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STARTING, EQUIPPING, INSPIRING A Letter from the General BaptistExecutive Director by Clint Cook, Executive Director
am very excited to share this issue of The Messenger with you! This issue provides details about the 2019 Mission & Ministry Summit in Collinsville, Illinois on July 15-17, with the theme: Defining Moments. Our theme, Defining Moments, is much more than just a title or catch phrase for General Baptists. It is also more than just a short period of time. General Baptists, have nearly 200 years of Defining Moments to celebrate, such as important historical dates when significant events happened among our collective network of churches. Events such as the launching of the very first General Baptist church in Evansville, Indiana. The Howell Church was established in 1823 by a church planter named Benoni Stinson. I wonder if that first church planter realized what that one church would become over the next 200 years? I wonder if Benoni ever dreamed that General Baptists would be used by God to do the following: • 1870 First General Association of General Baptists held in Junction, Illinois • 1885 Oakland City (College) University established in Oakland City, Indiana • 1911 First General Baptist International Mission Field established on the island of Guam • 1947 General Baptist International Mission Field established on the island of Saipan • 1958 General Baptist International Mission Field established in the Philippines • 1965 General Baptist Bible College established in the Philippines •1966 General Baptist International Mission field established in Jamaica These are just some of General Baptist’s Defining Moments. But they are not just “our” defining moments. They are specific moments when God inserted himself into the very lives of hundreds of people living in numerous countries, speaking multiple languages, but all called General Baptist, and established a work beyond anything Benoni, or you, or I could have ever imagined!
Now 150 years after that first General Association in Junction, Illinois, we will return to the State of Illinois this July, in Collinsville, to remember and celebrate all that God has done among us. The 2019 Summit will not only be a time of looking back, but also a time to look forward with great expectation to the Defining Moments that are yet to come. What if God would collectively visit the local General Baptist church with a fresh wind blowing among us of purpose and renewed passion for reaching our world? What if all General Baptist churches would be healthy and growing? What if scores of young people would hear a divine call and step out by faith to be a part of a local ministry? What if God would raise up hundreds of young leaders over the next several years and provide General Baptist churches with an endless supply of church planters, international missionaries, pastors, ministry staff members, and students eager to impact our world for Christ in their chosen career with a Christian education obtained from GBBC and OCU? How exciting it will be to celebrate together at the 2019 Summit as one body the Defining Moments God has given General Baptists! We must never forget, however, that Defining Moments need to happen each and every week at our local General Baptist churches. It is in the local General Baptist church that a lost person can find their way into the family of God and experience a true salvation by grace, That is when General Baptists are at their best! I pray that you will join me in praying that each of our churches will approach each weekend with an expectation that some lost soul will find life through Jesus Christ and a family’s direction will be changed forever! I look forward to seeing what Defining Moments lay ahead for General Baptists! I am claiming Ephesians 3:20. Are you? See you in Collinsville! Now to Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us, to Him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus to all generations, forever and ever. Amen. General Baptist Messenger Summer 2019 | 3
Messenger General Baptist
Summer 2019
Table of Contents 3 Striating, Equipping, Inspiring 7 Defining Moments 10 Cecil Robertson Turns 100 13 Summit Schedule of Events 14 Summit Keynote Speakers 16 Summit Kids 18 Summit Youth 21 Summit FAQs 22 Summit Workshop Schedule 28 GBBC Praise Team to Visit the U.S. 29 Meet the General Baptist Foundation 30 GBIM at the Summit 31 Mission One Defining Moment 32 Water and the Gospel
Inspiring & empowering women to find their
Moving Forward Facing the Challenge
4 | General Baptist Messenger Summer 2019
34 Defining Moments: General Baptists Beginnings in International Missions 36 Inside Out Women’s Conference 37 Defining Moments: Inspiring and Empowering Women to Find Their God-Potential 38 Moving Forward Facing the Challenge 39 2019 Women’s Ministries Sponsored Asenath Brewster Christmas Offering 40 Turnaround Ministry: Vacation Bible School 43 Remembering Glen O. Spence 44 Trending Now
Defining Moments
Summit Keynote Speakers
7 14
Messenger General Baptist
28 32
The General Baptist Messenger is published by General Baptist Ministries (General Baptist Council of Associations, inc),
GBBC Praise Team to Visit the U.S.
100 Stinson dr, Poplar Bluff, MO 63901 under the direction of an editorial team composed of the denominational leadership team, and Executive Director, Clint Cook
editorial team: Franklin Dumond Mark Powell Linda McDonough Vicki Smith
layout & design:
Water and the Gospel
Stinson Press - Kenrick Nobles General Baptist Ministries
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100 Stinson dr. Poplar Bluff, MO 63901 573.785.7746 Send mailing list updates attention: info@gbmessenger.org
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The Messenger is viewable online @ www.gbmessenger.org
2019 Summit Workshop Schedule
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@ GeneralBaptist General Baptist Messenger Summer 2019 | 5
Unified GIVING ... . doing together what we cannot do alone
U N I T E D S TAT E S • H O N D U R A S • J A M A I C A • I N D I A • P H I L I P P I N E S • S A I PA N • G U A M • M E X I C O • N I G E R
Since 1823, General Baptists have been growing our ministry here in the United States, continually trying to reach new people with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Since 1911, we have been sending missionaries overseas, to go where many of us will never go, to reach people groups many of us will never meet. This global ministry is only made possible through generous financial support from General Baptist churches and individuals. The Unified Giving Fund was created to organize this support and give where it was most needed. We can plant new churches because of Unified Giving. We can send missionaries to new countries because of Unified Giving. We can aid in relief efforts because of Unified Giving. And people are being won to Christ because of YOUR gifts to Unified Giving.
General Baptist Ministries 100 Stinson Dr. | Poplar Bluff, MO 63901 573.785.7746 | www.GeneralBaptist.com
Moments By Rev. Steve Dame, 2019 Moderator General Association of General Baptists
I’ll never forget March 1, 2019. One of my best friends and a member of my church, Greg Crowley, was speaking at a Great Banquet weekend at the Hopkins County Jail. The day before he called to ask me to pray for him and his team as they ministered and shared Jesus with the inmates. This was nothing unusual as we often talked several times a day and frequently prayed with and for one another. During that phone conversation I prayed for him and then he in turn prayed for me. It was the last time I ever spoke with Greg. As Greg was giving his talk, He was sharing his own personal testimony of how Jesus had changed the priorities in his life. His final words were, “. . . And the Holy Spirit came upon Me.“ He slumped over the podium. For a moment everyone thought it was a visual demonstration. Then he fell to the floor. In a split second he was gone. One second Greg was sharing the goodness of God’s Grace and the next second he opened his eyes in God’s presence. This has become a very recent Defining Moment in my life as well as the lives of so many others in my community. A Defining Moment is an event, an experience or a decision that has or will impact your life from this point forward. Sometimes these Defining Moments are painful and tragic, like the death of a friend or loved one. Other
times these Defining Moments are decisions we make like taking a new job, or a new or renewed commitment to Christ. Sometimes Defining Moments are events that happen that are good and positive like a new relationship or the birth of a child. We all experience Defining Moments. In II Kings 2 the prophet Elisha walks along on his last earthly journey with his mentor Elijah. Several times while they traveled together, Elisha was reminded by other prophets that today his friend will be taken by God. Also, Elijah several times told Elisha to stay behind, but Elisha did not leave his mentor and friend. Finally, after a miraculous crossing of the Jordan River, Elijah turns to Elisha and says, “Tell me, what can I do for you before I am taken from you?” “Let me inherit a double portion of your spirit,” Elisha replied. Elisha could have asked for many things: the ability to preach and prophesy well, lots of followers, wealth, or a good reputation. Instead of asking for those, he wisely asks for a double portion of the Spirit of God that dwelt within Elijah. Talk about a Defining Moment! That moment shaped the rest of Elisha’s life and ministry. Defining Moments. This year General Baptists will celebrate their 150th annual gathering. At one time this
General Baptist Messenger Summer 2019 | 7
gathering was known as the General Association (G.A.), today it is called the Mission and Ministry Summit. Many Defining Moments show up in our denomination’s history. • In 1823 Benoni Stinson organized Liberty Church, the first modern General Baptist church, in the Howell area of Evansville, IN, • In 1869 the first organization of the General Association also took place at the Liberty Church. • Defining Moments occurred when General Baptists organized its first mission board in in 1871 and established our first foreign mission field on Guam in 1911. It’s not just dates in the distant past that were Defining Moments for General Baptists. • In 1997 when the denomination restructured was a Defining moment. • In 2007 when the first Mission and Ministry Summit was held was a Defining Moment • In 2018 when General Baptists had their first church to make the Outreach Magazines 100 fastest growing churches in America was a Defining Moment. Is it possible for a worldwide meeting of General Baptists to be a place where one can have a Defining Moment? I believe it is. In fact, those have already happened. A few years ago there was at least one person who answered a call to Ministry at the Summit. Most years we have commissioning services for National and International Missionaries at the Summit. Those are Defining Moments. Over the past few years many have left the Summit and returned to their churches to implement change that leads toward accomplishing the Great Commission. Those are all certainly Defining Moments. This year’s Summit will be one you do not want to miss. From our main worship sessions to our breakouts, we have arranged this meeting of General Baptists with something for every size church and every person. Dave Stone, the former Senior Pastor of Southeast Christian in Louisville, will be one of our main session speakers. Because Southeast is one of the largest churches in America, Dave’s experience will help our larger churches move on to next level leadership.
Thom Rainer, who currently is transitioning out of serving as the president of Lifeway, will also be a keynote speaker. Thom has written numerous books and his focus is currently on the church revitalization movement. We really believe Thom will present us with us some strategies to help churches of any size that have plateaued or are in decline. Specifically we see him helping our small to midsize congregations chart a forward path away from decline and irrelevance. Carl Nichols is another one of our keynoters and he is one of our own. Carl is great at many things but specifically great at crafting and casting vision as well Leadership Development. He is the pastor of Relevant Church in Locust Grove, Georgia. Relevant was recently listed at number thirteen in Outreach Magazines Top 100 fastest growing churches in America. Terrell Somerville is the pastor of Freedom Church in Gallatin, TN and will also be one of the keynote speakers. Terrell started Freedom church, which continues to grow, and the church just recently celebrated its seventeenth birthday. He comes from a General Baptist background and can relate to many of the struggles of the small to midsize church. One of the things I am really excited about this year is the addition of Tuesday Morning Super Sessions. Instead of the main worship session, there will be four large sessions, featuring four different leaders with four different topics. Thom Rainer will speak on Church Revitalization. Dave Stone will do a session on Upper Level Leadership. Joey Graves will teach on Developing Leaders Around You and Danny Dunivan will lead in How to Study The Bible For All Its Worth. These presenters will teach and present in such a way that participants will be able to chart an implementation plan as the last part of the session. While we cannot give you a double portion of the Spirit that was in Elijah, we are praying that the Mission & Ministry Summit will be a priority in your summer schedule and that attending will be a Defining Moment for you and your church. Will you join us in Collinsville, IL, July 15, 16, and 17 for the 2019 Summit and help us celebrate 150 years of Defining Moments?
