...right round like a record, baby...
Volume VII / SEP 2015
Whirling Dervishes Be the Change Alka Bhanot: Indie Meme The Art of Jimi Calhoun
Ballet Folklorico de Mexico visits Austin during
perfect date nights start here. Symphony BATS President Kate Perez and husband Hector enjoy their date nights with the ASO. Using the Blippar app on your mobile device, scan the image above for an interactive video!
105th SeaSon opener! Fri & Sat, Sep 18 & 19 André Watts, piano n Peter Bay, conductor Long Center ’s Dell Hall n Concer t at 8:00 p.m. Pr e-concer t talk with Bob Buckalew at 7:10 p.m.
This legendary Mexico City company, founded by the great Amalia Hernandez, has been thrilling audiences for six decades with their authentic representations of traditional folkloric dances, colorful costumes and expert musicians. 2015–2016 SEASON SPONSORS
André WAtts
André Watts— a master of the piano —celebr ates 50 year s of per for ming! Hear Mr . Watts as soloist on Beethoven’s Piano Concer to No. 3, as well as music fr om some of the gr eats of the Romantic and Moder n per iods, per for med by your Austin Symphony Or chestr a.
Enjoy activities like playing on str inged instr uments and texting with musicians and Maestr o Peter Bay. #asoseasonopener
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C E N T R O Peace U R B A N O Day HABLA Austin
Spirit of East Austin forum Share your hopes, needs, struggles, and ideas with Mayor Steve Adler, Austin City Council, Judge Sarah Eckhardt, Travis County Commissioners Court and City Manager Marc Ott on Saturday, Sept. 12, 9 a.m-12 p.m. at Travis County Expo Center. How might individuals, communities and local government mobilize to ensure a brighter future for all? Join your neighbors to participate in small-group problem-solving discussions. Black Lives Matter march Black Lives Matter Austin is holding an African Drum March on Saturday, Sept. 5, at noon in memory of African immigrants killed by police. The group will begin its march from 9th Street and Chicon near Huston-Tillotson University on the East Side, through downtown and back to the East Side, ending at the Carver Library in time for the African Yam Festival at 2 p.m. Black Lives Matter Austin is the Austin affiliate of the national movement.
to help fund a sustainable project. The City hopes the campaign will expand consumer awareness and increase battery recycling. Health Check-Up Day Saturday, Sept. 19 is Take a Loved One for a CheckUp Day. Visit the Delco Activity Center (4601 Pecan Brook Dr.) from 11 a.m.-3 p.m. for free blood pressure and blood sugar checks, pregnancy tests, vision tests, HIV testing, dental exams, and drug education. Also offering free flu shots by appointment, call 512-972-5520. A career fair will also be held. For additional information, call (512) 972-5184 or (512) 784-1670. Bark Happy Mobile startup BarkHappy Charity Doggy Ice Cream Social is Sunday, Sept. 20, 11 a.m.-2 p.m. at Fair Market, with Amy’s Ice Creams providing free dog ice cream. Dog lovers can purchase a ticket/ donation benefitting Austin Pets Alive! and Service Dogs Inc. The Austin Animal Center also recently launched its play groups for shelter dogs. The dog play yards are next to Austin Animal Center, 7201 Levander Loop. Austin Museum Day Austin Museum Day on Sunday, Sept. 20, is a free city-wide day of discovery. Visitors to all six COA museum and cultural program sites will be eligible to receive a framed, autographed print of Fidencio Duran’s “Ladies’ Night Out.” Among highlights is Asian American Resource Center’s encore photo exhibit by Rama Tiru, a kids’ exhibitsbased scavenger hunt, and “Claiming America: Selected Stories of Asian Americans in U.S. History” sculptures and international arts collection. Also of note is Austin History Center, Austin Public Library’s event with musician and author Jesse Sublett (2 p.m.) supporting his recent book, “1960s Austin Gangsters: Organized Crime that Rocked the Capital.”
Austin Recharge Challenge Austin Resource Recovery and Austin Public Library, in conjunction with Call2Recycle, Inc., host the 2015 Austin Recharge Challenge, where Austin’s 21 library locations are competing through Sept. 18 to collect the most batteries from residents for recycling. The winning library will receive a $1,000 donation from Call2Recycle
Delivering diversity in media to Austin
GAACC events Greater Austin Asian Chamber of Commerce hosts Women’s Business Club on Sept. 23, 11:30 a.m.-1 p.m. at TopGolf Austin, where private instructors will show members golf technics while networking. On Sept. 29 the member breakfast and orientation takes place at GAACC office (8001 Centre Park Dr., Suite 160).
