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Tennessee Tech University | Cookeville, TN | 38505

Volume 92 | Issue 7 | November 6, 2009

Students to vote on SGA Tech student earns national constitutional change Vote allows SGA to allocate money to fund campus concerts By EMILY BOOKER Editorial Editor Students will have the chance to vote online Thursday on a change to the SGA constitution. The vote will be on how to organize and run a recently passed bill which created the Student Organization Life Opportunity fund. The fund, created from $20 assessed from students’ tuition each semester, will finance oncampus concerts and allow organizations to apply for funding for on-campus activities. “SOLO is a new step to help students get interested and active on campus each semester,” Sean Ochsenbein, SGA president, said. “Any step in that direction is a positive step.” Seventy-five percent of the fund will go toward a major concert every fall and spring semester. “These events give students something to look forward to,” Ochsenbein said. The hope is that events and concerts on campus will increase student retention. In addition to a major concert, part of the fund will be used as allocation for on-campus events. Twenty-five percent will be available for campus organizations to receive funding for campus events. The event must be open to all students and “support a majority of students in a positive way on campus,” Ochsenbein said. Organizations will only be able receive up to $1,000 an event and up to $2,000 a semester. Leftover money will roll over to the next semester. Because the fund is self-operating from student tuition, the fund will still be able to operate and provide concerts and allocation money, even with further budget cuts. The SOLO fund is based off the Better University Community fund of ETSU. The ETSU

Current student fees in addiƟon to University tuiƟon Sustainability Campus Fee:

$8 SGA Fee: $10

Post Office Box: $14

Debt Service Fee: $29

General Access Fee: $418 for list of additional charges

BUC fund has funded on-campus concerts for several years. “I think it’s a well-written base for the SOLO fund,” Ochsenbein said. ETSU SGA President Brian Bowman said, “I believe the way [the BUC fund] has changed campus is immeasurable. There is no telling how many students have benefitted and have been inspired to stay [at ETSU] from events funded from BUC.” To review applications of organizations seeking funding through the SOLO fund and to search out artists for the major concert each semester, the SGA must have a constitutional change to create a committee to operate the fund. This change requires a majority of those in the student body who vote in the online election. If approved by the students, the SOLO fund bill and the constitution change still need approval by Tech administration. It will also require Tennessee Board of Regents approval of the $20 tuition increase.

Crime Briefs Oct. 25

3:25 a.m. Maddux Hall Charges: Intoxicated Student Student Reprimanded

Collegiate FFA office

4:10 a.m. Crawford Hall Chrages: Intoxicated Student Student Reprimanded

Oct. 27

By CANDICE GRIGGS Staff Writer Chelsea Doss of Tech’s Collegiate Future Farmers of America earned Southern Region Vice President at the 82nd National FFA Convention last week in Indianapolis, Ind.. Doss was the first Tech student to be awarded a national office and was the first Tennessean to do so in more than 20 years. Doss is an agriculture business major at Tech. According to Julie Adams’ press release, she has served as a student government supreme court justice and senator, treasurer for the Collegiate Women’s Agricultural Service Club, an Agribusiness Economics Club Council representative, and a Tech Agricultural Ambassador. In 2007 she was named president of the Tennessee FFA Association.


“The real success we achieve while wearing the blue jacket is the impact we make,” Adams quoted Doss saying. “We impact our schools, our community and our country. We don’t always win; but we always learn. The lessons we learn vary, but we are bound together by a common thread—passion for agriculture and FFA.” “Chelsea’s sheer desire to offer herself to help others is an amazing quality,” said David Frazier, school of agriculture assistant professor. “People don’t realize just how huge this all is.” Doss’s responsibilities as vice president will include traveling, meeting leaders in business, participating in an international experience tour to Japan and providing personal growth and leadership training to students.

