Mitch Crowder, Architect | Work

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00 mitch crowder registered architect leed ap selected work


institutional design

united states federal courthouse salt lake city | utah thomas phifer and partners federal office building san juan | puerto rico thomas phifer and partners tishman speyer office tower san francisco | california thomas phifer and partners new york law school new york | new york smithgroup jjr


residential design

one clinton - residential tower and brooklyn heights public library brooklyn | new york marvel architects pierterrace - brooklyn bridge park pier 6 rfp residential towers brooklyn | new york marvel architects


urban design


product design

port authority new york | new york harvard graduate school of design urban grafting caserma montebello milan | italy harvard graduate school of design

festival des architectures vives montpellier | france harvard graduate school of design the storefront transformer new york | new york architecture commons | miLES bench to exhibit cambridge | massachusetts harvard graduate school of design

united states federal courthouse salt lake city | utah thomas phifer and partners lead designer tom phifer partner in charge steve dayton project architect mitch crowder project designer ina ko project designer robert chan architect of record naylor wentworth lund 2008 - 2012 (completed 2014)

The 322,996sm courthouse is designed as a simple cube based on an 1.8 meter grid. The grid originates in plan, but is most evident on the building’s exterior where aluminum fins are placed at 300mm modules. The fin profiles vary in size and shape and are articulated to recognize the sun’s interaction with different facades. The screen covers the building as a Japanese screen that subtly displaying the interior functions to the exterior. Private areas read with more opacity and open to more public/transparent areas.

exterior screen courtesy of Thomas Phifer and Partners

west main public entry courtesy of Thomas Phifer and Partners


southeast corner at parking garage entry trellis courtesy of Thomas Phifer and Partners

west elevation courtesy of Thomas Phifer and Partners

screen detail courtesy of Thomas Phifer and Partners

northeast cover pool courtesy of Thomas Phifer and Partners

west entry reflection pool courtesy of Thomas Phifer and Partners


The building’s entry is on an asymmetrical east-west axis through a large stainless steel and glass clad portal. This portal leads to a triple height lobby where the occupant is introduced to a material palette of wood, glass and steel. A wood wall to the north and a cylindrical ceremonial stair to the west lock into their intended positions in the grid and inform occupants of the four square plan.

entry stair in lobby courtesy of Thomas Phifer and Partners

The courtrooms are placed at each corner of the four square plan and are composed of wood and glass walls. Transparency and security were of great concern to the client; however, the design intent was to break from the standard courtroom typology and allow light to penetrate into the space. This move not only involved a lengthy process of client education, but also required engineering studies with acoustics and day lighting.

typical courtroom courtesy of Thomas Phifer and Partners


west entry portal courtesy of Thomas Phifer and Partners


federal office building

san juan | puerto rico thomas phifer and partners lead designer tom phifer design director steve dayton project architect mitch crowder project architect eric ho project designer brad kingsley interior architect fxfowle 2010 - 2011

west elevation above employee entry courtyard (T) exterior screen weaving perforated metal screen (B.L) aerial west elevation employee parking structure (B.R) courtesy of Thomas Phifer and Partners

This office complex for an undisclosed client houses a 22,405sm office building, 13,845sm parking structure, a 1368sm daycare facility as well as on-site surface parking in the Hato Rey district of San Juan, Puerto Rico. The building’s overall appearance and form is derived from various studies and client requirements. The shrouded appearance of the cantilevered structure is a product of the client’s necessity to remain anonymous to the surrounding community. The screened facade also provides an opportunity to address the environmental issues that tend to affect a large glass facade in the Caribbean.


The building’s plan configuration pays homage to Old San Juan’s density and its utilization of interior courtyards to provide appropriate day lighting and natural ventilation for the hot and humid climate. Since the building program primarily looks inward, we saw these courtyards as an opportunity to connect the occupant to nature with varying types of gardens that would reflect the variety of natural landscapes found in Puerto Rico.

contextual diagram old city courtyards vs new building courtyards

site plan proposed schematic design layout

The program of the site and office building requires a unique entry sequence, which is atypical of most office buildings. The employee entrance is to be obscured from the public, allowing the workers to maintain their desired level of privacy from pedestrians and building visitors. The public enters the site through a large grove of existing mahogany trees to the north. The building’s low profile slowly appears, hovering over a large pool of water. Occupants enter the building’s interior through a small lobby flanked to the west by a courtyard that penetrates through the building, framing the sky.

office floor plan (B.L.) employee entry garden (T.R) public entry pools under cantilever (B.R) courtesy of Thomas Phifer and Partners


The views to the outside of the building are skewed by an undulated screen composed of weaving perforated aluminum strips. This exterior treatment was necessary to blur the vision of the building’s interior, allowing the building’s inner workings to remain anonymous to the general public. We worked closely with our environmental engineers on the proportions of the space between the screen and the glass curtain wall, and on the rhythm of the weaving pattern for maximum benefits.

