Toastmasters PORTUGAL | Edição #5

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Fevereiro 2014



Figueira da Foz 25 Janeiro 2014


FAZER ACONTECER [Fellow Toastmaster, the time flies. We are already in the second half of the year TM 2013/2014. In the first half we launched many and good seeds that now we are already reaping. And the harvest promises! We have several companies requesting for public speaking programs like the Speechcraft or even requesting information to create their own clubs. To ensure that this recognition is effective and exponential had to be bold and ambitious. We are committed to all the Portuguese Toastmasters and the District 59 in, at the end of the year (June 2014), we have 31 official clubs (12 more than in June 2013), which will ensure that we come to more regions, many more Portuguese members and that leadership opportunities in clubs will explode. It also ensures that next year more Toastmasters will have the incredible experience of serving the District as Area Governors. In this particular aspect we have spectacular news: in January four new Prospect Clubs were formed, of which 2 have already held their Charter. Congratulations Viseu Toastmasters and Advanced Toastmasters Runners - the first advanced club in Portugal. We also pursue the ambitious goal of ensuring that all clubs will be recognized as President's Distiguished with 9/10 points in 10 on the DCP. This result gives us the assurance that all clubs have a certain energy and demand that their members maintain motivation and realize their individual development goals. Of course for all this to become a reality we need well trained Club Officers. And in this particular aspect we made history on January 25th. 150 Officers and members gathered at the Casino da Figueira da Foz for the biggest and perhaps the best Toastmasters Leadership Institute ( TLI ) ever at Division L. It was a clear demonstration of the spirit and energy that unites all Toastmasters in Portugal. I thank all who traveled to this event and a special thanks to the Division team that took the commitment to submit the results of their work , the talented Toastmasters who have accepted the responsibility to deliver workshops and also to Acรกcio Grilo, Eduarda Mendes and the team who organized this TLI with dedication and extreme professionalism. For the first time in the history of Toastmasters in Portugal we held a Division Council where we discussed important national issues by giving voice to the clubs through their representatives. Demonstrated that we learn quickly and could use parliamentary procedures to take democratic decisions. For all these and many other reasons I am extremely optimistic about the achievement of all of our expectations. We have 5 months to work and we all are the team. I count on everyone to make this dream come true. Together we are unstoppable and we are making it happen.


this is the version in english this is the version in english this is the version in english this is the version in english this is the version in english this is the version in english this is the version in english this is the version in english this is the CONTRIBUTORS: version in english this is the version in english this is the version in english this is the version in english this is the version in english this is the version in english this is the version in english 2013-2014 DIVISION L TEAM this is the version in english this is the version in english this is the version in english this is the version in english this is the version in english this is the version in english this is the version in english this is the version in english this is the version in english this is the version in english this is the version in english this is the version in english this is the version in english this is the version in english this is the version in english this is the version in english this is the version in english this is the version in english this is the version in english this is the version in english this is the version in english this is the version in english this is the version in english this is the version in english this is the version in english this is the version in AREA english this is the version in 2013-2014 GOVERNORS english this is the version in english this is the version in english this is the version in english this is the version in english this is the version in english this is the version in english this is the version in english this is the version in english this is the version in english this is the version in english this is the version in english this is the version in english this is the version in english this is the version in english this is the version in CONTACTING TOASTMASTERS PORTUGAL english this is the version in english this is the version in english this is the version in english this is the version in english this is the version in english this is the version in english this is the version in english this is the version in english this is the version in english this is the version in english this is the version in english this is the version in english this is the version in english this is the version in english this is the version in english this is the version in english this is the version in english THE END. ]





FAZER ACONTECER [Fellow Toastmaster, the time flies. We are already in the second half of the year TM 2013/2014. In the first half we launched many and good seeds that now we are already reaping. And the harvest promises! We have several companies requesting for public speaking programs like the Speechcraft or even requesting information to create their own clubs. To ensure that this recognition is effective and exponential had to be bold and ambitious. We are committed to all the Portuguese Toastmasters and the District 59 in, at the end of the year (June 2014), we have 31 official clubs (12 more than in June 2013), which will ensure that we come to more regions, many more Portuguese members and that leadership opportunities in clubs will explode. It also ensures that next year more Toastmasters will have the incredible experience of serving the District as Area Governors. In this particular aspect we have spectacular news: in January four new Prospect Clubs were formed, of which 2 have already held their Charter. Congratulations Viseu Toastmasters and Advanced Toastmasters Runners - the first advanced club in Portugal. We also pursue the ambitious goal of ensuring that all clubs will be recognized as President's Distiguished with 9/10 points in 10 on the DCP. This result gives us the assurance that all clubs have a certain energy and demand that their members maintain motivation and realize their individual development goals. Of course for all this to become a reality we need well trained Club Officers. And in this particular aspect we made history on January 25th. 150 Officers and members gathered at the Casino da Figueira da Foz for the biggest and perhaps the best Toastmasters Leadership Institute ( TLI ) ever at Division L. It was a clear demonstration of the spirit and energy that unites all Toastmasters in Portugal. I thank all who traveled to this event and a special thanks to the Division team that took the commitment to submit the results of their work , the talented Toastmasters who have accepted the responsibility to deliver workshops and also to Acรกcio Grilo, Eduarda Mendes and the team who organized this TLI with dedication and extreme professionalism. For the first time in the history of Toastmasters in Portugal we held a Division Council where we discussed important national issues by giving voice to the clubs through their representatives. Demonstrated that we learn quickly and could use parliamentary procedures to take democratic decisions. For all these and many other reasons I am extremely optimistic about the achievement of all of our expectations. We have 5 months to work and we all are the team. I count on everyone to make this dream come true. Together we are unstoppable and we are making it happen.


this is the version in english this is the version in english this is the version in english this is the version in english this is the version in english this is the version in english this is the version in english this is the version in english this is the CONTRIBUTORS: version in english this is the version in english this is the version in english this is the version in english this is the version in english this is the version in english this is the version in english 2013-2014 DIVISION L TEAM this is the version in english this is the version in english this is the version in english this is the version in english this is the version in english this is the version in english this is the version in english this is the version in english this is the version in english this is the version in english this is the version in english this is the version in english this is the version in english this is the version in english this is the version in english this is the version in english this is the version in english this is the version in english this is the version in english this is the version in english this is the version in english this is the version in english this is the version in english this is the version in english this is the version in english this is the version in AREA english this is the version in 2013-2014 GOVERNORS english this is the version in english this is the version in english this is the version in english this is the version in english this is the version in english this is the version in english this is the version in english this is the version in english this is the version in english this is the version in english this is the version in english this is the version in english this is the version in english this is the version in english this is the version in CONTACTING TOASTMASTERS PORTUGAL english this is the version in english this is the version in english this is the version in english this is the version in english this is the version in english this is the version in english this is the version in english this is the version in english this is the version in english this is the version in english this is the version in english this is the version in english this is the version in english this is the version in english this is the version in english this is the version in english this is the version in english THE END. ]




