VOL. 1/ NO.26/2013 MX $ 55.00 US $ 5.5
DO YOU KNOW WHAT IS THE SICK BUILDING SYNDROME? Describes a range of health problems that can occur through exposure to the Indoor pollution in a home, office or other building (schools, museums, etc). This syndrome is usually related to poor indoor pollutants.
Johnson, Bertil (OMS Local authorities, health and environment). said that [Sick building syndrome (SBS) describes a medical condition in which people in a building suffer from symptoms of illness or feeling unwell for no apparent reason.]1
CAUSES OF SICK BUILDING SYNDROME? Inadequate ventilation or poor ventilation. (The use of heating, ventilation and air condition) Chemicals contaminants from indoor or outdoor sources (Office machines, carpets, furniture, mold, dust mites, pollen). Biological contaminants (Bacteria’s)
BAD Ventilation
NHS said that [The symptoms of SBS can appear on their own or in combination with each other and they may vary from day to day. Different individuals in the same building may have different symptoms. They usually improve or disappear altogether after leaving the building.]2
The symptoms are: -Sensory irritation of the eyes, nose and throat -Skin irritation -Hypersensitivity reactions -Headache -Fatigue -Nausea -Fever
PREVENTION OF SICK BUILDING SYNDROME? The people that experiments this syndrome must remove the source of contamination, improve the ventilation and use air purifiers.. Increase the ventilation of the close places this would help to increase the number of air exchange. Clean constantly, you can vacuum to collect and retain the particles. Plants that remove carbon dioxide from the air and release oxygen. Green Products
REFERENCES (1)http://bases.bireme.br/cgi-bin/wxislind.exe/iah/online/?IsisScript=iah/iah.xis&src=google&base=REPIDISCA&lang=p&nextAction=lnk&exprSearch=56606&indexSearch=ID (2) http://www.nhs.uk/conditions/Sick-building-syndrome/Pages/Introduction.aspx http://www.thedailygreen.com/living-green/definitions/ Sick-Building-Syndrome
Mafer Some people believe that the Earth is being harmed by human activity. Others feel that human activity makes the Earth a better place to live. What is your opinion? Use specific examples to support your answer. I believe that human activity has made a better place to live with the technology and the new inventions but also because of this the Earth is being harmed. Some examples of what i am trying to say are: The deforestation had helped humans to be comfortable with furniture; houses and paper to write but the forests are disappearing because of this and also the animals that live there are in risk. One solution for this problem would be that people that dedicates to cut down the trees should be obligated to plant the double amount of trees because not every tree grows as we expect, this would safe that part of the ecosystem. Another easy example is when we make barbecues or a bonfire with friends or family we enjoy this a lot but we are contaminating the air and if we do it often we Could have health problems because we contaminate our lungs and we are not well oxygen. If we keep making things for us without thinking in Earth the next generations are going to suffer because of the global warming and the destroy of the different ecosystems, the flora and fauna are already in danger, many animal species had disappear, the polo’s are meeting and because of this the sea level had increase in a faster way, some islands are in danger, we need to take extreme measures to keep Earth safe! Some Solutions are: Eliminate global green gases, change patrons, try to walking instated of use the car or transportation, use the energy just for necessary things, try to make the new houses ecological (use rainwater, recycling this water, use solar cells) and much other things. If all of us act together, we can safe our planet and we can have a better life for us and for the next generations, now is not about who is responsible for the damage already done, now it is time to make things better and we can do it! MarĂa Fernanda Trueba PatiĂąo
Osorio Some people believe that the Earth is being harmed (damage) by human’s activity. Other feels that human activity makes the earth a better place to live. What is your opinion? Use specific example to support your answer. In the past the Earth suffered a big climate change was called’’ Ice Age’’ in this age of the Earth’s surface was covered with ice and life almost disappears. But this time the humans were unable to intervene to make this event happen. In the last few years the Earth has again suffered a big climate change called ´´Global Warming´´ that is the warming of the Earth that caused the melting glaciers so the water level rise, this event originated with industrial revolution, where the factories began to pollute the environment. Today the cars, planes, ships, factories, and other elements that give off carbon dioxide, and consequences was the greenhouse effect has caused this has also been increased with the deforestation in forests, trees therefore not fulfill the function of absorb CO2 from the atmosphere to convert it to oxygen. This has also been increased by the increase of the population, reducing forests, excessive use of electricity has damaged this Earth that’s why we have big problems with the environment like: hurricanes, tsunamis, erosion, temperature increase etc.. The human being is realizing this and this started to change their way of life, their thinking and their behavior to the obvious problem you have and will not stop until all of us start thinking about the problems that can cause . So my opinion is that the human being is part of the planet and as part of the planet we have to live in it and respect it, care for it, and defend it. Humans are slowly changing to restore damage that has occurred for many years.
José Alberto Osorio