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The Current NGP Environment Seems to be Deteriorating

Hon Lik, the Chinese pharmacist who invented the modern electronic cigarette.

The Current NGP Environment Seems to be Deteriorating


Next Generation Products face a crossroads. The industry must find a way to chart the right course.

Staff Reports

It’s clear that the tobacco industry— its scientists, regulators and public health bodies—are at a crossroads, says Richard Hill, Group Commercial Director, Vapour, for Imperial Brands.

“We have one route, one opportunity, to potentially make a positive impact on public health, globally, and that is through NGPs and in particular vaping products.”

“We are alarmed at the continuing talk of bans. We simply do not believe this is the answer. What we need is the right regulation in place and strong action taken against the irresponsible players in the industry, who are putting at risk the progress being made globally to provide smokers with alternatives to combustible cigarettes.”

But there is another alternative route—one that fails to capitalize on that opportunity—one that risks undermining the trend of smokers moving away from combustible cigarettes.

“We feel strongly that the better path is one of potential harm reduction, managed effectively by regulators alongside responsible producers and retailers. This is the path that Imperial Brands champions.

The current NGP environment seems to be deteriorating, says Hill, “and we are alarmed at the continuing talk of bans. We simply do not believe this is the answer. What we need is the right regulation in place and strong action taken against the irresponsible players in the industry, who are putting at risk the progress being made globally to provide smokers with alternatives to combustible cigarettes.”

Reports linking respiratory illnesses and several deaths to the use of vaping products are deeply concerning. “But they are a stark reminder for us all, to recognize that consumer safety is of paramount importance.”

Imperial Brands takes its responsibilities in this area extremely seriously and fully supports the FDA’s drive to ensure the safety of consumers who choose to use nicotine vaping products.

“We also welcome the FDA’s focus on preventing youth access. No one wants to see young people smoking, vaping or using any other NGPs. At Imperial we are very clear that these products are for adult smokers only.

“We also share the FDA’s concern that the abuse of marketing by some companies of vaping f lavors, could be attractive to young people,” says Hill. “We support any measure that prevents this abuse of flavors; because flavors, maturely marketed, continue to play a critical role in helping smokers’ transition. In a worst-case scenario, we could even see ex-smokers returning to combustible tobacco if flavors were totally banned—that’s a really sobering thought.

Richard Hill, Group Commercial Director, Vapour, Imperial Brands.

“Ever since we invented mass vaping technology through Hon Lik, the godfather of e-cigarettes, we’ve been a pioneer of vaping, and we’re here for the long run through good times and bad.”

For more on Imperial’s stance on vaping, see the following story. [TI]

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