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TI Editorial
from Tobacco International - October/November 2019 • Tobacco Products International - Quarter 3, 2019
On the EU, NGPs and Year Round Cover Crops
For better or worse, the European Union has been much in the spotlight recently, and tobacco has certainly been partly in the glare. Regular Correspondent Iqbal Lampat describes on page 20 how the current position of most EU tobacco markets has been one of austerity. But there is a large disparity in retail cigarette pricing from one market to another, and it is becoming a problem.
One of the EU’s biggest naysayers has got to be Britain’s Minister Boris Johnson. But on the bright side, he has been adamant in his opposition to increased tobacco taxes, saying he’s not interested in taxing poorer people on one of their relatively few pleasures, writes our London Correspondent Bob Crew, starting on page 16. One never knows how something like this is going to turn out, Bob speculates, but chances are that if and/or when he wins the next election, he will have a more lenient policy than before with regard to tobacco and cigarette companies.
There is no doubt that the prospects for “Next Generation Products” have taken a downward turn. Richard Hill, Group Commercial Director for Vapor for Imperial Brands, explains on page 26 why the situation is deteriorating and manufacturers of NGPs are facing a crossroads. “We have one route, one opportunity, to potentially make a positive impact on public health, globally,” he says. See “The Next Generation Products crossroads, and why we must find a way to cross it.”
And following Hill’s piece, you will be interested in the Imperial Brands proposes a 13-point belief system to advance next generation products and ensure consumer safety (page 28).
In our last issue, we told you how the Tobacco Board of India has been using traditional agronomic techniques to develop lower “tech” but more productive methods to grow tobacco. Well, there is still more of that story to tell, and starting on page 34, Sunitha Kolaventy, Executive Director of the Indian Tobacco Board, tells a little more of it. One promising technique they’ve found: Keeping green cover crops on tobacco land year round.
Here in the leaf-growing area of the United States, the news in early fall has been pretty dreary. The auction market for flue-cured tobacco (the first type to go on sale here) has been characterized by much lower prices than a year ago, and farmers are asking themselves if there will ever be any improvement. There have been a number of factors, but the loss of the China export market has to be number one. See Leaf News, page 36.
—Christopher Bickers, Editor-In-Chief
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