April 26, 2018 Issue

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EVANSVILLE, INDIANA Volume 36, No. 41 • April 26 - May 2, 2018


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One item per ad. 10 words or less. Private party ads only! Ad runs four weeks. Asking price & phone number must be included in the 10 words.

THIS WEEKS BIBLE VERSE: SAVE, LORD: LET THE KING HEAR US WHEN WE CALL PSALM 20:9 LARGE GREEN EGG with accessories, $550 firm. Bassemier’s price $1200. 812-2040199. FREE HONEY Bee Removal and Swarm Rescue. Call Frank 812351-1510 MANY HONDA 3 wheeler parts, $39, 812-867-2721, 812617-1213. 6 FOUR Wheeler rims & tires, $40, 812-8672721, 812-617-1213. (4) 215/50/17 tires, $90, 812-897-0862. (4) 185/80/13 Trailer tires, 6 ply, $100, 812897-0862. REAR BROWN Suburban seats, fits 94-02, excellent condition, $50, 812-598-4588 OLD HOOD Ornaments, 1940? 1950’s, $60 best offer, 765-4903699 1995 WINSTON Champion #24 Gordon classic bottles., $50 / offer, 812-422-6371 ANTIQUE FILLING Station transmission oil dispenser, $45, 812867-2721, 812-6171213. ANTIQUE 1800 Bounce scale, $35, 812-867-2721, 812617-1213. ANTIQUE COIN operated gas meter, $95, 812-867-2721, 812617-1213. DOODLE TOWN wooden toys, 5 in set, $15, 812-963-8357 MULTI-FUNCTION BASSINET that plays music, pink & white, $100. 812-568-2984. NEW JOHN Deere 4 wheel wagon, $45, 812-867-2721, 812617-1213. GIRLS TODDLER BED super cute, $200. 812-568-2984. VTECH RIDE & Learn Giraffe Bike, $50. 812568-2984.

CHILDS BEAUTY Salon, $30. 812-5682984. VTECH BOUNCING Colors Turtle, $50. 812568-2984. WOMEN’S MOTORCYCLE Jacket, size 12, $100. 812-963-8357 WOMEN’S MOTORCYCLE boots, size 7, $70, 812-963-8357 WEDDING DRESS size 12/14, satin / lace, $100, 812-963-8357 FORMAL DRESS size 10, mint color, $75, 812-963-8357 B R O O D E R 3’X6’X12" tall, with metal dividers, $30, 812-963-3746. CRAFTSMAN 10" Band saw, on bench, new, $199, 812-4670791 2 1/4HP PLUNGE Router, 7 bits, all new, $100. 812-319-3961. CRAFTSMAN 3/8" drill, works, $30, 812963-8357 HALF TON Chain hoist, $45, 812-8672721, 812-617-1213. M I LW A U K E E HEAVY Saw Zall, 15 amps, works, $110, 812-963-8357 JUDY GARLAND pictures in frame $12, 812-421-0006. CHINA CABINET good condition, $25, 812-909-0246. WOOD DESK with 3 drawers, $48, 812-421-0006. WOODEN KITCHEN table with 4 chairs, $200, 812-454-8672 SOFA, MATCHING Chair, Box springs, Mattress, 2 TV’s, $150. 812455-1910 COCA-COLA Table with 2 chairs + a screen, $135, 812-421-0006. SOFA Good Condition, $75. 812-604-3659. 16" TASKFORCE Rotary mower, no gas needed, $25, 812-4670791

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