Lenbrook Ledger January 2012

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CDs Going, Going … Is the Internet killing the CD? .. 2

It’s The End Of The World, And I Feel … Fine? Mayan ‘End Of Time’ Greeted With Fears, Sneers, & Cheers


You & Your Health Physical therapy uses touch, tech to get you back on your feet............ 3

Lenbrook Life .... 4 A Voice Dedicated To Sacred Music L­ enbrook resident Frank Boggs inspires with passion for singing . ............. 4

Crossword Puzzle ................ 4 Knock, Knock! ‘Concierge medicine’ brings the doctor to you . ... 5

Sudoku . ............. 5 Grandkids & Pets Mischief-makers melt your heart .................. 5

Easing Sibling Rivalry Grandparents can help families adjust to new arrival ................ 6

Discover ­Lenbrook Atlanta’s Finest Retirement Living................ 8

here seems to be no end to mankind’s fascination with The End. As suggested by some religious texts from the dawn of history, man has wondered about The End since, well, The Beginning. According to some, the ancient Mayan civilization of Central America predicted the world would end on December 21, 2012. A few years ago, the blockbuster disaster movie 2012 based its plot on that premise, with limited success. (It didn’t exactly set the world on fire.) It seems the Mayans, who thrived on the Yucatán peninsula before the arrival of the Spanish conquistadors, would typically use calendars based on 52-year cycles for normal use. But they also created a ‘long count’ calendar to keep track of events long passed and possibly those to occur many

years in the future as well. This ‘long count’ calendar would reach its last day on December 21, 2012, the date which would mark the ‘end of the world,’ some claimed. Scholars don’t give this idea much credence. Unlucky 13? “[T]his mesoamerican calendar … does not predict an apocalypse,” says Ian O’Neill, writing for Discovery News. “It never did, Did the ancient Mayans predict the ‘clock would despite what the movie 2012 run out’ for humanity on December 21, 2012? told us.” Scholars are skeptical. The end of the ‘long count’ calendar wouldn’t mark the Even if the calendar did mark ‘the end of the world, Ian explains. It end’, the date December 12, 2012 would simply mark the time to start a itself has been shown to be extremely new ‘long count’ calendar. SEE “MAYAN PROPHECY” ON P. 7

Tech Advances Holds Promise For Longer Lives, Sharp Minds by Tom Mann, cofounder of Mature Market Experts


ew technologies have made ‘now’ the most exciting time to be an older adult in history. Whether it’s the phenomenal number of innovative applications being developed for the smart phone, or the impressive strides in robotics and customized drugs, develop-

ments seem to be emerging from the pages of science fiction and becoming important fixtures in our homes.

But the new technologies which increase the power and versatility of computers — and the astounding advances in our understanding of the human brain — are even more amazing.

at Intel are working on a “brain sensing” chip that could allow an individual to control a TV, computer or robot simply by thinking about it. Experts say that this technology is 10-15 years away, but the San I Can Read Your Mind Francisco company that Scientists have recently designed a special headset, created an organic transisEmotiv, is already selling tor that mimics the way the them for $299. Based on synapses in our brains work. the latest developments in This organic transistor can neuro-technology, the comlead to a new generation pany claims to have develof neuro-inspired computoped a helmet device that ers, capable of responding can detect thoughts, feeling in a manner similar to the SEE “LONGEVITY” ON P. 2 nervous system … which in turn could lead us to logical computers. Researchers

‘Crooning’ Enjoys Revival

New Stars Find Audiences, Honor Sinatra Legend


ith smooth and velvety voices singing with lyrics that tell a story, crooners romance and entrance us like no other artists can. They’ve been doing it for years and the show goes on! From boomers to generation X and beyond, this musical style — perhaps best epitomized by the legendary Frank Sinatra — is enjoying a continual resurgence thanks to modern day stars like Harry Connick, Jr. and Michael

Bublé. Crooning’s early popularity grew in the 1930s when Bing Crosby and his smooth, soothing melodies impressed the musical world. Throughout the 1940s, 1950s, and 1960s, popular performers like Frank Sinatra, Dean Martin, and Nat King Cole established new standards for this beguiling music. Even a number of Elvis Presley hits fit comfortably in the genre of popular songs delivered in a soft, sentimental manner. SEE “VELVETY VOICES” ON P. 2

Lenbrook 3747 Peachtree Road NE Atlanta, GA 30319


Issue 4

The Lenbrook Ledger

Page 2

January 2012

Fans Flock To Hear Velvety Voices Of Connick, Bublé had released his first record with Columbia Records. His popularity But the more beat-heavy songs of Presley and others seized the popu- grew in 1989 when he scored his first movie, When Sally Met Harry. lar imagination in the late 1950s, Connick and Bublé have been and by the time the 1960s rolled criticized by some as Sinatra wanaround, crooning waned in popunabes, but over time they’ve devellarity. The Beatles and rock’n’roll oped their own style. became the signature musical style “All artists start out by copying for youth in that era. But it didn’t disappear, and today their inspirations,” says Bentley. “It’s difficult to be original today. it’s enjoying a resurgence. The greatest compliment to an artist Musical Genre Emerges From is when a newcomer wants to copy Hybernation a familiar sound. Eventually, they “There’s a regeneration of croon- all come into their own. “Tony Bennett opened the door ing from musical stars inspired by to modern Sinatra’s style, kids listenincluding Harry ing to Connick, Jr. Michael Bublé’s smooth crooners,” who came on vocal sound and big continues the scene about Bentley. ten years ago,” band renditions of old “He has says Bill BentSinatra songs helped his an artley, a 20-year istry and veteran of the popularity take flight. singing music industry voice that’s better than ever today. and publicist for Warner Brothers. He came back to the music scene Harry Connick Jr. is one of the significantly in his 60s and still has modern day singers who gained popularity among the younger set.” popularity with cover songs and Now 79, Bennett is regarded as then his own renditions of old a national treasure. Known for his standards. Connick began singing famous song, “I Left My Heart In and performing when he was five years old, and recorded his first jazz San Francisco,” today’s generation recognizes him as the one who sang album at ten. By the age of 20, he FROM “VELVETY VOICES” ON P. 1

