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Alcohol and Drug-Free Workplace Policy
Company Name: Toronto Montessori School (TMS) Policy Title: Alcohol and Drug-Free Workplace Policy Policy Owner: Vince Haines, CAO Approver: Andrew Cross, Head of School Version: 1 Last Review: September 30th 2021
Policy Statement
TMS has a responsibility to ensure student and employee health and safety by minimizing or eliminating all potential safety risks. An equally significant concern is the promotion of employee health and wellness. TMS recognizes that employees who are impaired by alcohol or drugs while at work may threaten the health and safety of themselves as well as other employees or students. Impairment by alcohol or drugs can also endanger the safety of the general public, cause damage to school property, contribute to increased absenteeism, adversely affect the quality of the educational services TMS delivers and therefore the School’s reputation within the community.
The following Drug and Alcohol Policy (the “Policy”) will apply to all TMS employees. The application of this Policy is subject to any obligations that TMS may have under the Ontario Human Rights Code. TMS retains all other rights not expressly stated in this Policy.
Expectations under this Policy
Under this Policy all TMS employees are: ● Required to report to work in a physical and mental condition that will enable them to perform their duties in a safe and efficient manner completely free of the effects of alcohol or drug use, including adverse effects caused by prescription medication ● Prohibited from possessing, controlling, selling, producing, distributing or using drugs or drug paraphernalia while carrying out responsibilities on behalf of TMS at each of its locations or elsewhere, and from being impaired while at work as a result of the use of drugs, including prescription medication and ● Prohibited from possessing, controlling, selling, producing, distributing or using alcohol and from being impaired while at work as a result of alcohol consumption.
For the purposes of this Policy the workplace includes all property, facilities and vehicles owned, leased or used by TMS, as well as any off-site locations while carrying out the business of TMS. This also is applicable for all school trips and activities and these guidelines apply to chaperones as well. Employees using prescribed or over-the-counter medication must ensure that the medication does not have any side-effects that could result in a health and safety risk. If in doubt, employees should seek clarification from their physician or pharmacist. If the employee knows or ought to know that the medication in question may impair his/her ability to perform his/her job duties, the employee must report the use of the medication to his/her Supervisor who will assess the situation and advise the employee accordingly.
Where an employee reports the use of prescription or over-the-counter medication to his/her Supervisor, TMS, in the interests of safety, may reassign the employee to alternate duties, if available, for the period during which the employee is using the medication. If a reassignment is not reasonably possible, the employee will be placed on temporary medical leave until released, to the satisfaction of TMS, as fit for duty by the employee’s physician. Employees who determine that they have a dependence on alcohol or drugs are encouraged to seek professional assistance. Employees who advise TMS of an alcohol and/or drug dependency will be referred to the Employee Assistance Program (EAP) for further assessment and treatment. Job security will not be jeopardized for employees who seek assistance and/or treatment, or seek TMS’ help to obtain such assistance and/or treatment. Each employee’s situation will be dealt with on a confidential case-by-case basis.
Violations of this Policy
Employees at work who have been found to be under the influence of drugs and/or alcohol will be sent home for the remainder of the day and may be subject to discipline upon their return to work. TMS will make arrangements to transport the employee home, on the day of the occurrence, at its expense. Violation of any provision of this Policy will be subject to disciplinary action up to and including termination.
Employee Assistance Program (EAP)
TMS has an Employee Assistance Program (EAP) and encourages employees to make use of the EAP to help manage their consumption of alcohol and other drugs. All use of the EAP is voluntary and strictly confidential; other than those employees who approach TMS for assistance; TMS is never made aware of the identity of employees who use the service. Employees may also be referred to a substance abuse professional or a rehabilitation facility. TMS believes that a person’s job performance may also be affected when a member of their family experiences difficulties. For this reason, TMS also extends the services of its EAP to dependent members of an employee’s immediate family who are in these circumstances.
The use of any information provided by the EAP, a Substance Abuse Professional or rehabilitation facility after receiving employee authorisation will be restricted to a determination as to when the employee should return to his/her duties, or what, if any, services, counselling, rehabilitation, or other assistance or discipline is appropriate. All actions taken and all employee information obtained pursuant to this Policy will be kept confidential by TMS and will be disclosed on a need-to-know basis. Employees who have questions regarding the Workplace Drug and Alcohol Policy, must contact Human Resources for clarification of the Policy.
