P90X2 Review - No BS...Just the TRUTH!

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FULL P90X2 Review – DONT BUY Until You Read This!

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Po s ted by Co ac h To dd o n Jan 29, 2013 in Reviews | 0 c o mments

X Hey t hanks for vist ing! I gave P90X a shot more t han once and failed every single t ime. 7 t imes in fact ...But t hen it clicked and I found t he t ools t o get ripped! I want t o share t hat wit h YOU - consider joining my t eam! Joining RIPPEDCLUB has been a game changer for hundreds of people. Let s get you st art ed t oday! So yo u’ve do ne P90X, maybe even Ins anity


So yo u’ve do ne P90X, maybe even Ins anity and yo u are lo o king fo r s o mething that will take yo ur fitnes s to the next level – This Like

P9 0 X2 review will s ho w yo u jus t what is po s s ible with the mo s t advanc ed ho me training pro gram o f all time. Or if yo u jus t want to s ee s o me P90X2

Twe e t

res ults and do nt really c are to read this “P90X2 review”…Jus t s kip to the bo tto m fo r my results that landed me in the infomercial!


Overview Compared To P90X – P90X2 Review


If yo u have made it to this page then yo u are o bvio us ly s erio us abo ut taking a s tab at P90X2. Yo u have als o mo s t likely been thro ugh P90X o nc e o r twic e and are lo o king to bump up the intens ity o r maybe yo u are lo o king fo r s o mething that will get yo u the bes t res ults po s s ible. S o ho w do es P9 0 X2 st ack up against it s o lder bro t her, P9 0 X?

We respect your email privacy As far as diffic ulty…if yo u have do ne P90X, then yo u c an expec t the s ame level o f diffic ulty but in different areas o f yo ur fitnes s . P90X2 really fo c us es o n turning yo u into an athlete. P90X do es a pheno menal jo b o f building a fo undatio n fo r all aro und fitnes s , but P90X2 really takes yo ur fitnes s to ano ther level and c o nditio ns yo ur bo dy with balanc e, po wer, explo s ivenes s , s tability, agility, and

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flexibility. Who c o uld give a P90X2 review better than the man hims elf, To ny Ho rto n? Here he explains the differenc e between P90X and P90X2


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P90X2 Phases – P90X2 Review Similar to P90X, P90X2 is bro ken up into 3 phas es : 1. Fo undatio n

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2. Strength 3. Perfo rmanc e

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P9 0 X2 Fo undat io n Phase: 3-6 weeks I believe that the c o -c reato r o f P90X2, Steve Edwards gives the bes t des c riptio n o f P90X2 Fo undatio n Phas e. In his blo g, “The Straight Do pe “, Steve writes ,

c o ac hto dd on BODY BEAST Review – A Full, No BS

“Not foundation as in “base training” but as in your attachment to the earth. Working on the “you

Lo o k At Beac hbo dy’s Mas s Gaining

can’t shoot a canon from a canoe” philosophy the aim of this program is to build you from the ground up. You may think you have a good base from P90X but, I assure you, we are going to find

Wo rko ut

some weak areas and improve them. The two major areas of weakness in the human body, which

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leads to probably 90% of sports injuries, are shoulder and hip instability. Solve this and non-contact

BODY BEAST Review – A Full, No BS

injuries will virtually disappear.”

Lo o k At Beac hbo dy’s Mas s Gaining

Here is an exc erpt fro m my o wn P90X2 Phas e 1 Review:

Wo rko ut

“P90X2 Phas e 1 is go ing to fo c us o n yo ur weaknes s es , and tho s e weaknes s es are primarily go ing

s hubhy3338 o n BODY BEAST Wo rko ut Sc hedule

to be balanc e and s tability fo r mo s t peo ple, whic h invo lves yo ur c o re. That is why yo u s ee s o many new piec es o f equipment us ed in P90X2, like the medic ine balls , and s tability ball. All o f thes e to o ls alo ng with brand new mo ves that yo u have never tried are abs o lutely go ing to c hallenge the c rap o ut o f yo u! Every s ingle wo rko ut in P90X2 Phas e 1 will fo rc e yo u to engage yo ur c o re and

c o ac hto dd on

fo c us o n keeping yo ur balanc e during the mo ve. This c o re s trength and s tability that yo u are develo ping in the fo undatio n phas e is c ruc ial fo r yo ur s uc c es s in the s trength phas e and es pec ially in the perfo rmanc e phas e.

