Fairfield Brand Guidelines

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Brand Guidelines

A user’s guide to support the Fairfield Iowa experience

Contents The Fairfield Brand

The Fairfield City Wordmark


How These Guidelines Work


The Fairfield City Departmental Logo


What is a Place Brand?


The Fairfield Celebratory Logos


Why Does Fairfield Need a Brand?


Our Brand Promise


Rules of Use

Our Brand Pillars


Clear Space


Our Emotional Benefits


Minimum Sizes


Our Brand Personality




Our Copy Style


Our Key Words and Phrases


Brand Elements

Our Photographic Style




Matching Brand Messages to Our Markets




Bringing Our Brand Experiences to Life


The Paint Daubs




Brand Identities Brand Identity Inspiration


The Applied Brand

The Tree of Inspiration


Cups and Coasters


The Fairfield Logo




The Fairfield Tag Lines


Print Advertising


The Fairfield Logo with Tag Line


Rack Brochures


The Fairfield Logo with Iowa


Point of Arrival Gateway


The Fairfield CVB Logo


Street Banners


The Fairfield City Logo


Visitors Guide


The Fairfield City Logo with Iowa


Business Cabinet


The Fairfield City Logo with Tag Line


The Fairfield Brand

How These Guidelines Work The brand guidelines provide the directions and ideas for portraying and unifying how the Fairfield identity is communicated. In conjunction with the Fairfield Brand Blueprint, it acts as a guidance system to inform communications, experience delivery, product development and public policy programs. It will shape what we want people to think and feel about Fairfield as a visitor destination and as a place to live, study and do business. Photography used in this document is selected from original images provided by local photographers and several stock libraries to present the character of the Fairfield brand.

What is a Place Brand? A place brand makes and fulfills a valued promise. It is a unique blend of physical, intangible and emotional qualities that clearly differentiate a place from other choices. Importantly, it acts as a guidance system to prioritize and influence every message, process, decision, communication, and investment that shapes the identity of the community. Branding can be considered to be the art and science of orchestrating the distinctive messages and experiences that we most want associated with Fairfield to ensure that they are as unifying, compelling, and rewarding as possible.

Why Does Fairfield Need a Brand?

Note: The purpose of this Style Guide is to provide examples and ideas of the type of images and subjects that should be used to present the Fairfield brand. Some of the images used in the Guide are from stock images that may feature subjects at locations outside of the region, and are provided as examples only.

Competition between places has never been more intense. Our customers have overwhelming choices and are faced with thousands of competing messages every day. What target audiences think of Fairfield directly impacts whether they will spend time and money here. To compete in this environment we must be focused and differentiate the city in ways that are meaningful and compelling to these audiences. The Fairfield brand provides a unifying umbrella to consistently present the city’s leading strengths, experiences, words, imagery, products, and distinctive character.


Our Brand Promise Our Brand Promise captures Fairfield’s distinctive offering and encapsulates the way we want people to think and feel about the city relative to other Iowa communities. There are two Promises, one for tourism and another for Fairfield as a place to live, work, invest or study. They inform every message, every process, every organizational decision, every customer contact, and every communication to guide the fulfillment of our brand vision. This is for internal use only. Tourism Promise: For Upper Midwest residents living over more than 100 miles from Fairfield seeking escape from the everyday, only Fairfield provides Iowa’s most creative and eclectic small community where visitors feel a sense of: connection, enrichment and escape. Community Promise: For people wanting to live, work, study or invest in a stimulating small city environment, only Fairfield provides Iowa’s most creative and eclectic small community where they can feel a sense of: connection, personal growth and success. Fairfield’s brand essence, “Iowa’s most eclectic and creative small city” is summarized by the taglines “Connect. Create. Celebrate.” and “Tune into our Vibe”.


