Capsule - February 2012

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Capsule “You can give without loving. But you cannot love without giving.” - Amy Carmichael Looking for a way to help? Bibles! Looking for a way to get your kids ministries involved in missions? All of our fields have continuos need of Bibles and Christian literature. Small donations go a long way.

From the field- Honduras

I knew that January 7, was going to be a great day, but I did not realize how great a day it would turn out to be. Now, I need to back up and tell you a little bit. The older boys at Faith Home where allowed to go to a little hometown soccer tournament that was in a town about 2 hours away. It is actually the hometown of two of our house parents.

February 2012 GBIM is very happy to announce Six new missionaries: Keith and Carrie Bowers will be going to the Philippines; A.J. Ford and Christina Massey will be going to Faith Home in Honduras; and Jason and Annie Warren will be going to Saipan.

Please pray for them as they begin the process of raising the needed funds and prayer support to go serve overseas.

To invite a missionary to come share their story with your church please contact the office.

Love is Patient and see where they came from. Even though all of this was great and wonderful to experience, the best part of my day was getting to watch our kids interact with a community that most of them had never been to before.

About a week before they where going to go they asked me if I could go with them. Of course, this made me really excited. So, on that day, early in the morning, we took off for one of the most beautiful places I have ever been. It was a beautiful river; the water runs clear and is spring fed.

They were what one might call “golden children”. They were so generous even in small little manners, such as sharing their soccer cleats with the other team. You see, most of the time it seems we constantly have to tell them in some way to stop acting up or be more respectful. On that day I saw that these words, which we preached to them day in and day out, do not lie on deaf ears.

I ended up playing soccer with the boys, and going swimming with them as well. I got to meet some of the family of our house parents,

They are getting it! They are listening. Yet, the overall great thing about this is the Word that is getting taught to them and preached to

February 2012

Missionary Support Teams

Faith Home Child Sponsorships We are always looking to increase the underwriting of children in Honduras. Each sponsorship is $120 dollars per year and goes directly to daily expenses of Faith Home Kids! Contact the Missions Office to find out how to start today!

them is not falling on deaf ears. Even though I might not be able to see it in a physical way, God’s word is seeping in. Some of these kids might not make a profession of faith while they are here at Faith Home, but one thing that I do know is there is a seed that has been planted, and wherever they go they will always take that seed with them.

Andy & Amy Smith-­‐ Honduras

General Baptist Missions 100 Stinson Drive Poplar Bluff, MO 63901 573-785-7746 (office) 573-785-0564 (fax)































! If we speak in the most hip terms, or the language of Old King James, and we do not have love, then we demonstrate love as well as a politician who seeks to advance himself, while missing the opportunity to serve the country. If we can exegete the scriptures, and provide mechanical layouts in Greek or Hebrew, we can stand behind a pulpit or lectern and impress the masses with our theological prowess, illustrations, and communication skills. But if we do not have love, it means nothing. If we could speak words and a family life center be instantly added onto our church, and a multi-site campus established, and yet we do not have love, it is nothing. If we have a special day to give offerings to missions, support unified giving, volunteer at the homeless shelter, give to the local food bank, ring the bell for the Salvation Army, or if we have an outreach to the addicted and do not have love, it is nothing. We can sell our homes and cars, empty the contents of our walk-in closets, sell our hunting gear or golf clubs and dedicate our time to fasting and prayer, but if we do not have love, we gain nothing….and we will start rebuilding or buying our materialistic things back the day after. Love that honors God and is worthy of representing Him, is patient with those who do not agree with our methodology- those who like the more traditional or current way. Love is kind to those who use us for their gain- even in the church (perhaps “especially” in the church). Love does not envy the congregation that appears to be excelling in outreach, love does not brag about ministry effectiveness in a way that makes others feel inferior, or in a way that gives our ministry a feeling of self-­‐importance. Love doesn’t keep a little black book of people who have failed in ministry. Love never rejoices when another Christian falls-­‐ even if they deserved it. But rather, it seeks to support and encourage. Love is an ardent defender, and never the prosecutor. Love gives the beneBit of the doubt, and always assumes good motivation.

