. . . .$6.90 ea UPC: 009138922994
1 ⅛” x 1 ⅝” Assorted gemstone material GN121. . . . $5.35 ea UPC: 009138923076 225   
Gemstone Man on the Moon Silver,
Gemstone Point Silver,
Gemstone Elongated Oval
Gemstone Oval

Agate Slice, Small, Assorted colors, 2”

Assorted silver & gold


Gold, UPC: 009138925438

Silver, UPC: 009138925445

Agate Slice, Small , Assorted colors

Electroplated Edge, 2”

GN125G. . . .$4.75 ea

Gold, UPC: 009138923113


Silver, UPC: 009138923120

Agate Slice, Med, Assorted colors, 2 3/4”

Assorted silver & gold

Gold, UPC: 009138925452


Agate Slice, Large Assorted colors, 3 ½” Assorted silver & gold

Gold,UPC: 009138925476

Silver, UPC: 009138925483

Agate Slice, Electroplated Edge, Med, Assorted colors, 2 3/4”


Gold, UPC: 009138923137


Silver, UPC: 009138923144

Agate Slice, Electroplated Edge, Large, Assorted colors, 3 ½”


Gold, UPC: 009138923151

GN127S. . . .$5.85 ea

Silver, UPC: 009138923168

. . .$4.75 ea
. . .
.$3.15 ea
GN122S . . . .$3.15 ea
GN124G. . . . $3.70 ea
GN124S. . . .$3.70 ea
GN123G. . . .$3.40 ea
. . . $3.40 ea Silver, UPC: 009138925469
. . . .$5.35 ea
. . .$5.35 ea
. . .$5.85 ea
Agate Slice, Med, Electroplated Edge & Dip, Assorted colors, 2 3/4” GN129G. . . . $5.65 ea Gold, UPC: 009138923199 GN129S. . . .$5.65 ea Silver, UPC: 009138923205 Agate Slice, Electroplated Edge & Dip, Large, Assorted colors, 3 ½” GN130G. . . . $7.30 ea Gold, UPC: 009138923212 GN130S. . . . $7.30 ea Silver, UPC: 009138923229 Agate Slice, Electroplated Edge & Dip, Small, Assorted colors, 2” GN128G. . . .$6.00 ea Gold, UPC: 009138923175 GN128S. . . .$6.00 ea Silver, UPC: 009138923182 Agate Slice with 3 Gemstones, Electroplated Edge, Assorted colors, 2” GN146G. . . .$6.75 ea Gold, UPC: 009138923533 GN146S. . . .$6.75 ea Silver, UPC: 009138923540 Agate Slice with Vine Overlay, Assorted colors, 2 ½” GN237G. . . . $5.65 ea Gold, UPC: 009138924806 GN237S. . . .$5.65 ea Silver, UPC: 009138924813 Gemstone Tusk, Silver, 2 ½” Assorted gemstone material GN114 . . . .$6.05 ea UPC: 009138923007 227   
Tree of Life, Apatite, 2” GN193GT. . . .$5.45 ea Gold, UPC:
. . .$5.45
Tree of Life, Amethyst Gemstones, 2” GN193GA. . . .$5.45 ea
. . . $5.45 ea
Tree of Life, Mixed Gemstones, 2” GN193G. . . . $5.45 ea Gold, UPC:
. . . .$5.45 ea Silver, UPC:
Tree of Life, Carnelian, 2” GN193GN . . . .$5.45 ea
. . . $5.45 ea
Tree of Life, Garnet, 2” GN193GG. . . .$5.45 ea Gold, UPC: 009138925162
. . .$5.45 ea
UPC: 009138925155 Tree of Life, Citrine, 2” GN193GC. . . .$5.45 ea Gold, UPC: 009138925209 GN193SC. . . .$5.45 ea Silver, UPC: 009138925193 Tree of Life, Water Sapphire, 2” GN193GL . . . .$5.45 ea Gold, UPC: 009138925223 GN193SL . . . . $5.45 ea Silver, UPC: 009138925216 Tree of Life, Peridot, 2” GN193GE. . . . $5.45 ea Gold, UPC: 009138924158 GN193SE. . . . $5.45 ea Silver, UPC: 009138924202 Tree of Life, Rose Quartz, 2” GN193GR . . . .$5.45 ea Gold, UPC: 009138924165 GN193SR. . . . $5.45 ea Silver, UPC: 009138924219 228
009138924172 GN193ST.
ea Silver,
009138924141 GN193SA.
009138924134 GN193S
009138925186 GN193SN.

GN131G . . . .$6.75 ea

Gold, UPC: 009138923236


$6.75 ea

Silver, UPC: 009138923243


$6.75 ea

Gold, UPC: 009138924363


$6.75 ea

Silver, UPC: 009138924370

Gemstone Faceted Tear Drop Silver, 1 ⅛” x 1 ½”

Assorted gemstone material

GN120. . . .$5.80 ea

UPC: 009138923069

Gemstone Butterfly Silver, 1 ⅜” x 1”

Assorted gemstone material

GN112. . . .$5.95 ea

UPC: 009138922987

Amethyst Point, Heart Cap,1 ½”

GN213G. . . . $6.75 ea

Gold, UPC: 009138924325

GN213S. . . .$6.75 ea

Silver, UPC: 009138924332

Amethyst Point with 3 Gemstones, 1 ½”

GN220G. . . . $5.65 ea

Gold, UPC: 009138924462



Silver, UPC: 009138924479

7 Gemstone Chakra, Silver, 1 ⅝”

Assorted gemstone material

GN111. . . .$5.90 ea

UPC: 009138922970

Citrine Point , Heart Cap,1 ½”

GN214G. . . .$6.75 ea

Gold, UPC: 009138924349

GN214S. . . .$6.75 ea

Silver, UPC: 009138924356

Citrine Point with 3 Gemstones, 1 3/4”

GN221G . .

. $5.65 ea

Gold, UPC: 009138924486


.$5.65 ea

Silver, UPC: 009138924493

Gemstone Pendulum Ball Silver, 1 ⅝”

Assorted gemstone material

GN153. . . . $5.85 ea

UPC: 009138923618


Gold, UPC: 009138924509



Silver, UPC: 009138924516

Rose Quartz Bear Claw with Silver Cap, 2”

GN197S. . . . $5.85 ea

UPC: 009138924264

7 Gemstone Chakra on Quartz Crystal Point, Silver, 2”

GN117. . . . $5.90 ea

UPC: 009138923038

. . . $5.65
. .
Quartz Crystal Point with 3 Gemstones, 1 3/4” GN222G. . . .$5.65
. . . . $5.65
Quartz Crystal Point, Heart Cap,1 ½”
. . . .
Amethyst Druse, Small Electroplated Edge, 3/4”
. .
229 
Geode Slice with 3 Gemstones, Electroplated Edge, 1 3/4” GN144G. . . .$7.90 ea Gold, UPC: 009138923496 GN144S. . . . $7.90 ea Silver, UPC: 009138923502 Geode Slice, Assorted Dangle Gem Point, 2” GN138G. . . .$7.90 ea Gold, UPC: 009138923373 GN138S. . . .$7.90 ea Silver, UPC: 009138923380 Geode Slice, Electroplated Edge, Assorted Geode & Mounted Gem Point, 1 ½” GN137G . . . . $9.00 ea Gold, UPC: 009138923359 GN137S. . . .$9.00 ea Silver, UPC: 009138923366 Geode, Electroplated Edge, 1 ¼” GN143G. . . .$5.15 ea Gold, UPC: 009138923472 GN143S. . . .$5.15 ea Silver, UPC: 009138923489 Geode Slice, Electroplated Edge, Assorted geodes, 1 ½” GN136G . . . . $6.75 ea Gold, UPC: 009138923335 GN136S. . . .$6.75 ea Silver, UPC: 009138923342 Hand-Chipped
2 ½” GN195G. . . .$5.40 ea UPC: 009138924240 Hand-Chipped Jasper Arrowhead, Silver Electroplated Edge, 2 3/4” GN196S. . . .$5.40 ea UPC: 009138924257 Gemstone Point Stack Aqua/Amethyst/Citrine GN250S. . . . $7.75 ea Silver, UPC: 009138019656 GN250G. . . .$7.75 ea Gold, UPC: 009138019724 Gemstone Point Stack Aqua/Rose/Quartz GN249S. . . .$7.75 ea Silver, UPC: 009138019649 GN249G. . . . $7.75 ea Gold, UPC: 009138019717 Gemstone Point Stack Amethyst/Selenite/Aqua GN251S. . . . $7.75 ea Silver, UPC: 009138019663 GN251G. . . . $7.75 ea Gold, UPC: 0009138019731 230
Jasper Arrowhead, Gold



Quartz Crystal Point Angel with Rose Quartz Face, 2 3/4” GN241G.
. . .$5.65 ea Gold, UPC: 009138924882
GN241S . . . .$5.65 ea Silver, UPC: 009138924899
. .
Quartz Crystal, Hummingbird, 1 ½” GN242G.
.$6.70 ea
Gold, UPC: 009138925230
. . .
$6.70 ea Silver, UPC: 009138925247
Tourmaline Crystal, Hummingbird,
1 ½” GN243G. . . .$6.70 ea Gold, UPC: 009138925254
GN243S. . . . $6.70 ea
Silver, UPC: 009138925261 Blue Kyanite, Hummingbird, 1 ½” GN244G. . . .$6.70 ea Gold, UPC: 009138925278
GN244S .
. .$6.70 ea Silver, UPC: 009138925285
. .
5 Tourmaline, Lizard, 1 3/4” GN245G.
.$7.30 ea Gold, UPC: 009138925292
. .
spinning, Silver, 1 ¼” GN152. . . . $6.95 ea UPC: 009138923601
.$7.30 ea Silver, UPC: 009138925308 Amethyst & Quartz Merkaba, Free
Quartz Leaf Cap,
2” GN227G. . . .$5.65 ea Gold, UPC: 009138924608
GN227S . . . .$5.65 ea
Circle Mount, 1 ½” GN232G. . . . $7.75 ea
. . .
231   
Silver, UPC: 009138924615 3
009138924707 GN232S.




Gold, UPC: 009138923519



Silver, UPC: 009138923526

Citrine Point, Stirrup Mounting, 1 3/4”


$7.90 ea

Gold, UPC: 009138924011



Silver, UPC: 009138924028

Citrine Point, Infinity Mounting, 2”


Quartz Crystal Point, Stirrup Mounting, 1 3/4”


Gold, UPC: 009138924035

GN188S .

.$7.90 ea Silver, UPC: 009138924042


GN189G. . . .$7.90 ea

Gold, UPC: 009138924059

GN189S. . . .$7.90 ea Silver, UPC: 009138924066


Amethyst Point, Stirrup Mounting, 1 3/4”

GN186G . . . .$7.90 ea

Gold, UPC: 009138923991

GN186S . .


Silver, UPC: 009138924004

6 Gemstone Dangle, 1 ⅝”


Gold, UPC: 009138923649


Silver, UPC: 009138923656


Gold, UPC: 009138924073


Gold, UPC: 009138924097


Silver, UPC: 009138924103



Gold, UPC: 009138923250


Gemstone Chakra, Quartz Crystal Point, 1 ½”
. $8.70
. . .$8.70
. . . $6.70 ea
. . . .$6.70 ea
. . $7.90
. . .
. .$7.90
. . . .$6.70
.$6.70 ea Silver, UPC: 009138924080
Crystal Point, Infinity Mounting, 2”
GN191G . . . .$6.70 ea
. . .$6.70 ea
. . .$7.90 ea
. .
Tourmaline Crystal, Stirrup Mounting, 1 3/4” Druse, Electroplated Edge, 1 ⅛”
. . .
.$8.90 ea
. .
.$8.90 ea
Silver, UPC: 009138923267

GN141G. . . . $9.50 ea

Gold, UPC: 009138923458

GN142S. . . .$9.50 ea

Silver, UPC: 009138923465

Gold, UPC: 009138924721

Silver, UPC: 009138924738

UPC: 009138010196

GN248S. . . . $6.00 ea

UPC: 009138010202

Gold, UPC: 009138923434

GN141S. . . . $9.50 ea

Silver, UPC: 009138923441


UPC: 009138010172

GN247S. . . .$6.00 ea

UPC: 009138010189

GN139G . . . . $9.50 ea

Gold, UPC: 009138923397

GN139S. . . . $9.50 ea

Silver, UPC: 009138923403

. . .
. . . .
. . $7.90
7 Gemstone Wire Wrapped Ring,
3/4” GN231G.
$7.90 ea Gold, UPC: 009138924684 GN231S. .
.$7.90 ea Silver, UPC: 009138924691 Gemstone Dangle with Collar
1 3/4” GN226G
Gold, UPC: 009138924585 GN226S. .
ea Silver, UPC: 009138924592 3 Tourmaline Crystals, Circle Mount, 1 ½” Assorted tourmaline colors
GN234G. . . .$7.75 ea Gold, UPC: 009138924745
GN234S. . . .$7.75 ea Silver, UPC: 009138924752 3 Citrine Points, Circle Mount, 1
GN233G. . . .$7.75 ea
GN233S. . . .$7.75 ea
Amethyst Slice, Bottom Druse, Electroplated Cap, 1 ¼”
GN142G. . . .$9.50 ea
Amethyst Slice, Side Druse, Electroplated Edge, 1 3/4” Geode Slice, Electroplated Edge, Assorted Geode & Dangle Gem Point, 2” Amethyst Slice, Bottom Druse, Electroplated Edge, 7/8“, small GN248G. . . . $6.00 ea Amethyst Slice, Side Druse, Electroplated Edge, 7/8“, small . . . $6.00 ea
233 

Amethyst Bear Claw with 7 Gemstone Chakra & Silver Cap, 2” GN198S. .