Our Brand Pillars These are the leading strengths and benefits that attract our key audiences and underpin the delivery of our Promise as a place to visit, live, study, invest and study. They should receive greatest prominence in marketing, product development, investment and partnerships. Eclectic: We take pride in our differences and originality. Our eclectic nature can be seen in our artistic expression, food, events, achievements, architecture and interests. Creative: Since its founding, innovation, creativity, and entrepreneurialism have inspired Fairfield. The interplay between creativity and passion surround us. We have an exciting events calendar featuring Broadway shows, theatre, dance and live music at a variety of venues. Personal Growth: Your goals can be achieved here, whether they are business, career, or to live a productive social, emotional, and spiritual life. Connected: Fairfield is a family-oriented place where newcomers are not strangers for long. Here it’s possible to become closer as a family, participate in spiritual activities, be in touch with likeminded individuals, and join friends in your favorite pastimes. Success & Achievement: Our positive “can do� attitude has resulted in Fairfield having an abundance of start-up companies and where every citizen can make a difference.


Our Emotional Benefits Emotional benefits reflect how we want people to feel through their Fairfield experiences. The Fairfield brand conveys and provides a sense of:

Our Brand Personality Our brand personality describes the characteristics and traits of Fairfield as if it were a person. These traits influence the feel and tone of voice we use in communications. The Fairfield brand personality is:


Our Copy Style The Fairfield brand will be embedded in the copy for tourism brochures, web sites, advertising, online communications and collateral materials. Wherever possible, copy should describe experiences with active-oriented and evocative language to provide a feel for what the reader will experience. Importantly, it should make the reader feel as though they’re already enjoying the sights, sounds, smells, and sensations of Fairfield. Copy should always be written in a friendly, relaxed, informative, and unpretentious manner to match our personality. It should be conversational and create the feel and tone of a one-on-one conversation. It should be enticing and motivational, yet realistic and factual. It must not contain hype.

Our Key Words and Phrases The key words and phrases for conveying the Fairfield brand are outlined in the Brand Blueprint. The following are some of the key words and phrases that are important when communicating the brand.


accessible, active, affordable, americana,

artisan, arts and crafts, authentic, camaraderie, can do, caring,

celebrate, collaborative, connected, creative, curiosity, discover, easy pace, eclectic, enchanting, engaging, enriching, entertaining, entrepreneurial, escape, exciting,


getaway, healthy, hometown, laugh, networking, off beat, open-minded,

friendly, fun, genuine, meditate, neighborly,

pamper, passionate, peaceful, quirky, reconnect, refresh,

safe, savor, simple pleasures, small town feel, stress-free, theatrical, town square, unplug/ unwind, values, vibe, welcome, wellness, wholesome rejuvenate, relax, romantic,


Our Photographic Style High quality photography can be one of the most potent and versatile communication elements in Fairfield’s brand toolkit. This is because our stunning sense of place, seasons, moods and colors make it extremely photogenic. Images should project enriching, revitalizing and creative experiences that reflect our brand pillars, benefits and distinctive character. Questions to ask when selecting images to reflect the brand are:

Are these real people doing real things in real places? Are the images believable? Do they have a WOW factor or strong “wish you were here” flavor? Do the subjects look natural and not posed? Are the subjects doing something interesting? Will the photographs resonate with the target audience?


Matching Brand Messages to Our Markets

Bringing Our Brand Experiences to Life

These are the key messages to be conveyed to target audiences in addition to Fairfield being ‘Iowa’s most eclectic and creative small city’.

Consistently delivering memorable Fairfield brand experiences will require a 360° focus by many partners. Some of the gaps and opportunities were revealed during the brand research process and the DMO Proz Tourism Assessment project. The programs for activating these experiences and bringing our brand pillars to life are outlined in the Brand Blueprint. They address:


Key Message

Cultural Tourism Visitors

Fairfield has a packed calendar of lively entertainment, art and cultural events.

Southeast Iowa Visitors

Wellness Visitors

Fairfield is a fascinating small city close to Pella, Villages of van Buren and Gothic House.

Fairfield has the world’s largest training center for practitioners of transcendental meditation as well as spas, organic restaurants and trail system.

Business Location

Fairfield has a supportive and affordable business environment, a business-friendly municipal government and talented workforce.


Fairfield offers an affordable family-friendly environment, a safe small town atmosphere, good schools, and an abundance of recreational and leisure opportunities.

Attractors and Activities

Downtown Square

Cultural Experiences and Events

Infrastructure and Amenities



Brand Identities

Photo courtesy of Don Best Photography, all rights reserved

Brand Identity Inspiration Once a successful destination brand is articulated from diligent research, understanding and deliberation, it takes flight through various visual communications such as advertising, printed collateral, merchandise, web media and signage. At the heart of these communication assets are twelve Brand Identity Graphics which take the form of logos, wordmarks, symbols and tag lines.