exterior screen 3 meter zone used to indirectly light work environment courtesy of Thomas Phifer and Partners

typical office bay section sun study of 15 meter open office bay width


north-south section through office building (T) east-west section through office building and parking garage (B)

public entry courtesy of Thomas Phifer and Partners


tishman speyer office tower

san francisco | california thomas phifer and partners lead designer tom phifer project architect steve dayton project designer mitch crowder 2008 (completed 2016)

site plan first floor private tower lobby to the east is separated by a tiered water feature that connects to a cafe and an organic public gathering area_perimeter wall of the lobby opens to pedestrian traffic with large portals

Designed with Tishman Speyer, this 430,500sf tower is to be located in a transitional area of San Francisco. The main design challenge was overcoming the traditional tiered tower model required by the city planners. Stretching the limits at hand, we reinterpreted the tiered tower as an asymmetric stacking of volumes. Sizes and shifts required a careful analysis of portion, while maintaining a mathematical balance of floor square footage set by city code and the developer. To create visual appeal to the exterior skin, various options were studied of modest shifts similar to the overall massing studies. The final outcome is a simple read of a building that skews the reflection of its context in hopes to minimize the overbearing mass of its body. The tower’s fine texture of glass and stainless steel diminishes its brutal mass to an intricately

exterior elevations shingled glass units reverse direction as shifting volumes stack

lobby howard street public cafe opens to the street with oversized, sliding entry portals that blur the building’s threshold courtesy of dBox

tower howard and second street (R) lobby howard street (L) courtesy of Thomas Phifer and Partners and dBox


plan detail

curtain wall option 3 courtesy of dBox


plan detail

wall section

curtain wall option 4 courtesy of dBox


wall section

plan detail

curtain wall option 1 courtesy of dBox


plan detail

wall section


wall section

curtain wall option 2 selected option for final schematic design courtesy of dBox


new york law school

new york | new york smithgroup jjr lead designer douglas dalhkemper principle in charge su sie lim project manager cynthia bowden douglas gehley project architect lorena zelmer project designer mitch crowder project designer kevin johnson project designer hazel go 2005-2007 (completed 2009)

leonard street elevation construction document drawing (L) enlarged elevations and wall sections construction document drawing leonard street (M) curtain wall section details construction document drawing leonard street (R)

This 190,062sf addition of New York Law School was completed in 2009 and is located adjacent to the existing facility in Tribeca. The building is comprised of a three level library, seminar classrooms, and an interior and exterior rooftop lounge complimented by a student and faculty cafeteria. This highly activated facade not only provides a space for communication within the building, but also communicates the internal program of a law school to the surrounding urban context. The building radiates through the community as it never did before.

leonard street and west broadway courtesy of smithgroup jjr


The main focus of the design team was to create a building where the design of collaborative space was just as critical as the design of classroom space. A constant discourse is part of the foundation of a law student’s education and success. The architecture of a law school should anticipate for this discourse with the design communal areas outside the classroom. Wide public corridors adjacent a large floating glass wall, house circulation and informal lounge spaces for such activities to occur.

public stair at exterior wall (TL) public lobby and stair (TR) main circulation spine with adjacent collaborative areas (BR) photos courtesy of SmithGroup

evening birdseye looking south courtesy of smithgroup jjr


1 clinton

Marvel Architects was awarded the contract to design and construct a 400,000gsf residential condo tower with Hudson Companies in September 2014. The RFP included the design of the core and shell of the luxury residential tower in addition to the shell of the Brooklyn Heights Public Library housed on the ground floor of the building. The design of the exterior of the building is a study of classical portions of the golden triangle that form a simplistic grid of limestone and bronze panels. The vertical rhythm of the 2, 3 and 4 floor stacking plays with the over all scale of the building and how it relates to surrounding downtown Brooklyn towers and the small residential scale of Brooklyn Heights. The triangular site allows for various readings of the grid and it's shifting portions.

brooklyn heights library and residential tower brooklyn | new york marvel architects client hudson companies principle in charge jonathan marvel partner in charge lissa so project architect/manager mitch crowder project designer wook kang project designer teo quintana 2014 - present



The design of the library facade breaks down the scale of the tower grid to a finer grain composed of transparent and opaque panels. The existing mid-century designed library, known for it's dark spaces, will be replaced with a light-filled library that interacts with the surrounding street life of Brooklyn Heights and Downtown Brooklyn.




bird's eye over cadman plaza looking south courtesy of kilograph


tillary street looking south - library and residential entry courtesy of kilograph

cadman plaza west library facade courtesy of kilograph


looking south over cadman plaza courtesy of kilograph

bird's eye looking towards downtown brooklyn courtesy of kilograph



In partnership with Arup, Marvel Architects' approach to the design of two residential towers on Pier Six in Brooklyn Bridge Park explores the concept of the 'living building' for multi-family residential design. Mechanical systems and engineered facades respond to climatic shifts from day to night or season to season. The market rate and affordable towers actively engage with the landscape, while programmatically connecting the park to surrounding neighborhoods. The design and engineering of the buildings strive to connect the occupant to the growing ecological landscape of the 21st century city.