$8.15 ea UPC: 009138924271

7 Stone Chakra on cut Quartz Crystal Point, Silver Cap,1 3/4” GN151. . . . $8.20 ea UPC: 009138923595

Blue Kyanite, Electroplated Edge & Stirrup Mounting, 2 ½”

GN218G. . . .$7.75 ea

Gold, UPC: 009138924424

GN218S. . . . $7.75 ea

Silver, UPC: 009138924431

7 Gemstone Curved Chakra, Electroplated, 2” GN192G. .

. $9.90 ea

Gold, UPC: 009138924110



Silver, UPC: 009138924127

Agate Slice, Gemstone Flower Overlay, 2 ½” Electroplated Edge & Dip, Assorted colors and Gemstones, GN228G .


Gold, UPC: 009138924622

GN228S. . . .$7.75 ea

Silver, UPC: 009138924639

Quartz Crystal Cross Mounting, 2 ½”

GN225G. . . .$7.75 ea

Gold, UPC: 009138924561


. $7.75 ea

Silver, UPC: 009138924578

7 Gemstone Chakra, Teardrop Mounting, 2 ½”

GN229G. . . .$9.90 ea

Gold, UPC: 009138924646

GN229S. . . .$9.90 ea

Silver, UPC: 009138924653

. . . .$9.90
. .
. . .$7.75
. .
1 3/4”
. . . $11.80 ea
. .
. . .
. .
Blue Kyanite Crystal Tourmaline & Gem Side Mounts, Electroplated Cap,
Gold, UPC: 009138924387 GN216S.
.$11.80 ea Silver, UPC: 009138924394 Amethyst Point, Wire Wrap Mounting, 1
Gold, UPC: 009138924547 GN224S.
.$9.85 ea Silver, UPC: 009138924554
. . . $11.00 ea
. .
GN240G. . . .$11.00 ea
. . .$11.00 ea
. . .$11.00
GN230G. . . .
. .
235 
Amethyst Points, Bolo Necklace, 24” long
Gold, UPC: 009138924820 GN238S.
.$11.00 ea Silver, UPC: 009138924837 Quartz Crystal Points, Bolo Necklace, 24” long
Gold, UPC: 009138924868 GN240S. . . .$11.00 ea Silver, UPC: 009138924875 Citrine Points, Bolo Necklace, 24” long GN239G.
Gold, UPC: 009138924844 GN239S.
ea Silver, UPC: 009138924851 Gemstone Butterfly Mounting, 1 3/4”
Gold, UPC: 009138924660 GN230S.
.$9.50 ea Silver, UPC: 009138924677
7 Gemstone Chakra Spiral with Crystal Point Dangle, 3 3/4” GN185G. . . . $9.85 ea Gold, UPC: 009138923977 GN185S. . . .$9.85 ea Silver, UPC: 009138923984 Gemstone Angel, 3” GN235G. . . . $11.90 ea Gold, UPC: 009138924769 GN235S. . . .$11.90 ea Silver, UPC: 009138924776 Blue Kyanite Angel, Rose Quartz Face, Side Mount Gem, Electroplated Cap, 3 ⅛” GN236G . . . .$9.85 ea Gold, UPC: 009138924783 GN236S . . . .$9.85 ea Silver, UPC: 009138924790
GN217G . . . . $12.70 ea Gold, UPC:
. . .
. .
. . .
GN223G. . . .$11.80
. .
Amethyst Druse, Wrapped Freeform Gem, Electroplated Edge, 2 ½”
009138924400 GN217S
.$12.70 ea Silver, UPC: 009138924417 Black Kyanite Crystals with Quartz Crystal Point Side Mount, Electroplated Cap, 2 3/4” GN219G.
.$9.85 ea Gold, UPC: 009138924448 GN219S.
$9.85 ea Silver, UPC: 009138924455 Amethyst, Citrine, & Quartz Crystal Botanical Circle, 2 ¼”
ea Gold, UPC: 009138924523 GN223S.
.$11.80 ea Silver, UPC: 009138924530

Gorgeous gemstones wrapped in elegantly designed wire cages.

Windswept Tree

GN301G (gold)

GN301S (silver)

$8.70 ea

.$8.70 ea

Tree of Life

GN302G (gold)

GN302S (silver)

$8.70 ea

.$8.70 ea

Lunar Bloom

GN303G (gold)

GN303S (silver)

$8.70 ea


Blooming Heart

GN304G (gold)

GN304S (silver)

$8.70 ea

.$8.70 ea

Full Cage

GN305G (gold)

GN305S (silver)

$6.65 ea


Half Cage

GN306G (gold)

GN306S (silver)

$6.65 ea


Fancy Full Cage

GN307G (gold)

GN307S (silver)

$8.70 ea

.$8.70 ea

. . . .
. . .
. . . .
. .
. . . .
. . .
. . . .
. . .
. . .
. . .
. . . .
. .
Wire-Wrapped GemstoneNecklaces
. . . .
. . .
237   

GN308S (silver)

.$8.70 ea

Winding Vine

GN311G (gold) .

GN311S (silver)

Owl Wrap

GN309G (gold)

GN309S (silver)

.$8.70 ea

$8.70 ea

Mystical Weave

GN314G (gold)

GN314S (silver)

Fancy Heart


$8.70 ea

$8.70 ea

.$8.70 ea

Elvish Weave

GN312G (gold)

ea ea

$8.70 ea

GN312S (silver)

GN310G (gold)

GN310S (silver) .

$8.70 ea


Reed Basket

GN313G (gold)

GN313S (silver)

Bird Cage

GN315G (gold)

GN315S (silver)

$8.70 ea

.$8.70 ea

.$8.70 ea

$8.70 ea

Art Deco

GN316G (gold)

GN316S (silver)

$8.70 ea

.$8.70 ea

. .
. . .$8.70
. .
. . .
. . .
. . .
. . .
. .
. . . .
. .
. . . .
. . .
. . . .
. . .
. . .
. . . .
. . .


GN317G (gold)

GN317S (silver) .

.$8.70 ea

$8.70 ea

Star Crossed

GN318G (gold)

GN318S (silver)


GN321G (gold)

GN321S (silver)


.$8.70 ea

$8.70 ea

$8.70 ea

.$8.70 ea

GN319G (gold)

GN319S (silver)


GN322G (gold)

GN322S (silver)

Bleeding Heart

GN325G (gold)

GN325S (silver)



$8.70 ea

.$8.70 ea

$8.70 ea

Fallen Raindrops

GN323G (gold)

GN323S (silver)

.$8.70 ea

$8.70 ea

Rose Quartz Arrowhead Silver



GN320G (gold)

GN320S (silver)

.$8.70 ea

$8.70 ea

.$8.70 ea

$8.70 ea

Serpentine Arrowhead

GN324G (gold)

GN324S (silver)

.$8.70 ea

.$8.70 ea

Rock Crystal Arrowhead Silver



. .
. .
. . .
. . .
. . .
. . . .
. .
. . .
. .
. . .
. . .
. . .
. . .
. . .
. . . .
. .
. . .$6.65
239   

Teal Chalcedony, color enhanced

GN601. . . .$8.70 ea



GN605. . . .$8.70 ea


Pink Chalcedony, color enhanced

GN602. . . .$8.70 ea


Fossil Coral

GN606. . . .$8.70 ea


Black Chalcedony, color enhanced

GN603. . . .$8.70 ea


Turitella Agate, Fossil

GN607. . . . $8.70 ea


Blue Chalcedony, color enhanced

GN604. . . .$8.70 ea



GN608. . . .$8.70 ea


cabOchON WiTh bezel SeTTiNG 240
Labradorite GN612. . . . $8.70 ea UPC:009138010745 Manganese Dendrite GN619. . . .$8.70 ea UPC:009138010813 Rutilated Quartz GN617. . . . $8.70 ea UPC: 009138010790 Painted Agate GN618. . . .$8.70 ea UPC:009138010806 Chevron Amethyst GN620. . . .$8.70 ea UPC:009138010820 Blue Lace Agate GN615. . . .$8.70 ea UPC:009138010776 Moss Agate GN613. . . . $8.70 ea UPC:009138010752 Tree Agate GN614. . . .$8.70 ea UPC:009138010769 Tourmalinated Quartz GN616. . . .$8.70 ea Unakite GN609. . . .$8.70 ea UPC:009138010714 Mahogany Obsidian GN610. . . . $8.70 ea UPC:009138010721 Prehnite with Epidote Inclusions GN611. . . . $8.70 ea UPC:009138010738 UPC: 009138011650 241   
GN623. . . . $8.70 ea UPC:009138010851
Lace GN630. . . . $8.70 ea UPC:009138010929
GN622. . . . $8.70 ea UPC:009138010844
GN621. . . . $8.70 ea UPC:009138010837
& Zoisite GN631. . . .$8.70 ea UPC:009138010936
Jasper GN632. . . .$8.70 ea UPC:009138010943
GN626. . . . $8.70 ea UPC:009138010882
enchanced, assorted colors pink, blue, purple GN627. . . .$8.70 ea UPC:009138010899
GN628. . . . $8.70 ea UPC:009138010905
GN624. . . . $8.70ea UPC:009138010868
GN629. . . .$8.70 ea UPC:009138010912
GN625. . . . $8.70 ea UPC:009138010875
GN633. . . .$8.70ea UPC:009138010950
Jasper GN647. . . .$8.70 ea UPC: 009138017911
GN648. . . . $8.70 ea UPC: 009138018925 242
Amethyst Crystal
Snowflake Obsidian
Banded Agate Slice, color
Brecciated Jasper
Dendritic Opal
Cosmic Jasper

Agate Geode Slice, color enhanced





GN641. . . .$8.70 ea


Alligator Jasper

GN635. . . .$8.70 ea

UPC: 009138010974

Bumble Bee Jasper

GN642. . . .$8.70 ea


Rose Quartz

GN639. . . .$8.70 ea

UPC: 009138011018

Dalmation Stone

GN636. . . .$8.70 ea

UPC: 009138010981

Hieroglyphic Stone (Plant Fossil)

GN643. . . .$8.70 ea

UPC: 009138011056


GN640. . . .$8.70 ea

UPC: 009138011025


GN637. . . . $8.70 ea


Chalcedony Druse, color enhanced

GN644. . . .$8.70 ea

UPC: 009138011063

Hammered Edge Banded Agate Slice

GN645. . . .$8.70 ea

UPC: 009138011643

. . . $8.70
243   

• GN500 Forest-Tundra Windswept Tree Gem Necklace Counter Display, $245.00 Made of cast resin and hand painted for durability and authentic look, 24” x 12” x 24”, holds up to 36 Shoshone Silver Gem Necklaces

• Base merchandises Ponder Stones (48), Gemstone Hearts (24), or Natural Stone Bracelets 40-3001 (24)

• FREE 25 Assorted Natural Gemstone Bracelets to offset cost of display at $10.05 SRP (may substitute)

• 5 Assorted Natural Gemstone Bracelets, $3.35 ea., $16.75 (may substitute)

• Your choice of Shoshone Silver Gem Necklaces totaling $200.00 or more

FOreST-TuNdra WiNdSWepT Tree diSplay ShOShONe Silver peNdaNTS
FT Tall, hOldS 36 NecklaceS 244
Silver Gem Necklace Counter Merchandising
. . . .
Forest-Tundra Windswept Tree Shoshone
Deal GN1000SS

Dream Catcher & Feather, Turquoise, 2”

UPC: 009138923878

Bear Track & Two Feathers, Turquoise, 1 ½” GN180. .

UPC: 009138923922

Dream Catcher & Feather, Coral, 1¼”

GN166. . . .$5.50 ea.

UPC: 009138923786

Cross Opal Round Cabochon, ⅞“ GN155 .

UPC: 009138923670

Dream Catcher & Feather, Red Coral and Turquoise, 1¼”

GN167 . . . .$5.50 ea.

UPC: 009138923793

Pink Mother of Pearl Diamond Cabochon, ⅞“

GN177 . . . . $11.25 ea.

UPC: 009138923892

Dream Catcher & Feather, Turquoise, 1¼”

GN174. . . .$5.50 ea.

UPC: 009138923861

Black Onyx & Garnet Double Round Cabochon, ⅞“

GN178. . . .$13.75 ea. UPC: 009138923908

. . $10.50 ea.
GN175. . . .$7.75 ea.
. . .$9.50 ea.
GN156 . .
Opal Round Cabochon, ⅝“
. .$11.25
UPC: 009138923687
⅝“ GN154 . . . .$10.75 ea. UPC:
Pink Opal Round Cabochon,
⅝“ GN173. . . . $11.25 ea.
Red Coral Square Cabochon,
UPC: 009138923854
Cabochon, ⅝“ GN162. . . .$11.25 ea. UPC:
Opal Round
½“ GN168 . . . . $11.25
Turquoise & Gemstone Inlay, Oval,
ea. UPC: 009138923809
GN158. . . .
Pink Opal Round Cabochon, ⅝“
$11.25 ea. UPC: 009138923700
“ GN157. . .
SOlid STerliNG Silver peNdaNTS 245  
Turtle Opal Round Cabochon, ¾
.$10.50 ea. UPC: 009138923694

SOlid STerliNG Silver peNdaNTS



UPC: 009138923953

UPC: 009138923946

GN176 . . . .$14.00 ea.