UM TOASTMASTER, UM EMPREENDEDOR Club Building Program _José Manuel Barros [I must admit that I hesitated when the Division Governor, Marco Meireles, invited me to join the Division Team to perform this task, due to time constraints. Amongst all, I believe, the Club Building is, perhaps, the most challenging position for a division officer, because it is highly demanding, particularly in terms of dedication and persistence. But almost instantaneously, I realized that this task is far behind the difficulties that fellow Toastmasters have, working every day out there at the Area level, and in the clubs that they are sponsoring, potential and prospect ones. These few weeks I’ve had the enormous pleasure and honor to meet great people in Toastmasters, that work hard to meet our aims in terms of Club Building for this year, highly dedicated and enthusiastic, both in terms of time spent and in traveling long distances, to find local sponsorship and support, as well as attending numerous meetings of several clubs. On top of this, they also bear the associated costs. I found great people that are doing all this simply because they believe in Toastmasters, and consider that all their fellow citizens have the right to benefit from it in the same way. We all should be willing to hear the call. Sooner or later it will come, because it is what we learn at Toastmasters. We’ll be driven by the will to establish and build up new clubs, not for a selfish feeling of achievement, but for the pleasure of making other people have the same opportunities that we, Toastmasters, already have access to. To see them evolve. And have joy in the fact that this concept really works. That is why I dedicate these initial words in this magazine to them. To thank them for all the effort and dedication and to point out their endeavor and vision. This kind of attitude is what we need to keep making things happen, and to elevate Portugal as a case study in the Toastmasters World. The sky is the limit!

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Activity on Area L1: • The Advanced TM Runners (Prospect) had his inauguration on January 20th, in Clube ISCTE; • The Torres TM (Prospect) Demo Session was on January 18th, in the Instituto Politécnico do Oeste. Activity on Area L2: • 2 new clubs chartered: Barreiro TM e Pestana Sintra TM; • Business Leaders TM (Prospect) had the Demo Session on the January 21st, In AERLIS, Oeiras. Activity on Area L3: • The Scalabis TM Club (Prospect) already has regular sessions in Escola Superior de Gestão e Tecnologia de Santarém; • The Viseu TM Club had his inauguration and charter on January 18th, in the Pousada de Viseu; • A probable new club in Coimbra, had his Demo Session in the Instituto Superior de Contabilidade e Administração de Coimbra, on January 8th. Activity on Area L4: • Contacts with several clubs and some presentation sessions. Activity on Area L5: • Demo Sessions are being organized for Setúbal and Portimão I José Manuel Barros, CC ALB



UM TOASTMASTER, UM EMPREENDEDOR Club Building Program _José Manuel Barros [I must admit that I hesitated when the Division Governor, Marco Meireles, invited me to join the Division Team to perform this task, due to time constraints. Amongst all, I believe, the Club Building is, perhaps, the most challenging position for a division officer, because it is highly demanding, particularly in terms of dedication and persistence. But almost instantaneously, I realized that this task is far behind the difficulties that fellow Toastmasters have, working every day out there at the Area level, and in the clubs that they are sponsoring, potential and prospect ones. These few weeks I’ve had the enormous pleasure and honor to meet great people in Toastmasters, that work hard to meet our aims in terms of Club Building for this year, highly dedicated and enthusiastic, both in terms of time spent and in traveling long distances, to find local sponsorship and support, as well as attending numerous meetings of several clubs. On top of this, they also bear the associated costs. I found great people that are doing all this simply because they believe in Toastmasters, and consider that all their fellow citizens have the right to benefit from it in the same way. We all should be willing to hear the call. Sooner or later it will come, because it is what we learn at Toastmasters. We’ll be driven by the will to establish and build up new clubs, not for a selfish feeling of achievement, but for the pleasure of making other people have the same opportunities that we, Toastmasters, already have access to. To see them evolve. And have joy in the fact that this concept really works. That is why I dedicate these initial words in this magazine to them. To thank them for all the effort and dedication and to point out their endeavor and vision. This kind of attitude is what we need to keep making things happen, and to elevate Portugal as a case study in the Toastmasters World. The sky is the limit!

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Activity on Area L1: • The Advanced TM Runners (Prospect) had his inauguration on January 20th, in Clube ISCTE; • The Torres TM (Prospect) Demo Session was on January 18th, in the Instituto Politécnico do Oeste. Activity on Area L2: • 2 new clubs chartered: Barreiro TM e Pestana Sintra TM; • Business Leaders TM (Prospect) had the Demo Session on the January 21st, In AERLIS, Oeiras. Activity on Area L3: • The Scalabis TM Club (Prospect) already has regular sessions in Escola Superior de Gestão e Tecnologia de Santarém; • The Viseu TM Club had his inauguration and charter on January 18th, in the Pousada de Viseu; • A probable new club in Coimbra, had his Demo Session in the Instituto Superior de Contabilidade e Administração de Coimbra, on January 8th. Activity on Area L4: • Contacts with several clubs and some presentation sessions. Activity on Area L5: • Demo Sessions are being organized for Setúbal and Portimão I José Manuel Barros, CC ALB



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MEMBERSHIP ORIENTATION Campanhas de Membership _Daniel Sequeira

CLUB GOALS [In the last Membership Campaign, called Smedley Award, that took place from August 1st to September 30th, three of the Portuguese clubs earned the campaign ribbon; Coimbra, Oporto and YETC, with respectively 6, 5 and 5 new members, registered in that period. Now it’s time to prepare another Membership Campaign, the Talk Up Toastmasters! The clubs that

register at least 5 new members, from February 1st to March 31st, will receive a 10% discount on the next shop on Toastmasters International, and also the awarded ribbon, to put on the club banner. As six national clubs still have less than twenty members, there could not be a better incentive. Motivate your officers and members. Take this opportunity!

Daniel Sequeira



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MEMBERSHIP ORIENTATION Campanhas de Membership _Daniel Sequeira

CLUB GOALS [In the last Membership Campaign, called Smedley Award, that took place from August 1st to September 30th, three of the Portuguese clubs earned the campaign ribbon; Coimbra, Oporto and YETC, with respectively 6, 5 and 5 new members, registered in that period. Now it’s time to prepare another Membership Campaign, the Talk Up Toastmasters! The clubs that

register at least 5 new members, from February 1st to March 31st, will receive a 10% discount on the next shop on Toastmasters International, and also the awarded ribbon, to put on the club banner. As six national clubs still have less than twenty members, there could not be a better incentive. Motivate your officers and members. Take this opportunity!

