8 Tips On How To Blog Effectively & Get RESULTS!

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8 Tips On How To Blog Effectively & Get RESULTS! december 18, 2012 by t odd warren Like



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Want To Learn How To Blog Effectively? Blogging is not hing more t han a casual means of communicat ing wit h your audience or t arget market , but knowing ho w t o blo g effect ively can be t he difference bet ween a healt hy annual income and just a hobby. Don’t let t he idea of blogging make you feel uncomfort able if you have never done it before. Inst ead, embrace it as an addit ional way t o generat e revenue and reach prospect ive business part ners or cust omers. Come at it from a posit ive approach, by employing t hese super duper wint ast ic t ips on how to blog effectively!

8 Tips On How To Blog Effectively #1 Sho o t A Video – Somet imes you’re going t o have a hard t ime coming up wit h blog cont ent (writ er’s block). One of t he easiest t hings you can do if t his happens is t o creat e a video and embed it int o your blog post wit h a short summary. You should be t hat your PDFmyURL.com

blog URL is not just simply in t he video t it le t hough. It should also be in t he t ext descript ion t hat goes along wit h t he video. This will help your cont ent t o rank bet t er. Remember…t his is about “how t o blog effect ively”…not just how t o blog. Two birds wit h one st one t here! #2 Subscribe T o Yo ur Blo g RSS Feed – Make it a point t o sign up t o your own blog’s RSS feed so t hat you can see what users see when t hey sign up. If you see anyt hing t hat seems difficult t o read or if you feel any informat ion is missing, you can change t hat before giving visit ors access t o it . #3 Engage Wit h A Quest io n – Once you st art blogging, make sure t hat you ask open-ended quest ions. One of t he most effect ive met hods of get t ing people t o respond t o your post s is simply asking for it . Let your readers answer your quest ions by invit ing t hem t o respond wit h a comment . This makes t hem feel more engaged, which increases t he odds t hat t hey’ll st ick around and read your next post . #4 DONT Do T his – It is NOT a good idea t o have music and/or video t hat st art s up aut omat ically when visit ors reach your sit e. Some people may be using t he sit e in a place where t here should be no noise and t hat will make t hem less likely t o visit your sit e in t he fut ure. #5 What T o Blo g Abo ut – The best t opics t o blog about if you want t o learn how t o blog effect ively is t o writ e about a subject t hat you are passionat e about . This way you are almost never short of ideas t o writ e about . #6 Blo g Daily – Not only will blogging daily get you int o t he habit of blogging, but it s t he quickest way t o learn how t o blog effect ively…t he more you blog, t he bet t er you are going t o become at it ! #7 Blo g Wit h A Purpo se – It s import ant t hat every single blog post t hat you writ e has a purpose. Is t hat purpose t o solve a quest ion t hat many of your readers have? Maybe t hat post ’s purpose is t o get someone t o join your business opport unit y. Or maybe t he purpose of you post is t o get your reader t o opt -in t o your mailing list . Det ermine t he purpose of your post before you writ e it and you will sound like a blogging expert ! #8 Writ e Like Yo u T alk – The most simple t ip on how t o blog effect ively is t o writ e how you speak. If you speak using cert ain slang words, t hen use t hem in you’re blog post s. I always say t he word “friggin”…I am t he only person I know t hat says it , but my readers act ually know t his t o be “my word” and t hey connect wit h my personalit y as a result . PDFmyURL.com

Not only will t hese t ips help you in knowing how t o blog effect ively, you will save yourself a t on of t ime wondering on what t o writ e about and how t o writ e about it !

How To Blog Effectively – Time To Take Action! You are now more t han ready t o jump int o t he blogging arena in your own way and wit h your own personal approach. Remember t hat cust omers want t o feel t he personal connect ion t hat is oft en missing wit h online int eract ion. Use blogging as a way t o overcome t hat obst acle. Use t he t ips on how t o blog effect ively provided here and get st art ed now. Love & Appreciat e You!

PS: Want t o know how I replaced my wife’s annual income as an office manager wit h a simple lit t le blog? Wat ch t his video t o learn how…but promise not t o laugh when you see how simple it was!




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