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when it was introduced ctor® facilitated a step eploying logging tools deviated wells without on methods like coiled


gas industry, the Well d by operators, in paril, who quickly spotted nce revolution. In fact,

Statoil decided to change their intervention strategy based on the possibilities offered by the Well Tractor®. The willingness to adopt this new technology generates approximately $30 billion a year in value creation for Statoil as they have increased operational efficiency, minimized production losses and maintained maximum possible production by extending reservoir decline. Today, electric line technology has become their preferred intervention solution.


ed fields (1992-2009)

The Welltec® intervention fleet.

Over the years, Welltec® has gradually evolved from a conveyance supplier to a provider of comprehensive oil field services. Today, Welltec® is a globally recognized world leader within well solutions and we have grown solidly to achieve worldwide presence.



the PoWer of InnovatIon

Welltec® is a solution-driven company that develops, proves and applies technology to address the challenges of tomorrow’s oil and gas industry. We continuously push the boundaries of conventional oil and gas field technology to force constant development in pursuance of new frontiers.

revolutionized the industry when it was introduced to the market. The Well Tractor® facilitated a step change in the technique of deploying logging tools into horizontal and highly deviated wells without the use of heavier intervention methods like coiled tubing or drill pipe.

Welltec® is founded on pioneering work by CEO Jørgen Hallundbæk who envisioned a radical idea to recover oil and gas back in 1987. This innovative thinking led to the Well Tractor® that

Quite unusual in the oil and gas industry, the Well Tractor® was rapidly adopted by operators, in particular North Sea giant Statoil, who quickly spotted the potential in this conveyance revolution. In fact,

Snubbing, Coiled Tubing, WL Tractor and RLWI operations for Statoil operated fields (1992-2009)


Welltec® holds the record for deepest water depth using RLWI on electric wireline, performing under 388° F and having achieved the longest distance in one run

Statoil decided to change their intervention strategy based on the possibilities offered by the Well Tractor®. The willingness to adopt this new technology generates approximately $30 billion a year in value creation for Statoil as they have increased operational efficiency, minimized production losses and maintained maximum possible production by extending reservoir decline. Today, electric line technology has become their preferred intervention solution.

The Welltec® intervention fleet.

Over the years, Welltec® has gradually evolved from a conveyance supplier to a provider of comprehensive oil field services. Today, Welltec® is a globally recognized world leader within well solutions and we have grown solidly to achieve worldwide presence.

Our mission is to develop and deliver solutions which enable our clients to optimize the value of their oil and gas reserves by minimizing reservoir uncertainties and maximizing flexibility. Ultimately, we want to ensure optimal reservoir drainage.

InnovatIon RunnIng In ouR Blood Building on past successes, Welltec® is still a solution-oriented company that sees possibilities where others may see obstacles. For a company so young, Welltec® has been taking home an impressive amount of industry awards for innovative thinking. Our ability to think outside the box has also been widely recognized and demonstrated by application under extreme and harsh conditions; e.g. Welltec® holds the record for deepest water depth using RLWI on electric wireline (2,950 ft. in Gulf of Mexico), performing under 388° F, having achieved the longest distance in one run (34,900 feet) and the longest amount of tractored footage in one trip to the wellsite (423,615 feet). Recently, Welltec® has introduced a series of lightweight electric line solutions that can be performed as riserless operations and that have set new standards for what is achievable. This means that Welltec® delivers riserless lightweight interventions (RLWI) that previously were not possible in the industry.


case case

CASE STORIES envIRonmental BenefIts

Due to the use of electric line, our solutions repreenvIRonmental BenefIts sent a paradigm shift in the environmental impact Due to the use of electric line, our solutions reprethat traditionally has been associated with oil prosent a paradigm shift in the environmental impact duction. As our technologies are smaller and lightthat traditionally has been associated with oil proer, mobilizing them to be well site reduces fuel duction. As our technologies are smaller and lightconsumption, emissions and discharges caused by er, mobilizing them to be well site reduces fuel transporting and operating traditional intervenconsumption, emissions and discharges caused by tion methods. Many times, we only need a crew transporting and operating traditional intervenof two to four people to perform interventions, tion methods. Many times, we only need a crew which is especially important at offshore platforms of two to four people to perform interventions, where there are limitations on how many people which is especially important at offshore platforms can be onboard at the same time. Our solutions where there are limitations on how many people are not dependent upon large rigs or coiled tubcan be onboard at the same time. Our solutions ing (CT) units but can be deployed from a crane are not dependent upon large rigs or coiled tubor mast, which also optimizes logistics in terms of ing (CT) units but can be deployed from a crane time and costs considerably while offering inheror mast, which also optimizes logistics in terms of ently safer operations. time and costs considerably while offering inherently safer operations. With our precision robotics we are able to execute interventions with such precision that they do not With our precision robotics we are able to execute affect the rest of the reservoir or risk damaging interventions with such precision that they do not the well or the surrounding environment. affect the rest of the reservoir or risk damaging the well or the surrounding environment. In addition, Welltec’s equipment can be operated miles away from the actual point of intervention, In addition, Welltec’s equipment can be operated which means that the eco systems are not affected. miles away from the actual point of intervention, For this reason, Welltec® is the operator of choice which means that the eco systems are not affected. For this reason, Welltec® is the operator of choice 4