Daniel Sequeira





O MELHOR DO MUNDO SÃO AS CRIANÇAS Youth Programs _Ana Isabel Ferreira [Children are the best in the world. "What are the Youth Programs all about and what they really serve for?” "And, “Can I participate?” If you already had asked yourself these questions, you might want to keep reading. We bring some evidence about the importance of Youth Programs and how you can participate. 1. “É de pequenino que se torce o pepino - The early bird catches the worm.” Are wise truths of folk wisdom that we enjoy listening! 2 . To those who prefer the knowledge acquired by the scientific method, we say - all longitudinal studies on child development carried out since the 1960s confirm that the first years of life are critical in building the foundations of adulthood. 3 . Robert Fogel , Nobel Prize in Economics (1993), with his work concluded that the quality of early child development has a significant impact on health and economic growth of a population. 4 . Recent Neurosciences’ studies show the importance of early experience in shaping neuronal connections and hierarchical brain functions. That is, whatever we do well during childhood will be maintained, integrated and enhanced in the future! So, when working with children the basic Toastmasters rules of communication and leadership. we are indelibly changing their lives. All this is not exactly news! Now imagine that you are challenged - “Do you want to help change the life of a child?”. If the first response that occurs to you is - “Yes, I do”, then join us. Go to, or send a message to, and we will send you more information.

Ana Isabel Ferreira, CC ALB






O MELHOR DO MUNDO SÃO AS CRIANÇAS Youth Programs _Ana Isabel Ferreira [Children are the best in the world. "What are the Youth Programs all about and what they really serve for?” "And, “Can I participate?” If you already had asked yourself these questions, you might want to keep reading. We bring some evidence about the importance of Youth Programs and how you can participate. 1. “É de pequenino que se torce o pepino - The early bird catches the worm.” Are wise truths of folk wisdom that we enjoy listening! 2 . To those who prefer the knowledge acquired by the scientific method, we say - all longitudinal studies on child development carried out since the 1960s confirm that the first years of life are critical in building the foundations of adulthood. 3 . Robert Fogel , Nobel Prize in Economics (1993), with his work concluded that the quality of early child development has a significant impact on health and economic growth of a population. 4 . Recent Neurosciences’ studies show the importance of early experience in shaping neuronal connections and hierarchical brain functions. That is, whatever we do well during childhood will be maintained, integrated and enhanced in the future! So, when working with children the basic Toastmasters rules of communication and leadership. we are indelibly changing their lives. All this is not exactly news! Now imagine that you are challenged - “Do you want to help change the life of a child?”. If the first response that occurs to you is - “Yes, I do”, then join us. Go to, or send a message to, and we will send you more information.

Ana Isabel Ferreira, CC ALB




CLUBES DA DIVISテグ L RESPONDERAM EM MASSA AO CHAMAMENTO DO TLI Casino da Figueira da Foz encheu para formar officers e membros dos Toastmasters _Miguel Midテオes [About a hundred and fifty officers and members of 21

Portuguese Toastmasters Clubs attended the TLI (Toastmasters Leadership Institute), held at Casino da Figueira da Foz on Saturday 25th January, organized by Coimbra TC, a L3 Area club, under the coordination of the Toastmaster Eduarda Mendes. After the opening, made by the Division Governor Marco

Meireles, a constructive morning occurred with speeches related to the operation of Toastmasters in Portugal, in their several areas, focusing on communication and leadership.



CLUBES DA DIVISテグ L RESPONDERAM EM MASSA AO CHAMAMENTO DO TLI Casino da Figueira da Foz encheu para formar officers e membros dos Toastmasters _Miguel Midテオes [About a hundred and fifty officers and members of 21

Portuguese Toastmasters Clubs attended the TLI (Toastmasters Leadership Institute), held at Casino da Figueira da Foz on Saturday 25th January, organized by Coimbra TC, a L3 Area club, under the coordination of the Toastmaster Eduarda Mendes. After the opening, made by the Division Governor Marco

Meireles, a constructive morning occurred with speeches related to the operation of Toastmasters in Portugal, in their several areas, focusing on communication and leadership.



[José Manuel Barros started the works leading the theme Club Building and stressing that, despite being quite positive that three new clubs were born in Division L in the last semester, there is still a long way to go, considering the initial proposal to the Division, to create 12 new clubs this year. However, José Manuel Barros is aware that objectives will be achieved “and perhaps even surpassed “by the end of the year. Daniel Sequeira gave the audience a brilliant communication

about the present results of DCP. Currently, 34 % of national Toastmasters are new members, and 5 of the 21 national clubs are already “Distinguish Clubs “with 5 points,, and 2 of them have reached the category of "Select Clubs ", with 7 points out of 10. In this semester, there isn’t yet any club in the Division with the "President" title, corresponding to at least 9 points

out of 10, but Daniel Sequeira believes that "it will be a reality by the end of the year." Another highlight of the morning was the oratory of Nuno Maximiano, which managed to gather consensus from the

[The Toastmaster concept is reaching further. Ana Isabel Ferreira, as responsible for the national youth programs, wanted to show that the idea of Toastmasters being only for adults is outdated, and “if we want to go further, we need to start earlier”, she says. There are three projects to take the

Toastmasters to the youngest: the “Youth Leadership Program” (project already in three schools), the “Mini Toastmasters” and the “College”.

audience regarding the importance of evaluation in the Toastmaster context . With its "Evaluation Enhancement ", Nuno Maximiano tried to show the ways to "combat habits that we

gain throughout the year”, promoting the boost of an evaluation with a better level, so the Toastmaster has a more fruitful growth. The speaker also noted that the EE is a program that aims to target the quality and not the quantity.



[José Manuel Barros started the works leading the theme Club Building and stressing that, despite being quite positive that three new clubs were born in Division L in the last semester, there is still a long way to go, considering the initial proposal to the Division, to create 12 new clubs this year. However, José Manuel Barros is aware that objectives will be achieved “and perhaps even surpassed “by the end of the year. Daniel Sequeira gave the audience a brilliant communication

about the present results of DCP. Currently, 34 % of national Toastmasters are new members, and 5 of the 21 national clubs are already “Distinguish Clubs “with 5 points,, and 2 of them have reached the category of "Select Clubs ", with 7 points out of 10. In this semester, there isn’t yet any club in the Division with the "President" title, corresponding to at least 9 points

out of 10, but Daniel Sequeira believes that "it will be a reality by the end of the year." Another highlight of the morning was the oratory of Nuno Maximiano, which managed to gather consensus from the

[The Toastmaster concept is reaching further. Ana Isabel Ferreira, as responsible for the national youth programs, wanted to show that the idea of Toastmasters being only for adults is outdated, and “if we want to go further, we need to start earlier”, she says. There are three projects to take the

Toastmasters to the youngest: the “Youth Leadership Program” (project already in three schools), the “Mini Toastmasters” and the “College”.

audience regarding the importance of evaluation in the Toastmaster context . With its "Evaluation Enhancement ", Nuno Maximiano tried to show the ways to "combat habits that we

gain throughout the year”, promoting the boost of an evaluation with a better level, so the Toastmaster has a more fruitful growth. The speaker also noted that the EE is a program that aims to target the quality and not the quantity.