4:30 p.m. Warf Hall bike rack Charges: Bike theft No Arrest

Oct. 30

3:30 a.m. New Hall Charges: Public Intoxication, Evading Arrest Arrested: Ryan D. Amos of Cookeville 11:38 a.m. Open Pkg W. Capital Quad Charges: Vehicle Vandalism No Arrest 5:23 p.m. Peachtree Ave. by McCord Hall Charges: Two band members shot with BB gun for daily crime updates

Professional Development Week kicks off Monday By HANNAH HARRIS Staff Writer The Student Success Center will be having Professional Development Week, a week of workshops to help students learn and apply professional techniques to their lives, Nov. 9 through 13 in Johnson Hall. Students choose a written workshop, an oral workshop and two additional workshops of their choice to attend. “This week is important because of the importance of networking and the importance of contacts.” Amy Carpenter, dean of College of Business, said. “This allows students to meet the people (speakers)

at Professional Development Week and they are the type of people who remember who you are.“ Guest speakers for these additional workshops include Tennessee State Representative Henry Fincher, President of Community Bank of the Cumberland Dan Calcote, Beth Null Dorris of State Farm, director of the Tennessee Department of Economic and Community Development Melinda Keifer, and Alice Camuti, director of Career Services at Tech. More information about these speakers is available at www. “These people have changed things not just in Tennessee but all over,” Carpenter said. “They made

it a better place.” Although it is required for all business students going into upper division, students from any major can attend. “You can go to class and go home and work on good grades, but without enriching your own experience through a personal network, you don’t enrich the lives of others either,” Carpenter said. Students will also have the opportunity to become involved in the Beth Null Dorris internship program. The dress is business casual and sign up is available online at www.

Genesis House to offer presentation on bystander intervention techniques By BAILEY DARROW Copy Editor

The importance of bystander intervention and safe intervention techniques have made their way into the spotlight in recent weeks, and the Tech community will have an opportunity to learn more about the topic. A program, entitled “Play it Safe,” will be presented at 11 a.m. on Thursday in RUC Room 342. “‘Play it Safe’ is an interactive presentation that I created to get students thinking about what they can do to help prevent violence,” said Tara Bates, primary prevention educator from Genesis House. “Students will hopefully learn the difference between ‘risk reduction’ and

‘prevention.’ Students will also be given specific examples of helpful actions they can take to keep each other safe.” Although students often tend to ignore the topic of safety on campus, Bates feels she will be able to get around this. “I think most students want to be helpful members of the campus community,” Bates said. “So to give them ideas for helping keep others safe may make the subject more palatable than your typical ‘to be safe you shouldn’t walk alone at night, you should carry your keys like a weapon, etc.’ lecture.” The presentation will offer many techniques for safe intervention which have been a topic of discussion in school across the country since the gang rape of a 15-year-old girl at a high school in Richmond,

events @ tech November for more events


Until Nov. 22 Registration for Spring Semester 2010

that took place in front of over 20 bystanders, this unfortunately and particularly relevant. -- Diana Lalani, Women’s Center secretary

Calif. “With the recent California gang rape that took place in front of over 20 bystanders, this presentation, which has been in the planning stages for some time, is unfortunately and particularly relevant,” Diana Lalani, Women’s Center secretary,

2 p.m. Volleyball v. Austin Peay


With the recent California gang rape

10 7 p.m. “Animal House“ movie night in Derryberry Hall

12 11 a.m. Play it Safe: Exploring Bystander Intervention

added. The presentation will also focus on keeping the topic relevant to Tech’s campus. “I think everyone knows someone who has intervened in a situation that could have led to someone getting hurt,” Bates said. “I also

15 3 p.m. Bryan Symphony Orchestra in concert

18 10:45 a.m. Dixie College Day Parade

think that whether they admit it or not, people admire those who intervene for being proactive.” Whether they realize it or not, most people have taken part in bystander intervention of some kind. “If you have ever had a friend volunteer to drive you home when you’ve been drinking, you have experienced a form of bystander intervention,” Bates said. Campuses often offer many opportunities for students to step in and prevent the escalation of situations. “I want to stress that you do not have to do anything that you makes you feel unsafe in order to intervene,” Bates said. For more information on this event, contact

11 a.m. Time capsule ceremony All day Display of historic photos, video presentation in RUC Please recycle your copy of The Oracle.