Is it possible for a worldwide meeting of General Baptists to be a place where one can have a Defining Moment?
8 | General Baptist Messenger Summer 2019
Theo log ic al Connections
A home-grown religious movement had its beginnings in the 1820s in Evansville, Indiana. General Baptists came into existence because of the revival preaching of Elder Benoni Stinson. He boldly and frequently proclaimed the good news of the gospel that “Jesus Christ, by the grace of God, tasted death for everyman” with the result that “whosoever will may be saved”. This preaching from texts found in the New Testament books of Hebrews and Romans resulted in the planting of new churches, a networking with other like-minded groups, and the birthing of a national organization in 1870. But why General Baptist? The name is actually a summary of the core theology of the movement reflecting belief in a general atonement that anyone who is willing to trust Jesus as Savior may be saved. This theological name stood in contrast to those groups of the 19th century who advocated a particular or limited atonement for in their theology only a few, not the many, could be saved. Though the term “atonement” is not in the General Baptist Statements of Faith, few terms are more important to our historical identity. The “general” in General Baptist is derived from our position on atonement. Atonement can mean the compensation, the restitution paid, or expiation given by God through Jesus Christ for our sin. Atonement can describe the actions of Jesus to secure our salvation, and thus the redemptive work of Jesus can be described as the atonement. Many Protestants continue to disagree over whether atonement is general (i.e., for all) or particular (i.e., only for those who are “elect”). General Baptists argue that the atonement is for all, but the benefits of the atonement “can be received only through repentance toward God and faith toward our Lord Jesus Christ” (Statement of Faith IV). Because we believe in a general atonement we are naturally evangelistic and intentionally missionary. How else will our world hear the Good News? For more information visit: www.GeneralBaptist.com.
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Cecil Roberston Turns 100 Oldest General Baptist Minister Recognized On April 4, 2019 Rev. Cecil Roberson turned 100 years old. He was ordained as a General Baptist minister by Missouri Assciation in 1947. A reception in his honor was held at the Pleasant Ridge General Baptist Church on Sunday, April 7. Originally from Ava, Missouri after announcing a call to ministry Cecil, wife Lois and daughter Shalah made their way to Oakland City, Indiana where Cecil pursued a degree from Oakland City College. After college the Robertsons moved to Welling, Oklahoma where Cecil taught school and pastored the Welling General Baptist Church. Lois soon finished her degree and began a career in education that continued to retirement. Cecil served General Baptist churches in Oklahoma at Welling, Tahlequah and Muskogee before moving to Springfield, Missouri. After a long pastorate in Springfield he moved to Branson and later retired to Heber Springs, Arkansas. In retirement he continued to serve as an interim pastor, supply pastor and as an associate pastor at their new home church of Pleasant Ridge. Very active denominaitonally Rev. Robertson served as Moderator for the General Association in 1975, served on a variety of boards and helped organize several regional and national ministries. In the 1950s he helped organize a church camp 10 | General Baptist Messenger Summer 2019
in Oklahoma that came to be known as Camp Robertson. In the 1980s he helped organize the church planting ministry Home Missions of the Ozarks. He was also one of the original incorporators of The General Baptist Foundation and helped author the first edition of General Baptist Social Principles. At age 95, as part of a Living History interview, he offered this advice: “Since I recommend the ministry of Christian living to any person, I am certain I would do it over. This has changed my life and family from a good life to the best. I love people because God does, so life can’t be beat in ministry. I love preaching, seeing souls saved and all that goes with ministry. I have never wanted or thought about leaving God’s call. If I were given a choice, I would try harder to walk closer to God’s call and make preparation to meet whatever task that involves Christ’s Ministry. I would love to make all my failures end in success. I was young, began in 1946, now in 2014, old age 95. Rev. 2:10 tells us to, ‘Be faithful until death.’ There is a crown waiting. Prepare to meet life’s challenges and opportunities today and tomorrow. The Holy Spirit is always with you! Study the Bible and people’s need. Do not be discouraged or get involved in worldly things and pressures.”
April 2, 201
Rev. Cecil J. Robertson 3238 Heber Springs Roa d North Tumbling Sh oals, AR 725 81 Dear Broth er Cecil, Congratula tions on you many of the r 100 th birth m can look day! Only back with a few are b service as a the sense of lessed to re General B accomplis ach this mile aptist Minis hment you stone and Although I w ter. must enjoy not as n ot part of y from your camp and our earliest 70+ years you were se m in is rv tr y, in our paths b g in Musko opportunit gee, Oklah egan to cros y to serve in oma. From s when I w ministry ou lead in a rev that time as a teenage tside of my ival at Spri forward yo r ho m ng e field, Misso u provided town when Baptists yo me uri. In 197 as u invited m a c ol le ge student 5 as Moder e to the pla prayer. Att you invite ator of our tform whe ending tha d me to General A re I read the t General A ssociation o connection scripture p ssociation o f General s through ou or ti on pe fo ne r th d r a e G w en da pursue full hole new w y and offere eral Baptist time servic orld of nat Denominat d a e as a pasto ional and in ion that sen and eventu r, provided ternationa t m ally resulte e of f t l an o se a d ve m in in nu my joining ary, challeng e of service Looking ba the Denom as Clerk of ed me to ck over my inational L t he G nearly 50 ye influence. en eral Associa eadership You model ars of minis Team in 200 tion ed service a try I recogni 5. by providing s a full tim ze that you opportuni e rather than were a sign ti es I w ould never a bi-vocatio ificant and While thous have had ot positive nal pastor ands of peo and you in herwise. T ministries ple were im vested in m H you helped A N pa K ct YO ed in your U e ! initiate con years of act Early in you tinue to do ive ministr r ministry yo their good y, a t le Oklahoma. w u as or he t k. two region lped Chero Camp Rob al kee Home ertson, as retreat sett Association it came to b ings to this e st ab e lis kn h own, conti a day. Over yo ut in that cam h ca nues to prov mp at Wel the years th p are prob ling, ide resident e facilities ably great g ial camping have been Later in you randchildre ex and pa r ministry yo nd n of ed t a ho nd se m y Home Missi an ou u called a gr y of the wor influenced on of the O oup of us to at that sam kers zarks into e gether whe e location. have been xistence. B re established, w e si gned the le ecause of y some of w Western M gal papers our forwar hom have issouri to do bringing d thinking a grown very together w number of faith in Chr large. Bec hat they cou churches ist through au se you helpe ld n th ot e d ch d the associ o alone, tho urch plantin The words ations of usands of p g work of H of the Apo eople have ome Mission stle Paul to time I rem been won of the Oza ember you” the Philipp to rk ia (P s. ns hi echo my se lippians 1:3) ntiments t . oday—“I tha Happy Birth nk my God every day!
Dr. Franklin
R. Dumon
General Baptist Messenger Summer 2019 | 11
573.686.6011 www.stinsonpress.com
9:00 am – 10:15 am General Session I Keynote Speaker: Clint Cook 10:30 am – 11:30 am Workshop Session I Lunch 1:30 pm – 3:00 pm Workshop Session II 2:30 pm – 4:30 pm Exhibit Hall Open 3:00 pm Afternoon Break in exhibit hall 7:00 pm – 8:30 pm General Session II Keynote Speaker: Dave Stone 8:30 pm Missions Reception in exhibit hall
9:00 am – 11:300 am Super Sessions New this year are four large-format sessions. Our Super Sessions are designed to put an action plan in your hands you can implement over the next several months in your chosen topic. • First Steps in Church Revitalization Thom Rainer • Leadership Lessons for Growing Churches Dave Stone • Next Steps in Revitalization Joey Graves • How to Study for All It’s Worth Danny Dunivan Lunch 1:30 pm – 3:00 pm Workshop Session 4 2:30 pm – 4:30 pm Exhibit Hall Open 3:00 pm Afternoon Break in exhibit hall 7:00 pm – 8:30 pm General Session IV Keynote Speaker: Carl Nichols Missions Commissioning Service 8:30 pm 150th Celebration of the General Association of General Baptists in the lasalle room
9:00 am – 10:15 am General Session V Keynote Speaker: Thom Rainer 10:30 am – 11:30 am Workshop Session 5 Lunch 1:30 pm – 3:00 pm Workshop Session 6 2:30 pm – 4:30 pm Exhibit Hall Open 3:00 pm Afternoon Break in exhibit hall 7:00 pm – 8:30 pm General Session VI Keynote Speaker: Terrell Somerville
20 18 Summit
Meet Our
C li n t
D av e
Cook Clint Cook is the Executive Director of General Baptist Ministries. In 2011, Clint was called by the General Baptist Council of Associations to act as the interim Executive Director following the resignation of Dr. James Murray. After less than a year serving as Interim, Clint was elected as Executive Director. As Executive Director, Clint has cast the vision of Staying Connected, Staying Strong. No Pastor can be left behind. No mission field can be forgotten. No local church can be cast aside. No General Baptist can be overlooked. We belong to a larger body of believers committed to do more together than we could ever do alone.
S to ne Since 2006, Dave Stone has been the Senior Pastor of Southeast Christian Church in Louisville, Kentucky where he preaches the Truth to 25,000 weekend worshippers across six regional campuses. He’s authored eight books. Dave has a heart for people and a passion for families. He and Beth have three children and three grandchildren. When Dave speaks he has the unique ability to touch both your heart and your funny bone.
Moments 14 | General Baptist Messenger Summer 2019
N i chols A native of south Atlanta, Carl Nichols is the lead pastor of Relevant Church in Locust Grove, GA. Relevant was named one of the fastest growing churches in America by Outreach Magazine in 2017. Carl and his leadership team are determined to do everything short of sin to reach those far from God by tackling the crisis within their community and around the world. As Lead Pastor, Carl's primary responsibilities include weekly teaching, leadership development, and directional leadership of the church. Carl also serves as the co-director of Go Project, a national church-planting initiative. Relevant is the host campus for LeadNow, the national internship program through General Baptists. Carl has a passion for God, his wife Julie, and sports. He and Julie have two sons, Jase and Trey. They have a heart to see people understand how crazy God is about them!
T er r el l
Ra i n er Thom is the president and CEO of LifeWay Christian Resources. Prior to LifeWay, he served at The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary for twelve years where he was the founding dean of the Billy Graham School of Missions and Evangelism. He is a 1977 graduate of the University of Alabama and earned his Master of Divinity and Ph.D. degrees from The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. In addition to speaking in hundreds of venues over the past 20 years, Rainer led Rainer Group, a church and denominational consulting firm, from 1990 to 2005. The firm provided church health insights to over 500 churches and other organizations over that period. He is the author of more than two dozen books, including I Am a Church Member, Breakout Churches, Autopsy of a Deceased Church, Simple Life, Simple Church, Raising Dad, The Millennials, Essential Church, and Who Moved My Pulpit?