[But, not only the Toastmasters target audience is changing. The revitalized educational program is also marching. Ana Neves and Diogo Beja told in advance to the audience that

some changes will took place in the Toastmasters educational program, that pretend to reinforce it in terms of leadership and communication. “The confusion of the actual program and the need to adapt some projects to the new technologies” are only two of the reasons pointed for the need to restructuring. Nevertheless the Portuguese numbers are a little more positive, at international level, statistics show that only 10% of the registered Toastmasters members finish their Competent Communicator, and only 2% finish the Competent Leadership. For this reasons, the need of changing is urgent, and in the last 6 months, already have been made the revision of the existing materials, the reformulation of some roles in the sessions, and

the appearance of others. For instance, “the mentor role is kept, but reinforced”. In this new revitalized program, there will be 12 different projects, each one with 5 levels, and the new member can choose the profile more adequate to his needs and expectations. This new program will have new contents, new manuals (printed in 8 languages, including Portuguese), and is expected that all contents will be ready until April 2014, and the program launched in the second semester of this year. Another question raised in the end of the presentation was

[The Toastmasters PORTUGAL Magazine is increasingly

becoming the link between the different clubs of L Division! The goal is set: 20.000 views until the end of Toastmaster’s year, on June. After receiving the Public Relations Award 2013, the goals are aiming higher. Statistics do not deceive. The Newsletter, that has been the link between the different clubs, from the North to the South of the country, has also been read

out of the national frontiers. Having all articles translated in English, allowed this publication to be read in France, USA, Spain, among others. But, more than being able to increase the number of views, Ângela Lopes, executive editor of this publication, thinks that the most important is that “all Portuguese Toastmasters have access to all the information about what happens in the other Clubs an Areas of the

country”. The editor also said that all articles published are governed by the following values​​ : accessibility, equality, fairness and sharing. About communication, Eugénio Gonçalves-Pinto highlighted the weekly rise of viewers at the Toastmasters Portugal website, and the need to make its contents more dynamic, creating, for

instance, an email line to answer to new members, an article bank, among other things.

about the maintenance of the awards. They will be maintained, but might have new names and more visibility to the exterior,

valuing the Toastmaster member that obtain them in several contexts, but especially in the professional world.




[But, not only the Toastmasters target audience is changing. The revitalized educational program is also marching. Ana Neves and Diogo Beja told in advance to the audience that

some changes will took place in the Toastmasters educational program, that pretend to reinforce it in terms of leadership and communication. “The confusion of the actual program and the need to adapt some projects to the new technologies” are only two of the reasons pointed for the need to restructuring. Nevertheless the Portuguese numbers are a little more positive, at international level, statistics show that only 10% of the registered Toastmasters members finish their Competent Communicator, and only 2% finish the Competent Leadership. For this reasons, the need of changing is urgent, and in the last 6 months, already have been made the revision of the existing materials, the reformulation of some roles in the sessions, and

the appearance of others. For instance, “the mentor role is kept, but reinforced”. In this new revitalized program, there will be 12 different projects, each one with 5 levels, and the new member can choose the profile more adequate to his needs and expectations. This new program will have new contents, new manuals (printed in 8 languages, including Portuguese), and is expected that all contents will be ready until April 2014, and the program launched in the second semester of this year. Another question raised in the end of the presentation was

[The Toastmasters PORTUGAL Magazine is increasingly

becoming the link between the different clubs of L Division! The goal is set: 20.000 views until the end of Toastmaster’s year, on June. After receiving the Public Relations Award 2013, the goals are aiming higher. Statistics do not deceive. The Newsletter, that has been the link between the different clubs, from the North to the South of the country, has also been read

out of the national frontiers. Having all articles translated in English, allowed this publication to be read in France, USA, Spain, among others. But, more than being able to increase the number of views, Ângela Lopes, executive editor of this publication, thinks that the most important is that “all Portuguese Toastmasters have access to all the information about what happens in the other Clubs an Areas of the

country”. The editor also said that all articles published are governed by the following values​​ : accessibility, equality, fairness and sharing. About communication, Eugénio Gonçalves-Pinto highlighted the weekly rise of viewers at the Toastmasters Portugal website, and the need to make its contents more dynamic, creating, for

instance, an email line to answer to new members, an article bank, among other things.

about the maintenance of the awards. They will be maintained, but might have new names and more visibility to the exterior,

valuing the Toastmaster member that obtain them in several contexts, but especially in the professional world.




[In the afternoon, this meeting was dedicated to workshops of several themes, divided in three rooms. The themes were diversified, trying to cover the maximum number of necessary tools to officers and Toastmasters members, such as club leadership and logistics; management program in a Toastmasters club, membership management, business

leadership, strategic planning, evaluations, humor, vocal charisma, the power of storytelling or body language, among other options.

Miguel Mid천es, CC



[In the afternoon, this meeting was dedicated to workshops of several themes, divided in three rooms. The themes were diversified, trying to cover the maximum number of necessary tools to officers and Toastmasters members, such as club leadership and logistics; management program in a Toastmasters club, membership management, business

leadership, strategic planning, evaluations, humor, vocal charisma, the power of storytelling or body language, among other options.

Miguel Mid천es, CC



LANÇAMENTO DO VISEU TOASTMASTERS CLUB FOI UM SUCESSO _Nuno Mateiro [On the past January 18th, the Viseu Toastmasters Club was launched. It had his inaugural session in Pousada de Viseu. With a great attendance, about 200 participants, a huge expectation was in the air.

With the support of another Toastmasters Portuguese Clubs, namely Porto, Lisbon, Sintra, Beja, Aveiro and Coimbra – who had a direct participation during the presentation of the concept – the audience got to know what is a Toastmasters session.


At the end, they witnessed a historic moment. For the first time in Portugal, a club officially starts, in its inaugural session, with

the necessary number of members. This fact had

Dinâmico e produtivo

repercussions in the Toastmasters International community, and the Viseu Toastmasters Club was considered a “case study”, for his good practices and excellent launch

_Miguel Midões

performance. [This TLI had the first Division Council. It happened for the first

This strong participation shows that, inside the country, and

time at the Division level, and its goal from now is to debate the

specially in Viseu, there is a huge will to do more and better,

issues related with national Toastmasters.

and people want to communicate in the more efficient possible

48 persons were able to vote the presented motions, namely


the Presidents and Vice Presidents of Education from all the

The sessions will take place every two weeks at 9.30 pm, in the

Division clubs, and also the Area Governors and the Division

Pousada de Viseu, and the club will have all the pleasure in


have you there.

On the table in this meeting, there were subjects like the

If “the quill is more dangerous that the sword”, the

transport to future TLI, and a motion was approved, stating

Toastmasters from Viseu will climb the stage and wield the

that each Area Governor should gather efforts to try to

word, in favor of a better future.

organize transport to the members of the clubs from his Area,

This is the commitment.

as well as the need to reinforce in each club the idea that the

You can follow the club at the webpage “Viriato Portugal”, at

club should support the costs of his officers in their travel to


Another news in this Division Council was the confirmation of the District 59 splitting into two. Portugal will still belong to District 59, together with Spain, France, Netherlands, Luxembourg and Switzerland. The rest of Europe will constitute another District. But the Toastmasters news aren’t over yet. The Division also will be divided. The current 5 Areas will turn in 7. the main reason to this slip was presented by Marco Meireles, Division

Nuno Mateiro

Governor, a former Area Governor, that considers “as more Areas there are, as easier the work of the Area Governor”. This new division was approved. The next Division Council should happen in two months.

