The 2022 EXPO was bursting at the seams with excitement!
Moments Captured at 2022 EXPO
Everywhere you looked, there was a smile, a laugh, or a hug! Take a look at a few of those moments!
We got swag! We played games!
Green Industry professionals KNOW how to have fun! Sponsors really brought in the energy by providing engaging swag and events!
2022 EXPO Welcome Party
It's time to kick back, unwind, and connect with new and old friends!
W o m e n i n H o r t i c u l t u r e G e t T o g e t h e r a n d W o m e n i n H o r t i c u l t u r e N i g h t C a p !
Thank you for being a 2022 Nursery/Landscape EXPO $5000+ Sponsor!
As a $5000+ 2022 EXPO Sponsor, your company was featured in a number of areas throughout our promotions and EXPO itself. Below, you will find a handy chart to show what your sponsorship level package gave you and where your company was featured throughout the promotional process. You may have had a special package with personal touches created for your sponsorship. We enjoy putting together the best options that suit your company’s needs.
Value-Added Sponsorship Benefits
In addition to the benefits received from you Sponsor selection, the benefits below are value-added with your total sponsor investment amount.
Booth Placard acknowledging sponsorship
Mention in TNLA Working For You E-newsletter before and after the event
Sponsor ribbon for all employees
On-Site Signage
Complimentary access to free meeting room
Exposure in other pre-EXPO promotions
Exposure in Attendee Registration Brochure
Invitation to Chairs' Reception
Logo on EXPO website with Website Link
Post-EXPO Attendee listing
Acknowledgement in on-site electronic EXPO Program/Mobile Version with Logo
Scrolling Logo on EXPO Website
Promotion on Social Media Outlets
Company Logo added to online profile, electronic EXPO Program/Mobile Version Listings
Five complimentary Trade Show registrations
Ten complimentary Trade Show registrations
Complimentary drink tickets for the Welcome Party
Name & logo on back of official EXPO Collectible T-Shirt
to $10,000)
to $5,000)
to $2,500)
Pictures are worth a thousand words! To see a full range of your company’s logo placement and visibility, visit your personalized sponsor folder to access your photo gallery by clicking the banner below.
TNLA has a diversified marketing strategy to create high energy and multiple touch points around EXPO promotions. Please find in the following pages, the wide range of marketing efforts by TNLA to create a robust Nursery/Landscape EXPO marketing promotion plan for 2022 EXPO.
Working for You issues had 6 EXPO- focused covers with a clickable link to encourage learning more about EXPO and registering for the event including a full issue on an EXPO wrap- up in photos. Each issue also contained ways of getting involved and opportunities to register, upgrade, or add to the EXPO experience.
2022 EXPO Email Campaign
Since June 8th, 26 EXPO specific emails have been sent with 12 individualized themes to 10 segmented audiences. We focused on creating one robust email marketing list with tags and segmentation that allows us to target very specific groups. As you’ll see in the provided table, most emails were sent at specific times to specific targets, allowing for increased engagement and marketing impact.
Segments Targeted:
• TNLA Members (3k)
• All Landscapers (3k)
• All Growers (2k)
• All Retailers (1k)
• All Irrigators (4k includes any business that works in irrigation)
• All Certified Professionals (around 600)
• 2019 Attendees who didn’t attend in 2021 (1k)
• 2021 Attendees (1k)
• Prospects (12k)
• San Antonio and surrounding cities plus Austin (1k)
• All Contacts (15k)
Email Themes:
• Demos
• Education
• EXPO Marketing
• Attendee brochure (resend)
• 2019 Attendees
• 2021 Attendees
• Hotel Deadline Reminder
• Personal Invitation from Amy Graham
• EXPO Special Working for You
• Early Bird Ends
• Early Bird Extended
Open rates and click through rates were good, especially among those who are familiar with EXPO and TNLA. The email to 2019 attendees and the email to 2021 attendees had open rate of 42.7% sand 45.7% respectively, with click through rates of 2.1% and 5.2%, which is excellent. We sent an Invitation from Amy Graham to 11,000 contacts which generated a great response. This email had an open rate of 32.7%, which is excellent for our big email list
In the following table, we have all EXPO related emails sent since 6/20/22 as well as the special edition of Working for You and two issues of Green Matters that featured EXPO related marketing ads.