BODY BEAST Wo rko ut Sc hedule s hubhy3338 o n BODY BEAST Wo rko ut Sc hedule

With wo rko uts like X2 Co re that fo c us o n c o re s trength while do ing mo ves that c reate ins tability, yo u are go ing to get an inc redible wo rko ut. And yo u als o have X2 Balanc e & Po wer whic h will fo c us o n yo ur balanc e during res is tanc e mo ves . Fo r example; do ing bic ep c urls and tric ep extens io ns in a warrio r 3 po s itio n. And fo r tho s e o f yo u who arent yo ga-s avy…warrio r 3 is do ne o n o ne leg with yo ur to rs o parallel to the flo o r. Its diffic ult, lo l.” P9 0 X2 S t rengt h Phase: 3-6 weeks After building a s o lid fo undatio n o f c o re s tength and s tabiliity in phas e-1, phas e-2 is go ing to take s o me o f yo ur mo re c o mmo n s trength mo ves and add the element o f balanc e to them. Yo u will be do ing pus hups in different variatio ns o n med-balls and balanc e balls . Pull-ups will inc lude a gymnas tic element to them. Yo u are go ing to be wo rking mus c les that yo u didnt kno w exis ted and therefo re this phas e is go ing to begin to develo p abilities yo u tho ught yo u wo uld never have. P9 0 X2 Perf o rmance Phase: 3-4 weeks This is where P90X2 really s hines and this is where the do c to rs get invo lved. Harvard s po rts

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medic ine do c to rs that is . This training blo c k is the s ame type o f training that NCAA and pro fes s io nal athletes are us ing to inc reas e explo s ivenes s , vertic al jump, agility, balanc e and all fo rms o f perfo rmanc e in the s po rts bas ed arena. Here is a lo o k a what is c alled P.A.P – Po s t Ac tivatio n Po tentiatio n. I will allo w Dr. Marc us Ellio t to explain:

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P90X2 Workout Schedule – P90X2 Review Phase 1: FOUNDAT ION (3-6 weeks) PDFmyURL.com

Day 1: X2 Co re (56:54) Day 2: Plyo c ide (56:48) Day 3: X2 Rec o very + Mo bility (58:20) o r Ac tive Res t (i.e. jo gging, hiking, biking) Day 4: X2 To tal Bo dy (63:45) & X2 Ab Ripper (17:27) Day 5: X2 Yo ga (68:07) Day 6: X2 Balanc e + Po wer (63:21) Day 7: X2 Rec o very + Mo bility (58:20) o r Ac tive Res t (i.e. jo gging, hiking, biking) Phase 2: S T RENGT H (3-6 weeks) Day 1: Ches t + Bac k + Balanc e (60:15) & X2 Ab Ripper (17:27) Day 2: Plyo c ide (56:48) Day 3: X2 Rec o very + Mo bility (58:20) o r Ac tive Res t (i.e. jo gging, hiking, biking) Day 4: X2 Sho ulders + Arms (53:04) & X2 Ab Ripper (17:27) Day 5: X2 Yo ga (68:07) Day 6: X2 Bas e + Bac k (56:26) & X2 Ab Ripper (17:27) Day 7: X2 Rec o very + Mo bility (58:20) o r Res t **ADDITIONAL OPTIONS fo r PHASE 2**: Subs titute V Sc ulpt fo r Ches t + Bac k + Balanc e in Day 1 Subs titute X2 Ches t + Sho ulder + Tris fo r X2 Sho ulders & Arms in Day 4 Note: V-Sculpt (54:18) and X2 Chest, Shoulders, & Tris (49:28) disks only come with the Deluxe or Ultimate kits. If you have the base Kit and would like to incorporate these advanced workouts into your routine, they are available to order separately HERE. Phase 3: PERFORMANC E (3-4 weeks) Day 1: P.A.P. Lo wer (62:56) Day 2: P.A.P. Upper (53:06) Day 3: X2 Yo ga (68:07) Day 4: X2 Rec o very + Mo bility (58:20) o r Ac tive Res t (i.e. jo gging, hiking, biking) Day 5: P.A.P. Lo wer (62:56) Day 6: P.A.P. Upper (53:06) Day 7: X2 Rec o very + Mo bility (58:20) o r Res t Reco very Week (t o be do ne when needed) Day 1: X2 Rec o very + Mo bility (58:20) o r Ac tive Res t (i.e. jo gging, hiking, biking) Day 2: X2 Yo ga (68:07) Day 3: X2 Rec o very + Mo bility (58:20) o r Ac tive Res t (i.e. jo gging, hiking, biking) Day 4: X2 Yo ga (68:07) PDFmyURL.com

Day 5: X2 Rec o very + Mo bility (58:20) o r Ac tive Res t (i.e. jo gging, hiking, biking) Day 6: X2 Yo ga (68:07) Day 7: X2 Rec o very + Mo bility (58:20) o r Res t