with Bono, of the band U2. that today. There is less pressure to One of the more recent crooners identify with genres of the music. appealing to today’s generation of It’s all about what they like. A good music lovers is Canadian Michael crooner can appeal to multiple genBublé. His smooth vocal sound and erations. Bublé is that guy.” big band renditions of old Sinatra Bentley hopes older fans of songs helped his popularity take music take advantage of the same flight. His 2003 release of a selfready access to the wide variety titled album included such stanof musical styles they enjoy that dards as “For Once in My Life” and younger people have found on the “Come Fly with Me.” According to web. his publicist, his albums have sold “I believe that music is theraover 11 million copies and he has 2 peutic and is quite possibly the best Grammy nominations to his credit. healing force on the planet,” he Although the listening is spansays. “If boomers would continually ning generations, spreading the listen to the music they love, they word about new music is not as could be healthier, happier people.” easy for all generations even though the use of the Internet has grown among more senior music lovers. “Now with the Internet exposure, music is being heard nline music magazine Side Line much quicker than in the old days and the recently set the audio world abuzz stars are rising faster when they reported that the major music than ever,” says Bentlabels were going to discontinue releasing ley of the popularalbums on CDs some time in 2012. ity of Connick and As of press time, this report has not Bublé. “It’s so easy to been confirmed by those companies. share music now too. Though 2012 may or may not be the Today’s kids get their end of end of new releases on CD, some music from the Intermusic pundits think it may only be a matnet, share it on their ter of time before the CD is permanently iPods, downshelved, as more and more music fans load videos download their music directly off the from YouTube Internet. and enjoy a Some music fans don’t necessarily see wide variety of this as progress. The most popular format music. currently used for downloading music “Twenty files is the MP3. This format ‘compresses’ years ago, musical data, trading off some musical young people fidelity in exchange for greatly reduced were presfile sizes as compared to the size of the sured to like files on CDs. the music But even the CD itself is less than they saw on ideal from the perspective of the most videos,” he demanding audiophiles. Its digital reproexplains. duction of music is sterile, they say, com“What was popular there pared to the warmth and depth of what is what they they view as the ideal format: the vinyl LP listened to. records of yore. It’s not like

Is 2012 The Beginning Of The End … For CDs?


Computer/Brain Interface May Help Keep Us Physically Fit My point is that if the technology and expression. The company envi- empowers people, they’ll use it. Now, combine some of the sions a future where machines can ‘intellectual’ technology with detect non-conscious communication, including perception, intuition some of the ‘physical’ technology improvements, and you have and expression. an assisted living dining room Emotiv is initially focusing on the electronic gaming industry. The that looks very different. Imagine a world with no wheel chairs or prospects for this technology are amazing and could be coming soon. walkers. Don’t believe me? Go to YouTube and type in “Honda WalkIn fact, pushed by the gaming ing Device.” community Housing and potenBeyond immersive developers, tial profits, I think entertainment, 3D glasses imagine the savings of brain-commay also be a boon to not having to puter interinnovative educators and do universal face (BCI) design. Imagtechnology physical therapists. ine the dignity could be of putting the mainstream physically disabled on a level playsooner than 10 years. Aside from ing field. the fun gamers will have, think of There’s been a resurgence of the advantages for those with serious disabilities. Will we look funny interest in 3D images over the last wearing these devices? Perhaps, but few years. A number of different technologies are being used for we could easily move to implants. movies, home theaters, and games. Is this an overly aggressive preBut beyond immersive entertaindiction? Look how quickly smartment, the glasses may also be a phones have been adopted. boon to innovative educators and Did you know that there are physical therapists. 328 hip replacements a day in the How could this help? How many US? Who could have predicted of you have tried an exercise DVD that adoption rate 10 years ago? FROM “LONGEVITY” ON P. 1

where the instructor is teaching you a new move that you actually can’t execute because you are bent out of shape trying to see HOW to do it? Now, tie new technology’s ability to measure your movement or progress with these programs and you have fitness or therapy programs that progress as you progress. One of the main reasons people give up on exercise and therapy programs? Boredom! The program isn’t evolving and keeping their interest. We’re not that far away from the reality of exercise devices working with you and guiding you along your very own personalized training program, providing you with interesting and surprising challenges along the way. By the way, that’s why socially interactive games have been so successful: We can’t predict what’s coming next in the game. Science Fiction To Science Fact How could this evolve even futher? There’s a company in England called