Each email correlates to a jump in registrations which is perfect This email marketing campaign has allowed us to make huge head way in gaining attendees for the 2022 EXPO. Please see the EXPO Attendees stats report below for the results!
Social Media EXPO Organic Posts
Organic focused on reminiscing on past EXPOs, the excitement of EXPO, information on EXPO, and reposting those who tag us in EXPO related posts.
TNLA Account Social Media Posts
You're schedulingjobs,orderingstock,andmeetingyourcustomers'needstoday.Be sure to schedule a little time to registerforEXPO,too! Thisisthe lastdayto registeratthe bestrateforthe event! Save time 2022-07-27T05:32:53 Instagrampost 60 5 0 0 You're schedulingjobs,orderingstock,andmeetingyourcustomers'needstoday.Be sure to schedule a little time to registerforEXPO,too! Thisisthe lastdayto registeratthe bestrateforthe event! Save time 2022-07-27T05:32:51 Facebookpost 168 4 0 1 2 You're busierthanever,that'swhywe've extendedthe EarlyBirdrateforattendee registrationto Wednesday,July27th!Take a momentto registeryourself,andyourteam,orbringthe family! Youwon'twantto 2022-07-25T17:00:09 Instagrampost 148 9 0 0 You're busierthanever,that'swhywe've extendedthe EarlyBirdrateforattendee registrationto Wednesday,July27th!Take a momentto registeryourself,andyourteam,orbringthe family! Youwon'twantto 2022-07-25T17:00:07 Facebookpost 290 6 2 1 1
Save ð#time and=صÜmoneybyregisteringatthe EarlyBirdrate! Don'twait! EarlyBirdendsthisFriday(7/22)! Wantto cutto the chase andregisterrightnow?Go here: https://events.american-tradeshow.com/TNLA2022/Registration 2022-07-20T07:04:43 Instagrampost 303 23 0 0
Save ð#time and=صÜmoneybyregisteringatthe EarlyBirdrate! Don'twait! EarlyBirdendsthisFriday(7/22)! Wantto cutto the chase andregisterrightnow?Go here: https://events.american-tradeshow.com/TNLA2022/Registration 2022-07-20T07:04:41 Facebookpost 300 4 3 0 0
Who'sregisteredandready?! JoinusAugust10-12atHenryB. GonzalezConventionCenterinSanAntonio! AdvancedspecialratesendthisFriday(7/22)! #greenindustry#horticulture #suppliers#landscapers#retailgardencenter 2022-07-19T08:58:30 Facebookpost 620 10 7 0 1 Y all! Civano Growersisbringingnew cultivars!! WHAT?! >Ø)Ý>Ø)Ý>Ø)Ý we love to see itandwouldLOVE to see youthere too!! =ØLÞ 2022-07-13T15:32:52 Facebookpost 241 10 1 0 0 Whatanawesome take onthe theme! Can twaitto see y allthere! >Ø)Ý 2022-07-06T05:53:38 Instagramstory 0 0 0 0 Here are some funshotsfromEXPO thesepastfew years- recognize anyone??We hope everyone thisreachescancome outto EXPO inSanAntonio forthisone-of-a-kindexperience. It'sallaboutthe business 2022-07-01T17:03:14 Instagrampost 371 24 0 0 Here are some funshotsfromEXPO thesepastfew years- recognize anyone??We hope everyone thisreachescancome outto EXPO inSanAntonio forthisone-of-a-kindexperience. It'sallaboutthe business 2022-07-01T17:00:44 Facebookpost 249 4 30 1 0 Post: "AtEXPO,the inspirationisendless! Make sure..." 2022-06-30T12:41:41 Ad 7728 54 561 4 561 0.089127
JoinusAugust10,2022,from8:00am- 4:50pmandThursday,August11,2022,from8:00am- 11:30amforourOSHA10-hourOutreachTraining. Geta safetyandhealthknowledge base thatincludesOSHApolicies, 2022-06-29T17:00:03 Instagrampost 174 13 1 0
JoinusAugust10,2022,from8:00am- 4:50pmandThursday,August11,2022,from8:00am- 11:30amforourOSHA10-hourOutreachTraining. Geta safetyandhealthknowledge base thatincludesOSHApolicies, 2022-06-29T17:00:01 Facebookpost 775 16 25 0 2
