Are The Opinions Of Others Keeping You Broke? – Tips On Making Your Own Decisions

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Are The Opinions Of Others Keeping You Broke? – Tips On Making Your Own Decisions december 15, 2012 by t odd warren Like



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Are you having t rouble making yo ur o wn decisio ns? Allowing t he opinions of ot hers t o influence your decision just might be t he very t hing keeping you broke… Most people who fail t o accumulat e t he amount of money t hat t hey need or desire are easily influenced by t he opinions of ot hers and dont know how much power t heir lay in making your own decisions . They allow t he news, family, gossip, and t rends t o do t heir t hinking for t hem.

The Price Of Opinions – Tips On Making Your Own Decisions Opinions are about t he cheapest commodit y on t he face of t his eart h. Every single person you come int o cont act wit h has a bucket

full of opinions t hat t hey are dieing t o dump on anyone wit h an open ear. If you reach your decisions by allowing t he influence of opinions, you will never succeed in any undert aking, let alone t urning your dreams and desires int o t heir mat erial equivalent . In fact , if you are influenced by t he opinion of ot hers you will have forfeit ed all desire t hat once was your own.

Bad Company Corrupts Good Habit In all business endeavors, keep counsel only wit h t hose who underst and your desires and will lift you up and encourage you in your decision making process. Give no weight t o t he opinions of ot hers unless t hey are a part of your “Mast er Mind” group of persons t hat you have given permission t o speak int o your life. It s very import ant t hat in select ing t his group of people you ensure t hat t hey are in complet e alignment wit h your definit e purpose and chief aim. What abo ut family? One of my biggest enemies in making your own decisions can be t he friends and relat ives who “have your best int erest s at heart ”… From my experience, 2 years ago I began a weight -loss/healt h journey t hat would lit erally change my life. I had no energy t o play wit h my kids aft er work. I was sluggish. I felt complet ely drained each day. And who wouldn’t carrying around 60lbs of unnecessary weight ??? I knew t hat change was needed so I st art ed making my own decisions on how I should be eat ing and spending my t ime. I st art ed waking up at 4:30am every single day t o do my workout s. I st art ed eat ing healt hy meals and would not allow myself one single bit e of compromise.

My wife was furious at t imes, but I knew t hat even HER opinion of my new healt hy lifest yle should hold no weight in my decision. Family members would mock me at t he holiday for eat ing just t urkey and veget ables. And t hey would quot e bible verses, jokingly saying, “everyt hing in moderat ion TODD!”. But I had made a choice and only allowed t he opinions of t hose who underst ood my goal and were in harmony wit h t hat goal t o have any influence on my choices. The result …60lbs of fat loss and a changed man! Your family and friends will be your biggest crit ic…Most people carry wit h t hem mult iple inferiorit y complexes because some ot her “well-meaning” person dest royed t heir confidence t hrough ridicule and “opinions”.

You Have A Brain – Shut Your Mouth And Start Making Your Own Decisions One of t he charact erist ics of a person how is easily influenced by t he opinions of ot hers is a loud mout h. Not in volume levels, but in t heir search for informat ion pert aining t o t heir decisions, t hey pret end t o have a vast knowledge of t he subject . These people generally do a lot more t alking t hen t hey do list ening. If you want t o aquire t he habit of quick decision making, shut your mout h and open up your eyes and ears!

If you talk more than you listen, you not only deprive yourself of many opportunities to accumulate useful knowledge, but you also disclose your plans and purposes to people who will take great delight in defeating you, because they envy you. ~ Napoleon Hill

Seek knowledge quiet ly and you will find it much more useful in “making your own decisions”.

What To Expect In Making Your Own Decisions Here is a short list t o end t his art icle on what you will have t o look forward t o when you make t he choice t o st art making your own decisions: Envy Ridicule Mockery The loss of “friends� Family heart ache And what t o expect when your persist ence pays off: Financial freedom More free t ime Sense of accomplishment St ronger relat ionships St ronger mindset Confidence Know your decisions were your own Be sure t o co mment belo w if yo u have any enco uraging wo rd o r quo t es o n decisio n making t hat have influenced yo ur o wn life. Making yo ur o wn decisio ns can be o ne o f t he mo st rewarding act s yo u can t ake in mo ving clo ser t o yo ur dreams and desires. Fo llo w t hese t ips t o experience what is t o be free fro m t he o pinio ns o f o t hers and o nt o t he pat h t o o bt aining yo ur desires! Love & Appreciat e You,

PS: 18 mont hs ago, I made a decision t o replace my wife’s annual office manager income t hrough blogging online. Find o ut ho w I made t hat decisio n a realit y!




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t agged wit h: decision making quot es, do t he opinions of ot hers mat t er, how t o make quick

decisions, making business decisions, making decisions, making your own decisions , opinions of ot hers

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