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ACKNOWLEDGMENT We wish to acknowledge the fine spirit of co-operation by the organization members and the commurity at large including the merchants and business firms, without which this cook book could not have been possible. To the women of the community who contributed their recipes we say many thanks. The Organization
HINTS ON COOKING FROZEN FOODS VEGETABLES In cooking any frozen vegetable it is necessary to bring to the boiling point as quickly as possible to preserve flavor, color and vitamins. Do not thaw before cooking. The one exception is corn on the cob, which should always be thawed. FRUITS Do not remove frozen fruits from the package before you are ready to use them. Otherwise they will discolor and lose the fresh flavor. Most fruits are best when thawed just enough to melt the ice crystals . Fruits that are to be cooked should not be thawed. Instead, follow the same procedure as for vegetables. MEATS With the exception of large cuts, which may not cook evenly, meats may be cooked when solidly frozen . Cooking must be done at a low temperature and the time lengthened. If thawing is preferred , thaw as slowly as possible , as less moisture and flavor will be lost. MENUS FOR QUICK MEALS FROM THE FIIEEZE'P" (Based on commercially frozen foods) LUNCHEON
Corn chowder Tossed green salad Toast sticks Pineapple Cookies
Perch float Asparagus spears - cole slaw Frosty fruit cup Applesauce Mint sherbet 2.
Broiled cod in summersauce Mixed vegetables Peach shortcake
Fish Florentine French fried potatoes Vegetable relish sticks Dolly Madison cake 3.
Corn and ham broil Green beans, French style Rhubarb with dumplings
Ocean perch piquant French fried potatoes Baked corn Orange sherbet
4. Skillet-fried fish Epicurean Brussels sprouts Cottage potatoes Rolls Ice cream prdfs
Oyster stew Bermuda salad bowl Cauliflower frozen Crusty rolls Apple pie
#.,. g:;'
ASPARAGUS Martha Washington Mary Washington
CORN Golden Bantam Country Gentleman Crosby Hybrid
BEANS - GREEN Blue Lake Kentucky Wonder
EGGPI,ANT Black Beauty
BEANS - GREEN SHELL French Horticuitural Lowe's Champion
PARSNIPS Hollow Crown
BEETS Crosby Detroit Dark Red
PEAS Alderman Shasta Thomas Laxton
BROCCOLI Italian Green Sprouting
SPINACH Broadleaf Hollandia King of Denmark
BRUSSELSSPROUTS HaIf Dwarf Improved Long Island Improved
SQUASH Summer Crookneck
CARROTS Amsterdam Coreless Nantes Coreless Red Cored Chantenay
SWISSCHARD Fordhook Lucullus
CAULIFLOWER Early Snowball Forbes Perf ection
TURNIPS i White Glove Purple Top Strapleaf Purple Top Rutabagas
BREAD AND BUTTER PICKLES 36 piekles, not too large l- qt" vinegar 5 e . granulated sugar
Mrs " Margaret eurtls
LiZ e. white mustard seed I Tbsp" eelery seed I Tbsp, curry powder
Wash and dry pickles; 'cut thin about L/Z*ineh or little less, then put in salt water for 3 hours" Drain, then put in clear water and let stand 5 minutes more. Drain and squeeze lightly . Starting with vinegar, add remainder of ingredients; stir wellu then add sliced piekles. Heat all together just to boiling point. Stir while heating" Put in jars and seal. BREAD AND BUTTER PICKLES I c. eueumbers 2 e " onions 3 tsp" satrt
Mrs" William R" Mackey
2 e " vinegar 2 tsp" celery seed 3 c. white sugar I tsp. powdered turmerie
Slice cucumbers and onions thinly. Plaee in bowl and sprinkle with the salt and mix. Let stand 2 hours. Drain well. Put in kettle with rest of ingredients and simmer for 20 minutes" Makes 2 qt. Plaee in hot, sterilized jars and seatr.
Fairport llarbor, Ohlo..
\Vrite Extra Recipes Herea
. 12-
Fairport Harbor, phio
Mrs. Marion Qulnn a tr stewhg b:hrcd"n,5 lb" ,, A.statrkscelery c<t/'{zaz-c-/ Y/ W green Pepper 4 qt water I tomato, or"2-Tbsp; earured' carrots whole lbrge 3 greens and root I parstrey -/ru--t*J L7p""-e- 2-tsmato Tbsp. salt bnion --1 J"%L-w"agr bhck pepper 3 of cab'oage, ' ' "tft#;rrore --a'a' oPtTonal>37'''zc uW Cook the chlcken in water, skimming the top carefully rvhenit starts to boil to make a elear soup. Add vegetablps, salt ano nepper. Cook slowly untilQhicken is tender" r'{44 Strain and serve with duinplings or cookednoodles. HUNGARIAX CHICKEN SOUP .'<"-o-t$ r'6'---h
i r6SP W".,'/
OYSTERSTEilf - Serves 4 2 doz. raw oysters, with liquid L/2 c" bulter or margarine I Tbsp" Worcestershire sauce 1 tsp. celery salt
Mrs" Thomas Curtis I/8 tsp. pepper 1/4 tsp" paprika I qt" milk Paprika Butter or margarine Oyster crackers 3/4 tsp" salt
Pick over oysters, remove bits of shell. Heat butter in a deep skillgt or kettle until slzzling. Add oysters with liquid and next 5 ingredients. leat only until edges of oysters curl stightly. Add mllk" Ileat up quickly; do not boil" Serve with a dash of paprila and e lump of butter in each bowl. Serve creckerg on side. -3-
Falrport Harbor, Ohio
CRANBERRYSTAR SALAD I e. raw cranberries I e " sugar I pkg. lemon trel1-O tre" hot water
Mrs. Robert Fike I e. Bineapple syrup I e. pineappleu crushed L/2 e. nuts u chopped I e. celery, chopped
Combine berries, sugar. Let stand. Dissolve the Jell.-O in I e. hot water; add pineapple syrup. ChilX until partl,y set. Add berries to mixtureu plus nuts and celery and pineapple" Chit1 in refrigerator"
PARTY DESSERTSAIAD I pkg" lemon Jell-O I c" hot water 1e" whippingcream I No " 2 can crushed pineapple
Catherine T" OoBrien L/2 e" eottagecheese L/2 e. choppedalmonds L/2 e. maraschino eherr ies
Dissolve Jell-O in hot water; whip eream; drain pineapp1e. FoId ln cottage eheese and pineapple in treil.JO. Theno fold in almonds o ehernies and whipped eream " Pour in tray, chill on shelf of refrigerator until firni" Serve on lettuce. Serves 10. SWEETHEART SAI,AD 2 c. cnrshed pineapple, drained L/2 c. sugar 2 env" unflavored gelatin L/4 c. eold water
Mrs. Elmer Ignat 2 Tbsp" Iemon juiee 2 Tbsp. juice from rnaras* ehinb chcrries 2 3*oz" pkg" cream e.heese 12 maxaschino cherries I/2 pt. whipping eream
Heat pineapple and sugar slightly. Soften gelatin in cold water and combine with pineapple and sugar " Add-* lemon and cherry juice and cool. Soften eream eheese and add milraschino cherrieso cut fine" Combine with pineapple and sugar mixture and chill about 1/2 hour. Fold tn rhipped cream. Pour in a ring mold that has been grcered lightly with salad oiI. Chill until firm. :SffiEeoalcttuce and garnish with a cherry on top"
FRtnT SAI.,ADDRFSSING L L/2 lemon rlnd I L/2 e" sugar
Mrs" Steve Mack 6 .eggs L/2 e" vinegar -il-
Fairport llarbor, Ohio
FRIIIT SAL,ADDRE$SING(Continued) , Mix lemon rind, sugar, eSSS;add vinegar" Cook over boiling water and beat with an electric beater and eook until thick" Serve on fruit gelatin" oLD FA'HI'NED DUT.H MAY'NNAI'EMTs. 3 Tbsp. flour 3 I/2 to 4 Tbsp" sugar I egg
Robert Fike
I can evaporatedmilk Salt and pepper to taste Few stiibi'6a"on
Cut up into pieces several strips of bacon, or ham" Let this brown slowly, but crisp in frying par-I. Meanwhile, take approximately 3 Tbsp" flour, 3 L/2-4 Tbsp. sugar, dash of salt and pepper and I egg, a small amount of water and beat until srnobtn. Then, ada about LL/2 c" cold water. Into bacon add mixture and stir until thick. Cool. Last add can evaporatedmilk or cream and vinegar to taste" Delicious over lettuce, potato salad or spinach. Whenused with lettuce, add hard-boiled eggsr diced'.' GREEN BEANS \ryITH MUSIIROOMSAUCE Mrs " John w" Makela I can French cut beans I can mustrroom soup or pkg. frozen I can milk Mix French style green beans with mushnoomsoup and I can milk" Place in greased casserole and heat through in a slow oven, 325 degrees" T$[rite An Extra Recipe Here:
Fairport Harbor, Ohio
Write Extra ReciBesHere:
Fairport Harbor u Ohio
4 BAKEDMEAT FoR sANDwrcHEs Mrs. Margaret curtis I lb. beef L/2 Lb"pork, ground I e" cracker crumbs I c " water
I small minced onion I can condensedmilk Salt and pepper to taste
Bake in loaf or oblong shallow pan for I L/2 hours at B2Sdegrees to 350 degrebs. Serve hot from oven. 5F"" 6n bnos" Good for buffet luneheons and parties' BAKED PORK CHOPS - $erves 4 to 6 Mrs " IosePhine LamPella