Musion Technology that is developing holograms. That’s right baby boomers, remember watching Star Trek, where they used holograms for training, relaxation and fun? Well, they are now a reality. To take a peek, return to YouTube and type in “Prince Charles Hologram.” So, what are the implications? Well, we’ve already seen how games like the Wii have changed our exercise behavior with fun games like Wii Bowling. Those same principals can be used for many other applications. Personally, I think that the real opportunities exist in behavioral modification. Humans are by nature both social and competitive. How else could you explain the success of Facebook’s Mafia Wars and Farmville? In fact, if you look at some of the most successful SEE “HIGH TECH” ON P. 7

January 2012

The Lenbrook Ledger


e all know that as we age, our body needs more maintenance to function well. Physical therapy can help you recover from injuries and prevent new ones by strengthening and improving balance. It can also decrease the need for pain medications or surgery. After visiting your primary physician about an injury or chronic pain, he or she may write a prescription for you to see a physical therapist. The prescription will indicate how many physical therapy sessions you can have. Don’t hesitate to ask your physician if you might benefit from physical therapy if he hasn’t suggested it.

Page 3

are highly effective too. Massage, mobilization and manipulation help relax muscles, diminish pain, and promote pliancy. Massage also improves blood flow, and lowers pain in the soft tissues. The use of deliberate movements to pull, push or twist bones and joints into position is called “mobilization.” Its goal is to loosen tight tissues around a that physical The Basics Of Physical Therapy joint and improve alignment and therapy can Your initial physical therapy elasticity. “Manipulation” — an help seniors Informative Health Series Helps Guide visit will include a review of your aggressive treatment with both pros fend off ­Lenbrook Residents medical history and a physical and cons — employs quick, forcecertain disEarly detection can often keep a minor physical evaluation that may measure your ful movements to position the bones abilities that problem from turning into a serious medical issue … strength, balance, flexibility, coordi- and joints. are common which is why the residents of ­­Lenbrook appreciate nation, posture, heart rate and respiamong older Learning Healthy Habits the many on-site health care programs and resources ration. The physical therapist (PT) adults. He and helping them stay active and informed. may also observe your functional Education is an essential ingrehis colleagues activities (such as getting up from dient in effective, long-lasting On Monday, January 30, Emory professor Dr. Kathaevaluated rina Echt will visit ­Lenbrook to give her presentation the floor, or your gait) and body physical therapy. PTs will advise subjects who on “Medication Management: Strategies to Enhance mechanics (the way you use and you on how to avoid injuries while completed Safety.” Dr. Echt coordinates the Osher Lifelong Learnposition your body to do activities). performing your everyday tasks, both sevening Institute (OLLI) at the university. ­Lenbrook has Your first visit may be limited to an and how to protect your joints from month and invited a number of OLLI faculty to present on health evaluation, or the physical therapy re-injury. They may also provide twelve-month topics of interest to the community. Upcoming premay start that day. tips on how to make your home physical thersentations may cover: Often, treatment must first more user-friendly when dealing apy programs address any pain and swelling with vision, strength, or balance • To Sleep, Perchance To Dream designed to before working on strength and problems. improve mus• Vision Loss and How Your Brain Compensates becoming limber. High tech tools An exercise routine specifically cle strength, • Creativity In Later Life such as electric targets the areas balance and muscle stimulayou need to • Memory Loss And Preservation movement. tors and ultraimprove. The PT The researchHigh tech tools such • Health And Happiness – The Importance Of sound can help or the physical ers found this Place as electric muscle decrease pain, therapist assisgroup had less If you would like to attend one of these events, please while old fashtant (PTA) will stimulators and disability than contact Penny at 404-264-3386. ioned massage carefully assess peers who ultrasound can help can help loosen your progress only received decrease pain, while to be sure you tight tissues a health eduand increase ­executing body alignment, and confidence in cation program over the same time old fashioned massage are flexibility and the exercises mobility. periods. can help loosen tight correctly to alignment. Cold Evaluation, education, pain Similarly, The American Physiand ice also maximize their relief and exercise are all part of cal Therapy Association reports tissues. aid in relievefficacy and the physical therapy package. Now that physical therapy for balance ing pain and avoid further that you know what to expect, don’t impairments can reduce the risk of swelling from arthritis and injuries, injury. (A practicing PT must a hesitate to utilize this highly effecfalling in the elderly, preventing while heat can be beneficial in cases have masters or doctoral degree in serious injuries. It may seem coun- tive, medication-free tool that can of osteoarthritis or immobility (but the field and pass national and state terintuitive, but maintaing physical sometimes help avoid costly surgeris generally not recommended for licensing exams. PTAs must comactivity as you age helps to prevent ies and prevent injuries. recent injuries until 48 hours have plete a 2-year associate’s degree, falls. Staying inactive lessens your elapsed). If you need special equip- and are commonly state licensed, ability to keep your balance, proper ment (custom footwear, crutches, certified, or registered.) Any etc.), your physical therapist can time you are out of breath advise you how to obtain it. or experience soreness or Electrical stimulation may sound swelling, be sure to alert the scary, but it is actually pleasant (just professional. a slight tingle). Small electrical This constant monitoring pads are applied to the area to be of your progress will insure treated and then electrical currents that it is safe. Usually, you are administered at very low levels will also be taught exercises to help eliminate pain. This techyou can do at home, along nology can also be used to make with correct body mechanics muscles tense up and contract, and how to use any special helping maintain muscle tone or equipment you may need. even re-teach muscles to contract. You most probably will be Patients with severe arthritis or who introducing new exercises are recovering from a stroke or knee into your daily routine, but surgery often find this helpful. you may also be adjusting what you currently do to The Truth About Ultrasound maximize its health benPhysical therapists will also efits. Activities that will be often use ultrasound. Studies show encouraged in your new this high tech therapy has a mixed regimen include stretching Sources cited and for further information: track record; not all patients ben(an important component of efit. Patients who do respond to this physical therapy because it http://www.webmd.com technique find that the high-pitched reduces joint stress), lifthttp://careerplanning.about.com/od/occupations/p/phys_therapist.htm sound waves can decrease muscle ing weights, aerobics, and spasms, relieve pain and inflamma- core stability exercises (to Bureau of Labor Statistics, U.S. Department of Labor, Occupational Outlook tion, and encourage healing. It also strengthen trunk muscles Handbook, 2010-11 Edition, Physical Therapists, online at http://www.bls. relaxes and warms muscles prior to and hips). gov/oco/ocos080.htm exercise. Ultrasound deep-heating Studies Establish PT’s http://www.geriatricspt.org/members/sig-bf-abstracts.cfm?#a9 techniques are more controversial, Benefits American Physical Therapy Association (APTA) so investigate the benefits and risks with your PT before starting deepIn The New England http://preventdisease.com/news/articles/physical_therapy_elderly_staves_ heating therapy. Journal of Medicine, Dr. disability.shtml Some very low tech treatments Thomas M. Gill reported