brooklyn bridge park pier 6 rfp brooklyn | new york marvel architects | arup client toll brothers principle in charge jonathan marvel partner in charge guido hartray project architect/manager mitch crowder project designer teo quintana 2014




furman street courtesy of Marvel Architects


site plan - ground floor


Living Wall + Salmander Pool

Ground Floor Program

Extend the Park


Residents Gym

Bus Shelter



Lobby Shop



Residents Amenity

Engage the Elements

PierTerrace Principles:

Wind and Salt Tolerant Vegetation

Extend the Park Rainwater Collection for Brooklyn Bridge Park Irrigation

Bioswale Rain Garden

Common Terrace

Connect to Nature

Retail Lobby

| Pier 6 Development RFP Response Permeable Paving Speed Table






Bioswale Rain Garden


New Playground Entry Point


Common Terrace








13 76’x



’x 0’









155 ’

0 13 ’x

0 13 ’x


Maximize Floor Area




Engage the Elements







315 130’


Toll Brothers City Living | Fifth Avenue Committee | Marvel Architects | Arup

site plan - program axon


market rate tower detail view photos courtesy of Marvel Architects

PierTerrace West


The 20 degrees northeast tilt of the building results in maximum solar irradiation on the south wall allowing for natural lighting and passive solar heating through direct sunlight during the winter; however, solar irradiation must be controlled during the summer in order to reduce the solar heat gain and cooling load.

Operable window

The following key factors have been developed with respect to thermal control, solar gain control, weather resistance, building energy use, daylighting performance, and occupants’ comfort, which consequently have influenced the design of the project:

Trombe wall

South, East, West Facades: •

Absorbs sunlight all day Radiates heat all night

Trombe walls throughout the facade decrease the glazing to opaque ratio and therefore yields a better performing envelope as well as supporting the passive heating strategies

6’-0” deep balconies act as overhanging geometry providing window shading in order to block the relatively higher summer sunlight from entering the building

A further level of performance has been added to the facade design by employing an operable vertical exterior shading system that can fold to allow maximum direct solar radiation during the winter and unfold to completely block direct solar radiation from occupied space during peak summer conditions

properties resulting in a greater connection with the outside to increase the well-being of

Operable solar shade High performance hybrid heat pump


Local sub-riser

Alternative glass types in conjunction with external shading devices to produce effective SHGC

Supplies apartment heat pump stack

Daylighting allows the perimeter lighting to be dimmed and thereby reduce lighting energy. Reducing lighting and plug loads has a dual benefit, since the wasted lighting energy that would normally be converted to heat within the space also reduces the cooling load in the summer

2 stage heating & cooling nd

Heat pump provides hot & cold air

Insulation behind the trombe walls and double-paned, gas-filled glazing with low-e coating in a

1st stage radient heating

unitized window-wall system reduces the amount of heating and cooling energy loss. •

Reduces energy use Reduces draft Improves comfort

Unitized, thermally broken, window-wall system with structurally glazed insulated glass units reduces energy loss through the framing

Well-insulated slab edges mitigate condensation risk and the resulting damage to interior finishes while improving occupant comfort

North Facade: The fully-glazed north facade without an exterior shading system allows for diffuse daylight and a clear view to the outdoors. The unitized window-wall system with some operable windows for natural ventilation will be a homogeneous system used on all facades.

Facade Systems Diagram PierTerrace West Toll Brothers City Living | Fifth Avenue Committee | Marvel Architects | Arup


market rate condo unit photos courtesy of Marvel Architects


affordable tower detail view photos courtesy of Marvel Architects

Perform PierTerrace East Façade systems and passive strategies incorporated in the envelope design of PierTerrace East include: •

Increasing the wall to window ratio in order to achieve a high R-value and to reduce the solar heat gain through the wall

Stick-built construction with emphasis on air tightness to reduce energy loss through the façade

Metal cladding panels in a rain screen application covering all facades of the East Tower will

Trombe wall

Absorbs sunlight all day Radiates heat all night

perform as a pressure equalized weather-resistant barrier. Additionally, the rain screen system has been designed with a light weight back-up structure and metal panels to reduce the load imposed on the primary building structure. •

Local sub-riser

Punched recessed windows and terraces will have a shading effect during the summer and

Supplies apartment heat pump stack

reduce solar heat gain while still allowing direct solar radiation during the winter •

Each rental unit will have a trombe wall feature to help lower heating load during winter and

