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Arts, Culture & Entertainment

Arts, Culture &
Brockville’s historic background remains reflected in the many well preserved homes erected by its early citizens. The first residents were United Empire Loyalists who arrived here in 1784. Free land grants enabled the settlers to gain a foothold in the wilderness. In contrast Downtown Brockville today is a vibrant neighbourhood, mixed with world class culture and full of entertainment offerings 12 months of the year. There is a festival for every vibe, an event for every taste, and attractions, yes, we have a few!
THE BROCKVILLE MUSEUM showcases the town through the years. Explore past industry, architecture, cars and sports. Interactive child spaces too!

The historic BROCKVILLE ARTS CENTRE is an amazing concert and play venue loved by locals and visitors alike. There isn’t a bad seat in the place and the acoustics are fantastic. Check out the art gallery in the lobby as it changes monthly.
For live otters visit...
THE AQUATARIUM is fun and informative — the kids won’t even realize how much they are learning. Plenty of interactive opportunities and the otters are amazing. Don’t miss feeding time!
FOR a happy place VISIT...
The BROCKVILLE RAILWAY TUNNEL is one of the most beautiful experiences anywhere. The lights play in constant changing sequences to the music. And you can see the light at the end of the half kilometre tunnel. Do not miss this beautiful attraction. Tip: Check how far underground you are with each street sign you pass.
To experience yesteryear visit...
FULFORD PLACE is absolutely stunning. On the tour learn about the people who lived here and the history of how George Taylor Fulford made his fortune. The grounds were designed by the Olmsted brothers of Central Park fame. Fully accessible.
Head east to see how history comes alive at the DORAN BAY MODEL SHIP MUSEUM. The model ships are unbelievably detailed. Owner and curator Bert Cunningham is one of the most knowledgeable ship collectors anywhere.
Visit the last remaining mill on the South Nation River and discover how the SPENCERVILLE MILL adapted from a flour and grist mill to a feed mill serving local farmers throughout south eastern Ontario.