Volume VII, Number 5
for more than five years, TODO Austin
PUBLISHER/EDITOR // Gavin Lance Garcia info@todoaustin.com
printed journal, and TODOAustin.
ART DIRECTOR // Dave McClinton // dmdesigninc.com
com offer news, opinion, cultural
ASSOCIATE EDITORS // Evelyn C. Castillo, Paul Saldaña, Katie Walsh, Erica Stall Wiggins
arts and lifestyle stories written
SENIOR EDITORS // Lobo Corona, Sonia Kotecha, Diana Sanchez, Lesley Varghese, Yvonne Lim Wilson
by, about, and for all ethnic communities in multicultural Austin.
CONTRIBUTING WRITERS // Anthony Garcia, Mia Garcia, Harish Kotecha, Alexandra M. Landeros, Callie Langford, Genoveva Rodriguez, Monica Peña, Blake Shanley
Austin/ GlobalAustin collaborate for Peace Day Sept. 21 By Rebecca Robinson
Peace Day Austin, together with GlobalAustin’s Welcoming Week for Austin’s resident international and immigrant communities, are hosting an 11-day, citywide celebration of the United Nations International Day of Peace from Sept. 1121. A full list of dozens of activities and participating organizations can be found on the Peace Day Austin website, www. peacedayaustin.org. Beginning with the Austin Firefighters’ Memorial Service, Stair Climb and Bagpipes & Drums on Friday, Sept. 11, Austinites will have multiple opportunities to commemorate, participate and celebrate in community peace activities. There will be a Mayoral Proclamation on Sept. 17 and the celebration culminates with a press conference and reception at City Hall on International Peace Day, Sept. 21, with Austin’s Mayor Adler offering closing remarks. Special guests will include Consul General of Mexico, Carlos Gonzalez Gutiérrez; Consul General Adrian Farrell of Ireland, representatives of the participating Peace Day Austin organizations and a performance by Conspirare Youth Choir and the Akins High School Choir. Other events include Poems for Peace, hosted by Subud International Cultural Association (SICA) and Austin Parks & WRITERS/PHOTOGRAPHERS/ARTISTS // Aliya Arni, Alka Bhanot, Gabriela Candanoza, Roy Casagranda, Cindy Casares, Jimi Calhoun, Gabriela Castaneda, Caitlyn Collins, Priscilla Cortez, Meredith Cox, Alejandra Cueva, Nora De LaRosa, Rose Di Grazia, Swapnil Dighe, Laura Donnelly Gonzalez, Mark Guerra, James C. Harrington, Mari Hernandez, Yadira Izquierdo, Korina Jaimes, Katherine Jensen, Chaille Jolink, Ryan Jordan, Ali Khataw, Ramey Ko, Callie Langford, Heather Lee, Julia Lee, Esteban Lopez, Liz Lopez, Otis Lopez, David Marks, Caitlin Moore, Cristina Parker, Tatum Price, Raul Rangel Uribe, Rebecca Robinson, Marion Sanchez, Shubhada Saxena, Dani Slabaugh, Amanda Sprague, Corey Tabor, Sergio Tristan, Blanca Valencia, Debora Kuetzpal Vasquez, Tara Veneruso WEB DESIGN // Mike Hernandez
Recreation on Friday, Sept. 18, 7:30 p.m. at Dougherty Arts Center. Peace Potluck Picnic, Peace Crane Project and Therapy Sisters concert is Saturday, Sept. 19, 2- 9 p.m. at Ground Floor Theatre, 979 Springdale Rd. A Global Minute of Silence will take place at noon on Peace Day, Monday, Sept. 21.
