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Classifieds pages 12,-13
The Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service in Fannin County will be accepting applications for the position of Secretary to Fannin County Extension Agents. Applicants should be proficient in all Microsoft Office programs; have the ability to learn and utilize additional online programs; have excellent communication, organizational, and record keeping skills; work well with people; and perform duties with minimal supervision. This position will provide administrative support for three agents and the ability to handle multiple tasks is essential. 12/20/22
12/27/22 12/27/22
THE CITY of BONHAM Public Works Department
Is accepting applications for 2 positions of Street Dept. Equipment Operator I. Requirements: Experience Crossword Puzzle Sponsored By: in heavy equipment operation, street repair and construction; perform heavy manual labor and WWW.GFCF.ORG work in all types of weather conditions. $15.00 hourly Facebook: Glaser-Family-Charitable-Foundation to include paid vacation, sick time, personal time, retirement. Medical, dental, and vision insurance available at minimal costs. Applications are available Monday - Friday, 8am - 5pm at Bonham City Hall, 514 Chestnut St., Bonham TX 75418 or online at www. cityofbonham.org. Position open until filled. The City Crossword Puzzle Sponsored By: JE Legacy Management of Bonham is an Equal Opportunity Employer. 469-796-5081 in memory of Jimmie Evans
HVAC Technicians, Journeyman Electrician, and HVAC/Electric Apprentice and Helpers. Competitive wages based on experience, vacation and company paid insurance. For more information call 903583-4018 or apply in person at Blain Service Company,
7258 N Hwy 78 in Raven-
CDL drivers with recent driving experience and a clean driving record. Home daily. Driving radius within 3 hours of Fannin County, TX. Ability to use forklift, tarping and flatbed experience a plus, but will train the right driver.
Please come in person to complete an application: 3765 County Road 2135, Telephone, TX 75488 or call 903-664-2332 ask for human resources. CNC Lathe/ Mill Machinist
B.F. Gammon Tool & Die is accepting applications for immediate openings for CNC Lathe/Mill Machinist and also someone with Gear Cutting experience. 40 hours per week plus overtime. Full benefits including paid healthcare, retirement benefits and holiday, vacation and sick pay. Climate controlled shop. 7:30am4:00pm, 5 days per week.
Send resume via email to brett@bfgammon.com. 903-583-3597 RED RIVER
Now hiring home care providers for Bonham, Bailey, Sherman, Denison, Gainesville, Paris, Savoy and Whitesboro. Must be 18 years of age with no criminal history and must have own transportation. No certification required.
Call 1-800-289-6555 for more info.
Metal building & Welding experience. Call: 903-436-
24 hour live-in care givers needed immediately.
Needing an Experienced Mechanic’s helper, Full or part time. Call 903-821-
Needing someone to work landscaping full time or part time. Call 903-814-8620.
Needing an Experienced Carpenter’s Helper for inside job, Full or part time.
For the Elderly or Disabled. I am local within Fannin County. With 20 years experience and can pass background check and physical.
Contact Gina Jones 580453-1612. FRIENDLY BUYER OF ALL JUNK CARS & TRUCKS No Title - No Problem Call Tony @ 903-449-9028 LOOKING FOR A COCKER SPANIEL.
A puppy or an adult. we promise to love it with all our hearts! Have shared our lives with 2 cockers for the last 12 years. Unfortunaletly, they’ve both crossed over the Rainbow Bridge to wait for us. Willing to pay a small amount to rehome, but we are both retired and live on limited incomes. We will spoil and love it! Please
call 903-664-4540, leave message if we don’t answer.
Check BEFORE you develop! Currently, permits are required in Fannin County if you wish to: 1. Put in a culvert. 2. Develop or build in a FEMA Floodplain. 3. Build in the Bois d’Arc Lake 5,000 ft Buffer Zone. 4.Develop a manufactured Rental Community, for 2 or more lots. 5.Subdivide your land for lots less than 5 acres. 6.Use heavy Equipment, Bore under a road and install utility lines in a County ROW. 7.Install or repair a septic You can find more information on the Fannin County Clerk Website, http://www. co.fannin.tx.us/page/ fannin.County.Clerk Development Services – 903-449-4220 (Culverts, Lake Zoning, Subdivisions & Rental Communities) Home Country: Slim Randles
Benefits include: vacation, sick leave, holidays, retirement, medical, dental and life insurance. Applications are available through Fannin County Extension Office 2505 North Center St. Bonham, Texas 75418, online at www. co.fannin.tx.us Employment Opportunities, or you may contact the Fannin County Extension Office at (903) 5837453, or email: Bethany.Arie@ag.tamu.edu. Applications must be submitted with complete resume and cover letter. Applicants will be subject to an official background check.