The Oracle is free in single copy

Page 2 | November 6, 2009

Editorial and Opinion What is anybody doing for the war effort? EMILY BOOKER Editorial Editor America has been involved in a couple of wars since I was twelve-years-old. I can say it very factually without emotion. I’m not torn up about it; I’m used to it. We can talk about the war, rattle off some numbers, maybe even know who the Kurds are, but it is not something real to us anymore. You would think that many of us would have grown up familiar with the war effort. But that’s not true. Because isn’t even a war effort in which to be familiar. We seem to forget we’re at war at all until it’s used in a political debate. “Bring the troops home.” “Support the troops.” Maybe the political talk confused you. It’s a “military operation” and “democracy building.” No. It’s war. The war in Iraq was met with some vocal opposition, but most Americans agreed eight years ago that we needed to invade Afghanistan to fight the Taliban. Afghanistan has been, and will continue to be, a long war, but it isn’t another Vietnam. People are not angrily opposed to this war. They just don’t care about it at all. I’m an old movie buff, and the war movies made between 1938 and 1945 had one of two themes: men in battle or home sacrifice for the war effort. People back home went without steel, without aluminum, without sugar, without nylon, without rubber. That

made them a part of the war. They had an immediate, invested interest that we win, along with the future interest of keeping the war “over there” before it got “over here.” So what have you given up for the war effort? Unless there is a family member in the military, I would guess not much. There are no drafts, no rations. There are no reminders at all except for yellow ribbons on your car bumper. If you really support the troops, send them boxes and help military families transition to moves and deployments. Thanking a soldier is always nice, but it’s not doing anything. It’s certainly better than the scorn some Vietnam vets received returning home, but it’s no ticker-tape parade either. Saying “thank you” to a soldier might give you a sense of doing something, but the most you’ve done is taken ten seconds of your time and two words. In turn, that soldier has given up months away from family and friends to fight in a place you probably can’t even find on a map. And he or she did not go over there for personal benefit. The war is not U.S. military vs. Taliban. It’s all of us against anyone who wants to defeat us. We’re a pretty lucky country, isolated here in the Northern and Western hemispheres. We can walk around without fearing bombs being dropped from the sky or that car next to us exploding. We open the paper and read about the people that died “over there.” You can

bet if it were “over here” we’d be much more active, not relying solely on our military personal. Gen. Ray Odierno, commanding officer in Afghanistan, has said, “The military solution cannot solve our problems. It must be a civil-military solution.” If we want to succeed in the wars we fight, we must fight them. The military is in place to keep us safe. It is responsible for our defense, and cannot be solely responsible for all of our international endeavors. Civilians are capable of helping Iraq and Afghanistan develop into self-governing nations. Civilians are capable of supporting the military with more than two words. Civilians are capable of giving something up for the war effort, making it a little better to fight and a little better to finance. The U.S. has invested eight years, 1.4 million troops, and $915 billion in the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. There have been more than 5,100 U.S military causalities (and counting). It’s a small percentage of those serving, but it’s a lot of sons, daughters, mothers, father, husbands, wives, siblings and friends. And many more service men and women have been physically injured or psychological scarred. An Army survey revealed that soldiers are 50 percent more likely to suffer from post-traumatic stress disorder if they serve more than one tour. More than 420,000 troops have served more than one tour in Iraq or

NOTE FROM THE EDITOR Last week’s article, “Tech acknowledges Web site problems,” by Jenda Wilson excluded a piece of information. Web and Digital Media Director Matt Gann also said

there was another “huge reason” for Web data partiality. “We lost a full time writer this summer to the voluntary buy out who was going to be one of our main people on reviewing and updating con-

tent on the site,” Gann said. The Oracle received this information after the broadsheet had been sent to the printer.

