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Charging businesses to operate on Taupō Moana – information for uri

From 1 July 2022, anyone commercially operating on Taupō Moana (Lake Taupō) must pay a licensing fee to Tūwharetoa Māori Trust Board (the Board).

The money from these fees means the Board can fund more grants and distributions, more initiatives and help more uri (descendants) of Tūwharetoa.

How Tūwharetoa own a moana

The Board own Taupō Moana on behalf of all Tūwharetoa. It’s part of the original Taupō-Nui-a-Tia land block created by the Government in 1886. In 1992, the moana was returned to Tūwharetoa. A new trust deed was issued in 2007.

A number of businesses challenged Tūwharetoa’s right to charge commercial usage fees from our moana. So in 2017, the Board applied to the courts for clarity.

In 2021, the High Court confirmed two things.

One, it’s illegal to do business on the lake without a license.

Two, Tūwharetoa has the right to charge for such a license.

CEO Rakeipoho Taiaroa, says this has been a significant milestone for us to get to this point after many years, confirming our right to charge for commercial business through the courts.

Access to the moana remains the same Our moana will always be open to the public for recreational non-business use.

Only business operators are affected by this new kaupapa.

We want all Tūwharetoa to have access to our grants, distributions and initiatives.

It’s important that all Tūwharetoa uri register, and update their details as often as they change.

You can either register online or you can print out a registration form by going here -https://www.tuwharetoa. co.nz/register/ Or you can use the QR code at the bottom of the page.

For further assistance, you can call 07-386 8832 (Tūrangi) or 07 376-5086 (Taupō).

Issue 20
Matariki 2022 July – August Edition

Marae representatives learn mātauranga Matariki at Pūkawa Marae

Awānanga celebrating Matariki was held at Pūkawa Marae on June 18. Attendees were selected by our marae, and by kura who are implementing the Tūwharetoa maramataka. The wānanga was delivered by Napa Otimi and focused on the star clusters that guided our tūpuna on when to plant, harvest, rest, and work. He also shared knowledge on the Tūwharetoa maramataka that has been revived by Te Kanawa Pitiroi.

Napa Otimi explained that our tūpuna relied on Te Reporepo, a waka whetū (star waka). Te Reporepo has several star clusters, and Matariki is one of them. Preserving and sharing this Tūwharetoa knowledge is an ongoing goal of the Trust Board. The wānanga has been recorded and plans are in place to share this knowledge with our whānau, hapū and marae.

Chris Jolly Outdoors takes Tūwharetoa uri out for Matariki cruise

To celebrate Matariki, TMTB-owned Chris Jolly Outdoors took iwi descendants onto Taupō Moana before sunrise. There was one voyage a day from June 24-26.

They left the Taupō Marina at 5.30 am and returned at approximately 7.30 am each time.

While on the water kōrero on the Matariki star cluster was given by Geoff Rameka. As he gave his kōrero, tamariki were invited to come up with a cell phone torch. As they were lit, each tamaiti represented one of the stars of Matariki.

A kapa haka was on board to entertain while the boat went round the moana.

2 ISSUE 20Te Kōtuku
APPLY NOW Leadership Sports Projects Get funded for: Ngāti Tūwharetoa Mercury Development Group

Tūwharetoa Settlement Trust awards

STEM Scholarships to outstanding academics

Shaun Te Rire McNeil is one of the 2022 Tūwharetoa Settlement Trust (TST) Scholarship recipients.

The Settlement Trust has sponsored Te Rire McNeils education since 2020.

This year he’s on the way to earning his PHD in Chemistry. The research needed to earn his PHD focuses on honey and its healing properties.

“I am a natural products chemist … one; I figure out what things from nature are made out of.

“After I figure out what things are made out of, I also figure out what they do.”

Which means he can identify how honey can fight disease and improve health.

Te Rire McNeil explained to Te Kōtuku that his father passed away from cancer.

He hopes his research can find ways to help cancer sufferers and improve our wellbeing.

The young Tūwharetoa scientist explains how science can benefit Tūwharetoa and Aotearoa as a whole.

“Science has things to offer to make everyday life a little easier for everyone,” Te Rire McNeil said.

“Science can help us come up

with medicines, so if you’re sick, you can feel a little bit better.”

He adds it can help us live in harmony with nature and improves our lives.

About Tūwharetoa Settlement Trust STEM Scholarships

Every year, TST awards three $10,000 STEM scholarships.

Applicants must be registered uri of Tūwharetoa Settlement Trust.

TST recognises the importance of STEM and seeks to help Tūwharetoa uri enter these industries. Regarding STEM, deputy

chair Georgina Te Heuheu said, “We appreciate the importance of education in the ongoing advancement of our people and our communities.”

“And our STEM scholarships are aimed at those of our whānau seeking to help unlock the potential for wellbeing and growth in the fields of science and technology.

“Through the programme we also hope to encourage more of our young people to seek careers in these disciplines.”

3 Issue 20Te Kōtuku
APPLY NOW Events Taiao Education Health Get funded for Ngāti Tūwharetoa Genesis Energy Committee

2,500 native trees planted on Waikato Awa banks

Our Matariki Planting Day was held on Wednesday 22nd June 2022 alongside Greening Taupō, Ngā Kaihautū o te Awa o Waikato – Waikato River Committee, Te Kura Kaupapa Māori o Whakarewa i Te Reo ki Tūwharetoa and Miraka.