Physical Therapy Helps Restore Our Ability To Live Actively

The Lenbrook Ledger

Page 4

January 2012



Frank Boggs leads the Georgia Festival Chorus during the 21st Anniversary of Carols by Candlelight performance at Lenbrook.

Acclaimed Singer Frank Boggs Dedicates His Career To Sacred Mus


hen the Georgia Festival Chorus performed the last ten or twelve years with the advent of conrecently at Lenbrook, they drew a packed temporary music,” he points out. It’s a development house. In fact, the stirring concert was the bestthat he finds dismaying … as do many of the singers attended event ever held at the community. in the choir he helped found. The surroundings were very “I’ve got so many talented familiar for one performer. singers just because of this situaChorus leader and acclaimed tion,” he points out. “They’re so “We feel like our recording artist Frank Boggs disgusted with what most church mission in this world also happens to be a Lenbrook choirs are doing these days, turning resident. is to save this kind of to very very simplified music, like “I’m the founding direcgoing back to junior high school music, ” Frank says. tor [of the chorus],” he says, music.” explaining the group’s history. He and his choral compatriots “We started with 18 singers prefer works with complexity and 25 years ago, and now we have 111 singers. We do inspirational depth. sacred music, mostly, especially the classics. We “We feel like our mission in this world is to save are one of the few choirs that do Bach, Mozart, and this kind of music,” Frank says. Handel.” Across The Atlantic While classics may remain the bread and butter for many of today’s symphonies, the situation is very “We do music arranged by the director of music different for choirs, Frank explains. for the Mormon Tabernacle Choir quite a bit,” he continues. “Mack Wilberg is the finest arranger; his Bucking Trends, Preserving Choral Tradition arrangements of Christmas carols, hymns, and folk “Choral music has gone through a sea change in music are just classic.

“We also do a great deal of music written by friend of mine in England, John Rutter.” he cont ues. “He’s written some large works: requiems, T Deums, big major works like that.” Frank is no stranger to England, having recor three of his two dozen albums with the London S phony Orchestra. A Performance For Royalty

“While I was working on a masters degree in New York, I heard a wonderful British preacher, Frank explains. “He invited me to England to liv for a year and work with him in evangelism. Eve fortnight I performed to a packed Royal Albert H — 6,000 people — and sang solos with a 300 vo choir.” His extraordinary performances led to a uniqu honor: he was the only American national to per for the Queen of England during her coronation 1953. He’s spent a lifetime dedicated to sacred mus and it remains his consuming passion. Frank and wife, Doris, moved to Lenbrook less than a year where he continues to pursue his musical interes “We looked at half a dozen retirement c munities, and Lenbrook is by far the best,” Frank says. “They really take good care o The Georgia Festival Chorus you, and their facilities are really marvelo concert was the best-attended “I love to go to concerts and symphoni event ever at Lenbrook. my friends have choral groups,” he says. “ love that.” He does find time for other activities. H looking forward to joining an exercise pro gram at the community, and talks happily about the Heisman Trophy awarded to qua terback Robert Griffin of Baylor, Frank’s mater. But music remains his focus. “Back when I was in high school, I wen to a wonderful youth camp in Texas, with wonderful preacher,” he says. “One night, felt God tapped me on the shoulder to tell ‘I have something special for you to do.’”