AMANDA RUSSELL Managing Editor

>>online edition

Afghanistan. There are 20-year-old veterns coming home with PTSD to peers who are more concerned with The Hills than the election scandal of Afghanistan or its consequences on our service members stationed there. “The war,” which is really two wars, is common in our vocabulary of current events, but it is not forefront on our mind. We’ve gone numb after eight years. We’ve forgotten WE, not just our defense department, is at war. Maybe we’ve forgotten over eight years how big a deal war is. War is big. War is hell. We cannot continue to avoid the mounting costs (financial, physical, and emotional) that war inflicts on the U.S., our allied countries, or Iraq and Afghanistan. If we continue to forget about the war here, we’ll lose it “over there.” Civilian response and effort will determine the place the current wars will have in the history books. This time in our nation’s history can be remembered with nostalgia of home front efforts while soldiers combat tyranny like World War II. It can be remembered with shame of failure, a war lost on the TV screens, like Vietnam. Or it can chart its own course, a conscientious approach, both military and civilian, in facing an ever increasingly unstable world. What’s important is that 5,100 of our brothers and sisters did not die in vain. We have to remember we are at war. And it’s high time we start acting like it.



Tennessee Tech’s

Student-Run Newspaper

Managing Editor- AMANDA RUSSELL Advertising Manager- SARA BOHANNON Editorial Editor- EMILY BOOKER Sports Editor- CHRIS BROOKS Entertainment Editor- MIKE FORD Copy Editor I- TALLULAH GILLUM Copy Editor II - BAILEY DARROW Asst. Managing Editor- CHRISTINE SEIBER Advertising Asst.- ALLISON WHEELER Advertising Asst.- DIANA CARSON Asst. Editorial Editor- CHUCK ACHESON Asst. Sports Editor- BRANDON GOODWIN Adviser- BRENDA WILSON Cartoonist- MIKE FORD Tennessee Technological University--nondiscriminatory on the basis of sex in its educational programs and activities including employment and admission of students to the University as required by Title IX of the Educational Amendments of 1972 and regulations based therein and published in CFR, part 86. Tennessee Technological University is an Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer. The Oracle is published weekly by Tennessee Technological University, P.O. Box 5072 TTU, Cookeville, TN 38505


to or TTU Box 5072 5072.. Letters are edited for grammar, but not for content. Please limit letters to 250 words in length. Anonymous letters are not accepted.

Yes, you need the H1N1 vaccine CHUCK ACHESON is now disabled. Asst. Editorial Editor As the arrival date of the H1N1 vaccine comes closer and closer for the J.J. Oakley Health Services here at Tech, numerous groups of people are showing concern over the safety of the vaccine. The federal government posted all pertinent testing and results on the national Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s Web site, That being said, here is a brief synopsis of the findings: yes, the vaccine is safe. However, you should use precaution. You need to know what is in the shot before you have it administered. Information is available on the CDC’s Web site. You should always know what is going into your body. For example, if you have a peanut allergy, you wouldn’t eat something cooked in peanut oil. Even with this warning, negative reactions are rare. Most of us have seen the video of the Washington Redskins cheerleader who had an adverse reaction and

Terribly sad situations like that stick with us because they are so rare, like plane crashes. They automatically hold our attention because it catches us off-guard as we assume the safety of the planes. And, we assume the safety of planes because they have a great track record, similar to the vaccines administered to children. I mean there’s a reason we vaccinate children against, hepatitis B, diphtheria, tetanus, and so on. So, with all the facts and much of common sense pointing to the safety of the vaccine, why are certain people so adamantly against the vaccine? Politics. Without naming names, there are plenty of pundits and self-proclaimed experts on the news channel that claims to be fair and balanced. They are politicizing the issue of safety for their own political gain. This is the most monstrous and repulsive form of rhetoric. These cults of personality are willing to sacrifice their follower’s safety in an effort to stick it to the current presidential administration. So what happens when

someone dies from H1N1 because they did not get the vaccine? Oh, it’s the other party’s fault. Ask Joe Wilson, everybody’s favorite senator from South Carolina, who voted against funding the vaccine and now complains there is not enough available. I’m not sayin’ anything, I’m just sayin’. This arms race of tragedy is despicable. Have some faith in our scientists’ ability to cure diseases. Remember the last time you got polio or measles? Probably not, because it didn’t happen thanks to wonderful work by our scientists. Just because a loud person yells at you through the television, doesn’t mean they are right. I urge you to make the decision for yourself, but I greatly implore you to get the vaccine. Here’s one more great reason to be vaccinated: It’s free, provided to you by the federal government. Let’s recap, the vaccine is safe, will protect you against a dangerous disease and is free. Why wouldn’t you get the shot?

