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Todd M Halbach

United States

There are people in life who will walk away from you...and when people walk away from you, let them walk. Don't try to talk another person into staying with you, loving you, calling you, caring about you, coming to see you, staying attached to you. When people walk away from you, let them walk. It happened for a reason. Your destiny is never tied to anybody that left." "Sometimes it seems like God is difficult to find and impossibly far away. We get so caught up in our small daily duties and irritations that they become the only things that we can focus on. What we forget is that God's love and beauty are all around us, every day, if only we would take the time to look up and see them." Never make someone a priority when they only make you an option. It’s quite ironic that in life, the person that brings out the best in you and the one that makes you strong is actually your weakness... "If you want to know where your heart is, look to where your mind goes when it wanders." " A friend is one to whom one