# G B S U M M I T
S o mer vi lle Terrell is the lead and founding pastor of Freedom Church in Gallatin, TN since 2002. He earned his Associate of Arts in Religious Studies at Oakland City University and Bachelor of Science in Organizational Leadership at Union University. Terrell’s passion is evangelism through the local church by casting vision, relevant preaching and investing in leaders. He firmly believes in the power of the Word of God to change lives. Therefore, he is a careful student of the Word of God, preaching it to meet the needs of every day living. He and his wife, Shanda, have three married daughters, two grandsons, and one granddaughter.
General Baptist Messenger Summer 2019 | 15
C H R I S T S E EKING INDIVIDUA LS tracking down our identity in christ
During this session, students will explore God’s word to track down who He says they are. We will explore how He uniquely created each of us and how that ties in with what He has planned for each of our lives. Get ready for an adventure as we learn that we are chosen, loved, redeemed, victorious and complete in the very one who created us.
16 | General Baptist Messenger Summer 2019
SUMMIT 2019 C h i l d r e n ’s M i n i s t r y S c h e d u l e MONDAY – DAY 1
9:00 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. Head over to the Squad Room to meet all of your CSI team members. Get your official CSI badge and learn about your first mission, if you choose to accept it!
9:00 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. Good Morning Christ Seekers! We hope you had a good night’s rest to prepare your minds for today’s case. Grab your badge and head on over to the Squad Room. This morning we are looking for something greater!
• Lunch with Family 1:30 p.m. – 4:30 p.m. Get ready to explore the past and investigate what life was like in the 1940’s at Willoughby Heritage Farm and Conservation Reserve. It's complete with tractors, barns, a 1930’s Craftsman style Farm House, and even live animals like donkeys, steer, chickens, and goats! Kids will get to see a little of what life was like in the 1940’s here in Collinsville. (Our transport leaves promptly at 1:45 pm. Make sure you get to the Squad Room on time!) • Dinner with Family 7:00 p.m. – 8:30 p.m. Return to the Squad Room for praise and worship and learn about your next case. Will you be invited to the Kings table?
• Lunch with Family 1:30 p.m. – 4:30 p.m. This afternoon, we will attempt to uncover clues that will lead us to the truth in this major case investigation! Prepare your sleuthing skills and head over to the Squad Room. Don’t forget your badge, you will need it for access to the top-secret files! • Dinner with Family 7:00 p.m. – 8:30 p.m. Head back to the Squad Room for praise and worship. We have another case to solve, but do not fear! “Those who are with us are more than those that are against us.”
WEDNESDAY – DAY 3 9:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. Our last case! We have solved many cases this week, but today we are Called to Complete our mission! Grab your badge and get ready to investigate! 12:00 p.m. Depart for off-site activity at Collinsville Aqua Park (Lunch Provided) 1:30 p.m. – 4:30 p.m. Are you ready for a refreshing break from the stress of the investigation? We have scheduled an official visit the Collinsville Aqua Park. Just a short walk across the street and we will be swimming in fun for the afternoon! You will need to bring a towel and a change of clothes. • Dinner with Family 7:00 p.m. – 8:30 p.m. It is time to head back to the Squad Room for the last time. Join us for praise and worship and enjoy a Magical evening to celebrate all we have learned during our time at Summit 2019!
General Baptist Messenger Summer 2019 | 17
– Registration fee $55
Youth Registration is part of the adult on-site registration in the Gateway Center. Youth fees are not included in the Church Block registrations.
9:00 - 10:15 am In Main Session Worship 10:30 - 11:30 am Opening Breakout 1: ICEBREAKER with Brian and Cameron • Lunch with family 1:30 - 3:00 pm Breakout 2: Who’s church is it anyway? with Brian Talking about how the youth are not the church of the future. But how they are the church of TODAY! • Dinner with family 7:00 - 8:30 pm An evening with Oakland City University OCU is hosting a special evening with the Summit youth. Spend some time together with our General Baptist University, make some great new friends, and get to know more about what OCU has to offer!
9:00 - 10:15 am In Main Session Worship 10:30 - 11:30 am Breakout 5: Living Life on Purpose with Jim Pratt In this session, Mission One Coordinator Jim Pratt will encourage the students to live life in a way that fulfills God’s purpose instead of being distracted by their own plans for their lives or the plans other people have for them. - 12:00 pm Depart/Arrive at Waterpark (lunch provided) - 4:30 pm Depart/Arrive at Gateway Center • Dinner with family 7:00 - 8:40 pm In Main Session Worship
18 | General Baptist Messenger Summer 2019
9:00 - 11:30 am Activities and Breakouts Born into Ministry with Cameron Growing up in ministry, what our part is, and how it’s not always that easy. • Lunch with family - 12:30 pm Depart for A Day at Skyline Church - 1:00 pm Welcome and Release to Bounce Houses and Free Time Activities 3:00 - 4:00 pm Jacob Tucker – Dunk Specialists and Champion 4:15 - 5:15 pm Dodgeball 5:15 - 6:15 pm Dinner at Skyline (provided) 6:30 - 7:30 pm Special Evening of Youth Worship Speaker: Preston Owens from Generation Church - 7:30 pm Small group breakout - 8:30 pm Depart from Skyline Church - 9:00 pm Arrive at Gateway Center
1 5 0 TH A n n u a l S e s s i o n
J u ly 1 5 - 1 7 , 2 0 1 9 Collinsville, Illinois
Please print legibly. One form per church.
Co n ta c t D e l e g at e Check if attendee is a delegate to the GA
E - MAIL :
Please include name, address, and e-mail for each attendee. Complete registration is required for each attendee as name tags will be used for entrance to all sessions.
Registration Fee is $400 for Unlimited Attendees for one church or church campus. Additions and substitutions are permitted. Block registration does not Include child or student registration fees. Children & students must register separately: 1.) Birth - 5 yrs: Free 2.) Grades K-12 $55/each
Re gi s t r at ion In d i v i d u a l Pr e r e gis t rat ion : JAN 2,’19 – JUN 30,’19
# of attendees:
x $55/each =
I n d i v i d u a l R e g i s trat ion : JUL 1,’19 – JUL 12,’19
# of attendees:
x $65/each =
I n d i v i d u a l O n - s i t e Re gis t rat ion :
# of attendees:
x $75/each =
B lo c k P r e r e g i s t r at ion : JAN 2,’19 – JUN 30,’19
# of attendees:
flat rate =
B lo c k R e g i s t r at i on : JUL 1,’19 – JUL 12,’19
# of attendees:
flat rate =
$425 Totals
(All preregistrations must be received by June 30, 2019)
Summit events are open to all General Baptists. For voting on General Association business, churches belonging to an association and churches that are direct affiliate members “shall select delegates to the General Association – two delegates for each 50 members or fraction thereof.” In addition, pastors and staff employed by the church are automatic delegates.
Su mmi t At t e n d e e s
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M AI L T O: 2019 Mission & Ministry Summit • Attn: Congregational Ministries • 100 Stinson Dr. • Poplar Bluff, MO 63901 F AX T O : 573.785.0564 F OR A DDITION A L INFO : 573.785.7746
1 5 0 TH A n n u a l S e s s i o n
J u ly 1 5 - 1 7 , 2 0 1 9 Collinsville, Illinois
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Summit events are open to all General Baptists. For voting on General Association business, churches belonging to an association and churches that are direct affiliate members “shall select delegates to the General Association – two delegates for each 50 members or fraction thereof.” In addition, pastors and staff employed by the church are automatic delegates.
Ne w Fa mi ly R e gis t r at i o n With more families attending the Summit, we have made families a priority. • We’ve made registration easier for families to complete. Just one form to fill out. • We’ve capped the amount families have to pay for their total registration. • Early Registration – $55 / $200 Max January 2nd - June 30th, 2019 • Regular Registration – $65 / $240 Max July 1st - July 12th, 2019 • On-site Registration – $75 / $280 Max If you are attending with the whole family, your registration fees will not exceed the max. You pay one time for the whole family, kids and all!
R e gi s t r at i on F e e s SELF :
( GRADES K - 12
M AI L T O: 2019 Mission & Ministry Summit • Attn: Congregational Ministries • 100 Stinson Dr. • Poplar Bluff, MO 63901 F AX T O : 573.785.0564 F OR A DDITION A L INFO : 573.785.7746
1. Who may register?
Moments 5. How do I register as a Family Group?
Summit events are open to all General Baptists. For voting on General Association business, churches belonging to an association and churches that are direct affiliate members “shall select delegates to the General Association—two delegates for each 50 members or fraction thereof.” In addition, pastors and staff employed by the church are automatic delegates.
2. How do I register? On-line registration is available at www.GBSummit.org. You can also download the registration form and register by mail. Send your completed form and payment to: 2018 Mission & Ministry Summit, Attn. Congregational Ministries, 100 Stinson Drive, Poplar Bluff, MO 63901. You can also FAX your registration to: 573-785-0564.
3. Are there discounts for group registration? Block Registration is available for churches that are sending several people to the Summit. The Block Registration fee of $400 per church allows the church to register as many adults as they can. Block Registration does not include child registration. Families in a block registration will still need to register their children separately.
4. Are there discounts for pre-registration?
Individual Registration • Early Registration — $55 January 2 - June 30, 2019. • Regular Registration — $65 July 1 - July 12, 2019. • On-Site Registration — $75
We’ve capped the amount families have to pay for their total registration, be sure to complete the Family Registration Form • Early Family Registration — $55 — $200 max — January 2 - June 30, 2019. • Regular Family Registration — $65 — $240 max — July 1 - July 12, 2019 • On-Site Family Registration — $75 — $280 max
6. Is my payment information secure?
YES! All payment information is handled with the highest regard for security.
7. Must I register if I only attend one of the evening sessions? We do not require registration for the evening sessions except for child care that will be hosted at the Convention Center.
8. How may I receive additional information? Please contact Congregational Ministries, 573-785-7746 or cmofc@GeneralBaptist.com and we’ll be happy to answer your questions and provide all the information you need.
Mission & Ministry Summit July 15-17, 2019 Gateway Convention Center Collinsville, Illinois
General Baptist Messenger Summer 2019 | 21
Se ssion 1 | Mond ay a m Th e Cr e at i v e P o w e r o f Ch i l d r e n’s M i n i s t r y K e v in D e t w e i l e r | L a S a l l e i n t h e G a t e w a y C e n t e r
D e v e l op i ng a M i s s i on a l Ch u r ch P a ne l | Roo m 2 i n t h e G a t e w a y C e n t e r
Why Children’s Ministry you ask? What’s better than seeing joy on children’s faces, laughter out of their voices, and love in their hearts? God‘s creative power has the ability to capture the attention of the youngest child, and pour through them a live stream of hope to generations to come! For “One Child can make all the difference in the world”! For one child had the substance to feed thousands in his lunch bag. He just needed someone to get what he had to Jesus, and that takes YOU! Come join us as we learn what one (1) child can do through God‘s creative power!!