Poll of the Week >> The H1N1 vaccine was developed and tested similarly to the regular flu season vaccine. The CDC has stated that young people are more at risk to getting H1N1 than older adults. It has also said people who are allergic to eggs might be at risk to a reaction from the H1N1 vaccine.

Are you planning on getting the H1N1 vaccine?

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Page 3 | November 6, 2009

Sports Golden Eagles face Georgia “Between the Hedges” Tech soccer players pick up conference honors Hoffman named OVC Offensive Player of the Year, Cambron joins her on All-OVC first team


Photos courtesy of Sports Information

Caleb Mitchell (left) and Tim Benford (right) picked up OVC Player of the Week awards for their performances against Tennessee State. The Golden Eagles travel to Georgia on Saturday to take on their second Football Bowl Subdivision opponent when they face the Bulldogs. BY BRANDON GOODWIN

Assistant Sports Editor

After bringing home the Sergeant York Trophy last week against Tennessee State, the Golden Eagle football team travels to Athens to take on Southeastern Conference foe Georgia. The Bulldogs are coming off of a thrashing by Florida last week 41-17, and have won just one of their last four. Georgia will also be without its top receiver in A.J. Green. Green makes up for nearly half for the Bulldog receiving yards and touchdowns on the year. The Golden Eagles, meanwhile, enter the contest winning four of their last five and are currently receiving votes for a top-25 ranking. Tech (5-3. 4-2 OVC) remains just one game back in the Ohio Valley Conference standings with two games remaining. Tech shouldn’t have any

motivation problems going into Athens as it is excited to play in front of a big crowd. “We play in a small stadium, so it will be a big boost for us to show our skills in front of a lot of people,” said sophomore receiver Tim Benford. Last week against TSU, the Golden Eagles played a very impressive game, racking up 265 yards of offense on just 49 plays. Senior quarterback Lee Sweeney threw 12 of 23 for 188 yards and two touchdowns in the contest. For their efforts against the Tigers, two Tech underclassmen were awarded with the title of OVC Player of the week. Benford actually shares Co-OVC Offensive Player of the Week honors with Jacksonville State quarterback Ryan Perrilloux, but it doesn’t take away from his five-catch, 122-yard performance in the Golden Eagles’ 20-13 Homecoming victory against Ten-

Eastern Illinois Eastern Kentucky Tennessee Tech Tennessee State Austin Peay UT-Martin Murray State Southeast Missouri Jacksonville State*

nessee State. Benford’s fifth catch was also the game-winning touchdown pass from quarterback Lee Sweeney, as the sophomore wideout beat two defenders in the back of the end zone to haul in the scoring strike with 3:08 left in the contest. “It’s a good feeling,” Benford said. “It’s a big thing in the league.” It’s the third 100-yard game for Benford, and he now has receptions in all 19 games in which he has played. Caleb Mitchell, a redshirt freshman, forced two turnovers in the opening quarter against the Tigers. He collected an interception in the first quarter, and also forced a fumble which he recovered in the same period. For the game, Mitchell picked up 13 tackles, including 2.5 for a loss, two sacks, and two pass break-ups. Mitchell’s performance earned him conference Defen-