High performance hybrid heat pump

assist via stack effect to vent out the hot air during summer

2nd stage heating & cooling

Heat pump provides hot & cold air

1 stage radient heating st

Reduces energy use Reduces draft Improves comfort

Facade Systems Diagram PierTerrace East Toll Brothers City Living | Fifth Avenue Committee | Marvel Architects | Arup


affordable apartment unit photos courtesy of Marvel Architects


Toll Brothers and Fifth Avenue Committee (FAC) is p

will include a 29-story mixed-use condominium cont

affordable rental tower containing 135 units, with re

The team’s proposed development will be built in a

Development Guidelines provided in the RFP, and th above grade with all mechanical systems, amenity

incorporate two buildings, the market rate condomi

ground floor retail that will connect with Brooklyn Br

gross square feet, with 237,348 net sellable squar

from pier 6 park courtesy of Marvel Architects

furman street courtesy of Marvel Architects


port authority

new york | new york elements of urban design studio in collaboration with Greg Boccacci instructor felipe correa harvard university graduate school of design fall 2012

A new social media campus forms in a linear east-west direction, anchored by the NY Times building. The campus is composed of a mixture public and private program with campus program highlighted within a composition of community amenities and reconfigured mass transit nodes. The existing ramps of the Port Authority Terminal remain as site relics and alternative public green space. Using the campus as a programmatic device, the project investigates the role of large scale transportation infrastructure within today's urban context and adaptability to the metropolitan grid of New York City. By the re scaling of infrastructure, the campus rethinks the role of the city block as a spine of integrated public and private function - building and open space that recreates an entry point to Manhattan.

bird's eye views from the hudson and the ny times building a multi-layered park is created linking times square to the hudson

Public Pier

Ferry Terminal

Campus / Residential Tower / Bus Terminal Station

Subway Station

longitudinal section perspective urban park with subway entrance and multiple bus terminals (OT) ground level plan urban park terminates at new ferry terminal southern loop of campus for start-up venture companies mixed with public amenities (OB)

Campus / Residential Tower / Bus Terminal Station

Campus / Residential Tower / Bus Terminal Station


two tunnels - one terminal

axon multi-layer infrastructure of lincoln tunnel, the number 7 subway line and the revised bus terminal locations and underground circulation

site diagrams site diagrams

one tunnel - one terminal

one tunnel - multiple (smaller) terminals

bus terminals connections to the city

bus terminals interior connectivity

mass transportation overlay (TL) pedestrian experience from hudson (TM) new urban park with southern park loop existing port authority bus terminal and ramp configuration (BL) new bus terminal locations in relation to ferry and subway

city block

subway station (pink) bus terminal (yellow)

google campus - silicon valley - collaborative space shown in pink

new public spine exposed subway station


F.A.R. = 5

massing reconfigured

massing highlighted

apple campus - silicon valley - collaborative space shown in pink

google campus - new york city - collaborative space shown in pink

multiple city blocks reconfigured

F.A.R. = 5

site block diagram reconfigured city block (T) program diagrams google program layout comparison of new york city and silicon valley - urban versus suburban (M and B)


section perspective tower section at exposed number 7 subway line (B) tower spine as connector of residential and campus program tower plans alternate plan options for private/public compositions (T)

perspective looking east towards campus through public park at the ny times building

section perspective tower section at bus terminal looking west through the public spine to the hudson river


caserma montebello housing

milan | italy urban grafting design studio instructor cino zucchi harvard university graduate school of design spring 2013

Every urban age produces artifacts obeying to the culture of their time. In other fields this generates what we call a “material culture” composed by objects connected by more than one formal resemblance, but still capable of being isolated from their context and exposed in a museum glass vitrine once functionally obsolete. But city parts are forced to coexist and function together with other previous ones, designed on the base of different needs, with different technologies, by people with different values, ideals, desire, aesthetics. In this sense, the word “grafting” is more than just a slogan: it rather describes the necessary condition of growth of every urban settlement. This growth has never been “organic” in time. No general city master plan ever manage to govern the expansion of a city for a long lapse of it, even if often the morphology traced by it survived well the change of the buildings over the years.

The city of Milan, heavily bombed during WWII, was reconstructed and expanded upon in the sixties and seventies following specific methods, where the needs of modern living were fully responded to with close attention paid to existing urban morphologies. In many cases, the potential conflict between the permanence of urban form and the evolving patterns of building types was solved by a “double strategy” capable of dealing with each of them individually and then merging their features into a new organism. - Cino Zucchi 2013

various types of courtyards throughout Milan that do not expose themselves to the street edge

bird's eye view of proposed site plan (O)

site plan overlay with typical milan block - concealed courts

site plan with exposed court yards


The site is a former army base located in an out lying neighborhood of Milan. Midcentury housing complexes and a mix of small commericial areas make up the urban fabric. One building along the southwest edge of the site remains, to be incorporated in the site development. By extending the commericial street to the southeast through the site, a large public space is formed that separates housing from student residences/academic program along the southwest edge. The individual housing blocks gradually break apart creating openings into their interior courts. The Milanese urban block is primarily composed of smaller, private courtyards. The Caserma Montebello development would push these conventions by exposing the interior courtyards to the public.