4 to 6 chops Salt and pepper
I bay leaf or I slice onion 1 pt. buttermilk
in a Preheat oven to 3?5 deg" Arrange porlr_c.bops leaf the-bay Add seas6n"pan-and shallow bakingft;n or over buttermilk Pour dish. of oi onion susito center .ttopil Bak; in tlne preheated oven for I hour or I hour i"Oie minuiei if ov:enisn't preheated. This is very tasty ' ild Lasiiy prJparea. Serve with baked potatoesand vegetani"J. h'na1i leaf is used' remove before serving' Mrs. Niilo Saari
CHOP SUEY I lb. veal, choPPed L/2 Lb. lean pork, ehopped I green PePPer I E. onions, sliced I c. celery, diced
I Tbsp" choPsueJ sauce 2 Tbsp. olive oil I Tbsp" molasses Salt and pepper to taste I c" meat stock -7 -
FairPort Harbor, Ohio
UHOP SUEY (Continued) Put olive oil in hot kettle and add onions, but do not let get brown" Then, add meat and brown it.' Let cook 20 minutes" Add celery, green pepper and meat stock" Add suey _saueeand molasses" cook about L/Z hour with cover on low flame. Serve with boiled rice. DELICIOUS TONGIIE
Mrs" tr"Schuler
I beef tongue,smoked or fresh 2 or 3 bay leaves 6 whole eloves I onion
Seasonings I can tomato soup I Tbsp" flour 2 c" prune.juice
rn water to cover, boil beef tonguefor 2 hours that has the bay leaves-,e-loves,onion and seasoning" In the meantime, cook 2 tb. prunes until tender" hemove prqqes-and_keepjuice" After tongue is cooked,skin and bake t hour in I can tomato soup, l Tbsp. fiour,2 c. prune juice" HAMBURGER CAMBRINUS ?/+ c. beer 2 slices white bread 2 lb. hamburg steak 2"Tbsp. onion, minced
Mrs.. R- Bartholomew. 2 tsp" salt 2 Tbsp. butter l/4 tsb" pepper t/2 c.-f ine dry pread crumbs
Pour beer over bread and soak 5 minutes. combine with mg?tronions, brgyned in brutter. Add seasonings; mix well" Form into 12 meat cakes; roll in dry crumbs" Pan fry or broil. Serves 6. HAMBURG, NOODLE AND CORN CASSEROLE Mrs. WayneRoberts
I large onion I lb" hamburg 2 e. cooked,noodles I large can cnrshed corn
I Tbsp. butter or oleo SaIt and pepper Milk, enoughto cover mixfure
Fry_onion and hamburg in large frying p&D, until nicely -browned. Add cooked noodles; then corn; then-butter, salf and peppe_rto taste. Put mixhrre in greased casseroie and cover with milk. If desired, spread top with butter for a nice browning. Bake at 350 deg. for 30 minutes or until top is nicely browned.
Fairport Harbor, Ohio
tV 4
Mrs " E1mer Ignat
I large onion, minced, -g/+ lb. groundbeef --W"o,t*rr.tt4"''./,d " g Tb;- Jfi;terilng g'/4 iU" E"o6d porl I large head cabbage 2 Tbsp " salt il I TbsP. sweet PaPrika [z'tsr I No" 2 can tomato juice I !sp" blAck pepper ,, t4.".-r i rice, wbsneA +/4llb. gTBsf e-!M p*.*!.-"A Core cabbageand place in'e-nough'boilingftater to cover. With a fork in one handa knif e in the other, keep cutting off the leaves as they become loose. Trim off the thiek center vein sf each leaf . ,IffiTonion in shorteningf Add meat, seasoningsand rice; mix weII. Place a Tbsp. on eaeh leaf and roll. Place in pot and eover 2/3 with water" 34dd"â&#x201A;ŹMrrt on top and add tomato juice" Cover and cook slowly for about L l/2 hours, or until rice is tender" Serves 6 to 8 people. ITALIAN SPAGHETTIA![D MEAT BALLS - Serves 4-6 Mrs. trosephineLampella I lb" ground meat I small clove garlic, I /2 e. fine bread crumbs choppedvery fine 2 eggs I/2 onion, grated l/z-C " Italian or Italian style grated cheese I !sp. salt L/2 tsp" pepper I can tomato paste 3 e" water I /4 e" cookingoil I lb" spaghetti Mix meatogarlic, onion salt, pepper, bread enrmbs and L/4 e" grated cheese;form into small balls. Pour cooking oil into large skillet and fry meat balls until brown. Put tomato paste into skillet and fry f or I minute; then put in the 3 c. water and the remaining l/4 e. grated cheeseand cook slowly for I hour " This will make a rich thiek sauce. Cook spaghetti in boiling, salted water; drain and pour on sauce surrounded urith the meat balls " Dorothy Oltx
SLOPPY TOES 2 lb. ground beef 5 small onions, chopped L/4 small green peppbr, diced
Salt and pepper to taste Dash chili powder 2 cans tomato soup
Brown ground beef , not too much. Drain off all ex-9-
Fairport Harbor, Ohio
SLOPPY JOES (Gontinued) eess f&t. Add onionsupepper,seasonings.Pour tornato soup over mixture" Cook over slow fire f.or L L/2 hours " S tir occaslonally" SPAGHETTI AND MEAT BALLS
Dorothy Perala
Meat Balls:
2 cans tomato paste ?-8 cans water I or 2 eloves garlic 2 stalks celery l/4 e. grated cheeseu Parmesan 3/4 tsp" parsley flakes t Tbsp. sugar, to taste Salt and pepper to taste
I Ib. pork and beef, ground I small onion, chopped I garlic elove l/3 c. grated cheese, Parmesan 2 medium eggs Someparsley flakes Salt and pepper to taste 2 or 3 slices bread, dampenedwith water I Tbsp. Mazola oil
Mix meat and other ingredients thoroughly for meat balls" Form meat balls into size of a golf ball" An hour before sauce is through cookingu fry meat balls in shortening until brown. Strain shortening and add to sauce. Add meat balls to sauce and eook for at least I hour For Sauce: Mix all the ingredients mentioned above. Bring to a boil. Then simmer slowly for 6-7 hours, stirring in_betweencooking. Some more water may have to be added if sauce is too thick after boiling" SauCe should hot be too thin either. Long cooking improves the f lavor STUFFED PEPPERSI L/2 c. celery, chopped I small onion, chopped 2 Tbsp. shortening t lb. ground beef
Lila Enters 6 medium green peppers 2 e. eooked noodl-es I tsp. salt L L/2 cans tomato soup
Cook celery and onions in shortening" Add meet; cook until browned. Add noodles and salt , L/2 can toInato soup without diluting. Parboil green peppers for. 6 minutes " Stuff peppers " Bhke 40 minutes in gre4sed pan at 350 deg", l5 minutes. Before taking out of oven, pour remaining tomato soup over the peppers " -10- Fairport Harbor, Ohio
L l/2'c , dried large Lima beans 5 c " water I large onion, chopped I/2 e. catsup
Mrs. JohnA" Bernay,trr.
4 loin, rib or shoulder pork chopso cut L/Z*ineh thick I small green pepper, ehopped I tsp. salt Dash pepper
1. Pick over beans;wash; place in Dutch oven; cover with water; let stand 5 to 6 hours; do not drain. 2. Add onion; bring to boiling; reduce heat; simmer covered, about I hour, or until bean skins break and beans are almost tender" 3. While beans cook, brown pork chopsin medium sized frying pan; drain on unglazedpaper; save for Step 5" 4 , Drain beans in colander or coarse sieve, saving I c " cooking liquid " 5. Rehrrn beansto Dutch oven; stir in 1c. cookingliquid, green pepper, catsup, salt and pepper; arrange ehops on top of beans" 6" Simmer, coyered,I hour, or until chopsare tender when piereed wtth 2 tined fork. More cooking liquid may be used, if needed,so that it covers the chopsslightly" CIIICKEN PAPRIT(A$ 2 Tbsp. shortening I stewing ehicken, eut up I large onion, diced 3 or 4 large potatoes
OIga Biller
I Tbsp. salt t Tbsp. paprika Dash cayenne pepper 8 c. water
Brown onion slightly in shortening; then add cut up chicken, brown slightly again, then add paprika and cayenne pepper and brown about 5 minutes more " Add water and simmer for an houru then add potatoes and salt and cook until tender.
Mrs. Ernest Erkkila
2 onionso chopped 4 Tbsp" shortening I Tbsp. paprika, sweet I tsp. black pepper
2 Tbsp" salt 4 to 5 lb. chicken, disjointed L l/Z c. water )/2 pt sour cream /z- e--4 ft Brown onion in shortening; add seasonings and chicken. Brown l0 minutes. Add water; cover; simmer slowly until tender" Remove ehieken; add sour cream to drippings in -II-
Fairport Harbor, Ohio
CHICKEN PAPRIKAS (Contirnred) pan and mix well. Serve with ciumplings,noodles or mashed potatoes" For more gravy, add L/2 pt. sweet cream to sour eream. Write Extra ReclpesHere;
Fairport Earbor, Ohio
A. J. Simon Store 3I4 HIGH ST.
Dty Goods-HanesUnderwear-Portage Shoes-Balt Brand Rubber Footwear-Carhatt's Work Clbthes-Ladies, Men's and Children's Wear-Adams Hats
IOHN'SSERVICESTATION . 'Tcirsrcr'" srcrrion "#%#ttrt"'if;" Specicrlists In Ccrburetion cnrd lgnition New and East Sts.