Miguel Midões




LANÇAMENTO DO VISEU TOASTMASTERS CLUB FOI UM SUCESSO _Nuno Mateiro [On the past January 18th, the Viseu Toastmasters Club was launched. It had his inaugural session in Pousada de Viseu. With a great attendance, about 200 participants, a huge expectation was in the air.

With the support of another Toastmasters Portuguese Clubs, namely Porto, Lisbon, Sintra, Beja, Aveiro and Coimbra – who had a direct participation during the presentation of the concept – the audience got to know what is a Toastmasters session.


At the end, they witnessed a historic moment. For the first time in Portugal, a club officially starts, in its inaugural session, with

the necessary number of members. This fact had

Dinâmico e produtivo

repercussions in the Toastmasters International community, and the Viseu Toastmasters Club was considered a “case study”, for his good practices and excellent launch

_Miguel Midões

performance. [This TLI had the first Division Council. It happened for the first

This strong participation shows that, inside the country, and

time at the Division level, and its goal from now is to debate the

specially in Viseu, there is a huge will to do more and better,

issues related with national Toastmasters.

and people want to communicate in the more efficient possible

48 persons were able to vote the presented motions, namely


the Presidents and Vice Presidents of Education from all the

The sessions will take place every two weeks at 9.30 pm, in the

Division clubs, and also the Area Governors and the Division

Pousada de Viseu, and the club will have all the pleasure in


have you there.

On the table in this meeting, there were subjects like the

If “the quill is more dangerous that the sword”, the

transport to future TLI, and a motion was approved, stating

Toastmasters from Viseu will climb the stage and wield the

that each Area Governor should gather efforts to try to

word, in favor of a better future.

organize transport to the members of the clubs from his Area,

This is the commitment.

as well as the need to reinforce in each club the idea that the

You can follow the club at the webpage “Viriato Portugal”, at

club should support the costs of his officers in their travel to


Another news in this Division Council was the confirmation of the District 59 splitting into two. Portugal will still belong to District 59, together with Spain, France, Netherlands, Luxembourg and Switzerland. The rest of Europe will constitute another District. But the Toastmasters news aren’t over yet. The Division also will be divided. The current 5 Areas will turn in 7. the main reason to this slip was presented by Marco Meireles, Division

Nuno Mateiro

Governor, a former Area Governor, that considers “as more Areas there are, as easier the work of the Area Governor”. This new division was approved. The next Division Council should happen in two months.

Miguel Midões




Pousada de Viseu e Viseu Toastmasters Club

POUSADAS DE PORTUGAL A História de um País de Norte a Sul… _Dr. Nuno Pina [Castles, palaces, monasteries, halls of kings and rooms of queens… More than a simple hotel, the Pousadas de Portugal, are historic buildings with history, and they tell to those who pass by a little about what Portugal is and used to be. Since the medieval banquets, filled with traditional gastronomy, to the unique locations, surrounded by distinctive natural landscapes, the experience of staying in one of the 35 Pousadas de Portugal takes us in time travel, with the standards of demand and comfort of today. At North, where Portugal was born, the green fields compete with the cultural wealth of the festivities of Minho folklore and plentiful tables. From Minho to Trás-os-Montes, extending to South of the Douro, this is the excellence land of the majestic Wine and the oldest demarcated wine region in the world, now elevated to World Heritage. At the center of the country, spread throughout all region, there are some of the finest examples of Portuguese architecture, marking in an unforgettable way, emblematic places from the coast to inland, passing through the highest point of Portugal. In Lisbon and Alentejo, the architectural treasures multiply themselves, especially old convents, where the desserts are to eat and cry for more. In a wine and cheese famous area, the cuisine is queen and lady. But it is also very well served by sunny and famed beaches, which go down to the South through the golden and dry plains of Alentejo. In an Algarve fated to pleasant temperatures throughout all the year, the invitation of the beaches is always tempting, only rivaling with the flavors that come to the table with Mediterranean influences. In the Azores, hidden among the lush natural beauty of the 9 islands of the archipelago, is hidden one real rare pearl. Who finds it in Faial, will be waited by a hotel full of secrets, history and culture connected to the sea. This partnership aims to boost trade relations between the two organizations, and make the Pousada de Viseu the stage of future great speakers of the center of the country

Dr. Nuno Pina




Pousada de Viseu e Viseu Toastmasters Club

POUSADAS DE PORTUGAL A História de um País de Norte a Sul… _Dr. Nuno Pina [Castles, palaces, monasteries, halls of kings and rooms of queens… More than a simple hotel, the Pousadas de Portugal, are historic buildings with history, and they tell to those who pass by a little about what Portugal is and used to be. Since the medieval banquets, filled with traditional gastronomy, to the unique locations, surrounded by distinctive natural landscapes, the experience of staying in one of the 35 Pousadas de Portugal takes us in time travel, with the standards of demand and comfort of today. At North, where Portugal was born, the green fields compete with the cultural wealth of the festivities of Minho folklore and plentiful tables. From Minho to Trás-os-Montes, extending to South of the Douro, this is the excellence land of the majestic Wine and the oldest demarcated wine region in the world, now elevated to World Heritage. At the center of the country, spread throughout all region, there are some of the finest examples of Portuguese architecture, marking in an unforgettable way, emblematic places from the coast to inland, passing through the highest point of Portugal. In Lisbon and Alentejo, the architectural treasures multiply themselves, especially old convents, where the desserts are to eat and cry for more. In a wine and cheese famous area, the cuisine is queen and lady. But it is also very well served by sunny and famed beaches, which go down to the South through the golden and dry plains of Alentejo. In an Algarve fated to pleasant temperatures throughout all the year, the invitation of the beaches is always tempting, only rivaling with the flavors that come to the table with Mediterranean influences. In the Azores, hidden among the lush natural beauty of the 9 islands of the archipelago, is hidden one real rare pearl. Who finds it in Faial, will be waited by a hotel full of secrets, history and culture connected to the sea. This partnership aims to boost trade relations between the two organizations, and make the Pousada de Viseu the stage of future great speakers of the center of the country

Dr. Nuno Pina




NOTÍCIAS DA L1 Dois novos clubes a caminho _Ana Cristina Pessoa _Catarina Rodrigues _André Santos [Toastmasters have arrived at Torres Vedras! On January 18th Torres Vedras got together for the Torres Toastmasters Club’s Demo Session. The session took place at

ISPO and had over 60 people attending! With Jorge Crespo as First Toastmaster, the session had a special touch of humor. The first two speeches, two Ice Breakers, allowed the audience to sympathize with the speakers. For the third and fourth speeches, project 4 and 5 of the Competent Communicator, respectively, the speakers told us about the plasticity of time and about a bumpy ride to

Sweden. The session continued with the Table Topics, with three of our brave guests. The topics were about Torres Vedras: the main attraction, the city’s Carnival; the wines of the region; and the famous Pastéis de Feijão (bean pastries). As usual in Toastmasters’ meetings, we had the evaluation

period, where in addition to the assigned evaluators and other Toastmasters present, there was also the contribution of guests, who shared their opinions. The session was a bit long, but very fruitful: all of those who endured were able to enjoy, in addition to the Toastmasters’ experience, the renowned wine of the region. Go Torres Toastmasters!

