Tobacco International - Oct/Nov 2018 | Tobacco Products International - Quarter 3, 2018

Page 38

{Tradeshow Roundup}

InterTabac 2018 Fair Marks 40th Anniversary InterTabac 2018 posted noticeable growth in both emerging categories, as well as traditional tobacco, as international participation continued to rise. » STAFF REPORT


Morocco, Egypt, and Nigeria. Asian visitors came from countries including China, India, Indonesia, and Hong Kong. The Middle East was represented by visitors from Israel, Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab Emirates. There were also visitors from Australia and New Zealand. European markets, of course, were widely represented with visitors from France,

he 2018 InterTabac trade show

for the production of tobacco goods

Great Britain, Italy, Austria, Poland, and

looked back on a 40-year history

and e-cigarettes—was co-located in

the Benelux countries.

this year, one that has firmly

Hall 3B for the fourth time. InterTabac

In addition to the many international

placed it in the leading market position

itself occupied more exhibition halls than

guests at the fair, there were also once

among global tobacco trade fairs.

ever before and, for the first time, the

again trade visitors represented from

Westfalenhalle event arena.

almost all German states. Larger visitor

A total of 625 exhibitors from 54 countries showcased their products

Since its founding, InterTabac has

groups came from, for example, Lower

and services at the Dortmund Exhibition

grown from local to regional in scope,

Saxony, Bavaria, Baden-Wurttemberg,

Centre from 21 to 23 September, an in-

and in recent years has expanded mark-

Hesse and Rhineland-Palatinate.

crease of about 12 per cent compared to

edly into an international forum of the

InterTabac caters strongly to the pur-

the previous year.

industry. In 2018, 45 per cent of all trade

chasing and information needs of the

“InterTabac is today the world’s flag-

fair visitors came from abroad, and the

industry. Within the scope of a visitor

ship trade fair of the industry and con-

percentage of foreign visitors has never

survey conducted by an independent ex-

firmed that again in 2018,“ said Sabine

been higher. It again increased by four

hibition market research institute, 91 per

Loos, CEO of Westfalenhallen Dortmund

percentage points in 2018 compared to

cent of the trade visitors stated that their

GmbH, which hosts the event every

the previous year.

visit to InterTabac was worthwhile. The

September. In all, 12,500 trade visitors

Trade visitors to Dortmund came

percentage of visitors who rated InterTa-

from representing every continent were

from a diverse range of markets includ-

bac even better than the year before

guests in the exhibition halls. Besides

ing the USA, Canada, Brazil, Chile, and

increased, expressing satisfaction with

InterTabac, InterSupply—the trade fair

Colombia, as well as Africa, including

the presence of market leaders.


Q3 2018

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