Elmwood 7-5452
LIGHTHOUSE I NN Our Carry Out Department
Cor. Iligh
and Third Sts.
203 HIGH ST. Elmwood ?-bgb3
26 S. St. Clair St.
Conpany llarborCoal& Supply Coal - Glidden Paint - Cement - Blocks ?16 EAST STREET
Fairportllarbor,0hio We Give Eagle Stamps - Elmwood 7-6442 Fairport Harbor. Ohio
Elmwood 7-7746
NEI.I.BESSSHOPPE 217 - 3rd Sbeet
[olgroyfi Store "qfll"Tq 0hio
Ermwood 4-455r
OF C OMPL I M E NT S A Member of VFltr Post #7754 LILLY'S BEAUTT SALON Latest Hair-Sfling Elmwood 2 -3297 H ARBOR
Elmwood 4-9798 tr. C. Sabol, Prop. ?05 High Street Elmwood 48350 Evenings Elmwood 49645
Cailello't fllowe, Sh"p Wedding
Bouquets -
X'uneral Deslgins -
CorsaSies -
Plants OHIO
Porkwag Seraice Stotion Loui.s J. Babo, Prop. Corner Third and Eagle Streets
Elmwood 7694?
Chuok'dEorb", Sh"p Open
Dally and Saturday - 8 a. m. to 6 p. m. Wednesdays - 8 a. m. to 12 Noon
tt15 IIiSh Street FA TR P OR T H B R ., OH IO Fqi?norl
c@ 4 Matilda LiPovich
L/2 tsb. baking soda I egg 2 fbsp. melted butter I c.. applesauee I c " nirt meats, choPPed sift dry lngredientry add.egg,melted butter, apple: Pour ina'g1e-asedloaf Fatr, and"ilf";;"[s" gi5x3-ineh. ""rrc" Bake at 350 deg. for I hour"
2 e " flour I c. sugar 3 tsp. baXing Powder L/2 tsp. cinnamon I tsp " salt
Mrs" trohn W. Makela
DATE AND NUT BREAD I e. chopped dates I tsp, baking soda I e. hot water 3/4 c. sugar I Tbsp" butter I egg yolk
L 3/4 c" flour L/2 tsp" salt L'/2 e"-walnuts, choPped I tsp " vanilla Add I mashed banana, if desired
Cream butter Mix dates, soda and water and let cool" mix well" Add eAO egg-.yolkand and add ",rg#';;ell;Uy d"y ingrl-digrltg,.vanilla.and waldate mixtur"-*io "uieaegg wlrife and fold into mixture ' nuts. Mix *"ti" Beat put in I g"u."dl 1""f pai"ana bake 45 minutes in 350 deg' oven Mrs " Erland Ahlberg
WHITE BREAD t pt. milk I pt. water
I Tbsp. shortening I Tbsp. sugar -13-
FairPort llarbor, Ohio
WEITE BREAD (Continued) S lb. flour 2 Tbsp, butter
I Tbsp" se'lt I cake yeast
Ileat rnilk and water together. Do not boil. Crumble yeast into l/2 e. lukewarm-water and let dissolve. Place butter, shortening, sugar and salt in a large bowl" Pour warm water and mllk mixture over this. Let it nrelt" Add part of flour and stir, about 2 or 3 cups. Thenoadd dissolved yeast mixture, and stir" Sift in the rest of flour gradually" Knead the d aâ&#x201A;Źh with hands until doughloosens from hands" Set the bowl in a warm place and cover with towel and let rise until double in 3ize. Knead a piece of dough,little at a time, oh floured board. Place in greased pans and let rise until double" Punch with fork a few times and batreat 3?5 deg"for 15 minutes until bread is golden brown. Thenoreduce heat to 325 deg" and bake about 35 to 40 minutes" Yields: 3 loaves" Mrs" GeorgeGalon
BUTTER-NUT HORNS L/2 pt sour cream I c " butter
2 c. f lour Pinch salt
Combine ingredients with a blender or hands. Dough will be sticky" Form into a balle wrap in waxed paper. Chill overnight. Remove L/3 of batch of dough at a time. Roll on lightly floured board about pie cmst thickness. Cut into squares. Put a tsp. of nut filling on each square. Bring the corners diagonally opposite together at the center and moisten with a bit of water to keep them from opening, or shape into horns. Bake on wax-lined cookie sheet for about 15 minutes at 350 deg" or until very lightly browned. Cool and sprinkle witr sifted, powdered sugar" Nut Filling: 2 c" ground walnuts 3/4 c" sugar
About L/4 e. light eoffee cream
Combine all ingredients to a consistency of very thick paste o
-14- Fairport Harbor, Ohio
I c" sour cream 4 egg 'frolks
Mrs. trohnF" rrogya
2 e" sifted flour Fat for frying
Add aII or enoughof flour to egg yolks and sour cream to make a soft dough" Kneaduntil smooth. Roll out very thin" Cut into diamond shapes" Make a slit in center and pull one end through slit. Fry in deep fat until very tight brown. Drain" Dust generouslywith powderedsuglr. FILLED ROLLS * KALACS I c " shortening I c " sugar I c. hot water 2 eggs
Mrs. Elmer Sabo 2 yeast cakes I i/2 tsp. salt 6 c" flour, unsifted I c. cold water
.,' i, i
Pour hot water on sugar and shortening; blend and cool" Meanwhile, mix eold water with yeast and let it stand for Sminutes" Blend these 2 mixtures; add eggs, flour, salt; mix for I minute" Put in refrigerator overnight. Roll out, spread with nut, Iekvar or poppy.seed filling. RolI like a jelty roll. Let it rise for 1L/2 to 2 hours" Bake in 350 deg. oven for 35 minutes. Makes 4 rolls" Whencool, slice and dust with powderedsugar" FINNISH BISCINT I qt " milk L L/2 c" sugar I eake yeast, 59 4 eggs, beaten
Mrs. Lillian Karppinen I/2 lb. butter or oleomargarine 8 c" sifted flour I tsp. salt 8 cardamom seed, ground
Scald milk, then pour it over buttere sugar, salt in a borpl, stiming until butter is melted. Dissolve yeast in l/4 c" lukewarm water. Add yeast and cardamom to cool milk mixture" Add flour to make a soft dough; knead well" Rise in a warm plaee until double in bulk. Punch down; add beaten eggs; knead well, adding enough flour to give a dough that is good to handle " Let raise again until double in bulk" Then, divide into parts and form each into a.roIl; pan. Let raise braid the rolls and arrange in a greased -d"g" for I hour, in pans. Bake at 350 for about 40 rninutes. Once during the baking time, use an egg wash over the biscuits. Ice with confectioners' sugar when cool" Makes about 4 biscuits "
-15- Fairport Harbor, Ohio
FINNISH KROPSUA * POPOVERSI 7 whole eggs t qt" milk
Mrs. fack Erkkila
5 tsp" sugar I tsp. salt I l/2 c. sifted flour
Beat the eggs real good" Add milk, then add remaining ingredients. Bake in buttered pans for about 30 minutes or until the top is goldenbrown at 450 ta 475 deg. F. Makes about 7 pans" HI]NGARIAN DONUTS - FA}IK I yeast cake I Tbsp. sugar 6 c " flour I tsp. salt
Mrs. Ernest Erkkila
4 egg yolks 3 c" milk 2 Tbsp. butter Fat for frying
Mix yeast and sugar in lukewarm milk" Sift the dry ingredients" Mix yolks with butter and yeast mixture" Add flour to make a soft dough" Beat well. RoIl dough on floured board about an inch thick" Cut with cuttero cover, and let stand an hour. Fry in deep fat until golden brown. \ilhen cool, fill with jelly or preserves and sprinkle with powdered sugar.