[January 20th will be in history as the day when the Demo Session of Advanced Toastmasters Runners took place. Luís Caetano was the proud 1st Toastmaster, who made the presentation of this project to the Toastmasters present at ISCTE. The Advanced Toastmasters Runners wants to be a closed club, where only Toastmasters who have completed the Competent Communicator can be members. The purpose of this club is to be a place where the focus is on the quality of the evaluation, not only of Advanced Manual speeches, as well as Learning Moments. The proud speakers of the day were: Cristiani Oliveira, with the project 1 of the manual Humorously Speaking, entitled “Faster, Higher & Stronger”; António Victor with the project 2 of the manual Public Relations, entitled “Repsol in Portugal”, and finally, João Antunes, with the project 9 of Leadership Excellence Series, entitled “Continuous Learning”. Gustavo Amaro was the Table Topics Master, and he challenged the participants to rely on specific contents of the advanced manuals in their impromptu speeches. During the evaluations, a new meeting role was introduced: the Leadership Role Evaluation, The always proud, Ana Neves took this role. The purpose of this role is to evaluate one of the specific evaluation roles, and at this day, has been dedicated the Grammarian, Luis Paisana. The general evaluation was at charge of João de Mendonça with a proud and motivating intervention. At the end of the session, a toast was made to the success of this club, with a good red wine from the cellars D'Eca Douro, with chocolate and cheese. To finish, and throwing the proud slogan of this new club, we give you a challenge: Can you guess what was the word of the day?

Ana Cristina Pessoa, CC e Catarina Rodrigues

André Santos




NOTÍCIAS DA L1 Dois novos clubes a caminho _Ana Cristina Pessoa _Catarina Rodrigues _André Santos [Toastmasters have arrived at Torres Vedras! On January 18th Torres Vedras got together for the Torres Toastmasters Club’s Demo Session. The session took place at

ISPO and had over 60 people attending! With Jorge Crespo as First Toastmaster, the session had a special touch of humor. The first two speeches, two Ice Breakers, allowed the audience to sympathize with the speakers. For the third and fourth speeches, project 4 and 5 of the Competent Communicator, respectively, the speakers told us about the plasticity of time and about a bumpy ride to

Sweden. The session continued with the Table Topics, with three of our brave guests. The topics were about Torres Vedras: the main attraction, the city’s Carnival; the wines of the region; and the famous Pastéis de Feijão (bean pastries). As usual in Toastmasters’ meetings, we had the evaluation

period, where in addition to the assigned evaluators and other Toastmasters present, there was also the contribution of guests, who shared their opinions. The session was a bit long, but very fruitful: all of those who endured were able to enjoy, in addition to the Toastmasters’ experience, the renowned wine of the region. Go Torres Toastmasters!

[January 20th will be in history as the day when the Demo Session of Advanced Toastmasters Runners took place. Luís Caetano was the proud 1st Toastmaster, who made the presentation of this project to the Toastmasters present at ISCTE. The Advanced Toastmasters Runners wants to be a closed club, where only Toastmasters who have completed the Competent Communicator can be members. The purpose of this club is to be a place where the focus is on the quality of the evaluation, not only of Advanced Manual speeches, as well as Learning Moments. The proud speakers of the day were: Cristiani Oliveira, with the project 1 of the manual Humorously Speaking, entitled “Faster, Higher & Stronger”; António Victor with the project 2 of the manual Public Relations, entitled “Repsol in Portugal”, and finally, João Antunes, with the project 9 of Leadership Excellence Series, entitled “Continuous Learning”. Gustavo Amaro was the Table Topics Master, and he challenged the participants to rely on specific contents of the advanced manuals in their impromptu speeches. During the evaluations, a new meeting role was introduced: the Leadership Role Evaluation, The always proud, Ana Neves took this role. The purpose of this role is to evaluate one of the specific evaluation roles, and at this day, has been dedicated the Grammarian, Luis Paisana. The general evaluation was at charge of João de Mendonça with a proud and motivating intervention. At the end of the session, a toast was made to the success of this club, with a good red wine from the cellars D'Eca Douro, with chocolate and cheese. To finish, and throwing the proud slogan of this new club, we give you a challenge: Can you guess what was the word of the day?

Ana Cristina Pessoa, CC e Catarina Rodrigues

André Santos




NOTร CIAS DA L2 Um novo Clube nasceu na AERLIS _Cรกtia Garcia [Although typical this time of year, the cold makes us feel more withdrawn, and we only want to hibernate by the fireplace with a hot chocolate and a blanket. The good news is that in the L2 Area the scenario appears quite different, with many initiatives

full of vitality and joy that will sparkle like rays of sunshine. According to the proverb, the early bird catches the worm, on December 21, Barreiro Toastmasters Club, organized a session for the younger ones, where it was notorious the complicity between parents and children. This excellent initiative has confirmed that good communication and leadership practices can be adapted and developed for this specific audience. The Montijo TM Club continues growing! - The number of members continues increasing, and as a result we raised the number of sessions from two to three per month (every Wednesday at 8.30 pm, except the 2nd Wednesday of the month). Also reached the objective of the 1st Toastmaster semester, reaching 300 Likes on our public Facebook page.

[Other fantastic news, is the birth of another club, the Business Leaders Toastmasters Club, which holded its first session on January 21st . The Demo Session took place in the AERLIS headquarters , in Oeiras, in a cheer way and with a full room. Besides the members from another local clubs, who came to support the founding members, many visitors and guests were there, and they were invited to present Table Topics during the session. At the end, they expressed their admiration for the organized and dynamic way of the the session, and their satisfaction with the experience, including showing interest to join the club. Another mission accomplished: take a worthy and captivating image of Toastmasters to the guests, celebrating another important moment in the life of this true "nonprofit community." The team is already formed and emotion is evident in the words of President Teresa Louro : " We are excited to enter the Toastmaster universe and we hope that this new club will become a true community, in which all collaborate to enhance the communication and leadership skills of its members . We embrace a great human, social and intellectual challenge. Congratulations to AERLIS for taking this step towards the promotion of a reference area, Oeiras. We promise to give our best to dignify the image of this big Toastmasters family. " Finally, the L2 Area was well represented on January 25th at the TLI (Toastmasters Leadership Institute), at Figueira da Foz,, where some of our officers provided, throughout the day, multiple workshops and training sessions.