P90X2 Nutrition Plan – P90X2 Review This wo uldn’t be a c o mplete P90X2 review witho ut c o vering all the bas es …s o lets talk fo o d! The P90X2 nutritio n plan c aters to vegans , vegetarians and tho s e who want gluten-free o ptio ns . The P90X2 meal plan features 27 different diet guides in o ne, and it’s des igned to fuel perfo rmanc e and enhanc e rec o very, bo th o f whic h are es s ential fo r the type o f fitnes s regimen that P90X2 o ffers . If yo u’re planning to do the P90X2 wo rko ut pro gram, make s ure yo u’re prepared fo r the P90X2 nutritio n plan with thes e tips : Replac ing red meats and pro c es s ed meats with lean c hic ken, turkey and o ther lean pro tein s o urc es Eating s lo w-diges ting c arbo hydrates with yo ur pro tein (think who le grains , les s pro c es s ed = better) Ens uring all meals fit within yo ur mac ro s fo r the day Eliminating white bread and s ugar fro m the diet Inc o rpo rating Shakeo lo gy into yo ur daily meal plan Drinking plenty o f water thro ugho ut the day – ideally 1o z o f water per lb o f bo dy weight Trac king yo ur nutritio n with a pro gram like myfitnes s pal.c o m

P90X2 Equipment – What Do I NEED? Truthfully yo u c an get away with jus t a to wel, c hair, and a res is tanc e band. In eac h o f the P90X2 wo rko uts , yo u will s ee o ne pers o n do ing all the mo ves with limited equipment. This was o n purpo s e s o that the pers o n who travels o ften c an s till train like an elite athlete! But lets take a lo o k at what yo u c an us e to get THE BEST res ults !


Yo ur BES T value will be t o pick up t he P9 0 X2 Ult imat e Kit which includes: 2 bo nus advanc ed P90X2 wo rko uts 1 PRO-GRADE Fo am Ro ller 1 55 c m PREMIUM Stability Ball 2 8-lb. Medic ine Balls To ny Ho rto n Po werStands ® Addit io nal Equipment – HIGHLY REC OMMENDED P90X Chin Up Bar Dumbbells Jump Mat Yo ga Blo c ks Again, yo u c an ac hieve amaz ing res ults with jus t a s et o f res is tanc e bands , a c hair, and a to wel – But the abo ve equipment is fo r peak res ults !

Buy P90X2 – P90X2 Review & Pricing There are 5 pac kages that are o ffered fo r the P90X2 pro gram. Yo u c an dec ide belo w whic h fits yo ur budget and yo ur go als ! (Clic k the links fo r details ) P90X2 Bas e Kit – ($119.85 DVD/$149.85 Blu-Ray) P90X2 Deluxe Kit – ($239.70 DVD/$299.70 Blu-Ray) P90X2 Ultimate Kit – ($359.55 DVD/$389.55 Blu-Ray) P90X2 Advanc ed Wo rko uts – ($59.85 DVD/$65.85 Blu-Ray) P90X2 Challenge Pac k – ($205 <— Co mes with Shakeo lo gy!)

P90X Review – My thoughts & Results I c an no t s ay eno ugh po s itive things abo ut P90X2. I think my P90X2 review is a little bias ed bec aus e I did get s uc h amaz ing res ults , but thats what makes the c laims o f a pro gram true right?? ? PDFmyURL.com

‌the res ults ! So witho ut s haring muc h mo re info ‌all I c an do is SHOW YOU ho w highly I rec o mmend that yo u purchase P9 0 X2 and st art pressing PLAY!







Day-1 vs Day-9 0


P90X2 Review – Your Next Step? FIRS T : If this P90X2 review was helpful, then be s ure to click the “like”, “tweet”, and “G+1″ buttons o n the left. It will help get the wo rd o ut abo ut ho w amaz ing this pro gram is ! S EC OND: Be s ure yo u leave a comment below and let me know that you stopped by . Yo u c an as k ques tio ns o r jus t tell me what yo u tho ught o f this artic le. T HIRD: If yo u already o wn P90X2 o r are purchasing it from this site right now …be s ure yo u email me at c o ac hto dd@rippedc lub.net s o that we c an get yo u plugged into o ur next P90X2 Challenge PDFmyURL.com

Group s o that yo u get THE BEST res ults po s s ible! Yo u will get the s uppo rt o f the gro up and you will get me as your FREE Coach to walk yo u s tep by s tep to getting ins ane res ults !

BRING IT AGAIN! Co ac h To dd “That dude in the P90X2 infomercial”

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Related po s ts : 1. P90X2 Review – X2 Co re 2. P90X2 Phas e 1 Reveiw 3. P90X2 Phas e 2 – An Old Fas hio ned Butt Who o pin! 4. BODY BEAST Review – A Full, No BS Lo o k At Beac hbo dy’s Mas s Gaining Wo rko ut 5. P90X2 Res ults : Day-60

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