An apple tree represents fruitful growth and a healthy lifestyle. Apples represent inspired thought and creativity.

The circular shapes represent dancing musical notes that fill the environment with colorful sounds. Their overlapping blends represent connectivity, collaborative relationships and interactive diversity. Their organic form represents nature and free expression.

The grouping of colors in the logo is inspired by the daubs of paint on a painter’s palette which represents the tools of the artist and thoughtful preparation before expression.

The Suomi Hand font inspired the custom letterforms used for the logotype. It has also been adopted as a support font for sub-identities and special communications. The handwritten character of the logotype loosely represents the art of creative writing and calligraphic expression.


The Tree of Inspiration The Tree of Inspiration is the key graphic element in the Fairfield identity suite. It represents creative energy, diversity, a painter’s palette, and growth. It can also be seen as a fountain emanating great ideas and performances. The colorful interlocking “leaves� of the tree suggest connectivity and interaction. The font is organic and friendly. The central graphic can be used as a graphic signature or a standalone symbol. As an isolated symbol, it becomes a punctuating signature for subtle brand reinforcement. While it is not intended be used to introduce the Fairfield brand, it should be used as a follow up visual once the full logo has been displayed.


The Tree of Inspiration Permissible Variations The Tree of Inspiration may be used in alternate color formats. 1. For one-color print applications, the entire graphic may be reproduced using Pine Green, Pantone 555 with screen tints against a white background. 2. For black and white print applications, the entire graphic may be reproduced using 100% black with screen tints against a white background.




3. For applications that measure 1� wide or larger, a full color version of the graphic may be used against a 100% black background. 4. For applications that measure less than 1� wide, a full color version with the dark green paint daub and the tree stem and branches changed to white may be used against a 100% black background.



The Fairfield Logo The basic form of the Fairfield logo includes the Tree of Inspiration integrated with the lower case f in the logotype. The logotype is a customized interpretation of the Suomi Hand font. The splits in both the capital F and lower case f help to create visual fluidity and add a subtle quirkiness which is a characteristic often found in a creative community. 2.4 This basic form is expressed in several Fairfield identity graphics that represent other Fairfield organizations.

The Fairfield Logo Permissible Variations The Fairfield logo may be used in alternate color formats. 1. For one-color print applications, the entire logo may be reproduced using Pine Green, Pantone 555 with screen tints against a white background. 2. For black and white print applications, the entire logo may be reproduced using 100% black with screen tints against a white background.




3. A full color version of th logo may be used against a 100% black background. 4. A white (reversed) version of the logo may be used against a Pine Green or any of the colors in the brand palette except for tinted versions.



The Fairfield Tag Lines Several tag lines were tested among people who represent various user groups and marketing professionals. In a survey submitted to a large test group, “Tune Into Our Vibe” tested the best among other tag line concepts for tourism marketing. It is targeted primarily to potential visitors. “Connect. Create. Celebrate.” tested the best to promote the Fairfield lifestyle. It is targeted primarily to attract new residents and businesses.


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The Fairfield Tag Lines Permissible Variations Both Tag Lines may be used in alternate color formats. 1. The tag lines may be reproduced using 100% black against a white background.


2. The tag lines may be reproduced using any of the colors in the brand palette except for tinted versions.


3. White tag lines may be used against 100% black or any of the colors in the brand palette except for tinted versions.


4. White tag lines may be used against a photo image as long as the background image does not have competing, high contrast visual elements that invade the clear space.


5. White tag lines may be used against any of the brand backgrounds as long as they are clearly legible. 4


The Fairfield Logo with Tag Line The tag line does not always have to be used in a consolidated format. The consolidated logo and tag line is best used when there are no reasonable options that would allow for each to be used independently within the same application.


The Fairfield Logo with Tag Line Permissible Variations The Fairfield logo with Tag Line may be used in alternate color formats. 1. For one-color print applications, the entire logo may be reproduced using Pine Green, Pantone 555 with screen tints against a white background.