The global theme for International Peace Day 2015, “Partnerships for Peace – Dignity for All” inspired the partnership of Peace Day Austin and GlobalAustin as well as the many other organizations that have joined this initiative. Latifah Taormina of SICA, which spearheaded Peace Day Austin said, “With the current, very tense climate surrounding race, immigration, sexuality and religion, ‘dignity for all’ has become our rally cry. It’s also been a hallmark of the best of Austin leadership — including our current Mayor. I think Austin can make a significant contribution to the global effort to build a lively culture of peace in our world.” In 2009, the United States Senate passed a resolution in support of the goals and ideals observed on Peace Day and encouraged all Americans to observe Peace Day with appropriate programs, ceremonies and educational activities. Peace Day Austin grew out of the work the SICA was doing with Poems for Peace— which was inspired by Jeremy Gilley and Peace One Day. Gilley was the driving force behind getting the UN to give Peace Day a set calendar date, Sept. 21. Peace Day Austin is now a collaborative grass roots initiative to explore, express, share, welcome, and celebrate what peace means to each of us as we travel from 9/11, a Day of Remembrance and Service, to 9/21, International Peace Day. This year, Austinites will be joining millions of people around the world participating in Peace Day activities. COVER // Ballet Folklorico de Mexico TODO Austin // Multicultural Media for All of Austin. TODO Austin is a free print and online journal for all of Austin highlighting our multicultural heritage and promoting the concept of community in an ethnically diverse city. Circulation throughout Austin, from the Westside’s Pennybacker Bridge to the Eastside’s Montopolis Bridge. TODO Austin is published by Spark Awakened Publishing. © 2015 Spark Awakened Publishing. All rights reserved. The views expressed here are the authors and should not be taken to represent those of Spark Awakened Publishing or of any of its associates or partners. ADVERTISING/SUBMISSIONS/EDITORIAL: info@todoaustin.com, 512.538.4115 TODO AUSTIN // SEP 2015 // TODOAUSTIN.COM 03
The Whirling Dervishes as a spiritual experience By James C. Harrington
Until I co-authored a book on three great mystics of the Abrahamic traditions, Jalal ad-Din Rumi, Moses de León, and Meister Eckhart, I had always viewed the Whirling Dervishes as a cultural curiosity. But now, having studied Rumi, I understand the dervishes are performing a sacred mystical dance, depicting our individual spiritual journey toward union with God, each other, and the entire universe. Rumi’s disciples and his son Sultan Walad began the famous Sufi dance (the Sama, or Sema, ceremony, also known as the Whirling Dervishes) after his death in 1273 as a sacred dance to symbolize Rumi’s spiritual thought. Sufism is a mystical tradition in Islam, and its Turkish version is the most familiar in the West. A dervish represents a person purified the self of worldly desires. Sufi followers of Rumi forsake materialism in their journey to God and learn a life of love and service to people. They originally wore simple woolen clothing as a sign of austerity and simplicity. They are known for their famous invitation to people of all backgrounds: “Come, come, whoever you are: wanderer, idolater, worshiper of fire. Come, even though you have broken your vows a thousand times. Come, and come yet again. Ours is not a caravan of despair.” Rumi passionately believed in using music, poetry, and dance as a path to God. For him, music helped individuals focus their being on the Divine, so intensely that the soul was both destroyed and resurrected. These beliefs led to the Sama’s whirling dervishes creating a ritual dance. The dervishes perform the Sama to music, notably from a reed flute, known as a ney. The music consists of settings for mystical poems, generally from Rumi or his son. The dervishes and audience are both part of the Sama performance. The ney represents the human voice, lamenting separation in this
material world from God, with whom we seek to be united now and hereafter. Rumi used a reed cut from the reed bed longing to return to the reed bed symbolically of the soul longing to return to God. This ceremonial dance unites three fundamental components of human nature: mind (as knowledge and thought), heart (through the expression of feelings, poetry and music), and body (by activating life, by the turning). In the ritual’s symbolism, the samazen’s (whirler’s) tall camel hair hat (sikke) represents the ego’s tombstone; the wide, white skirt represents the ego’s shroud. By removing their black cloaks at the beginning, the samazens are spiritually reborn to the truth; and, by holding their arms crosswise, they appear to represent the number one, testifying to God’s unity. The dancers spin counterclockwise, with the right hand reaching toward heaven and the left hand toward the earth. The gesture symbolizes the link between the material and spiritual worlds. The hand toward heaven transmits God’s love to earth with the other hand. Revolving ritualistically, the samazens embrace all humanity with love and convey God’s spiritual gift to those witnessing the Sama. The Sama represents a mystical path of spiritual ascent through love to the Perfect One. In this journey, the seeker symbolically turns toward the truth, grows through love, abandons the ego, finds the truth, and arrives at the Perfect. The seeker returns from this spiritual experience with greater maturity, to love and serve all creation without discrimination, regardless of the belief, nationality, race, or class of those in the community.