UPC: 009138923885

GN165. . . .$11.50 ea.

UPC: 009138923779

UPC: 009138923762


GN160. . . .$11.75 ea.

UPC: 009138923724


UPC: 009138923847

GN171 . . . .$10.50

UPC: 009138923830



GN163. . . .$11.25 ea. UPC: 009138923755


UPC: 009138923717


GN169. . . . $11.75 ea.

UPC: 009138923816

UPC: 009138923915



UPC: 009138923731


Dream Catcher & Feather with Turquoise, 2¼”
GN179. . . . $11.25 ea.
Diamond Cabochon,
⅞“ GN159. . . . $11.00 ea.
Coral Oval Cabochon, ⅞“ GN172. . . . $11.25 ea.
& Gemstone Inlay,
Kite, ⅞“ GN170. . . .$11.50 ea.UPC: 009138923823
Pink Mother of Pearl Oval Cabochon, ⅞“ Amethyst Oval Cabochon, ⅞“
GN164 .
. .$14.75 ea.
Turquoise Oval Cabochon, ⅞“
GN182 . . . . $11.25 ea.
Opal Sun Cabochon, ⅞
“ GN184 . . . . $11.50 ea. UPC:
Heart Cabochon, ⅝“
. . . . . . . . $15.75 ea.
Turquoise & Gemstone Inlay, Square, ⅝“ Oval Cabochon, 3/4“
Turquoise & Gemstone Inlay, Round Flower, ¾“
GN181. . . .$13.25 ea.
Opal Oval Cabochon, ¾“
. . .$11.50 ea.
Curved Path Chaoite Oval Cabochon, 3/4“ Turquoise & Gemstone Inlay, Turtle, 3/4“ ea. Opal Eye Round Cabochon, 3/4“

Freeform Terra Gems - Side Drilled

247 

Freeform Terra Gems - Side Drilled

$2.50 ea., $25.00/10ct pack (does not include neck rope)

TG413 - Emerald Goldstone TG411 - Sodalite TG412 - Moonstone TG414 - Brecciated Jasper TG408 - Mookite TG409 - Unakite TG407 - Sapphire Goldstone TG406 - Goldstone TG404 - Rhodonite TG403 - Jade TG402 - Snowflake Obsidian TG401 - Howlite TG417 - Labradorite TG416 - Fluorite TG415 - Picture Jasper TG418 - Amazon River Stone TG421- Amethyst TG420 - Rose Quartz
TG422 - Quartz Crystal
Neck Rope Capsules Packed 12 capsules per color RT301-RT322 . . . . 60¢ ea., $7.20/dozen Black RT301
Royal Blue
Sky Blue RT309
RT313 Emerald RT320
RT321 Violet RT322 249 
Pink RT315 Brown RT317 Light Green RT318 Faux Black Leather

Terra Gems - Choose a gem and a spiral cage to make your own necklace or key ring

Spiral Cage Necklaces, 21” long, for children

SP101G - gold color.

SP101S - silver color.

$1.95 ea., $23.40/12ct pack

.$1.95 ea., $23.40/12ct pack

Pictured with stones, sold separately

Spiral Cage Necklaces, 28” long, for adults

SP101SL - silver color. . . $1.95 ea., $23.40/12ct pack

SP101GL - gold color. .

. $1.95 ea., $23.40/12ct pack

SP101CL - copper.

. $1.95 ea., $23.40/12ct pack

Pictured with stones, sold separately

Spiral Cage Keychains, 3 ½” long, matching split ring

SP102S - silver color .

SP102G - gold color. .

. $1.95 ea., $23.40/12ct pack

. $1.95 ea., $23.40/12ct pack

SP102C - copper . . . . $1.95 ea., $23.40/12ct pack

Pictured with stones, sold separately

Terra Gem Counter Revolving Merchandising Deal



• TG500 Terra Gem Revolving Counter Display, 15” x 15” x 29”, $135

• FREE 19 Terra Gem Necklaces and 19 Terra Gems to offset cost of display at $7.20 SRP

• 17 Spiral Cage Necklaces assorted, $1.95 ea., $33.15

• 36 Spiral Cage Keychains, assorted, $1.95 ea., $70.20

• 111 Terra Gems, assorted, 45¢ ea., $49.95

Terra Gems

TG101-TG117 . . . .45¢ ea. ($22.50 for a bag of 50)

Agate - Strength TG116

Quartz Crystal Energy TG108

Rose Quartz - Love TG102

Carnelian - Ambition

Snowflake - Protection

Crackle Quartz - Joy TG117

Tigereye - Insight TG105

Hematite - Wealth

Turquenite Relief from Stress

TG115 TG106 TG109 TG104
. . .
. .

Natural Gemstone Bracelet Merchandising Deal

SB001 . . . . $192.05

• R4100 counter display, 8 ½” x 17”, holds 48 bracelets, $48.00

• FREE 5 Natural Gemstone Bracelets (40-3001) to offset cost of display at $9.99 SRP

• 43 assorted Natural Gemstone Bracelets (40-3001), $3.35 ea., $144.05

Includes carnelian/aventurine, snowflake obsidian, serpentine, rhodonite, fluorite, jade, and picture jasper

Carnelian & Aventurine 40-3007 $3.35 ea. Jade 40-3004 $3.35 ea. Fluorite 40-3005 $3.35 ea. Snowflake Obsidian 40-3006 $3.35 ea. 40-3004 - 40-3010 Natural Gemstone Bracelets, natural color stones . . . . $3.25 ea. Serpentine 40-3008 $3.35 ea. Rhodonite 40-3009 $3.35 ea.
251   
Picture Jasper 40-3010 $3.35 ea.

Gemstone Bead, Nugget, and Metal Stretch Bracelet Counter Merchandising Deal

GN1010 . . . .$78.55

• JDW100 2-row Bracelet Display, Cherry Wood, 8” x 6 ½” x 7”, holds 16, $25.00

• FREE 3 GN101 Gemstone Bead, Nugget, and Metal Stretch Bracelets to offset cost of display at $9.45 SRP

• 17 GN101 Gemstone Bead, Nugget, and Metal Stretch Bracelets, $3.15ea, $53.55

Gemstone Bead, Nugget and Metal Stretch Bracelets Assorted gemstones and beads with metal spacers 10 per package
GN101 . . . .$3.15 ea.,
$31.50/10ct. pack

• FREE 55 Gemstone Pendants and Neck Rope Capsules to offset cost of display at $6.99 SRP 60

Design-Your-Own Necklace 21 Peg and 60 Compartment Counter


GPD600PEG 60cmpt Gemstone Pendant Peg Counter Display

32” x 18 3/4” x 25 1/4”, 21 peg, $320.00

FREE 46 Gemstone Pendants and 46 Neck Cords with Clasp to offset cost of display at $6.99 SRP

• 2 Gemstone Pendants, $1.75 ea., $3.50

• 12 each of 56 different Gemstone Pendants, $1.75 ea., $1176.00

674 Assorted Neck Cords with Clasp and Ball Neck Chains,

Base to Convert GPD600 from Counter to Floor Display

GP300 . . . . $385.00

• 18 3/4” x 31 3/8” x 32”, storage underneath

For stores wanting to convert capsule display to clasp display, conversion kits are available:

60 Compartment Gem Pendant Counter Display Conversion Kit

PEG60 . . . . $84.00

• Kit Contains: Back Panel that Screws on Back of unit in place of Capsule Dispenser Panel, Four Wood Screws, Two Plastic Sign Holders, One Single Sided Sign

- Neck Cords with Clasp 253 

Design-Your-Own Necklace 11 Peg and 20 Compartment Counter Merchandising Deal

. . . . $662.30

GPD100PEG 20cmpt Gemstone Pendant Peg Counter Display 16” x 12 ½” x 21”, 11 pegs, $150.00

FREE 22 Gemstone Pendants and 22 Neck Cords with Clasp to offset cost of display at $6.99 SRP

• 2 Gemstone Pendants, $1.75 ea., $3.50 12 each of 18 different Gemstone Pendants, $1.75 ea., $378.00

218 Assorted Neck Cords with Clasp and Ball Neck Chains, 60¢ ea., $130.80

Also Available: 20 Compartment Gem Pendant Counter Display

Conversion Kit

PEG20 . . . . $42.00

• Kit Contains: Back Panel that Screws on Back of unit in place of Capsule Dispenser Panel, Four Wood Screws, Two Plastic Sign Holders, One Single Sided Sign

20 Compartment Display - Neck Cords with Clasp 254


Agate Slice - Assorted Colors

GP104G, Gold GP104S, Silver

Agate Geode GP120G, Gold GP120S, Silver

Bismuth GP130G, Gold GP130S, Silver

Citrine Point GP118G, Gold GP118S, Silver


Chalcedony Drop, Silver - Assorted Colors

Optical Calcite GP123G, Gold GP123S, Silver


GP103G, Gold

GP103S, Silver

Banded Agate

GP140G, Gold GP140S, Silver

Quartz Point GP137G, Gold GP137S, Silver

Jasper GP126G, Gold GP126S, Silver

Black Tourmaline GP253G, Gold GP253S, Silver

Fluorite Octahedron

GP128G, Gold GP128S, Silver


Dumortierite GP251G, Gold GP251S, Silver

GP109G, Gold GP109S, Silver

Emerald in Matrix

GP238G, Gold GP238S, Silver


GP209G, Gold GP209S, Silver

Apache Tear, Rough GP122G, Gold GP122S, Silver GP226G, Gold GP226S, Silver

Fool’s Gold GP119G, Gold GP119S, Silver

Gray Banded Agate GP110G, Gold GP110S, Silver

Aquamarine GP239G, Gold GP239S, Silver

Sculptured Copper

Gemstone GP101G, Gold GP101S, Silver

Goldstone GP219G, Gold GP219S, Silver

GP108G, Gold GP108S, Silver

Amethyst Point GP117G, Gold GP117S, Silver

TV Stone

GP150G, Gold GP150S, Silver

Black Tourmaline Crystal GP234G, Gold GP234S, Silver

Bloodstone GP205G, Gold GP205S, Silver

Blue Agate

GP138G, Gold GP138S, Silver

Botswana Agate GP139G, Gold GP139S, Silver

Buddstone GP244G, Gold GP244S, Silver

Red Tigereye

GP256G, Gold GP256S, Silver

Blue Tigereye

GP257G, Gold GP257S, Silver

Apricot Agate

GP258G, Gold GP258S, Silver

255 

Mugglestone GP250G, Gold GP250S, Silver

Chalcedony GP207G, Gold GP207S, Silver

Petrified Wood GP248G, Gold GP248S, Silver

Chrysocolla GP243G, Gold GP243S, Silver

GP225G, Gold GP225S, Silver

Quartz Crystal GP111G, Gold GP111S, Silver

Snakeskin GP215G, Gold GP215S, Silver

Painted Agate GP223G, Gold GP223S, Silver GP246G, Gold GP246S, Silver

Chrysoprase GP245G, Gold GP245S, Silver

Labradorite GP210G, Gold GP210S, Silver

Rhodonite GP214G, Gold GP214S, Silver

Snowflake Obsidian GP129G, Gold GP129S, Silver

Picture Jasper GP252G, Gold GP252S, Silver

Citrine GP235G, Gold GP235S, Silver

Leopardskin GP102G, Gold GP102S, Silver

Cobra Stone, Turquoise, Color Enhanced GP224G, Gold GP224S, Silver

Lizardskin GP211G, Gold GP211S, Silver

Rose Quartz GP107G, Gold GP107S, Silver

Sodalite GP113G, Gold GP113S, Silver

GP236G, Gold GP236S, Silver

Sunstone GP216G, Gold GP216S, Silver

Carnelian Agate GP206G, Gold GP206S, Silver

Crackle Quartz GP204G, Gold GP204S, Silver

Malachite GP247G, Gold GP247S, Silver

Catiron GP242G, Gold GP242S, Silver

Dalmatian GP208G, Gold GP208S, Silver

Moonstone, Synthetic GP212SG, Gold GP212SS, Silver

Serpentine GP227G, Gold GP227S, Silver GP228G, Gold GP228S, Silver

Tektite GP217G, Gold GP217S, Silver

Tigereye GP105G, Gold GP105S, Silver

Amazonite GP260G, Gold GP260S, Silver

Moss Agate GP213G, Gold GP213S, Silver

Smoky Quartz GP240G, Gold GP240S, Silver

Tourmalinated Quartz GP237G, Gold GP237S, Silver

Howlite GP261G, Gold GP261S, Silver

Carnelian, Banded GP259G, Gold GP259S, Silver Dragon Stone GP263G, Gold GP263S, Silver