This workshop will focus on real world ideas to help you move your church in missions awareness and involvement. Each of these pastors have served their congregations for several years and have good ideas to share on ways they develop missions awareness and missionary support in their churches.
Starting and Running a Volunteer Safety Team Ministry Rick He c t or a n d Ti m McCo y | M a d i so n B i n t h e D o u b l e Tr e e H o t e l We will talk about why Real Life church started its Safety Team Ministry and how the team is structured. We will talk about where we get our training material and the importance of training. We will discuss the importance of developing and maintaining a friendship with your local police department and the importance of meeting your insurance’s standards for a Safety Team Ministry. We will also discuss the importance of qualified individuals ( spiritually, mentally, and physically) serving on your Safety Team Ministry. Question and answers to follow.
O u t d oor M i n i s t r y a n d a M a n’s H e a r t TJ Gr e a n e y | M a d i s on C i n t h e D o u b l e Tr e e H o t e l Where does your heart get peace? Where do you hear from God? So often men who love the outdoors, who hear God there, don’t know how or where that may fit in their walk with Jesus. An outdoor ministry is an incredible outreach tool for the men and boys in a church and community.
22 | General Baptist Messenger Summer 2019
Ho w To Do B e t t e r S t u d y i n t h e D i gi ta l A ge . . . i n j u s t 1 5 mi n u t e s p e r d ay. | Roo m 1 i n t h e G a t e w a y C e n t e r Technology allows us to study the Bible with incredible depth and accuracy. This interactive workshop will demonstrate the use of all-new Logos Bible Software – Logos 8 – for effective teaching, counseling, and personal Bible study. What normally takes five to 10 hours of flipping through paper books for theological answers and Bible study can be done in seconds – and the depth of study is unparalleled! Logos 8 gives you access to your entire biblical library wherever you are because it is compatible with Mac®, PC, iPhone®, and Android.
B ou n d l e s s V ic k i Smi t h | Roo m 3
in the Gateway Center
Join Women’s Ministries Director Vicki Smith and Women’s Ministries Leaders as they share the vision for Women’s Ministries. Be part of the discussion as we introduce the mission statement and new goals for the ministry. Participants will receive materials that they can take back to their churches and ministry groups.
W or s h i p L e a d e r R ou n d Ta bl e | M a d iso n A - D o u b l e Tr e e H o t e l Ch r is H a b e r me h l , J a cob No r t o n , & L a ndo n S a r t in Worship leader helps, best practices, Issues you’re facing - prep work through surveys for questions and topics.
Ch u r ch R e v i ta l i z at i o n : H o w a n d W h e r e t o S ta r t Tr av is S t e p h e n s , D av i d Mi t c h e l l , a n d J o h n n y H i bb s | Roo m 1 i n t h e G a t e w a y C e n t e r The world around us is changing at a rapid pace, and churches often find themselves struggling to keep up. If you feel like your church is stuck, you need to ask yourself three questions before you can get unstuck. In this workshop you’ll find out these three questions and the steps to take to start moving forward.
Cr e at e + Con n e c t Va l or y Z or t m a n | M a d i so n B
i n t h e D o u b l e Tr e e H o t e l
Building church social media. We’re taking it from the start to connect with your audience on the main social media platforms. We’ll give you the how-to’s, the what-not’s, best practices, and show you some apps to help. We’ll even talk about the why-to’s and take your questions to help you in your local ministry.
Te ch Tou r a n d Q & A Sol id R ock P r od uc t i on s | M a i n H a l l
in the Gateway Center
Tour of Summit tech plus lots of Q&A time with the Solid Rock guys. Have questions about what equipment would be best for your building and budget? Here’s a great opportunity to pick the mind of some great Audio, Video, & Lighting (AVL) system integrators. All for for the price of admission!
Con n e c t i on s G r ou p s [repeats thursday] K e v in M a n n | R oom 3 i n t h e G a t e w a y C e n t e r Small groups, just as they were in the Bible, can be the most evangelistic and life altering movement a church can experience. This session will address on-campus groups and off-campus groups. It will give direction as to how to start a small group campaign and then to follow through with it as well as help understanding long-term and short term groups while managing both.
Go B i g . Go Sm a l l . P r e s t on O w e n s | M a d i so n A
i n t h e D o u b l e Tr e e H o t e l
Do you want to grow your youth ministry? Do you want your youth ministry to contribute to the church as a whole? What if the key to growing a larger, healthier, youth ministry is to go big by going small? Join us as we talk about the importance of small groups in youth ministry.
D e p r e s s i on , A n x i e t y a n d o t h e r M e n ta l H e a lt h Issu e s i n You r Ch u r ch . Br i a n Bur r is | M a d iso n C i n t h e D o u b l e Tr e e H o t e l Mental health issues are a part of every church in America. You have people in your church who suffer from depression, anxiety, ADHD, grief, addictions and the list could go on. These issues aren’t limited to adults; adolescents and children are suffering as well. This workshop will offer discussion about identifying, encouraging and counseling these individuals. We will mesh biblical and medical model counseling principles and techniques to create a fuller understanding of how to help those suffering with these issues in your church. Brian is a School Psychologist and Licensed Clinical Professional Counselor who has worked within the mental health field for over 20 years.
M e e t You r M i s s i on a r i e s a n d In t e r n at i on a l G u e s t s P a ne l | Roo m 2 i n t h e G a t e w a y C e n t e r The Missions and Ministry Summit gives General Baptists an opportunity to meet international missionaries and international guests. General Baptists from around the world have gathered for this 150th. This panel will allow you a great opportunity to meet some of them and listen to their stories.
D e f i n i ng Mome n t s i n t h e L i v e s of B i bl i c a l W o me n Br e nd a P o inse t t | L a S a l l e i n t h e G a t e w a y C e n t e r Who are some biblical women who experienced defining moments? How can reviewing their stories help us identify defining moments in our lives? Why bother recognizing them? What difference will it make in our living and pleasing God?
Workshop Tracks Guide
Se ssion 2 | Mond ay p m
Children’s Ministry Local Church Ministry Missions Personal Enrichment Women’s Ministry Worship Communications Church Growth Youth Workers Leadership Development
General Baptist Messenger Summer 2019 | 23
Su p e r Se ssions | Tue sd ay Morning
This year’s Summit will offer four special sessions on Tuesday mornings. The strategy is to offer some extended time with those leaders who can provide practical assistance on these very important topics. The topics have been selected to meet a broad range of interests so that there should be something for everyone who attends the Summit. All Super Sessions will begin at 9 a.m. The Super Sessions will replace the Tuesday morning main session and the Tuesday morning workshop session that have previously been featured as parts of the Summit schedule.
F i r s t S t e p s i n Ch u r c h R e v i ta l i z at i o n Th om R a i n e r | L a S a l l e i n t h e G a t e w a y C e n t e r Seven of ten churches in America are declining or plateaued. This session gives the facts behind the challenges, the trends before us, and opportunities to lead churches toward healthy growth. Participants will benefit from first hand interaction with one of the leading experts in church revitalization. In the course of this session participants will be able to participants will be able to identify the initial steps in revitalization as well as to develop a time line for initial implementation.
L e a d e r s h i p L e s son s f o r G r o w i ng Ch u r c h e s D av e S t on e | M a i n H a l l i n t h e G a t e w a y C e n t e r The larger your church grows, the more stress and scrutiny the leaders will encounter. In this Super Session Dave will delve into some of the “big rock” leadership issues such as: shaping the culture, casting the vision, deepening your leaders, hiring the right staff, handling criticism, improving your communication skills and keeping the main thing the main thing.
Ne x t S t e p s i n R e v i ta l i z at i on : L e a d e r s h i p D e v e l o p me n t —D e v e l op i ng L e a d e r s a r ou n d You D . Jo e y Gr av e s | Roo ms 1—3 i n t h e G a t e w a y C e n t e r Sheer energy and passion may get the revitalization ball rolling but how does a church sustain that momentum across the years? Pastor Joey Graves will share from his experience at New Testament Church, Burton, Michigan how this church has sustained its momentum across the years so that life-change continues to be a central feature of its ministries. The patterns and principles he will describe will allow participants who have already experienced the first stages of revitalization to chart their own next steps adapted to their own local settings.
Ho w t o S t u d y f or A l l I t ’s W or t h D a nn y D uni va n | Cl in t o n i n t h e D o u b l e Tr e e H o t e l This Super Session focuses on how to faithfully study Scripture to enhance the quality of preaching and teaching. The Psalms and the Gospels will be used as case studies for paying attention to the depth of Scripture.
Se ssion 4 | Tue sd ay p m Ch u r ch Se cu r i t y — M a k i n g y o u r Ch u r c h S a f e W i t h ou t Comp r omi si ng t h e Co r e M i ssi o n B a r r y You n g | M a d i s o n B i n t h e D o u b l e Tr e e H o t e l
W h at ’s t h e R u s h? A n u r ge n t me s s a ge f or ch i l d r e n’s mi n i s t r y ! Re ne e McCo y | Roo m 1 i n t h e G a t e w a y C e n t e r
The Bible says in Proverb 22:3, “”A wise man sees danger and prepares for it.”” The goal of this class is to make sure every church has a comprehensive safety and security plan. Often times the safer a church is the faster it will grow. The hope for the world is the gospel of Jesus. However if parishioners don’t feel safe it will be very difficult for the church to accomplish its mission. The church can reach out to the world and be a safe place at the same time. The session will give biblical tips, tools, and techniques to keeping God’s people safe.
Researchers have shown these statistics. 20% of your kids will walk away from the church for good. 50% of your kids will leave the church for a season but return later on. 30% of your kids will stay in the church. Truly there is no greater privilege, no greater responsibility than to teach the next generation the Gospel! As it has been said, “failure is not an option”. We will be discussing some real issues concerning children’s ministry and finding real answers; providing an intentional plan for teaching toddlers through preteens.
24 | General Baptist Messenger Summer 2019
of t he
F i r s t I mp r e s s i on s : Ho w t o Tu r n 1 s t Ti me G u e s t s i n t o E ng a ge d M e mbe r s Sh aw n C a r t e r a n d Tr av i s S t e p h e n s | R oo m 2 i n t h e G a t e w a y C e n t e r
L e a r n t o N av i g at e L ogos B i bl e Sof t wa r e f or Mo r e E f f e c t i v e Te a c h i n g a n d S t u d y | M a d iso n C i n t h e D o u b l e Tr e e H o t e l
Did you know most guests make a decision whether or not to come back to your church within the first 7 minutes of pulling into the parking lot? First impressions matter. In this workshop find out how your church can create a great first impression that will connect with guests and keep them coming back.