There were over 500 people that come through to celebrate Matariki and our taiao by planting a tree. 2500 native rākau (trees) and tarutaru (plants/ shrubs) were planted alongside our awa – Te Awa o Waikato.

In honour of Hiwa-i-te-Rangi, everyone wrote down their new years’ goals/ moemoeā and planted them with their tree.

Hiwa-i-te-Rangi is the youngest star of Ngā Mata o te Ariki (Matariki) star cluster who represents our aspirations for a prosperous year ahead. Otherwise known as ‘Hiwa’, she is the star who we send our wishes to.

Ngā mihi to Tākoha Pitiroi for opening the day with mihimihi, followed by karakia and waiata tautoko from TKKM o Whakarewa i Te Reo ki Tūwharetoa. Thank you to Mark Ross (Ngā Kaihautū o te Awa o Waikato – Waipāhīhī Marae) who delivered a kōrero on Matariki. Delivered in both te reo Māori and English, Akuira Walker (Tumuaki o TKKM o Whakarewa i Te Reo ki Tūwharetoa) and Heidi Pritchard (Greening Taupō) briefed our tamariki on how to properly plant the rākau in the whenua.

Big mihi to the team at Miraka for coming through and supporting the kaupapa by donating sausages and kai from Farmers Discount Meats Taupō. Ngā Kaihautū o te Awa o Waikato/TMTB served reka pumpkin soup from Eat Catering.

Trees were sourced from Tongariro Corrections and the Minginui Plant Nursery. Plants were sponsored by:

• Waikato Ecological Catchment Enhancement Trust (WECEET)

• Te Uru Rākau – Ministry for Primary Industries (MPI)

• Waikato River Fund

Big thanks to all our schools and kaimahi who took part in the day! Ngā mihi o Matariki, te tau hou Māori!

4 ISSUE 20Te Kōtuku

The Tūwharetoa Māori Trust Board gives notice of its Annual Hui for the year ended 30 June 2022 to be held at the Great Lake Centre Taupō, 5 Story Place, Taupō on Saturday 3 December 2022, commencing at 10am (registrations open at 9.30am).

Beneficiaries may request copies of the Trust Board’s annual report and financial statements by contacting the office on (07) 386 8832 after 3 November 2022. Hard copies of the annual report and financial statements will also be available at the Annual Hui.

5 Issue 20Te Kōtuku


What is Mana Whakahono?

This is an abridged version of the speech by Hinerauamoa Mohi, Chairperson of the Ngāti Tūrangitukua Māori Committee.

This moment marks a significant milestone in our journey with the Taupō District Council, and while it is a significant milestone, it is only the beginning of the journey.

Ngāti Tūrangitukua has come a long way since the Ngāti Tūrangitukua Waitangi Claim relating to the compulsory acquisition of land for the construction of the Tongariro Power Project and the creation of Tūrangi township and the ensuing Deed of Settlement signed in September of 1998.

This Deed, while it made possible a range of reparations for the Crown’s significant breaches of the Treaty of Waitangi forced a dialogue between the Taupō District Council and Ngāti Tūrangitukua.

This collaboration has resulted in an agreement that goes beyond the Mana Whakahono mechanism that sits in the 1991 Resource Management Act, to encompass matters to do with the Local Government Act, the Reserve Act, and includes a range of matters covering policy, planning and operations.

These matters are now embedded in a more progressive, contemporary, and collaborative framework.

A co-governance committee, comprising equal numbers of Ngāti Tūrangitukua and Council appointees, will give effect to the agreement in November of this year after the disestablishment of the present Tongariro - Tūrangi Community Board.

Our new Mana Whakahono agreement also gives effect to the principles embedded in the Treaty of Waitangi: partnership and participation and through co-governance creates space for a degree of autonomy which we are optimistic, will enable us to give effect to the aspirations that flow from our Deed of Settlement.

As Mahlon Nepia said when he was referring to remedial action; “what is necessary to set us on the road to economic and cultural health.”

We, Ngāti Tūrangitukua, contend that this agreement is a step forward on that road to economic and cultural health. It is no longer a matter of choice but ‘iron necessity’ that through co-governance we recalibrate the balance of power to ensure that we have real control over our future and with that explore together. As genuine partners.

It is vital that we participate in decision making that affects our land, environment, and the wellbeing of our people.

In signing this document, we demonstrate that we look forward to working in the spirit of co-operation and commitment to creating a shared vision of partnership ready to embrace the challenges of diversity, inclusion, equity, and justice.

6 ISSUE 20Te

Ngā Ringa Rehe o Tūwharetoa

Tūwharetoa Trades Directory


Business contacts


Business contacts

Kaydon Rakei

7 Issue 20Te Kōtuku
Kaihoahoa/Kamura Architects/Builders Quinlan Quality Homes 22-year design and building veterans • Building consultancy • Residential building • Building developments projects • Project management • Concept planning and Interior design P: 027 205 5591 E: pinny@quinlanquality.co.nz Great Lake Scaffolds Ltd 12-year scaffolding veteran • Residential, commercial and industrial scaffolding • Edge protection • Shrinkwrapping P: 027 804 0124 E: info@greatlakescaffolds.nz W: greatlakescaffolds.nz
Ngāti Tutemohuta/Pākira Ngāti Rauhoto/Nukuhau
Quinlan Ngāti Te Rangiita/Hatepe Rick Quinlan Ngāti Hinerau/Waipahīhī
8 ISSUE 20Te Kōtuku

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