Safety - A safe environment for both the patient
Since our last mission and vision statements were determined in 2015 and we have successfully accomplished the vision of becoming ‘the general hospital’ after that, we felt that determining a new aspirational vision and supporting mission was due for review throughout the organization. Additionally, SMMC proposed to shift its vision towards a new aspirational level to be achieved by 2025, with a supporting mission statement and newly defined core values, while SMMC’s previous core values will become our new supporting pillars. This also in light of our transition towards SMGH and in order for our adjusted vision and mission to be carried throughout the entire organization, we propose to simplify it while not changing its context and general objectives.
Core Values
as well as staff means optimal quality of care can be provided. The safety standards applied at SMMC are based on legislation, well developed policies and local and international standards.
Health - Only a (financially) healthy organization is able to provide high quality hospital care. Among others, this relates to proper corporate governance, transparency and social responsibility. SMMC recognizes its role and exemplary function within society. Corporate social responsibility is therefore not only a wish but a requirement. This is taken into account with regard to procurement. Examples include the use of sustainable materials and efficient use of energy and water. Satisfaction - A high level of patient and staff satisfaction contributes to the performance of the whole organization.
We are committed to the following core values:
Cooperation - SMMC is a place where we can only achieve our common goals by cooperating with each other and understanding our common purpose as an organization.
Respect - SMMC is a place where respect is continuously given on multiple levels: between colleagues and between staff, patients and visitors.
Helpfulness - SMMC is a place where we are always willing to help each other, our patients and visitors.
The most successful vision statements are short and directly to the point, hence SMMC’s new vision statement, which we aspire to achieve together by 2025, is as follows:
To be the regional leader in providing high quality hospital care, with compassion and friendly service. Important elements of the vision are:
• Regional Leader: SMMC aspires to be the
best general hospital in the region (JCI accredited).
Professionalism - SMMC is a place that excels through its staff being professional at all times.
• High Quality Hospital Care: SMMC will
Pillars In addition to the core values, we have had a set of supporting pillars of which we acknowledge that our staff relates to them since more than a decade.
provide high quality basic specialized care (secondary care).
• With Compassion: All SMMC staff members
always show compassion for a patient’s predicament.