5-1 5-2 4-2 2-2 2-3 2-3 1-4 0-6 3-1

7-2 5-3 5-3 3-5 3-5 3-5 2-6 1-7 5-3

* - ineligible for conference championship Saturday’s games Tennessee Tech at Georgia, 12:00 p.m. (ESPN360) Eastern Kentucky at Kentucky, 12:00 p.m. (ESPN360) Austin Peay at Murray State, 1:00 p.m. (OVCSports.TV) #15 Jacksonville St. at SE Missouri, 1:00 p.m. (OVCSports.TV) UT-Martin at Tennessee State, 5:00 p.m. (OVCSports.TV)

sive Player of the Week, along with Newcomer of the Week honors. Mitchell called the award “Exciting”. “I played a good game,” he said, “I’m glad I could do that for us. “ Another Golden Eagle player picked up an off-thefield award, as junior guard Taylor Askew earned firstteam Academic All-District honors for the third consecutive year. The Knoxville native has a 4.0 grade-point average while majoring in political science. Kickoff for Saturday’s game is slated for noon at Sanford Stadium, which has a capacity of 92,746 and is expected to be sold out for the Bulldog homecoming. The matchup will be broadcast live on Magic 98.5 and can be viewed on Payper-view. Tech will travel to Jacksonville State on Nov. 14, and then wrap up the season at home on Nov. 21st against Murray State.

Junior Jen Hoffman was named the Ohio Valley Conference Offensive Player of the year and freshman Kris Cambron was named CoFreshman of the Year and both were All-OVC first-team selections as four Tennessee Tech soccer players earned post-season honors on the eve of the 2009 OVC soccer tournament. Junior Taren Brown was named to the all-OVC second team for the second consecutive year, while freshman Andrea Meloff earned a spot on the OVC All-Newcomer team along with Cambron. Hoffman, a native of Martinsburg, W.Va., leads the league with four goals and nine points in OVC play. She has six goals overall and one assist for 13 points on the season. The first-team All-OVC selection has a team-leading 26 shots this year with 13 being on-goal. The junior forward registered the gamewinning goal at Eastern Kentucky on Oct. 2. Hoffman sat out all of the 2008 season due to NCAA transfer rules. “I feel like Jen came in and did exactly what she needed to do after sitting out last year,” Tennessee Tech head coach Becky Fletcher said. “She came in and put her stamp on creating opportunities for herself. She has a knack for scoring goals. We are very proud of her, she is very deserving of this honor and it is fitting that she earned it after working so hard without being able to play last season.” A freshman forward,


Sports Editor

Titans win a game... so now what? A look ahead Well, well, well. Look what the Titans found. The win column. And after Tennessee’s 30-13 pasting of Jacksonville last Sunday, the media immediately praised quarterback Vince Young for leading the Titans to victory. I’m not buying that Young was the reason that the Titans won. But I’ll make a case that the Titans aren’t as bad as their record (1-6) shows, let’s take a look at what happened Sunday, and what’s happened so far to put them in the AFC South basement: Sunday’s differences 1. A commitment to the run. The Titans ran the ball 49 times against the Jaguars, the 30th time since Jeff Fisher became the head coach in 1995. In those games, the Titans are 29-1. Sunday, those 49 carries translated into 305 yards, second-most in team history. 2. Giving VY a chance. Vince Young was not asked to do much. He completed 15 of 18 attempts for 125 yards and a score. Most of those attempts were 10 yards or less, essentially an extension of the running game which the Titans executed very well. Young did what was asked of him, and no more. It’s been the formula for him since he’s been in the league, and that will remain the same going forward. 3. Defensive help. With

the exception of two long Maurice Jones-Drew runs (that featured poor tackling), the Jags’ offense was pedestrian, at best. Having Cortland Finnegan back helped out tremendously, and he helped hold top target Mike SimsWalker to just two catches for nine yards. The year’s problems 1. Pass defense. It’s been bad since that Week 1 loss at Pittsburgh. Ranked no higher than 26th, as of now they are dead last in the NFL in passing yards allowed. Kyle Vanden Bosch finally recorded his first sack of the year last week, an indication that the pass rush has been non-existent for most of the year. New defensive coordinator Chuck Cecil has had problems getting the coverages adjusted, and they’ve been gashed by opposing quarterbacks. 2. Special teams problems. It’s a bad thing when you’re constantly rotating kick returners like the Titans have. Fumbles on punts cost the Titans a shot at beating the Jets in New York, and the carousel of those fielding punts has twirled since then. Punter Craig Hentrich was lost for the year with a strained thigh after the Houston game, and three different punters have been used since then. 3. Other key injuries. Cornerback Cortland