Company Name: Toronto Montessori School (TMS) Policy Title: Anti-Racism Policy Policy Owner: Vince Haines, CAO Approver: Andrew Cross, Head of School Version: 1 Last Review: September 30th, 2021
Anti-Racism Policy
The mission of TMS (the “School”) is to deliver a seamless, internationally-acclaimed educational experience designed to inspire and challenge students to discover the best of who they are and to achieve their full potential. We strive to enable each and every student to learn effectively and to improve learning outcomes for all, regardless of race, ancestry, place of origin, colour, ethnic origin, citizenship, creed, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, age, marital status, family status, or disability. The School upholds the principles of respect for human rights enshrined in the Ontario Human Rights Code (the “Code”). The School recognizes that equity of opportunity and equity of access to the full range of programs, delivery of services, and resources are critical to the achievement of successful educational and social outcomes.
The School strives to provide an education which will equip students with the knowledge, skills, and attitudes to live in an increasingly diverse world. This involves a commitment to inclusive education, and identifying and eliminating discriminatory biases and systemic barriers, whether overt or subtle, intentional or unintentional that may limit students’ learning, growth, and contribution to society. The principles of equity and inclusive education are embedded in all aspects of the School’s operations. The School is therefore committed to an equitable education program that upholds and reflects the principles of fair and inclusive education which should permeate all policies, procedures, and practices. The School acknowledges that racism exists in Canadian society and in its institutions, and therefore affects the School itself. The School takes a proactive stand against racism of any kind and recognizes that we have a role to play in combating racism in our community and within our School. Consistent with our values, the School is committed to identifying and preventing systemic racism and providing an educational environment, in which individuals are treated with dignity and respect without regard to their race. Each individual should have the ability to learn, grow, and engage with others in a welcoming atmosphere that promotes equal access to opportunities and prohibits discriminatory practices. The Ontario Government’s Anti-Black Racism Strategy acknowledges the systemic barriers and stigma faced by Black Ontarians: The impact and consequences of our history have created systemic barriers that prevent people from fully participating in all parts of society. This is especially true for Black Ontarians of all backgrounds. Whether they’re recent immigrants or descendants of people who were enslaved, Black Ontarians live a shared present-day experience of anti-Black racism.
The stigma and stereotypes Black Ontarians and communities face have impacted public policies, decision-making and services. As a result, in nearly every measure of opportunity, security and fairness in our society, anti-Black racism is felt.
The School’s policies are designed to foster a positive and inclusive school climate that is free from discriminatory or harassing behaviour. A positive and inclusive school climate is one where all members of the school community feel safe, included, welcomed, and accepted. Racial and ethnocultural harassment is demeaning treatment and is a form of discrimination that is prohibited under the Code.
The principles of equity and inclusive education support a whole-school approach to foster positive student behaviour. When relationships are founded on mutual respect, a culture of respect becomes the norm. The School will ensure that students and staff can report incidents of discrimination and harassment safely and will enable school personnel to respond in a timely manner.
This policy applies to all faculty, staff, administrators, and students. The policy applies in all areas of educational activity, including classroom settings, school-sponsored events, functions, and activities, and in the use of electronic media and communications. It is the expectation of the School that all members of the school community, including faculty, staff, and students, will adhere to the School’s policy. Non-compliance with the School policy will be addressed accordingly.
For the purpose of this policy: ● Racism is the belief that race is the primary determinant of traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race. This belief, when entrenched in the systems and daily operation of institutions, results in racial exclusionary practices, denial of rights and privileges in access to employment and education, and various forms of discrimination. Racism is more than obvious racially motivated acts such as violence or segregation of ethno-racial groups. It is embedded in the dominant culture and social institutions in a way that is so pervasive that it is often invisible. Race is a protected ground under the Code. Racism operates at several levels, including individual, systemic or institutional, and societal. Racial discrimination can occur through stereotyping and overt prejudice, or in more subtle ways, such as unconscious bias. ● Anti-racism is a systematic method of analysis and a proactive course of action. The approach recognizes the existence of racism, including systemic racism, and actively seeks to identify, remedy, and prevent the racially inequitable outcomes and power imbalances between groups and the structures that sustain these inequities. ● Bias is a predisposition, prejudice, or generalization about a group of people based on personal characteristics or stereotypes.
● Systemic discrimination or systemic racism are patterns of behaviour, policies, or practices that are part of the social or administrative structures of an organization, and which create or perpetuate a position of relative disadvantage for groups identified under the Code. ● Inclusive education is education that is based on the principles of acceptance and inclusion of all students. Students see themselves reflected in their curriculum, their physical surroundings, and the broader environment, in which diversity is honoured and all individuals are respected.