HUNGARIAN NUT NOLLS 5 c. flour 3 Tbsp" sugar I tsp. salt I/2 Lb. butter I yeast eake
Matilda Lipovich 2 egg yolk s leg Rind I lemon 2 Tbsp" Iemon juiee L/2 c" sour cream
Sift flour, add sugar and salt; cut in butter; crumble in yeast. Make a well in the center. Into it, put yolks and the egg, grated rind, juiOe and sour cream; mix well" Turn on a lightly-floured board" Knead gently. Shape into a ball. Cover and set aside for I hour. Divide dough into fourths for easier handling" Roll out l/4 at a time" RolI very thin, cut in rounds with a large cookie cutter. Put a tsp" of fllling on each. Shape into crescents" Bnrsh tops with slightly-beaten egg whitel Let it rest 20 minutes " Bake at 400 deg ", L2-15 mlnut es " Nut Filling I lb, ground walnuts truice I lemon
2 unbeaten egg whites I c. sugar I tsp. vanilla -16-
Fairport Harbor, Ohio
HUNGARHN NUT ROLLS (Continued) Mix all together and fill rolls "
ICEBOx gtlnS
6 L/4 c" flour l/2 tsp" salt I lb. oleo 4 egg yolks
I yeast cake l/2 pt" sour cream 2 tsp " vanilla
Mrs" Wm" Bumblis
Sift flour, add salt, cut in oleo as for pie erust. Mix yo1ks,yeast, sour cream and vanilla; Iet it rest for 5 minuteb. Mix both together and put in refrigerator for at least 3 hours. Then, take a pieee the size of an egg and roll in sugar" Fill with filling and bake at 350 deg"for 15 minutes or until a light brown. L/2 e" sugar t tb. ground walnuts I tsp. vanilla
Nut Filling: 4 egg whites
Beat egg whites. When stiff , add sugar and beat again. Fold in nuts and vanilla" Apricot Filling:
Cook a bag of apricots with 3/4 c" sugar until thick" CooI and fxIL Beles" Mrs. trennings Lipovich
NUT ROLLS - ](AIhCS 4 L/2 c. f'Iour I tsp" salt I c" Iukewarm water L/2 c. butter
2 egg yolks 4 Tbsp" sugar 2 yeast cakes
Crumble yeast into a cup; add water and sugar; Iet it stand until you mix butter and flour as for pie crust. Make a well and add egg yolks, salt and yeast mixture. Mix until smooth and dough leaves the side of the bowl" Divide into 4 pieces and roII out as thin as possible. Spread with filling. Plaee on greased pan and brush with I egg white u beaten a litile . Let it rest in a warm place for I hour. Bake at 350 deg" for 30-45 minutes, or until nice and brown" Nut Filling:
t lb " ground walnuts I/2 c. sugar " ''t n,
@r I tsp. lenm",,,iuiee . -: -I?-
Fairport Harbor, Ohio
.{'NUT ROLLS (Continued)
Ileat milk, add nuts and st,ir, Add srgar, butter and lemon juice. Cool. Spreadon dough. PRESSBI'RGERHORNS
Mrs. trohnF. Ilogya
4 c " flour L/2 Lb. butter I yeast cake I c. cold milk
I tsp " salt 2 egg yolks I !bsp" sugar l/2 pt, sour cream
Dissolve yeast in cold milk. Cut butter into flour; add yolks, salt, sugar and cream, ild the yeast mixture and quickly work to a smooth dough" Handle very little " Let it rest for 2 hours" Roll out on a floured board,l/A-inch thick, cut in 3-inch squares and fill with filling"- Form in crescent shape. Place on baking sheet I inch bpart and let rise f or 20 to 30 minutes" Brush t ops with beatenyolk 2 or 3 tlmes. Bake at 350 deg. to a golden brown. 2 e" ground walnuts 3/4 c. sugar Grated rind I lemon
Walnut Filling:
Combine all ingredients" SOFT EOLI,S 2 c" milk I/4 e" shortening or butter I egg 3 tsp" salt
Mrs. Verna Lepiqto I yeast cake 2 Tbsp" lukewarm water 6 to 7 e. flour, sifted
Scald the milk and let cool. Dissolve the yeast in the lukewarm water. Place shortening, sugar , salt-I,yeast mixture and milk into bowl" Add flour, mixing it in wello a small amount at a time. Knead it well" Let raise until double in bulk, punch down and let raise again" Then, shape into rolls, cloverleaf , parker house, butterfly, knots" Let raise in pans again about 45 minutes to an hour" Bake at 425 deg" for-20 miiutes"
WATER-RISEN CRESCENTS { 3 l /2 c" fl o u r I Tbsp" sugar L/2 tsp" salt
Mrs. Steve Lipovich
2 eggs l/2 c" lukewarm milk -18-
Fairport Harboro Ohio
WATER-RIIIEN CRESCENTS (Continued) L/2 lb" shortening
I yeast cake
Combinemilk, sugar and salt in large mixing bowl. Add yeast in milk and stir until dissolved. Add qggsr shoriening and flour; mix well" Kneaduntil doughis smooth" Tie doughin cloth bag, allowing enoughroom for doughto rise. Set in a Iarge pan lukewarm water" Removedoughwhen it rises to top of water. Place on floured boar-d;grease handswith lard and pinch off pieees of doughand flatten. Fill with nut or lekvar iilling" Roll in sugar and bake 25 minutes &t 350 deg. Olga Biller
BAKING POWDERBOLISH L/2 Lb"shortening, plus 2 Tbsp" extra 3 c" flour I tsp" baking powder Pinch salt
3 egg yolks, beaten I/2 pt sour cream L/2 lemon, juice L/2 rind lemon, grated LL/2 c" confectionersr sugar
Sift the dry ingredients, everything exeept cordectioners' sugar in a bowl" Beat egg yolks and add to dry mixtureu also add sour cream, lemon juice and lemon rind" Mix thoroughly. Add confectioners' sugar and mix until it doesnut stick to hands. Then, roll out L/2-inch on floured board; cut and fill with favorite filling" Grease baking sheet and bake at 350 deg" about 20-25 minutes or until lightly browned " Let cool and sprinkle with confectioners' sugar. Mrs" M" E" Concoby Painesville, Ohio
COFFEE BREAD 2 c" milk 3 c. flour 2 cakes yeast L/2 c. lukewarm water LL/4 c" srlgar
I tsp. salt 1/4 Lb.butter or shortening 3 eggs 5 L/2 c" flour
Ileat milk; stir in flour, when milk is cool enoughr and then the yeast dissolved in the lukewarm water; let rise I hour or until it is frothy. Cream butter, sugar and eggs together as for a cake and add to mixture; then the flour. Knead well f or I5 minutes or until dough leaves hands. Let rise again until double its size. Make into loaves or any shape desired, put into oiled pans; let rise again I hour. Ileat oven for 15 minutes and then turn oven low, -19-
Fairport Harbor, Ohio
COFFEE BREAD (Coffiinued) _3504"9, Bake for 35 minutes. Before putting in oven,bn sh 'top with beaten egg or any topping deslred. DAMSH PASTRY L L/3 c. oleomargarine 2 cakes yeast I c ' milk
Mrs. Lillian Karppinen 3 .eggs l/g-C " sugar I tsp. salt 4 L/2 e. frour, sifted
Dissolve yeast ln milk. Beat eggs; m elt L/3 e. oleomargarine and add to yeast, along with sugar and salt" Stir in flour and mix well. Plaee in gxlS-inch p&tr,greased, and chill 2 hours. RoIl chilled doughon lightly-lloured board to about 12x16inches" Spreadl/3 c. oleomargarine o-n2/3 of_dough-surface.Fotd-portion of the doughTtrat does not have oleo on it over L/2 of.the oleo covered portion, and fold third seetion over the first two. Roll doughto original, size. Repeatthis process twice, using the remaining 2/3 c. oleomargariRe. Return to rdfrigeiator and chill overnight, if possible. When ready to make up, divide doughinto 2 portions lengthwise and roll each pie_ceinto a ring to fit a g-inch round greasedpan. Cover and allow to raise until dcnrblein biulk. Bake in moderate oven,350 deg. F" for 30 to 35 minutes. Ice with confectionerS',sugarand sprinkle with choppednuts. Makes 2 rings c
DOBRE KOLACHOK 3 c. flour L/2 c" sugar L/2 tsp" salt I tsp" baking powder 2 tsp. baking soda
Mrs. Michael Sholtis I I I I
c " shortening or oleo egg c. sour milk can Solo apricot filling
Sift first 5 ingredients together" Blend in shortening until mixture resembles coarse meal" Stir egg with I c" sour milk and pour into first mixture. Blend well. Knead dough on floured board. Diyide into 2 sections. RolI one section to fit bofiom of gxl2-inch baking pan" spread apricot filling on dough in pan and put the other dough on top. Bake in 350 deg. oven for 30 minutes or until light brown. When cool, lightly ice with confectioners' sugar and milk icing" -20-
Fairport Harbor, Ohio
cyUnor eFL,Es - HUNGARIANPASTRY 6 c. flour 6 tsp. baking powder I e. sugar L/2 tsp" salt
Mrs " William Bqinblis
L/2 Lb"butter 6 egg yolks I tsp. vanilla Milk enoughto work dough
Work the dry ingrgdients with the butter like for pie liquid ingredients and enoughmilk dough. Then add the'Work the doughuntil realy nicely mixto work the dough. ed andcut into squares and fill with any favorite fillings " Bake on greased cookie sheetfor about 15-20minutes until brown at 375 degrees.