CROSSWORD PUZZLE ACROSS 1 Cistern 4 Jap. palanquin 8 Bind 12 Unclose 13 Title of Athena 14 Poetic foot 15 Beak 16 Friends (Scot.) 17 Grape syrup 18 Pac. island 20 Land west of Nod 22 Prod 25 Last of the Mohicans 28 Sage 31 Rubbish: Brit. 33 Wood sorrel 34 Revolutions per minute (abbr.) 35 Small flock 36 Luzon people 37 Father of Jehoshepaht

38 Pointed arch 39 And other: abbr. (2 words) (Lat.) 40 Caribbean volcano 42 Cuff 44 New sugarcane shoot 46 Female vampire 50 Pub fare 52 End 55 Aid to Dependent Children (abbr.) 56 Victim of Cain 57 Frog genus 58 Council for Econ. Advisors (abbr.) 59 Indicating, in a way (suf.) 60 Greenland town 61 Possessed DOWN 1 Birthplace of Beethoven 2 Samoan port 3 Phil. island

4 Barking deer 5 Caliph 6 Win 7 US dam 8 Extend 9 Mack 10 Ambassador (abbr.) 11 Public Broadcasting Service (abbr.) 19 Wish undone 21 Fr. artist 23 Alcoholic drink 24 Roof edge 26 Things done 27 Hall (Ger.) 28 Swathe 29 ___ dixit 30 Grig (2 words) 32 Grope 35 Cavity (suf.) 39 Environmental Protection Agency (abbr.)

41 Ahead 43 Muslim deity 45 Monster 47 Speed-of-sound number 48 Fancy 49 Academy (abbr.)

50 Sheep’s cry 51 Abate 53 Graine 54 Sayings (suf.)

Answers on page 7


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The Lenbrook Ledger

January 2012


n emerging trend in keeping seniors healthy has come to Lenbrook. It’s something many residents will be familiar with from a long time ago. House calls. “Most patients have difficulties getting to doctors,” explains Dr. Linda Willoughby of Assisted Health Partners. “They appreciate the service of physicians coming to see them. And that’s all we do. We don’t have a separate office facility elsewhere.” Dr. Willoughby is a practitioner of what has come to be known as ‘concierge medicine.’ Her practice is devoted exclusively to coming to see patients where they live in independent and assisted living communities. Every other Thursday, she and her nurse assistant spend the day at Lenbrook to look after the small but growing number of residents who have signed up for her practice.

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Is There A Doctor In Your House?

“I’m getting a lot of positive feedback about the practice, and good word of mouth,” she says. She’s also very thankful that the Lenbrook clinic is graciously allowing her to use the clinic’s office and exam rooms, even though she’s not otherwise affiliated with it. “This kind of practice requires a high degree of willingness to listen,” she continues. “Most patients are very complex, with a lot of medical problems and many different medicines.” With the luxury of more time to spend with her patients, she’s better able to catch potential adverse drug interactions if a specialist prescribes something without being aware of other drugs the patient is taking. She can also catch developing conditions in their earlier, more treatable stages. “I do keep people out of the hospital with urinary or respiratory infections. I don’t know if Medicare appreciates that, but they should!” she chuckles.

If Not, Maybe You Should See Somebody About That “Concierge practices vary from region to region due to Medicare administration,” she says, pointing out that much of that oversight takes place below the federal level. “Georgia, Alabama, and Florida are traditionally not as welcoming to such physicians as the northern part of the U.S., but they are moving in that direction.” A Rewarding Service

Whatever the bureaucratic challenges, Dr. Willoughby finds the practice itself to be very rewarding. Catering To The Patient “The patients are a different generation than “If a patient’s called how some people in the us, and I think they might younger generation are,” be getting pneumonia, she explains. “They’re more or if they have a pain in appreciative when sometheir leg, we look at our one does something for schedule to see where we them. They’re interested in can stop by on a differwhat the doctor has to say, ent day,” Dr. Willoughby instead of telling the doctor explains. “We’re not what he or she has to do. restricting ourselves to “Thankfully, I have the just being available on luxury to spend additional those Thursdays. We’re time with patients,” she trying to offer the same Dr. Linda Willoughby continues, pointing out service as a doctor in the that doctors in more typioffice.” cal practices often face pressures to keep their Concierge practices have had something of a head start in the northern part of the country. consultations short. “With new patients, I have an hour to spend with them. You don’t see that Patients in such practices pay an annual fee very much anymore.” for the service. Dr. Willoughby points out her Though her Lenbrook visits just started a rates are a fraction of what the typical service few months ago, she can tell her efforts are charges. She only accepts Medicare and its paying off for her clients. secondaries.

If you would like to learn more about Dr. Willoughby’s practice at Lenbrook, call 404-264-3388. Answer to Sudoku

7th Annual Lessons and Carols Left, soprano Martha Bell joins tenor Jim Bell for a song during the community’s popular Lessons and Carols event. Lenbrook resident Stan Powell started the tradition — which combines Christmas carols with readings from scripture — seven years ago. Below, Diedre Hinson-Agustin’s exquisite harp playing delighted listeners.

He’s o-


nt a ,I l me, ”

Would you like to learn more about Atlanta’s finest retirement option? Call us at 404-410-0481 and we’ll be happy to answer your questions! We’ll also send you a detailed information package that shows the wide variety of living options available at Lenbrook. The extraordinary Lenbrook lifestyle is closer than you think! We’ll be happy to show you just how close by scheduling your visit to this outstanding not-for-profit community.

