June 28, 2018 Issue

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Volume 36, No. 50•June 28-July 4, 2018 View Online Anytime @ www.EvansvilleThriftyNickel.net


THRIFTY NICKEL 999 N. Congress Ave. Evansville, IN. 47715

812-428-8484 HOME OF THE $5 PER WEEK CLASSIFIED AD. Your Classified Connection!

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A WANTED: PLASTIC model cars, parts, pieces, whole kits, and collections. No Nascar. Call 270-570-3932. CRAFTSMAN’S TOOLBOX $25, 812909-4143. SAND BLASTER from Rural King, nice, $65, 812-423-9769 (2) BAR STOOLS black leather wood, $50. 812-464-9303. BUNDY NEW Delta classic bathroom faucet, $60, 812-303-3012 (2) DOWN SPOUTS dark green, accordion type, $5. 812-479-3570. NEW STARBUCKS Verismo coffee machine use it pots, $40, 812604-9499 METAL SCREEN Back door, $30, 812423-5835 AIR CONDITIONER 3 Ton Split System Condenser, $200. 812-3057032. BOOTS, LACROSSE 18" Burley, green, size 8, $10. 812-464-9303. FILING CABINET 1 drawer, $5. 812-4649303. SEARS AIR Purifier, $30, 812-423-5835 BIG WEBER Grill kettle, $40, 812-4235835 4 TON AC, Evaporator coil, $100, 812-3057032 LOG HOLDER Collapsible, black, metal, $30, 812-568-8646. GUTTER GUARD henged, new, 6X36, $4. 812-464-9303. SMALL FRIDGE $25, 812-909-4143. WASHER & DRYER Whirlpool, $200. 812479-0958. WINDOW AC 80,000 BTU, used little, cold air, $130. 812-812-5985111 UPRIGHT FREEZER & Refrigerator, $150. 812-217-1029.

Man is like to vanity: his days are as a shadow that passeth away PSALM 144:4 SAMSUNG FRONT Load electric dryer, $200, 812-639-0186 AMANA WASHER Top Load, standard size, 1 year old, washes good but, won’t spin. Asking $100. 812204-4587, 812-9636503. BENCHCRAFT WICKER Loveseat, chair, & ottoman, glass table, $100, 812-6049499 REAL BIG medium brown Armoire cabinet, $75, 812-639-0186 (4) DINING Room Chairs, wood, needs refinishing, $50. 812464-9303. OAK COFFEE table, $50, 812-423-5835 DINING ROOM Table, wood, with leaf, $50. 812-464-9303. KIDNEY SHAPED Coffee Table, 5' long, $200 / offer. 812-2059083. ENTERTAINMENT Center, holds 27" TV, solid wood, $80, 812598-8730 OAK PC table, $40, 812-423-5835 W O O D E N KITCHEN table with 6 chairs, 1 leaf, $150, 812-639-0186 MURPHY BED Bed frame, $150. 812-4913571. KIMBALL ROLL Top desk, very nice shape, 1970’s, $175, 812-6390186 MAN CAVE Shelf with duck, $25, 812-4769199. POWER PRO Push Mower, 4.5hp, mulcher, $75. 812-499-0344. PATIO UMBRELLA Big, $25. No text. 812719-9305 HUSQVARNA WEED eater, $25, 812550-6576.

View our Digital Edition. New Issue Updated Every Thursday. View & Place ads @ www.EvansvilleThriftyNickel.net



JUNE 28 - JULY 4, 2018


Adoption ................................................ 3 Antiques ................................................ 3 Apartments For Rent/Sale ...................... 6 Appliances ............................................ 4 Baby Items ............................................ 5 Business & Service ............................ 5B Cemetery Plots ................................... 3 Clothing ............................................... 3 Commercial Property for Rent/Sale 6 Community Calendar ......................... 4 Education ............................................ 5 Electronics .......................................... 4 Employment Guide ............................ 4 Equipment ........................................... 5 Farmers Market .................................. 5 Financial .............................................. 3 Furniture ................................................ 4 Health & Medical................................ 5 Heavy Duty ........................................... 5 Homes For Rent/Sale ............................. 6-7

Household Items .................................. 4 Investment Property for Rent/Sale .. 7

Lawn & Garden ....................................... 5 Miscellaneous ......................................... 2-3 Mobile Homes Parts .................................. 7 Mobile Homes for Rent/Sale ................ 7 Musical Equipment ................................ 3 Pets (Birds, Cats, Dogs, etc) ................... 7 Real Estate .............................................. 6-7 Real Estate Wanted to Buy ........................ 6 Sporting Goods ...................................... 5 Steel & Storage Building ...................... 5 Swimming Pools ..................................... 3 Tools ......................................................... 5 Trailers ..................................................... 5 Vacation For Rent/Sale .............................. 6 Video Games .......................................... 4 Wanted to Buy ........................................ 7 Yard Sales ............................................... 4


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Open Late Tuesday for your convenience.


DEADLINES Classifieds ..................................... Tuesday by 6pm Business & Service ....................... Monday by 5pm

Cancellations ................................. Monday by 5pm Display .......................................... Tuesday by 4pm

AREA OF COVERAGE Thrifty Nickel distributes 17,500 papers every Thursday. We deliver to the following counties: Vanderburgh, Warrick, Gibson, Posey, Henderson, Union, Wabash, Knox, Greene, Martin, Pike & Daviess.

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Indian Arrrowheads, Tomahawks, Pipes, Pottery, & other old Indian Items. Call Anytime after 10am 812-205-9083.

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$ CASH NOW $$FOR HOUSES $ TOP dollar cash offer on the spot. Close in days. Any area, condition or price range. CALL ME FIRST! 812897-5318, 812-4554503. •812-897-5319 - 24 hour fax line•

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FIRE! FIRE! FIRE! I buy fire damaged HOUSES. I also buy old HOUSES in any condition, run down HOUSES, fixer upper type HOUSES. Vacant lots, farm land, timber land. All types of acreage wanted. 812-897-5318, 812455-4503, 812-8975319, 24 hour fax line.

One item per ad. 10 words or less. Private party ads only! Ad runs four weeks. Asking price & phone number must be included in the 10 words.



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thru July 7th

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LOOK! WE BUY Backhoes, bull dozers, track hoes - excavators, Bobcats, skid steers, farm tractors, plus attachments, dump trucks, trailers, trenchers, concrete and mortar mixers. Scaffolding etc. All types of construction equipment wanted. Large or small. 812-455-4503, 812-897-5318, 812897-5319, 24 hour fax line. KEROSENE HEATERS WICK TYPE. Repair / Reconditioning / Tune-up Service. Older heaters & wicks a specialty. New Wicks & Heaters for sale. Older Heaters wanted. Gary, 1-812-426-0013, 7 days a week. WANTED LIVE IN CAREGIVER Need someone to take care of my 92 year old Mother, beautiful upscale neighborhood, cable, Internet. Needs help bathing, meds., meals. Live well and get a salary. 812-4803792, 812-319-9280. TONKA DUMP Xtra large, excellent condition, $30, 812-4847935 LAMPS, VARIOUS kinds, $10, 812-7199305

✰ ✰ ✰ ✰

OLD HOUSES Wanted. I buy old houses that need repair, work done. Fire damaged, storm damaged, termite damaged. Major structural problems, etc. I’ll do all paper work, 3 day service. A no problem sale for you. 812-897-5318, 812-455-4503, 812897-5319, 24 hour fax line.

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SEE YOUR ADS AT http://www.EvansvilleThriftyNickel.net

$$ WE BUY HOUSES $$ Any Condition, Situation, or Price Range. Walk Away Today! Cash, Confidential, Close Quickly! Go to website now or call 812-773-2191 www.CashForYouNow.com 100 MICRO cars $50, 812-476-9199. HUTCH, MAPLE, excellent, $210. 812-7199305 HOWARD’S POST FRAME BUILDINGS Many styles & sizes available. 812-6499230, 270-929-1479 or 270-835-9251. USED APPLIANCES starting at $100. Barnett’s Furniture & Appliance 1915 Covert Ave., 812-4016088. ESTATE SALE with Antiques, Furniture, Old Toys, Etc. Call Eugene at 270-570-3485. REGULAR OIL Change $32. See Coupon in Car Cents. Speedy Oiler, 4711 Bellemeade Avenue, 812-426-0535, 2920 St Joe Ave., 812-4262819 WOOD BARNS, all sizes, built on site. Barns & More, corner of 4th & Triplett, Owensboro, 270-6880950. MOBILE HOME Supplies: Furnaces, AC’s, Doors, Windows, Tubs, Skirting, Tie-Downs and more. 812-4014820 fultonmhp.com TV CONSOLE 25" color, in walnut cabinet, $30, 812-719-9305 WINE BOTTLES 750 Milliliter, cork type, $5 case. 1 1/2 liters $3 a case. 812-357-7138. DALE EARNHARDT name on clothes of Teddy Bear collectible, (brand new), $10. 812719-9305 TILE FLOORING starting at $.79 / sq. ft. Low Cost Flooring Outlet 1325 E. Virginia Street, Evansville, Indiana. 812-303-9151 3 BOXES of Thomas The Train, $50, 812476-9199. WANTS TO purchase minerals and other oil & gas interests. Send details P.O. Box 13557, Denver, Co 80201 SOLAR COMMERCIAL Battery charger, $50, 812-909-4143. 10X10 SEARS Tent. Golf clubs. Stair Stepper. Bike Rack. Car Ramps & Jack Stands. 20" Boys Bike. Kenwood Receiver. Best offer. 812-4768198 PATIO UMBRELLA Big, $25. 812-719-9305 SMALL AMERICAN girl Indian doll, $25, 812-476-9199.

FINANCING FOR Everyone. Brucken Motors apply on line BruckenMotors.com Good Credit- Bad Credit- No Problem! GENERIC VIAGRA and CIALIS USERS! 100 Pills SPECIAL $99.00 FREE Shipping! 100% guaranteed. 24/ 7 CALL NOW! 888880-4589 Hablamos Espanol. TREATED WOOD Not Painted Swings: 4' - $69, 5' - $79; Adirondack chairs $80; Adult Rockers $75; Deck Chairs $40; Child’s Rockers (painted or stained) $35; Child’s Swings (painted) $45. 270929-1329. VINYL PLANK FLOORING starting at $1.09 / sq. ft. Low Cost Flooring Outlet 1325 E. Virginia Street, Evansville, Indiana. 812-303-9151 VENDING MACHINES for sale, 4 column sticker / tattoo machines and 2 inch 50¢ vend machines. Make offer, 812-4800987 STAINLESS COMMERCIAL Grill, $50, 812-909-4143. WANTED TO BUY: Indian Arrrowheads, Tomahawks, Pipes, Pottery, & other old Indian Items. Anytime after 10am 812-205-9083. CABLE INTERNET Phone. No credit check! No contracts! Only $29.99 each! Bundle now save huge! Were local installers! Call Now Free Quote! Ends soon. 1-888-8580282 LIVELINKS IS the best chatline for meeting real singles who know how to have a good time! Wanna flirt and have some fun? Call 866-678-4895and make a real connection. BRAND NEW Children’s books, large variety, 5 for $10, 812629-7328 LOG CABIN $5800 (Original Price $23,800) Moving and Must Sell. 768 square feet (Expandable to 1152 sq.ft.) 101 solid oak logs, full dovetailed, complete precut wall set with all plans for stone fireplace, high pitched roof, 10' high ceilings, porch. Stack walls in two days. Add roof in 2 days. Extra nice! Pay when received. (Will haul to IN for $1850). Tremendous Bargain. Owner (870) 577-5757.

JUNE 28 - JULY 4, 2018

JOHNS APPLIANCE REPAIR On site repair. Service of most major Residential Brands 20 years experience. John Backes 812-2029 6 2 1 newfrontierbar@yahoo.com wwwfacebook.com/ Johns-Appliance-Repair L A R G E PICNICTable, $25. 812-550-6576. WANTED LIVE IN CAREGIVER Need someone to take care of my 92 year old Mother, beautiful upscale neighborhood, cable, Internet. Needs help bathing, meds., meals. Live well and get a salary. 812-480-3792, 812319-9280. 42"x 96" Beveled Mirror $75; King Size Headboard Carved Walnut with Cane Inserts $75, 812-4906261

FOUR LOTS at Parklawn Cemetery, (Half price). 812-6261800

15' ABOVE Ground Pool, complete, $75, 812-639-0186

ADOPT: LOVING, secure, 1st time parents long to adopt a baby. Expenses pd. Penny & Eric, 1-262732-3678 ADOPTION. CALIFORNIA couple promises baby warm loving home, secure future, sports and travel. Devoted grandparents, educational opportunities. Your expenses paid. Brady// Robin (877)504-7953 or attorney (310)6633467 T R A I N S WANTED: Lionel, American Flyer, Marklin, HO, Coke Machines, Coin Operated Games. All sizes. Cash Paid. Private collector. Prices over the phone. Please call before you sell. Cell number 630-319-2331 ADOPTION: WE Promise Your Baby LOVE, Endless Joy, & Security. Expenses Paid. James & Samuel, 1-800-401-1639


4 POSTER Cherry wood bed, 1937, $200 / best offer, 812-2059083. WHEAT PENNIES several, in box, $5 each. 270-957-2591. ANTIQUE HANDMADE Quilt & matching pillow sham, 4100 / offer, 812-470-1132 (4)1995 WINSTON Champion #24 Gordon classic bottles., $32 / offer, 812-422-6371.

FOOT JOY Golf Shoes, $40. 812-3193801 SUEDE LADIES Boots, size 9.5, gold, $90. 812-760-9560. NEW VERA Bradley light blue purse $20, 812-476-9199. NEW WEDDING Dress, trail & vale size 8, $125, 812-476-9199. NEWLY CROCHETED Baby blanket, durable, 35x35, $60, 812-484-7935 FULL LENGTH black satin dress, size 5/6, $30, 812-4847935 BEARS BUTTON up Jersey 3X, $20, 812476-9199. LADIES AIGNER Jacket, size 9-10, asking $100. 812-7609560.

TOO MANY Pay Day Loans? We can help! Consolidate multiple loans into 1 low payment! Save $100s monthly Call 877-422-4557.

1970 FAME Guitar, $150, 812-909-4143. CASH REWARD, Old American Guitars. Paying $200$30,000 for Gibson, Fender, Martin and Others. Call Dave. 1800-646-7795 KIMBALL CONCERT Grand Piano, 9' long, black, $1500. 812-477-7813. VERY NICE Bundy Selmer Restonite Clarinet, $90, 812303-3012 E S T A B A N ACOUSTIC Guitar, $100, 812-909-4143.