Cambron has recorded four goals and three assists so far this season. The Soddy-Daisy, Tenn., native tallied two of her four goals in Conference play. Cambron played in 17 games in the regular-season and registered 17 shots. In addition to be named the CoFreshman of the Year, Cambron earned First Team AllOVC honors as well as being selected to the All-Newcomer squad. “Kris has been pushed by her teammates to get where she is,” Fletcher said. “Her work rate is tremendous. Her approach to the game has really helped her take steps to becoming a very solid player in this league. She puts in the work, she is coachable, and she doesn’t like losing.” Brown, a defender, earns her third postseason honor in as many years as a Golden Eagle. She was named to the all-newcomer team as a freshman in 2007, before earning second-team All-OVC honors the last two seasons. “Taren has really held down the fort in the back,” Fletcher said. “She’s helped our young girls and been a tremendous leader on our defense.” Meloff joins Cambron on the All-Newcomer team after finishing the regular season second among all OVC players in goals scored (7) and points (15). “Kris and Andrea came in and really set a high standard for themselves.” UT Martin’s Danielle Rogers earned Defensive Player of the Year accolades and Murray State’s Danielle McMurray shared the Freshman of the Year honors with Cambron. Morehead State’s Warren Lipka was named the Coach of the Year. Finnegan missed three games, and his replacements have not performed well. The other starter at cornerback, Nick Harper, has missed the last two games. Having Finnegan back helps out the pass coverage, but it’s not the whole answer. Defensive end Jevon Kearse has also missed the last three games, which has hurt the pass rush. 4. A tough schedule to start with. That overtime loss to Pittsburgh and the Houston game the following week were games the Titans should have won, for various reasons. The Titans’ first seven opponents (and that counts Jacksonville, who has the worst record among the bunch, twice) have a combined record of 3219. Count the Jags’ record just once, and it still comes out to 29-15. Brutal. Things can get better for the Titans in a hurry. After a trip to San Francisco, the Buffalo Bills come into LP Field on Nov. 15. Two quick wins would put them at 3-6 with a favorable closing stretch to the season. Now, I’m not suggesting that the Titans finish the year with 10 straight wins, that’s not likely. But it’s also not likely that they go back into the tank and win less than four games. The schedule’s too easy the rest of the way for that to happen. Out of the final nine games, only four take place against teams with winning records. Only two of those (Indianapolis and Houston) come against teams with more than four wins. So yes, the Titans are still a dismal 1-6. But it could be worse. You could be like the Tampa Bay Buccaneers and sitting at 0-7, and have nothing to look forward to except next year’s first draft pick.

Page 4 | November 6, 2009

Entertainment Notable November The 11th month of the year has much to remember Here are some things to keep in mind this time around.

-Pancreatic Cancer Awareness Month -National Novel Writing Month -Alzheimer’s Disease Awareness Month -Transgender Awareness Month -American Diabetes Month -Lung Cancer Awareness Month

November ushers in the beards By MIKE FORD Entertainment Editor

-National Homeless Youth Awareness Month -Crohn’s & Ulcerative Colitis Awareness Month -Month for the Holy Souls in Purgatory in the Roman Catholic Church

Alpha Psi Phi throws down (about six feet) By CHARLES BEETS Staff Wrtier In the buzz of Tech’s homecoming week, plans are in the works for a party with an apocalyptic feel. Alpha Psi Phi, Tech’s science fiction & fantasy club is busy preparing for their post post-apocalyptic Halloween party on Saturday in the Multipurpose Room inside the Roaden University Center. The post Halloween party will be post-apocalyptically themed and is being held after Halloween due to homecoming taking up the RUC for the whole week. “The Halloween party is the one event I can’t wait for out of the whole year,” says Gina Dennis, Alpha Psi Phi’s Empress, or president. The party will have a DJ playing all kinds of spooky music for the guys and ghouls. Anything from Bach’s “Toccata and Fugue in D Minor” to Michael Jackson’s “Thriller” will be played to enthrall those deadbeats into the partying spirit. To accompany the eerily themed music will be music videos and AMVs, or anime music videos, up on a large projector screen. “Zombies vs. Humans is the best part of APP’s Halloween party!” exclaimed Leaha Moss