Be the Change 2015
By Aliya Arni
“Be the change you wish to see in the world” is a quote by Mahatma Gandhi, which has inspired the Be the Change national day of service. The purpose of the program is to inspire and foster civic engagement through volunteerism and community service. The event is coordinated by South Asian Americans Leading Together (SAALT), a national, nonprofit organization with a mission to foster an environment in which all South Asians can fully participate in civic and political life. I am a participant of the Be the Change Youth Leadership Council, a team consisting of local students, primarily high schoolers working to put the event together and make it a success. I started participating in the Be the Change movement last year when I volunteered at the day’s kick-off event. I helped seniors from a local organization group SAIVA make dolls for the children at Dell’s Children Hospital and helped start a community garden at the Asian American Resource Center where the kick-off event had taken place. The event really brought the community together and helped our city improve, one step at a time. It was amazing how much everyone accomplished afterwards when we saw the amount of dolls we had made, which had completely exceeded our goal. The garden also came together, and many different foods and plants now grow in it. This event really captures how individuals working together can accomplish so much and have such a lasting impact on our city. I became a part of the Be the Change Youth Council because I would love to help put an event together like last years. I think it’s amazing to see the end product of what so many people really work so hard for and its impact on the community long after the project is done. To me, “Be the Change” means that if you want something done, you should go do it. I, and I think all the members in this committee, just want to improve the lives in our community and make it a better place to be, and that’s simply what we are doing.
If you have never witnessed the Whirling Dervishes’ spiritually uplifting dance, or want to witness it again, they will be in Austin from Konya, Turkey, September 25, 7 p.m., at the Riverbend Church Centre: http://austindervishes.org/. ---------------------------------------------------------Harrington is founder and director of the Texas Civil Rights Project and author of “Three Mystics Walk into a Tavern: A Once and Future Meeting of Rumi,” “Meister Eckhart” and “Moses de León in Medieval Venice.”
Aliya Arni and her sister.
Austin first participated in this event in 2010 with only one service project and now, thanks to the generosity of our community, Austin has grown to host the biggest Be the Change event in the U.S. for the past five years. This year, Austin will hold its annual Be the Change event on Saturday, October 3, the date which Austin City Mayor Steve Adler has recently declared the official Be The Change day for Austin. The theme for this year is to “Stand Together, Build Together.” There will be many different types of volunteer projects all over Austin, and we strongly encourage Austinites of all different ethnicities and cultural backgrounds to join together and take part in this event. The kick-off event for this year will take place at Austin City Hall from 8:30 a.m.-10 a.m.. This year’s keynote speaker is Anant Pai, a Harvard freshman and the President of California Cultures for Youth. Along with volunteering opportunities to engage the community, the Indian American Coalition of Texas (IACT) is collaborating with the event to sponsor a creative expression contest. Participants can submit a painting, essay, photo, etc. and cash prizes will be rewarded. The two prompts for this year’s contest can be found on the Be the Change Austin website (www.bethechangeaustin.org). ------------------------------------------------------------------For more information on the event, contest, volunteer registration/ opportunities and updates, follow our Facebook page, Instagram, and Twitter, and visit our website www.bethechangeaustin.org. 04 TODO AUSTIN // SEP 2015 // TODOAUSTIN.COM
Head to the Carver on Saturday, Sept. 5, from noon – 4 p.m., for Celebrate Me! Central America. The event is free and open to the public. Celebrate Me! is a global cultural educational experience series exploring different cultures from around the world and celebrating their similarity and diversity. Each time, participants are invited to visit a new corner of the globe. The journey will explore different cultures and the artistic life of their community through language, food, geography, and history. “Read It” is a reading program designed to empower young people and assist them with their reading needs. The Carver will be reading for 30 days and then celebrate success at the end of each month. The program meets every other Saturday from 10:30 a.m.- noon. Through Dec. 12, 2015. RSVP to attend orientation to Debra Dupree at dddupreecosmetics@gmail.com. The kick-off is Saturday, Sept. 26 in the Carver Classroom. Drop by to see the galleries, including a permanent exhibit honoring Old L.C. Anderson High School and her alumnae, a Children’s gallery, Families Gallery and the Juneteenth Gallery. Weekend hours are 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Friday, and 10 a.m.- 4 p.m. Saturday.