“Love never fails!” -1 Corinthians 13:8

Love will never fail. When there are great programs, they will become outdated. When there are trendy conferences, they will subside. When there are larger then life personalities behind the pulpit, they will fade. For all that we do in the church, in our denomination, on the mission Bield, it will pass away. When we were immature Christians, we thought like immature Christians. When we abided deeply and cherished Christ supremely, we found ourselves growing rich in the things that matter. When we look to the future, we do not know exactly how it will all play out, but one day, we will know exactly what God was doing the whole time.

Our church signs and promotions may say many things: “We are ‘Faithful’ or we have ‘Hope’”, but the greatest thing that a lost and dying world could ever say about us, about you, is that we are a people who love. I am convinced, if we the people of God, and of the church, fully embraced what Christ has done for us, we would radically transform a lost, and dying world because we cherish Christ. This is the least we can do for the love we have experienced from God. As a mission’s department, we are dependent on you having a passion for Christ. That passion is the fuel for the ministry, from where we get missionaries, volunteers, givers, and supporters. So, do whatever it takes, to keep that flame alive! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Sean Warren English Language Institute China has been partnering with organizations for 30 years; they help send Christian English teachers into China (and now Laos, Cambodia, and Mongolia). This month I have had the pleasure to attend their Annual Training Conference in Asia, so that we, as General Baptists, can see the integrity of the organization we are working with. This Conference not only gives teachers a time of fellowship, but also provides: mentoring for new field workers, and mental health coaching. What these teachers in the fields are doing is listed among the most stressful jobs in the world and support on the field is vital. Teachers have workshops available to help them learn how to be more effective at building relationships with students, etc. Be sure to catch the upcoming Messenger for a full list of ways ELIC is reaching Asia, and how General Baptists are actively involved.


Our computer lab currently has nine computers, and two printers. The computers are used by our youngest students as they play interactive


learning games and view educational videos. Our first through sixth


graders have keyboarding classes, in addition are learning to use the Internet for research. In the afternoons, the computer lab is used by the “colegio” (Jr. High and high school students) as they take turns using the computers to complete their Internet homework. Nothing pleases a teacher more, than seeing children who love to read. Our library continues to grow as more and more books in Spanish are purchased. The children love to sit in the new, brightly colored chairs as they read books for pleasure, and for learning. Children, teenagers, teachers, and house parents are all able to use the library. Thank you for your donations to help us develop children who love to learn!! !





Robyn Shoulders- Honduras

Becky Coomer, Currently on dual assignment -­‐ Asia/ Poplar Bluff,MO 2

February 2012






Love Perseveres If you had asked me a few months ago if I’d ever contemplate physically running in a race, I would have laughed in your face. Yet, here I find myself eight weeks away from running a half marathon. Becky Coomer had emailed a few of our friends stating that she’d signed up to run a half marathon, and she thought we should join her in pursuit of raising funds for the General Baptist, Dorcas Sewing Ministries. We currently have ten to twenty Sewing Centers, which are vocational training centers that teach both, the practical skills of sewing, as well as sharing the love of Christ to over 200 impoverished women throughout India. This ministry is an amazing way to give the women self worth, to help them find their identity in Christ, and earn a living without having to sell themselves. They are in need of a vehicle to transport materials between the different villages. Without receiving the materials they need, the ministries will come to a standstill. My first thought to the email was, “why on earth would I choose to torture myself with running…there’s better ways to raise money, Becky.” The offer was there, and she grabbed my attention with the reality that I wouldn’t have to feel so bad about overindulging myself in holiday food if we were running everyday in preparation. So, I emailed her back with a yes. There are several of us crazy ladies who signed up for this mission, and are running a halfmarathon March 10th, 2012. We are each fundraising separately, with joint goal of $25,000 total. Some people are asking for sponsors “jog-a-thon” style, to get sponsors to pay per mile that we actually run; and some are seeking to get a certain amount of donations prior to the race. While the amount seems huge at first glance, really God just needs to provide 50 sponsors for each of us who are willing to give at least $100. It about KILLED me to jog two miles when I started; I even had to walk a little in the middle of it. I thought, “13.1 miles… all at once on the same day… Becky what on earth did you get me into?!?” I went online for