In the new digital world of ministry, pastors, preachers, and leaders need cutting edge tools to craft Christcentered sermons for effective preaching. This class will give you the foundational framework to navigate the exhaustive features and resources in Logos Bible Software. Imagine doing 40-50 hours of sermon prep and Bible study research in under one hour! Logos also gives you access to your entire biblical preaching and pastoral library because it is compatible with iPhone and Android. Using Logos for sermon preparation and personal Bible study will be clearly taught and demonstrated.
S E S M i s s i on Te a m i n Co mmu n i t y O u t r e a c h P a ne l | M a d i s on D i n t h e D o u b l e Tr e e H o t e l
GBIM is seeking to move forward with Mission One teams focused on different approaches to church and community development and outreach. Learn more about this effort and how you can become involved.
P roP r e s e n t e r : M o v i n g B e y o n d t h e B a si c s Br a nd on Con n | M a i n H a l l i n t h e G a t e w a y C e n t e r Is your church using or considering ProPresenter? This presentation software is a powerful tool that can help take your worship experience to another level. In this session, we will take a look at the basics of ProPresenter and explore lesser known features that can enhance your presentations.
Con n e c t i on s G r ou p s [repeated from monday] K e v in M a n n | R oom 3 i n t h e G a t e w a y C e n t e r Small groups, just as they were in the Bible, can be the most evangelistic and life altering movement a church can experience. This session will address on-campus groups and off-campus groups. It will give direction as to how to start a small group campaign and then to follow through with it as well as help understanding long-term and short term groups while managing both.
M a k i ng Tr u t h M a k e Se ns e Bl a k e Th o m a s | M a d iso n A i n t h e D o u b l e Tr e e H o t e l Whether it is through words or actions, teaching teenagers biblical truths is the foundation of everything we do. In a culture that seems to be moving further and further from God, it is important that we know how to communicate truth in a relevant and engaging way. In this breakout, we want to equip student pastors and leaders with helpful message prep tools to help truth make sense to teenagers.
W ome n Mo v i ng F or wa r d Fa ci ng t h e Ch a l l e nge | L a s a l l e in the Gateway Center Women’s Ministries Business Session. Come be part of the discussion as we handle necessary business items regarding the ministry. Your input is crucial. Budget, election of officers and Love Gift presentations will be covered during this session.
General Baptist Messenger Summer 2019 | 25
Se ssion 5 | W e dne sd ay a m L e t ’s D o A Si n g A l o n g Bob P oi n s e t t | M a d i s o n B i n t h e D o u b l e Tr e e H o t e l Many favorite hymns are an outgrowth of Defining Moments in the lives of hymn writers. Their “life circumstances” resulted in spiritually inspiring lyrics that continue to touch our lives today. It is Well With My Soul - written by Horatio G. Spafford - is one such hymn. Blend your voices as Scott and Barbara Watson lead in singing while Bob Poinsett shares the background of some of our most memorable and meaningful hymns.
You t h W or k e r s R ou n d Ta b l e
| R oo m 3 i n t h e G a t e w a y C e n t e r What issues are you facing as youth leaders?
Leadership Pipeline C a r l N i chol s a n d R e l e va n t Te a m | Cl i n t o n
i n t h e D o u b l e Tr e e H o t e l
Every church could use more leaders. Not just leaders by title, but leaders who can lead with mission and vision and move the church forward. In this breakout you will hear how Relevant Church spent an entire year developing a leadership pipeline that would take them from 40 leaders to over 100 trained and quality leaders in just six months. During this session the Relevant Team, along with several other churches who have begun implementing the process, will work with you to develop your very own leadership pipeline. There are four levels of a completed pipeline. By the end of these sessions you will have your very own Level One as well as the tools necessary to develop the next three levels. Cost: $25 per person includes lunch and resources (limited availability, tickets at Registration Desk)
D e l i v e r a n ce or R e c o v e r y Cl if t on J . R u ggs J r | R oo m 1 i n t h e G a t e w a y C e n t e r During this session you will explore the “Substance Abuse Cycle”. Many individuals turn to their church or family for help in dealing with substance abuse or use problems. Help is a ministry. You will learn to recognize the signs of substance abuse and how to disrupt its cycle with intervention and treatment strategies. This session will provide attendees a better understanding of the disease of alcohol, drug use / abuse, the power of God, religion and spirituality in order to help people overcome this devastating disease by prevention, intervention, and treatment via Deliverance or Recovery.
26 | General Baptist Messenger Summer 2019
5 B i bl i c a l Way s To G r o w You r Ch u r ch Mik e Jo h nso n , GFA W o r l d | M a d iso n C i n t h e D o u b l e Tr e e H o t e l Growing your church from the inside out. Practical and biblical growth always starts with the leadership of the church. A straightforward discussion about consistently empowering the members of the church to live intentionally for King (Jesus) & Country (Heaven). To be willing to ask the question “What are we doing, for Christ’s sake?
W ome n R e a ch i ng W ome n A m a nd a K ni gh t a nd Mind y P inc k ne y | Roo m 2
in the Gateway Center
Every church has the opportunity to reach women of all ages and assist them in reaching their full potential in ministry. Join Amanda Knight and Mindy Pinckney as they share hands on ideas that can be used in any church setting. Both of these presenters have vast experience in leading women’s events in their local areas. Topics to be discussed will be how to encourage younger women to particiapte, planning a large event and how to organize women’s ministries meetings. Included in this session is a question and answer time as well as a resource packet.
D e v e l op i ng a Commu n i c at i on P l a n D a r r e n D e L o a c h a nd E mily Wa h l e r s | L a S a l l e
in the Gateway Center
In this sessions we’ll share how we developed a comprehensive communications plan and implemented it. We’ll help you discover both what to do and what not to do with lots of Q&A included.
Se ssion 6 | W e dne sd ay p m L a u nch GO Jim P r at t | M a d iso n C
i n t h e D o u b l e Tr e e H o t e l
Engaging in the missional leadership pipeline. Dr. Jim Pratt will introduce ideas and opportunities for participants to engage in the denominational leadership pipeline through Mission One opportunities and internship.
C a n Th e s e B on e s L i v e ? Br e nd a P o inse t t | M a d iso n D
i n t h e D o u b l e Tr e e H o t e l
A disease people over 40 sometimes get is dry-boneitis. This disease has been around for a long time going all the way back to the days of Ezekiel. What is drybone-itis? What are the symptoms? Who is particularly vulnerable? What are the causes? More importantly, what are some remedies that will cure dry-bone-itis?
Br a n d i n g : H o w t o A p p e a l t o t h e Commu n i t y Yo u A r e Se r v i n g Br a nd on Con n | M a d i so n B i n t h e D o u b l e Tr e e H o t e l What is branding, and how does it apply to your church? More than ever, a compelling brand is vitally important for churches. Branding is more than logos and fonts. It’s a clear and consistent presentation of the vision that appeals to the community you are serving. In this session, we will look at the best branding practices and how you can apply them to your church.
Th e Fa i t h B a s e R e s p o nse Cl if t on J . R u ggs J r | R oo m 1 i n t h e G a t e w a y C e n t e r The church is comprised of individuals; individuals and families are the basic components of the church which is a body of believers. As of January 2019 over 100 Americans die daily due to over-dosing. Now the leading cause of accidental death in the United States it accounts for more deaths than traffic fatalities or gun homicides and suicides. Fear and addiction pretty much go hand in hand and people live with the fear that there is no hope for them to beat an addiction. What are our responses for such a critical time as this when sons, daughters, husbands, wives, leaders, homes, and families are being decimated? There is hope for a brighter tomorrow. Explore various levels of action plans.
L e a r n t o N av i g at e L o go s B i b l e So f t wa r e f o r Mor e E f f e c t i v e Te a c h i n g a n d S t u d y | Room 2 i n t h e G a t e w a y C e n t e r In the new digital world of ministry, pastors, preachers, and leaders need cutting edge tools to craft Christcentered sermons for effective preaching. This class will give you the foundational framework to navigate the exhaustive features and resources in Logos Bible Software. Imagine doing 40-50 hours of sermon prep and Bible study research in under one hour! Logos also gives you access to your entire biblical preaching and pastoral library because it is compatible with iPhone and Android. Using Logos for sermon preparation and personal Bible study will be clearly taught and demonstrated.
H i s p a n i c G r o w t h Th r ou gh B i bl e Ins t i t u t e s P a ne l | L a S a l l e i n t h e G a t e w a y C e n t e r General Baptists are utilizing leadership development in Mexico and Honduras to inspire church growth and development. Meet the essential national workers who lead these institutes and hear their stories. L e a d i n g W o r s h i p : L i s t e n i n g i s Se e i n g
L a ndo n S a r t in | Roo m 3
in the Gateway Center
Sometimes creating a strong Spirit-filled worship experience is easier said than done. There are so many variables, styles, and opinions that it can be hard to know where and how to begin. This workshop will help Worship Leaders and Pastors begin good conversations to foster a trusting and nurturing relationship that will equal a dynamite worship experience lead by Vision. There are no quick solutions, but great systems and clear communications will help you revitalize an already growing team or help a struggling team. Habakkuk tells us to Write it down (The Vision) - Make it plain - Read it - Run. The goal for this session is for us to determine how to define a clear Vision for your church’s Worship or Music team. Winning one conversation at a time!