site plan development

site filled

extended commercial street

new public node

residential cross circulation

public/private green space

high density and visual icon on major street

lower density to match existing context scale

exposed courtyards blurring of private and public realms

proposed site plan


section perspective through housing and semi-private courtyard - wood facade treatment that blurs the threshold between private and semi-private spaces

exterior stone facade with exposed private terraces (OTL) study model of wood screen facade (OTR) exterior stone facade (OBL) interior courtyard perspective (OBR)


festival des architectures vives

montpellier | france superficial spaces in collaboration with elizabeth macwillie and arthur terry instructor george legendre harvard university graduate school of design spring 2013

view into the courtyard

Architectural theorist Marc-Antoine Laugier wrote that the basis for all architectural forms are in nature. The primitive hut, the most basic shelter fashioned out of tree and branches, was the ideal manifestation of architectural form. In the project site, existing columns line the edge of the courtyard space and define its perimeter. The Traced Column imagines a new skin for one of these structural members, referencing its origin in the tree while proposing a new performative and playful role for the column to play in the space. Through the intervention, the column appears to unwrap, like bark falling from a tree. The shells of the bark unravel and fall away, revealing the original column and creating a small canopy inside the courtyard.

detail column capital

rear view into the courtyard


Laugier' primitive hut - column to tree


Texture Study - Interior two screens


vertical and horizontal connections for metal screen

Texture Study - Interior



ground floor second floor rooftop

61 14

the storefront transformer

new york | new york made in the lower east side | architecture commons in collaboration with eric ho and nora yoo summer | fall 2013

The miLES Storefront Transformer is a versatile set of furnishings and amenities to program any storefront - essentially a 6 foot cube that can be easily transported and subdivided to roll through any storefront door. When unfolded, the Transformer provides functional elements such as shelving, partitions, tables, seats, stage, as well as lighting, WIFI, power hookups and speakers for all your basic ingredients to get your pop-up shop underway. Imagine a shape-shifting storefront, one space, many possibilities - independent art space one week to designer fashion boutiques the next. One kit with endless possibilities.







bench to exhibit

cambridge | massachusetts transformable design methods in collaboration with joon choe, jina kim and christine min instructor chuck hoberman nathan king harvard university graduate school of design fall 2013


model images (O)

The goal for this project is to create an object that can transform in form and function through simple human manipulation. The project, whether in isolation or aggregation has the potential for a range of programmatic uses. The piece is to act as a piece of transformable urban furniture that has the ability to create and reinterpret public space. The idea of ‘bench to exhibition’ evolved after observing how cumbersome and aesthetically unpleasing the mobile presentation boards are scattered throughout the GSD. The existing boards serve only one function and when not in use are stored in any available corner of the building. With the transformation of the scissor linkage in the horizontal and vertical directions, we saw an opportunity to create a compact seat that could unfold into a larger presentation wall. With an intended compacted height of 22" and an overall foot print of 20”x30” these modules could be used as roving classrooms or presentation seating. Its expanded height of six feet with an overall footprint of ten feet would serve as adequate exhibition space.



plan - contracted

plan - expanded

exploded details


mitch crowder architect leedap education


Harvard University Graduate School of Design Master of Architecture in Urban Design


The University of North Carolina at Charlotte Bachelor of Architecture The University of North Carolina at Charlotte Bachelor of Arts in Architecture - Magna Cum Laude Technische Universiteit Delft - The Netherlands Study Abroad Spring Semester

2004 2004 (spring)


2014 - Present

Marvel Architects Senior Architect

New York, New York

mitch crowder architect leedap 2014 - Present


2014 2014 2005 2014 2004 2004 (spring) 2014

One Clinton - Brooklyn Heights Public Library and Residential Tower - Brooklyn, New York Project Architect - Pre-Concept Design through Construction Documentation Responsible for the Design Development and Documentation of the 36 Floor Luxury Condominium Tower Consultant Management and Lead on Exterior Design and Development Harvard University Graduate School Design Haven Square, Columbia University DesignofRFP - New York, New York Master of Architecture in Urban Design Project Architect - RFP Design Manager The University North Carolina Design at Charlotte Responsible forofthe Pre-Concept Development and Documentation of RFP Submission Bachelor of Architecture Brooklyn Navy Yard - Brooklyn, New York The University of-North Carolina at Charlotte Project Architect Design Development Bachelor of Arts in Architecture - Magna Cum Laudeof Project Responsible for the Documentation of Coordination Technische Universiteit The Netherlands Pier Six Brooklyn BridgeDelft Park- Design RFP Study Abroad Spring Semester Project Architect - RFP Design Manager Responsible for the Design Development and Documentation of RFP Submission


2014 (summer) - Present 2013 2014 (winter)

Marvel Architects New York, New Skidmore, Owings and Merrill NewYork York, New York Senior Architect Technical and Design Architect -Contract Position