You can also learn more by visiting us on the web: Answers above


The Lenbrook Ledger

Page 6

January 2012

GRANDparents Corner

Guess What Comes Along With The Kids? by Judyann Grant


lenty of pets passed through our lives as our daughters grew up: birds, cats, chickens, dogs, ducks, fish, hamsters, rabbits and roosters. Then, when the girls grew up and moved out, they took whatever remained of their menagerie with them. After 20-plus years, our house was pet free. The freedom was short-lived. When the grandkids came along, they brought with them something I hadn’t anticipated: grandpets. Three have been weekend visitors. Daisy, a combination of beagle, greyhound and Houdini, is grandson Isaac’s dog. She stayed with us during the weekend our neighbors were hosting an outdoor wedding. Fearing this accomplished escape artist would crash the festivities next door, I planned to walk her before the ceremony began. I triple-checked Daisy’s

collar before opening the door. She yanked the leash, spun in a circle and leapt into the air. With heartpounding visions of her getting loose, I grabbed her up in a bear hug and lugged her back into the house. Nature’s call would have to wait until the bride and groom departed. All was calm when Toto, a brown-and-white guinea pig, came to stay. Belonging to granddaughters Kaylee and Eloise, Toto was a model grandpet. Each morning I visited him in his basement accommodations, refilled his water bottle and food dish and tossed him a few carrot-shaped woody treats. He was content—until Clover arrived the same weekend. Clover is granddaughter Bailey’s cat. A street orphan that my daughter adopted, Clover delighted in wreaking havoc. He climbed the

traumatized goldfish. Only after Bailey’s mom offered to buy a new slimline fish tank did I agree to the arrangement—the tank would go well with the nautical theme in my office. curtains. He batted the leaves on I must admit, I thoroughly my houseplants. He pulled magenjoyed my grandfish. They didn’t nets off the refrigerator and swatbark or need walking. They didn’t ted them underneath. He clawed the woodwork. And then he spotted scratch or require a litter box. They didn’t make noises or try to escape. Toto. What Princess and Lugnut did Even though Clover was now was grow. And grow. And grow. a well-fed cat, his street-beggar Pampered like royalty, they soon instincts kicked in. He was deteroutgrew their tidy little tank. After mined to take Toto down. Operamuch discussion, the girls agreed tion Separation of grandcat and grandpig began. The weekend-long we should release them into a goldfish pond. battle left me exhausted. Once again we’re pet free, but A few short weeks later, Bailey and Kaylee spied the shiny orange not for long. Grandson Isaac and his family are traveling to Kengoldfish at a Field Days game booth. They just had to have those tucky next month; they promised fish. We could get them by sinking Daisy she could spend the week at one large rubber ball into one small Granny’s. I’m just glad the neighbors aren’t glass bowl. For one dollar we got planning another wedding. five chances. After spending ten dollars, we Author note: Judyann Grant were the proud owners of two teaches a devotion writing course 59-cent fish. for the Writing Academy and has published essays in several antholoProud Grandparents Of … Fish gies, including “Cup of Comfort for The fish jostled in their plastic Weddings” and “My Teacher Is My bags while the girls enjoyed the car- Hero.” Her work for children has nival rides. Amazingly, they were appeared in Highlights for Chilstill alive when we arrived home. dren, Clubhouse Jr. and Primary Bailey dubbed her fish “Princess”; Treasure. She lives in Mannsville, Kaylee christened hers “Lugnut.” New York. They vowed to keep the goldfish together forever. This article appeared in the That’s when the fun began. Both November/December 2008 issue my granddaughters longed to take of GRAND MAGAZINE. Reprinted the pair home, but neither wanted with permission of GRAND Media, the responsibility. A hot debate LLC, copyright © 2010. All rights ensued. They turned to reserved. me. “Could they live together at your house, Granny?” To subscribe to GRAND, the Online I didn’t want to Magazine for Grandparents, visit haul out http://www.GrandMagazine.com/Subscribe.html our dusty 10-gallon fish tank for two

Sibling Boosters

When the new baby comes, there’s a unique role for grandparents by Jeanne Sager


ust can’t wait to get your hands on that new baby? There’s nothing wrong with enjoying a cuddle or two, but a bigger job awaits: helping the older grandchildren make the leap to big brother or big sister. The days and weeks after the birth or adoption of a new baby are some of the hardest of an older child’s life. Their routine—something even a whirling dervish of a toddler craves—has been turned on its head. And that, says upstate New York child psychologist Amy Dworetsky, is where grandparents can make all the difference. “Kids crave structure,” she says. “They crave continuity.” Grandparents, who aren’t sleep deprived thanks to the new addition and who aren’t spending days in the hospital, then days diapering, feeding and burping, have the time to keep a child’s routine going. Whether the oldest grandchildren are camping out at Grandma and Grandpa’s house for a few days or you’re flying in to lend a hand, this is a time for bonding with the grandchildren you already know.

“When my younger son, John, was born, Nick had my mother to himself,” Dworetsky recalls. “Where everything in his life was different—he even had to move into a new room—he didn’t have to share her. She was the one thing that didn’t change.” A grandparent’s role is simple: be there. Make dinner. Read a bedtime story. Find out what they’re interested in, and indulge them in a trip to the museum to see their favorite dinosaurs or buy an extra ice cream cone on the way home. “As the grandparent, you can enjoy the fun of the older child as well as the fun of the new baby,” says Marian Edelman Borden, parenting expert and author of The Baffled Parent’s Guide to Sibling Rivalry (McGraw-Hill, 2003). When Borden’s mother-in-law died, Borden’s son penned a memorial that spoke volumes about the way a grandparent can make their mark on a child.