Thrifty Nickel’s COPPER POWDER/ FLASK 1850’s, $85, 812-205-9083. 2 LARGE Antique mirrors $40 each. 812266-5911

MAIL-IN AD FORM SEE PAGE 2A SEE YOUR ADS AT http://www.EvansvilleThriftyNickel.net



VTECH 3 hetset cordless phone with answering machine, $25. 812-303-3012 INSIGNIA DIGITAL Converter box, $10, 812-303-3012 20" TV Analog, $20, 812-423-5835 VTECH CORDLESS phone with base $10. Call 812-303-3012 MOTOR 1/4 horsepower, 110 volts, Dayton, like new, $35, 812568-8646. ZENITH CONSOLE Radio, $40, 812-9094143.

WHITE XBOX 360 wireless network adapter $20. Call 812303-3012 XBOX 360 wireless network adapter, black, $20. Call 812-303-3012 LEAPFROG TV with 2 games, 1 controller, $30. Call 812-303-3012 256MB XBOX 360 Memory card, $10. Call 812-303-3012



HICKORY WOOD Furniture, Rocker, Sofa table, and End table. The Woodshed 812464-2345. GUTTER GUARD henged, new, 6X36, $4. 812-464-9303. KITCHEN FAUCET, single handle pull down, black, new, $80, 812-484-7935 WANTED LIVE IN CAREGIVER Need someone to take care of my 92 year old Mother, beautiful upscale neighborhood, cable, Internet. Needs help bathing, meds., meals. Live well and get a salary. 812-480-3792, 812319-9280. SHAKER BENCHES for any size table. The Woodshed 2420 N. Governor, 812-4642345. BOOTS, LACROSSE 18" Burley, green, size 8, $10. 812464-9303. BUNDY NEW Delta classic bathroom faucet, $60, 812-303-3012 DORM ROOM Cubes. The Woodshed call Ray 812-464-2345. (2) DOWN SPOUTS dark green, accordion type, $5. 812-4793570.

HAMILTON BEACH Emmie food processor, 5 different blades, $15, 812-484-7935 JOHNS APPLIANCE REPAIR On site repair. Service of most major Residential Brands 20 years experience. John Backes 812-2029 6 2 1 newfrontierbar@yahoo.com wwwfacebook.com/ Johns-Appliance-Repair NEW STARBUCKS Verismo coffee machine use it pots, $40, 812-604-9499 METAL SCREEN Back door, $30, 812423-5835 AIR CONDITIONER 3 Ton Split System Condenser, $200. 812-3057032. K E R O S E N E HEATER new, $50, 812-319-3801 CUSTOM AMISH Finish, Pine Pantries, cabinets and corners. The Woodshed 2420 N. Governor, 812-4642345. SINK FOR bathroom with Delta Faucet, marble, tan, $28, 812719-9305 (2) BAR STOOLS black leather wood, $50. 812-464-9303. IMPROVE INDOOR Air Quality. Patton Heating and Air Inc., 812424-7583 FILING CABINET 1 drawer, $5. 812-4649303.

GEORGE FORMAN Extra large with additional grilling plate, $30, 812-484-7935 SEARS AIR Purifier, $30, 812-423-5835 BIG WEBER Grill kettle, $40, 812-4235835 4 TON AC, Evaporator coil, $100, 812-3057032 AIR PURIFICATION Systems. Patton Heating and Air Inc., 812424-7583 LOG HOLDER Collapsible, black, metal, $30, 812-568-8646. EDEN PURE Portable heater, (new), $195. 812-319-3801

BARRETT USED APPLIANCE We sell Washers, Dryers, Refrigerators & Ranges. We also do service work & pick up unwanted Appliances. 724 Wall St., Evansville, 812-4778348. SMALL FRIDGE $25, 812-909-4143. WASHER & DRYER Whirlpool, $200. 812479-0958. WINDOW AC 80,000 BTU, used little, cold air, $130. 812-812-5985111 U P R I G H T FREEZER & Refrigerator, $150. 812-2171029. SAMSUNG FRONT Load electric dryer, $200, 812-639-0186

AMANA WASHER Top Load, standard size, 1 year old, washes good but, won’t spin. Asking $50. 812-204-4587, 812963-6503.

WOOD BOOK Shelf $20. 812-266-5911 WHITE WICKER book Shelf $25. 812266-5911 OAK DINING Table, 4 Tell City Chairs, $280. 812-719-9305 BENCHCRAFT WICKER Loveseat, chair, & ottoman, glass table, $100, 812-6049499 REAL BIG medium brown Armoire cabinet, $75, 812-6390186 LAMINATE FLOORING starting at $.79 / sq. ft. Low Cost Flooring Outlet 1325 E. Virginia Street, Evansville, Indiana. 812-303-9151 (4) DINING Room Chairs, wood, needs refinishing, $50. 812464-9303.

45" ROUND Glass top Dinette set. Very attractive set. $150. 812-471-8079

MAKE $1,000 Weekly! Paid in Advance! Mailing Brochures From Home. No Experience Required. Helping home workers since 2001! Genuine Opportunity. Start Immed i a t e l y ! www.MailingGroup.Net DRONE CAREERS. Prepare for FAA Unmanned Aircraft System operator certificate for commercial use. Weekend courses available in Atlanta, Dallas, Houston, Las Vegas, Kansas City, Oakland, Philadelphia, Virginia Beach and DC. Call AIM 877-2020 3 8 6 . www.AIMUAS.com




OAK COFFEE table, $50, 812-423-5835 DRESSER 6 Drawer $50. 812-266-5911 SOFAS & LOVESEATS starting at $599. Barnett’s Furniture & Appliances 1915 Covert Ave., 812-4016088 MISSION HALL seat, finished in oak or brown maple woods, $499. The Woodshed 812464-2345. AMERICAN MADE Rocking chairs. The Woodshed 812-4642345. OAK PC table, $40, 812-423-5835 TABLE WITH 2 chairs, red & tan color, $45. 812-266-5911 MATTRESS SETS $149 per set. Barnett’s Furniture 812-4016088. WOODEN KITCHEN table with 6 chairs, 1 leaf, $150, 812-6390186 SERTA ORTHOPEDIC Bed, with remote control, 5 years old, never used remote, like new, $200 / offer. 812909-4655. DINING ROOM Table, wood, with leaf, $50. 812-464-9303. MURPHY BED Bed frame, $150. 812-4913571. KIDNEY SHAPED Coffee Table, 5' long, $200 / offer. 812-2059083. CHAIR, FABRIC, covered, $35, 812-7199305

MEDICAL BILLING & Coding Training! Train at home to process Medical billing & Insurance! CTI can get you job ready! 1 (855) 244-3118 AskCTI.com HS Diploma/GED needed. AVIATION CAREERS. Hands on training for career opportunities in aviation, manufacturing and more. Financial aid for qualified students. Job placement assistance. Call AIM 877-206-1503. www.FixJets.com 13 POSITIONS Available! Work anywhere with Internet connection. As simple as checking your email. Online training provided.Start Today: bit.ly/2yewvor DRIVERS, CLASSA: No-Touch freight, top of the line facilities, equipment. Excellent weekly pay, benefits, paid vacation/holidays & more! Weekly rounds available with consistent and reliable home time! Call Leslie 855219-2530

JUNE 28 - JULY 4, 2018 DOUBLE BED complete, metal supports, Westside, $150. 812430-8844 KIMBALL ROLL Top desk, very nice shape, 1970’s, $175, 812-6390186 MAN CAVE Shelf with duck, $25, 812-4769199. DINETTE SET 3 piece corner nook, Farm bench & rectangular table, solid oak. The Woodshed 812464-2345. UNFINISHED WOOD Furniture. The Woodshed 812-4642345.

3-FAMILY GARAGE Sale. Saturday June 30. 7am - 5pm. 7916 Kuebler Road. Antiques, Collectibles, Furniture, Bedroom furniture, Household & Misc. items, Men’s clothing.

25 DRIVER Trainees Needed Now at Steven’s Transport! No Experience Needed! Earn $900 Per Week! Paid CDL Training! All costs covered! 1-844-3117 5 1 5 drive4stevens.com

WANTED LIVE IN CAREGIVER Need someone to take care of my 92 year old Mother, beautiful upscale neighborhood, cable, Internet. Needs help bathing, meds., meals. Live well and get a salary. 812-480-3792, 812319-9280.

PHOTOGRAPHY JOBS, straight from cell phone to CASH. Get PAID an average of $2-$5 per photo. Call 1800-371-3126 & PhotoForPay.com to watch free video. NOW HIRING for Front Desk. Apply at Americas Best Value Inn 4819 Tecumseh Lane.

Outside Sales Rep Needed Looking for someone that is well motivated, team oriented and eager to work. Evansville Area. Base pay plus commission. Must have valid drivers license and transportation.


999 N. Congress Ave. Evansville, IN 47715. NO PHONE CALLS PLEASE.

SEE YOUR ADS AT http://www.EvansvilleThriftyNickel.net

MESKER PARK ZOO is happy to announce the addition of a new resident, a male giant anteater. The anteater (Mr. Pickles) was born at Potawatomi Zoo in November 2016 and is currantly on exhibit in the Zoo’s South American section. We cant wait for our visitors to meet him. MESKER PARK ZOO has A new 10 month Giraffe named Clementine has arrived at Mesker Park Zoo & Botanic Garden. She is currently off exhibit completing the standard quarantine for all new animals.

HELP WANTED Siding Helper, Must have transportation, phone, and able to climb ladders. General knowledge of construction a plus. Full-time position. Call 812-454-5384. HELPER NEEDED Construction 812-4255211. Pay based on experience. NOW HIRING Sales professional. Call Mark 812-426-2500 JD Byrider 2116 N. First Ave. Evansville. HELP WANTED Appliance Repair. Experience preferred. Apply in person at Barnett’s Furniture & Appliance 1915 Covert Ave. 812-4016088. NOW HIRING Maintenance Technician Full time / Monday - Friday. Must have truck and tools. Competitive pay, health insurance, vacation and holiday pay available. Apply in person at 18 S. Congress or by email at Marcie@fprent.com DELIVERY HELP Wanted. Good Drivers License. Apply in person at Barnett’s Furniture & Appliance 1915 Covert Ave., Evansville. HELP WANTED Experienced Tow Truck Driver. Please call 812-925-3623.

JUNE 28 - JULY 4, 2018

KUBOTA L-2501 DT package, was $31,200, now $20,200. Includes 25hp tractor, loader, 5' bushhog, 5' box blade, 18' dual axle trailer with ramps. Lemond’s 1888-LEMONDS. KUBOTA MX5200 DT package was $45,600, now $34,600, Includes 52hp tractor, loader, 6' box blade, 22' Split deck dual axle trailer with ramps. Lemond’s 1-888LEMONDS. KUBOTA MX4800 HST Package, was $44,900, now $33,900, Includes 48hp tractor, loader, 6' bushhog, 6' box blade, 22' Splitdeck axle trailer with ramps. Lemond’s 1-888LEMONDS. JOHNS APPLIANCE REPAIR On site repair. Service of most major Residential Brands 20 years experience. John Backes 812-202-9621 newfrontierbar@yahoo.com wwwfacebook.com/ Johns-Appliance-Repair

FOR SALE OR TRADE Ford NH 555E Backhoe, good shape, (2) buckets, $15,000; 10' Woods bush hog, semimounted, $1,500; NH 462 Disc mower, rebuilt, $2,200; NH 6740 Disc mower, used very little, $6,000; Kuhn 4-basket Tedder, $3,000; 1969 Ford Grain Truck, dump bed, metal floor, good sides, engine needs help, no title, Make offer. 270684-8719 or 270-3144799. KUBOTA L-3901 DT package, was $35,200, now $24,200. Includes 39hp tractor, loader, 5' bushhog, 5' box blade, 18' dual axle trailer with ramps. Lemond’s 1888-LEMONDS. KUBOTA L-2501 HST package, was $32,500, now $21,500. Includes 25hp tractor, loader, 5' bushhog, 5' box blade, 18' dual axle trailer with ramps. Lemond’s 1-888LEMONDS.

METAL BAND saw, good condition, $125, 812-568-8646. BLACK DECKER Table saw and stand, 10" blade, $150, 812901-3194. PIPE WRENCH Rigid, 18", steel, new, $30. 812-568-8646. TOOLBOX, PLASTIC Lockage, 32"x18"x13", $45, 812568-8646. PIPE WRENCH Rigid, 24" aluminum, new, $55, 812-568-8646. EXTENTION LADDER wood, 28', $65. 812-985-5303, 812204-6573. BUFFALO BENCH Grinder, $25, 812-9013194. CRAFTSMAN’S TOOLBOX $25, 812909-4143. SAND BLASTER from Rural King, nice, $65, 812-423-9769

NEW 16' Tandem axle utility trailer with wrap around tongue. Tilt beds, car haulers. 5x8, 5x10, 6 1/2 x 10, 6 1/2 x 12, 6 1/2 x 14. Highway 60, Waverly, KY., 25 miles from Evansville. 270-3894407, day or night. Lowest prices in TriState.

POWER PRO Push Mower, 4.5hp, mulcher, $75. 812-499-0344. PATIO UMBRELLA Big, $25. 812-719-9305 H U S Q VA R N A WEED eater, $25, 812550-6576. HOSE CADDY $10. 812-479-3570.


HONDA QUADRA cut system self-propelled mower, like new, $125, 812-639-0186 8 PAIRS Outside shedders, $50, 812963-5541 LAWNBOY 2 CYCLE self propelled, Commercial engine, $175. 812-985-5303, 812204-6573. RIDING LAWN mower, Murry, 17.5HP, runs good, $200. 812647-5174. 2 SNAPPER Riding Mowers, 12 Horse each, $180. 812-9256382 TORO SR4 Recycler Lawn Mower, aluminum deck, $125. 812-6390186 KUBOTA L-3301 HST package, was $35,500, now $24,500. Includes 33hp tractor, loader, 5' bushhog, 5' box blade, 18' dual axle trailer with ramps. Lemond’s 1-888LEMONDS. SELF-PROPELLED mower, $40, 812-9013194. TROYBILT PUSH Mower, 6.5hp, mulch or bag, $145. 812-4990344. ELECTRIC 1hp Edger Trimmer, $50. 812-4793570. H O M E M A D E WOODEN trailer, pull behind mower, dual wheels, $100, 812-6390186 CYPRESS WOOD 4' & 5' Swings and Lawn Furniture. Call Ray 812464-2345. 18" EASY Mower Craftsman Reel, Push, $25, 812-425-6677 POWER MACHINERY & Implement. Grasshopper True ZeroTurn mowers available. 270-322-8181. TORO PUSH Mower, $70, 812-639-0186 POST FRAME BUILDING, LANDSCAPING STONE. NEW & USED FIRE ARMS. PUT~N~TAKE 812-897-0766 LAWN MOWER runs good, $25, 812-5506576. MTD 21" Big Wheel Push, Briggs engine, $95. 812-499-0344. POT SPREADER for spreading grass seed, $20. 812-479-3570. SNAPPER RIDER frame like new, motor bad, $150. 812-4235835 (6) PLASTIC Flower Pots, $5. 812-479-3570.