2. For black and white print applications, the entire logo may be reproduced using 100% black with screen tints against a white background.


3. A full color version of th logo may be used against a 100% black background. The only exception is that the tag line shall be reproduced in white. 4. A white (reversed) version of the logo may be used against a Pine Green or any of the colors in the brand palette except for tinted versions.



The Fairfield Logo with Iowa Adding “Iowa� to the Fairfield logo is only necessary when it is presented to an out-of-state audience who may otherwise not know where Fairfield is or may be confused with a Fairfield in another state.


The Fairfield Logo with Iowa Permissible Variations The Fairfield logo with Iowa may be used in alternate color formats. 1. For one-color print applications, the entire logo may be reproduced using Pine Green, Pantone 555 with screen tints against a white background.



2. For black and white print applications, the entire logo may be reproduced using 100% black with screen tints against a white background.


3. A full color version of th logo may be used against a 100% black background. The only exception is that “Iowa� shall be reproduced in white. 4. A white (reversed) version of the logo may be used against a Pine Green or any of the colors in the brand palette except for tinted versions.



The Fairfield CVB Logo The Fairfield Convention & Visitors Bureau is the primary marketing organization for Fairfield. Its identity must be closely aligned with the Fairfield brand yet should be differentiated as an independent entity from the City.


The Fairfield CVB Logo Permissible Variations The Fairfield CVB logo may be used in alternate color formats. 1. For one-color print applications, the entire logo may be reproduced using Pine Green, Pantone 555 with screen tints against a white background. 2. For black and white print applications, the entire logo may be reproduced using 100% black with screen tints against a white background.




3. A full color version of th logo may be used against a 100% black background. The only exception is that the “Convention & Visitors Bureau� shall be reproduced in white. 4. A white (reversed) version of the logo may be used against a Pine Green or any of the colors in the brand palette except for tinted versions.



The Fairfield City Logo The city government of Fairfield uses a logo that is closely aligned with the Fairfield brand but is differentiated as independent from the CVB or other community organizations. The city identity includes a small “City of” in place of the dot in the first “i” of the logotype.


The Fairfield City Logo Permissible Variations The Fairfield City logo may be used in alternate color formats. 1. For one-color print applications, the entire logo may be reproduced using Pine Green, Pantone 555 with screen tints against a white background. 2


2. For black and white print applications, the entire logo may be reproduced using 100% black with screen tints against a white background.


3. A full color version of th logo may be used against a 100% black background. The only exception is that the “City of� shall be reproduced in white. 4. A white (reversed) version of the logo may be used against a Pine Green or any of the colors in the brand palette except for tinted versions.



The Fairfield City Logo with Iowa Adding “Iowa� to the City of Fairfield logo is only necessary when it is presented to an out-of-state audience who may otherwise confuse it with a Fairfield in another state.


The Fairfield City Logo with Iowa Permissible Variations The Fairfield City logo with Iowa may be used in alternate color formats. 1. For one-color print applications, the entire logo may be reproduced using Pine Green, Pantone 555 with screen tints against a white background.



2. For black and white print applications, the entire logo may be reproduced using 100% black with screen tints against a white background.


3. A full color version of th logo may be used against a 100% black background. The only exception is that the “City of” and ”Iowa” shall be reproduced in white. 4. A white (reversed) version of the logo may be used against a Pine Green or any of the colors in the brand palette except for tinted versions.



The Fairfield City Logo with Tag Line Adding “Iowa� to the City of Fairfield logo is only necessary when it is presented to an out-of-state audience who may otherwise confuse it with a Fairfield in another state.


Co t. C ate. .

The Fairfield City Logo with Tag Line Permissible Variations The Fairfield City logo with tag line may be used in alternate color formats. 1. For one-color print applications, the entire logo may be reproduced using Pine Green, Pantone 555 with screen tints against a white background.



2. For black and white print applications, the entire logo may be reproduced using 100% black with screen tints against a white background.


3. A full color version of th logo may be used against a 100% black background. The only exception is that the “City of� and tag line shall be reproduced in white. 4. A white (reversed) version of the logo may be used against a Pine Green or any of the colors in the brand palette except for tinted versions.



The Fairfield City Wordmark A wordmark version of the City logo is used for applications that require a more conservative look or for applications that have very limited visible area.