“He wrote, ‘She made each one of us feel like they were the favorite,’” Borden recalls. It’s easy to love a newborn baby with their sweet smells and their cuddly nature. What grandparents have to remember is how to spread that love around. It wouldn’t hurt to show a rare bit of favoritism toward the older grandkids just for the time being. When people ooh and ahh over Dworetsky’s younger child, the grandmother, Harriet Podbielski, is quick to remind them that 6-year-old Nick has plenty of praiseworthy attributes. “I throw my two cents in for him,” Podbielski says with a grin. “I say ‘Nick hit a home run today at T-ball’ or ‘Nick got a gold star today at school.’ SEE “SIBLING TENSIONS” ON P. 7

The Lenbrook Ledger

January 2012

Mayan ‘Prophecy’ Says This Could Be The Year FROM “MAYAN PROPHECY” ON P. 1

And if this GMT constant is wrong, then all of the dates derived from it — including the December 21, 2012 ‘doomsday’ date — are wrong as well, and could be off by many years, even decades.

shaky. Just as we use a base 10 (decimal) system for our math, the Mayans used both base 13 and base 20 systems for theirs, Ian writes in an article for Universe Today. The December 21, 2012 ‘doomsday’ assumes the Mayans Not With A Bang, But A … Party? intended to use a base 13 number for Mexico itself is taking their largest the prediction in stride. unit of time. “The world will not In fact, they’ve begun If, instead, year-long celebration they intended end. It is an era. For awhich is expected to to use a base us, it is a message of more than double their 20 number, normal tourist traffic. the end date hope.” The Associated Press for their long quotes Yeanet Zaldo, a count calendar wouldn’t occur until thousands of years tourism spokeswoman for the Mexican state where many Mayan ruins are from now. located, as saying that “The world will A Shaky Foundation not end. It is an era. For us, it is a message of hope.” Another scholar has cast even more doubts on the December 21 date. Gerardo Aldana, associate professor at UC Santa Barbara, carefully investigated the way Mayan calendar dates have been translated into the Gregorian calendar dates we use today. Those date translations hinge critically on something called the GMT constant, which was developed by trying to compare astronomical events in Mayan inscriptions with ones we know about from European texts. Gerardo discovered those comparisons were often wrong, which means the GMT constant is likely wrong. “[T]he overall argument behind the GMT constant falls like a stack of cards,” he says.

Page 7


How Will The World End? Many Guesses … One Certainty

f December 21, 2012 turns out not to be doomsday after all, it will have been just one more failed apocalyptic prediction out of many. Most recently, radio host Harold Camping predicted the world would end not once, but on two separate occasions in 2011, frightening many who followed his version of Christianity into abandoning all of their belongings. Many were furious at the radio host when his predictions turned out to be wrong, and he has since retired. Of course, with so many political, economic, ecological, and spiritual challenges facing humanity, it’s little wonder that some people are seeing the proverbial ‘writing on the wall.’ So, how will the world end? There are many possibilities, but science can actually provide one certain answer to that question. Like other stars of its kind, the sun is following a specific life cycle. Eventually it will turn into a ‘red giant,’ swelling to an enormous size and engulfing all the solar system’s inner planets — including the Earth — before collapsing in on itself once again and becoming a ‘white dwarf’ star about the size of the Earth. But don’t cancel your trip to Paris. The sun won’t turn into a red giant for another four billion years or so.

The Mayan ruins of Tikal draw many tourists to present-day Guatemala

Some Scientists Foresee Fantastic Possibilities In Extending Human Lifespans FROM “HIGH TECH” ON P. 2

games of the last five years, they have flipped the gaming world on its head. Think about it. These games have no end, they are ongoing and they utilize social interaction. Facebook has over 400 million users, that’s bigger than most countries. The US only has 308 million people by comparison. So, there are plenty of people to interact with, socialize with, and most of all compare yourself to. Then, when you throw into the mix augmented reality, like the Wii, you start to see real behavioral change. For example, a not-for-profit foundation, LEAF Ltd., is developing a brain fitness program that implements social interaction and reinforcement, i.e. live classes, with augmented-reality computer-based


training, in a comprehensive cognative fitness program called Super Noggin (www.SuperNoggin.com). The goal is true behavioral change, to help people improve their cognitive health. This innovative approach is already being used at some retirement communities. Live To Be 100? In the next 30 years, some experts think we may see exponential growth in life expectancy. Remember, ‘exponential’ is the power of doubling. Controversial anti-aging researcher Aubrey de Grey believes that some people alive today could live to be hundreds of years old. In fact, Mr. de Grey coined the term ‘actuarial escape velocity’ (AEV) which is the point at which life expectancy

goes up faster than 1 year per year. in healthy life span will give the Once we reach AEV, he says, each first beneficiaries of rejuvenation year our odds therapies another of not dying 20 years. During are better than In the next 30 years, those 20 importhey were the tant years, science some experts think we previous year. might continue its Farfetched? may see exponential amazing exponenMaybe. But tial march, adding growth in life whether any additional secondexpectancy. individual generation theralives the lifespies that could give pan that de Grey thinks possible, you another 30% increase. De Grey there’s no question our society as speculates that this process could a whole is aging at an incredible repeat itself, giving us many more rate. The number of centenarians healthy, active years. is increasing at 7% per year, which All of this is good news, right? means we are doubling the centeAfter all, we’re going to live fornarian population every decade, ever. Well, I’m not so sure. But I do pushing it into the millions in the know it’s time to start paying attennext few years. With the average tion to the old adage, “If I knew I life expectancy of a US citizen was going to live this long, I would now over 78, even a 30% increase have taken better care of myself.”