Telephone Travel Stop Manager Team
Telephone Travel Stop is currently seeking a couple of friendly, honest, hard-working managers to handle all aspects of the day-to-day operations of a multi-use facility (Motel • RV Park • Storage Units • Apartments • Laundromat) in Telephone, TX (Fannin County). This would be perfect for an energetic retired couple who enjoys people and prefers staying home instead of traveling.40. At all times 41. Twins great Hunter RESPONSIBILITIES AND DUTIES44. Volcanic craters 45. Outpouring • Handle everyday office duties (answering phones, processing payments, making reservations, checking customers in/out; etc.). • Must be friendly and outgoing but able to enforce facil ity rules. 48. Where a baby sleeps 49. Dancing a Brazilian dance 50. Unhealthy 51. Manufacturers • Follow cleaning schedule and keep motel rooms and laundromat sparkling clean. • Perform outside duties, such as mowing, weed control, trash pickup, maintenance, landscaping, clean storage units, etc. • Maintain cleaning supplies and inventory. • Manage positive social media presence, in-person, and phone customer interactions. • Must be available to work anytime, including evenings, weekends, and holidays. CLUES DOWN 1. Prevents harm to young 2. The Muse of history 3. Fascinated by 4. Unnilhexium 5. Honey maker 6. Soviet Socialist Republic 7. They hang out with papas 8. German river QUALIFICATIONS9. Domain name 10. Type of chair • Clear communication skills (must be fluent in English). • Organized and professional. • At least two (2) years working in a similar position. • Must pass drug and background check. 11. Fill someone with an urge 12. Sorceress 14. Unpleasant smell • Must have and maintain a valid Texas driver’s license. • High school diploma or GED preferred.
17. Leg (slang) 18. Farewell 20. A life summary 23. Merchants 24. Southeastern Nigerians 25. Of I 26. Electronic countermeasures 29. Atomic #3 (abbr.) 30. A type of sister 31. Omission of a sound 32. Screaming 35. Ottoman title 36. Sour 38. Take advantage of 40. Nobleman 41. Cathode ray was one 42. Long, winding ridge 43. Muckraking journalist 44. Defunct phone company 45. Military telecommunications term (abbr.) 46. Supervises flying 47. Firearms manufacturer
• Salary based upon qualifications (includes manager’s home and utilities).
Crossword Solution

I don’t mind Boots. He just curls up quietly against my belly and stays put. But sleeping with Desdemona can be a bit unnerving. She snores. Sometimes she gets little bad dreams and scratches me, too. But hey, I get to come in out of the cold and sleep with Aunt Ada’s cats on her sofa, and a guy can tolerate a certain amount of cat snoring for that. I was glad when I heard Aunt Ada puttering in the kitchen because I knew it was time to get up. After she let me out, she fed me, and let me tell you … that kibble was just as good this morning as it was yesterday. And then she petted me, called me her dear Billy, and let me out to do my rounds. Don’t let anyone tell you being the official town dog is easy. Nossirree. First, there are the kids. Me and Martin, the crossing guard, have to see them safely across the street and to school each morning. Must be band day, because I see a lot of instrument cases. Martin gets smiles from the children. I get smiles AND ear rumples, so what do you think of that! Once those kids are safely across, the time is pretty much my own until the final bell rings in the afternoon. That would be after I get snacks at the back door of the Mule Barn and after my nap curled up against the brick wall of the drugstore downtown. You ever notice how those bricks hold the sunshine in them? Better than that white wall on the newspaper office. This is a good day to stop by the Rest of Your Life retirement home and check on Pop Walker and Mabel Adams. Oh, I make the rounds and check on everybody, of course, but I have to admit those two are my favorites. If today is band day at school, tomorrow will be sale day at the sale barn at the edge of town. That’s when the men bring their dogs in from the ranches to look at cows. They yell and talk funny. Not the dogs, of course. Getting your sniffing up to date is always a good thing.