The sights of November rank high in my favorite yearly spectacles. Save for a few stubbornly lively trees, the array of autumnal colors can be mesmerizing. Just yesterday, as I was driving to Tech’s Appalachian Center for Craft to develop some photographs, I unconsciously pumped the brakes to revel in the cascade of yellows, ambers and redorange leaves. The view was lovely and wholly encompassing. I did the

beard? Not to worry, readers. The saving grace of countless face is here. NoShave November is upon us (Novembeard, as I have taken t o calling it). The month-long celebration of scruffyfaced manliness will redeem my fall frenzy of breezes and flannels and I hope dearly that each man reading participates.

Here are some shaving facts to get you in the mood. According to ‘s stats and facts page:

when asked what her favorite event at the party would be. Zombies vs. Humans is a game played at Alpha Psi Phi’s Halloween party that seems to be infamous among its members. The game is played with two teams, the zombies and the humans, who vie to capture each other’s flag. Humans use Nerf guns to shoot invading zombies, which forces them to return to their base while giving the humans enough time to capture their flag and return to their base before being tagged and turned into another zombie amongst their ranks. Music and games won’t be the only thing keeping the recently deceased partiers from turning into a blood-thirsty mob. Alpha Psi Phi will also be showing a movie for all those zombies who are too stiff to play, a chance to have some fun while they watch their brothers and sisters tear open a path of destruction in “28 Days Later.” Of course, once the party is over that doesn’t mean that the fun will stop. After the zombies shamble on out of the university center, the group will be heading out with a local ghost hunting group. The group will be investigating cemeteries and churches that have given their permission so as to avoid any actual zombie slaying on the part of the police.

- It is estimated that 90% of all adult males SHAVE AT LEAST ONCE A DAY. - Men spend an AVERAGE OF 5 MONTHS of their lives shaving. - It is also estimated that a man will shave at least 20,000 TIMES IN HIS LIFETIME. - The average American male begins to shave between the ages of 14 - 16 YEARS OF AGE. - BLACK people have more body hair than ASIANS, but WHITES have more than blacks. - SHAVING, tweezing or waxing does not cause hair to grow back thicker or fuller. - YOUR HAIR GROWS in response to individual biochemistry and hormones. Heredity, genes, race, medications taken, physical and mental stress, and diet influence these hormones. - YOUR SKIN IS SUBJECT TO CHANGES in its resiliency and thickness because of temperature, humidity, diet and stress. This can affect shaving.

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same on my way back down the winding hill that led me to the ACC, only to have my youthful whimsy broken by the realization that I, Mike Ford, frequent proprietor of a fall-time face blanket, am without beard. I shaved for my Halloween costume. Why, dear heavens, could I not just feel the same wind that brought me the tawny showers whisk through an ocher


232 WEST 7TH STREET 931-993-1669

- Using a RAZOR WITH A PIVOTING HEAD allows you to shave better and smoother over and around bony places, curves, bumps and other angles of the face & body. - Some swear that a single blade razor is less irritating to use, but a DOUBLE BLADE razor with an aloe strip will technically give you a better, closer shave. - Most SHAVING ACCIDENTS are caused by using dull and/or dirty razor blades, insufficient preparation of the skin and hair before shaving, and using inappropriate equipment and products.

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While we’re at it, I would like to see November recognized further as National Psuedofolliculitis Barbae Awareness Month. Men everywhere suffer from PFB, some on a daily basis. From dull razors to dry, harsh soaps, even poor shaving technique, PFB really tans some hides. So, remember those with PFB (razor burn for the layman) and grow that beard like your name was Walt Whitman. An entire month allowing yourself a little morning time laziness, not to mention looking manly!

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