Prehnite GP265G, Gold GP265S, Silver Banded Amethyst GP267G, Gold GP267S, Silver



Tumbled Agatized Coral GP249G, Gold GP249S, Silver

Turquenite GP147G, Gold GP147S, Silver

Unakite GP218G, Gold GP218S, Silver

Lapis Lazuli GP268G, Gold GP268S, Silver


Egg GP203S, Silver GP203G, Gold

Sphere GP190S, Silver GP190G, Gold

Dolphin GP171S, Silver GP171G, Gold

Turtle GP197S, Silver GP197G, Gold

Moon GP187S, Silver GP187G, Gold

Lightning Bolt GP167S, Silver GP167G, Gold

Shell GP172S, Silver GP172G, Gold

Horse Head GP186S, Silver GP186G, Gold

Rabbit GP191S, Silver GP191G, Gold


Magnet Stone GP230G, Gold GP230S, Silver

Cave Bat GP168S, Silver GP168G, Gold

Guardian Angel GP173S, Silver GP173G, Gold

Teardrop GP189S, Silver GP189G, Gold

Elephant GP192S, Silver GP192G, Gold

Gold Titanium Ionized Magnet Stone GP231G, Gold GP231S, Silver

Peacock Titanium Ionized Magnet Stone GP232G, Gold GP232S, Silver

Dinosaur GP169S, Silver GP169G, Gold

Music Note GP175S, Silver GP175G, Gold

Teddy Bear GP182S, Silver GP182G, Gold

Tusk GP193S, Silver GP193G, Gold

Tomahawk GP176S, Silver GP176G, Gold

Horseshoe GP183S, Silver GP183G, Gold

Leaf GP194S, Silver GP194G, Gold

Silver Titanium Ionized Magnet Stone GP233G, Gold GP233S, Silver

Whale Tail GP170S, Silver GP170G, Gold

Thunderbird GP164S, Silver GP164G, Gold

Bear GP184S, Silver GP184G, Gold

Butterfly GP195S, Silver GP195G, Gold

Key GP196S, Silver GP196G, Gold

Bird GP174S, Silver GP174G, Gold

Salamander GP178S, Silver GP178G, Gold

Sun GP185S, Silver GP185G, Gold

Cross GP153S, Silver GP153G, Gold

257 

Cat’s Eye

Open Heart GP199S, Silver GP199G, Gold

Smooth Replica

Puff Heart GP177S, Silver GP177G, Gold

Zuni Bear GP159S, Silver GP159G, Gold


Shark Tooth GP116S, Silver

Buffalo GP160S, Silver GP160G, Gold


Fossil Ammonite GP151G, Gold GP151S, Silver

Hematite PGP103G, Gold PGP103S, Silver

Agate Replica

Chipped Replica

Arrowhead GP155S, Silver GP155G, Gold

Arrowhead GP115S, Silver GP115G, Gold

Arrowhead GP156S, Silver GP156G, Gold

Heart GP152S, Silver GP152G, Gold Point GP154S, Silver GP154G, Gold

Bear Claw GP157S, Silver GP157G, Gold

Fossil Turritella Agate GP112G, Gold GP112S, Silver


Rose Quartz PGP107G, Gold PGP107S, Silver

Tourmalinated Crystal PGP237G, Gold PGP237S, Silver

Aventurine PGP108G, Gold PGP108S, Silver

Emerald in Matrix PGP238G, Gold PGP238S, Silver

Rhodonite PGP214G, Gold PGP214S, Silver

Amethyst PGP109G, Gold PGP109S, Silver

Smoky Quartz PGP240G, Gold PGP240S, Silver

Goldstone PGP219G, Gold PGP219S, Silver

Petrified Algae GP229G, Gold GP229S, Silver

Cowboy Boot GP162S, Silver GP162G, Gold

Chili Pepper GP163S, Silver GP163G, Gold

Cowboy Hat GP161S, Silver GP161G, Gold Star GP166S, Silver GP166G, Gold

Dinosaur Bone GP149G, Gold GP149S, Silver

Sodalite PGP113G, Gold PGP113S, Silver

Banded Agate PGP140G, Gold PGP140S, Silver

Black Tourmaline PGP253G, Gold PGP253S, Silver

Black Tourmaline PGP234S, Silver

Fluorite Octahedron PGP128G, Gold PGP128S, Silver

Snowflake Obsidian PGP129G, Gold PGP129S, Silver


Unakite PGP218G, Gold PGP218S, Silver

Dalmatian Jasper PGP208G, Gold PGP208S, Silver

Citrine PGP235G, Gold PGP235S, Silver

Labradorite PGP210G, Gold PGP210S, Silver

Rutilated Quartz PGP236S, Silver

Aquamarine PGP239S, Silver

Crackled Quartz PGP204G, Gold

Quartz PGP111G, Gold

* Polished Ammonite Fossils can only be used with the Neck Rope Capsules

GEMSTONE PENDANT WAXED NECK ROPES with CLASP 26” 60 ¢ ea., $7.20 per dozen

WNR317S Brown with Silver Clasp

WNR317G Brown with Gold Clasp

WNR305S Royal Blue with Silver Clasp

WNR305G Royal Blue with Gold Clasp

WNR315S Pink with Silver Clasp

WNR315G Pink with Gold Clasp

WNR312S Turquoise with Silver Clasp

WNR312G Turquoise with Gold Clasp

WNR309S Sky Blue with Silver Clasp

WNR309G Sky Blue with Gold Clasp

WNR304S Purple with Silver Clasp

WNR304G Purple with Gold Clasp

WNR301S Black with Silver Clasp

WNR301G Black with Gold Clasp

WNR307S Silver with Silver Clasp

WNR307G Silver with Gold Clasp

GEMSTONE PENDANT BALL CHAIN 24”- 60 ¢ ea. ($6.00 per ten)

WNR312G Turquoise with Gold Clasp

SN200GRM Gold Ball Chains, 24”

SN200SRM Silver Ball Chains, 24”

259 

Celestial Charms

Six Celestial Designs on Magnets, Keychains, and Necklaces encased in high-quality glass

Celestial Charms Magnets and Key Chains Counter Merchandising Deal

MG1000CC . . . .$264.20

• MG200 Metal Peg Wall Counter Spinner Display, 13 1/16” x 9” x 23 3/4”, includes 24 2” display hooks, $149.00

• 17 Celestial Charm Key Rings to offset cost of display at $8.99 SRP

• 19 Celestial Charm Key Rings (CCK101 and CCK102), $3.00ea, $57.00

• 12 CCM101 Emoji Charm Magnets, $1.85ea, $22.20

• 12 CCM102 Emoji Charm Jumbo Magnets, $3.00ea, $36.00

High quality bubble glass makes artwork pop!

Celestial Charm Magnet Counter Merchandising Deal

CCM1000. . . .$198.85

• MG500 two-sided revolving counter display, $125.00

• FREE 23 CCM101 Celestial Charm Magnets to offset cost of display at $5.55 SRP

• 1 CCM101 Celestial Charm Magnet, $1.85 ea.

• 24 CCM102 Celestial Charm Jumbo Magnets, $3.00 ea., $72.00

Celestial Charm Magnet Picket Fence Counter

Merchandising Deal

MG400CC. . . .$71.80

• MG400 Picket Fence Magnet Counter Display with sign, 6 ¼” x 5 ¼” x 11”, $21.00

• FREE 4 Celestial Charm Magnets to offset cost of display at $5.55 SRP

• 8 CCM101 Celestial Charm Magnets, $1.85 ea., $14.80

• 12 CCM102 Celestial Charm Jumbo Magnets, $3.00 ea., $36.00

Celestial Charms Magnet, 1 3/16” Diameter, Assorted CCM101 . . . .$1.85 ea. $22.20/pk12 Celestial Charms Jumbo Magnet, 2” Diameter, Assorted CCM102. . . .$3.00 ea. $36.00/pk12

Celestial Charm Key Ring Merchandising Deal

CCK1000. . . .$120.00

• SKR500 Key Ring Counter Wire Rack, 6 1/2” x 6 1/2” x 13” plus double-sided display sign, holds 72, $21.00

• FREE 3 CCK101 Celestial Charm Key Rings to offset cost of display at $8.99 SRP

• 33 Celestial Charm Key Rings (CCK101 and CCK102), $3.00ea, $99.00

Celestial Charm Key Ring, Round Metal Key Ring, Assorted CCK101. . . .$3.00 ea., $36.00/pk12

Celestial Charm Key Ring, Leather Key Fob, Assorted CCK102. . . .$3.00 ea., $36.00/pk12

Celestial Charm Necklace, Round, Silver, Assorted CCN101S . . . .$3.00 ea., $36.00/pk12

Celestial Charm Necklaces Counter Merchandising Deal

CCN1000. . . .$101.00

• JDH18 Hang Tag Necklace Display, Tall, 8 ½” dia. x 24 ½” including sign, 9 pegs, holds up to 54 necklaces, $47.00

• FREE 6 CCN101S Celestial Charm Necklaces to offset cost of display at $8.99 SRP

• 18 CCN101S Celestial Charm Necklaces, $3.00 ea., $54.00

Celtic Knot Crystal Grid Hecates Knot Sacred Geometry Water Pentacle
261 

Heavenly Stone Necklaces

Banded agate is formed with bands of microscopic quartz crystals, often called the “Earth Rainbow”. Banded agate is a healing stone for body, mind and spirit.

Heavenly Stone Necklaces are made from agate with a swirl pattern found in the mountains of Tibet. Monks believe the heavenly stone aids their prayers to achieve Nirvana.

Heavenly Stone Necklaces, Assorted styles and colors

Carnelian Round, Carnelian Drum Black/White Drum, Black/White Round, 20 per pack H101 . . . . $2.45 ea., $49.00/20ct pack

Banded Agate Hang Tag Necklace Counter Merchandising Deal

BA200H. . . . $125.85

• JDH13 Short Counter Wood Hang Tag Necklace Display, 8 ½” x 20 ½” including sign, $45.00

• FREE 7 H101 Banded Agate Necklaces to offset cost of display at $6.75 SRP

• 33 H101 Banded Agate Necklaces with hang tag, $2.45 ea., $80.85 FREE pre-priced, full-color stock or custom hang tags with combined order of $300.00 or more


Hematite & Cat’s Eye for “Protection” Assorted colors, packed 12 HS101. . . .$2.45 ea., $29.40/12ct pack

Heart of Steel Hang Tag Necklace Counter Merchandising Deal

HS200H . . . .$116.05

• JDH13 Short Counter Wood Hang Tag Necklace Display, 8 ½” dia. x 20 ½” including sign, $45.00

• FREE 7 HS101 Heart of Steel Necklaces to offset cost of display at $7.35 SRP

• 29 HS101 Heart of Steel Necklaces with hang tag, $2.45 ea., $71.05 FREE pre-priced, full-color stock or custom hang tags with combined order of $300.00 or more Heart of Steel Necklaces

263 

Magnetic Hematite Necklaces

Magnetic Hematite Hang Tag Necklace Wood Counter Merchandising Deal

MS700H . . . .$163.70

• JDH11 XShort Counter Wood Hang Tag Necklace Display 8 ½” dia. x 18 ½”, $44.00

• FREE 5 MS701-MS705 Magnetic Hematite Necklaces to offset cost of display at $9.45 SRP

• 38 MS701-MS705 Magnetic Hematite Necklaces, $3.15 ea., $119.70

FREE pre-priced, full-color stock or custom hang tags with combined order of $300.00 or more

Necklace with drum, rice, silver spacers and clasp

MS701. . . .$3.15 ea.

Necklace with graduated rounds and silver clasp

MS702. . . .$3.15 ea.

Necklace with rice beads and drop, round and double cones, silver clasp

MS703. . . .$3.15 ea.

Necklace with round beads and drop of assorted shapes and silver clasp

MS704. . . .$3.15 ea.

Necklace with drum beads and drop of twist, round and double cone beads, silver clasp

MS705. . . .$3.15 ea.

MS705 MS704 MS702 MS701

Magnetic Hematite Stretch Bracelets

Bracelet with shiny half-moon and rice beads (top row)

MS602. . . . $2.50 ea.

Bracelet with flat, curved plates (bottom row)

MS603. . . .$2.50 ea.

Bracelet with discs and twists (top row)

MS604. .

.$2.50 ea.

Bracelet with two-row rounds and padlocks (bottom row)

MS605. .


Magnetic Hematite Stretch Bracelet Assorted Discs, Rice Rounds, and Double Cones (top row)

MS606. .

.$2.50 ea.

Cherry Wood 2-row Bracelet Display

JDW100. . . .$25.00 ea.