Municipal Utilities

The Fairfield City Wordmark Permissible Variations The Fairfield City Wordmark may be used in alternate color formats. 1. For one-color print applications, the entire wordmark may be reproduced using Pine Green, Pantone 555.



2. For black and white print applications, the entire wordmark may be reproduced using 100% black against a white background.


3. A white (reversed) version of the city wordmark may be used against a 100% black, Pine Green or any of the colors in the brand palette except for tinted versions. 4. A white (reversed) version of the city wordmark may be used against a photo image as long as the background image does not have competing, high contrast visual elements that invade the clear space.



The Fairfield City Departmental Logo Departments within the city government often require their own identity. Department identities are represented by the Fairfield City wordmark with the addition of their respective department name placed below the Fairfield logo using the Calibri Bold font.

Municipal Utilities

The added departmental name shall be centered under the stem of the lower case f.


Wastewater Department

The Fairfield City Departmental Logo Permissible Variations The Fairfield City Departmental logo may be used in alternate color formats. 1. For one-color print applications, the entire wordmark may be reproduced using Pine Green, Pantone 555.



2. For black and white print applications, the entire wordmark may be reproduced using 100% black against a white background.


3. A white (reversed) version of the city wordmark may be used against a 100% black, Pine Green or any of the colors in the brand palette except for tinted versions. 4. A white (reversed) version of the city wordmark may be used against a photo image as long as the background image does not have competing, high contrast visual elements that invade the clear space.



The Fairfield Celebratory Logos The Fairfield Celebratory logos feature the Tree of Inspiration as the primary graphic to be used as a packaging device for items such as community signage, branded merchandise, special events and promotional giveaways. Two versions are available. The CVB version is intended for visitor experiences while the City version is intended for resident experiences. Both may be used by the City and the CVB at their discretion.


The Celebratory Logo (CVB) Permissible Variations The CVB version of the Celebratory logo features the Tree of Inspiration as the primary graphic as a packaging device such as community signage, branded merchandise, special events and promotional give-aways. Two versions are available. The Fairfield Iowa version is intended for visitor experiences while the City of Fairview version is intended more for resident experiences. Both may be used by the City and the CVB at their discretion.


The Celebratory Logo (City) Permissible Variations The City version of the Celebratory logo features the Tree of Inspiration as the primary graphic as a packaging device such as community signage, branded merchandise, special events and promotional give-aways. Two versions are available. The Fairfield Iowa version is intended for visitor experiences while the City of Fairview version is intended more for resident experiences. Both may be used by the City and the CVB at their discretion.


Rules of Use

Clear Space A minimum clear space on all sides of the Fairfield logos and wordmarks is measured by the height of the stem of the letter “i” from the Fairfield wordmark. The distance defined by the height of the letter “i” represents the minimum clear space required between the outer most elements of the logos and wordmarks and the definable outer edge of a field or the nearest edge of another graphic or visual element.

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The clear space must be maintained at all times. These areas must never be invaded by other graphics, borders or photographic elements. In rare cases, low contrast patterns, photographic elements or watermarks may appear behind the logos and wordmarks but it is recommended that all versions remain isolated.

Wastewater Department

Clear Space For applications that feature the Tree of Inspiration, the distance defined by the height of the dark green color paint daub represents the minimum clear space required between the outer most elements of the graphic and the definable outer edge of a field or the nearest edge of another graphic or visual element. The clear space must be maintained at all times. These areas must never be invaded by other graphics, borders or photographic elements. In rare cases, low contrast patterns, photographic elements or watermarks may appear behind the Tree of Inspiration and Celebratory Logo but it is recommended that all versions remain isolated.


Minimum Sizes 1. The minimum size of the Fairfield logos, wordmarks, and isolated tag line shall be no less than 1” from the left edge of the “F” to the right edge of the “d” in the logotype.





2. The minimum size of the isolated Tree of Inspiration, and the Celebratory Logo shall be no less than 1” from the left edge of the orange daub to the right edge of the light green daub.


3. The minimum size of the isolated tag line shall be no less than 1” from the left edge of the “T” to the right edge of the “e”.