L e a d e r s h i p P i p e l i n e con t ’d C a r l Nic h o l s a nd R e l e va n t Te a m | Cl in t o n
i n t h e D o u b l e Tr e e H o t e l
Every church could use more leaders. Not just leaders by title, but leaders who can lead with mission and vision and move the church forward. In this breakout you will hear how Relevant Church spent an entire year developing a leadership pipeline that would take them from 40 leaders to over 100 trained and quality leaders in just six months. During this session the Relevant Team, along with several other churches who have begun implementing the process, will work with you to develop your very own leadership pipeline. There are four levels of a completed pipeline. By the end of these sessions you will have your very own Level One as well as the tools necessary to develop the next three levels. Cost: $25 per person includes lunch and resources (limited availability, tickets at Registration Desk)
#GBSUMMIT General Baptist Messenger Summer 2019 | 27
General Baptist Bible College
Prais e Team to Visit U. S . At the invitation of Executive Director Clint Cook the Praise Team from the General Baptist Bible College located in Davao City, The Philippines will visit the United States this summer. Their visit is designed to coincide with the 150th Session of the General Association of General Baptists during the Mission & Ministry Summit to be held in Collinsville, Illinois this July. In addition the team will visit General Baptist churches in Illinois, Missouri, Indiana, Kentucky and Tennessee. While the team was eager to receive the invitation the process of gaining entry visas remained uncertain for several months. Finally in March an appointment was made at the United States Embassy in Manila and thankfully all visas were granted. The team is scheduled to arrive in St. Louis on July 11. Following their arrival a variety of concerts and worship services have been scheduled to introduce the team to stateside General Baptists and also to introduce stateside General Baptists to the team. This will provide unique experiences to share the common connection between American and Asian General Baptists. In addition to leading worship at the General Baptist Bible College, this team also assists with worship that is part of the 360 Leadership Conference and other training events scheduled by General Baptist International Ministries in the Philippines. The GBBC Praise Team provides contemporary worship in English but they also have some songs in their native Cebuano. Follow up concerts and worship services include: Date
H o st C h u r c h
H o st Pasto r
Friday, July 12 Sunday, July 14 Wednesday, July 17 Friday, July 19 Saturday, July 20 Sunday, July 21 am Sunday, July 21 pm Tuesday, July 23 Wednesday, July 24 Thursday, July 25 Sunday, July 28
West Side, St. Louis, MO Real Life, Springfield, IL Mission & Ministry Summit Connection Point, Jackson, MO Risen Church, Dexter, MO Agee Fellowship, Poplar Bluff, MO NE Arkansas McLeansboro, IL Vertical Church, Ft. Branch, IN Providence, KY Strong Towers, Westmoreland, TN
Phil Warren Clint Cook Chris Vaught Jeff Roth James Schremp Tyler Feller Steve Akins Barry Cullen David Mitchell
Others who will accompany the group include Rev. Jaime Maputol who serves as Moderator of the General Baptist Church of the Philippines. Dr. Joyce Porcadilla, President of General Baptist Bible College will also help shepherd the team in their travel and while they are in the states. 28 | General Baptist Messenger Summer 2019
Established in 1985, the General Baptist Foundation is a permanent fund providing a way to continue the Lord’s work beyond our years on earth. Investments made in the Foundation continue to provide earnings until the Lord returns. These earnings are then directed to the causes identified in the original bequest. When the Foundation reported its annual audit for 2018 total assets of about $3.5 million were listed. Every year the Foundation makes gifts to various General Baptist Ministries based on the rate of return from its investments. That annual total is generally about $100,000.
Meet the
General Baptist Foundation What does the Foundation do?
• The Foundation was established as a way to allow donors to establish gifts that would benefit multiple General Baptist Ministries at one time. A gift can be given to the Foundation for investment and the earnings will be shared by ministries the donor designates.
What does it earn?
• Each endowment earns a varying rate depending upon the investment mix of the individual portfolio. The investments are typically in CDs and a variety of mutual funds. The Foundation board takes its fiduciary responsibility seriously and keeps the portfolio conservatively invested.
How much have the ministries benefitted?
• Over the last 10 year period, the Foundation has been able to support the various denominational ministries with over $893,000 in funds.
How can I support the Foundation? • If you have ministries that you would like to support please consider a current gift or a future gift through your estate planning. • If you are an Amazon shopper simply register as an Amazon Smiles supporter and select the General Baptist Foundation as the charity of your choice. Each quarter Amazon will send a percentage of your purchases as a donation to the Foundation. • Charitable donations made directly from a traditional IRA can save taxes. People age 70.5 and older can transfer up to $100,000 annually from IRAs directly to charity. The gifts count as part of your required minimum distribution. But, you’re not taxed on them, and they’re not added to your adjusted gross income.
General Baptist
FOUNDATION | 1Corinthians 3 :10 –13
General Baptist Messenger Summer 2019 | 29
at t h e ////////////////
By Mark Powell
To celebrate the 150th setting of the General Association of General Baptists, International Ministries will have representatives and/or greetings from our brothers and sisters around the globe. A highlight of this year's Summit will be a praise band from the Philippines as well as Rev. Jaime Maputol, moderator of the General Baptist Church of the Philippines. Dr. Joyce Porcadilla, President of the General Baptist Bible College, will be present and will travel with the praise band on a short concert tour following the Summit. The Philippines has the largest concentration of General Baptist churches outside the United States. Pastor Jessey Vemula, Calvary Grace Association of General Baptists in India, will also attend the Summit. India represents the second largest concentration of churches outside the United States. Jessey is coming off a recent tour of Indian Christians worshipping in Kuwait – a momentous occasion indeed. Jessey will also be visiting the Philippines on his way to the United States in time for the General Baptist Ministers Conference, the Mission & Ministry Summit, and the birth of his second child. Rev. Phillip and Maureen Pusey will be attending their third consecutive Summit representing Jamaica. Rev. Pusey serves as President of the Jamaica Association as well as pastor of the Heavenly Highway Church, the largest church in the Association. Mexico will be represented by Pastor Pedro and Elida Quezada. Pedro and Elida represent the General Baptist churches in Juarez and Chihuahua and are our longest serving pastoral family in Mexico. Newer ministry areas in Baja California and Chiapas will be represented as well. General Baptists in Mexico currently have five Bible institutes training leaders for continued church planting and growth. Dr. Rodney Walls and Pastor Miguel Ramirez will represent Honduras at this anniversary celebration. Dr. Walls oversees and Pastor Miguel teaches at five extensions of the Honduras Bible Institute. Two current pastors and one new church plant are the early results of this new ministry in Honduras. You will have an opportunity to meet all our missionaries and national leaders Monday afternoon. Other GBIM breakout sessions will give church leaders an opportunity to learn from other church leaders’ successes they have experienced in moving their churches toward becoming more missional. This session will include General Baptist leaders from Missouri, Kentucky, and Tennessee. In support of the current initiative to prepare future General Baptist leaders, GBIM has strengthened its Bible Institute programs. Tremendous growth has been experienced in the Philippines due, in part, to strong leadership training programs in that country. Currently we have six Bible Institutes with ten campuses meeting in Mexico and Honduras. Because of these Bible Institutes, we believe that God will allow us to see significant growth in those countries as well as expansion to other parts of Central America. GBIM will feature a session describing and discussing this strategy for growth. Mission One sessions will round out the GBIM offerings at the Summit this year. We look forward to seeing you at this great celebration. Please consider our session offerings and take advantage of this opportunity to learn more about General Baptist Ministries around the globe. 30 | General Baptist Messenger Summer 2019
On January 10, 1994, the board of directors of the then General Baptist Foreign Missions Society approved the formation of the Mission Volunteers Program (MVP) in its annual meeting. November 1, 1994, Bob and Ruth Brockett were hired as the first MVP directors. An exploratory team, consisting of Foreign Missions Director Charlie Carr, former General Baptist International Missions Director Jack Eberhardt, and Bob Brockett went to Honduras that November to choose a site and purchase property for Faith Home Honduras. The first MVP team, led by Bob Brockett, traveled to Honduras March 19-26, 1995. The purpose of this trip was to develop team leaders for future MVP teams. The first construction team went to Honduras June 16, 1995. Since its beginning, MVP teams, Mission One teams as they are now called, have been praying and working together across the world, and lives have been changed for the glory of God. Mission One team members have been challenged and rewarded. Hearts have been stirred as never before, as individuals enlarge their territories to take the gospel of Jesus Christ to the world.
Currently, our Mission One program exists to provide support and aid to our missionaries and nationals as they minister at each of our different locations. Our program provides opportunities for individuals to participate as members of mission Bob & Ruth Brockett teams, interns, and as short-term missionaries. We offer diverse opportunities for participants ranging from medical, construction, educational training, evangelism, and leadership development. We offer opportunities for mission teams, interns, and short-term missionaries to serve in Guam, Honduras, Mexico, India, Jamaica, Niger, Philippines, and Saipan. In addition, we offer multi-cultural opportunities stateside. We attempt to follow the seven standards of excellence in short-term missions. (www.soe.org) They are as follows;
An excellent short-term mission seeks first God’s glory and His kingdom. An excellent short-term mission establishes healthy, inter-dependent, on-going relationships between sending and receiving partners. An excellent short-term mission collaboratively plans each specific outreach for the benefit of all participants. An excellent short-term mission exhibits integrity through reliable set-up and thorough administration for all participants. An excellent short-term mission screens, trains, and develops capable leadership for all participants. An excellent short-term mission prepares and equips all participants for the mutually designed outreach. An excellent short-term mission assures evaluation, debriefing and appropriate follow-through for all participants.
To schedule, or participate on, a Mission One Mission trip please email Mission One Coordinator Dr. Jim Pratt at jim.pratt@generalbaptist.com. General Baptist Messenger Summer 2019 | 31
Gospel a n d
t h e
By Mark Powell
There are approximately 844 million people around the world without access to clean water; 2.5 billion do not use a toilet to manage their waste. And 3.4 billion people are unreached with the gospel. At the intersection of these you will often find rural villages dominated by animism or other folk religions. What should be our priority as Christians? Provide communities with access to clean water and improved health, or proclaim the transforming truth of the gospel? As the leader of an international Christian organization, I’ve struggled with this dilemma for years. I have seen firsthand the trials people endure to simply put a glass of water on their table, much less a glass of clean water. I believe that we must serve the whole person (body and soul), and I also believe that Christ must be central to all our efforts. If we only preach the gospel, we stand in danger of ignoring basic physical needs. If we only give them water, teach about hygiene, and build toilets, we may be in danger of neglecting the Christian nature of our work. How can we meaningfully address people’s physical needs while fulfilling the Great Commission? Here are some thoughts:
F I RST, C LA R I F Y O U R CATEGO R I E S . Drilling a well, installing a pump, and teaching people to wash their hands does not fulfill the Great Commission. It is important work worthy of our support and it can drastically improve people’s lives, but by itself, it isn’t what Christ commissions the church to do. I also don’t believe preaching the gospel while ignoring the crises people are experiencing is consistent with biblical ethics. Jesus makes it clear that we have a responsibility to help the person who has been attacked by robbers and left for dead (Luke 10:25-37). To simply walk past is not consistent with the teaching of Jesus to his disciples.
32 | General Baptist Messenger Summer 2019
Keeping these categories distinct is extremely important. The disciples kept these categories distinct in Acts 6. They felt the need to make sure widows were being cared for while also maintaining a firm commitment to the proclamation of God’s Word. We have a responsibility to do both as well. People are hurting, vulnerable, and in crisis around the world. Whether it is their health, personal safety, or economics, the average person lives amid hardship and loss that we can’t begin to fathom. As the church, we cannot act like these crises lie outside the scope of the church’s mission. Moreover, we cannot ignore the spiritual darkness which often underlies these issues.