In pursuit of our goal of combating racism, the School will: ● Foster respect amongst all school faculty, staff and students; ● Actively identify and challenge individual or systemic discrimination in the School; ● Ensure that all school faculty and staff are responsible for challenging racial discrimination in the School; ● Provide anti-racism education and training to all school faculty and staff, and develop training and education programs that are inclusive and responsive to the diversity of our faculty, staff and student body; ● Ensure equitable access to opportunities; ● Equip all school faculty and staff with the training, knowledge, and skills to recognize and challenge racial discrimination in the School; ● Ensure that any report of discriminatory treatment is investigated, and the complainant is protected against reprisals; ● Continually monitor and assess progress in challenging racial discrimination in the School.
Examples of racial discrimination in the educational context may include: ● Physical assault and harassment; ● Verbal abuse and threats; ● Use of derogatory language and ridicule (i.e. name-calling, racial slurs, racial “jokes, and mimicking accents and cultural differences); ● Racist propaganda (may include racist graffiti, comics, and magazines, wearing racist badges and insignia, t-shirts and jewellery, and more); ● Incitement of others to behave in a racist manner, including encouraging others to hate, have serious contempt for, or ridicule a person or group of people because of race, colour, nationality, ethnic, or national background; ● Racist comments in the course of discussions in lessons; ● Refusal to cooperate with other people because of their colour, ethnicity, or language; ● Low teacher expectations of racialized students; ● Cyber racism;
● Insensitive statements that isolate and identify an individual by race, including asking a racialized student, Where are you from”; and/or ● Failing to deal with racial incidents or bullying between students or downplaying the seriousness of conduct.
The above is a non-exhaustive list, but any of the aforementioned categories of racist behaviour may result in a complaint against the acting individual.
Racial discrimination or harassment will not be tolerated or condoned by the School. Faculty, staff, students, and parents who are subjected to or become aware of discrimination or harassment are encouraged to report their concerns immediately. All incidents of racial harassment or discrimination should be reported to the Head of School, CAO or Executive Director, Community Development. All incidents or complaints of racial harassment or discrimination shall be kept confidential except to the extent necessary to protect the individual or individuals in question, to investigate the complaint or incident, to take corrective action, or otherwise as permitted or required by law.
All employees of the School must take seriously all allegations of racial harassment and discrimination and act in a timely, sensitive, and supportive manner when responding to students, parents, or other members of the school community who disclose or report bullying incidents. It is critical for the School to teach and for students to commit to learning how to relate with others in a healthy manner. As such, school employees who work directly with students must respond to any student behaviour that is likely to have a negative impact on the school climate. Racial harassment and discrimination in any form will not be tolerated at the School. Reports of circumstances or actions that represent harassment or discrimination will be addressed in an age-appropriate manner in accordance with the circumstances of each individual case. All students and other members of the school community are encouraged to report any incidents of harassment or discrimination to the Head of School, CAO or Executive Director, Community Development immediately. The Principal will be responsible to ensure that the School’s procedures are followed.
The School will put in place procedures that are intended: ● To allow students to report racial harassment and discrimination incidents in a safe and welcoming environment, and in a way that will minimize the possibility of reprisal; ● To encourage parents and all school faculty and staff members to report incidents of harassment and discrimination, and to facilitate such reporting; and
● To address when and how to report to police and how to work with police on an ongoing basis to promote the safety and security of students while not prejudicing ongoing criminal proceedings.
The School affirms that the racial and ethno-cultural diversity of its community is a source of excellence, enrichment, and strength. The School affirms its commitment to human rights, and, in particular, to the principle that every member of the School community has a right to equitable treatment without harassment or discrimination on the grounds prohibited by the Code, including race and ethnicity. The School acknowledges its ongoing responsibility to foster fairness and respect, to create and maintain a positive working and learning environment, and to promote anti-racism. In doing so, the School seeks to deepen its understanding and knowledge, and to promote student and staff well-being in order to help every individual in our community achieve their full potential. The School therefore rejects all forms of racist behaviour and is committed to the elimination of racial harassment and discrimination in its organization, curriculum, and in the learning and working environment.
No student, employee, parent or community member should experience racism within the learning or working environment of the School. Eradicating expressions of racism and discrimination in learning and working environments, and challenging the attitudes that allow them to emerge, is the shared responsibility of all. Racial discrimination and harassment are against the law. Anyone in the School community who infringes a right protected by the Code shall be subject to complaint procedures, remedies, and sanctions in the School's policies, codes, and regulations, and to such discipline as may be appropriate in the circumstances.