Magnetic Hematite Necklace and Bracelet Counter Merchandising Deal

MS7600 . . . .$168.55

• JDW401 Necklace & Bracelet Duo Counter Display, 8” x 8” x 19 ½” including sign, $55.00

• FREE 6 MS701-MS705 Magnetic Hematite Necklaces to offset cost of display at $9.45 SRP

• 17 MS701-MS705 Magnetic Hematite Necklaces, $3.15 ea., $53.55

• 24 MS602-MS606 Magnetic Hematite Bracelets, $2.50 ea., $60.00

. .$2.50
265 

Tumbled Gemstone Hang Tag Necklace Counter Merchandising Deal

GJ200H . . . .$115.80

• JDH13 Short Counter Wood Hang Tag Necklace Display, 8 1/2” dia. x 20 1/2”, $45.00

• FREE 13 GJ102 Tumbled Gemstone Necklaces to offset cost of display at $3.60 SRP

• 59 GJ102 Tumbled Gemstone Necklaces with hang tags, $1.20 ea., $70.80 FREE pre-priced, full-color stock or custom hang tags with combined order of $300.00 or more

Tumbled Gemstone Necklaces, assorted GJ102. . . .$1.20 ea, $14.40/12ct pack

Rings are guaranteed not to come apart

Tumbled Gemstone Rings Wood Counter Display Merchandising Deal

GJ101RD . . . .$69.10

• GJMB600 Wood Display with purple ring pad, 8 ¼” x 7 ⁵/8” x 4 ½” including sign, holds 36 rings, $13.00

• FREE 6 Tumbled Gemstone Rings to offset cost of display at $2.50 SRP

• 66 GJ101R Tumbled Gemstone Rings, Gold-plated, assorted stones, adjustable 85¢ ea., $56.10

Tumbled Gemstone Rings - adjustable, gold-plated Assorted semi-precious gemstones

GJ101R. . . .85¢ ea., $61.20/72ct. pack


Agate Druse Double Side Mount Hang Tag Necklace Counter Merchandising Deal

GJ400H. . . .$182.00

• JDH15 Med Counter Wood Hang Tag Necklace Display, 8 ½” dia/ x 22 ½” including sign, $46.00

• FREE 2 GH104 Silver Agate Druse Necklaces to offset cost of display at $12.75 SRP

• FREE 2 GH104G Gold Agate Druse Necklaces to offset cost of display at $12.75 SRP

• 10 GH104G Gold Agate Druse Double Side Mount Necklace with hang tags, asst. colors, $4.25 ea., $42.50

• 22 GH104 Silver Agate Druse Double Side Mount Necklace with hang tags, asst. colors, $4.25 ea., $93.50

Druse Necklaces

Agate Druse

Double Side Mount Necklace

Assorted colors, 12 per pack, 18” silver color chain


$4.25 each, $51.00/12ct pack

Agate Druse

Double Side Mount Necklace

Assorted colors, 12 per pack, 18” gold color chain

GH104G $4.25 each, $51.00/12ct pack

Blue Onyx Druse Hang Tag Necklace Wood Counter Merchandising Deal

GH200H. . . .$128.50

• JDH15 Med Counter Wood Hang Tag Necklace Display, 8 ½” dia. x 22 ½” including sign, $46.00

• FREE 6 GH102 Blue Onyx Druse Necklaces to offset cost of display at $8.25 SRP

• 30 GH102 Blue Onyx Druse Necklaces with hang tags, $2.75 ea., $82.50

Blue Onyx Druse Necklaces with 18” chain and clasp Packed 12 per package

GH102. . . .$2.75 ea., $33.00/12ct pack

Blue Agate Druse Necklaces with Gold colored 18” cord and clasp Packed 12 per package

GH103. . . .$2.75 ea., $33.00/12ct pack

267   

Economy Chains

• Keeps retail price of quality pendant low while allowing customers to wear pendant as a necklace immediately upon purchase and can later replace chain with a better quality gold or sterling chain.

• All chains are 24” long for one size fits all.

• Tarnish resistant silver and gold metal plating.

• To minimize tangles, chains are zip tied and packed in 10ct bags.

Chain styles may be combined to reach volume price breaks:

One 10 count bag: . . . 80¢ ea, $8.00

Ten 10 count bags: . . . 70¢ ea, $70.00 ea, $325.00

GN201G Cobra Chain, 24”, gold
Display for
JDW300. . . . . . . . .
GN201S Cobra Chain, 24”, silver
Neclace, Cherry Wood
holds necklaces up to 18”

Mood Rings

Geometric Pattern Mood Rings Wood Counter Display Merchandising Deal

RF111D. . . .$88.60

• GJMB600 Wood Display with purple ring pad, 8 ¼” x 7 5/8” x 3 5/8” including sign, holds 36 rings, $13.00

• FREE 4 Geometric Pattern Mood Rings to offset cost of display at $4.05 SRP

• 56 RF111 Geometric Pattern Mood Rings, assorted sizes, $1.35 ea., $75.60

Geometric Pattern Mood Rings, assorted sizes,

Mood Rings Cutouts Wood Counter Display Merchandising Deal

RF115D . . . .$88.60

• GJMB600 Wood Display with purple ring pad, 8 ¼” x 7 ⁵/8” x 3 ⁵/8” including sign, holds 36 rings, $13.00

• FREE 4 Mood Rings Cutouts to offset cost of display at $4.05 SRP

• 56 RF115 Mood Rings Cutouts, assorted sizes & styles Butterfly, Flower, Foot, Leaf, Whale, Clover, Frog, Dolphin, $1.35 ea., $75.60

Rings all come with bar code flag label

Dolphin Mood Rings Wood Counter Display Merchandising Deal

RF112D. . . . $88.60

• GJMB600 Wood Display with purple ring pad, 8 ¼” x 7 ⁵/8” x 3 ⁵/8” including sign, holds 36 rings, $13.00

• FREE 4 Dolphin Mood Rings to offset cost of display at $4.05 SRP

• 56 RF112 Dolphin Mood Rings, assorted sizes, $1.35 ea., $75.60

Mood Rings Cutouts, assorted sizes, packed 60 in Butterfly, flower, foot, leaf, whale, clover, frog, RF115 . . . .$1.35 ea., $81.00/60pk

Dolphin Mood Rings, assorted sizes, packed 60 in display box
269   

Mood Rings

Open Oval Design Mood Rings Wood Counter Display Merchandising Deal

RF118D. . . .$88.60

• GJMB600 Wood Display with purple ring pad, 8 ¼” x 7 ⁵/8” x 3 ⁵/8” including sign, holds 36 rings, $13.00

• FREE 4 Open Oval Design Mood Rings to offset cost of display at $4.05 SRP

Open Oval Design Mood Rings, assorted sizes, packed 60 in RF118 . . . .$1.35 ea., $81.00/60pk

• 56 RF118 Open Oval Design Mood Rings, assorted sizes, $1.35 ea., $75.60

Rings all come with bar code flag label

Hearts and Butterflies Mood Rings, assorted sizes

RF123. . . .$1.35 ea., $81.00/60 pk

Mood Ring Bands Wood Counter Display Merchandising Deal

RF107D. . . .$80.20

• GJMB600 Wood Display with purple ring pad, 8 ¼” x 7 ⁵/8” x 3 ⁵/8” including sign, holds 36 rings, $13.00

• FREE 4 Mood Ring Bands to offset cost of display at $4.05 SRP

• 56 RF107 Mood Ring Bands, assorted sizes, $1.20 ea., $67.20

Hearts and Butterflies Mood Rings Wood Counter Display Merchandising Deal

RF123D. . . .$88.60

• GJMB600 Wood Display with purple ring pad, 8 ¼” x 7 ⁵/8” x 3 ⁵/8” including sign, holds 36 rings, $13.00

• FREE 4 Hearts and Butterflies Mood Rings to offset cost of display at $4.05 SRP

• 56 RF123 Hearts and Butterflies Mood Rings, assorted sizes, $1.35 ea., $75.60

Mood Ring Bands, assorted sizes, packed 60 in


Rock Bands & Gemstone Rings

Hematite Bands, flat 5mm

Assorted sizes 4-11 RF105. . . .50¢ ea., $36.00/72ct. bag

Cat’s Eye Cabochon Adjustable Rings, Gold-plated, assorted colors, packed 72 CE101. . . .$1.00 ea. $72.00/72ct. pack

Hematite Bands, Flat 5mm

Wood Counter Display Merchandising Deal

RF105D . . . .$44.50

• GJMB600 Wood Display with purple ring pad, 8 ¼” x 7 ⁵/8” x 4 ½” including sign, holds 36 rings, $13.00

• FREE 9 Hematite Bands Flat 5mm, to offset cost of display at $1.50 SRP

• 63 RF105 Hematite Bands Flat 5mm, assorted sizes, 50¢ ea., $31.50

Agate Rock Bands

Agate Rock Bands

Cat’s Eye Cabochon Rings

Wood Counter Display Merchandising Deal

CE101D. . . .$80.00

• GJMB600 Wood Display with purple ring pad, 8 ¼” x 7 ⁵/8” x 4 ½” including sign, holds 36 rings, $13.00

• FREE 5 Cat’s Eye Cabochon Rings to offset cost of display at $3.00 SRP

• 67 CE101 Cat’s Eye Cabochon Rings, Gold-plated, assorted colors, adjustable, $1.00 ea., $67.00

Assorted colors, styles and sizes RB102. . . .$1.40ea., $50.40/ 36ct. bag

Wood Counter Display Merchandising Deal

RB102D . . . .$57.80

• GJMB600 Wood Display with purple ring pad, 8 ¼” x 7 5/8” x 4 ½” including sign, holds 36 rings, $13.00

• FREE 4 Agate Rock Bands to offset cost of display at $4.20 SRP

• 32 RB102 Agate Rock Bands, assorted colors, styles & sizes, $1.40 ea., $44.80

Gemstone Cabochon Rings

Adjustable, gold-plated, Assorted semi-precious gemstones, each ground and polished by hand into an oval cabochon

Gemstone Cabochon Rings


.$1.05 ea., $75.60/72ct.bag

Wood Counter Display Merchandising Deal

GJ101CHD. . . .$83.35

• GJMB600 Wood Display with purple ring pad, 8 ¼” x 7 ⁵/8” x 4 ½” including sign, holds 36 rings, $13.00

• FREE 5 Gemstone Cabochon Rings to offset cost of display at $3.15 SRP

• 67 GJ101CH Gemstone Cabochon Rings, assorted stones, adjustable, $1.05 ea., $70.35

271 

Magnetic Hematite Rings

Barcode tag on each Magnetic Hematite ring included at no extra charge.

Silver Atomized Titanium Magnetic Hematite Rings, assorted sizes

RF120S . . . .$1.15 ea., $41.40/36ct bag

Silver Atomized Titanium Magnetic Hematite Rings

Wood Counter Display Merchandising Deal

RF120SD. . . .$49.80

• GJMB600 Wood Display with purple ring pad, 8 ¼” x 7 ⁵/8” x 4 ½” including sign, holds 36 rings, $13.00

• FREE 4 Silver Atomized Titanium Magnetic Hematite Rings to offset cost of display at $3.45 SRP

• 32 RF120S Silver Atomized Titanium Magnetic Hematite Rings, assorted sizes, $1.15 ea., $36.80

Gold Atomized Titanium Magnetic Hematite Rings, assorted sizes

RF120G. . . .$1.15 ea, $41.40/36ct bag

Gold Atomized Titanium Magnetic Hematite Rings

Wood Counter Display Merchandising Deal

RF120GD. . . .$49.80

• GJMB600 Wood Display with purple ring pad, 8 ¼” x 7 ⁵/8” x 4 ½” including sign, holds 36 rings, $13.00

• FREE 4 Gold Atomized Titanium Magnetic Hematite Rings to offset cost of display at $3.45 SRP

• 32 RF120G Gold Atomized Titanium Magnetic Hematite Rings, assorted sizes, $1.15 ea., $36.80

Atomized Titanium Magnetic Hematite Rings

RF120. . . .$1.15 ea., $41.40/36ct bag

Atomized Titanium Magnetic Hematite Rings

Wood Counter Display Merchandising Deal

RF120D . . . .$49.80

• GJMB600 Wood Display with purple ring pad, 8 ¼” x 7 ⁵/8” x 4 ½” including sign, holds 36 rings, $13.00

• FREE 4 Atomized Titanium Magnetic Hematite Rings to offset cost of display at $3.45 SRP

• 32 RF120 Atomized Titanium Magnetic Hematite Rings, assorted sizes, $1.15 ea., $36.80

Hematite Bands, 3mm, assorted sizes 4-11 RB112. . . .35¢ ea., $25.20/72ct. bag

Hematite Bands, 3mm

Wood Counter Display Merchandising Deal

RB112D . . . .$33.65

• GJMB600 Wood Display with purple ring pad, 8 ¼” x 7 ⁵/8” x 4 ½” including sign, holds 36 rings, $13.00

• FREE 13 Hematite Bands, 3mm to offset cost of display at $1.05 SRP

• 59 RB112 Hematite Bands, 3mm, assorted sizes, .35¢ ea., $20.65


Love Beads

Tumbled gemstone chips and small, gold-colored beads, 12 per pack

LB101 . . . .$2.50 ea., $30.00/ 12ct. pack

Glassy Beads

Assorted colors and styles, 12 per pack

GBN101. . . .$2.50 ea., $30.00/12ct. pack

Love Beads Hang Tag Necklace Counter Merchandising Deal

LB100H . . . .$120.50

• JDH21 XTall Hang Tag Necklace Counter Display, 9 pegs, 7 ⁵/8” x 28 ½” tall including sign, $48.00

• FREE 7 LB101 Love Beads to offset cost of display at $7.50 SRP

• 29 LB101 Love Beads with hang tags, $2.50 ea., $72.50

FREE pre-priced, full-color stock or custom hang tags with combined order of $300.00 or more

Glassy Beads Hang Tag Necklace Counter Merchandising Deal

GBN100H. . . .$120.50

• JDH21 XTall Hang Tag Necklace Counter Display, 9 pegs, 7 5/8” x 28 ½” tall including sign, $48.00

• FREE 7 GBN101 Glassy Beads to offset cost of display at $7.50 SRP

• 29 GBN101 Glassy Beads with hang tags, $2.50 ea., $72.50

FREE pre-priced, full-color stock or custom hang tags with combined order of $300.00 or more

273 

GS102 -Citrine

GS114 - Black Onyx

GS106 - Garnet

GS117 - Green Aventurine

GS113 - Jasper

GS139 - Leopardskin

Gemstone Strands, 36” Continuous strands, 12 different semi-precious gemstones GS102-GS139. . . .$3.00 ea.