IMMIGRATION New AIRC head hoping to make impact on everyday lives of immigrants By Nora De LaRosa
It’s not every day that a Texas Senator rebukes you for speaking Spanish. Yet, that’s exactly what happened to Antolin Aguirre in 2011 when testifying on behalf of the Austin Immigrant Rights Coalition at a Texas Senate committee hearing. Aguirre, a native of Mexico, was providing testimony against then Senate Bill 9, an anti-sanctuary cities type measure viewed by many as anti-immigrant and racist. Despite knowing some English, Aguirre chose to testify in Spanish. It was during his testimony that then Senator Chris Harris interrupted Aguirre and asked him why, if he has lived in the U.S. since 1988, he wasn’t speaking English. Aguirre acknowledged that despite living in the country for 20 years and knowing some English, his preferred language was Spanish. It was then that Senator Harris stated, “It’s insulting to us. It’s very insulting to us. If he knows English he needs to be speaking in English.” Four years have passed since SB9 was eventually derailed but Aguirre continues to speak for Austin’s Immigrant community. Today, he is the newly appointed Executive Director of the Austin
Flor de Nopal Writers Workshop is Saturday, Sept. 5, 2-5 p.m. in the Raul Salinas Room. The workshop will be led by Wade Martin and Vincent Cooper. The purpose of the literary festival is to promote the work of Mexican American poets and writers.
Saturday, September 12, 1-2:30 p.m. | Meet the Author: “The Good Immigrants.” Dr. Madeline Hsu explores a century of Chinese migrations and looks at how model minority characteristics of many Asian Americans resulted from US immigration policies. Free.
Also on Sept. 5, at 7 p.m. in the Black Box Theatre, The Living Room, in association with the Latino Visibility Project, celebrates Hispanic Heritage Month with the Latinidad Stories. Storytime for Grownups will present three Latina and three Latino personal tales that highlight the storytellers’ distinct Latinidad. Hosted by Amparo Garcia-Crow, The Living Room is a monthly spoken word series celebrating its fifth year in Austin. The gathering brings together an eclectic mix of stories around a specific theme on the first Saturday of each month. It is a space for friends, neighbors and perfect strangers who are comfortable in front of an audience and want to share their stories in order to satisfy a need for creativity and connection.
Sunday, September 20, 2-4:30 p.m. | “India’s Daughter” film screening and panel discussion
We’re also seeking dedicated volunteers for our Saturday, Sept. 12 signature event, ¡Viva Mexico! 2015, with shifts running from 3-11 p.m. Contact antonioperez@austintexas. gov if interested.
Immigrant Rights Coalition and says of the Senator’s reaction, “It was wrong, but it didn’t surprise me. Unfortunately it’s one of the many injustices immigrants continue to face.” Aguirre’s experience in the committee hearing wasn’t the first time he felt attacked for being an immigrant. Born in Tamaulipas, Mexico, Aguirre immigrated to North Carolina in 1988. “When I arrived I was made to feel like less than a human being for not speaking English.” Despite the difficulties with the language and the vast differences in culture, Aguirre progressed. “I came with the dream of owning my own business and becoming a U.S. Citizen. It was tough. There were times when people looked at me like I was dirt, but I never gave up.” Instead, Aguirre enrolled in English courses and moved to Austin in 1991 with the hopes of achieving his business goals.
“India’s Daughter” (2015) tells the story of the brutal gang rape and murder of an exceptional young woman. Her death sparked unprecedented protests and led to the first glimmers of a change of mindset. Presented in collaboration with Asian Family Support Services of Austin (AFSSA). Refreshments provided. Free. Saturday, October 3 | “I Want the Wide American Earth” Smithsonian Exhibit Grand Opening + AARC Two-Year Anniversary Open House Celebration. Featuring guest speaker Konrad Ng, Director of the Smithsonian Asian Pacific American Center. Explore Asian Pacific American history across a multitude of diverse cultures in this traveling exhibit from the Smithsonian Institution. Learn how Asian Pacific Americans have shaped and been shaped by the course of our nation’s history. Additionally, celebrate the two-year anniversary of the AARC with interactive historical activities, kids crafts, cake and refreshments. Activities throughout the day. Free.
SB9 in 2011 because we were united. Some of the attitudes towards immigrants in the U.S. and Texas are horrible. Travis County has one of the highest deportation rates in the country. We see families who have lost their father or mother and we need this to stop. We have families who are facing eviction or are barely making ends meet because of the rising cost of living in Austin. Enough is enough.” He added, “Last year we sat in meetings where members of the City Council presented the possibility of Municipal ID’s for immigrants and witnessed Austin pass a resolution against S-Comm but very little has changed.”