S ECO N D, K E E P TH E LO CA L C H U RC H CE N TRA L . The local church is in the best position to serve people in crisis and introduce them to the hope of the gospel. Faithbased organizations like GBIM are just part of the supply chain for the local church. We are part of the global General Baptist community who can come alongside churches who want to address the health crisis in their village. Western Christians cannot (and probably should not) be the face of humanitarianism around the world. Rather, the local church and local believers should be the hands and feet of Jesus to their neighbors. The church was there before clean water and will be there after it arrives. A key thought is the reality that if a local church doesn’t exist, the humanitarian work becomes a strategic opportunity to plant a church in that village. The local church is often not skilled at handling job training, drilling water wells, improving sanitation, or disaster relief. We should not expect them to do so. But they are “stewards of the mysteries of God” (1 Cor. 4:1). What should a local church do when they encounter a village with a health crisis due in part to the lack of clean water? They should maintain their focus on gathering and equipping the saints while also working with other Christians that are skilled at addressing complex health, hygiene, and water issues. General Baptists have hundreds of churches around the world who can address both the spiritual and physical needs of their surrounding communities. In fact, addressing those physical needs often opens a door of opportunity to share the gospel. I believe Jesus taught us that.
TH I RD, I N TEG RATE E V E RY TH I N G. As a Christian mission working with local churches we must integrate the gospel into every aspect of our work. It starts with our vision statement, permeates our values, influences our decisions, and becomes a measuring stick for our success. We must not be ashamed of the gospel as we go about our work of helping each and every family improve their health. It is the motivation and goal of our work. How can we integrate the gospel while providing access to clean water? Here are some examples of the ways we have found to integrate the gospel into everything we do: One way is to correlate the biblical teaching on Jesus as the Living Water as we work to bring water communities and clean water to families in their homes. Our 2019 LAUNCH (VBS and Day of Poverty) offering seeks to do just that. You can find a host of tools, including lessons and videos, to communicate this great need by visiting www.gblaunchgive.com.
General Baptist Messenger Summer 2019 | 33
Defining Moments:
On November 15, 1900, in a defining moment, General Baptist took significant steps to reach the nations through missionary outreach. In 1903, just three years later, in a second defining moment, the Foreign Mission Society of the General Association of General Baptists came into formal existence. A report given to the General Association in 1900 made an impassioned plea for cooperation and expanded local efforts to support the fledgling missionary connections then in existence. The General Association records from that year insisted that: “As long as the sacred page contains the last command of our risen Lord, and as long a any man in any land ignorantly bows down to the worship of the unknown God, so long we believe it will be impossible for any denomination to please God or reach any high degree of prosperity without taking a radical position in doctrine and practice in favor of Foreign Missions.” 1 The agitation for international missionary outreach had begun in earnest when Liberty Association passed its first resolution on “Foreign Missions” as it celebrated its 61st anniversary in 1884. In 1885 Liberty, appointed a committee the assignment to “report a plan by which an annual contribution… shall be invested in the Foreign Mission work.”
34 | General Baptist Messenger Summer 2019
By 1888 the first efforts to form a Foreign Mission Society received recognition from the General Association. Reverend W. P. Hale would serve as its first president and Elder Wm. Clark, treasurer. This was certainly a defining moment for General Baptists as it marks the first organized support of an international missionary, Miss Ida Phillips. Previously in 1887 Miss Ida Phillips, a Free Baptist missionary to India, visited several General Baptist churches in Indiana and Kentucky and helped them form missionary societies. Miss Phillips had started her missionary work in India in October 1877 under the direction of the Free Baptist Woman’s Missionary Society2. W. P. Hale wrote that her work had “proved a great blessing and stimulus to our cause.” Unfortunately, Miss Philipps would pass away the following year leaving General Baptists to struggle with how to engage and who to engage with in international missions. The answer came when Miss Philip’s brother, Reverend J. L. Phillips, an English General Baptist minister would visit among the General Baptist churches. He introduced these American General Baptists to an English General Baptist couple serving in India. General Baptists officially engaged with Reverend and Mrs. George Ager when Liberty Association donated $101.43 in 1889.
The General Association endorsed the action of Liberty Association to support the Agers in their mission work the following year. The connection continued for several years while American General Baptists officially partnered with this English General Baptist couple - our first international missionaries. Then in 1900 the General Association deepened the challenge and framed a defining moment by declaring: “As a denomination we acknowledge our shortcomings, and pray for a more intense missionary spirit. We believe that our obligation to support Brother and Sister Ager in the field of India is as binding as the support of our home pastors. We pledge our hearty co-operation with all of our general and local efforts to raise funds for the support of this work.” The English General Baptist in India began in 1822 with William Bampton and James Peggs in the Indian state of Odisha. On December 25, 1827, the first Baptism of this English General Baptist mission took place and the first ordination in 18353.
English General Baptist work not only resulted in conversions and ordinations over the years but also cries for social justice. James Peggs was an active pamphleteer and writer. Two significant cries for social justice were Suttees’ Cry to Britain (1828) and India’s Cries to British Humanity, Relative to Infanticide, British Connection with Idolatry, Ghau Murders, Suttee, Slavery, and Colonization in India (1832). These works would have a significant impact to the out lawing of the Hindu practice of sati (suttee) – the practice of a Hindu widow burning herself to death on her husband’s funeral pyre. It seems that American General Baptists involved themselves in good company when they took up the endorsement of these two English General Baptists – Rev. and Mrs. George Ager. In a few short years (1903) the General Association would formally appoint its own Foreign Mission Society by adopting in that year a proposed constitution for the society and electing a board of directors: Reverend William Tennison president, J. P. Cox secretary, and T. J. Erwin treasurer. The formal name for this new organization was the Foreign Mission Society of the General Association of General Baptists of the United States of America. The date was November 10, 1903, a defining moment in international ministries⁴. 1 2
Minutes of the General Association of General Baptists Reminiscences: A Brief History of the Free Baptist India Mission Orissa Baptist Evangelistic Crusade “History.” https://www.revolvy.com/page/ Orissa-Baptist-Evangelistic-Crusade Charles L. Carr, Seed, Soil and Seasons, pp. 14-30
General Baptist Messenger Summer 2019 | 35
Defining Moments Inspiring & Empowering Women to Find Their God-potential by Vicki Smith, Interim Director of Women’s Ministries
Early in the twentieth century the Reverend and Mrs. Arthur Logan volunteered to establish a ministry on the island of Guam; however, the denomination lacked the necessary funds for international work. General Baptist women responded to a concentrated fund-raising campaign initiated by Asenath Brewster, a graduate of Oakland City College. While raising these funds and during her work as General Baptist Sunday School and Christian Endeavor Convention Field Secretary, Miss Brewster discovered the talent of the women in the denomination. As a result, she began organizing groups for women’s mission work. From these groups emerged the Women’s Missionary Conference. The women organized as the Women’s Auxiliary of the General Baptist Foreign Mission Board during a meeting in Oakland City, Indiana, on June 30, 1911. An offering totaling $144.00 was received at that meeting and presented to the Logans. Two months later they sailed for Guam. On November 1, 1926 papers of incorporation were signed and the auxiliary officially became the Women’s Mission Board. Later in July of 1997 the Women’s conference approved a revision in the bylaws and the name was changed to General Baptist Women’s Ministries, Incorporated. Definitely “Defining Moments” for Women’s Ministries. These were moments that defined the organization as to the mission and vision for what Women’s Ministries was supposed to be. I am so excited to share that our goal for 2019 has been to return to our original mission which is to support the mission endeavor in whatever way God desires us to. God is still calling individuals to the mission field and He is still breaking the hearts of the women in the denomination regarding what our support needs to be. Thank you, women of the denomination, for answering that call.
Vicki Smith is currently serving as Interim Director for Women’ Ministries. She and her husband Sid served as missionaries to Faith Home in Honduras from 2006-2010. Upon returning from the mission field they have been active members of Real Life Church in Mt. Home, AR. where they were part of the launch team. Vicki has a passion for missions as well as a passion for encouraging women in finding their full potential to be all that God intends them to be. She has a very transparent speaking style so join her at Summit as she shares the vision that she has for Women’s Ministries. 2019 M&M SUMMIT WORKSHOP Boundless | Monday am Breakout Join Women’s Ministry Director Vicki Smith as she shares the vision for Women’s Ministries. Be part of the discussion as she introduces the mission statement and new goals for the ministry. Participants will receive helpful information to take back to their churches and Women’s Ministries groups.
General Baptist Messenger Summer 2019 | 37
Moving Forward Facing the Challenge I am so glad that God is still in the business of calling women to ministry but more importantly I am so glad that women are answering that call. When I began this journey as director my prayer was that God would show me a group of women that had a heart like mine for missions and women in ministry. He did as he always does, He blessed me beyond my wildest imagination. I am so happy and blessed to announce that for the first time in several years we have a full board. Twelve women that are passionate about the ministry and have a desire to see it move forward. Along with that he is working in the hearts of the women in our local groups.
I have felt unity as they are placing themselves in God’s hands and asking “God, what is your plan for this organization and how do you desire us to be part of it?” I am sure that I am not alone in this when I say that all of us who have been involved in ministry could add an exert to a book entitled “Lessons I have Learned in Ministry”. Mine would be the following: To those He calls He equips. If you stay true to the course and to the calling, He will always provide. He qualifies the called and His number one desire is availability. Thank you, General Baptist women, for staying true to the course and for saying YES!
2019 M&M SUMMIT WORKSHOP Women Moving Forward Facing the Challenge
Women Reaching Women
Tuesday pm Session
Wednesday am Breakout
Come be part of the discussion as we talk about important matters regarding budget, Love Gift and take care of necessary business. A special meet and greet with missionaries and board members will be part of this session. Your input is crucial.
38 | General Baptist Messenger Summer 2019
Join our newest board members as they share hands on ideas on how to reach the women of all ages in your local church. Both Amanda and Mindy are experienced in leading women’s events in their churches and community.
Currently the countries of Honduras and Mexico have a combined population of over 139 million people with Spanish being the predominant language spoken. That does not include the large Hispanic population that now inhabit the United States. The needs are many and the opportunities are endless. Pastor Rene Rodriguez has a vision to double the Mexico ministry within the next year. Further expansion to Guatemala is within our reach. HBI in Honduras has strengthened the ministry there with the training of pastors and church leaders. The ABC Offering will financially support the Hispanic outreach as we share the Gospel and bring light and hope to this group of people.