Gemstone Strands, 36" continuous strands, assorted colors Crackle Quartz GS142. . . .$3.00 ea., $36.00/ 12 ct. pack

Gemstone Strands Hang Tag Necklace Counter Merchandising Deal

GS200H. . . .$138.00

• JDH21 XTall Hang Tag Necklace Counter Display, 9 pegs, 7 ⁵/8” x 28 ½” tall including sign, $48.00

• FREE 6 Gemstone Strands to offset cost of display at $8.99 SRP

• 30 GS102-GS139 Gemstone Strands with hang tags, assorted, $3.00 ea., $90.00 FREE pre-priced, full-color stock or custom hang tags with combined order of $300.00 or more


Teardrop Crackle Quartz Necklace and Bracelet Counter Merchandising Deal

CQ100 . . . .$157.40

• JDW401 Necklace & Bracelet Duo Counter Display, 8” x 8” x 19 ½”including sign, $55.00

• FREE 2 CQ101 Necklaces to offset cost of display at $30.60 SRP

• 6 CQ101 Teardrop Crackle Quartz Necklaces, asst. colors, adjustable silver clasp, $10.20 ea., $61.20

• 8 CQ201 Teardrop Crackle Quartz Bracelet, asst. colors, $5.15 ea., $41.20

Teardrop Crackle Quartz Necklace With clasp, multicolor, 16” long CQ101

$10.20 ea.

Teardrop Crackle Quartz Stretch Bracelet, multicolor CQ201

$5.15 ea.

Daisy Chain Beadwork Necklaces and Bracelets Merchandising Deal

BJ005 . . . .$172.80

Daisy Chain Beadwork Necklace 25" chain, assorted colors, clasp closure 3-68 $3.65 ea.

Daisy Chain Beadwork Bracelet 8" long, assorted colors, clasp closure 3-69 . . . $2.55 ea.

• JDW401 “T” duo necklace/bracelet counter display, $55.00

• FREE 3 Daisy Chain Necklaces (3-68) to offset cost of display at $10.95 SRP

• FREE 3 Daisy Chain Bracelets (3-69) to offset cost of display at $7.65 SRP

• 19 Daisy Chain Necklaces(3-68), $3.65 ea., $69.35

• 19 Daisy Chain Bracelets (3-69), $2.55 ea., $48.45

. . . . .
275 
. . . .


Magnetic Hematite Stretch Bracelet Counter Merchandising Deal

BB4010. . . . $155.35

• KC500 Bracelet Counter Display, 8” x 9” x 8”, $29.00

FREE 11 Magnetic Hematite Stretch Bracelets (BB401), 4mm assorted styles to offset cost of display at $2.85 SRP

133 Magnetic Hematite Stretch Bracelets (BB401), 4mm assorted styles, 95¢ ea., $126.35

Magnetic Hematite Stretch Bracelets - 4mm beads

Round, cone, and disc shapes, 24 per pack, assorted BB401 . . . . 95¢ ea., $22.80/24ct pack

Individual bracelets not available with hang tags

Magnetic Hematite Stretch Bracelet, set of 3 Assorted styles with hang tag, pre-priced bar code BB401H. . . . . $3.10 ea.

Buffalo Bone Stretch Bracelet, 8mm beads

Assorted styles, 12 per pack

BB117 . . . . $2.30 ea., $27.60/12ct pack

Buffalo Bone Bead Stretch Bracelet Counter Merchandising Deal

BB1170. . . . $127.90

• KC500 Bracelet Counter Display, 8” x 9” x 8”, $29.00

• FREE 5 Buffalo Bone Bead Stretch Bracelets (BB117) to offset cost of display at $6.90 SRP

• 43 Buffalo Bone Bead Stretch Bracelets (BB117) $2.30 ea., $98.90


40-3003 $2.25 ea. Many Moods Choker

40-3002 . . . . $2.00 ea. Many Moods Bracelet/Anklet

Many Moods Merchandising Deal MM001 . . . . $105.75

• R4030 counter display, 8 ½” x 3” x 14”, $59.00

• FREE 5 Many Mood Bracelets/Anklets (40-3002) to offset cost of display at $6.00 SRP

• FREE 5 Many Mood Chokers (40-3003) to offset cost of display at $6.75 SRP

• 11 Many Moods Bracelets/Anklet (40-3002), $2.00 ea., $22.00

• 11 Many Moods Chokers (40-3003), $2.25 ea., $24.75

Changes color to reflect the wearer’s mood.

Amber = brave

Amber-green = troubled spirit

Blue-green = peace

Green = healer

Dark blue = harmony

Black = fearful

Hand Chipped Replica Agate Arrowhead Hang Tag Necklace with Clasp Counter Merchandising Deal

GJ1100H . . . .$138.00

• JDH13 Short Counter Wood Hang Tag Necklace Display, 8 ½” dia x 20 ½” including sign, $45.00

• FREE 10 GJ110 Hand Chipped Replica Arrowhead Necklace with Clasp to offset cost of display at $4.50 SRP

• 62 GJ110 Hand Chipped Replica Arrowhead Necklace with Clasp, $1.50 ea., $93.00 FREE pre-priced, full-color stock or custom hang tags with combined order of $300.00 or more

Replica Agate Arrowhead Necklaces, Hand Chipped Black faux leather cord with clasp, 36 per package

GJ110 . . . .$1.50 ea., $54.00/36ct pack


Hand-chipped Replica Fancy Agate and Jasper Arrowhead Necklaces

1 ½” - 2”, 12 per pack

AW102 . . . .$1.75 ea., $21.00/ 12ct. pack


Rock Crystal Rose Quartz

Hand-chipped Replica Quartz

Gemstone Arrowhead Necklaces

1 ½” - 2”, 12 per pack

AW103 . . . . $2.50 ea., $30.00/12ct. pack

Hand Chipped Quartz Crystal & Rose Quartz Arrowhead Hang Tag Necklace

Counter Merchandising Deal

AW300H . . . . $173.50

Hand Chipped Agate Arrowhead Hang Tag Necklace Counter Merchandising Deal

AW200H . . . .$135.25

• JDH15 Med Counter Wood Hang Tag Necklace Display, 8 ½” dia. x 22 ½” including sign, $46.00

• FREE 9 AW102 Hand Chipped Arrowhead Necklace to offset cost of display at $5.25 SRP

• 51 AW102 Hand Chipped Arrowhead Necklace, $1.75 ea., $89.25 FREE pre-priced, full-color stock or custom hang tags with combined order of $300.00 or more

• JDH15 Med Counter Wood Hang Tag Necklace Display, 8 ½” dia. x 22 ½” including sign, $46.00

• FREE 9 AW103 Hand Chipped Quartz Crystal & Rose Quartz Arrowhead Necklace to offset cost of display at $5.50 SRP

• 51 AW103 Hand Chipped Quartz Crystal & Rose Quartz Arrowhead Necklace, $2.50 ea., $127.50 FREE pre-priced, full-color stock or custom hang tags with combined order of $300.00 or more


Agate Titanium Arrowhead Necklaces Counter Merchandising Deal AW700H . . . .$143.35

• JDH18 Hang Tag Necklace Display, Tall, 8 ½” dia. x 24 ½” including sign, 9 pegs, holds up to 54 necklaces, $47.00

• FREE 7 AW102T Agate Titanium Arrowhead Necklaces to offset cost of display at $7.05 SRP

• 41 AW102T Agate Titanium Arrowhead Necklaces, $2.35 ea., $96.35

Necklace, Agate Titanium Arrowhead AW102T . . . .$2.35

Carved Feather Replica Necklace, 3”, 12 per pack AW101F . . . .$2.20 ea., $26.40/ 12ct. pack

279 

Beadwork Magnetic Bracelets

3-70 Beadwork Magnetic Bracelet . . . .$66.00, $5.50 ea. Pack of 12, 7 ½" long, assorted colors, Magnetic gold or silver closure
Magnetic Clasp 280
Bali 3-Row Bracelet Display, 10” x 9” x 17” including sign, JDW501 . . . .$69.00 Order bracelets separately 2-row Display for Bracelets JDW100 - cherry wood
. . . .$25.00 ea.

Sachem Dream Catcher Necklaces with Hang Tags Counter Merchandising Deal AW600H . . . . $175.60

• JDH15 Med Counter Wood Hang Tag Necklace Display, 8 ½” x 22 ½” including sign, $46.00

Sachem Dream Catcher Necklace, Pinwheel, assorted colors, 30” chain, 12 per pack AW121 . . . $4.05 ea., $48.60/12ct. pack

Sachem Dream Catcher Necklace, Traditional, assorted colors, 30” chain, 12 per pack AW122 . . . $4.05 ea., $48.60/12ct. pack

• FREE 4 AW121 Pinwheel Sachem Dream Catcher Necklaces to offset cost of display at $12.15 SRP

• 8 AW121 Pinwheel Sachem Dream Catcher Necklaces, $4.05 ea., $32.40

• 12 AW122 Traditional Sachem Dream Catcher Necklaces, $4.05 ea., $48.60

• 12 AW123 Star Sachem Dream Catcher Necklaces, $4.05 ea., $48.60 FREE pre-priced, full-color stock or custom hang tags with combined order of $300.00 or more

Sachem Dream Catcher Necklace, Star, assorted colors, 30” chain, 12 per pack AW123 . . . $4.05 ea., $48.60/12ct. pack

281 

Shoshone Silver Jewelry is made in America’s southwest, fashioned from sterling silver and gemstones such as turquoise, malachite, opal, amethyst, lapis lazuli, jasper, rose quartz, coral, charoite and mother of pearl. Each piece is polished to prevent tarnish. Necklaces are 16" long, anklets are 9" and bracelets are 7".

Merchandising deals are shown on page 120.

Every Shoshone Silver item includes a bar coded hang tag with item number and description. Add a retail price on the back of the hang tag for FREE! Specify 2X, 2.5X, or 3X markup when you order.

All earrings shipped on peggable cards.

Inlay Square
35-1019 $16.30
Coral Square Cabochon Post Earrings 35-2006
Drum Bead Necklace 35-1027
ea. Red Coral Oval Cabochon Dangle Earrings 35-2012 $15.10 ea. Silver Dream Catcher & Feather w/ Turquoise Small Dangle Earrings 35-2029 $7.15 ea. 282
Turquoise & Gemstone
ea. Red
Turquoise Nugget Necklace 35-1024 $9.20 ea. Turquoise/Red Coral/Black Onyx Round Bead Necklace 35-1012 $9.20 ea. Silver Feathers Necklace 35-1035 $14.30 ea. Turquoise Drum Bead and Silver Cross Necklace 35-1045 $14.30 ea. Silver Dream Catcher & Feather w/Coral Small Necklace 35-1013 $13.25 ea. Silver Dream Catcher & Feather w/Turquoise Small Necklace 35-1032 $13.25 ea.
283 
Silver Dream Catcher & Feather w/Turquoise Large Necklace 35-1033 $14.30 ea.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
35-2085 Turquoise Drum Bead Three Twig Dangle Earrings $11.20 ea.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
35-2083 Cross Black Onyx Round Cabochon Dangle Earrings $13.25 ea.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
35-2084 Cross Denim Lapis Round Cabochon Dangle Earrings $13.25 ea.
. . . . . . . . .
35-1058 Turquoise Nugget/Wood,Coral,Black Onyx Drum Bead Necklace $9.20 ea.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
35-1067 Silver Zuni Bear with Turquoise Drum Beads Necklace $11.75 ea.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
35-1053 Silver Kokopelli with Turquoise Drum Beads Necklace $13.25 ea.
. . . . . . . . . . . . .
35-1051 Silver Dream Catcher w/Turquoise Round Beads Necklace $15.30 ea.
35-2083 $13.25
35-1067 $11.75
35-2084 $13.25 Shoshone Silver Jewelry
35-1053 $13.25 35-1051 $15.30
35-2085 $11.20
35-2048 $12.25
35-1009 $16.65 35-1010 $19.40 35-2061 $14.30
35-2069 $11.20 35-2055 $13.25
35-2018 $5.10
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $16.65 ea. 35-2048 Pink Mother of Pearl Square Cabochon Post Earrings . . . . . . . . $12.25 ea. 35-1010 Amethyst Oval Cabochon Necklace . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $19.40 ea. 35-2018 Denim Lapis Small Dot Cabochon Post Earrings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $5.10 ea. 35-2061 Denim Lapis Oval Cabochon Post Earrings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $14.30 ea. 35-2069 Malachite Round Flower Cabochon Post Earrings . . . . . . . . . . . $11.20 ea. 35-2055 Amethyst Round Cabochon Post Earrings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $13.25 ea. 35-1005 $16.30 35-1003 $15.80 35-2058 $15.80 35-1005 Opal Diamond Shape Cabochon Necklace . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $16.30 ea. 35-1003 Turtle Opal Round Cabochon Necklace . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $15.80 ea. 35-2058 Pink Opal Oval Silver Rope Frame Post Earrings . . . . . . . . . . $15.80 ea. 284
35-1009 Pink Mother of Pearl Oval Necklace
35-1050 Black Onyx & Garnet Double Round Cabochon Necklace . . . . . . . . . $16.10 ea. 35-2076 Black Onyx & Garnet Double Round Cabochon Dangle Earrings . . . $15.30 ea. 35-1060 Turquoise and Gemstone Inlay Round Flower Necklace . . . . . . . . . . $15.80 ea. 35-2087 Red Opal Oval Cabochon Dangle Earrings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $16.30 ea. 35-1066 White Opal Oval Cabochon Necklace . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $16.30 ea. 35-1065 Red Opal Sun Cabochon Necklace . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $16.30 ea. 35-1055 Bear Track Turquoise & Two Feather Necklace . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $14.30 ea. 35-1049 Pink Mother of Pearl Diamond Shaped Cabochon Necklace . . . . . . . $14.30 ea. 35-1048 Curved Path Chaoite Oval Cabochon Necklace . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $17.85 ea. 35-2074 Curved Path Chaoite Oval Cabochon Dangle Earrings . . . . . . . . . . . . $17.35 ea. 35-1063 Red Opal & Black Onyx Double Cabochon Necklace . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $19.40 ea. 35-2088 Red Opal & Black Onyx Double Cabochon Dangle Earrings . . . . . . . . $21.40 ea. 35-2077 Turquoise Nugget & Wood Drum Bead Dangle Earrings . . . . . . . . . . $11.20 ea. 35-2075 Pink Mother of Pearl Diamond Shaped Earrings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $15.10 ea. hoshone Silver Jewelry 35-1050 $16.10 35-2076 $15.30 35-1060 $15.80 35-2087 $16.30 35-1066 $16.30 35-1065 $16.30 35-1055 $14.30 35-1049 $14.30 35-1048 $17.85 35-2074 $17.35 35-1063 $19.40 35-2088 $21.40 35-2077 $11.20 285   
35-1043 Garnet Round Bead Necklace . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $9.20 ea. 35-3020 Silver Round Bead Anklet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $6.10 ea. 35-1030 Silver Round Bead Necklace . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $13.25 ea. 35-1042 Amethyst Round Bead Necklace . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $9.20 ea. 35-1036 Black Onyx Round Four Bead Necklace . . . . . . . . $9.20 ea. 35-3023 Black Onyx Round Four Bead Anklet . . . . . . . . . . $6.10 ea. 35-1037 Denim Lapis Round Bead Necklace . . . . . . . . . . . $9.20 ea. 35-3007 Denim Lapis Round Bead Anklet . . . . . . . . . . . . . $6.10 ea. 35-3008 Hematite Round Bead Bracelet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $5.10 ea. 35-3010 Pearl Bead Bracelet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$5.10 ea. 35-2072 Hematite Scalloped Edge Cabochon Post Earrings . . . . $11.20 ea. 35-2067 Black Onyx Round Cabochon Post Earrings . . . . . . . . . . $16.30 ea. 35-1043 $9.20 35-3020 $6.10 35-1030 $13.25 35-1042 $9.20 35-1036 $9.20 35-3023 $6.10 35-1037 $9.20 35-3007 $6.10 35-3008 $5.10 35-3010 $5.10 35-2072 $11.20 35-2067 $16.30 Shoshone Silver Jewelry 286