SHOWER CHAIR, 26x16, 450 lb. limit, in package, $50, 812484-7935 S C O O T E R S STARTING at $800. Custom Mobility Supply 2131 N. Kentucky Ave., 812-422-2605 ERECTILE DISFUNCTION! V & C users! Special 80 pills for $99. Free Shipping. No prescription needed. Money back guaranteed! 888-278-9778. Se Habla Espanol WHEELCHAIR & Scooter lifts starting at $1800. Custom Mobility Supply 2131 N. Kentucky Ave., 812422-2605 DO YOU want better health and make money call me at 812459-0929 and ask for Don MALE ENLARGEMENT Pump. Get Stronger & Harder Erections Immediately. Gain 1-3 Inches Permanently & Safely. Guaranteed Results. Free Brochure: 1-8003 5 4 - 3 9 4 4 www.DrJoelKaplan.com GENERIC VIAGRA and CIALIS USERS! 100 Pills SPECIAL $99.00 FREE Shipping! 100% guaranteed. 24/7 CALL NOW! 888-880-4589 Hablamos Espanol. VAN LIFTS Interior starting at $1800. Custom Mobility Supply 2131 N. Kentucky Ave., 812-422-2605 TEMPUR PEDIC hospital twin bed with remote control massage $350. 812-2665911 POWER CHAIRS Starting at $1000. Custom Mobility Supply 2131 N. Kentucky Ave., 812-422-2605 WANTED LIVE IN CAREGIVER Need someone to take care of my 92 year old Mother, beautiful upscale neighborhood, cable, Internet. Needs help bathing, meds., meals. Live well and get a salary. 812-480-3792, 812319-9280. ADULT FOLD up walker, $20, 812-4769199.

ANTIQUE FISHING Pole, Pluset Summit #1993L with trademark & paten, $25. 270-9572591. DAISY BB Gun, $25, 812-909-4143. BOY’S MONGOOSE aluminum & blue bike, $40, 812-476-9199. SNOW SKIES $50, 812-901-3194.

UMBRO GYM Sports bag, purple, excellent condition, $20, 812484-7935 B I C Y C L E , ROADMASTER Excellent Condition, 16", $35. 812-719-9305 PERFECT! Project! Black dress leather Bianchi pistol holster for 9mm, S/W, auto, $45, 812-484-4319 STARTER GOLF Club set, $40, 812-4235835 PROFESSIONAL SET of Pool balls, $10. Call 812-303-3012

JOHNS APPLIANCE REPAIR On site repair. Service of most major Residential Brands 20 years experience. John Backes 812-2029 6 2 1 newfrontierbar@yahoo.com wwwfacebook.com/ Johns-Appliance-Repair SCHWINN TRAVELERS red 10 speed bike, $150. 812-4235835 100 GOLF Balls, #30, 812-319-3801 WANTED TO BUY USED GUNS AND A M M O P U T ~ N ~ TA K E Boonville 812-8970766 WEIGHT BENCH Gold’s Gym with weights, $100. 812602-4100. AERO PILATES Preformer XP 297, manual, 4 DVD’s, chart, $200, 812-625-5001 S W A G M A N BUMBER rack two Bike Carrier, brand new, $40, 812-4847935 BARBELL 30 lbs., hand size, $25, 812568-8646. GOLD’S GYM Elliptical, new, $200. 812602-4100. 65 MISCELLANEOUS Trophies, $100 or best offer for all. 812-483-0845, 812867-5103. BIKES VINTAGE Kids, Road, Mountain, 3 Wheel Trike, Tandem, $25 - $450. 812-4830845, 812-867-5103. SNOW SHOES with poles and carrying case, never used, $30, 812-484-7935





SHIPPING STORAGE containers, 20' and 40', cargo worthy. Delivery and financing available. A family owned business. 1-888430-4123.

COSCO DOUBLE Baby stroller, good condition, $75, 812-4774660. WHITE BABY bed with 2 mattresses & accessories, $50, 812639-0186

AIR CONDITIONER 3 Ton Split System Condenser, $200. 812-3057032. BOOTS, LACROSSE 18" Burley, green, size 8, $10. 812-464-9303. FILING CABINET 1 drawer, $5. 812-4649303. SEARS AIR Purifier, $30, 812-423-5835 BIG WEBER Grill kettle, $40, 812-4235835 4 TON AC, Evaporator coil, $100, 812-3057032 LOG HOLDER Collapsible, black, metal, $30, 812-568-8646.



JUNE 28 - JULY 4, 2018


$$ WE BUY HOUSES $$ Any Condition, Situation, or Price Range. Walk Away Today! Cash, Confidential, Close Quickly! Go to website now or call 812-773-2191 www.CashForYouNow.com I BUY UGLY Houses, must need major work. 812-8975318 or 812-4554503. $CASH NOW$ FOR HOUSES $ TOP dollar cash offer on the spot. Close in days. Any area, condition or price range. CALL ME FIRST! 812897-5318, 812-4554503. •812-897-5319 - 24 hour fax line• OLD HOUSES Wanted. I buy old houses that need repair, work done. Fire damaged, storm damaged, termite damaged. Major structural problems, etc. I’ll do all paper work, 3 day service. A no problem sale for you. 812-897-5318, 812-455-4503, 812897-5319, 24 hour fax line. FIRE! FIRE! FIRE! I buy fire damaged HOUSES. I also buy old HOUSES in any condition, run down HOUSES, fixer upper type HOUSES. Vacant lots, farm land, timber land. All types of acreage wanted. 812-8975318, 812-455-4503, 812-897-5319, 24 hour fax line.


Evansville Thrifty Nickel


MANY RENTALS Limited time 1st months rent FREE. 1, 2 & 3 Bedrooms $395 & up SOME WITH UTILITIES PAID

Want better tenants join


a local group just for landlords,

pomaevv.com NEWBURGH 116 State St. Apt. A, 1 bedroom, water paid, stove & fridge, $425 plus deposit. 812424-5720.

812-422-2431 WWW.FPRENT.COM

NEWBURGH 5266 Bell Rd A, 3 bedroom, central air, water paid, washer / dryer hookups, stove & fridge, $695 plus deposit. 812-424-5720.

1645 S. GREEN RIVER RD. 1 bedroom upstairs apartment, new carpet & kitchen flooring, appliances furnished, water, sewer, & trash included. $450 month plus deposit. 3811 Covert Ave. 812-479-6366. www.lowerealty.net

1137 B BAYARD PARK 2 bedrooms, 1 bath, stove, refrigerator included, washer & dryer hookups, new carpet & paint, $475 per month plus deposit. 812-453-6408.


Section 8 income based. SENIOR CITIZENS OR DISABLED No vouchers needed. 1 BEDROOM, 1 BATH APARTMENT • Off street parking • Coin operated laundry room • Activity room • Secured entry Pet Friendly with deposit

812-573-8255 TTY 812-453-3500

4749 COVERT AVE. 1 bedroom upstairs apartment, large open bedroom, open floor plan, appliances furnished, water, sewer, & trash included. $450 month plus deposit. 3811 Covert Ave. 812-479-6366. www.lowerealty.net

11 miles south of Henderson. RV with room addition, plus screened in deck with best lake view at Sportsman Club. New Gazebo. Also workshop, includes tools, fishing, par 3 golf & clubhouse activities. Rebuilt Golf Cart, Completely Furnished, $19,500. 812-477-7813. JEANETTE AVE. 1200 sq. ft. Duplex, 3 bedroom, 1.5 bath, big living and kitchen, carport, big back yard, new tile, carpet, paint, includes: dishwasher, refrigerator, range, stove, washer & dryer hookup, no pets, $675 month plus $650 deposit. Call 812-4499958. NORTH 2410 Joan Ct., 2 bedroom, stove & fridge, washer / dryer hookups, $545 month plus $545 deposit, 812-424-5720.

FOR RENT 621 JACKSON AVE. 2 bedroom down, 1 bedroom up, new AC, average roof, newly painted, $635





4739 COVERT AVE. 1 bedroom downstairs apartment, newer carpet & flooring, large bedroom, appliances furnished, water, sewer, & trash included. $450 month plus deposit. 3811 Covert Ave. 812-479-6366. www.lowerealty.net EAST/ WEST/ HISTORIC DISTRICT. Efficiency, 1 & 2 bedroom, $425-$675 month. Laundry on site, Sun Porch, Off street parking, 812-424-0431 FURNISHED ROOM FOR RENT In home for 1. Includes Kitchen, Microwave, Free Wifi & Internet. All utilities paid. Starting at $450 per month and up. 812-213-6572.

COMMERCIAL HIGH TRAFFIC AREA. 2 plus acres. Great for Mini-Storage, Convenience Store, Gas Station, Car-Lot. 1000 sq. ft. office. Lots of paved parking. Zoned M3, $179,000 / Trade or Best Offer. OTHER COMMERCIAL PROPERTIES AVAILABLE.

Call Joe 812-457-7000

1311 E. WALNUT 2 bedroom house, close to U of E, spacious kitchen, newly remodeled bathroom, has basement, $525 month plus deposit. Lowe Realty, Inc. 3811 Covert Ave. 812-479-6366. www.lowerealty.net

FOR RENT 621 JACKSON AVE. 2 bedroom down, 1 bedroom up, new AC, average roof, newly painted, $635

FURNISHED EFFICIENCY all utilities included, $85 a week, or $340 month plus Deposit. No Pets. 812-428-7760.


WAREHOUSE SPACE Rent or Buy, 5000 - 20,000 sq. ft. 17' ceilings. 3 separate spaces. Docking bay, Overhead doors large enough for semi, $189,000. Lease as little as 5000 sq. ft or 20,000 sq. ft. Other COMMERCIAL PROPERTIES AVAILABLE. Joe 812-457-7000.


9am - 5pm daily.

812-422-9962 812-455-4503

COMMERCIAL PROPERTY near USI, great for Restaurant, Retail Shop or Office. Formerly Perry Township County Trustee’s Office. Great Location. $89,900 / Trade / Best Offer. We Buy Houses. Other Commercial Properties Available. Call Joe 812-457-7000.


2 bedroom house, big back yard, detached garage, seperate storage shed, new carpet, new ceiling fans, ready to be called home! $625 month plus deposit. Lowe Realty, Inc. 3811 Covert Ave. 812-479-6366. www.lowerealty.net


HOUSES FOR RENT 1-3 bedrooms, some with appliances, washer / dryer hookups. Call for locations. Lowe Realty, Inc. 3811 Covert Ave. 812-479-6366. www.lowerealty.net

621 JACKSON AVE. 3 bedroom home, nice, porch area on front. small fenced in front yard, $625 month plus deposit. Lowe Realty, Inc. 3811 Covert Ave. 812-479-6366. www.lowerealty.net

NORTH 724 E. Florida St., 2 bedroom, central air, washer dryer hook ups, $550 plus $550 deposit, 812-4245720.

1820 S. TAFT AVE. 3 bedroom brick ouse, hardwood floors throughout, dishwasher, detached garage, full fenced in backyard, $850 month plus deposit. Lowe Realty, Inc. 3811 Covert Ave. 812-479-6366. www.lowerealty.net CLOSE TO PLAZA SCHOOL 3 bedroom Ranch style home, fully carpeted, 1 year lease, no pets, $795 per month. 812-455-6666.




with Lowe Realty, Inc. Put our 30 years of Property Managment to work. Our staff can take the hassle out of rental properties. Give us a call to find out how we can help you make more money.

SUPER SHARP HOUSES Remodeled Large 1, 2 & 3 Bedroom New Flooring, Central Air / Heat, Washer / Dryer Hookup, Parking, $395 and up Section 8 Approved


Lowe Realty, Inc. 3811 Covert Ave.

812-479-6366 www.lowerealty.net



Approximately 6000 sq. ft. 4 separate meters, 4 sets of utilities, 3 car warehouse space available. High traffic location, parking in back of lot plus off street parking. Current income off of 3 units $1455. Possible Contract - $169,900 lease / trade or best offer. Other Commercial Properties Available. Located in Evansville

Call Joe 812-457-7000

DRASTICALLY REDUCED TO $65,500: 5048 KY 554, 10 ACRES, partially cleared, road frontage, part of 2 acre Lake free with property. 270929-3627 or 270-8716876.

SEE YOUR ADS AT http://www.EvansvilleThriftyNickel.net


2 bedroom down, 1 bedroom up, new AC, average roof, newly painted, No Contracts $27,900

812-430-7999 7611 SHERRA Lane, Newburgh, Indiana, 3 bedroom, 2 bath, 2 car attached garage, 2195 sq. ft., $126,000. Statewide Realty 812434-4663


WILL SAVE YOU TIME & MONEY. Our staff can take the hassle out of rental properties. Put our 30 years of property management to work. Give us a call to find out how we can help you make more money. Lowe Realty, Inc. 3811 Covert Ave.


www.lowerealty.net 733 EBLE RD. Boonville, IN. $245,900. 3 bedroom, 2 bath, 2 car attached garage, approx. 5.6 acres, approx. 1680 sq. ft. Statewide Realty 812434-4663


2 bedroom down, 1 bedroom up, new AC, average roof, newly painted, No Contracts $27,900

812-430-7999 803 S. Fredrick, Evansville, Indiana, 2 bedroom, 1 bath, 2 car detached garage, 1040 sq. ft., $62,000. Statewide Realty 812434-4663 1666 S Stevenstation Rd., Chandler, Indiana, 5 bedroom, 2 bath, 1 car detached garage, 1981 sq. ft., $34,900. Statewide Realty 812434-4663




JUNE 28 - JULY 4, 2018


2 bedroom down, 1 bedroom up, new AC, average roof, newly painted, No Contracts $27,900

812-430-7999 FOR SALE BY O W N E R : ROCKPORT, IN. REDUCED $68,750, 302 Seminary St., Nice older 2-story, 3 bedroom, 2 bath, sunroom, kitchen with appliances, corner lot, cellar & large covered front porch. No Pets. $700/ month rent. Owner Financing. Available July 1st. Call Darrell 270315-5512.