2014 - Present

One Clinton - Brooklyn Heights Public Library and Residential Tower - Brooklyn, New York Dia Art Foundation Chelsea - New York, New York Project Architect -Architect Pre-Concept Design through Construction Documentation Design/Technical - Interior Detail and Design Design Development and Documentation of the 36 Floorof Luxury Condominium Tower Responsible for the Development and Documentation of the Interior Design the Art Gallery Consultant Management and Lead Exterior Design and Development Chase Manhattan - New York, Newon York Haven Square, Design RFP - New York, New YorkBuilding into High-End Design ArchitectColumbia - PhasingUniversity Analysis of Retrofitting Landmarked Office Project Architect Residential Tower- RFP Design Manager the Pre-Concept Development and Documentation of RFP Submission Responsible for Unit Layouts/TestDesign Fits, Presentation and Final Documentation Material Brooklyn Navy Avenue Yard - Brooklyn, New York 560 Lexington - New York, New York Project Architect -Architect Design Development Technical/Design - Design Development and Construction Documentation - Lobby and Responsible Subway Entryfor the Documentation of Coordination of Project Pier Six Brooklyn BridgeDetailing Park Design RFP Responsible for Exterior and Development of Storefront Design in addition to 3D Anaylsis Project Architect - RFP Saudia Design Arabia Manager Obiekan Villas - Riyad, Responsible for the -Design Development and Documentation of RFP Submission Technical Architect Schematic Design - Residential Compound Comprised of Six Structures

2013 2014

2014 2013 (Completed) 2014 2013

2013 (summer) 2014 (winter) 2013 (fall) 2014

2013 2013 (Completed)

2013 (winter) 2013 (Completed)


2008 - 2012 2008 - 2012 2013 (fall) (Completed)

2013 (Completed)

2013 (winter)

Responsible for Drawing and Specification Production and Coordination - Interior and Exterior Design

Skidmore, and Detail Owings and Merrill New York, New York Technical and Design Architect -Contract Position Harvard University Graduate School of Design Cambridge, Massachusetts Dia Art Foundation Chelsea- -MHN|NJ New York,Elements New York of Urban Design 2012: The Lincoln Tunnel Co-Editor (w/ C. Geros)

Design/Technical Architect - Interior Detail and Design Responsible the Development andCore Documentation of Studio the Interior Design of the Art Gallery Co-Editor of for Annual Publication for Urban Design Chase Manhattan - New York, New York Responsible for Publication Layout, Editing of Student Work and Writing, and the Selection of Work Design Architect - Phasing Analysis of Retrofitting Landmarked Office Building into High-End Residential Tower- Harvard University Cambridge, Massachusetts Hashim Sarkis ResponsibleAssistant for Unit Layouts/Test Fits, Presentation and Final Documentation Material Research 560 Lexington Avenue - New York, New York Technical/Design Architect - Design Development and Construction Documentation Lobby and Worked directly with Hashim on the research and structure of the third section of his- Istanbul Studio for Subway EntryResponsible for research complilation of theory and site in addition to presentation Spring 2013. Responsible for Exterior Detailing and Development of Storefront Design in addition to 3D Anaylsis material. Obiekan Villas - Riyad, Saudia Arabia Technical Phifer Architect - Schematic - Residential Comprised of Six Structures Thomas and PartnersDesign New York, NewCompound York Responsible Drawing and Specification Production and Coordination - Interior and Exterior Design Project andfor Design Architect and Detail Salt Lake City Courthouse - Salt Lake City, Utah

Harvard University Graduate School of Design Cambridge, Massachusetts Project Architect - Design Development through Construction Administration - Government High-rise Co-Editor Geros) - MHN|NJ Elements of Urban Design 2012: The Lincoln Tunnel Responsible(w/ for C. Exterior Curtain Wall and Public Components Design Development, Drawing Sets, Coordination, Presentation Material and Construction Shop Drawing Reviews Co-Editor of Annual Publication for Core Urban Design Studio Responsible for Publication Layout, Editing of Student Work and Writing, and the Selection of Work

Hashim Sarkis - Harvard University Cambridge, Massachusetts Research Assistant Worked directly with Hashim on the research and structure of the third section of his Istanbul Studio for Spring 2013. Responsible for research complilation of theory and site in addition to presentation material.

2008 - 2012

Thomas Phifer and Partners Project and Design Architect

New York, New York

2008 - 2012 (Completed)

Salt Lake City Courthouse - Salt Lake City, Utah Project Architect - Design Development through Construction Administration - Government High-rise Responsible for Exterior Curtain Wall and Public Components Design Development, Drawing Sets, Coordination, Presentation Material and Construction Shop Drawing Reviews

mitch crowder architect leedap professional cont.