Teakwood Display

• Beautiful, hand-carved intricate design

• Made from 100% Teakwood

• Holds 96 hex boxes, 20 sticks per hex box

• Fill the bottom with your chosen incense holders

Incense Teakwood Counter Merchandising Deal

IN1000 . . . .$631.25

• IN500 Teakwood Incense Counter Display, 15” x 19 ½” x 27”, $350

• FREE 141 Hex Boxes Incense to offset cost of display at $2.49 SRP

• 195 Hex Boxes Incense, 20 sticks per hex box, 85¢ ea., $165.75

• 4 IN203 Mango Wood Dugout Stick Incense Holder, 3 3/4” x 10 3/4” x 7/8”, $7.90 ea., $31.60

• 6 IN202 Mango Wood Stick Incense Holder, 1 3/8” x 9 ⁷/8”, $1.30 ea., $7.80

• 1 SS211 Tree of Life Ball Soapstone

Tea Light Holder, $6.70 ea.

• 1 SS210 Paisley Ball Soapstone

Tea Light Holder, $6.70 ea.

• 1 SS207 Sun Pyramid Soapstone

Tea Light Holder, $11.75 ea.

• 1 SS209 Star Pyramid Soapstone

Tea Light Holder, $11.75 ea.

• 4 IN206 Tree of Life 4” round Soapstone Stick Incense Holder, $4.90 ea., $19.60

• 4 IN207 Sun 4” round Soapstone Stick Incense Holder, $4.90 ea., $19.60




Capstone Esoterica® incense sticks and fragrances were created exclusively for Capstone Esoterica® by a small maker of incense in India using 80% natural essential oils.

Relaxing and healing fragrances of Palo Santo, Sacred Sage, Lemongrass and 11 other aromatherapy fragrances.

20 9” long bamboo incense sticks per hexagon shaped box.

6 hexagon shaped boxes per outer box

Each stick’s burn time is approximately one hour.


20 stick Hex Box: 85¢ ea., $5.10/pk6

Musk’s intense, earthy fragrance has been valued for centuries for its ability to dispel odors and create an atmosphere that refreshes the senses. Though originally extracted from deer, musk scent is now derived from plant sources, making it more ecologically friendly and sustainable. This alluring, romantic aroma is widely used as a base note in perfumes and has long been known to promote feelings of harmony and tranquility. NS101 NS102

Fragrant, dark resinous oodh (or agarwood) is formed in the heartwood of the rare aquilaria tree. Its complex aroma is described as woody with sweet fruity-floral overtones, infused with notes of vanilla and musk. A significant part of cultural and religious practices since ancient times, oodh is described in written texts dating back to 1400 BC.

Oodh is believed to calm both spirit and body, remove negative energies, and improve mental clarity. It is said that prayers rise to heaven with the smoke of this incense. NS103

Arudha means the risen one, to ascend, and to attain. This incense, one of the most popular in India, is often used to purify and bless the environment, objects or people. It has a cleansing and calming energy that helps release emotional burdens. Use Arudha incense simply for the inviting, refreshing aura it creates, or for the enhancement of meditation, lifting up prayers and finding strength for the attainment of spiritual goals.


20 stick Hex Box: 85¢ ea., $5.10/pk6


Incense made from Dragon’s Blood resin is harvested from the “tears” of the Dragon Tree as the garnet-red fluid seeps from its wounded trunk or branches. It is known to have been traded to ancient Europe via the Incense Route which flourished from 700 BC to 200 AD.

Incense made from Dragon’s Blood resin has been used in rituals and ceremonies for millennia to cleanse a space of negative influences and strengthen one’s spiritual core. Its rich, somewhat sweet scent is earthy with notes of vanilla and spices.


The Holy Wood (or “Palo Santo”) tree is native to South America’s tropical dry forests. Its fragrant resin was used by the Incas for medicinal purposes and in rituals for spiritual purification.

Incense made from Palo Santo resin has a scent similar to baked apples or burnt sugar. It is said to have a cleansing effect on the body and mind, clearing negative thoughts and bad energy while bringing good luck.


Golden Amber’s blend of ingredients has a sweet and spicy fragrance with smoky undertones. Sensual florals intertwine with a warm, musky aroma to create a sense of restfulness and calm. It is used by many to decrease anxiety and stimulate creativity.

Amber has long been an important ceremonial element in religions such as Hinduism, Buddhism and Christianity, but is used in secular practice as well to focus the senses and uplift the spirit.


20 stick Hex Box: 85¢ ea., $5.10/pk6

Black crystals are intriguing and mysterious. Since ancient times, they have been used for protection, healing, and a shield against negative forces.

Just as black crystals are felt to have the power to impart wisdom and truth, give protection and to heal emotional wounds, let black tourmaline incense help you connect with your higher self and achieve a positive state of self-assurance.


This popular herb, found in tropical regions of the world, has a bright, lemon-like scent that is refreshing and invigorating. Lemongrass essential oil has been used effectively in treating a wide range of health conditions, but is also known to have beneficial aromatherapeutic properties when burned as incense. Rejuvenating and uplifting, lemongrass can relieve stress and nervousness, improving mental clarity. When feeling restless, it can be used to invoke a spirit of calm which helps to promote peaceful sleep.


Since ancient times, sage has been used in spiritual rituals by many cultures around the world. It is felt to be purifying, physically and spiritually. Sacred Sage (or white sage) is often used by healers to connect to the spiritual realm, aid in ridding a space of negativity, including past trauma, and establish a clean environment for meditation. Research studies have found that sacred sage is rich in compounds that activate receptors in the brain to elevate mood levels and reduce stress.


20 stick Hex Box: 85¢ ea., $5.10/pk6


For many, the spicy-sweet scent of cinnamon evokes happy memories of favorite foods and holiday celebrations. In ancient days, however, cinnamon was a rare and valuable commodity, prized by nobility. Flavorful and aromatic, this versatile spice has powerful medicinal properties as well, with many health and beauty benefits.

The use of cinnamon in aromatherapy has been known to reduce depression, creating an aura of contentment and relaxation. Cinnamon also is linked to passion, protection, luck and prosperity.


The lotus flower has sacred meaning for many people, symbolizing purity, beauty and perfection. Its alluring, floral aroma brings tranquility and awareness, and is beneficial for those who seek spiritual growth.

More than just a flower, jasmine signifies prosperity, love, beauty, purity and forgiveness. Blooming only at night, its sweet, intoxicating fragrance awakens romance and inspires a sense of poetry. Jasmine’s essence is pleasing and uplifting, bringing forth positive energy and happiness.

Together, their intoxicating fragrances inspire poetry and romance, and instill a sense of tranquility, awareness and happiness.


Cedar trees represent holiness, eternity, strength and peace. They hold religious significance in many faiths and have been considered by many cultures to possess divine attributes. Historically, the wood of cedar trees was desired by both gods and kings to build their cities and temples, ships and shrines.

Cedarwood aromatherapy brings the majesty and beauty of a cedar forest into your space. Meditation inspired by cedarwood incense can enhance intuition and imagination, bolster self-confidence and stimulate creativity. When calm and composure are desired, the soothing, woodsy fragrance transports you to a place of harmony.


20 stick Hex Box: 85¢ ea., $5.10/pk6


For millennia, frankincense and myrrh have been valued not only for their use in religious ceremonies and funeral rites, but in hundreds of practical applications as well. They are still used today as natural remedies for wounds, inflammation and pain, and even some chronic illnesses. Two of the magi’s gifts to the Christ child – frankincense and myrrh - when burned as incense, create a powerful, tantalizing blend that aids prayer and strengthens the bond between heaven and earth. With the warm fragrance of these exotic spices, worry is released and a sense of well-being and spiritual awakening can be achieved.


Lavender & Thyme are two of the most popular aromatic and medicinal plants in the world today. Highly regarded for their benefits in skin health and beauty products, rosemary and lavender also are known to have anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties. Both are used as safe, natural methods to deter harmful insects. In aromatherapy, lavender promotes relaxation and more restful sleep. Thyme is associated with vigor, spirit and courage. Together, these intensely fresh floral and herbal fragrances will soothe your mind and help you reconnect to your strength.

Mango Wood Dugout Incense Holder IN203. . . . $7.90 ea. Mango Wood Incense Holder IN202. . . . $1.30 ea. Obsidian Incense Holder IN208. . . . $19.00 ea. Shesham Wood Incense Holder, assorted IN201. .
. .
$1.20 ea. Soapstone Carved Tree of Life Incense Holder color enhanced, red & green, 4” IN206. . . . $4.90 ea.
Soapstone Carved Sun Incense Holder color enhanced, red & green, 4” IN207. . . . $4.90 ea.

healing invigorating refreshing comforting soothing relaxing

• 8.5 ounces of gemstones and 100% soybean wax

• Burn time up to 55 hours

• Dimensions: 3 ¼" dia x 3 5/8" tall

• The combination wood and cotton wick provides a true-to-life crackling sound and dependable, continuous flame.

• 15.5 ounces of gemstones and 100% soybean wax

• Burn time up to 95 hours

• Dimensions: 4" dia x 3 5/8" tall

• The triple flames are beautiful and a very popular feature that also ensures an even burn across the candle.


gemlights gemlights™

Capstone Esoterica's® Gemlight™ Candles are available in 6 aromatherapy fragrances with matching gemstones selected to complement those benefits. Hand-poured with 100% natural soybean wax with either a combination crackling wood and cotton wick or a triple cotton wick. After burning the candles, remove the stones and polish with a soft cloth.

Benefits of using 100% Soybean Wax

Gemlight™ Candles:

• Burns clean with no toxins

• Renewable, biodegradable resource

• Burns cooler and lasts 30-50% longer than a petroleum wax candle

Gemlights™ & Arôme Floor Merchandising Deal

GC1000 . . . . $937.20

• JL700 Floor Cupboard, distressed light gray wood finish with four adjustable glass shelves and four rows of hooks, 20 ¼” x 8 3/4” x 65 ¼”, $395.00

• FREE 6 Medium Gemlights™ Candles to offset cost of display at $25.00 SRP

• FREE 7 Large Gemlights™ Candles to offset cost of display at $35.00 SRP

• 18 GC201-GC206 Medium Gemlights™ Candles, assorted fragrances, $12.00 ea., $216.00

• 5 GC301-GC306 Large Gemlights™ Candles, assorted fragrances, $17.00 ea., $85.00

• 48 WM114-WM119 Arôme Wax Melts, assorted fragrances, $2.90 ea., $139.20

• 24 TE114-TE119 Arôme Tea Lights, 6ct. assorted fragrances, $4.25 ea., $102.00


Medium, 8.5 oz - $12.00 ea., $48.00/4ct case assorted

Honey & Amber

Amethyst Gemstone with Amethyst Pieces GC203

Lime & Mintleaf

Jade Gemstone with Green Calcite Pieces GC206


Citrine Gemstone with Orange Calcite Pieces GC205

gemlights gemlights™

Bath Petals

Bergamot & Ginger

Rose Quartz Gemstone with Rose Quartz Pieces GC202

Lavender & Cedarwood

Carefully remove your stones and polish with a soft cloth.