in i.e. the Alaskan tundra where rolling in heavy equipment could have undesirable consequences in i.e. the Alaskan tundra where rolling in heavy for the environment. equipment could have undesirable consequences for the environment.

Case stoRIes To illustrate the advantages of electric line, we Case stoRIes

provide a few examples of jobs where electric line To illustrate the advantages of electric line, we has proven more efficient than the alternatives: provide a few examples of jobs where electric line has proven more efficient than the alternatives:

Riserless lightweight Intervention Bridge Plug Retrieval Riserless lightweight Intervention Bridge Plug Recently, we developed a method for removing Retrieval hard debris and pulling a plug from a well - and Recently, we developed a method for removing we did it as a RLWI solution. This comprehensive hard debris and pulling a plug from a well - and solution broke through the hard packed debris, we did it as a RLWI solution. This comprehensive collected it, cleaned down around a fishing neck, solution broke through the hard packed debris, latched onto it and pulled the plug. As a result, the collected it, cleaned down around a fishing neck, oil company got the well back on-line with initial latched onto it and pulled the plug. As a result, the production of 2,000Sm3/day a whole year earlier oil company got the well back on-line with initial than any other possible solution. production of 2,000Sm3/day a whole year earlier than any other possible solution.

e-line Clean-out generates $18 million Cost savings Also in the North Sea, we were challenged to clean out a well that was experiencing problems with fill all the way up to surface. In 13 runs, we successfully removed the fill consisting of a resin often used instead of cement. The successful intervention enabled the operator to continue with the planned operation while generating over $18 million in cost savings and deferred production compared to using the alternative.



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Riserless subsea scale milling in three Hours e-line Clean-out In another well, wegenerates were called$18 in tomillion mill outCost calsavings cium carbonate scale from a subsea well. To make Also in the North Sea, we were to clean it even more challenging, the challenged operation was perout a well that was experiencing problems with fill formed from an intervention vessel as a RLWI. The all the way up to surface. In 13 runs, we successfuloperator was experiencing reduced production ly removed the fill consisting of a resin often used instead of cement. The successful intervention enabled the operator to continue with the planned and was not able to run to total depth to locate operation while generating over $18 million in the problem because of a large restriction. In total, cost savings and deferred production compared to we milled out 18 ft. of calcium carbonate scale in using the alternative. only three hours of downhole operations, which led to a significant increase in oil production. and was not able to run to total depth to locate the problem because of a large restriction. In total, foR moRe InfoRmatIon we milled out 18 ft. of calcium carbonate scale in As mentioned, these case stories only represent only three hours of downhole operations, which a fragment of what we can do. Please go to our led to a significant increase in oil production. website www.welltec.com to learn more about Welltec’s innovative spirit and service offerings.

learn more! and was not able to run to total depth to locate the problem because of a large restriction. In total, we milled out 18 ft. of calcium carbonate scale in only three hours of downhole operations, which led to a significant increase in oil production.

foR moRe InfoRmatIon As mentioned, these case stories only represent a fragment of what we can do. Please go to our website www.welltec.com to learn more about Welltec’s innovative spirit and service offerings.

and was not able to run to total depth to locate the problem because of a large restriction. In total, we milled out 18 ft. of calcium carbonate scale in only three hours of downhole operations, which led to a significant increase in oil production.

foR moRe InfoRmatIon As mentioned, these case stories only represent a fragment of what we can do. Please go to our website www.welltec.com to learn more about Welltec’s innovative spirit and service offerings.

foR moRe InfoRmatIon Riserless subsea scale milling in three Hours As another mentioned, casecalled stories only represent In well, these we were in to mill out cala fragment of what we can do. Please go our cium carbonate scale from a subsea well. Toto make website www.welltec.com to learn more about it even more challenging, the operation was perWelltec’sfrom innovative spirit andvessel service formed an intervention asofferings. a RLWI. The operator was experiencing reduced production

Tel.: +45 4912 6138 ● www.crysberg.dk


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Gydevang 25 3450 Alleroed Denmark Tel: +45 48143514 Fax: +45 48143518 Email: ReceptionDK@welltec.com


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