rIuNcATtA*coFFEE - ARANY it*YBHer Angel 'AKE I c. sour cream L/2 c. sugar I tsp. salt 2 cakes yeast 3 eggs l/2 c. soft butter
4L/2 c" f'lour L/2 e" melted brrtter I e. walnuts, chopped 3f4 tsp" cinnamon I c. sugar
Mix sour cream, sugaru salt and yeast" Stir until yeast dissolves " Add eggs, softened bhtter and half the flour. Mix well and add rest of flour " Turn dough on floured board and knead until smooth for 10-15minutes" Plaee in greased bowl" Cover and let rise in warm place until double in bulk for about I L/2 to 2 hours" Punch down; turn over and ld rise again 45 minutes. After second rising, form into walnut-sized balls. Dip in melted butter" Roll in sugar and walnut-cinnamon mixture" Place in layers in a l0-inch tube pan, greased. Let rise 45 minutes" Bake 40-50 minutes at 375 degrees. IIUNGARIAN ICEBOX DOUGH
4 egg yolks ,--: 6 c" flour - rtsp. salt
Mrs " Mar5l Vamos
L L/4 - 2 c. water i,l'/i tu. crisco
Mix together yolks, flour, salt and enoughof the water to make the dough. Knead the doughand fonn it into 4 balls" Roll eaehball out to L/A-ineh thickness. Spread doughgenerously with shortening. Fold up like a napkin and place in refrigerator for 1/2 hour " Repeatprocess to each baII of dough 3 times" Put in refrigerator overnight" -ZL-
Fairport llarbor, Ohio
IITINGARIANICEBOXDO,UGH(Continued) Neft day, roll out eaehbali to aboutL/l-inch thickness and cut into 2-inch squares. FiII with the following: Fil|ing:
2 lb" ground walnuts 4 egg whites, beaten I c. srrgar
Stir together nuts, sugar and fold in stiffly-beaten egg whites. Place a tsp" of filling on each square" Shapein triangles. Bake at 400 deg. for 25-30 minutes" Cool and sprinkle generously with powderedsugar" HUNGARIANREFRIGERATOR YEAST PASTRY Mrs" Herbert Zehe I tsp. salt 2 lb" flour 2 c. cold milk f Ib. shortening yolks, yeast cakes 2 4 egg beaten Sift flour and salt; blend in shortening. Dissolve yeast cakes in milk and add to beaten egg yolks; then add to flour and shortening. Knead well on Slightly floured board" Place in refrigerator overnight" Divide dough into 6 portions" Roll out on well*sugared board" Use sugar in place of flour for rolling out" Cut into 2 L/z-inch squares and fill with favorite filling. Bake in 400 deg. ovene 8-12 minutes on greased baking sheet. Remove from sheet as soon as they are h:ken from oven as it tends to stick, despite greasing" HUNGARIAN PASTRY 2 yeast cakes 4 egg yolks I lb. butter or margarine
Mrs. Theresa Bauer L/2 tlp. salt 7 c" flour L/2 pt. sour cream
Take yeast cakes; dissolve in l/2 e" milk" Add I tsp. sugar to yeast and milk. Then, work butter in flour as you would for pie dough. Beat egg yotrks slightly and add yeast and egg yolks to flour, and knead until dough is smooth. Let stay in refrigerator overnight" Then, divide up in 6 portions and let stind l0 minutes" Then, roll out pastries , one by one, in sugar , and make whatever f illing you desire" Bake at 375 de g, in oven.
Fairport Harbor, Ohio
Mrs. tramesLiPovich
HUNGARIAN PASTRIES 4 c" flour I lb. margarine
g/4 Lb"creamed cottage cheese
Mix flour and margarine as for pie. Add-cottage cheesegradually" Mii well until smooth. Place"in refrigeratbr overriight. RoIl out thin and fill.with_favorite fiffing" Bake at 315 deg"for 20 minutes. Sprinkle generously wiih powderedsugar. Mrs. JosephKerestman
POZONYI KIFLI 2 sifters of flour I lb " butter 6 yolkso I egg 4 !sp" sugar 1/B tsp. salt
6 Tbsp. sour cream 2 yeast eakes L/2 e" cold milk, or as much as needed
Mix flour, butter, sugar and salt as for pie dough. Make a well and add yolks and egg, slightly beaten. Mix yeast cakes, sour eream and cold milk. Add to the other inixture and mix all well. Prtt in refrigerator for 2 hours only" RolI out in Z-inch squares on floured board. Put any filling in center and roll. Put on greasgd cookie sheet and tret it rise I hour. Then, brush tbps with I beaten egg" Bake t5-20 minutes at 350 degrees. Mrs " John Resetar
SUGAR ROLLED PASTRY 8 c" flouru sifted B egg yolks, beaten L/2 Lb" butter L/2 Lb. Spry L/2 tsp" salt
2 Tbsp. sugar 2 cakes Household yeast L/4 c" warm milk I pt. sour cream
Work the flour, butter and Spry well as for pie crust" Dissolve the yeast in warm milk. Mix egg yolks with sour cream, sugar, salt" Take the flour mixture and add to it the sour cream mix and the yeast dissolved in milk. Mix well" Place in refrigerator overnight" Next morningu roII out, using sugar on the board" Cut in squares, add fillingu roII up and let raise for about 15 minutes" Bake at 325 deg. for about 15 or 20 minutes.
Fairport Harbor, Ohio
IVlfS. James
I c. graham craeker crumbs I tsp. vaniUa I tsp. baking powder I e " sugar chopped I c. nuts, 3 eggs, beatenuntil light Mix the dry ingredients together; then add the beaten eggs. Place in a 9-inch greased eake pan and bake at 350 deg" l0 minutes, and then 325deg; 15minutes" Cut in ,squares and serve with whippedcream. Matilda Lipovich
CARAMEL BROWNIES I c. flour 2 tsp. baking powder I tsp" salt I c. nuts, chopped
L/2 c. plus 2 Tbsp. melted shortening 2 c. brown sugar 2 eggs, well beaten 2 tsp. vanilla
Sift dry ingredients; add nuts, shortening, sugaro egBS and vanilla. Mix well" Spread in a well-greased, floured, 9xl3-inch pan" Bake at 350 deg" for 40 minutes. Cool and cut into bars. Dust with powdered sugar. CREAM CIIEESE CRESCENTS
t lb. butter I lb" cream cheese
Mrs. Qharles Biller
4 c. flour 4 yolks
Mix all ingredients thoroughly. Put in ref rigerator overnight. RoIl out on powdered sugar board and fill with nut filling " Bake 20-25 minutes fit 350 degrees. Nut Filling 4 white,s
l/2 c" sugar "-\* f lb. ground walnuts Drop of rnanilla
Beat whites; add s ugar and beat more " FoId in nuts and vanilla. DREAM BARS L/2 e. butter l/2 e" bro\pn sugar I c. flour I .c. brown sugar 2 eggs
Mrs. Donald Olix L/4 tsp" vanilla L L/2 c. cocoanut L/2 c. walnuts, chopped I/2 tsp. soda
Fairport Harbor, Ohio
PhoneEL 4 3533 Cor 4th & High Street
IOMPANI/ Elmwood 4-3291
642 High Street
Clark'sEakery CTIARLES
Gschuor Etectric and Hardware 618-620High Street Elmwood 7-5372
Fairport Harbor, Ohio
Ballantines Ate and Beer W^7
Elmwood 2-2611
Write Extra Recipes Here:
Fairport Harbor, Ohio
DREAM BARS (Continued) 2 Tbsp" flour
Pinch salt
Blend butter , l/2 c. brown srrgar and flour as for pie crust" Press or pat in an unbuttered pan. Bake 10 minutes in 350 deg" oven or until brown" In bowl, beat eggs slightty; then add 1c" brown sugar and the flour, soda and salt, which have been sifted together" Add vanilla, , nuts and cocoanutto mixture" Remove pan from oven and immediately pour cocoanutmixture on top, spreading evenly" Bake 20'25 minutes in moderate oven" Cool" Cut'in squares. Roll in powderedsugar" tfse 9x13-inchpan. HUNGARIANBIIf TER COOKIES I Ib" butter I e. shortening 5 c " flour, sifted several times I c. sugar
Mrs. Arthur Karppinen
8 egg yolks 2 tsp" vanilla 3 Tbsp. lemon juice I egg white, beaten
Cream butter and shortening together" Add'sugar and cream until smooth. Cut in flour until size of small peas with pastry blender" Add slightly-beaterf egg yolks, vanilla and lemon juice" Mix the dough lightly; divide into 2 parts and roll to about L/ -inch thickness. Cut with cookie cutter and brush with beaten egg white. Sprinkle with chopped nuts. Bake on greased cookie sheet r 325 deg" for about 12 minutes. HUSSAR WALLETS - POCKETBOOKS
I/2 Lb",2 e., all-prrrpose f lour 1/8 tsp " salt
Mrs. James Lipovich
I/2 Lb. butter 6 egg yolks
Mix together flour and salt. Add btrtter" Cut in or mix with hands as for pie crust. Add slightly-beaten egg yolks and knead together " Break off small pieces and shape into size of walnuts. Refrigerate overnight" RolI out very thin into rounds on floured board. Place I tSp" filling in center of each circle" FoLd, one slde over tne btfrer to overlap. Fold each edge over l/8-lnch and pinch together" Place on ungreased baking sheet and bake at 400 deg. F. for 20 minutes. Dust with powdered sugar. Makes about 48 "
Fairport Harbor, Ohio
HUS$ARWALLETS (Contipued) Nut Filling., Be.atI p^ggwhites unql stiff, Add I Ib. ground nuts, L/2 c" s-ugarand I tsp. vanilla, LEIThR SQUERES 3 c " sifted flour L/l tsp. salt 3 tsp.'baking powder L/2 Lb. soft butter
Mrs " John Lipovich
4 yolks, beaten l/2 pt " Sour cream I pt" lekvar I/2 e. ground nuts
Sift flour; add salt and baking powder; blend in brutter with pastry blender or hands; mix thoroughly" Add yolks; blend in well. Add sour cream. Dough should be soft as pie dough consistency" Roll L/A-inch thick and place in 9xl3-inch pan. Spreadwith lekvar , L/Z-Inch thick" Sprinkle with nuts. Place eriss-cross strips of donghon top. Bake at 400 deg" until slightly browned" Cut in squares" MEXICAN WEDDING COOKIES I c " butter or oleo 6 Tbsp. powdered sugar I tsp. vanilla
Mrs. Donald OIix
2 e" cake flour I c" nuts, ground finely
Soften butter and cream wel} " Add other ingredients . Drop'by tsp" on very slightly greased cookie shbet. Bake 12-15minutes, 350 deg. or until lightly browned" Dip in powdered sugar while still warm.
e. c. e" e.
shortening peanut butter white sugar brown sugar
Mrs " Witliam Saari
l/2 tsp. vanilla I egg I L/4 c. sifted flour I/2 tsp" salt I tsp.'bakingpowder
Cream shortening and peanutbutter. Add sugars, flavoring and egg. Beat until light" Add sifted dry ingredients; mix well. Shapeinto f-inch balls and place on greased cookie sheet" Flatten with tines of fork" Bake at SZ5deg"from 10to 12 minutes.