NORTH - DUPLEX Rent or Live Rent Free with Financing. POSSIBLE CONTRACT. 3 Bedrooms, great condition, $685 Down Plus $685 / Month. $74,900. Other Homes Available. We Buy Houses! Joe 812-457-7000. 409 NUNNING RD. Approx. 4.1 wooded acres, 2 Westside lots with lake near shopping, schools and USI. $95,000. Statewide Realty 812-434-4663

EAST 6 bedrooms, 2 baths, bedford stone has new roof, fireplace, full finished basement, 2.5 car attached garage with Mechanics Pit, large deck in back yard with privacy fence, Kichen with island, $129,900 Finished. POSSIBLE CONTRACT. OTHER HOMES AVAILABLE. Call Joe 812-457-7000 214 S. BOSSE Ave., Evansville, Indiana. 2 bedroom, 1 bath, approx. 1120 sq. ft., $12,900. Statewide Realty 812-434-4663


SANTA CLAUS, IN, CHRISTMAS LAKE VILLAGE, cleared lot, ready to build, beautiful lakes, $7,900. 270-929-6880. 1202 OAKLEY ST. House For Rent. 1 bedroom, $650 per month plus $650 deposit. ALL utilities paid. 812-4313547.

BIG BIRD cage, $175, 812-476-9199. FREE GUINEA pig, 13 weeks old, must have cage, call after 10am. 812-549-2140

TOY POODLES CKC Registered, 2 cream males, 1 black fantom female, $300. 812-4849809, leave message. LAB PUPPIES AKC Registered, 1st shots, wormed, parents on site, $500. 270-5439980. AKC COCKER Spaniel puppies, variety of colors, health guaranteed. 270-476-2580 or 270-543-4451. REG. MALTESE puppies, beautiful white coats, Vet checked, females, $500. 270-3147812.

1 4 1 3 CUMBERLAND Ave., Evansville, IN. 2 bedroom, 1 bath, 2 car detached garage, approximately 825 sq. ft. $25,000. Statewide Realty 812-434-4663 PHILPOT, 2+ACRES ON LONDON PIKE RD. Owner will Finance. Call Eugene at 270-570-3485 or 270691-6247.

EAST 2 bedrooms, 2 baths, fenced yard, 1.5 car garage, remodeled, great location. POSSIBLE CONTRACT. $69,900. Other Homes Available. We Buy Houses! Call Joe 812-457-7000.

MUST SELL Best Offer, Duplex 917 Washington Ave. Evansville, Indiana. Needs work, now occupied. Asking $14,900. No reasonable offer refused. 812-2052550. 628 MURPHY ST, Lots 26 and 27, New Harmony, IN. Mobile home on each lot, 3 bedroom, 2 bath snd 2 bedroom, 1 bath, both are currently rented. $35,000. Statewide Realty 812-434-4663

MOBILE HOME Supplies: Furnaces, AC’s, Doors, Windows, Tubs, Skirting, Tie-Downs and more. 812-401-4820 fultonmhp.com

1984 SKYLINE 14x70, 2 bedroom, 1 bath, $12,000, 812-4227219 2001 ASHLAND 2 bedroom, 2 bath, 14x70, good condition, $8700, priced to sell, 812-470-9000


Evansville Thrifty Nickel

MALTIPOM, 3-months & Maltese, 6-weeks, shots & wormed. 270685-1666. GOLDENDOOLE PUPS Cell 812-4449127 YORKIE PUPS, males, all colors, shots, dewormed, registered, 1-year health guarantee, $500 & up. Greenville, KY. Cell # 630-779-9675.

7+ ACRES 7 miles from Holiday World Chrisney Indiana with 1991 Mobile Home, city water, electric, approved for septic, running stream and plenty of woods on property, corner lot of Hwy 231 & 1250 North Chrisney, IN. POSSIBLE COMMERICAL POTENTIAL! $89,900 Other Homes & Commercial Properties Available. We Buy Houses! Call Joe 812-457-7000.

3 TIRES 35"x12.5"x17", Dick Depec, raised white letters, $35, 812-5688646. (3) 245/75/16 Summit, $90, 812-897-0862. OWNERS MANUAL 1969 Fury, $10. 812464-9303. 2 AIR Filters, fits Mustang & Ford F150, $25, 812-568-8646. TRAILER HITCH fits 1996 2007 Dodge Van, $75. 812-963-5758. OWNERS MANUAL 1976 Nova Camaro, 1997 Cutlass $10. 812464-9303. NEW TIRES (4) 205/ 60/16, fits Toyota Solara, $180, 812-4235835 SHELTER LOGIC Auto Shelter, new in carton, 10x20, $190. 812-422-6804. (4) 215/50/ZR17 Uniroyal $100, 812897-0862. SPOILER FITS Mustang trunk lid, new, 57", $140, 812-568-8646. (2) 225/55/17 Douglas, $60, 812-8970862. 1985 BASS BOAT Procraft with trailer. As Is $150 / offer, 812-4226371 PONTOON BOAT Awning, 10x8, $25, 812-901-3194. WHEAT PENNIES several, in box, $5 each. 270-957-2591. (4)1995 WINSTON Champion #24 Gordon classic bottles., $32 / offer, 812-422-6371. WHITE BABY bed with 2 mattresses & accessories, $50, 812639-0186 JEFF GORDON Jacket, Brand new, Competitors view, XL, $50, 812-431-1901 JEFF GORDON Rainbow Warrior Jacket, Chase authentic, large, $100, 812-431-1901

JEFF GORDON Jersey, Brand new, Chase authentic, XXL, $40, 812-431-1901 SUEDE LADIES Boots, size 9.5, gold, $90. 812-760-9560. NEW VERA Bradley light blue purse $20, 812-476-9199. NEW WEDDING Dress, trail & vale size 8, $125, 812-476-9199. SCOTTIE PIPPEN new, Champion, Portland Trailblazer Jersey, large, $50, 812-4311901 BEARS BUTTON up Jersey 3X, $20, 812476-9199. LADIES AIGNER Jacket, size 9-10, asking $100. 812-7609560. VTECH 3 hetset cordless phone with answering machine, $25. 812-303-3012 INSIGNIA DIGITAL Converter box, $10, 812-303-3012 20" TV Analog, $20, 812-423-5835 VTECH CORDLESS phone with base $10. Call 812-303-3012 MOTOR 1/4 horsepower, 110 volts, Dayton, like new, $35, 812568-8646. ZENITH CONSOLE Radio, $40, 812-9094143. WHITE XBOX 360 wireless network adapter $20. Call 812303-3012 XBOX 360 wireless network adapter, black, $20. Call 812-303-3012 LEAPFROG TV with 2 games, 1 controller, $30. Call 812-303-3012 256MB XBOX 360 Memory card, $10. Call 812-303-3012 METAL BAND saw, good condition, $125, 812-568-8646. BLACK DECKER Table saw and stand, 10" blade, $150, 812901-3194. PIPE WRENCH Rigid, 18", steel, new, $30. 812-568-8646. TOOLBOX, PLASTIC Lockage, 32"x18"x13", $45, 812568-8646. PIPE WRENCH Rigid, 24" aluminum, new, $55, 812-5688646. EXTENTION LADDER wood, 28', $65. 812-985-5303, 812204-6573. BUFFALO BENCH Grinder, $25, 812-9013194. CRAFTSMAN’S TOOLBOX $25, 812909-4143. SAND BLASTER from Rural King, nice, $65, 812-423-9769 (2) BAR STOOLS black leather wood, $50. 812-464-9303. BUNDY NEW Delta classic bathroom faucet, $60, 812-303-3012 (2) DOWN SPOUTS dark green, accordion type, $5. 812-479-3570. NEW STARBUCKS Verismo coffee machine use it pots, $40, 812604-9499 METAL SCREEN Back door, $30, 812423-5835

AIR CONDITIONER 3 Ton Split System Condenser, $200. 812-3057032. BOOTS, LACROSSE 18" Burley, green, size 8, $10. 812464-9303. FILING CABINET 1 drawer, $5. 812-4649303. SEARS AIR Purifier, $30, 812-423-5835 BIG WEBER Grill kettle, $40, 812-4235835 4 TON AC, Evaporator coil, $100, 812-3057032 LOG HOLDER Collapsible, black, metal, $30, 812-568-8646. GUTTER GUARD henged, new, 6X36, $4. 812-464-9303. SMALL FRIDGE $25, 812-909-4143. WASHER & DRYER Whirlpool, $200. 812479-0958. WINDOW AC 80,000 BTU, used little, cold air, $130. 812-812-5985111 U P R I G H T FREEZER & Refrigerator, $150. 812-2171029. SAMSUNG FRONT Load electric dryer, $200, 812-639-0186 AMANA WASHER Top Load, standard size, 1 year old, washes good but, won’t spin. Asking $100. 812-2044587, 812-963-6503. BENCHCRAFT WICKER Loveseat, chair, & ottoman, glass table, $100, 812-6049499 REAL BIG medium brown Armoire cabinet, $75, 812-639-0186 (4) DINING Room Chairs, wood, needs refinishing, $50. 812464-9303. OAK COFFEE table, $50, 812-423-5835 DINING ROOM Table, wood, with leaf, $50. 812-464-9303. KIDNEY SHAPED Coffee Table, 5' long, $200 / offer. 812-2059083. ENTERTAINMENT Center, holds 27" TV, solid wood, $80, 812598-8730

OAK PC table, $40, 812-423-5835 WOODEN KITCHEN table with 6 chairs, 1 leaf, $150, 812-6390186 MURPHY BED Bed frame, $150. 812-4913571. KIMBALL ROLL Top desk, very nice shape, 1970’s, $175, 812-6390186 MAN CAVE Shelf with duck, $25, 812-4769199. POWER PRO Push Mower, 4.5hp, mulcher, $75. 812-499-0344. PATIO UMBRELLA Big, $25. No text. 812719-9305 H U S Q VA R N A WEED eater, $25, 812550-6576. HONDA QUADRA cut system self-propelled mower, like new, $125, 812-639-0186 LAWNBOY 2 CYCLE self propelled, Commercial engine, $175. 812-985-5303, 812204-6573. RIDING LAWN mower, Murry, 17.5HP, runs good, $200. 812647-5174. TORO SR4 Recycler Lawn Mower, aluminum deck, $125. 812-6390186 HOSE CADDY $10. 812-479-3570. SELF-PROPELLED mower, $40, 812-9013194. TROYBILT PUSH Mower, 6.5hp, mulch or bag, $145. 812-4990344. ELECTRIC 1hp Edger Trimmer, $50. 812-4793570. H O M E M A D E WOODEN trailer, pull behind mower, dual wheels, $100, 812-6390186 TORO PUSH Mower, $70, 812-639-0186 LAWN MOWER runs good, $25, 812-5506576. MTD 21" Big Wheel Push, Briggs engine, $95. 812-499-0344. POT SPREADER for spreading grass seed, $20. 812-479-3570. SNAPPER RIDER frame like new, motor bad, $150. 812-4235835

RESCUE PETS asking $30 donation. All pets must be spayed or neutered. 2 adult female cats, 1 black long haired Torte shelled, 1 light gray Torte shell, kittens: 4 long haired bobtailed, orange tiger, Russian blue, 2 Egyptian Mau, 2 tiger & white, 1 solid black. Boxer / Pit female, 14 weeks old. Senior Dachshund mix, female, 1012 years old, very sweet. Boxer / Shepherd mix, female, 10 months old. Yellow Lab mix male, 1 year, shots, micro chipped. 618-383-1523.

4 KITTEN Free to a good home, 812-4253979

Thrifty Nickel’s


SEE YOUR ADS AT http://www.EvansvilleThriftyNickel.net

(6) PLASTIC Flower Pots, $5. 812-4793570. ADULT DIAPERS Select Undergarments, brand new, (18) per pack, Large, $130. 812-431-1901 ADULT FOLD up walker, $20, 812-4769199. 100 MICRO cars $50, 812-476-9199. 3 BOXES of Thomas The Train, $50, 812476-9199. SOLAR COMMERCIAL Battery charger, $50, 812-909-4143. PATIO UMBRELLA Big, $25. No text. 812719-9305 SMALL AMERICAN girl Indian doll, $25, 812-476-9199. STAINLESS COMMERCIAL Grill, $50, 812-909-4143. BRAND NEW Children’s books, large variety, 5 for $10, 812629-7328 L A R G E PICNICTable, $25. 812-550-6576. 1HP HAYWARD pool pump, used partial season, $150, 812-3057032 15' ABOVE Ground Pool, complete, $75, 812-639-0186 1970 FAME Guitar, $150, 812-909-4143. VERY NICE Bundy Selmer Restonite Clarinet, $90, 812-303-3012 ESTABAN ACOUSTIC Guitar, $100, 812909-4143. BIG BIRD cage, $175, 812-476-9199. ANTIQUE FISHING Pole, Pluset Summit #1993L with trademark & paten, $25. 270-9572591. DAISY BB Gun, $25, 812-909-4143. BOY’S MONGOOSE aluminum & blue bike, $40, 812-476-9199. SCHWINN TRAVELERS red 10 speed bike, $150. 812-4235835 WEIGHT BENCH Gold’s Gym with weights, $100. 812602-4100. PROFESSIONAL SET of Pool balls, $10. Call 812-303-3012

PAGE 7A AERO PILATES Preformer XP 297, manual, 4 DVD’s, chart, $200, 812-625-5001 BARBELL 30 lbs., hand size, $25, 812568-8646. GOLD’S GYM Elliptical, new, $200. 812602-4100. 65 MISCELLANEOUS Trophies, $100 or best offer for all. 812-483-0845, 812867-5103. STARTER GOLF Club set, $40, 812-4235835 SNOW SKIES $50, 812-901-3194.


WANTED TO BUY: Indian Arrrowheads, Tomahawks, Pipes, Pottery, & other old Indian Items. Call anytime after 10am 812-205-9083. CASH PAID for diabetic test strips. Got OneTouch Brand? (866) 800-1923 for Top $$$ quote! SellYourTestStrips.com for info on other brands. WANTED TO BUY: Indian Arrrowheads, Tomahawks, Pipes, Pottery, & other old Indian Items. Call anytime after 10am 812-205-9083. WANTED OLD Vises, Anvils, Axes, Hatchets, Reasonable. 812-476-4486. WANTED CAST IRON Skillets or Pots. Any condition. Call 812-476-4486.



