Mamma mia Like you’ve never seen before
By Karl Perrin
Performance Karl recorded his own perfor-
He used a Queen song “Bohe-
mance and he edited his music
mian Rhapsody” and showed
video by himself. He was in-
funny gestures to the rhythm of
spired by Lee Evans and Marcel
the melody. Karl creates his own
Marceau. He only needed help
story by interpreting this Queen
from few people in camera oper-
song and using the language of
ating and in lighting. In his crew
the body. Karl is a brilliant actor
and he makes people laugh.
• Darryl Borbitey • Anthony Grady • Zach Cole
Four in one
Crew While Karl was producing his music video he needed to combine different roles.
Karl’s roles: • Actor • Editor • Director • Producer
Music Video by Karl Perrin Song: Queen ”Bohemian Rhapsody” Crew: • Karl Perrin • Darryl Borbitey • Anthony Grady • Zach Cole Studio in The Manchester College 1st floor
Booklet and pictures by Edyta Staroslawska. On pictures are: Karl Perrin; Darryl Borbitey; Anthony Grady; Zach Cole.