Aguirre says that under his leadership, the Coalition will focus on goals or as the community refers to them, the “puntos de lucha” that would most impact the everyday lives of immigrants in Austin such as continuing to work to secure a progressive detainer policy that would limit or end ICE detainers in the Travis County Jail and Municipal ID’s for immigrants. If you are interested in working with the Austin Immigrant Rights Coalition please contact Aguirre at 512-350-1917 or via email at austinairc2008@ gmail.com
“I’ve worked in furniture upholstery, in a factory, as a meat cutter in a grocery store and as a custodian. I became a citizen in 2001 and today I own my own business, but it wasn’t easy,” Aguirre said. “I worked hard. We (immigrants) work hard to achieve our goals and dreams. We deserve dignity and respect for the contributions we make as a community to this country, our home. “ Aguirre’s focus as Executive Director of the Austin Immigrant Rights Coalition is to continue to support the immigrant community in demanding and securing the quality of life they deserve. “Just because some of us may not speak the language doesn’t mean we don’t have a voice. We defeated
Antolin Aguirre at rally. Rene Renteria photo TODO AUSTIN // SEP 2015 // TODOAUSTIN.COM 05
Asian Austin’s A-List
Alka Bhanot
communities - each more diverse than the other. Nishtha Jain, the filmmaker of “Gulabi Gang,” was in Austin last month and in response to an audience question she said “there are many different Indias.” As I promote all these films, I am learning so much about these different “Indias” myself and having such a good time doing it. And I believe that the more you know, the less you conjecture. Awareness, knowledge, truth are all very powerful and all our films are set in reality – documentaries as well as narratives.
By Asian Austin staff
AA: What are the challenges of running Indie Meme?
Alka Bhanot has extensive experience producing for Indian television and was Executive Producer for the first late night show in India, “Movers & Shakers,” which won numerous awards. In Austin since 2003, her film credits include Bryan Poyser’s “Dear Pillow” (2003), Margaret Brown’s “Be Here To Love Me” (2006), Karen Skloss’s “Sunshine” (2009), and an animated kids show, “Trevor Romain Video Series” (2005). She founded Indie Meme in 2013 to feature meaningful independent cinema from India in Austin theaters.
AB: Getting the funding/sponsorship to be able to continue to bring awareness through great cinema and of course the ongoing challenge of bringing people to the theatres every time we have a screening event. Sometimes the challenge is also to “quantify” our impact, but that is only with folks who have not yet attended an Indie Meme event. Our attendees know and feel the difference we are making.
Asian Austin (AA): What was your attraction to your vocation? What drew you to do the work you do at Indie Meme? Alka Bhanot (AB): Distributing/promoting independent films from South Asia was something that just happened. I am by profession a producer of content, but that skill helps tremendously when you are working with other people’s content. In 2012, I realized there were great Indian films being produced by young filmmakers that were being screened all around the world in festivals, though not really available in the U.S. for general viewing (primarily due to lack of finance). So Indie Meme was set up to connect these viewers and filmmakers by screening some of their fabulous work. Simply put, I guess there was a need that was identified and we felt we could fill that need. AA: Did you know what you wanted to do with your life or did it just happen? AB: I wanted do my MBA and get a good job in a multi-national company with a big salary! That was over 20 years ago. Now I wish to do work that inspires me, has some purpose and makes me happy. I have a wonderful filmmaker friend who gave us her film to start with and introduced us to many other filmmakers who eventually came on board and the passage from India to the U.S. opened up. AA: How does culture inform your work? AB: Sometimes you start something small and as you go along you realize the value of what you have and the impact of what you do. A lot of what we achieve through our screenings is raising awareness of the “many South Asian cultures.” And I say “cultures” because while South Asians might all seem quite similar, there are actually so many sub-cultures in that sub-continent. And so many 06 TODO AUSTIN // SEP 2015 // TODOAUSTIN.COM
So at most Indie Meme events you will see a lot of different colors and they all blend. And the more we work at being inclusive the more likely it is that we are included. As far as the broader South Asian community is concerned, you are so right about the really financially upwardly mobile South Asian community that is ready to get involved and to give back. It is for this reason that we can have more than 10 extremely successful fundraisers every year for various causes within the community. The Day of Service in the city on Mahatma Gandhi’s birthday is such a great example as is the School Supplies Drive for the less privileged children in the city, both led by South Asian community efforts along with the larger Austin community. The fact that our programming is funded partly by a grant from the City is another example of how well we seem to “fit.” AA: What do you consider the most important cultural value for you and for those close to you? AB: Doing the right thing. AA: Anything else you’d like to add?