Wastewater Department

Prohibited 1. Under no circumstances shall users of the Fairfield Brand Identities, rearrange or make any alterations to their parts. 2. The color arrangement shall never be reorganized or changed in any way. This includes adding halos, outlines, gradient blends and drop shadows.




3. No element shall be removed. 4. Single color versions shall not deviate from those specified in this document. 5. The Fairfield Brand Identities must never be placed against a textured background other than a low contrast photo image or a white/off-white texture.

4 5



6. They shall never be used over a photo image that has competing, high contrast visual elements that invade their clear space. 7.

The Fairfield Brand Identities shall never be used as a third party identity.


8. They shall never be used as a watermark. 9. They must never be placed against a colored background other than white, off-white or black. 10. When the Fairfield Brand Identities are used with isolated imagery, they must never be obstructed or obscured. 11. Never use the Fairfield Brand Identities in a sentence. 12. Never rotate or use them in a vertical format.



Come to

and feel our vibe! 11



Brand Elements

Colors The Fairfield Brand is supported by primary, secondary and tertiary color sets. These colors reflect the character of Fairfield and should never be altered. The primary set includes seven Pantone colors. One or more of these colors are used to represent the Brand Identity Graphics. The secondary set consists of screen tints of the primary set. These are to be used as complimentary treatments for subtle graphic effects. The tertiary set consists of saturated colors that are the overlapping areas of the daubs. All colors are broken down into reproduction formulas for print media (CMYK), digital (RGB) and web media (HEX).

Primary Light Green PMS 369 CMYK RGB HEX






















6/35/100/0 237/170/0 ED4400

0/0/0/100 35/31/32 231F20

55/40/100/22 109/112/46 6D702E

Cool Green PMS 348 CMYK RGB HEX


47/94/47/37 105/32/69 692045

Olive Green PMS 5757 CMYK RGB HEX


44/81/62/52 88/41/49 582931

Eggplant PMS 229 CMYK RGB HEX


24/99/78/17 164/31/53 A41F35




39/100/40/17 142/11/86 930B56

Sun Yellow PMS 124 CMYK RGB HEX


11/100/47/1 214/0/87 D60057



69/10/18/0 59/176/201 3BB0C9

Rose Rubine Red CMYK RGB HEX


82/33/78/21 45/112/80 2D7050




67/12/100/1 99/167/10 63A70A

Pine Green PMS 555 CMYK RGB HEX


96/22/100/9 0/131/62 00833E


Suomi Hand

Typography Regulated typography is a powerful tool used to market the Fairfield brand and should be used in all forms of promotional communication to maintain a strong and unified brand expression.

Suomi Hand is the font that inspired the design of the Fairfield logo letter forms. It has also been adopted as a support font for sub identities, headlines and special communications. It should only be used for marketing the Fairfield brand.

PT Font Family PT is the primary font family for the Fairfield brand. It was selected out of hundreds of fonts to be compatible with the Brand Identities. It includes 8 styles that can be used together or separately in support of the Brand Identities. Note: For organizations other than the Fairfield Iowa Convention & Visitors Bureau who engage in general nonpromotional communications and who elect not to purchase the PT font family, may use the Garamond font family as a substitute.

A B CD EFG H IJ K LM N O PQ R S T U V W X Y Z a bcde fghijk lm n o pq r stu vwxyz12 3 456789 0 PT Sans Bold

ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz1234567890 PT Sans Bold Italic

ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz1234567890 PT Sans Regular

ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz1234567890 PT Sans Regular Italic

ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz1234567890 PT Serif Bold

ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz1234567890 PT Serif Bold Italic

ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz1234567890 PT Serif Regular

ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz1234567890 PT Serif Regular Italic

ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz1234567890


The Paint Daubs The shapes used in the Tree of Inspiration canopy are inspired from daubs of paint on an artist’s palette. These colorful shapes may be used as clusters of color accents, blended background patterns or cropped photos.


Patterns Background patterns have been created for special field treatments. They are largely made up of translucent paint daubs. Each background is a unique combination of colors which convey different hues.