JUNE 28 - JULY 4, 2018


B JUNE 29-JULY 4, 2018 THRIFTY NICKEL, 999 N. CONGRESS AVENUE, EVANSVILLE, IN 47715 • 812-428-8484 • www.EvansvilleThriftyNickel.net


ATV’S / Motorcycles ................. 7 Auto Accessories ..................... 7 Autos Wanted ........................... 1 Boats ......................................... 7 Cars ....................................... 1-4 Classic Cars ............................. 1 RV’S .......................................... 7 SUV’s ..................................... 4-6 Trucks .................................... 6-7 Vans .......................................... 7 3 STEP Fuel System Cleaning $79.95. Speedy Oiler, 4711 Bellemeade Avenue, 812-426-0535, 2920 St Joe Ave., 812-426-2819 BASIC OIL Change, lube & filter, $31.95 (most cars). Lube Doctor 410 N. Burkhardt, 812-471-0448 BUYING JUNK CARS and Hauling Scrap. Call 812-5684117 CARS WANTED Paying top dollar for your non-running, wrecked, or damaged vehicle. For more details. Call me at 812-549-6267. FINANCING FOR Everyone. Brucken Motors apply on line BruckenMotors.com Good Credit- Bad Credit- No Problem!


100% COLLING System flush $89.95 includes pre chemical flush and special additive (most vehicles). Speedy Oiler, 4711 Bellemeade Avenue, 812426-0535, 2920 St Joe Ave., 812-426-2819 AUDI 2006 A4, 4 cylinder, auto, air, loaded, sunroof, leather, 95k miles, $4900. 270-8267900.

✰ ✰ ✰ ✰

BUYING JUNK Cars, wrecked or running. Top Cash paid & Free Tow away. Call 812-266-6518.

ARGO AMPHIBIOUS 8X8, Go Anywhere! $4950 / Trade / Best Offer. Call Joe 812-457-7000

$CASH NOW$ We buy trucks and cars any condition. Running or not • junkers OK. FREE towing. 812-897-5318, 812455-4503. •812-8975319 - 24 hour fax line• $ T O Y O T A TRUCKS$ Wanted to buy Toyota trucks, 4wd or regular that need repair. Any condition ok. Also buying motors, transmission, truck beds, stock rims, bodies, etc. Parts of any kind for Toyota trucks. 812897-5318, 812-4554503. •812-897-5319 - 24 hour fax line•

1974 MAVERICK & 1962 Ford F100 pickup Stepside, 6 cylinder, 223 cubic inch. Don’t need wife’s approval! 812-455-7391.

Thrifty Nickel’s


SEE YOUR ADS AT http://www.EvansvilleThriftyNickel.net


BMW 2011 328i, Coupe, white, auto, air, leather, moonroof, all power, $10,950. 812402-4662 BUICK 2002 Lesabre, auto, air, leather, loaded, $2900. 270-826-7900. BUICK 2004 Lesabre, $1200 down, $110 biweekly, 888481-2705. BUICK 2004 LeSabre Custom, $4495. See our ad in the Car Cents Booklet! Main Street Motors, 270-691-6246. BUICK 2005 Lacrosse CXL, loaded, 88k miles, V6, auto, $5995. 812-319-1415 BUICK 2007 Lucerne, 96k miles, new car trade! Leather, loaded. 812-473-4492. BUICK 2014 Encore Premium, auto, air, tilt, cruise, stereo, cd, power windows / locks/ steering, leather, roof, 60,862 miles, $16,000. 812-479-3131, 4500 Division St. BUICK 2015 Regal, auto, air, tilt, cruise, stereo, cd, power windows / locks/ steering, leather, roof, alloy wheels, $16,488. 812-479-3131, 4500 Division St. BUICK 2017 Lacrosse, P2424. www.HendersonChevrolet.com 270-854-0528 CADILLAC 2004 Deville, leather, moonroof, loaded, $4900. 270-826-7900. CADILLAC 2005 CTS, loaded, leather, low miles, $1500 down, $75 week, $6995. Call Randy Polen 812-266-8726 or Felicia Sanners Polen 270-853-0886 CADILLAC 2006 STS, low miles, $6995. 812-319-1415


CADILLAC 2008 CTS, leather, sunroof, loaded, 812-473-4492. CADILLAC 2013 CTS, AWD, #A72736, leather, alloy wheels, Luxury, clean Carfax, $16,892. 866-517-4344 CADILLAC 2014 CTS, loaded, auto, air, tilt, cruise, stereo, cd, Nav., chrome wheels, power windows / locks/ steering, leather, roof, many extras, $28,555. 812-479-3131, 4500 Division St. CHEVROLET 2001 Monte Carlo, loaded, sunroof, auto, A/C, $1000 down, $60 week, $4995. Call Randy Polen 812-266-8726 or Felicia Sanners Polen 270-853-0886

CAR TIME Financing Available! Cars as low as

$300 DOWN

812-962-0903 CHEVROLET 2002 Monte Carlo, red, $1300 down, $110 biweekly, 888-481-2705. CHEVROLET 2003 Malibu, loaded, sunroof, auto, A/C, $600 down, $50 week, $3995. Call Randy Polen 812-266-8726 or Felicia Sanners Polen 270-853-0886 CHEVROLET 2006 Cobalt. See our ad in the Car Cents Booklet! 3rd Chance Auto Sales, 270-240-4185. CHEVROLET 2007 Cobalt LS, blue, 4 cylinder, auto, air, loaded, $3900. 270-826-7900.

CHEVROLET 2007 Impala, $6495. See our ad in the Car Cents Booklet! T & E Auto Sales, 270-298-7285. CHEVROLET 2009 Impala, LT2, leather, moonroof, loaded, $8900. 270-826-7900. CHEVROLET 2009 Malibu LT, Nice car! 812-473-4492. CHEVROLET 2011 Cruze LTZ, 4 cylinder, auto, air, leather, sunroof, loaded, $7900. 270-826-7900. CHEVROLET 2011 Cruze LTZ, sunroof, leather, fully loaded, only 129k miles, $7900. 270-826-7900. CHEVROLET 2011 Cruze. See our ad in the Car Cents Booklet! 3rd Chance Auto Sales, 270-240-4185. CHEVROLET 2011 Impala LTZ, loaded, $5995. 812-319-1415 CHEVROLET 2012 Sonic. See our ad in the Car Cents Booklet! 3rd Chance Auto Sales, 270-240-4185. CHEVROLET 2013 Equinox LS, auto, air, tilt, cruise, stereo, cd, power windows / locks/ steering, $12,995, 812479-3131, 4500 Division St. CHEVROLET 2013 Sonic, 812-426-2500 CHEVROLET 2013 Sonic, 812-473-4492. CHEVROLET 2014 Camaro, P2474. www.HendersonChevrolet.com 270-854-0528 CHEVROLET 2014 Cruze LT, 4 cylinder, auto, only 14k miles, $10,500. 270-8267900. CHEVROLET 2014 Malibu LT package, 4 cylinder, black, sharp, power equip package, alloy wheels, great condition, $12,700. 812-476-5368 or Toll Free 1-888-653-4184.

CHEVROLET 2014 Cruze LT, 4 cylinder, loaded, only 15,000 miles, $9,900. 270826-7900. CHEVROLET 2015 Corvette Z51 2LT, 15,500 miles, $47,900. Mill’s Auto Sales 270826-4886 CHEVROLET 2015 Impala LS, 33,000 miles, all power, beige, (AM838), 812-4751083, 812-449-1119 CHEVROLET 2015 Malibu 1LT, all power, clean, gas saver, blue, (AM805), 812-4751083, 812-449-1119 CHEVROLET 2015 Malibu 2LT package, maroon, 40k miles, loaded with Navigation, leather, sharp car, $15,995. 812-4765368 or Toll Free 1-888653-4184. CHEVROLET 2015 Malibu LT, auto, air, tilt, cruise, stereo, cd, roof, leather, power windows / locks/ steering, alloy wheels, 63,545 miles, $15,655. 812479-3131, 4500 Division St. CHEVROLET 2016 Cruze Limited, #A72745, save big, 1 owner, alloy wheels, certified, clean carfax, $13,991. 866-5174344 CHEVROLET 2016 Cruze LT Sedan, red hot $13,990. 1-888268-3673 or 812-4713673. CHEVROLET 2016 Cruze P2304. www.HendersonChevrolet.com 270-854-0528 CHEVROLET 2016 Malibu #P2405. www.HendersonChevrolet.com 270-854-0528 CHEVROLET 2016 Malibu, P2507. www.HendersonChevrolet.com 270-854-0528

CHEVROLET 2017 Cruze, LT, HB, auto, air, tilt, cruise, stereo, cd, power windows / locks, alloy wheels, many extra’s, 15,656 miles, $14,950. 812-479-3131, 4500 Division St. CHEVROLET 2017 Impala, #P17553A, $19,990. 1-888-5518480. CHEVROLET 2017 Malibu, #P17526A, $15,990. 1-888-5518480. CHRYSLER 2003 Sebring convertible, V6, loaded, $2950. Call Hayhurst Auto 812-4239265 CHRYSLER 2005 Crossfire, blue, $5995. 812-319-1415

CHRYSLER 2006 300, leather, sunroof, chrome wheels. 812473-4492. CHRYSLER 2006 300 M, $5295. See our ad in the Car Cents Booklet! T & E Auto Sales, 270-2987285. CHRYSLER 2006 300M, $5474. 888-4812705. CHRYSLER 2006 P/T Cruiser, looks & runs good, low miles, $800 down, $60 week, $4995. Call Randy Polen 812266-8726 or Felicia Sanners Polen 270-8530886 CHRYSLER 2008 300 Limited, V6, auto, leather, sunroof, new wheels, $6995. 270-831-2133 www.dtautohenderson.com

SEE YOUR ADS AT http://www.EvansvilleThriftyNickel.net

JUNE 28-JULY 4, 2018

CHRYSLER 2008 Pacifica. 812-473-4492. CHRYSLER 2012 300 Limited, leather, chrome wheels, 1 owner, $85 weekly. 812421-8861 CHRYSLER 2013 300C, 93K miles, 5.7L Hemi engine, sunroof, backup camera, leather, $15,350. 812-402-4662 CHRYSLER 2014 200, 812-426-2500 CHRYSLER 2015 200 S, leather, panoramic roof, sport wheels, black, (AM706), 812-475-1083, 812-4491119 CHRYSLER 2016 300 #P2551. www.HendersonChevrolet.com 270-854-0528 CHRYSLER 2017 300 Limited, #P17529A, $24,490. 1-888-5518480. CHRYSLER 2017 300 Limited, #P17529A, $24,490. 1-888-5518480. CHRYSLER 2017 Pacifica Touring, 1 owner, local trade, alloy wheels, save big! #A72697, $21,594. 866517-4344 CHRYSLER 2017 Pacifica Touring, L package, white, V6, loaded, leather, 18" wheels, Navigation, sharp. 812476-5368 or Toll Free 1888-653-4184.

DODGE 1991 Stelth, auto, V6, air, only $600 down, $70 week, or $1500 cash. 812-4262154 DODGE 2008 Avenger, nice car, auto, A/C, $1000 down, $60 week, $4995. Call Randy Polen 812-2668726 or Felicia Sanners Polen 270-853-0886 DODGE 2008 Avenger SXT, loaded, drives great, cold AC, $1000 down, $60 week, $4995. Call Randy Polen 812-266-8726 or Felicia Sanners Polen 270-853-0886 DODGE 2009 Challenger, 103,000 miles, $14,900. Mill’s Auto Sales 270-826-4886 DODGE 2010 Avenger, 4 cylinder, nice car, $4950. Call Hayhurst Auto 812423-9265 DODGE 2012 Avenger, Bluetooth, all power, 4 cylinder, $199 month. 812-421-8861 DODGE 2012 Challenger, V6, auto, loaded, $16,995. 2708 3 1 - 2 1 3 3 www.dtautohenderson.com DODGE 2012 Charger R/T, Hemi V8, leather, sunroof, Nav., chrome wheels, $17,995. 270-831-2133 www.dtautohenderson.com

JUNE 28-JULY 4, 2018

DODGE 2013 Challanger, #14983D, $15,990. 1-888-5518480. DODGE 2013 Dart SXT, auto, air, loaded, 103k miles, $7900. 270826-7900. DODGE 2013 Dart SXT, orange, auto, air, loaded, 103k miles, $7900. 270-826-7900. DODGE 2014 Avenger, 812-426-2500 DODGE 2014 Avenger SE, #3342, $9650. 812-897-4090. DODGE 2015 Dart SXT, auto, air, tilt, cruise, stereo, cd, hard top, power windows & locks, 77,925 miles, $11,988. 812-479-3131, 4500 Division St. DODGE 2016 Charger, P2393. www.HendersonChevrolet.com 270-854-0528 DODGE 2017 Ram 1500, 4 door, 4WD, Night Edition, loaded, wheels & tires, 9k miles, must see! 812-6023200 DUAL EXHAUST Kits, starting at $249. (in stock) 812-402-3535

FIAT FIAT 2017 500, 1 owner, local trade, like new, #80021A, $10,981. 866-517-4344 FORD 2002 Taurus, auto, A/C, runs great, $500 down, $50 week, $2995. Call Randy Polen 812-266-8726 or Felicia Sanners Polen 270-853-0886 FORD 2003 Taurus SES, 4 door Sedan, #3439, $2950. 812-8974090. FORD 2005 500 SEL, auto, air, moon roof, loaded, $3900. 270826-7900. FORD 2006 Focus, $3495. See our ad in the Car Cents Booklet! T & E Auto Sales, 270-2987285. FORD 2006 Mustang GT, white, 79k miles, leather, auto, $10,900. 812-402-4662 FORD 2007 Focus SE, 39,000 miles, $9500. Mill’s Auto Sales 270-826-4886 FORD 2007 Mustang, V6, 5 speed, $6995. 812-319-1415 FORD 2008 Fusion. See our ad in the Car Cents Booklet! 3rd Chance Auto Sales, 270-240-4185. FORD 2008 Taurus, $4990. See our ad in the Car Cents Booklet! Owensboro Motor Company 270-685-1638. FORD 2010 Taurus Limited, V6, red, loaded, luxury, leather, sunroof, $9500. 812476-5368 or Toll Free 1888-653-4184. FORD 2011 Taurus Limited, auto, air, tilt, cruise, stereo, cd, power windows / locks/ steering, leather, alloy wheels, 60,102 miles, $12,995. 812-4793131, 4500 Division St. FORD 2011 Taurus SEL, 86k miles, one owner, $11,499 cash. 270-844-0222.