AA: What project do you have coming up that you are most excited about? AB: It’s the September Family Film Month. We are really excited about it. We present four fantastic films sponsored in part by a grant from the city of Austin Cultural Arts Division. We would love to invite everyone to extend some ‘together-time’ with the family beyond summer break! It will be an enriching experience for every age in the family. From animation of age-old Indian classic tales for the very young, to father and son bonding evolving through adulthood, you are sure to find elements that speak to you and your loved ones. Check the appropriate age recommendations for each film and head over to the theatre with your kids, parents and grandparents for some offbeat bonding time. AA: Is there anything particular about Austin that inspires you? AB: Everything! But mostly the people. Indie Meme could not have been a reality in any other place. It’s a very artistic, creative, supportive, encouraging and socially conscious city … love living here! AA: Are there generational issues, or cultural issues, or both, between young and old Asian American Austinites? AB: LOL. Aren’t there generational issues between young and old everywhere? Cultural issues arise, as we are various generations of immigrants. My parents, who are recent citizens, are still grappling with Austin as their new home, we (and many of my age group) have made Austin our home and our kids don’t know of any other home. Cultural differences are bound to exist but these are great learning opportunities sometimes. And it’s a great way to learn to show respect and tolerance for each other within the family and community.
AA: South Asian Americans are becoming a powerful force in Austin economically, culturally, politically and otherwise. How do you see the community fitting into the larger Austin culture and community? AB: At Indie Meme, we start with the pitch to the South Asian community and then make sure we reach out to every single group /community/ organization that might be in sync with the theme of the film. And my favorite is the film community.
AB: I do want to say that this work is tough to do. I am really grateful to my partner, Tripti Bhatnagar, who is based in Dallas and very instrumental in making all our screenings happen in Austin. Without her on board, I am sure we would not have gone very far. She is also entirely responsible for us growing in other cities. And we have both received tremendous help from family, friends and made many new friends who are an incredible source of support. We do have an entire community that supports Indie Meme, some of the best volunteers in town and a very supportive Board of Advisors who are always there to help. It does take a village to make Indie Meme work and I love the village we live in! Keep Meme-ing and see you at the next screening. Asian Austin at www.AsianAustin.com is an online news source featuring news about Asian American people, organizations and events in Austin. Visit the Asian Austin website and “Like” us on Facebook for calendar and event details! Contact publisher Yvonne Lim Wilson at yvonne@asianaustin.com.
Cosmic Vida Cosmic Vida
Chicana Activist: Diana Abrego, 2008. Chicana12 Activist: Diana Abrego, 2008. Opening Reception on September at 7pm Opening on September 12 at 7pm IN THEReception SAM Z. CORONADO GALLERY
Gerry Garcia Ernesto Cuevas, Jr.Valdez Adriana Maria Garcia Curated by Raul Cardee Garcia Alejandro Garcia MiguelMaria Cortinas Gerry Garcia Ernesto Cuevas, Jr. Adriana Garcia Cardee Garcia Alejandro Garcia Miguel Cortinas Cosmic Vida presents passion, pain, and love as visual emotions. Inpresents these works, heritage used as as a means Cosmic Vida passion, pain,isand love visual to express the social importance of art and culture. emotions. In these works, heritage is used as a means
OCT 18
Orquesta Buena Vista Social Club is saying goodbye with their 2015 farewell tour. Performing are original members Jesus Ramos, Guajiro Mirabal, Barbarito Torres, Eliades Ochoa, and the incomparable vocalist Omara Portuondo. 2015–2016 SEASON SPONSORS
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to express the social importance of art and culture.