2010 - 2011

2008 - 2009

2008 - 2009 (Completed) 2008

Federal Office Complex - San Juan, Puerto Rico Project Architect - Schematic Design and Design Development - Government Low-rise Responsible for Plan and Program Development, Drawing Sets, Coordination and Presentation Material Herzilia Residence and Public Gallery - Tel Aviv, Israel Project Designer - Schematic Design - Residential and Civic Responsible for Design Development of Villas, Gallery Building and Site Plan San Francisco Office Tower - Tishman Speyer - San Francisco, CA Project Designer - Schematic Design - High-rise Office Building Responsible for Curtain Wall Design and Public Lobby Program and Design, and Presentation Material Tellapur Community - Tishman Speyer - India Project Designer - Schematic Design - Office Component Responsible for Site Layout and Massing Configurations for New IT Community Office Complex

mitch crowder architect leedap

mitch crowder architect Anderson leedap 2007 - 2008 Architects

professional cont.

awards + certifications

2010 - 2011

2008 - 2009

2008 - 2009 (Completed) 2008

Anderson Architects New York, New York Architectural Designer

2008 (Completed)

Ishta Yoga Studio - New York, New York Project Designer/Renderer - Schematic Design thru Construction Administration - Interior Responsible for Design Development, Drawing Set Production, Consultant Coordination and Presentation Material Hollister Co. Flagship Store - New York, New York Project Designer/Renderer - Schematic Design - Interior Up fit Responsible for Design Development and Presentation Material Jurlique Cosmetics Office - Irvington, New York Project Designer/Renderer - Design Development thru Construction Administration - Interior Responsible for Design Development, Drawing Set Production, Consultant Coordination and Presentation Material

2007 (Completed)

2005 - 2007

SmithGroup|JJR Architect I

2005 - 2007 (Completed)

New York Law School - New York, New York Project Designer - Design Development thru Construction Documentation Institutional Low-rise Responsible for Exterior Envelope and Public Lobby Design Development, including Drawing Sets and Coordination Project Designer - Schematic Design - Phase II Renovation of Existing Law School Buildings Eisenhower Executive Office Building - Washington, D.C. Project Designer - Bridging Documents - Government Restoration and Renovation Responsible for Design Development, Drawing Sets and Consultant Coordination

2005 (Completed)


Federal Office Complex - San Juan, Puerto Rico Project Architect - Schematic Design and Design Development - Government Low-rise Responsible for Plan and Program Development, Drawing Sets, Coordination and Presentation Material Herzilia Residence and Public Gallery - Tel Aviv, Israel Project Designer - Schematic Design - Residential and Civic Responsible for Design Development of Villas, Gallery Building and Site Plan San Francisco Office Tower - Tishman Speyer - San Francisco, CA Project Designer - Schematic Design - High-rise Office Building Responsible for Curtain Wall Design and Public Lobby Program and Design, and Presentation Material Tellapur Community - Tishman Speyer - India Project Designer - Schematic Design - Office Component Responsible for Site Layout and Massing Configurations for New IT Community Office Complex

2007 - 2008

2007 (Completed)


Architectural Designer

2013 - 2014 (Completed)

2008 (Completed) 2015

2015 2007 (Completed) 2015 2007 2014 (Completed)

2014 2010 2006 2005 2004 2005 - 2007 2003 (Completed) 2000 - 2005 2001

2005 - 2007

publications + academic


Washington, D.C.

2016 2005 (Completed) 2015

2014 2013 - 2014 (Completed) 2014


2013 2013 (Completed) 2013 2012 - 2013 (Completed) 2013 2005 - 2006

Made in the Lower Eastside (miLES) New York City, N.Y. (with Architecture Commons) Design Collaboration/Production of Drawing Set with Eric Ho of the Storefront Transformer Responsible for the Design and Drawing Set Production for Fabrication Team Member for Winning Kickstarter Program that Raised over $32,000 for Construction and Lease Contracts for Manhattan Storefront Locations


2013 (Completed)

Christman-Fischer Williamsburg, Brooklyn Residence New York City, N.Y. (with Patrick Gegen) Design Collaboration and Production of Drawing Set and Specifications for Pricing/Construction


2012 - 2013 (Completed)

Ogrin-Cherkas Gramercy Park Residence New York City, N.Y. (with Andrea Robinson Studios) Design Collaboration and Production of Drawing Set for Construction

2005 - 2006

Architecture in the Schools Washington, D.C. - Washington Architectural Foundation 10-week Volunteer Position focused on Teaching Design Fundamentals to Grade School Students

Drafting Graphics Modeling Word Processing

Autocad, Revit 2015 Adobe Creative Suite - InDesign, Photoshop, Illustrator Rhino, Revit 2015, Sketch-Up, 3ds Max Microsoft Office - Word, Excel, Powerpoint; Bluebeam

