Types of Smallcases
Smallcase is a unique way of investment, and the rising trend in active stock market investments and increases in the investor’s knowledge base may soon create a huge market. There are different Smallcases available today that suit each investor’s needs. In 2015, three IIT Kharagpur graduates came together to form Smallcase and gave a new direction to how retail investors could put their money in the stock market. The investor wants to develop a portfolio based on different aspects. Smallcases are baskets of stocks curated using different themes or concepts to create a long-term portfolio with possibilities to diversify as per the requirements. There are different Smallcases available today to suit your investment profile. The types of Smallcases Smallcase is a basket of stocks/ETFs created based on an individual’s risk appetite. Different smallcases have different ingrained concepts; given below are different types of smallcases. Trend-themed: Creating a portfolio requires developing a logical approach towards including different combinations of stocks, ETFs, or any other asset class. A trend-themed portfolio places conviction on different trends in the