Publicity Prime Product

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Publicity Prime Publicity Prime has been working with the media and supporting publicity needs since 1994. In addition to being part of the media, the company has created college courses on campaign development. We are the first to provide a comprehensive PR campaign for under $100.

WHAT WE DELIVER - One-on-one, hand-to-hand, heart-to-heart, attention to detail. - Digital Promotional Content Creation that supports your goal. - Enhanced PR Content Delivery in multiple media streams. - Featured on "Your World Discovered" - A complete delivered approach to public relations. - Easy payment processing through PayPal

THE PACKAGE RESULTING IN SATISFACTION Here's what you get for under $100. What we deliver is our passion. We love what we have been doing since 1994. (1) A comprehensive one-on-one consultation. We get to know you better to ensure we do the job you paid for. In the end, you get satisfaction on delivered service and products. (2) News article that serves as a press release and used to reach your local media. The article is created with a one-on-one consultation. We ask the questions to get the answers to make you succeed. (3) Promo Video that shouts value about you and your business. If a trailer works for movies than it will work for you. Videos illustrate true excitement, credibility, authenticity, and value. (4) Book published that is biographical that demonstrates credibility and value of you and your business. The book is your ticket to success by making your story available to the market you are reaching. It documents your credibility, trustworthiness, and what you truly offer. (5) Be guest on our radio show Morning Coffee. It is a LIVE one-on-one conversation that is so easy to do. It gives your audience a doorway to you and what you offer.

OUR HISTORY & CONTINUING EFFORTS - Established and publishing since 1994 - Putting people on TV, newspapers, and other media since 1996 - Producing radio shows (both broadcast & internet) since 1998 - Educating Public Relations techniques since 2004 - Producing Promotional Video Content since 2007 - Providing first comprehensive PR campaign for under $100

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