™ Medium, 8.5 oz - $12.00 ea., $48.00/4ct case assorted
Lapis Luzuli Gemstone with Blue Calcite Pieces GC201
Sodalite Gemstone with Blue Calcite Pieces GC204

Honey & Amber

Amethyst Gemstone with Amethyst Pieces GC303

Lime & Mintleaf

Jade Gemstone with Green Calcite Pieces GC306


Citrine Gemstone with Orange Calcite Pieces GC305

Large, 15.5 oz - $17.00 ea., $68.00/4ct case assorted gemlights gemlights™
™ Large, 15.5 oz - $17.00 ea., $68.00/4ct case assorted Carefully remove your stones and polish with a soft cloth.
Bergamot & Ginger Rose Quartz Gemstone with Rose Quartz Pieces GC302
Bath Petals
Lapis Luzuli Gemstone with Blue Calcite Pieces GC301
Lavender & Cedarwood Sodalite Gemstone with Blue Calcite Pieces GC304

Wax Melts • Tea Lights

• 100% Soybean Wax in 6 aromatherapy fragrances

• Burns clean with no toxins

• Renewable, biodegradable resource

• Burns cooler and lasts 30-50% longer than a petroleum wax candle

Lemongrass WM114 Lime & Mintleaf WM115 Honey & Amber WM116 Bath Petals WM117 Bergamot & Ginger WM118 Lavender & Cedarwood WM119 $2.90 ea., $69.60/24ct case assorted 303
Wax Melts
Lemongrass TE114 Lime & Mintleaf TE115 Honey & Amber TE116 Bath Petals TE117 Bergamot & Ginger TE118 Lavender & Cedarwood TE119 Tea Lights $4.25 ea., $102.00/24ct case assorted 304

Mini Double Hung, Hand Dipped Taper Candle

Counter Merchandising Deal

MC5000. . . .$310.55

• MC500 Mini Double Hung Taper Candle Counter Display, 3 Rows with 8 pegs, 14”x 14”x 32”, holds 144 pr., $165.00

• FREE 56 Mini Double Hung Taper Candles to offset cost of display at $2.99 SRP

• 7 Double Hung Mini Taper Candles, $1.25/pr., $8.75

• 48 Double Hung Tiny Taper Candles, 45¢/pr., $21.60

• 48 Double Hung Chubby Taper Candles, $2.40/pr., $115.20

Double Hung, Hand-Dipped Taper Candle

Counter Merchandising Deal

C5000. . . . $321.70

• C500 9” Double Hung Taper Candle Counter Display, 2 Rows with 5 pegs, 14” x 14” x 34”, holds 60 pair, $170.00

• FREE 19 pair double hung 9” tapers to offset cost of display at $8.99 SRP

• 41 9” Double Hung Taper Candles, assorted, $3.70/pr, $151.70

305 

Each 9” taper is dipped by hand more than 30 times!


Standard Tapers, bulk, ⅞” x 9”

Chubby Tapers, bulk, ⅞” x 6”

Mini Tapers, bulk, ½” x 6” .

Tiny Tapers, bulk, 1/4” x 4”

Order in multiples of 6 pairs per color, per size


Double hung, 2 tapers connected by one wick



7/8” 1/4”
taper candle pictured
. . . . . .
. .$3.70/pair
. . . . . .
. . . $2.40/pair
. . . . .
. . . .
. . . $1.25/pair
. . . . .
. . . . . .
. . 45¢/pair

Dipped by hand, one layer at a time, creating the signature bottom drips are created that indicate a hand-dipped candle. The tapers are double hung by the wick for the hand-dipping process and sold in pairs to maintain the authenticity of a hand-dipped candle. Each taper burns dripless at a rate of about 1” per hour.

Lily White C104 CC104 MC104 TC104

Maroon C107 CC107 MC107 TC107

Red C111 CC111 MC111 TC111

Colonial Blue C201 CC201 MC201 TC201

Dusty Rose C203 CC203 MC203 TC203

Blueberry C204 CC204 MC204 TC204

Peach C205 CC205 MC205 TC205

Creme C207 CC207 MC207 TC207

Eucalyptus C213 CC213 MC213 TC213

Plum C217 CC217 MC217 TC217

Black C218 CC218 MC218

Amethyst C219 CC219 MC219 TC219

Blueberry Colonial Blue Dusty Rose Pine Green Lily White Maroon Red Peach Creme Eucalyptus Plum Black Amethyst
Color Standard $3.70/pr. Chubby $2.40/pr. Mini $1.25/pr. Tiny 45¢/pr.
Dipped by hand at Squire Boone Village near Corydon, Indiana.
C103 CC103 MC103 TC103

Terra Lights with Cut and Polished Faces

(Votives and tea lights not included)






Face Onyx votive/tea light holder TL110B . .
. .
$13.50 ea. Face Rock Crystal Votive/tea light holder TL170
. . .
$13.50 ea. Face Agate votive/tea light holder
TL105B . . . .
$13.50 ea. Face Sodalite votive/tea light holder TL164
. . . .
$16.30 ea. Face Rose Quartz Votive tea light holder TL169.
. . .
$13.50 ea. Made with agate slices, assorted colors
. . . . . . . . . . . .
.$7.50 ea. Shadow Terra Lights
TL156 - Frog
TL152 - Double Kokopelli

Marble Terra Lights

Fits most standard taper candles. Taper candles are not included.

Marble Pipe Organ Terra Lights, set of 3 matching 2 1/4” dia. x 2 ¾” / 3 ½” / 4 ½” tall, assorted colors TL190 . .
. .
. .
Marble Square Tall tea light holder 2 ¾” x 4” TL136
$11.60 ea. Marble Freeform tea light holder Small, 2 ½” x 1 ½” TL126 . .
. $3.50 ea. Marble Cylinder tea light holder 2 1/4” x 1 ¾” TL129. . . . $4.60 ea. Marble Black and White Short Cylinder Tea light holder, 2 ½” x 2” TL140 .
. .
. $6.90 ea.
Marble Black and White Tall Cylinder Tea light holder, 2” x 3 ⅛” TL141.
$9.20 ea. Marble Triangle Triple tealight holder 5 ½” x 2” TL303B.
. . .
$27.50 ea. Marble Pottery-look Terra Light Double Tea Light shape with grooves 3 ¾” x 3 ¾” TL189B. . . . $11.60 ea. Marble Taper Candle Holder, Round TL145. . . . $6.50 ea.
309   
Marble Hexagon Tall Tea Light Holder TL137.
. . .
$9.20 ea.
Thick Slab Terra Lights
Agate Thick Slab tea light holder Mini, approx. 31/2” dia. TL188 . .
. . $15.75 ea.
Orchid Calcite Thick Slab tea light holder TL185. . . . $18.90 ea. Rose Quartz Thick Slab tea light holder TL184. . . . $18.90 ea.
. . . .
Orange Calcite Thick Slab tea light holder TL187 $18.90 ea. Agate Thick Slab tea light holder TL114B . . . . $18.90 ea.
Hand Polished Freeform Terra Lights
Zebra Jasper Thick Slab tea light holder TL183 . . . . $18.90 ea. Rock Crystal all polish tea light holder TL176. . . . $25.00 ea.
Agate Slice Flower Candle Holder large, Avg. 6” dia. TL191B. . . . $31.50 ea. Agate Slice Flower Candle Holder medium, Avg 4” dia. TL191A . . . . $23.75 ea. 310
Orange Calcite all polish votive/tea light holder TL115B.
. $25.00 ea. Onyx all polish votive/tea light holder TL120B $25.00 ea.

(Votives and tea lights not included)

Color Enhanced

Amethyst Crystal Terra Lights Amethyst Crystal Terra Lights Amethyst Crystal Points Sphere tea light holder TL106SM . . . . $35.50 ea. Amethyst Crystal votive/tea light holder Crystals face side TL159 . . . . $29.50 ea.
. . . . . . . . .
Amethyst Crystal tea light holder color enhanced emerald color TL181E
$25.00 ea. Amethyst Crystal tea light holder Crystals face up TL106B . . . . $29.50 ea. Amethyst Crystal tea light holder color enhanced purple color TL181P. . . . $25.00 ea. Amethyst Crystal tea light holder color enhanced sapphire color TL181S . . . . $25.00 ea. Quartz Crystal Cluster tea light holder, regular grade TL142B . . . . $35.00 ea. Quartz Crystal Cluster tea light holder, extra grade TL142X . . . . $51.00 ea. Quartz Crystal Terra Lights
Amethyst Crystal tea light holder, color enhanced teal color TL181T . . . . $25.00 ea.
Pyramid Tea Light Holder, carved ivy 3 3/4” tall, 3 3/4” wide, approx. 1 lb. 7oz.each SS208 . . . . $11.75 ea. Pyramid Tea Light Holder, carved star 3 13/16” tall, 3 13/16” wide, approx. 1 lb. 6oz.each SS209 . . . . $11.75 ea. Hand Carved Soapstone Terra Lights Hand carved in India Ball Tea Light Holder, carved iv 3” SS212 . . . . $6.70 ea. Pedestal Tea Light Holder, dark natural SS213. . . . $7.20 ea. Heart Candle Holder, natural soapstone, assorted patterns & colors 3 1/8” x 3 1/8” x 1 ⁵/8” SS201 . . . . $5.40 ea. Red Heart Candle Holder 3 1/8” x 3 1/8” x 1 ⁵/8” SS201P. . . . $5.40 ea. Dark Red Heart Candle Holder 3 1/8” x 3 1/8” x 1 ⁵/8” SS201R. . . . $5.40 ea. Star/Moon Ball Carved Soapstone Terra Light SA401. . . . $6.70 ea. Tree of Life Ball Carved Soapstone Terra Light SS211. . . . $6.70 ea. Paisley Ball Carved Soapstone Terra Light SS210 . . . . $6.70 ea. Pyramid Tea Light Holder, carved moon 3 13/16” tall, 3 13/16” wide, approx. 1 lb. 6oz.each SS206. . . . $11.75 ea. Pyramid Tea Light Holder,
sun 3 13/16” tall, 3 13/16” wide,
1 lb. 6oz.each SS207. . . . $11.75 ea. 312
Terra Lights with Natural Rough Finish Aventurine votive/tea light holder TL102B . . . . $13.00 ea. Rock Crystal votive / tea light holder, rough natural finish, large TL104B. . . . $13.00 ea. Rose Quartz tea light holder, small TL101BT. . . . $10.00 ea. Rose Quartz votive/tea light holder, lg. TL101B . . . . $13.00 ea. Votives and tea lights not included Carved Soapstone Wax Melters Tea Light Wax Melter, carved tree of life 3 ” dia. x 3 3/4” SS203. . . . $7.80 ea. Tea Light Wax Melter, carved ivy 3 ” dia. x 3 3/4” SS204. . . . $7.80 ea. Tea Light Wax Melter, square, carved leaf 3 ” x 3 ” x 3 ⁵/8" SS205. . . . $7.80 ea. 313

Gemstone Candle Holders

Tumbled Amethyst Candle Holder 3 ½” to 4" dia. x 1 ½” tall CH101B. . . . $20.00 ea. Amethyst Point Candle Holder 3 ½” to 4" dia. x 1 ½” tall CH101A . . . . $35.50 ea. Tumbled Crystal Quartz Candle Holder 3 ½” to 4" dia. x 1 ½” tall CH101D. . . . $20.00 ea. Tumbled Rose Quartz Candle Holder 3 ½” to 4" dia. x 1 ½” tall CH101C . . . . $20.00 ea.
Tumbled Crackle Quartz Candle Holder 3 ½” to 4" dia. x 1 ½” tall CH101E . . . . $20.00 ea.

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Articles inside


pages 271-275

Beadwork Magnetic Bracelets

pages 250-254


pages 246-249

Magnetic Hematite Rings

pages 242-245

Mood Rings

page 240

Mood Rings

page 239

Celestial Charms

pages 232-238

60 Compartment Display - Neck Cords with Clasp

page 224

ShOShONe Silver peNdaNTS

page 217

Walking Canes...$9.95 ea.

pages 191-193

Hand Carved Spirit Animal Hiking Sticks

pages 184-185

Andean Musical Instruments

pages 182-183

Native South American Made Andean Pottery

pages 177-181

Dream Catchers

pages 170-173

Dream Catchers & Mandalas

page 165


pages 142-145

A Beautiful Accessory that’s Worth its Salt

pages 139-142

Gemstone Baubles

pages 130-133

Agate Butterflies

pages 128-129

Extra Grade

pages 109-111

Gemstone Desktop Slabs Gemstone Desktop Slabs

pages 103-104

Replica Fossils - Cast from real fossils

pages 99-102

Replica Fossils - cast from real fossils

page 98

Quartz Crack Open Geodes from Mexico

pages 66-68

Crack Open Fossil Geodes from Morocco

page 64


pages 62-63

Cubic Pyrite Crystals

page 56


page 50


page 48

Unworked Gemstones by the Piece

pages 35-39, 41-42

Displays Ferromagnetic Stones by the Pound

page 11

Counter Displays Rocks by the Pound

page 10

Floor Displays Rocks by the Pound

page 9


page 4


page 2
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