Capsule 2018 LAUNCH Edition

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General Baptist International Ministries

LAUNCH Edition Spring 2018

Capsule “Christ tasted death for every man.” Hebrews 2:9 General Baptist Summit

LAUNCH Offering 2018

GBIM will have several missionaries and national guests at Summit 2018. The Summit theme for 2018 is “For His Glory,” The GB Summit will convene in Springfield, MO on July 16-18, 2018. At the time of this writing international representatives will be with us:

General Baptist Bible College

Campus Expansion Campaign

Jamaica - Phillip and Maurine Pusey Philippines - Dr. Joyce Porcadilla Inda - Dr. Prakash and Jemima Pamu Mexico - Pedro and Elida Quezada Honduras - Christina Massey Niger - Yeomans family We hope you will visit our booth area. We will feature Sewing Centers in India and our new field in Niger this year. There will also be opportunities for you to learn more about student sponsorship. Informal conversation areas will be available for you to visit with our guests. GBIM will have workshops focused on: Faith Home - Christina Massey Niger, West Africa - Yeomans Jamaican Church growth - Pusey India Sewing Centers - Pamu Juarez Mexico Turnaround Church Quezada

ay D & rty S VB Pove of GBBC Philippines General Baptist Bible College exists to equip and develop leaders for Christian Service and you can be a part of this. Hundreds of alumni serve in the field of ministry, education, music, business, and some are even in government service. Due to government requirements and growth of the school, GBBC is in a major campus expansion program. Please support the 2018 LAUNCH Give offering. Offering goal is $25,000.00

GBBC Philippines - Porcadilla

LAUNCH Give is part of GBIM’s LAUNCH leadership development emphasis. We are passionate about launching General Baptist children and youth in missions giving and involvement. LAUNCH Give is designed for VBS and student ministries and LAUNCH Go is the internship and short term team “going” to various mission fields as God leads.

Leadership Pipeline - Dr. Jim Pratt

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General Baptist International Ministries

LAUNCH Edition Spring 2018

Welcome to LAUNCH Give! The GBIM LAUNCH program has certain specific goals. 1. Create missions awareness among General Baptist Children and Youth 2. Engage General Baptist children and youth in missions involvement – with a focus on community and international ministries. 3. Create short term opportunity for General Baptist youth and young adults to engage in mission teams and internships. 4. Allow the Spirit of God to move through moments of awareness and involvement, and to call from among us those who would GO both short and long term. LAUNCH Give is designed for VBS and Youth Groups and invites participants to learn more about our mission fields and become involved in missions through the stewardship of giving. The country of emphasis for this year is Philippines. The special o ering this year will be to facilitate the campus expansion program of the General Baptist Bible College.

Vacation Bible School

GBIM has received a mission o ering from VBS’s for several years now. The money received from VBS’s over the years has helped our mission fields in countless ways. This year, GBIM has four short video segments and age appropriate mission lessons for your VBS. We invite you to join us again this year to both educate and involve your VBS in missions outreach. You can find the videos and lessons at of Poverty (designed for Youth groups)


Our program designed for youth groups is called, “Day of Poverty,” and it o ers a chance for General Baptist young people to tackle the advancement of the Gospel of Christ through social change! The clear teaching of scripture is for Christ followers to faithfully proclaim the Gospel of Christ.

The example of Christ is that often the proclamation was accompanied by works of compassion. As General Baptists we are firmly committed to the proclamation of the Gospel, but the focus of our Day of Poverty is also to understand the social climate in which that proclamation is often made. The goals are simple: 1. Understand the mandate of the Gospel is to proclaim Jesus Christ. But also, realize the example of Christ in feeding those who are hungry, healing those who are sick, meeting needs as they are found. 2. Create poverty awareness beginning with your community and then focusing on GBIM’s response to poverty around the world. 3. Respond to poverty in several ways: a. Do something for your local food pantry, food bank, school backpack program, etc. b. Involve your group/school/community in child or student sponsorship. Our programs currently focus on Honduras, Philippines, India and Saipan. 4. Present the LAUNCH fundraising challenge. The challenge for this year is to help facilitate the campus expansion program of GBBC. Online resources can be found at and GBIM has partnered with the National Youth Conference GBNYC and ask all GBNYC participating youth groups to bring your LAUNCH o ering to GBNYC for a time of harvest. One gift worth $1000 o a Mission One trip will be awarded to the group with the largest special o ering. The $1000 gift can be awarded to (or divided among) anyone planning to participate in a Mission One (M1) team during the latter part of 2018 or anytime in 2019. With GBNYC as the special o ering target date, we suggest your group host its Day of Poverty in April or May. If your group hosts a VBS or Day of Poverty but does not participate in GBNYC, we ask you to send your special gift to: GBIM, LAUNCH O ering, 100 Stinson Drive, Poplar Blu , MO 63901.