FORD 2012 Focus, P 2 5 2 3 . www.HendersonChevrolet.com 270-854-0528 FORD 2012 Focus Titanium, auto, air, tilt, cruise, stereo, cd, power windows / locks, alloy wheels, 82,545 miles, $10,188. 812479-3131, 4500 Division St. www.evansvillemazda.com FORD 2014 Fusion SE, $12,950. See our ad in the Car Cents Booklet. Roberts Brothers Auto Mart. 270-6850054. FORD 2015 Focus, blue, #P17559A, $14,990. 1-888-5518480. FORD 2015 Fusion SE, #P17400A, $14,860. 1-888-5518480. FORD 2016 Fusion, P 2 4 1 1 . www.HendersonChevrolet.com 270-854-0528 FORD 2016 Fusion, P 2 4 6 1 . www.HendersonChevrolet.com 270-854-0528 FORD 2016 Fusion SE, must see! Save thousands! $213 per month, 812-602-3200 FORD 2016 Fusion SE, white, sharp, 4 door, alloy wheels, power equip, $13,480. 812476-5368 or Toll Free 1888-653-4184. FORD 2016 Mustang GT 350, #14858A, $54,900. 1-888-5518480. FORD 2017 Fiesta SE, 1 owner, local trade, gas saver! #80005A, $12,991. 866-517-4344 FORD 2017 Mustang convertible, blue, #P17642A, $27,990, 1888-551-8480. FORD 2017 Mustang # P 2 5 0 2 . www.HendersonChevrolet.com 270-854-0528 FORD 2017 Taurus, $21,990. 1-888-2683673 or 812-471-3673. FORD 2018 Flex #P17560A, $33,900. 1888-551-8480.


HONDA 2001 Accord, V6, auto, air, leather, $500 down, $70 week, or $1800 cash. 812-426-2154 HONDA 2006 Civic Hybrid, nice, 4 cylinder, auto, air, alloy wheels, only $600 down, $70 week, or $2000 cash. 812-426-2154 HONDA 2008 Accord LX, 4 door sedan, #3429, $4850. 812-8974090. HONDA 2015 Civic EX-L, local trade, leather, alloy wheels, Navigation, sunroof, #801120B, $15,993. 866-517-4344 HONDA 2016 Accord, #P2223A. www.HendersonChevrolet.com 270-854-0528 HONDA 2016 Civic EX, 1 owner, local trade, alloy wheels, clean carfax, wow! #A72679, $16,498. 866-517-4344 HONDA 2016 Civic EX, auto, air, tilt, cruise, stereo, cd, roof, backup camera, power windows / locks/ steering, alloy wheels, 30,720 miles, $20,499. 812479-3131, 4500 Division St. www.evansvillemazda.com HYUNDAI 2012 Elantra, leather, loaded, $168 per month, 812602-3200 HYUNDAI 2013 Sonata SE, 2.0T, sunroof, sport wheels, loaded, super sharp, (AM821), 812-475-1083, 812449-1119 HYUNDAI 2014 Accent, 812-426-2500 HYUNDAI 2014 Sonata GLS, $10,550. See our ad in the Car Cents Booklet. Roberts Brothers Auto Mart. 270-6850054. HYUNDAI 2014 Sonata GLS, 4 cylinder, auto, loaded, $9995. 270-831-2133 www.dtautohenderson.com

HYUNDAI 2014 Veloster, RE:Flex, 6 speed, Navigation, $219 month. 812-4218861 HYUNDAI 2015 Genesis Coupe, Casablanca white, $19,990. 1-888-2683673 or 812-471-3673. HYUNDAI 2016 Elantra SE, low miles, auto, gas saver, nice, (AM831), 812-4751083, 812-449-1119 HYUNDAI 2016 Velostar hatchback, #A72749, 1 owner, alloy wheels, great buy! $13,991. 866-517-4344 HYUNDAI 2017 Elantra, galactic gray, $18,990. 1-888-2683673 or 812-471-3673. HYUNDAI 2017 Sonata SE, 32k miles, $16,950. 812-402-4662 KIA 2009 Optima, 60k miles, leather, 1 owner, $136 per month, 812602-3200 KIA 2011 Rio LX, 4 door, good miles, $4950. Call Hayhurst Auto 812-423-9265 KIA 2017 Optima, low miles, like new, $277 per month, 812-6023200 KIA 2017 Optima, P 2 3 6 9 . www.HendersonChevrolet.com 270-854-0528 KIA 2017 Soul, like new, low miles, $243 per month, 812-6023200 LEXUS 2007 LS, Navigation, leather, sunroof, backup camera, $289 / month. 812421-8861 LEXUS 2009 ES350, leather, sunroof, chrome wheels, $249 month. 812-421-8861 LEXUS 2014 ES350 # P 2 5 2 5 . www.HendersonChevrolet.com 270-854-0528

LINCOLN 2003 Town Car, silver, $5114. 888481-2705. LINCOLN 2004 LS, luxury, loaded, leather, moonroof, $3900. 270826-7900. LINCOLN 2007 MKX, auto, air, tilt, cruise, stereo, cd, leather, roof, power windows / locks/ steering, many extra’s, $10,155. 812-479-3131, 4500 Division St. LINCOLN 2010 MKZ, excellent shape, 62,000 miles, $12,700 book, asking $10,495 / offer, 812-604-5147 LINCOLN 2013 MKZ, 4 door, white, sharp, luxury, leather, alloy wheels, $14,995. 812476-5368 or Toll Free 1888-653-4184. LINCOLN 2013 MKZ Sedan, ignot silver, $17,990. 1-888-2683673 or 812-471-3673. MAZDA 2002 626, low miles, leather, sunroof, loaded, $3800. 270-826-7900. MAZDA 2007 6, 812473-4492. MAZDA 2012 3, 812426-2500 MAZDA 2013 5, 812426-2500 MAZDA 2015 6 Touring, auto, air, tilt, cruise, stereo, cd, leather, roof, power windows/ locks/ steering, alloy whees, many extra’s, $16,855. 812-479-3131, 4500 Division St.

MINI COOPER 2009 2 door, silver, 4 cylinder, 5 spped, sharp car, 90k miles, $6995. 812-4765368 or Toll Free 1-888653-4184. MINI COOPER 2012 Countryman S, 74,000 miles, $12,500. Mill’s Auto Sales 270-8264886 MITSUBISHI 2007 Eclipse convertible, red, drives good, $3500. Call Hayhurst Auto 812-423-9265 MITSUBISHI 2006 Eclipse GT, $6495. See our ad in the Car Cents Booklet! Main Street Motors, 270-691-6246. MITSUBISHI 2008 Eclipse GGT, orange, leather, moonroof, loaded, $4650. 812402-4662 NISSAN 2006 Sentra, $4990. See our ad in the Car Cents Booklet! Owensboro Motor Company 270-685-1638. NISSAN 2008 350Z, low miles, carbon fiber hood exhaust, $243 per month, 812-602-3200 NISSAN 2009 350Z, convertible, auto, all power, tilt, cruise, cd, $11,950. 812-402-4662 NISSAN 2009 Cube, 103k miles. 812-4734492.

MERCURY 2002 Grand Marquis ,Good Condition, 112,000 Miles, $3000. Phone 812-686-0778, After 10AM. MERCURY 2004 Marauder, 79k, fully loaded, $9250. 812402-4662

SEE YOUR ADS AT http://www.EvansvilleThriftyNickel.net


OLDSMOBILE 1994 Cutlass Ciera S, 4 door sedan, #3430, $2350. 812-897-4090. OLDSMOBILE 2003 Aurora, 4 door sedan, #3435, $3999. 812897-4090.

PONTIAC 19998 Trans Am Firebird, Ttops, leather, loaded, $5900. 270-826-7900. PONTIAC 2000 Booneville SLE, transmission need replaced, new tires, $500. 812453-8648. PONTIAC 2000 Grand Prix GT, leather, moonroof, loaded, $3900. 270-826-7900. PONTIAC 2006 G6, $3995. See our ad in the Car Cents Booklet! T & E Auto Sales, 270-2987285. PONTIAC 2006 G6 SE, V6, loaded , $4995. 812-319-1415 PONTIAC 2006 G6 sedan, $4495. 812-3191415 PONTIAC 2008 G6 GT, convertible, leather, 812-473-4492. PONTIAC 2008 G6, GXP, fully loaded, Special Edition $4950. Call Hayhurst Auto 812-4239265 PONTIAC 2008 Grand Prix, red, $1300 down, $110 biweekly, 888-481-2705. PONTIAC 2009 G6 GT, $5995. See our ad in the Car Cents Booklet! Sanders Auto Mart, 270-688-9015. PONTIAC 2009 Vibe, 812-426-2500

PLYMOUTH 1999 Prowler, auto, air, tilt, cruise, stereo, cd, power windows / locks, chromes wheels, 9790 miles, $29,995. 812479-3131, 4500 Division St.

SCION 2010 XD, $4914. 888-481-2705. SCION 2011 TC, auto, air, tilt, cruise, stereo, cd, leather, roof, wheels, many extra’s, $8988. 812-479-3131, 4500 Division St.

PONTIAC 1996 Firebird, 2 door hatchback, $4495. 812-3191415

SUZUKI 2004 Aerio SX, air, auto, power windows / locks, 111k miles, $2800. 812-402-4662

NISSAN 2010 Sentra, gas saver, auto, air, loaded, $4900. 270-826-7900. NISSAN 2014 Maxima SL, $14,988. See our ad in the Car Cents Booklet! Cannelton Motors, 812-547-2877. NISSAN 2015 Altima S, charcoal gray, 60k miles, loaded, backup camera, heated seats, sale $12,999+ KY tax. Call 270-844-0222. NISSAN 2016 Sentra SV package, red, 4 cylinder, power equip, alloy wheels, sunroof, $12,995. 812-476-5368 or Toll Free 1-888-653-4184. NISSAN 2016 Sentra SV-Navigation package, blue, 4 cylinder, sharp, sunroof, 36k miles, must see, $14,995. 812-476-5368 or Toll Free 1-888-6534184. NISSAN 2017 Altima. P2417. www.HendersonChevrolet.com 270-854-0528

PAGE 4B SUZUKI 2009 HB Tech, 4 cylinder, auto, red, $3995. 812-319-14 TOYOTA 2000 Solara SE, 2 door, Coupe, white, 4 cylinder, power equip., sharp, alloy wheels, sporty, $5350. 812-476-5368 or Toll Free 1-888-653-4184. TOYOTA 2003 Camry, $5995. See our ad in the Car Cents Booklet! T & E Auto Sales, 270-298-7285. TOYOTA 2005 Corolla CE, auto, air, $3900. 270-826-7900. TOYOTA 2005 Prius II, loaded, $5995. 812319-1415 TOYOTA 2009 Camry LE, red, 4 cylinder, auto, power equip., must see, great car, $7995. 812-476-5368 or Toll Free 1-888-6534184. TOYOTA 2010 Corolla S, $8,350. See our ad in the Car Cents Booklet. Roberts Brothers Auto Mart. 270-6850054. TOYOTA 2011 Avalon Limited, V6, black, leather, sunroof, alloy wheels, sharp, $12,460. 812-476-5368 or Toll Free 1-888-6534184. TOYOTA 2013 Camry LE, $11,150. See our ad in the Car Cents Booklet. Roberts Brothers Auto Mart. 270-685-0054. TOYOTA 2014 Corolla LE, auto, all power, gas saver, clean, (AM810), 812-4751083, 812-449-1119 TOYOTA 2015 Camry LE, black, 4 cylinder, 60k miles, power equip., sharp, $13,995. 812-476-5368 or Toll Free 1-888-653-4184. TOYOTA 2015 Corolla LE, 23k miles, black, sharp, must see, $13,985. 812-476-5368 or Toll Free 1-888-6534184.

STOP BY OUR OFFICE LOCATED AT 999 N. CONGRESS AVE., IN EVANSVILLE TOYOTA 2015 Corolla LE, white, great car, gas saver, must see, sharp, $13,790. 812-476-5368 or Toll Free 1-888-653-4184. TOYOTA 2015 Corolla S, black, sharp, Sporty, 4 cylinder, $14,785 812-476-5368 or Toll Free 1-888-6534184. TOYOTA 2015 Corolla S plus, blue, 28k miles, sharp, power equip., alloy sport wheels, P16090, $15,995. 812-476-5368 or Toll Free 1-888-6534184. TOYOTA 2016 Camry SE, all power, paddle shift, touch screen camera, $14,450. 812-402-4662 TOYOTA 2016 Corolla S plus, sunroof, gray, sharp, Sport, alloy wheels, power equip., must see, $15,995. 812476-5368 or Toll Free 1888-653-4184. TOYOTA 2017 Camry. P2477. www.HendersonChevrolet.com 270-854-0528 TOYOTA 2017 Corolla, 53k miles, auto, air, touchscreen, drive assist, $16,650. 812402-4662 VOLKSWAGEN 2004 Jetta, $4990. See our ad in the Car Cents Booklet! Owensboro Motor Company 270685-1638. VOLKSWAGEN 2012 Beetle Turbo Coupe, sunroof, loaded, $11,900. 270826-7900. VOLKSWAGEN 2013 Beetle, #28653A. www.HendersonChevrolet.com 270-854-0528 VOLKSWAGEN 2013 Jetta TDI, $13,250. See our ad in the Car Cents Booklet. Roberts Brothers Auto Mart. 270-685-0054.

VOLKSWAGEN 2014 Passat, 35+MPG! $184 per month, 812-602-3200 VOLKSWAGEN 2015 Beetle, 2.0 TDI, auto, air, tilt, cruise, stereo, cd, leather, power windows / locks/ steering, alloy wheels, many extras, 16,658 miles, $21,950. 812-4793131, 4500 Division St. www.evansvillemazda.com VOLVO 2004 XC70 Wagon, $4995. 812319-1415 VOLVO 2013 S60 T5, 5 cylinder, auto, air, leather, sunroof, fully loaded, 91k miles, $11,900. 270-826-7900.

ALIGNMENTS STARTING at $69.95. 812-402-3535 BMW 2013 X3, vermillion red, $17,990. 1888-268-3673 or 812471-3673. BMW 2014 Xi, #14794A, $21,990. 1888-551-8480. CADILLAC 2013 SRX, Platinum ice, $21,990. 1-888-2683673 or 812-471-3673. CHEVROLET 2002 Tahoe LE, auto, air, loaded, local trade, only 98,XXX miles, $6900. 270-826-7900. CHEVROLET 2003 Suburban LS, V8, beige, great condition, local trade, value SUV $5995. 812-476-5368 or Toll Free 1-888-6534184.

