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Consider Why You Should Be Blogging For Money While Creating A Large List Of Prospects Who Want And Need YOU. Build Your Home Based Business With Your Blog By Promoting And Selling YOUR Products To A Starving Crowd Waiting For You.
Getting Started With Blog Marketing
Blog marketing is quite easy to get started in. If you all ready have been blogging, you will more than likely pick it up very easily and naturally just as if you have been doing it all along. Also, if you all ready blog, you might find out that you have been marketing the whole time anyways, and just not realizing it. For anyone that has never blogged before, you will of course want to start a test blog just to get the feel of how it is. You want to become familiar with the blogging platforms that you will be using and know how to make a post (I suggest WordPress.Org). While most blogs are free, you are also going to see that many of them are quite different. You will have to get to know the kind that you are using, and want to use. Otherwise, you might get lost along the way. So starting a blog and just blogging for a little while will help you with this. You can blog about anything that you want to. If you are an online or network marketer, maybe blog about your marketing tips. The sky is the limit.
Š 2011 BrandingSystemPRO
So once you have become familiar with blogging and what it takes to post and make changes, you are ready to go further. The next thing that you are going to want to do is choose a niche market. You will want to choose something that is low in competition, but yet is something that people are searching for. Think about your business and what you want to share or what you’d like to learn – blog about that. Now that you have your topics in place, it is time to begin blogging. When you are blogging for the purpose of marketing, you want to give your readers something that they have to keep coming back for. You want to peak their interest and make them want more from you. This will keep your readership base up and will allow you to have followers that will follow you anywhere to see what you are going to say next on their favorite topic. Now that you have a topic, you want to determine just how much time you are going to spend updating and posting in this blog. If you tell your readers that you are going to post on a daily basis, do so. If you let them know that you will be blogging weekly, you should also stick with that. Whatever you tell them, be sure that you do not let them down. Otherwise they will find another blog to read in the place of yours. Which is something that you will not want.
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Learning SEO and applying it to your blogs is something else that you may want to do. This will help you as far as search engine rankings are concerned and will allow you to go further up the page. After all, that is the point to all of this, right? If you do not have time to learn what SEO also known as search engine optimization is all about, you may want to hire someone to apply it to your blog for the best results. You will find that some SEO gurus are quite affordable.
Do-it-yourself SEO Techniques With search engine optimization, some techniques are employed so that a web site will be listed on top of the list of results when a user types in a keyword by going to Google, Yahoo, MSN, or other search engines. Emerging on top of a search list would lead more business your way that is why search engine optimization or SEO tactics are employed. Some companies employ the services of establishments or individuals who deal with search engine optimization. Š 2011 BrandingSystemPRO
This would involve the development of a more informative and user-friendly web site. It may also include pay-per-click or adwords services, such as the one offered by Google.
Another thing that can yield positive results at a lower cost, as compared to an adword campaign, is optimizing a web site for organic search. This would mainly require keyword density, which would result to more traffic going to your web site. In effect, you will have an added clientele and this should lead more business your way.
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If you would like to have a hands-on experience with search engine optimization and you would not like to get a third-party SEO service provider, there are some techniques, which are easy to learn so that you can do it yourself. Take a look at the following: 1. Take a lot of time with developing your blog’s content. For most blogs, content is the key. When writing the content of your blog post, insert vital keywords, which relate to the products and services that you offers.
Make it brief and concise, yet informative. You might see that Internet users do not actually read a web site's content word-for-word. They just skim through the text and concentrate on the articles that they need and the data, which they find interesting. A 600-word article may be too boring or too long for a user to read.
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Keep your facts up-to-date so that users will visit your blog more often. Do not forget to include a lot of helpful links, articles and guides that users can forward to another user and add to your customer base. 2. Make the overall design user friendly. In most cases, the rule is the simpler, the better applies. Do not design your web site in an overly-complicated way that users will find it too "frightening" to browse through. Adapt the design to your target market. If your target audience is of a younger age, make sure that the colors and designs are funky, youthful and attention-grabbing. For a more mature audience, you can use subdued colors and have a more elegant theme and overall web site design. 3. Vary the keyword for each individual web page. Think of every possible keywords or phrases that will apply to your products and services. Each user is different and may not necessarily use the keyword that you expect them to type in the search bar. Search engines offer tools, which will guide you through finding the correct keywords for search engine optimization.
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4. Make sure that your hyper links are visible, accessible and informative. Providing users with hyperlinks or HTML links, which are useful and easy to find is yet another way to optimize your web site. 5. Learn how to lead traffic to your site. Seek the advise of experts in this field if you do not know how to lead traffic to your site. Develop a plan and learn how to use the necessary tools to pull traffic your way. Gather all the statistical data that you can use to keep your blog on top of the search engines' list.
Vary your web site's contents and keywords to adapt to the current trend. If there is a particular word or phrase that you have not used when searching for keywords, use it instead to lead more traffic your way.
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Be flexible enough to change the blog's contents and fulfill the ever-changing needs of the online users. With the proper research, creativity and enough knowledge, you can definitely optimize your web site and yield very promising results for your business.
Blogging - How Much Money Can You Make?
When you are using blog marketing to make an income, really the amount of money that can be made is something that you determine. You are in charge of the amount of work that you put into it, and therefore in charge of the amount that can be earned. Of course, the more you do, the more you can possibly make. The old saying, if you build it, they will come, is one that is not true in the marketing world of the internet. Not only do you have to build it, you also have to market it and promote it. You have to get your blog out there so that people can find it and know that it exists. Š 2011 BrandingSystemPRO
Blog marketing is not something that will give you a limited income. The more you promote and market, the better your chances of making money or more money. Lets say you all ready have a blog set up. You are promoting some services and products through your blog, and you are making a nice little effortless income. Well you want more income; you want to make more money with your blog. What do you do? You promote it more. Maybe you can start with the paid blog directories and submit your blog to those. Investing some of the money that you make is a great idea, especially if you are looking to increase your income.
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However, there are also many free tools that you can use to promote your blog as well as techniques. There is the comment section that is on just about every living blog on the internet. The comment section is a very useful and powerful tool that you can use to get visitors back to your blog. For example, lets take a market like model airplanes. You have a blog on model airplanes, and you want more traffic. Well, the first thing that you would need to do is to find a blog that is about airplanes, or models. You can even use your direct market if you wish which are model airplanes. Once you have found an authority blog that gets traffic, and comments on a regular basis, you can leave comments as well. Leaving comments with a link back to your blog will give others that read the high authority blog a way to get to yours. If your blog is of interest to them, they may even bookmark it, and become a regular reader. Preferred Blog Platforms
- Wordpress.Org is the preferred platform of serious online marketers. Here you own your blog & content, which means you can post what you want with no worries of anyone shutting down your site. Annual cost $75.
- Wordpress.com not to be confused with Wordpress.Org is free. This platform has limited themes and features and does not allow ecommerce.
- Blogger is also free and owned by Google it also provides limited features. Google can shut down your site if you post something they do not like.
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Above is a screen shot of Dan Kennedy’s site, Dan is a multi-millionaire in the industry with hundreds of thousands of followers. Many of his followers will see my comment and visit my blog. This is a FREE and effective way to drive traffic to your blog. Š 2011 BrandingSystemPRO
When you use blog marketing to make money, the sky is the limit. The amount of money that you can make is determined by you. The more work and patience that you put into it, the more money you will get out of it. Whether you are promoting your favorite things, or someone else, do it with a passion for the best results.
Your Next Step… If you do not have a blog get started. If you have a blog and Need some pointers let me know and I’ll make some suggestions.
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