February 2012












workout programs specifically for marathon running to see what it was going to take for me to prepare my body physically for this thing. There’s so much spiritual application to learn when you put your body through a physical discipline like this. First of all; in Christ, ALL things ARE indeed possible! I’m already witnessing miracles! For me, the best part of the training is that it is a form of intercession. I’ve dedicated that each step I take is a prayer of thanksgiving that God already has the right supporters prepared to bring in the funds for the vehicle, and a prayer of thanksgiving for the many more women, and families that will be impacted through this ministry. I made a playlist on my iPod just for my jogs. There’s one song called “The Next Great Awakening,” by Jake Hamilton that I listen to every time; and it’s my prayer not only over the women in India; but over our nation, our communities, and our families.

“I see you in the valley, transferring death for life; I see an army coming: They all bear your light. I am not bound to reason, I live in violent love. This world cannot define me, my heart's set above. For me to live is Christ, For me to die is gain; I am not shrinking back: I'll never be the same. Four walls cannot contain me, I know I’ve been possessed; I know that God is love and there's no failing love, so I am fearless! I know love is overtaking me now! Revival's not an epic or a mission; Revival's not program or a plan; Revival is not a slogan, Revival is a man- His name is Jesus! God, release the sound, release the movement; I'm laying down everything; God, you promised nations; I want the nations, I'm not gonna settle, now I, I hear the cry, I hear the longing. This is the sound of freedom! I







stand in the gap: I stand here praying for the next great Awakening!” I get pumped up EVERY time I hear that song, and it usually plays right about the time when I would really like to call it quits for the day. I have to admit, I’ve already failed to run several days of the training program. Circumstances have gotten the best of me. I’ve had my doubts that I can truly accomplish this. I’ve occasionally forgotten the REASON why I’m doing it. I’ve complained about the aches and pains and about the time I’m giving up trying to prepare for this. But, with each time I failed, I’ve forced myself to dive back into the training, for the glory of God and for the intercession of those women. I got knocked over by a pit bull one day running through my neighborhood. There were several people around. No one did anything; they just stared at me, on my face, in the middle of the street. It was kind of a comical moment after I realized the dog wasn’t going to bite me, but it made me realize how often moments of humiliation can actually freshen our perspective on reality. Things are going to knock us down. Circumstances and obstacles are going to come. There will be people watching, whether we gracefully run by on the path we’re supposed to be on, or if we find ourselves flat on our face, again, because we didn’t see an attack of the enemy approaching us. What matters is how we respond to where we find ourselves each moment. “Brothers and sisters, I do not consider myself yet to have taken hold of it. But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, 14 I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.” Philippians 3:13-14 Pray that the Lord will lead us to the right providers, and that He would keep our bodies healthy! We’re expecting great things!

To sponsor these five ladies as they run for India send pledges to GBIM with memo India vehicle.






We have hosted International Missions Director, Sean Warren, and a small team of business professionals; and have been blessed as they participate in our youth conference. We had expected 96 youth, and have instead seen 132 youth in attendance! Praise God for His faithfulness!- Saul Mejia












We are happy to announce we had 340 registered delegates at our National Youth conference! -­‐ GBCPI










Opportunities The


We prayed for children for years, and after the heartache of two miscarriages God blessed us with Joshua Isaac two years ago, on January 14. Then, on June 21 of 2011 we were blessed with Judah. By God's grace we recently found out that sometime around August this year we expect the arrival of our third little one. That makes three under three! Thank you for your prayers, we do and will continue to need them. This is an exciting time in the life of our mission, and our family!- Josh



Honduras Jamaica March 31- Apr 7

Summer openings available

April 7-14 April 21- 28 May 12-19 Many other dates in fall


Saipan Summer and fall seasons are open.


Summer and fall seasons are open.


Aug 1-10 Basketball Sept 10-23 Medical

October: Leadership Development Team For more information, please e-mail Johnny Jourdan at

General Baptist Missions

Capsule GBFMS, INC. 100 Stinson Drive Poplar Bluff, MO 63901


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