Fairport Harbor, Ohio
Mrs " MatT Resetar .
3 c. sifted flour L/2 Lb"butter 3 egg yolks
2/g c. milk 2 Tbsp. sugAr I cake Household yeast
Mix flour and butter together like you would for pie doughuntil real fine. Mix together egAyolks, milk,sugar and yeast and add this to the flour mixfure " Mix well and divide into 2 pieces" Roll out on lightly-floured board to fit lOxl5-inch greased pan. Add filling and roll out rest of the drugh to cover. Raise I hour" Bake at 350 deg. for 35 or 40 minutes. Ice while warm with powderedsugar icingo Pineapple Filling: I No " 2 can crushed pineapple l/2 c. sugar
2 Tbsp. cornstarch I tsp. lemon juice
Cook pineapple, sugar and cornstarch until thick. Add lemon juice, and cool. RANGER COOKIES- The Kiddies Love 'Em 2 c " oatmeal 2 e. Rice Krispies 2 c" coeoanut I c. brown sugar I c. white sugar I c. shortening
Mrs " Erland Ahlberg
2 eggs It2 tsp" baking powder I L/4 c. flour I tsp. soda I tsp. vanilla
Mix eereals in separate bowl with cocoanut. Mix sugar, shorte.ning and eggs. Then, add flour and remaining dry ingredients" Then, add the cereals" Drop onto greased cookie pan and bake l0 minutes in 350 degree oven. WALNUT CRUNCHIES I c. shortening I c. brown sugar I c" white sugar 2 eggs, well beaten I tsp. vanilla
Mrs. William Saari L l/2 c. f lour I tsp. salt I tsp" soda 3 c" oatmeal" uncooked L/2 e" ehoppdd nuts
Cream shortening and sugars; add eggs, vanilla; beat
wer:Add sifted drvingredi#j ffff
, mix thoroughly. Shap-einto rolls and refrigerate " Dake on'oigreaifO cookle sheet f or lslminutes, 350 deg. oven. Ma
.c j
-:- I :.r,' -1 l' 1l
, .-i ,F
W;ite ESt'a ReciPes'Here:
:'4 1i
I .t
Fairport Harbor, Ohio
1uft,6r'dluW Mrs " Steve Kozsey
BANANA CAKE 2 L/4 c. flour L L/4 c. sugar 2 l/2 tsp" baking powder L/2 tsp" soda L/2 tsp. salt
L/2 c" Spry 2 eggs LL/z.c" mashed banana I tsp. vanilla
and cream Cream Spry and sugar thoroughly.-Addeg_gs again" Sift tbgbttrer flour, baking powde_r,soda and salt. e-04bananasand vanilla, and bake at 3?5 degrees for 25 minutes" Lila Enters
BANANA CAKE 2 L/2 c " sifted cake flour L 2/3 c" sugar L L/4 tsp. baking powder L L/4 tsp. baking soda I tsp. salt
2/g c. shortening 2/3 c. buttermilk 2 large or 3 small, ripe bananas 2 Large eggs I tsp " vanilla
Sift together the f irst 5 ingredients into a mixing_bowl. Make a well in the center. Put in shorteningrL/3 c" butterrnilk and all the bananas,mashed. Beat 2 minutes " Add I/3 c" buttermilk, the eggs and vanilla" Beat 2 minutes" Bake 40 minutes at 350 deg. or until done.
Fairport Harbor, Ohio
Mrs" llrilliam Bumblis
BANANA NUT CAKE 3 c. flour I L/2 tsp. soda I l/2 tsp. baking powder l/2 tsp" salt l/2 c. shortening I L/4 c. sugar
2 eggs L L/2 tsp, vanilla I mashed banana 3/4 c . walnuts, chopped L 3/4 c. bruttermilk
Add flour mixfure, which has been sifted together 3 times to the crearn mixfure of the shortening, sugar, eggs, vanilla and banana,a little at a time. Then, add IVA e. buttermilk" Beat well and put into 2 greased, 9inch round pans or a big loaf pan. Bake f or 30-40 minutes at 350 degrees. Nellie Bess Schuster
BLACKBERRY CAKE 6 eggs 2 c, sugar L L/2 c. butter
I c " buttermilk 2 stightly rornded tbp" soda 4 c " flour
Cinnamon, spice, nutmeg to 2 e. blackbemy jam, or preserves, or odds and taste ends of jellies may be used
Ilatf this quantity makes a good-sized cake. Bake in layers in modbrate bven" Use caramel or icing filling" Bake at 350 deg" 30 to 3'5minutes. CHEESELESS CHEESE CAKE 4 eggs, separated I l/3 c., l5-oz " ean Eagle Brand milk I tsp. grated lemon rind L/}-c. Iemon juice
Mrs. trohnA, Bernay, fro
I !sp" vantila I/2 tsp. nutmeg 2 Tbsp. melted butter 2/3 c" Zwieback or graham cracker crumbs oabout 14 crackers
Beat egg yolks and combine with Eagle Brand sweetened condensed-milk" Add lemon rindo juice, vanilla and nutmeg. Blend welI. Fotd in stiffly-beaten egg whites" Combine melted butter and Zwieback crumbs " Sprinkle buttered 8x8x2-inch square or 0x2-inch layer cake pan with half the crumbs. Pour in mixture and sprinkle with remaining crumbs. Bake in sl.ow oven , 325 dbg. F " 30 minutes" Ttrrn off heat; cool I hour in oven with door closed o -30-
Fairport Harbor, Ohio
-4,.' ii.
Mrs. Verna Leptsto
COCOA LOAF CAKE 3 c, cake flour, sifted 1 I/2 tsp. soda l/2 c" cocoa i/4 c" shortening
L 8/4 c. sugar 3 eggs I I/2 c. milk I tbp. vanilta
3 times. Cream shortenSift dry ingredients together ' ing and sugbr " Add eggs" Alternate flour and milk to crEamed shortening and sugAr. Add vanilla. Bake in loaf pan, 8xl2-inch, 350deg. for 40 minutes. Mrs. trohnGergely
DEVIL'S FOOD CAKE I c" white sugar I c. brown sugar 3/4 c" shortening 3 eggs, separated 2 L/2 c" flour
l/2 c. cocoa 2 Tbsp" hot water I tsp" soda I c. buttermilk I tsp. vanilla
I tsp. baking powder Cream sugars with shortening" Add the egg yolks. Add cocoa paste" Add sifted dry ingredients alternately with the dissolved soda in buttermilk. Add vanilla. Beat egg whites and fold in. Bake at 350 deg. 25 minutes in 2 f -inch greased trrans"
Ruth Harri
FINNISH APPLESAUCE CAKE L/2 c" butter I c" sugar 2 eggs I c" applesauce
2 e " flour l/.2 tsp. nutmeg LiZ tsp. cinnamon I tsp" baking soda
Cream together the butter and sugar " Beat in thoroughly the eggs, one at a time. Sift together the dry ingredients and stir in alternately with the applesauce. Bake in a greased 9-inch square pan, in a moderate oven, 350 deg" from 35 to 40 minutes, or until done. HUNGARIAN LINDZER trAM CAKE 4 c. sifted flour I c. sugar I tsp. baking powder I tsp" baking soda L/2 Lb" margarine 3 egg yolks
Mrs. Bela Bacso
Pinch salt I e. sour cream 3 egg whites Apricot preserve filling 3 Tbsp" chopped nuts - 3I-
Fairport llarbor, Ohio
IIIJNGARIAN LINDZER JAM CAKE (Continued) Mix flour, sugar, baking powder,baking soda, salt and margarine _asf or pie grust dough" Add egg yolks, sour cream and mix together thoroughly to make a soft dough" Pat into cookie sheet" Spreadpreserve filling on top" Make meringue from egg whites and add nuts. to it" Spread on top of cake" Bake for 30 minutes at 350 degrees" MERINGUE CUPCAKES L/2 e. shortening 1c" sugar I beaten egg and I yolk 2 .Lig e" flour L/Z.tsp" salt
Esther Concoby I tsp" baking powder 3/4 tsp. soda 2 tsp" cinnamon t tsp. nutmeg )/?,!rp. cloves L L/3 c " sour milk
Cream shorteningand sugar" Add eggs; mix well" Add sifted dry ingredients with milk. Fill greased cupcake pans and bake at 325 deg. for 30 minutes" Spread on top of each: Beat I egg white until stiff ; add slowly L/4 e. sugar; beat well" Fold in I tsp" vanilla and I/2 c. nuts, chopped. Spread on toB of each and return to oven for I0 more min. MOON CAKdS L/2 c. rshortening I c. sugar 5 eggs, separated 2 Tbsp" eream
Mrs. Irene Lepisto I c. flour, sifted l/3 tsp" salt I tsp. baking powder I tsp" vanilla
Sift dry ingredients" Cream shortening and gugar together good" Add 5 egg yolks, beaten until thick and lemon colored" Add the cream and vanilla. Feat the egg whites until stiff, ht not too dry,,o'.'.'',:",:.*",_" : . , ;-..and t*in$halt, the flour and half the whites gently fold into the batter " Fold in the remaining flour and egg whites " Pour into a greased jelly-roll pan and sprinkle with nuts. Bake at 350 deg. Cgt while warm in moon shapes, using a donut cutter" Bake 2 5 to 30 minutes.