Cรกtia Garcia

Teresa Louro




NOTร CIAS DA L2 Um novo Clube nasceu na AERLIS _Cรกtia Garcia [Although typical this time of year, the cold makes us feel more withdrawn, and we only want to hibernate by the fireplace with a hot chocolate and a blanket. The good news is that in the L2 Area the scenario appears quite different, with many initiatives

full of vitality and joy that will sparkle like rays of sunshine. According to the proverb, the early bird catches the worm, on December 21, Barreiro Toastmasters Club, organized a session for the younger ones, where it was notorious the complicity between parents and children. This excellent initiative has confirmed that good communication and leadership practices can be adapted and developed for this specific audience. The Montijo TM Club continues growing! - The number of members continues increasing, and as a result we raised the number of sessions from two to three per month (every Wednesday at 8.30 pm, except the 2nd Wednesday of the month). Also reached the objective of the 1st Toastmaster semester, reaching 300 Likes on our public Facebook page.

[Other fantastic news, is the birth of another club, the Business Leaders Toastmasters Club, which holded its first session on January 21st . The Demo Session took place in the AERLIS headquarters , in Oeiras, in a cheer way and with a full room. Besides the members from another local clubs, who came to support the founding members, many visitors and guests were there, and they were invited to present Table Topics during the session. At the end, they expressed their admiration for the organized and dynamic way of the the session, and their satisfaction with the experience, including showing interest to join the club. Another mission accomplished: take a worthy and captivating image of Toastmasters to the guests, celebrating another important moment in the life of this true "nonprofit community." The team is already formed and emotion is evident in the words of President Teresa Louro : " We are excited to enter the Toastmaster universe and we hope that this new club will become a true community, in which all collaborate to enhance the communication and leadership skills of its members . We embrace a great human, social and intellectual challenge. Congratulations to AERLIS for taking this step towards the promotion of a reference area, Oeiras. We promise to give our best to dignify the image of this big Toastmasters family. " Finally, the L2 Area was well represented on January 25th at the TLI (Toastmasters Leadership Institute), at Figueira da Foz,, where some of our officers provided, throughout the day, multiple workshops and training sessions.

Cรกtia Garcia

Teresa Louro




NOTÍCIAS L3 Clubes intensificam actividades e partilham experiências _Miguel Midões [Around 100 guest were present in the Demo Session of CTC – Coimbra Toasmasters Club, at ISCAC, in the past January 8th.

Sessão de Demonstração Toastsmasters no ISCAC

Besides the three prepared speeches, four students from this college were able to experience the feeling of an impromptu speech, and to appraise the evaluation method of Toastmasters. In the end, the balance was very positive, and in the following week, the experiment was repeated, with another session of

the CTC in ISCAC. In the future, it is expected that in a short/medium term, the presence of Toastmasters in Coimbra is extended with the birth of a second club in the city. Still in Area L3, but in Viseu, on January 18th, the Demo session of this new club took place. The club made history by getting its “charter” (the

formalization of the club) in the Demo Session. In the same day, the club got 20 members and 160 persons in the session. According to Acácio Grilo, Area Governor of L3, “this

[The Leiria Toastmasters Club is very close to fifty sessions. On January 16th, the 45th session of the club was held at ISLA. On Facebook, the club has an active display, with continuous updates that explain the different roles performed in a Toastmasters session. Since his birth at the end of 2013, the Scalabis Toastmasters Club hasn’t stopped, taking the excellency of communications to Santarém. The sessions have been held regularly, at ESTG of Santarém. The good news keep coming to Area L3. Soon, we expect to open new clubs, in the inside center of the country. The new clubs, recently opened, have relied on knowledge sharing of the oldest clubs of L3, namely: CLUTA (Aveiro), CTC (Coimbra) and LTM (Leiria).

organization should be a model to all who will come next, because nothing like this was ever done”. The Viseu’s team is complete, with 7 officers and 7 committee

Miguel Midões

members. It has as President, Sílvia Ferreira, and for Vice President of Education, António Albuquerque. The sessions of Viseu Toastmasters Club will happen in the Pousada de Viseu, on Tuesday, from 9pm to 10.30pm.




NOTÍCIAS L3 Clubes intensificam actividades e partilham experiências _Miguel Midões [Around 100 guest were present in the Demo Session of CTC – Coimbra Toasmasters Club, at ISCAC, in the past January 8th.

Sessão de Demonstração Toastsmasters no ISCAC

Besides the three prepared speeches, four students from this college were able to experience the feeling of an impromptu speech, and to appraise the evaluation method of Toastmasters. In the end, the balance was very positive, and in the following week, the experiment was repeated, with another session of

the CTC in ISCAC. In the future, it is expected that in a short/medium term, the presence of Toastmasters in Coimbra is extended with the birth of a second club in the city. Still in Area L3, but in Viseu, on January 18th, the Demo session of this new club took place. The club made history by getting its “charter” (the

formalization of the club) in the Demo Session. In the same day, the club got 20 members and 160 persons in the session. According to Acácio Grilo, Area Governor of L3, “this

[The Leiria Toastmasters Club is very close to fifty sessions. On January 16th, the 45th session of the club was held at ISLA. On Facebook, the club has an active display, with continuous updates that explain the different roles performed in a Toastmasters session. Since his birth at the end of 2013, the Scalabis Toastmasters Club hasn’t stopped, taking the excellency of communications to Santarém. The sessions have been held regularly, at ESTG of Santarém. The good news keep coming to Area L3. Soon, we expect to open new clubs, in the inside center of the country. The new clubs, recently opened, have relied on knowledge sharing of the oldest clubs of L3, namely: CLUTA (Aveiro), CTC (Coimbra) and LTM (Leiria).

organization should be a model to all who will come next, because nothing like this was ever done”. The Viseu’s team is complete, with 7 officers and 7 committee

Miguel Midões

members. It has as President, Sílvia Ferreira, and for Vice President of Education, António Albuquerque. The sessions of Viseu Toastmasters Club will happen in the Pousada de Viseu, on Tuesday, from 9pm to 10.30pm.




NOTÍCIAS DA L4 Ano Novo, Casa Nova! _Mónica de Sá _Norberta Moreira [December 23rd 2013 held the 213th session of Oporto Toastmasters Club, in the new facilities of Porto Business School. New horizons are expected, because we are ready to conquer them.

The first major out of doors event in 2014, happened on the

[In the TecMaia Club, there is something new - the officers team has changed, and now the President is Ricardo Bessa. We wish them all of success.

In Mindbussines Club, the 67th session was held on January 22th, in the midle of the training “Learning Days Tools of Coach”, that occurred in the same day.

ninth day of January, in the Museum Guerra Junqueiro, near the Porto Cathedral. In a museum at night ... it was magical! “The smile that you offer, to you will return.” – Abilio Guerra Junqueiro (Portuguese writer).

In the Professional Institute of the Rosary (IPSS), we made a difference in the lives of many young people who live here, with the delivery of school supplies donated by the OTC. This is the OTC spirit.

On January 10th, a group from OTC and Braga Tostmasters left towards Amarante, to participate in a historic moment: the first session of the future club in town! Result: a great night of sharing in Amarante. The word of the day chosen was "Bridge", nothing more suitable for an event that wants to build bridges to the future, leading to Amarante. Toastmasters. We believe that this will be the first of many sessions of another Toastmasters Club - in Amarante.