The Applied Brand

Cups & Coasters Coffee cups and drink coasters are among popular items visitors buy as gifts or souvenirs. Private vendors who want to use Fairfield Brand identities on their custom products must contact the Fairfield Convention and Visitors Bureau to apply for a brand licensing release. Only after a submitted brand licensing release has been approved may a retailer use a Fairview Brand identity for retail purposes. 5.1

Apparel Fairfield apparel is an important retail vehicle that will be a popular product for visitors looking for gifts or souvenirs. City polos and departmental apparel can be branded with the Fairfield City wordmark.


Print Advertising Advertising should be visually bold and use minimal copy. It is recommended that ads incorporate crisp, high resolution photography depicting people actively engaging in activities that represent the best of Fairfield. Ads that target in-state markets should use the Fairfield Logo without Iowa. Ads that target out-of-state markets should use the Fairfield Logo with Iowa. In both cases, the tag line should be used within the ad grouped with the logo or isolated, as long as it is featured. The TravelFairfield.com url must be used in all advertising so the viewer can access the website for more information.

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Rack Brochures Rack brochures can be an effective means to deliver regional information to visitors in or outside of the city. Such materials can be available at information kiosks, visitor centers and public attractions. Most brochure display cases obscure the lower 3/4ths of the brochure. The logo or identifying message should be placed on the top 1/4th so it is visible. Multiple brochures are more effective if they share a common design and theme.






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Point of Arrival Gateway Primary Gateway signs mark points of arrival into Fairfield. They let visitors know that they have arrived at a unique place and that a memorable experience awaits. A gateway sign is an opportunity to make the best first impression to visitors entering your community for the first time. This first impression will set the tone for a visitor’s experience. The Fairfield gateway sign should be made of materials that are indicative of the area but is constructed for longevity, legibility and in compliance with local codes and regulations.



Cha Fai


Street Banners Street banners can help infuse brand into an environment. They are often used to demarcate districts or downtown areas, celebrate the seasons or promote an event. They should be limited in the amount of information they display. Size matters– if they are too small, they get lost among busy storefronts and signage, too large and they will block retail identities and become a clearance hazard for vehicles and pedestrians. If designed right, they can sere as a visual catalyst for busy communities. More importantly, they can help establish a memorable sense of place.

t e at Co C 5.6

Full bleed photographic imagery should be bold and relative to the featured article.

Visitor’s Guide The visitor’s guide should be treated as a travel magazine. The articles within it should tell the reader about key attractions and events in Fairfield.

The Fairfield Celebratory logo is used as a masthead that remains unchanged from issue to issue.

V I S I T O R ’ S

It should also serve as a passive marketing tool, written in a positive and entertaining voice supported by professional photography printed on magazine-grade paper stock.


Visitor’s Guide is part of the masthead and also remains unchanged in each issue.

Eat, Drink And Be Merry Fairfield has good tastes Titles of key articles within the issue are featured on the cover with a short descriptive caption.

Art for Art’s Sake

Take a tour of the artist’s walk and get inspired

Music to Your Ears

Here is where the music is and it is all around

Diversity University

Why do people from all over come here?

The organization credit remains a fixed element from issue to issue

P U B L I C AT I O N O F T H E F A I R F I E L D C O N V E N T I O N & V I S I T O R S B U R E A U


Business Cabinet A Business Cabinet includes a business card, letterhead and envelope. The ensemble is less of a marketing tool and more of a business communication vehicle. Although these materials should be more conservative than the Fairfield marketing materials, they should still celebrate the brand and convey welcoming character.

OfďŹ cer’s Name Officer’s Title

641.472.2828 name@travelfairfield.com 200 N. Main Fairfield, IA 52556 TravelFairfield.com

5.8 200 N. Main Fairfield, IA 52556

200 N. Main Fairfield, IA 52556 (641) 472-2828 TravelFairfield.com

Vehicle City vehicles should be marked with the Fairfield brand but with an official, less promotional character. The City of Fairfield Departmental wordmark is featured prominently on the doors with an isolated Tree of Inspiration placed on the rear wheel wells.


For information and assistance regarding adoption and use of the Fairfield brand and visual identity, e-mail us at info@TravelFairfield.com. Visit us online at TravelFairfield.com

The Fairfield brand strategy was created following extensive research and community consultation by Total Destination Marketing. DestinationBranding.com

The brand identities and brand guidelines were designed by Axia Creative. AxiaCreative.com


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