Te Kotuku - Koanga 2013

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HE MIHI Matariki ka huahua, whenua ka


puapua. Kia ora koutou katoa, happy new year and welcome to our Kōanga edition of Te Kōtuku Rerenga Whā. As we move into the new year so too does the Trust Board which has finished our new year three year Strategic Plan (see insert). As an organisation we continue to take guidance from our Ngāti Tūwharetoa pepehā and our Ariki. The vision toward which we strive is a united, smart and prosperous Ngāti Tūwharetoa. United - in that we need

The Tūwharetoa Māori Trust Board and Ngāti Tūwharetoa Fisheries Charitable Trust are working in partnership to co-fund Ngāti Tūwharetoa Education Grants in 2013. Our working together enables us to provide increased support for more of our people and their educational pursuits. The Grant Application period for 2013 closed on 31 July.

Smart - we must operate at our full potential. Prosperity - the outcome which we seek is a flourishing and thriving Ngāti Tūwharetoa. We have identified a number of areas of focus over the next three years; some are new and others are a continuation of existing Trust Board activities. Over the remaining months of this year the Trust Board will look to talk with you about our vision and our mahi. I hope you enjoy our updates on activities carried out over the last few months, as well as heads up on important dates and events to come. Mauriora ki a tātou katoa, Tamarapa Lloyd CHIEF EXECUTIVE


A high number of applications were received. Our administrative team will endeavour to process


all applications over the next few weeks.

to work collaboratively and with single purpose in order to succeed.

Inside this Issue:

TMTB 2013 SCHOLARSHIPS The Trust Board proudly supports the educational pursuits of our people and recently awarded scholarships to some of our brightest. We would like to announce and congratulate the following Scholarship recipients for 2013: • • • • • • • • • •

Noelle Adams (Education) Tashiana Borell (Communications) Benjamin Hingston (Social Science) Bri-Anne Johnson (Māori) Candice Kameta (Performing Arts) Ruth Pologa (Health) Eleanor Reo (Social Work) Grace Stone (Environmental Studies) Jody Tonga (Forestry) Zoe Warena (Mathematical Science)

Each recipient receives a $1000 Scholarship Award to support their studies.



IWI CHAIRS FORUM 6 & 7 MAY 2013 MAUNGĀRONGO MARAE, OHĀKUNE Ngāti Tūwharetoa, lead by the Ariki Tā Tumu, was welcomed on to Maungārongo Marae in Ohākune to join Ngāti Rangi and other iwi of the Kāhui Maunga in welcoming Iwi leaders from throughout the motu. The Chairs of Iwi organisations gathered for a two day summit as part of their regular quarterly hui. The agenda for the Iwi Chairs Forum included discussion on freshwater, Whānau Ora, Treaty settlements and education. Ariki Tā Tumu is Chairman of the Freshwater Iwi Leaders’ group; a subset of the Iwi Chairs who are leading discussions with the Crown on freshwater and resource management reforms. At each of the Iwi Chairs Forums, the Freshwater Iwi Leaders report back and seek a mandate from the wider group to continue on with their discussions. The Freshwater Iwi Leaders’ Group is Tā Tumu te Heuheu, Tā Mark Solomon (Ngai Tahu), Toby Curtis (Te Arawa), Vanessa Eparaima (Raukawa), Ngahiwi Tomoana (Kahungunū), Tom Roa (Tainui) and Brendon Te Tiwha Puketapu (Whanganui). The Trust Board provides support for Ariki Tā Tumu in his role as Chairman of the Freshwater Iwi Leaders group.

TAUPŌ SPORTS FISHERY REPORT RELEASED In July last year the Department of Conservation (DOC) commenced a review of the Taupō Sports Fishery in conjunction with the Trust Board. The review was carried out in response to concerns about the health of the fishery, a 20% drop in participation (licence sales) over the last five years and to identify potential opportunities to increase the value of the fishery to the Taupō region. The Minister of Conservation, Dr Nick Smith publically released the Report on 29 July 2013. The report identifies opportunities for ongoing sustainability and growth of the fishery, growing participation by anglers and improving its governance and management structures. The Taupō Sports Fishery is managed under the Conservation Act 1987 and the Māori Land Amendment and Maori Land Claims Adjustment Act 1926. The primary purpose for management of the Taupō Sports Fishery is to provide for the care, management and protection of trout (as a natural resource) and to give effect to the agreement entered into under the provisions of Section 29 of the Māori Land Amendment and Māori Land Claims Adjustment Act 1926 regarding Lake Taupō and its tributaries. The fishery is a valuable resource to both the region and Ngāti Tūwharetoa – culturally, socially and economically. The Trust Board has an obvious interest in ensuring the fishery is well managed and governed. Recommendations in the Report include developing an overarching goal for the fishery and a new governance structure that recognises the key partnership the fishery has had for nearly 100 years. A number of operational changes such as ways to control catfish in Lake Taupō and a more collaborative approach to science and management with other organisations and agencies have also been proposed. Other opportunities include removing barriers to fishing and encouraging new anglers into the sport. This means licensing changes, working better with regional tourism operators, more proactive communications and making it easier for everyone to access all aspects of the fishery. The Trust Board, DOC and other key stakeholders will develop a plan to implement various recommendations in the Report. For Ngāti Tūwharetoa, this means having a more active role in the governance and management of the fishery to ensure ongoing benefits for the iwi. A full copy of the Report can be accessed at www.doc.govt.nz/taupofishery < http://www.doc.govt.nz/taupofishery >

TE TIRA HOE O WAIKATO Rā te haeata, tākina mai i te ripa te tara ki Tauhara. Kei raro ko te wai horoi o Taupō, hei wai oranga mo te Iwi Atop of Tauhara breaks the new morn. Beneath the waters of Taupō, Life-giving waters of the people The above whakatauaki was uttered by the Kingmaker, Wiremu Tamehana at Pukawa over 155 years ago. That connection with the Waikato people continues in 2013, when Ngāti Tūwharetoa through our Pou Tikanga, Te Kanawa Pitiroi met Te Tira Hoe o Waikato on the shores of Taupō moana at Waitetoko. Their haerenga took them to Ruapehu maunga, following the waters of Waikato-iti through to Taupō before resting at Ohaaki with Ngāti Tahu. Koro Te Kanawa Pitiroi spoke of the connections we as Ngāti Tūwharetoa have with the Waikato people from the Kiingitanga and Pukawa, through to many whakapapa links within our families.