2010 2006 - Present Drafting Graphics Modeling Word Processing

New York, New York

Ishta Yoga Studio - New York, New York Project Designer/Renderer - Schematic Design Phifer thru Construction Administration - Interior American Architecture Award with Thomas and Partners Responsible for Design Development, Drawing United States Courthouse Salt Lake City Set Production, Consultant Coordination and Presentation Material AIA National Honor Award with Thomas Phifer and Partners Hollister Flagship Store - New York,City New York United Co. States Courthouse Salt Lake Project Designer/Renderer - Schematic Design - Interior Up fit AIA New York Merit Award with Thomas Phifer and Partners Responsible for Design Development andCity Presentation Material United States Courthouse Salt Lake Jurlique Cosmetics Office - Irvington, New York International Design Awards - Honorable Mention with Marvel Architects Project Pier 6Designer/Renderer Design RFP Entry- Design Development thru Construction Administration - Interior Responsible for Design Development, Drawing Set Production, Consultant Coordination and Affordable Housing Development Competition First Place Winner Presentation Material Harvard University - Alma Viva Team Registered Architect in the State of North Carolina / NCARB Certified SmithGroup|JJR Washington, D.C. LEED AP Certificate Architect I Architectural Thesis Design Project of the Year - UNCC College of Architecture Barkitecture Third Place Winner - Charlotte, North Carolina AIA New York Law School - New York, New York Boardman Scholarship Winner Project Designer - Design Development thru Construction Documentation Chancellor’s List / National Dean’s List (2001) Institutional Low-rise National Collegiate Architecture and Design Award Winner Responsible for Exterior Envelope and Public Lobby Design Development, including Drawing Sets and Coordination Project Designer - Schematic Design - Phase II Renovation of Existing Law School Brooklyn In Progress - Work by Marvel Architects Buildings Exhibit - One ClintonOffice Brooklyn Heights Public Library Eisenhower Executive Building - Washington, D.C. and Residential Tower January-March 2016 - Marvel Architects at Usagi Gallery Project Designer - Bridging Documents - Government Restoration and Renovation Architectural RecordDevelopment, - United States Courthouse Lake City Responsible for Design Drawing Sets andSalt Consultant Coordination January 2015 Issue - Thomas Phifer and Partners The Plan: Architectural and Technologies in Detail - United States Courthouse Salt Lake City Made in the Lower (miLES)Phifer Newand York City, N.Y. November 2014 Eastside Issue - Thomas Partners (with Architecture Commons) Platform 7: A Year of Research Through Studio Work, Theses, Lectures, Exhibitions and Events Design Collaboration/Production of an Drawing Set with Eric Ho of the Storefront Transformer Watch Your Fingers: A Bench to Exhibit - Transformable Design Methods with Chuck Hoberman Responsible for the Design and Drawing Set Production for Fabrication with Jina Kim, Joon Choe and Chistine Min Team Member Winning Kickstarter Program that Raised over $32,000 for Construction Platform 6: for Exhibit Display and Lease Contracts for Manhattan Storefront Locations The ReConfigured Grid - Core Urban Design Studio Work with Alessandro Boccacci

MHN|NJ Elements of Urban Design 2012: The Lincoln Tunnel Christman-Fischer Williamsburg, Brooklyn Residence New York City,Studio N.Y. Annual Publication Harvard University Graduate School of Design - Core Urban Design (with Patrick Gegen) Co Editor with Christina Geros Design Collaboration and Production of Drawing Set and Specifications for Pricing/Construction Platform 6: A Year of Research Through Studio Work, Theses, Lectures, Exhibitions and Events The ReConfigured Grid - Core Urban Design Studio Work Ogrin-Cherkas Gramercy Park Residence New York City, N.Y. with Alessandro Boccacci (with Andrea Robinson Studios) Newark’s Riverfront: Public Access Plan Design Collaboration and Production of Drawing Set for Construction The Riverfront that Terrell Wants - An Analysis of How to Provide Public Riverfront Access to an Existing Public Housing Development in Newark, New Jersey Architecture in the Schools Washington, D.C. - Washington Architectural Foundation with Adrienne Mathews 10-week Volunteer Position focused on Teaching Design Fundamentals to Grade School Students Thomas Phifer and Partners Monograph Salt Lake City Courthouse - Salt Lake City, Utah Guest Architectural Jury Critic Autocad, Revit 2015 Roger Williams University - MArchI Second Year Studio (2013) Adobe Creative Suite - InDesign, Photoshop, Illustrator University of North Carolina at Max Charlotte - MArchI First Year Studio (2011) Rhino, Revit 2015, Sketch-Up, 3ds CatholicOffice University Second Year Studio (2006) Microsoft - Word,Under-graduate Excel, Powerpoint; Bluebeam

Tom Phifer - Thomas Phifer and Partners 212.337.0334 Steve Dayton - Thomas Phifer and Partners 212.337.0334 Sam O’Meara - Skidmore, Owings and Merrill 646.552.5617 Doug Dahlkemper - SmithGroup | JJR 202-974-0777


Mitch Crowder 160 Wyckoff Avenue Apartment 3R Brooklyn, New York 11237 202.494.5676


00 mitch crowder registered architect leed ap contact 160 wyckoff ave apartment 3r brooklyn | new york 11237 202 | 494 | 5676

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