CHEVROLET 2003 Trailblazer V8, EXT, 3rd row, leather, $4500. Call Hayhurst Auto 812-4239265 CHEVROLET 2005 Avalanche LT Z71, $8,995. See our ad in the Car Cents Booklet! Sanders Auto Mart, 270-688-9015. CHEVROLET 2005 Tahoe, 4x4, V8, loaded, 9 passenger, 1 owner, RARE!! $7995. 2708 3 1 - 2 1 3 3 www.dtautohenderson.com CHEVROLET 2005 Tahoe LT, $9995. See our ad in the Car Cents Booklet! Main Street Motors, 270-691-6246. CHEVROLET 2006 Equinox, $2895. See our ad in the Car Cents Booklet! B&M Auto Sales, 270-684-3889. CHEVROLET 2007 Suburban LTZ, 4x4, auto, air, leather, loaded, $12,900. 270826-7900. CHEVROLET 2007 Tahoe 1500 LT, 4x4, leather, DVD, 3rd row, captain seats, all power, $12,650. 812-402-4662 CHEVROLET 2008 Equinox LS, black, $5995. 812-319-1415 CHEVROLET 2008 Suburban LTZ, 4x4, 85,000 miles, $19,500. Mill’s Auto Sales 270826-4886 CHEVROLET 2008 Suburban LTZ, leather, sunroof, DVD, Nav., $289 / month, 812-4218861 CHEVROLET 2008 Tahoe LTZ, 159,000 actual miles, $14,500. Mill’s Auto Sales 270826-4886 CHEVROLET 2009 Suburban LTZ, V8, auto, air, leather, loaded, $12,900. 270-826-7900. CHEVROLET 2009 Tahoe LTZ, V8, leather, sunroof, Nav., entertainment, 3rd row seats, awesome! $15,995. 270-831-2133 www.dtautohenderson.com

CHEVROLET 2010 Suburban LTZ, auto, air, leather, loaded, $16,900. 270-826-7900. CHEVROLET 2011 Equinox LT, 2.4L, 4 cylinder. 812-473-4492. CHEVROLET 2011 Tahoe LTZ, $20,900. See our ad in the Car Cents Booklet! Moskos Auto Mart, 812-7722886. CHEVROLET 2012 Traverse, AWD, new car trade in, 3rd row. 812473-4492. CHEVROLET 2013 Tahoe LTZ, 80,000 actual miles, $31,000. Mill’s Auto Sales 270826-4886 CHEVROLET 2014 Equinox LT, #85188B, great deal, local trade, leather, spoiler, clean carfax, $12,892. 866517-4344 CHEVROLET 2015 Equinox LT, white, 4 cylinder, sharp, power equip., alloy wheels, $14,250. 812-476-5368 or Toll Free 1-888-6534184. CHEVROLET 2017 Equinox P17516A, $19,990. 1-888-5518480. CHEVROLET 2017 Trax. #P2415. www.HendersonChevrolet.com 270-854-0528 DODGE 2009 Journey, 122k. See our ad in the Car Cents Booklet. Skillman’s Auto Sales, 270-926-4702. DODGE 2015 Durango Limited, red, 4x4, V8, auto, air, leather, fully loaded, 75k miles, Navagation, sunroof, $22,900. 270826-7900. DODGE 2015 Journey SXT, white, 3rd row seat, all power, low miles, (AM869), 812475-1083, 812-4491119 FORD 1999 Expedition, $3595. See our ad in the Car Cents Booklet! Main Street Motors, 270-691-6246. FORD 2002 Explorer Eddie Bauer, $3195. See our ad in the Car Cents Booklet! B&M Auto Sales, 270-6843889.



FORD 2005 Escape XLT 4x4. See our ad in the Car Cents Booklet. Skillman’s Auto Sales, 270-926-4702. FORD 2005 Expedition, $5995. 812-3191415 FORD 2006 Escape, 812-473-4492. FORD 2006 Escape, Limited, $1300 down, $110 Biweekly, 888481-2705. FORD 2006 Explorer XLT, 4x4, V8, auto, air, loaded, only 102k miles, $7900. 270-826-7900. FORD 2010 Edge SE, $8,988. See our ad in the Car Cents Booklet! Cannelton Motors, 812547-2877. FORD 2010 Explorer XLT, $8990. See our ad in the Car Cents Booklet! Owensboro Motor Company 270-6851638. FORD 2012 Edge, leather, loaded, $222 per month, 812-6023200 FORD 2012 Expedition, 4x4, V8, leather, sunroof, 3rd row seats, $14,995. 270-831-2133 www.dtautohenderson.com FORD 2012 Flex Limited, leather, rear air, 3rd row seating, (AM875), 812-475-1083, 812449-1119 FORD 2013 Edge SE, deep impact blue, $14,990. 1-888-2683673 or 812-471-3673. FORD 2014 Edge SE SUV, deep impact blue, $13,990. 1-888-2683673 or 812-471-3673. FORD 2014 Escape SE, ruby red tint, $13,990. 1-888-2683673 or 812-471-3673. FORD 2014 Escape Titanium #P17392A, $18,900. 1-888-5518480. FORD 2014 Escape Titanium, #P17392A, $18,990. 1-888-5518480. FORD 2015 Escape S, sunset, $16,990. 1888-268-3673 or 812471-3673. FORD 2015 Escape SE, 4 cylinder, maroon, sharp, 24k miles, sunroof, leather, alloy wheels, must see, $18,600. 812-476-5368 or Toll Free 1-888-6534184. FORD 2015 Escape, titanium magenta, $16,990. 1-888-2683673 or 812-471-3673.

JUNE 28-JULY 4, 2018

FORD 2015 Explorer, #P17509A, $22,990. 1888-551-8480. FORD 2015 Explorer, red, #P17632A, $27,900. 1-888-5518480. FORD 2016 Escape, 29k miles, like new! $278 per month, 812602-3200 FORD 2016 Escape, S, SUV, ingot silver, $15,990. 1-888-2683673 or 812-471-3673. FORD 2016 Escape, SE, SUV, deep impact blue, $17,990. 1-888268-3673 or 812-4713673. FORD 2017 Escape S, ignot silver, $17,990. 1-888-268-3673 or 812471-3673. FORD 2017 Escape, SE, SUV, white platinum tricoat, $11,990. 1-888268-3673 or 812-4713673. FORD 2017 Escape Titanium, #15164A, $26,900. 1-888-5518480. FORD 2017 Explorer Limited, 4WD, #P17596A, $35,900. 1888-551-8480. FORD 2018 Escape S, magnetic, $18,990. 1-888-268-3673 or 812471-3673. GMC 2002 Yukon SLT, $2,995. See our ad in the Car Cents Booklet! Sanders Auto Mart, 270-688-9015. GMC 2005 Envoy, 812-473-4492. GMC 2006 Yukon, letaher, 812-473-4492. GMC 2009 Acadia SLE, new car trade in, 3rd row. 812-473-4492. GMC 2010 Acadia, white, auto, air, cd, rear camera, 3rd row, all power, $7950. 812-4024662 GMC 2011 Acadia, V6, auto, leather, 3rd row seats, $12,995. 270-831-2133 www.dtautohenderson.com GMC 2012 Yukon 4WD, $20,900. See our ad in the Car Cents Booklet! Moskos Auto Mart, 812-772-2886. GOOD CREDIT? Bad Credit? No Problem!!! Call 1-888-345-LEND (5363) Call today we will help you.

HONDA 2005 CRV, $2700. See our ad in the Car Cents Booklet! B&M Auto Sales, 270684-3889. HONDA 2006 CRV, 2.4L, 4 cylinder, AWD LX, new car trade in. 812-473-4492. HONDA 2011 CRV, 130k, $10,995. See our ad in the Car Cents Booklet. Skillman’s Auto Sales, 270-926-4702. HONDA 2011 Pilot, 4x4, maroon, leather, DVD, heated seats, backup camera, $14,758. 812-402-4662 HONDA 2013 CRV EX, #14316B, $16,860. 1-888-551-8480. HUMMER 2005 H2, V8, 4x4, auto, air, leather, sunroof, loaded, $22,900. 270-8267900. JEEP 1999 Grand Cherokee, loaded, auto, AC, 4x4, $800 down, $50 week, $3995. Call Randy Polen 812-266-8726 or Felicia Sanners Polen 270-853-0886 JEEP 2005 Liberty LT, 6 cylinder, auto, 4x4, loaded, $5995. 812319-1415 JEEP 2005 Liberty Sport, 4WD, SUV, clean! $6500. Mill’s Auto Sales 270-8264886 JEEP 2006 Grand Cherokee, 812-4734492. JEEP 2006 Liberty, white, 4x4, auto, air, loaded, reduced $4500. 270-826-7900. JEEP 2007 Wrangler, 4x4, auto, V6, all power, $289 / month. 812-4218861 JEEP 2008 Liberty Sport, 4x4, #3434, $7699. 812-897-4090. JEEP 2010 Liberty, 4x4, V6, leather, sunroof, chrome wheels, $10,995. 2708 3 1 - 2 1 3 3 www.dtautohenderson.com JEEP 2012 Patriot Latitude 4x4, $10,900. See our ad in the Car Cents Booklet! Moskos Auto Mart, 812-7722886.


JUNE 21-27, 2018



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Thrifty Nickel’s MAIL-IN AD FORM SEE PAGE 2A

PAGE 6B JEEP 2013 Wrangler, huge savings, clean, local trade, Navigation, backup camera, low miles, #M72681, $22,998. 866-517-4344 JEEP 2013 Wrangler Sierra, #P17446A, $31,990. 1-888-5518480. JEEP 2015 Cherokee Latitude, 4x4, nice, local trade, ally wheels, #80137A, $23,999. 866-517-4344 JEEP 2016 Compass Latitude, #3416, $14,599. 812-897-4090. JEEP 2016 Patriot Sport, #3415, 4x4, $12,999. 812-897-4090. JEEP 2016 Wrangler Sahara, 2 door, 4WD, auto, air, tilt, cruise, stereo, cd, hard top, power windows & locks, many extra’s, 35,292 miles, 28,988. 812-479-3131, 4500 Division St. JEEP 2017 Cherokee Trailhawk, #P17492A, $26,590. 1-888-5518480. JEEP 2017 Compass, P 2 4 2 8 . www.HendersonChevrolet.com 270-854-0528 JEEP 2017 Patriot, save MPG! 29K miles, auto, $196 per month, 812-602-3200

STOP BY OUR OFFICE LOCATED AT 999 N. CONGRESS AVE., IN EVANSVILLE NISSAN 2017 Pathfinder SL, #A72662, 1 owner, local trade, leather, great deal, alloy wheels, $22,991. 866517-4344 RANGE ROVER 2012 HSE, V8, #P17430A, $22,990. 1888-551-8480. TOYOTA 2004 Highlander #40025611, $7227. 888-481-2705. TOYOTA 2005 Highlander Limited, 122k. See our ad in the Car Cents Booklet. Skillman’s Auto Sales, 270-926-4702.

TOYOTA 2009 Rav4 Limited, 4x4, 4 cylinder, auto, loaded, $10,995. 270-831-2133 www.dtautohenderson.com TOYOTA 2009 Venza AWD, V6, blue, great crossover, sharp look, alloy wheels, $9495. 812-476-5368 or Toll Free 1-888-653-4184. TOYOTA 2013 4Runner, 4WD, #P17462A, $24,990. 1-888-551-8480. TOYOTA 2015 Rav4, XLE, hot lava, $18,990. 1-888-268-3673 or 812471-3673.

TOYOTA 2015 Highlander Limited, V6, beige, loaded, sunroof, leather, alloy wheels, $27,995. 812476-5368 or Toll Free 1-888-653-4184. TOYOTA 2015 Rav4 LE, AWD, black, 40k miles, sharp SUV, power equip, $17,995. 812-476-5368 or Toll Free 1-888-653-4184. BRAKES (Lifetime warranty) starting at $99.95. 812-402-3535

CHEVROLET 2001 S10 Ext cab, 5 speed, 97k miles, super clean! 812-473-4492. CHEVROLET 2004 Silverado 1500, 143,637 miles, V8, auto, air, power windows & locks, $10,500. Mill’s Auto Sales 270-826-4886 CHEVROLET 2004 Silverado Ext cab Flareside, 4x4, Z71, #3317, 70.9 miles, $11,899. 812-897-4090. CHEVROLET 2006 Xcab, 4x4, V8, auto, loaded, $10,995. 2708 3 1 - 2 1 3 3 www.dtautohenderson.com

JUNE 28-JULY 4, 2018 CHEVROLET 2017 Silverado Custom, #P17412B, $35860. 1888-551-8480.

CHEVROLET 2008 Silverado Z71 LT, 5.3L, auto, Flex-fuel, Ext cab, loaded, trailer package, cold AC, runs great, asking $11,500 / best offer. 812-204-4587

DODGE 2001 Dakota Club cab, 4x4, #3446, $7550. 812-897-4090. DODGE 2003 Ram 1500 SWB, $7995. See our ad in the Car Cents Booklet! Moskos Auto Mart, 812-772-2886. DODGE 2004 Ram 1500, 812-473-4492. DODGE 2005 Dakota, 4x4, 812-473-4492.

FORD 1978 F250 4x4, 1 owner. Ford 1978 F150 Ranger XLT, 2nd owner, California truck, no holes, new AC compressor condenser, dryer, radiator extra cool & hoses, power steering & lines, brakes, rotors, wheel bearings, UJoint, shock, tires, front axle bushing, new carburetor, have extra complete axles, drum to drum, 205 transfer cases, gauge clusters, tail gate, fenders, doors. Heavy duty bumpers, Warn winches, transmissions, auto O.D. & 4 speed, shifters, 400 C.I.D. engine, more parts. 812-473-7207, NO TEXT, Leave voice information.