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General Baptist International Ministries

LAUNCH Edition Spring 2018

HOME AWAY FROM HOME By Joyce C. Porcadilla Since the establishment of the General Baptist Bible College (GBBC) in 1965, GBBC has never ceased to train youth to become pastors, teachers, and workers to serve in the various ministries of the General Baptist church in the Philippines. GBBC, over the years, has evolved from a small Bible school of 18 students to a multi-level educational institution which has continued to exist and expand its territory by training, equipping, and developing leaders to be deeply rooted in the word of God and fully committed in making disciples, not just within the Philippines but around the world. GBBC is moving forward to face the challenges and opportunities of globalization and integration among neighboring countries, thus intensifying its e orts to produce graduates who are e ective and e cient leaders and who are of Christ-like character. The Philippines, where GBBC is located, has borderless opportunities reaching countries in the Southeast Asia region and even in Asia Pacific where the most unreached people groups are located. This gives GBBC an open window of opportunity to be able to share the Gospel and bring light and hope to this lost world. Filipinos have proven to be very e ective crosscultural missionaries. Filipinos can go anywhere and fit in and blend in and be productive in the culture, productive in the society, and with those they have a unique gifting to be able to carry the message of God's love. However, in the Philippines, not everybody has the opportunity for education or access to it. While education in the Philippines is prioritized because parents believe that education is indispensable, a national legacy which should be passed from one generation to the next, there are barriers to quality education for young people in the Philippines. The biggest barrier to many young people in the Philippines is poverty. Many students are unable to finish education because they do not have enough resources that will enable them to go to school and receive a decent education. Moreover, due to poverty, many students are forced to drop out and forced to work by their parents.

GBBC has been home to many young people. Students, when they come to GBBC for their theological and ministerial education, spend four years on campus. While they have weekend ministries and are assigned specific ministries during school breaks, within the four years of their training, GBBC is their home. Home has always been a gathering place, shelter, and sanctuary, providing escape from the daily routines. For many, GBBC as their home has been a loving, supportive environment in which to grow up and discover oneself. For most, GBBC has been their literal home with better living conditions and access to clean water—their shelter, their residence, their home away from home. When GBBC acquired the current property where the school campus is situated in the late 1960’s, a dormitory for boys and a dormitory for girls were built. The dormitories have been their shelter, their residence. Over the years, because of its wear and tear, repairs and maintenance have been inevitable. To be quite honest, the student population has already outgrown the existing dormitories, and the dormitories have already outlived the country’s building codes. This means that the need to build a new dormitory is mandatory due to the safety regulations imposed by the government. The 2018 VBS and LAUNCH Give o ering will go to help provide shelter for the students at GBBC by building new dormitories for both girls and boys. The first phase of the project which will provide the basics of a home like a kitchen, dining area, and sleeping quarters will require $120,000. We need you to partner with us to meet this need. Through valued partners like you, we can multiply your donation to keep students in school, provide a shelter for them while on campus, make available theological and ministerial education and training, and above all, strengthen and expand evangelism and discipleship e orts so that the Gospel will be heard not just by the unreached in the Philippines but eventually and intentionally penetrate nations with creative and limited access and even those that are closed to the Gospel. This is to win souls to Christ. While each one deserves the opportunity to pursue their dreams through education, every person also deserves the opportunity to hear the Gospel, because Christ tasted death for everyone. Therefore, in order for this vision to become a reality, we need to continue to train and equip our students so we can send them, and while we train them, we need to provide them a place to live —a place that they can call their home away from home

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Yes, I want to further the spread of the Gospel in Philippines and Southeast Asia by helping the 2018 LAUNCH Give offering reach its goal of 25,000! Name________________________________ Amount Enclosed_______________________


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Please place gift in the enclosed envelope or send to GBIM, LAUNCH Give Offering, 100 Stinson Drive, Poplar Bluff, MO 63901.




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