Grandparents Can Help Ease The Natural Tensions Between Siblings FROM “SIBLING TENSIONS” ON P. 6

“He looks up at me and just smiles.” Even though mom’s lap has disappeared in recent months, grandchildren have learned yours is always open—and now they need to know it’s here to stay. “It grounds a child,” Podbielski says, “and helps them realize they’re part of this long line of wonderful people.”

When You Visit Grandma and Grandpa, by Anne Bowen

Iris and Walter and Baby Rose, by Elissa Haden Guest Author note: Jeanne Sager is a regular contributor to parenting publications including Babble. com; Brain,Child magazine; and HybridMom magazine. She and her husband and their daughter live in upstate New York. Her blog is Inside Out. Good Read-Alouds For New This article originally appeared Siblings in the April 2009 issue of GRAND Magazine. Reprinted with permisDarcy and Gran Don’t Like Babies, sion of GRAND Media, LLC, copyby Jane Cutler right © 2010. All rights reserved.

The Lenbrook Ledger

Page 8

January 2012

Exceptional Service Package, Superb Value, Premier Location Cited As Moves To Buckhead Site Surge


y suitcase doesn’t gather much dust,” What accounts for ­this remarkable says real estate expert Tom Mann. The success? founder of the not-for-profit Mature Market “I really think it’s a combination of things,” Experts, Tom travels the country studying sales Tom explains. “First, there is this incredible trends of active 55+ retirement communities, Buckhead location surrounded by fabulous condos, rental apartments, restaurants and shops. and continuing care retireThey’re a full-service “They’re a full-service ment communities. community that offers a community that offers a spectacular package of “I believe the real estate market is close to stabilitzaspectacular package of services and amenities, a tion,” he says. “Little did I wonderfully active lifestyle, services and amenities. ” expect to stumble upon a a state-of-the art fitness retirement community expecenter, and the converiencing a jump in move-ins! So I was really nience of on-site health care. surprised when I visited ­Lenbrook for a recent “And it’s surprisingly affordable,” he continspeaking engagement.” ues. “Plus, ­Lenbrook’s unique healthcare packTom found that Lenbrook has actually expe- age gives people the added security of knowrienced an increase in move-ins this year, which ing, should they ever need it, they have up to are up 35% over the same period a year ago! 60 days a year of rehab or nursing care and access to everything from an on-site clinic to assisted living and long-term care.”

Exceptional Value Jim Gilbert, president of Gilbert Guides, which publishes retirement community guidebooks, recently said, “Many people are drawn to the security, convenience, health benefits, and social life that these communities provide.”

Tom agrees. “The interest in retirement communities remains huge for the simple reason that they fulfill some real needs,” he says. “The fact remains that there is a shortage of retirement housing stock ... especially when you consider that 330 people turn 60 every hour!”

Buckhead’s Own Stimulus Package “When people walk into our community they are always surprised,” reports Felecia Sveda, ­Lenbrook’s Vice President of Marketing. “Surprised by the beauty of L­ enbrook, surprised by the abundance of activity and surprised at how affordable it really is.” Felecia then smiles and adds, “Our residences are offered at a range of prices… but all come with a chef, a concierge, a valet, an indoor pool, a fitness center and more! And our excellent V.I.P. relocation services make it easier than ever to make the move.”

Price Trends Suggest Now A Surprisingly Good Time To Market Your House


aybe you’ve is misleading, since ‘Shadow Inventory’ Looms sure process. Once these houses Single Family Home Sale been conthe houses that are are brought to market, analysts Prices In September However, experts warn that sidering moving sold in one time foresee home prices falling sigpeople who wait for home prices Year Sq. Ft. Price to a retirement frame may not nificantly due to the law of supply to increase more in the near future 2007 $160 community, but be the same size and demand. It could take quite a may find they’ve missed out on 2008 $117 have been relucas houses sold in bit of time clear out this ‘shadow a prime opportunity to sell their 2009 $143 tant to put your another. inventory’ and return to a ‘normal’ homes. These experts caution that house up for One way to housing market. 2010 $128 Georgia — like all states — has sale because you adjust for that is to The best time to sell your house 2011 $168 a ‘shadow inventory’ of houses think you’ll take a compare the sales may be right now! Source: Latest data from Zillow, Inc. that are being held off the market big loss. Instead, price per sq. foot. due to problems with the forecloyou’ve been telling yourself that According to the latest information you’ll sit out what appears to be a from the real estate trackbad home sale market, and make ing website Zillow, the sales your move when things seem price per square foot of single ‘more normal’ in a year or two. family homes in Atlanta in You may be much closer to get- September was higher than ting a good price on your house it was last year, and at about than you think! the same level it was in SepTo find out more about Atlanta’s leader in active There’s been a lot of discourag- tember of 2007. Resale values retirement living, fill out and send in the coupon ing news about how much houses of these kinds of houses are below, or call today to receive your free, compreare selling for lately. Some of that actually fairly robust. hensive retirement package: (404) 410-0481

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