ORANGE CAKE 2 L/4 c" flour 3 tsp. baking powder
Mrs " Alyee Bauer 3/4 c" milk L/4 e. orange juice - 32-
Fairport Harbor, Ohio
ORANGE CAKE (Continued) 1 tsp " salt L L/4 c. sugar L/2 c. shortening
2 eggs, unbeaten I Tbsp. grated orange rind I tsp. vanilla
a$d_ Sift together flour, baking powder, salt and su_gqr_; shortening and milk" Beat f.or 2 minutes until well blended" Add orange Juice, grated orange rind, egg^san_dI tsp. vanilla. Beaf lor abotit2 minutes" Pour into 2 well-grease_d layer cake tins" Bal<ein moderate oven, 350 deg. F" 25 to 30 minutes" Mrs " Lillian Karppinen ORANGE LOAF CAI(E 2 c , sifted cake flour I tsp" baking powder 2 Tbsp. butter I c. sugar 2 eggs I c" sour milk
I tsp " baking soda I tsP" vanilla I c" raislns, ground I orange, thick skinned L/2 tsp. salt
Cream together butter, sqar; add beaten eggs" Sift together flour and baking powder and add to creamed mixtuie alternatety with sour milk, to which baking soda was added. Add vaniUa, salt" Grind raisins and peel of orange and add this to the batter. Bake in 9xl3-inch pan at 350 for 50 or 60 minutes" deg" -Take the juice and pulp of the orange and add L/+ c" sugar, and boil until thiek, and pour over the cake after baking and while still warm " SPONGE CAKE 7 egg yolks I c " sugar I c" sifted Softasilk L/4 e. cold water
Mrs" trulian Merchak, Jr. I tsp. grated lemon rind 7 egg whites I/.2 tsp. cream of tartar L/2 tsp" salt I tsp. lemon extract
Beat egg yolks about 5 minutes or until thick" Beat in sugar gradualy. Beat in flour alternately with water, lemon extract and lemon rind" In a large bowl, beat until stiff , egg whites, cream of tartar and salt" Gradual|V and gentiy cut and {old the egg yolE mixture into theteaten egg *hites. Pour into ungreased l0-inch tube pan" Bake at 325 deg., moderate oven, for 60 to 65 minutes" When cake is done, until no imprint remains, invert and let stand until cold. Serve as is, or frost with a brutter frosting" ' -33- FalrPort Harbor, Ohio
WIIITE CAKE 3 c" sifted cake flour 3 l/2 tsp. baking powder | 3/4 c. sugar Il /$c "mi l k :
Helen Rich
I tsp. salt 3/4. e. butter L I/2 tsp. vanilla S e g g wh it e s
Sift together flour, baking powder and salt 3 times. Cream butter and gradually cream in sugar. Alternately add dry ingredients and milk, starting and ending with dry ingredients" With last portion of milk, add vanilla" Beat egg whites until stiff , but not dry, and fold into batter " Bake batter in 2 wanedpaper-lined 9-inch pans at 375 degreesfor 35 minutes. YELLOW AI{GEL F@D CAKE L L/2 c. sifted cake flour L/4 tsp" salt L/2 tsp" baking powder 5 eggs, separated
Mrs " Gilbert Erkkila Painesville, Ohio
L/2 e. cold water I L/2 c. sugar 3/4 tsp. cream of tartar I tsp. vanilla
Sift together flour, salt and baking powder; beat egg yolks until thick and lemon colored; add water and beat - uhfil tight and fluffy" Gradually beat in sugar; fold in . dry ingredients, a little at a time " Beat egg whites with -cream of tartar until stiff , but not dry" Fold into egg yolk batter; add vanilla. Bake in l0-inch ungreased ttibe pan in slow ovene 325 deg. F" for about I hour " Invert pan to cool cake. GRAHAM CRACKER CREAM PIE
l7 graham crackers L/4 e. sugar L/2 c. melted butter 2 e. milk
Mrs. Allen Silvi
l/2 e. sugar 3 Tbsp. cornstarch 3 egg yolks
Mix cracke rs, L/4 c. sugar and melted butter, and press ln a 9-inch pie pan. Refrigerate while making the filling. Mix the egg yolks with the sugar. Add the cornstarch" SlurvlJ[radd the milk until smooth. Cook over direct heat on medium flame, stirring constantly. When thick, add vinilla and fill pie crust" Cover with meringue" Bake 15-20 minutes in moderate oven.
Fairport flarbor, Ohio
fI.E;AVENLY PIE 30 marshmallows I large c" erushed pineapple
Mrs " Iohn Milam I c. milk pt whipping cream l(Zgraham m crackers, erushed
Dissorvemarshmalowsin milk oyer doubreboiler un_ til thorouehrydissorv;4.- s"fiJid^iio whip cream. _coor. Line pie tln-with*otioit"-;;;I"L.r.r"i" wrr"n pinewefr drained,aoo"loffi;rrimalrow mixture. Tql"_i_s Fold rn cream' qjl{.qig she[. Sprinfr.-".-ainder of crackers on the top. Chin g houis. LEMON CREAM PIE I lemon, rind and juice I c " sugi.r
i i,gu?Jri.,
Mrs. John Skytta B.Tbsp.cornstarch
y'?Ti,t"butter Pinch salt
Mix lemon rind and jyic.e, s]repr and egg yolks until yellow" Add cornstarch-andsar[] neat wefi ind add butter and milk. Bgat with neater Cook in double boiler until thick. ur* .gg thi6" ""[ii"sriooth" ]o" meringue. PECAN PIE Mrs. Ailen Silvi !i2 ,c. corn syrup I c. pecans I tsp. vanilla I l.14c. _whiresugar L/4 e. oleo 3 eggs cook first B ingredie_ntsuntil it just comes to a boil. eqsFin a norwr anaur"iJ;";ry P_lg"t with a fork" Add syruB mixture_gradualtyto,eg$sl pecans Add Put this mixture in an tinbakl-f pi"'"6;"--dt.*45 and vanilla. minutes at 350 degrees. PUMPKIN PIE 2 c. pumpkin z eggs, beaten
l g. sugar
r rarge can milk I tsp" cinnannon
Mrs. Irene Lepisto I !sp. ginger L/2 tsp. salt !/I-tsp. nutmeg I Tbsp. melteflbutter
sift drv ingredients together and stir into the eggs, milk, p,tmbtr*l have been beaten :"d;-q"41"tt-;;,*ttrat together" pour inio "nu"r."A;;il.-35- Fairport Harbor, Ohio
PuMPKnil PrE (continued) i
Bake at 450 deg" for the flrst l0 mlnutes. Redtrcetemmore' or until trrr 35 minutes and bake r*ure ou deE"arltl 325 qeg" io 6z0 Dgrarure rat"ie [o
.frnffeinserted in eenter comesout elean' rtte Sxtra ReciPesHere:
Fairport Harbor, Ohio
Matilda Lipovich
Dough: 1 c. flour
I egg L/4 tsp" salt I c. warm water L/2 fbsp" lard, melted
l/4 Lb"raisins 2 e" sugar I c. bread cnrmbs 2 L/2 lb" apples, peeled and cut fine I lb" walnuts, ground I Tbsp" melted butter
Dissolve salt in warm water; add remaining ingredients and mix well. Work well until it bnbbles" Cover and allow to stand L/2 hour ln a warm place" Place dough on a ) elean and floured cloth on table. Streteh dough on all sides untilltisJhtn as possible" Sprinkle with melted lard; spread filling on stretehed dough. Take corners of ,cloth and roll away from yourself into a roll" Cut in lengths to fit a well-greased pan" Brush with I egg, beaten slightly, or melted butter, or shortening" Bake about 45 minutes at 325 deg. Cool and cut in slices and dust with powdered sugarc
Mrs " William Saarl 2 Tbsp. gelatin 2 Tbsp" cold water I Ft. whipping cream
I Angel Food cake 4 egg yolks 2 e" milk I l/2 e. sugar Cook egg yolks, milk and sugar to form custard" Add -3?-
Fair,pol*,',â&#x201A;Źarbor, Ohio
BAVARIAN ANGEL FOOD CAKE (Continued) the gelatin to the water; then add this mtxture to the custard-. Let stand L L/2 hours " Add I pt. whipped whipping cream and fill cake" Garnish with cherries and nuts" HEAVENLY HASH 3 oranges 3 bananas I small box marshmallows
Mrs. foseph Gergely I can pineapple chunks I/2 pt" whipping cream
Cube rnarshmallows and drain pineapple. Let stand
together in bowl. Chill in refrigerator. Before serving, cube oranges, bananasand whip the cream. Combine all the fruits and fold in cream. Place on crisp lettuce leaves. I servings. Optional, sprinkle nuts and cherry - on top" Mrs. James Lipovich