Send your ABC offering to: General Baptist Women’s Ministries 100 Stinson Drive Poplar Bluff, MO 63901
General Baptist Messenger Summer 2019 | 39
VBS Turnaround Ministry:
By Dr. Franklin R. Dumond
Summer Vacation Bible School provided one of the earliest connections I had with the gospel. Every summer lades from the Go Ye Mission organized Vacation Bible Schools in many rural elementary schools in Cherokee County, Oklahoma. Bible lessons with brightly colored posters and other visual aids combined with a craft project and other learning activities made for a pleasant two-week experience in mid-summer. Sometimes the VBS could not be held for two weeks so it would be scheduled for an all-day event for just one week and we would all pack our lunches. Vacation Bible School nearly disappeared a generation ago but in recent years innovation has brought it back to the forefront of children’s ministries in many local churches. Two dramatic culture shifts in the United States threatened the existence of traditional Vacation Bible School. First, the increased participation of women in the workforce virtually eliminated the labor force available for Vacation Bible School. Traditional VBS was a day time, usually all morning, event. So in the 1950s when only about one third of mothers with children were employed outside the home there was a ready pool of volunteers to organize and conduct VBS. Over time the rate of participation of women in the workforce, however, nearly doubled. By the year 2000, 61 percent of women ages 16 and older were either working or actively looking for work. Not only has culture shift reduced the pool of available workers it has also reduced the pool of available students. The rise of sports leagues, the frequency of special interest 40 | General Baptist Messenger Summer 2019
day camps and the need for structured child care when both parents work severely reduced the pool of available students for the traditional day-time, two-week VBS. Innovations, however, have provided new life for this time tested ministry. Beginning in the late 1970s VBS became a one week evening event in many churches. This schedule adaptation allowed the church to not only tap into the volunteer pool of workers but to also reach the necessary pool of students. A further adaption of schedule found many churches experimenting with a weekend VBS that utilized Saturday and Sunday as primary delivery points for this important ministry. An even more innovative adaptation now finds many churches organizing Vacation Bible School in settings other than summer. Spring break, winter break and other three day school holidays now provide new possibilities for this time tested children’s ministry. The planning tips included here will be helpful for a church preparing to resume Vacation Bible School as part of a turnaround strategy.
VBS PREP CH ECKL IST Ri g ht away!
Look ahead to determine your best opportunities for scheduling Vacation Bible School. When will workers be available? When will students be available? What other competing events are scheduled in the community? Once your date is scheduled then organize the following:
Ei g ht w ee ks o ut • Put together your prayer team. event. • Finalize the day and times for your supplies. • Decide on a curriculum and order
S ix wee ks o ut • Begin casting a vision for the event. Use a few minutes in the weekend service to promote awareness and to engage in corporate prayer
for the upcoming Vacation Bible School.
S e ven weeks out •
Plan for the special fea tures needed. • Begin recruiting pe ople for the various ro les needed. How can yo u expand the numbe r of helpers needed to pu ll off the event? • Create your invitatio ns and Invite Cards. Be sure to include contac t information along wi th date and times as we ll as a map. Be sure yo ur cards are ordered early enough to be availab le at week four.
• Put someone in charge of compiling registration information.
• Plan for any signage needs you might have.
Fo u r w ee ks o ut • Create your plan to follow up with
guests after
the event.
for the • Create a schedule for the sessions and closing program. of invitations. • Start encouraging the handing out k 7. Provide Invite Cards developed in wee ice • Communicate through public serv s. announcements and local newspaper
t F i v e w e e k s o uek 4 and week plans for we • Finalize promotion 2 implementation.
Th ree weeks o ut
• Prepare an announcement
slide and bulletin insert.
Two weeks o ut • Do a final audit of all the elements in this checklist to ensure that nothing has fallen through the cracks. • Major local promotion through paid advertisements, include both print and social media.
O n e wee k o ut • Promote Invite Cards at each service. • Encourage pre-registration • Expand your prayer emphasis!
VBS T h e w e e k o fosing program! • Have an amazing
Th e we ek af te r VB S • Follow up with all guests. • Be sure your guests are included in on-going communication and assimilation efforts.
VBS and cl
General Baptist Messenger Summer 2019 | 41
Unified GIVING ... . doing together what we cannot do alone The early Church knew while not all were called to travel the known world preaching the Gospel, all were expected to financially and spiritually support the work of those who were, as well as give toward emergency relief. Paul mentions on numerous occasions the help he receives from the established churches and the offerings he delivers to the poor. (Romans 15:23-24, Galatians 2:10, Philippians 4:16) People from all over would come together in support of a few, so that the Gospel could branch out to even more places. Unified Giving allows us to follow the example of the first believers and gather our resources to send and support more missionaries than ever before to all corners of the world, and to provide relief to the poor, the widowed, the orphaned, and the disaster-stricken. It enables us to do greater things together than what we can do alone.
General Baptist Ministries 100 Stinson Dr. | Poplar Bluff, MO 63901 573.785.7746 | www.GeneralBaptist.com
Glen O. Spence Glen Spence, 92, of Westfield, Indiana, formerly of Evansville, Indiana, passed away on Saturday, March 9, 2019, at Riverview Hospital in Noblesville, Indiana. He was born January 20, 1927, in Willow Springs, MO to the late John O. and Emma (Kentch) Spence. He served in the US Navy as Petty Officer 2nd Class during World War II. He later earned Bachelor’s degrees from both the University of Missouri and Oakland City University. He also served as an administrator and taught at Oakland City University from which he also received an Honorary Doctorate from Oakland City University. Dr. Spence was an ordained General Baptist minister. He served as pastor of Terrace Park (now New Life) and Twelfth Avenue (now Westwood) churches in Evansville. Dr. Spence served as Executive Secretary for the General Association of General Baptists from 1977—1992. In his tenure he led the campaign to construct a new central office building to house denominational ministries.
Glen is survived by his wife of 70 years, Margaret (Hunter) Spence; sons, Rodney G. Spence (Barbara) and Randall E. Spence; granddaughter, Kelli Amanda McNamara; sisters, Freda Brassfield and Linda K. Russell; brothers, Delbert Spence and Larry Spence; and two great-grandchildren. He was preceded in death by his parents; and brother, Howard Spence. Funeral Services were held March 13, 2019, with Dr. Ron Black and Reverend Jeff Harford officiating. Memorial Contributions may be made to: New Life (Terrace Park) General Baptist Church, 2145 E. Columbia St., Evansville, IN 47711. Cards may be sent to Margaret Spence, c/o Sanders-Glen Retirement Community, 334 S. Cherry St., Westfield, IN 46074.
General Baptist Messenger Summer 2019 | 43
Trending Now Declining, plateaued or growing? by Aaron Earls - Lifeway Research
Twenty-eight percent of Protestant pastors say their church has seen worship service attendance shrink by 6 percent or more compared to three years ago. Another 33 percent say their church has remained within 5 percent, while 39 percent say their congregation has grown by at least 6 percent since the first quarter of 2016. More than half of 18- to 44-year old pastors (55 percent) say their church is growing, while 33 percent of pastors 45 and older say the same. Evangelical churches are more likely to be growing (42 percent) than their mainline counterparts (34 percent). Less than a quarter (23 percent) of churches with an average worship attendance of fewer than 50 say they are growing, while most churches with 250 or more in attendance (59 percent) are growing. Among denominations, Holiness (56 percent) and Baptist (45 percent) pastors are more likely to say their churches are growing than Methodists (33 percent) and Lutherans (25 percent). Read the full report online at www.LifeWayResearch.com Source: Lifeway Research One LifeWay Plaza | Nashville, TN 37234-0192
Change in U.S. church attendance over the last three years According to Protestant pastors:
35 33%
30 25
20 15 10 5 DECLINED 6% OR MORE 44 | General Baptist Messenger Summer 2019
Pastors Optimistic About Church’s Future, Regardless of Past Struggles by Timothy C. Morgan - Lifeway Research
Pastors are eager to reach the next generation for Christ as well as growing the size, diversity and level of discipleship within their congregations, according to a new survey of 1,000 Protestant pastors by Nashville-based LifeWay Research. “Pastors are thinking about reaching the next generation. That becomes a top concern for 4 out of 10,” said Scott McConnell, executive director of LifeWay Research. “The other sizable concern would be the lack of discipleship in the congregation.” The 2019 Future of the Church Study by Facts & Trends and LifeWay Research is based on a survey of Protestant pastors, examining their views on the future of their congregations. Results of the study are explored in the Winter 2019 issue of Facts & Trends available at www.FactsAndTrends.net/FutureChurch.
To p co ncern a b o u t t he fu t u re o f t hei r c h urc h Acco rding to Prot esta nt pasto rs: Reaching the next generation
Lack of discipleship
16 %
Declining interest in matters of faith
Lack of member commitment
None of these
Changing communit y demogrphics
Finances of our church Public Distrust of Christian churches Hostility toward Christian beliefs D o n’t K n o w
5% 3% 2% 1%
Young Adult Attendance The Future of the Church survey asked pastors if attendance by 18- to 29-year-olds in the past five years increased, decreased or stayed the same at their church. Almost a third (32 percent) say attendance of young adults increased, while 29 percent say attendance decreased and 39 percent say it stayed the same. Attenda nc e o f 1 8 - 29 y ea r ol d s at th e i r c h urc h in the l ast 5 y ears Accor d i ng to Protestan t pastors : Increased
At t enda nce o f 18- 2 9 yea r o lds at t heir chu rc h in t he Next 5 yea rs Acco rding to Prot esta nt pasto rs:
32% 29%
Stayed the same
Will stay the same
4% 25%
Read the full report online at www.LifeWayResearch.com Source: Lifeway Research One LifeWay Plaza | Nashville, TN 37234-0192
@generalbaptist #gbministries
Follow us on Twitter to stay up to date on the latest trends and research about the American religious beliefs. General Baptist Messenger Summer 2019 | 45
“General Baptist Ministries exists to maximize Kingdom impact by starting, equipping and inspiring local churches to accomplish the Great Commission.”
Tho se Old Den omi n ati o n s T HREE REAS ONS F OR BE LONGING:
1. Doing together what we cannot do alone. No one church can accomplish individually what we accomplish collectively. Can one church singlehandedly… • Supervise the gathering of 42 churches in India? • Undertake the management of an orphanage in Honduras? • Plant a series of fast-growing, high-impact churches to reach thousands with the gospel? • Guide the revitalization of hundreds of existing churches? While no one church can undertake all these ministries singlehandedly, we do together what we cannot do alone! 2. We are not alone in the struggle. As part of a network of churches we are exposed to the help and encouragement needed to be more effective in our local ministries. Broad connections among and between General Baptists from different parts of the nation and different parts of the world provide a synergy of effort and a keen reassurance that we are not alone in the struggle.
3. A denomination offers services and programs. • Conferences and events offered at very modest costs and in convenient locations. • Consultation services customized to our denominational settings. • Missionary presence to assist local ministries to more effectively reach the world. • Church Planter connections to impact the course of our nation. • Construction and expansion loans. For more information visit: www.GeneralBaptist.com.
46 | General Baptist Messenger Summer 2019
n o i g Reli
Radisson Hotel Branson, MO
“Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever.� Hebrews 13:8
Remember how much God has blessed us In the past, celebrate what He is doing in our present, and look forward to the unimaginable future He has for us!
Larry Rascoe Keynote Speaker
Randy & Sherri Miller
Tim Lovelace Entertainment
Contact Congregational Ministries at cmofc@generalbaptist.com for more information. Register by phone at 573.785.7746
general baptist m e s s e n g e r General Baptist Ministries 100 Stinson Drive Poplar Bluff, MO 63901
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