Mónica de Sá e Norberta Moreira




NOTÍCIAS DA L4 Ano Novo, Casa Nova! _Mónica de Sá _Norberta Moreira [December 23rd 2013 held the 213th session of Oporto Toastmasters Club, in the new facilities of Porto Business School. New horizons are expected, because we are ready to conquer them.

The first major out of doors event in 2014, happened on the

[In the TecMaia Club, there is something new - the officers team has changed, and now the President is Ricardo Bessa. We wish them all of success.

In Mindbussines Club, the 67th session was held on January 22th, in the midle of the training “Learning Days Tools of Coach”, that occurred in the same day.

ninth day of January, in the Museum Guerra Junqueiro, near the Porto Cathedral. In a museum at night ... it was magical! “The smile that you offer, to you will return.” – Abilio Guerra Junqueiro (Portuguese writer).

In the Professional Institute of the Rosary (IPSS), we made a difference in the lives of many young people who live here, with the delivery of school supplies donated by the OTC. This is the OTC spirit.

On January 10th, a group from OTC and Braga Tostmasters left towards Amarante, to participate in a historic moment: the first session of the future club in town! Result: a great night of sharing in Amarante. The word of the day chosen was "Bridge", nothing more suitable for an event that wants to build bridges to the future, leading to Amarante. Toastmasters. We believe that this will be the first of many sessions of another Toastmasters Club - in Amarante.

Mónica de Sá e Norberta Moreira




NOTÍCIAS DA L5 Entrevista a Rui Valente, Presidente do Évora TM _Fábio Jesuíno [As Chairman of Évora Toastmasters, what are your goals for this term? The Evora Toastmasters Club was formally established only in June this year. Much of what you have been doing reflects the extreme youth of the club, and has been the main focus of attention over the last few months: capturing enough members to have interesting sessions, improving the dynamics of own sessions, train leaders and members so that they can better fulfill their roles and internalize the philosophy and

[Is there already interest from any company in the region in the club?

modus operandi of Toastmasters.

In addition to the University of Évora, in which the Club holds its sessions,

These tasks will certainly continue to be the order of the day until the end

we have had enough support and participation of Gesamb. In addition to

of the mandate.

the director, three people of the company's staff are part of the club. We

The smooth running of them allows us to be ambitious in its goals for the

have used several times the company premises for the conduct of

future. In particular, we intend to increase the number of club members

training and regular sessions, and we also had enough logistic support.

at least 50 %, increase the frequency of sessions so that everyone can have the opportunity to play the various roles and make speeches and

What are you implementing to attract new members?

possibly achieve various levels of certification.

On-going " Beating Santa” action, which originated and is being

Another important aspect is the environment that we live in the club: I do

implemented in terms of area. This action gives financial incentives to

not want a heavy environment where everything works "by the book".

existing members of the club for the procurement of additional

First I want to help create a club where people go, every Wednesday, to


relax a bit, to have fun, be with friends, and take the opportunity to

It is also being established a Task Force to conduct presentations on the

develop and practice their communication skills.

club in certain companies and certain environments. A first submission in this regard was held at Ignite occurred in Evora in October, following

What the city of Évora can gain from the growth of the club?

which the number of guests at our meeting grew exponentially.

A lot! Firstly, because I think the whole philosophy underlying Toastmasters will be an asset not only to the city of Évora, as for the

What are your plans in the area of ​training ?

whole country. We are talking about people who are actively working on

I believe the Toastmasters club will only be able to attract and maintain

their personal development, which assume responsibility for it . In a city

interest among members if it is constantly focused on creating value for

still very fossilized, clutching the stigma of secure employment, the

them. In this sense, one of the things intended to be implemented are

creation and reputation of a club like this will be a center of attraction

special training sessions in which guests will be invited to the club to talk

for people of similar ideas and that are so necessary.

about of communication subjects.

In this regard let me remind a sentence spoken by Marco Meireles, according to which if we all were toastmasters, if we worked instead of excuses, the whole country probably would not be as it is.


Fábio Jesuíno



NOTÍCIAS DA L5 Entrevista a Rui Valente, Presidente do Évora TM _Fábio Jesuíno [As Chairman of Évora Toastmasters, what are your goals for this term? The Evora Toastmasters Club was formally established only in June this year. Much of what you have been doing reflects the extreme youth of the club, and has been the main focus of attention over the last few months: capturing enough members to have interesting sessions, improving the dynamics of own sessions, train leaders and members so that they can better fulfill their roles and internalize the philosophy and

[Is there already interest from any company in the region in the club?

modus operandi of Toastmasters.

In addition to the University of Évora, in which the Club holds its sessions,

These tasks will certainly continue to be the order of the day until the end

we have had enough support and participation of Gesamb. In addition to

of the mandate.

the director, three people of the company's staff are part of the club. We

The smooth running of them allows us to be ambitious in its goals for the

have used several times the company premises for the conduct of

future. In particular, we intend to increase the number of club members

training and regular sessions, and we also had enough logistic support.

at least 50 %, increase the frequency of sessions so that everyone can have the opportunity to play the various roles and make speeches and

What are you implementing to attract new members?

possibly achieve various levels of certification.

On-going " Beating Santa” action, which originated and is being

Another important aspect is the environment that we live in the club: I do

implemented in terms of area. This action gives financial incentives to

not want a heavy environment where everything works "by the book".

existing members of the club for the procurement of additional

First I want to help create a club where people go, every Wednesday, to


relax a bit, to have fun, be with friends, and take the opportunity to

It is also being established a Task Force to conduct presentations on the

develop and practice their communication skills.

club in certain companies and certain environments. A first submission in this regard was held at Ignite occurred in Evora in October, following

What the city of Évora can gain from the growth of the club?

which the number of guests at our meeting grew exponentially.

A lot! Firstly, because I think the whole philosophy underlying Toastmasters will be an asset not only to the city of Évora, as for the

What are your plans in the area of ​training ?

whole country. We are talking about people who are actively working on

I believe the Toastmasters club will only be able to attract and maintain

their personal development, which assume responsibility for it . In a city

interest among members if it is constantly focused on creating value for

still very fossilized, clutching the stigma of secure employment, the

them. In this sense, one of the things intended to be implemented are

creation and reputation of a club like this will be a center of attraction

special training sessions in which guests will be invited to the club to talk

for people of similar ideas and that are so necessary.

about of communication subjects.

In this regard let me remind a sentence spoken by Marco Meireles, according to which if we all were toastmasters, if we worked instead of excuses, the whole country probably would not be as it is.


Fábio Jesuíno



DATAS RELEVANTES 6 de Fevereiro • Sessão Especial do OTC no Edifício AXA, Porto

8 de Fevereiro • District 59 Executive Committee Meeting, Bucareste

9 de Fevereiro • Formação District 59 Officers, Bucareste

20 de Fevereiro • Workshop "Learning from mistakes"

Sessão Especial do Beja TM Club na Delegação de Beja do Instituto Português do Desporto e da Juventude

24 de Fevereiro • Workshop "Comunicação e Liderança" Sessão Especial do Beja TM Club no Auditório da Escola Superior de Educação de Beja

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