KIA 2009 Sportage, FWD, 812-473-4492. KIA 2011 Sorento EX, grey, AWD, 65,000 actual miles, $13,500. Mill’s Auto Sales 270826-4886 KIA 2014 Sorento, auto, loaded, $11,995. 270-831-2133 www.dtautohenderson.com KIA 2014 Sorento LX, clean Crafax, local trade, alloy wheels, nice, AWD, #85155A, $15,492. 866-517-4344 LEXUS 1999 RX300 SUV, 4X4, low miles, loaded, moonroof, leather, $3995. 812319-1415 LEXUS 2004 RX330, 150k. See our ad in the Car Cents Booklet. Skillman’s Auto Sales, 270-926-4702. LEXUS 2014 IS350, 39,000 actual miles, $29,900. Mill’s Auto Sales 270-826-4886 LEXUS 2014 is350, AWD, F Sport, air, auto, leather, Navigation, touch screen, all power, $26,950. 812-402-4662 MAZDA 2003 Tribute LX, 4x4, V6, auto, power windows, locks, doors, $600 down, $70 week, or $2000 cash. 812426-2154 MAZDA 2004 Tribute ES, auto, air, tilt, cruise, stereo, cd, power windows & locks, $6995. 812-479-3131, 4500 Division St. www.evansvillemazda.com MAZDA 2007 CX7, new car trade in, 102k miles, extra sharp! 812473-4492. NISSAN 2005 Armada LE 4x4, $9,988. See our ad in the Car Cents Booklet! Cannelton Motors, 812547-2877. NISSAN 2007 Exterra, 4.0, 6 cylinder, off road Edition, 4WD, new car trade in. 812473-4492. NISSAN 2007 Murano SL, 68k miles, sale $10,499 + KY tax. Call 270-844-0222. NISSAN 2008 Rogue SL, 4 cylinder, auto, gas saver, $4995. 812-3191415 NISSAN 2013 Murano SL, AWD, leather, dual moon roof, rear camera, all power, $8950. 812-402-4662 NISSAN 2013 Pathfinder SV, V6, white, 3rd row seat, sharp, SUV, alloy wheels, power equip., $13,350. 812476-5368 or Toll Free 1888-653-4184. NISSAN 2013 Rogue SL, 80k miles, leather, backup camera, Navigation, heated seats, loaded, $14,999 cash + KY tax. Call 270-8440222. NISSAN 2017 Altima, save thousands, must see! $278 per month, 812-602-3200 NISSAN 2017 Altima, save thousands, must see! $278 per month, 812-602-3200

DODGE 2008 Ram 1500 SLT Quad cab, 4x4, #3425, $12,999. 812-897-4090. DODGE 2009 Ram SLT, #3348, 4x4, Crew cab, 87,318 miles, $18,850. 812-897-4090. DODGE 2013 1500 Ram Ext. Cab, silver, 64,200 miles, Tow package, Hemi motor, ARE Hard shell cover, $17,500. Phone 812491-8800, 812-7600793

TOYOTA 2005 Sequoia, Platinum package, V8, diamond white, loaded with luxury, leather, sunroof, $15,485. 812-476-5368 or Toll Free 1-888-6534184. TOYOTA 2007 FJ Cruiser, 4x4, roof rack, automatic, $249 month. 812-421-8861 TOYOTA 2008 Sequoia Limited, DVD, 3rd row, Navigation, $289/ month. 812-421-8861

TOYOTA 2015 4Runner Limited, auto, air, tilt, cruise, stereo, cd, leather, roof, Nav., DVD, heated seats, power windows / locks/ steering, chrome wheels, 69,629 miles, $32,995. 812-4793131, 4500 Division St. www.evansvillemazda.com TOYOTA 2015 Highlander LE, 4 cylinder, gray, sharp SUV, power equip., alloy wheels, $19,995. 812-476-5368 or Toll Free 1-888-6534184.

CHEVROLET 1990 3500 10' Flatbed with fifth wheel hitch, 103,000 miles, good tires, runs good, 350 gas motor, manual transmission, $3500, 812-305-4003

2007 CHEVROLET C1500, 4.3l, V6, auto, cold A/C, bedliner, aluminum toolbox & bed caps, towing package, great MPG, asking $6750 / offer, 812-204-4587

CHEVROLET 2012 Silverado, 4 door, 4WD, Z71, wheels & tires, $377 per month, 812602-3200 CHEVROLET 2016 Colorado #P2442. www.HendersonChevrolet.com 270-854-0528 CHEVROLET 2016 Silverado LT, 26,000 miles, $27,900. Mill’s Auto Sales 270-8264886 CHEVROLET 2016 Silverado LTZ, 31,000 miles, $38,900. Mill’s Auto Sales 270-8264886

DODGE 2006 Ram 1500, Quad cab, 4x4, SLT, #3447, $10,599. 812-897-4090. DODGE 2006 Ram 1500 ST Reg cab, 4x4, #3389, $8575. 812-8974090. DODGE 2006 Ram Quad Cab, $8995. See our ad in the Car Cents Booklet! Sanders Auto Mart, 270-688-9015. DODGE 2007 Ram HD 1500 Mega Cab Laramie, $16,900. See our ad in the Car Cents Booklet! Moskos Auto Mart, 812-772-2886.

FORD 1998 Ranger 4X4 4.0 V6, auto, loaded, $3995. 2708 3 1 - 2 1 3 3 www.dtautohenderson.com FORD 1998 Ranger XLT Ext cab, 4x4, auto, air, cd, power windows & locks, $3950. 812402-4662 FORD 2000 F150 XLT, Extended cab, 4x4, 4 wheeel disc brakes, step bars, runs & drives good, $2800 / offer. 812-909-4143. FORD 2003 F150, 5speed, $2695. See our ad in the Car Cents Booklet! B&M Auto Sales, 270-684-3889. FORD 2004 Lariat Xcab, V8, leather, loaded, $7995. 2708 3 1 - 2 1 3 3 www.dtautohenderson.com FORD 2004 Ranger, 5-speed, $1295. See our ad in the Car Cents Booklet! B&M Auto Sales, 270-684-3889. FORD 2005 F150 FX4, loaded, sunroof, $9500. 270-826-7900. FORD 2005 F250 Xcab, 4x4, V8, auto, fully equipped, clean!! $10,995. 270-831-2133 www.dtautohenderson.com FORD 2006 Crew cab, 4x4, V8, auto, loaded, $11,995. 2708 3 1 - 2 1 3 3 www.dtautohenderson.com FORD 2007 F150 XLT, 4x4, Crew cab, V8, auto, air, leather, loaded, $9900. 270826-7900. FORD 2007 FX4, Crew cab, 4x4, V8, leather, loaded, $14,995. 270-831-2133 www.dtautohenderson.com FORD 2007 Ranger, 812-426-2500 FORD 2007 Xcab, 4x4, V8, auto, loaded, clean! $10,995. 2708 3 1 - 2 1 3 3 www.dtautohenderson.com FORD 2008 F150 Crew cab, 4x4, Lariat, V8, auto, air, King Ranch Edition, $12,500. 270-826-7900. FORD 2008 Fusion, 96k miles, leather, sunroof, heated seats, $6999 cash + KY tax. 270-844-0222. FORD 2011 F150 Super Crew 4x4, $19,880. See our ad in the Car Cents Booklet! Sanders Auto Mart, 270-6889015. FORD 2011 F150 XLT, 4X2, Super cab, 94k miles, one owner, loaded, $12,900. 270826-7900. FORD 2011 F150 XLT, auto, air, loaded, $13,900. 270-826-7900. FORD 2012 F150 FX4, 4x4, loaded, must see! $27,999 cash + KY tax. 270-844-0222. FORD 2014 F150, brown, #P17563A, $32,990. 1-888-5518480.

JUNE 28-JULY 4, 2018

FORD 2014 F150 STX Super cab, tuxedo black, $22,990. 1-888268-3673 or 812-4713673. FORD 2014 F150 Super Crew, 78,130 miles, $27,900. Mill’s Auto Sales 270-826-4886 FORD 2015 F150 Super Cab XLT, 5.0 V8, black, chrome package, 18k miles, like new, power equip., $28,900. 812-476-5368 or Toll Free 1-888-6534184. FORD 2015 F150 XLT, #14651B, $32,990. 1888-551-8480. FORD 2016 F150 XL Sport Super Cab, 2WD, power mirrors, windows, & locks, vinyl seats & floor, 18" wheels, 2.7 Eco-Boost, 22+mpg all driving, 14,500 miles, Reduced to $24,995. 270-6351322. FORD 2017 F150 XL, Regular cab, oxford white, $22,990. 1-888268-3673 or 812-4713673. GMC 2007 Sierra Ext cab, auto, cd, all power, 104k, $9450. 812-4024662 MERCEDES 2009 Benz C Class, 4matic, 81,511 miles, $11,500. Mill’s Auto Sales 270826-4886 NISSAN 2016 Frontier, 4x4, Crew cab, 13,200 miles, $29,900. Mill’s Auto Sales 270826-4886 TOYOTA 2001 Tacoma, 812-4734492. TOYOTA 2004 Tundra SR5, $10,990. See our ad in the Car Cents Booklet! Owensboro Motor Company 270685-1638. TOYOTA 2010 Tacoma, PreRunner, Crew cab, 77K miles, $309/ month. 812-4218861 TOYOTA 2013 Tundra, 4 door, 4WD, like new, $339 per month, 812-602-3200


TOYOTA 2013 Tundra Crew Max Rock Warrior package, 5.7 V8, 4x4, white, sharp, great truck, $25,995. 812-476-5368 or Toll Free 1-888-653-4184. U N I V E R S A L POWER Flush, $64.95. Lube Doctor 410 N. Burkhardt, 812-4710448

CHEVROLET 2000 Venture van, cold air, $950. Call Hayhurst Auto 812-423-9265 CHEVROLET 2012 Express Cargo van, V6, auto, air, nice! $11,995. 270-831-2133 www.dtautohenderson.com CHRYSLER 2008 Town & Country, leather, loaded, only $4500. 270-826-7900. CHRYSLER 2009 Town & Country. See our ad in the Car Cents Booklet! 3rd Chance Auto Sales, 270-2404185. CHRYSLER 2013 Town & Country Touring L, $13,988. See our ad in the Car Cents Booklet! Cannelton Motors, 812-547-2877. CHRYSLER 2015 Town & Country Touring, leather, backup camera, DVD, 80k miles, $289 / month. 812-421-8861. DODGE 2005 Grand Caravan, 7 passenger, cold AC, $800 down, $60 week, $4995. Call Randy Polen 812-2668726 or Felicia Sanners Polen 270-853-0886 DODGE 2005 Grand Caravan SXT FWD Wagon, #3433, $5899. 812-897-4090. DODGE 2011 Grand Caravan, 106k, loaded, $6,500/offer. 270-6863002.

DODGE 2012 Grand Caravan, auto, stow-ngo, $1500 down, $70 week, or $2800 cash. 812-426-2154 DODGE 2012 Grand Caravan, V6, loaded, stow-n-go, $2950. Call Hayhurst Auto 812423-9265 DODGE 2013 Grand Caravan SE, gold, 59k, warranty, stow-n-go, sale $15,999 + KY tax. Call 270-844-0222. DODGE 2013 Grand Caravan SXT, auto, air, stow-n-go, power, sliding doors, $9850. 812402-4662 DODGE 2014 Grand Caravan, 6 cylinder, auto, air, loaded, $7900. 270-826-7900. DODGE 2016 Grand Caravan, American value package, deep cherry red crystal, $17,990. 1-888-2683673 or 812-471-3673. FORD 2014 Trans Connect, gold, #P17648A, $18,990. 1888-551-8480. HONDA 2012 Odyssey EXL, $14,988. See our ad in the Car Cents Booklet! Cannelton Motors, 812-5472877. KIA 2005 Sedona, $4595. See our ad in the Car Cents Booklet! Main Street Motors, 270-691-6246. KIA 2008 Sedona LX. 812-473-4492.

2 AIR Filters, fits Mustang & Ford F150, $25, 812-568-8646. 2006 10X5 H&H Tilt Trailer with ramps, excellent condition, $900. A.R.E. Truck Bed Cover, Chevy Crew Cab, Like New, silver birch metallic, fits 04, 05, 06 models, $585. 812-457-4925 3 TIRES 35"x12.5"x17", Dick Depec, raised white letters, $35, 812-5688646. (4) 2016 Dodge Ram 20" 5 Lug Grey Wheels, New Condition, $700 / offer. 812-483-0845, 812-867-5103. ATTENTION V & C Users - 80 Pills For Only $99.00 Generic. Free Shipping! Money Back Guaranteed! (888) 300-1986, Se Habla Espanol

ENGINES We Install Motors, Transmissions and more. Glisson’s Auto Parts, 812-4248201. HOLLEY DOMINATOR (4500) to Holley square bore (4150) adapter, $40. 812-8975989. NEW TIRES (4) 205/ 60/16, fits Toyota Solara, $180, 812-4235835 OWNERS MANUAL 1969 Fury, $10. 812464-9303. OWNERS MANUAL 1976 Nova Camaro, 1997 Cutlass $10. 812464-9303. SHELTER LOGIC Auto Shelter, new in carton, 10x20, $190. 812422-6804. SPOILER FITS Mustang trunk lid, new, 57", $140, 812-568-8646. STERLING (FORD) Corporate) 10.25" rear axle assembly, 3.55 gears, came out of 8586 Ford F350 with single rear wheels, $600 / offer. 812-8975989. TRANSMISSION We Install motors and more. Glisson’s Auto Parts, 2220 N. First Ave., 812424-8201. USED TIRES We have a large selection. Glisson’s Auto Parts, 2220 N. First Ave., Evansville, 812-4248201

HONDA 2002 Shadow / Sabra, very nice bike, $3500. Call or text 812-461-7262 HONDA 2005 Shadow, silver & black, 4640 miles, like new, garage kept, $3500. Mt. Carmel, IL, 618-2637778.

ARGO AMPHIBIOUS 8X8 Go Anywhere! $4950 Trade Best Offer. Joe 457-7000

HARLEY 2008 Davidson 1200 Low Sportster, new tires, battery, oil, 20,000 miles, ready to ride, $4800. 812-430-8278 YAMAHA 2008 Venture, Tour Bike, 1300 cc, 100 hp, V4 liquid cooled, 27,000 miles, excellent condition, loaded, ride it away for $7,500. 812-836-2068


HARLEY 2008 Davidson Sportster XL 1200/R, 17,200 miles, looks new, has extras, $5,500/offer. 270-6831282. KAWASAKI 2012 KX250F, Pristine condition, like new, well taken care of, must see to appreciate, $3500. 812589-2758

COLLECTORS 1976 Yamaha Enduro Motorcycle, 72cc hp, 2200 original miles, yellow gas tank with 80” Yamaha decal, good condition, $1700. Call Frank at 812-760-3170

1985 BASS BOAT Procraft with trailer. As Is $150 / offer, 812-4226371 24' PONTOON BOAT Older, would make a good deck on a lake, $2000. 812483-5679. PONTOON BOAT Awning, 10x8, $25, 812-901-3194.

BASS BOAT 16 1/2' Champion, 115hp, Evinrude, 12/ 24 motor guide, good condition, $5000 / best offer, 812-449-2505

2003 KING of the Road 5th Wheel, 3 slide outs, 35 ft. long, excellent condition in & out, bought $60,000 new, will sacrifice for $15,000. For more information, 812-204-4491

SEE YOUR ADS AT http://www.EvansvilleThriftyNickel.net

KAWASAKI 2004 636 STUNT BIKE Ready To Stunt! Many Options, too many to list, $3500 / Trade / Best Offer. Call Joe 812-457-7000



SEE YOUR ADS AT http://www.EvansvilleThriftyNickel.net

JUNE 28 - JULY 4, 2018

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