Should You Look Into An Article Marketing Service For More Traffic?

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Is An Article Marketing Service The Answer To Your Traffic Woes? january 31, 2013 by t odd warren Share



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Lo o king fo r a t o p no t ch art icle market ing service? Then you are on t he right pat h. Because oft en t he fast est , easiest , most effect ive long-t erm st rat egy t o develop your online business is t o creat e, publish and promot e cont ent t hat is packed full of value on a consist ent basis over an ext ended period of t ime (We are t alking more t han 2 weeks here). The difficult y for most int ernet market ers is t hat it you have a day job and t herefore it difficult t o a lot t he t ime t o creat e and promot e t his cont ent so t aking advant age of a good article marketing service may just be t he solut ion you are looking for t hat will free up your t ime t o focus Art icle Market ing Service – The FULL Mont y

on more income producing act ivit ies. Let ’s a t ake a closer look at what ’s available.

Article Marketing Service – Is It Needed? The int ernet runs primarily on search. Think about what you do when looking for informat ion (consider how you found t his art icle, lol). But People log in t o t heir comput ers, go t o any one of t he major search engines (Google, Yahoo or Bing), video sit e (Yout ube – 2nd largest search engine) or t heir favorit e social media sit e (FaceBook, Twit t er, Inst agram)…and t hen t hey physically t ype in t he words or phrases t hat will help t hem find exact ly what t hey are looking for. Underst anding t his concept of “promot ing t o rank” is key t o get t ing your product s, services and business opport unit y in front of as many people as possible as easily as possbile wit hout having t o spend t housands on Pay-Per-Click advert ising. Here is a basic o ut line o f ho w yo u sho uld t hink abo ut yo ur pro mo t io n st rat egy: 1. What is t he result you want (capt ure email, sales, pure value) 2. Who is your best t arget market 3. Find out exact ly which keyword phrases are being searched for 4. Creat e valuable cont ent (blog post , video) specific t o what is being searched 5. Publish t hat cont ent and syndicat e it 6. Promot e t hat cont ent for back-links t o rank on t he search engines (increase t raffic, sales, opt -ins)

Article Marketing Service – The Actual “Service” Once you know exact ly what t he keywords or keyword phrases are t hat your t arget market is searching for, t hen you posit ion yourself t o provide t hem wit h t he informat ion necessary t o solve t heir problem or answer t heir quest ions. Aft er t hat , you are ready t o out source (free up your t ime) t he promot ion of t hat cont ent t o an art icle market ing service. But what is available out t here?

Article Writing Service – Where To Go If you already have your own art icle promot ion st rat egy t hat is working, t hen your best bet t o free up more t ime would be t o out source t he art icle writ ing process. Art icle Builder is probably t he most effect ive art icle writ ing soft ware. It has a t on of feat ures and will act ually aut o-submit cont ent t o all your blogs. It s a complet e “hands-off” approach! Out sourcing t he art icle writ ing process is somet hing you are going t o want t o consider heavily as it gives you much more cont rol over t he act ual art icle syndicat ion and dist ribut ion process. You will also want t o t ake a look at You would be surprised how many excellent writ ers out t here will writ e an SEO opt imized art icle for $5. Usually t hey cap t he lengt h at 350-500 words t hough. Just be sure t hen when you do your search on, t hat you sort t he gigs by “rat ing”. This ensure you get t he t op rat ed writ ers at t he t op of t he list t o choose from.

Article Marketing Service – The Secret Benefit A lot of inexperienced online market s will use an art icle market ing service just t o creat e a t on of really great cont ent so t hat t hey can brand t hemselves wit h t he hope t hat , wit h enough cont ent out t here on t he int ernet , t he odds will play in t heir favor and people will just happen t o st umble across t heir cont ent during t heir search. WRONG! A more effect ive solut ion is t o promot e each piece of your cont ent t o rank on t he first page of t he search engines. As I ment ioned briefly before, consider how you found t his art icle… You most likely found it ranking on t he front page of Google, Bing or Yahoo when you SEARCHED for t he phrase “art icle market ing service” or some mashup of t hose words. That right t here should be your goal. Get your cont ent t o RANK on t he first page of t he search engines and you’ll be pleasent ly surprised how many people are going t o be “st umbling” across your websit e, page, video, et c…

But ho w do yo u get peo ple t o “st umble” acro ss yo ur co nt ent ? The easiest way t hat I have found t o help your cont ent rank well on t he search engines is t o simply get ot her web sit es, blogs, and social media account s t o LINK BACK t o your peice of cont ent . This process is called “backlinking” and it is #1 most effect ive and yet oft en overlooked art icle market ing service processes. Magic Submit t er and TribePro are t wo programs t hat I use t o get my cont ent t o rank. Magic Submit t er is soft ware you run and Tribepro is a membership program t hat is web based. Bot h are effect ive. Click t he links and check out what t hese t ools can do. Combine a t op not ch art icle market ing service wit h your own cont ent promot ion and you are going t o find t hat get t ing t raffic t o your sit e is a lot easier t han it used t o be! Onward & Upwards,




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art icle market ing sit es, art icle market ing st rat egy, art icle submission service, int ernet market ing services, seo art icle writ ing service

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