HUNGARIAN LINZER SLICES 2 c " flour 2 !sp. baking powder I/4 tsp" salt 4 Tbsp. sugar l/4 Lb. butter 4 egg yolks 4 Tbsp. sour cream L/2 tsp" vanilla
Filling: I No " 2 ean crushed pineapple I c " sugar 3 Tbsp. cornstarch l/2 e. nuts, chopped
Sift flour, salt and baking powder, and sugar. Cut in the b'utter" Add sour cream and egg ygtks, and vanilla. Mix together thoroughly and roll out L/Z-inch thick to fit a 9xl3-inch ungreased pan. On topo Fut this filling: Mix and cook until thick the pineapple, sugar, cornstarch; cool" Put on top of cake and bake 45 minutes at 350 deg" Now, make a merin$re from 4 whites and 8 Thsp" sugar. Spread on top of baked cake and sprinkle with chopped nuts. Brown to a delicate brown eolor"
NUT TORTE I/2 c. butter L/2 c" brown sugar L L/2 c. cake flour l/8 tsp " salt I e. brown sugar
Mrs " Donald Dickinson Grand River oOhio I tsp. vanilla yolks 2 "gg L I/2 tsp. bahing powder 2 egg whites I c" nuts, ground -38-
Fairport Harbor o Ohio
NUT TORTE (Continued) Cream butter and L/2 c. sugar until light and fluffy. Add vanilla and egg yolks; beat well" Add flour, baking powder, salt and mix" Spread oh greased 9xl3-inch pan. Sprinkle nuts on top. Beat whites until stiff " Add remaining I c . sugar gradually and beat with mixer until thick. Spread over all. Bake 30 minutes at 350 degrees"
Mrs. Arthur Karppinpn
2 c" sugar 1c" strained red rasp6 slices lemon berries I c " canned, strained apricots Boil until thick, about I0 minutes, the raspberries, 4pricots, sugar and lemon; then strain and ehill. To serve, take 6 slices pound cake; add a scoop of ice cream on each slice of eake and top with a peach half" Pour the Peach Melba Sauce over each serving and a few unsalted nuts to top it off . For & gormet sauce, add I c. whipped cream to the Melba Sauce. POPPY SEED TORTE 3/4 c" poppy seed 3i 4 c" mi l k 3/4 c. butter 4, L I/2 'c. sugar 2 c. sifted cake flour
Mrs. Loretta Holmes 2 tsp" baking powder . l/4 tsp. salt ": 4 stiffly-beaten egg whites ' *I reeipe of filling
Soak poppy seed in milk overnight " Cream butter to soften; add sugar gradually and cream" Mix in milk and poppy seed. Sift dry ingredients together" Add to creamed mixture. Fold in egg whites. Bake in 3 paper-lined, 8xl-* 3"/4-tnehround pan" Cool I0 minutes. Remove from pans. Bake 350 deg. for 30 minutes. *Mix L/2 e. sugar and L Tbsp" cornstarch in double boiler " Combine L L/2 c " milk and 4 wellbeaten egg yolks; gradually stir into sugar mixture, stirring eonstantly, until thick. CooI slightly; add I tsp. vanilla and l/4 e. chopped walnuts" Cool. Spread between cooled layers. Sift confectioners! sugar over the top of the cake. Filling:
Fairport Harboru Ohio
Mrs. trohnSl{ytta
SWEDISIIAPPTE CRISP B apples, peeled I tsp. cinnamon L L/2 c. flour
t/? e" urater 3/4 c. sugar L/2 e" butter
Place slieed apples in 8x12-inchpan" Add water and sprinkle cinnamon" For topping, sift flour and measure. Sift sugar and flour together" Cut in butter with pastry mixer" Mix well and spread over top of apples" Bake at 3?q deg..for 45 minutes" Cut in squares and serve with whipped cream or ice cream on top" Write Extra Recipes Here:
Fairport Harbor, Ohio
Mrs. trohnMilam
l/2 c " white syrup l/8 tsp. salt I c. sugar I tsp" vanilla I can sweetenedcondensed Woodenskewers milk I apples Get woodenskewers for apples from a meat counter. Combine sugar, syrup, milk. Stir until sugar is well blended. Cook slowly, stiming gently, but constantly, until the soft ball stage. It will furn a caramel color when it is ready. Stir in vanilla and cool stightly" Dip apples quickly. FLOT}R ICING 3 .Tbsp. flour L/2 e" milk
Mrs" Thomas Curlis l/2 c" Criseo 3/4 c" sugar l'/2 tsp" vanilla
Mix flour and milk together" Cookuntil thick. Set aside to cool, very cool. While this mixture is cooling, beat until light and fluffy the erisco and sugar. When fluffy, add cooled flour mixhrre with L/2 tsp. vanllla and beat until smooth and fluffy" This will cover I small cake" For large cake, doublerecipe. FROSTING
Mrs. Wm"'Bumblls
I c. milk I c. Spry I c. sugar I Tbsp. eornstarch 2 tsp. vanilla Boil together milk and cornstarch, and cool. Beat to-41- Fairport llarbor, Ohio
.u'tr,lrJrINu (uonunued),
gether Sp-ry_"og,guqar pg}:.then ag_dthe cooled top mixranilla, and ddtaeain-until Irrg slowly and beat" add the , thick, about 20 minutes.
HOMEMADENOODLES I gsg l/2 tsp" salt
Mrs. Reino Lepisto Apout 2/3 c. sifted all-purpose flour
Beat the egg; lltpq add the salt and enoughof the flour to make a very stiff dough" Knead on a flou?ed board-g o" 4 minutes. Then, roll out in a thin sheet, cooe" with a towel and let stand about 20 minutes. Thenl roii up vo" yo3ld a jelly roll; cut into thin strips, unroit ana;;;k"" fir-Doiling watFr, or store in a dry place. HUNGARIANcHEEsE DIIMPLINGS Mrs. tramesLipovich IUP- dry-cottag-echeese Tbsp. flour, heaping + eggs
2 Tbsp" melted butter I/2 tsp" salt liI c. bread cnrmbs
Prt chee,set-hgoush.ricer;?gd aggs, beaten slightly, flour and salt" Mix until smooth" F"drft into ualts"wiitr' moist hands. p"op into z qt salted water and coor.'b-dt..., minutes. D1ain" rn frying-pan, melt bufrer; add btead- ' crumbs and brown a tittte ahd pour over crr6eseddp: lings. Serve warm " LIVER DITMPLINGS 4 eggs I raw chicken liver, chopped fine I small onion, grated
Mrs" Elmer Ignat 4 sprigs parsley greens, ghopped fine li2 Tbsp " salt Dash black pepper 2 c. flour
Mix all ingredients tho-roughly:_Drop by r/z tsp. into lo,rling, salted water. Cook adouf ZOmi":utds-ir" untit done" Add water, if batter is too stiff . MOCK WIilPPED CREAM FROSTTNG. I egg l/2 e" dsugar 3 Tbsp. flour
Mrs. trennings Lipovich palnesville, Ohio l/4 Ib" butter -42-
Faifport Harbor, Ohio
3 Tbsp. powderedsugar I tsp. vanilla
Beat egg slightly in a borvl; add sugar and flour; mix well. Scald milk in top of dcrble boiler; add this milk to above mixture and mix well" Return to double boiler and cook until thick, slirring eonstantly. CooI and add I tsp, vanilla. Cream L/4 lb" butter with powderedsugar. Cool and add to the other mixture , & Tbsp" at a time, _pudding beating constantly" PAI,ACSINTA 2 c. flour 2 Tbsp" sugar I tsp" salt
Matilda Lipovich 3 eggs 2 l/2 c. milk 2 tsp. vanilla
Mix sugar, salt, flour; add beaten eggs and enough milk to make a stiff dough" Stir until smooth; add rest of the milk and beat with a beater until smooth" Heat frying,p&r and grease, and add about L/4 c. batter to pan, just to eover bottom" Fry on both sides" Turn with a spatula" Serve hot with cottage cheese filling or jelly" Cottage Cheese Filling:
I lb. cottage eheese put through a ricer. .Mix ln 2 egg yolks, 3 Tbsp" sugar , L/8 tsp. salt and the grated rind I lemon" Mix thorl oug-hly" Add sti.ffly-beaten egg whites and 2 Tbsp. chopped nut meats. Put a Tbsp" of this filling on each Palacsinta and roll up and serve warm. POTATO PANCAKES I "gg c. flour L L/2 3 c. grated raw potatoes
Mrs " Vernie Lepisto I Tbsp. salt Black pepper to tabte LiA e" shortening
Mix the egg, flour, grated potatoes, salt, pepper thorgughty" Heat the shortening in skillet. Drop by spoonfuls into the skillet and fry on both sides until brown.
Fairport Harbor, Ohio
Wrlte Extra Recipes Here:
Falrport llarbor, Ohio