Kaumātua Te Kanawa Pitiroi receives a carved hoe (paddle) presented by Te Tira Hoe o Waikato.


Te Ahi Tapu, the Puanga ceremony recognised all who had passed away in the previous 12 months.

On June 10, Dylan Tahau our Environmental Manager joined around 160 Ngāti Rangi and Whanganui River whānau who, with members of the local community gathered on the southern slopes of Ruapehu maunga to commemorate the past 12 months and to welcome the New Year as part of Puanga.

before names were read of those who had passed on in the previous 12 months. The explanation given was for the auahi or the smoke from the fire to carry the aroha to the peaks of Ruapehu before ascending to ‘ngā rangi tuhāhā’ or to the heavens. Included with the many names was an acknowledgement of the passing of Timoti te Heuheu.

The dawn ceremony in minus 5 degree cold commenced with the sounding of Pukaea, karanga and a number of karakia recited by Koroheke. The kaupapa then moved to a large fire on the Turoa concourse where presentations included an explanation of a Ngāti Rangi Karakia that was recited

Nei ka mihi ki a koutou e Ngāti Rangi whānui mo te maimai aroha ki a rātou kua ngaro kanohi nei. Haere atu rā koutou ki te pae o Matariki, o Rehua. Haere atu rā. Rātou ki a ratou, ki a tātou e pae nei, Tihei i te mauri o te ora!

NEW MARAE INSURANCE PROGRAMME In May the Trust Board announced and commenced implementation of the new Marae Insurance Programme with our collaborative partners IWIinvestor and AON Insurance. Marae site visits were carried out across the rohe to inform marae of the new programme and update marae asset registers. The visits were invaluable for meeting and establishing relationships with current Marae Trustees and Marae Committee members, and to hear about their next phases of development and priorities. Important discussions were had around valuations of cultural artworks (e.g. whakairo, tukutuku)

and the implications for insurance. Another common theme discussed by marae was their awareness and plans in place to ensure buildings are compliant with various building and safety codes. Discussions will continue with marae over the next 12 months to ensure cover is properly tailored and adequate for marae needs. Marae will also be set up with their own online portfolio where they can access their policy at any time, update asset registers and submit claims. Overall, feedback from the marae with regards to the new programme and the site visits were positive, particularly following their

being able to talk through the programme and have any queries answered. The Trust Board makes a yearly contribution towards the cost of insuring our marae. This year the insurance contract was tendered out and an 18% saving on premiums was achieved which means lower premiums for marae and the Trust Board. The Board is very pleased to have achieved this result and enhanced benefit for Ngāti Tūwharetoa. Please contact Herena Te Wano (Iwi Services Leader) or Murray Phillips (Chief Financial Officer) with regards to Marae Insurance queries.

COMMERCIAL ACTIVITIES ON LAKE TAUPŌ Over the coming 24 months, the Trust Board will be introducing a licencing and concession regime for all existing commercial operators. Some commercial operators are already licensed and others have contacted the Trust Board to enter into a license arrangement. The revenues of such activities will be put back into Ngāti Tūwharetoa charitable purposes. This has the potential to change the water-scape and allow for Ngāti Tūwharetoa to gain further control over its taonga.

Mark Williams (Planning Coordinator, Genesis Energy) briefs the Ngāti Tūwharetoa ESITO cohort in preparation for their visit to the underground Rangipō Power Station.

RANGATAHI INTRODUCTORY TASTER COURSE TO THE ELECTRICAL SUPPLY INDUSTRY In July, the following nine Ngāti Tūwharetoa rangatahi (aged 16-18 years) completed the Electrical Supply Industry Training Organisation (ESITO) Taster Course: • • • • • • • • •

Freedom Warena (Ngāti Hine) Tuki Clarke (Ngāti Tūtemohuta) Bodie Hayman (Ngāti Hikairo) Caelum Warena (Ngāti Hine) William Glynn (Te Hikuwai) Denim Stevens (Ngāti Kurauia) Poihakena Adams (Ngāti Kurauia) Logan Tawhiri (Ngāti Hikairo) Terehia Te Kani (Ngāti Hine)

Hosted at Tokaanu Marae participants were exposed to the different components of the Electrical Supply Industry from generation to distribution. Activities involved site visits, and both practical and theoretical sessions

relevant to the industry including Health & Safety, how electricity is generated, the various career opportunities and pathways into the industry and preparation for group presentations on the final day. Ngāti Kurauia provided a relaxed and supportive whānau environment for the rangatahi over the 5 days. Some rangatahi identified being interested in the industry or their interest in the industry was reinforced. The Trust Board has been working in partnership with ESITO for two years to deliver the Taster Course. ESITO Taster Courses are generally targeted at rangatahi aged 15-22 years. Please ring or email info@tuwharetoa.co.nz to register interest for next year’s Taster Course.

Tūwharetoa Māori Trust Board PO Box 87, Tūrangi 3353 T: (07) 386 8832 F: (07) 386 8235 E: info@tuwharetoa.co.nz W: www.tuwharetoa.co.nz

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