Receive specialdiscountsthroughEXPO sOfficialHousing,the HotelReservationCut-Off isJuly22,2022! InorderforEXPO Managementto keepshow costsaslow aspossible,we stronglyencourage youto book 2022-06-28T15:09:27 Instagrampost 279 14 0 0
Receive specialdiscountsthroughEXPO sOfficialHousing,the HotelReservationCut-Off isJuly22,2022! InorderforEXPO Managementto keepshow costsaslow aspossible,we stronglyencourage youto book 2022-06-28T15:09:24 Facebookpost 917 13 21 3 1
AtEXPO,the inspirationisendless! Make sure youhave plentyof phone storage- youwillbe takingphotosateveryturn! Don'tmissout! RegisterandblockoutAugust10-12,2022onyourcalendar! https://www.nurserylandscapeexpo.org/ 2022-06-18T17:00:21 Instagrampost 371 36 2 4
AtEXPO,the inspirationisendless! Make sure youhave plentyof phone storage- youwillbe takingphotosateveryturn! Don'tmissout! RegisterandblockoutAugust10-12,2022onyourcalendar! https://www.nurserylandscapeexpo.org/ 2022-06-18T17:00:10 Facebookpost 8467 84 1419 2 6
Have youregisteredforEXPO andsignedupforthe demosyet?!?It'sgoingto be AWESOME! https://www.nurserylandscapeexpo.org/ #landscapedesign#horticulture #greenindustry#tamu#gardenretailers#growers 2022-06-13T17:03:27 Instagrampost 288 23 2 2
Have youregisteredforEXPO andsignedupforthe demosyet?!?It'sgoingto be AWESOME! https://www.nurserylandscapeexpo.org/ #landscapedesign#horticulture #greenindustry#tamu#gardenretailers#growers 2022-06-13T17:03:15 Facebookpost 259 11 20 0 1
Students! Yourfuture iswaitingatthe 2022EXPO inSanAntonio,August10-12! Thousandsof GreenIndustryprofessionalswillbe inattendance andlookingforsomeone like you. Learnaboutthe industry,meet 2022-06-07T17:04:32 Instagrampost 232 21 0 1
Students! Yourfuture iswaitingatthe 2022EXPO inSanAntonio,August10-12! Thousandsof GreenIndustryprofessionalswillbe inattendance andlookingforsomeone like you. Learnaboutthe industry,meet 2022-06-07T09:40:03 Facebookpost 234 2 4 0 0
TNLA Social Media to Promote to our Inner Circle
We utilized our TNLA account to like, share, and comment on attendee and exhibitor posts. We shared stories from EXPO 2022 from those posting to social and created TIkToks to share on Instagram. We really focused on Instagram as it is the most used outlet for
We used out TNLA Instagram account as that was the account
Nursery/ Landscape EXPO Organic Posts by TNLA
Caption Post time Content typeReach Likes andreactions Sticker tapsReplies Link clicks CommentsShares Results Cost per result
You're schedulingjobs, 2022-07-27T10:45:00Facebook post 0 0 0 0 0 You're busier thanever, 2022-07-25T17:00:07Facebook post 681 4 2 0 0 It's the last day to grabthe Early Birdrate! FunFact: Registeringfor EXPO now will save youmoney andtime later! Want to cut to the chase andregister right now? Register here: https://events.american-tradeshow.com/TNLA2022/Registration 2022-07-22T06:08:08Facebook post 1398 5 25 0 2
Early Birdregistration 2022-07-21T17:10:01Facebook post 1033 3 19 0 2 This is how we trick our 2022-07-20T17:05:03Facebook post 1808 10 15 0 0 Landscapers,Growers, 2022-07-19T17:00:01Facebook post 1295 7 14 0 1 The look onyour face whenyouknow youjust receivedthe best deal ever at EXPO! Don't miss all of the great opportunities to connect withsuppliers who want your business! This is where 2022-07-18T17:00:04Facebook post 2366 22 52 3 4 Here are some funshots 2022-07-05T16:41:25Facebook post 1606 6 74 3 0
Overall Insights for the Nursery/ Landscape EXPO Facebook and Instagram Accounts since June 29, 2022