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Mexico’s centuries old art form
Ballet Folklorico de Mexico returns to the Long Center By Liz Lopez
During National Hispanic Heritage Month, from September 15 through October 15, traditional festivities whose roots can be traced back to Spain, Mexico, the Caribbean and Central and South America, are displayed across the U.S. to honor the histories, cultures and contributions of American citizens of Hispanic heritage. In Austin, the observation will be made all the more meaningful with an appearance from Mexico’s most revered dance troupe, Ballet Folklorico de Mexico de Amalia Hernandez, which will appear at the Long Center on Sunday, September 13, at 7 p.m. The legendary Hernandez, a classically trained ballet dancer and choreographer, founded the company in 1952 with the mission of focusing on native Mexican dance. For three generations,
Ballet Folklorico de Mexico has represented Mexico on stages around the world and has garnered several prestigious awards in their nation and overseas. The performances by the dance company are designed to highlight the finest dancers of the artform, composers, singers, costume and set designers, and musicians. In a phone interview from his studio in Mexico City, Salvador Lopez, Director of Ballet Folklorico de Mexico, discussed what Austin patrons should expect from the company on their upcoming visit. “The pieces are as lively as ever as they have been redesigned with numerous new arrangements,” Lopez stated. “There is a new generation of dancers in our company that have been together approximately eight years. I think this is an era in our company’s history that is the strongest with the energy of the dancers and musicians. We’re experiencing a renovation of the production.” For art/dance enthusiasts and those who may not have experienced a folkloric dance performance, or lack extensive knowledge of Mexico and its history, Ballet Folklorico de Mexico offers a program that spotlights the country’s indigenous, African and European heritage and explores how those cultures have influenced today’s Mexican identity. At different times in the country’s history, efforts were made to eradicate and/or at least modify indigenous dances. Ballet Folklorico de Mexico’s show is a study in what has been passed down, such as seguidillas, fandangos, huapangos, boleros and zapateados, among others, some
Austin is Why Everyone has a reason to live a longer and healthier life. What is yours?
of which are modified or are informed by new choreography.
2015 Austin Heart Walk Saturday • October 17th • Long Center • 8AM 5K Walk • 1K Miracle Mile • Competitive 5K Run For more information or to register please call 1.866.430.9255 or visit www.austinheartwalk.org
The Mexican Revolution, for example, inspired a particular creative folk style song still popular in the present day, as heard in “La Adelita,” “La Valentina” and “La Cucaracha.” By the 1930s, when dance became more popular, communities were prompted to build educational centers, including the Fine Arts Department of Mexico City. Despite waning interest during subsequent decades, the Mexican government continues to subsidize its cultural programs on the basis of their aesthetic and social value. In 1952, ballet folklorico companies enjoyed the support and leadership of cultural visionaries, with Amalia Hernandez the chief ambassador among them. The company she created met with wide acclaim and brought respect to the art of ballet folklorico on a global scale. On September 13, Austin patrons will have an opportunity to be immersed in Hernandez’s grand achievement.
Audi AudiAustin.com
Ballet Folklorico de Mexico has transcended borders around the world, one result being the popularity of companies including Austin’s Roy Lozano’s Ballet Folklórico de Texas, Ballet East
Dance Company, the University of Texas at Austin’s Ballet Folklórico, and AISD Austin High’s Ballet Folklórico, among others. Ballet Folklorico de Mexico continues to inspire through its educational center, as Director Lopez explained, as students entering the ballet school must take five years to earn the right to be considered for the professional ballet company. “This is a young company and they have worked together since they were children,” said Lopez. “They have a power and dynamic that this ballet has not had in many years.” Over the course of his tenure as director, Lopez explained that the delivery and dedication of his troupe has grown which is of significant importance as the company is challenged to remain current and contemporary. “This ballet company has gone through many generations,” stated Lopez. “I hope (the audience) finds the energy contagious.” He promises his performers will “feed the fan of emotions.” Tickets for Ballet Folklorico de Mexico are available online, by phone or at the Long Center’s 3M Box Office, 701 West Riverside Drive. For more information, visit thelongcenter.org.
Saturday, September 12, Doors Open at 6pm and Univision present
Maestros de Ceremonia: Regina Rodríguez y Hugo Chávez Montes Performances by: Oaxaca Arte y Movimiento Teatro Espacio Agua Viva Hispanic Alliance for the Performing Arts Grupo Huapango Arribeño Mariachi Las Coronelas With special guest speaker: Consul General de México Carlos González Gutiérrez
Free & Open to the Public 600 River St, Austin TX 78701 • 512-974-3772 • www.austintexas.gov/esbmacc The City of Austin is proud to comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act. If you require special assistance for participation in our programs or use of our facilities please call 512-974-3772 or 711 Relay Texas. La ciudad de Austin está comprometida al Acta de Americanos Incapacitados. Si requiere asistencia para participar en nuestros programas por favor llame al teléfono número 512-974-3772 o 711 Relay Texas.
Good Times at Güero’s For great tunes and great rita’s! Please join us for live music on our outside jardin stage, every Wednesday through Sunday. THANKS TO THE FANS & BANDS WHO SUPPORT US!!!
1412 S. Congress Avenue • Austin, Texas 78704 Open Weekdays 11am-11pm; Weekends 8am-11pm
-----------------------------------------------------------------------WED 9/2 TEXAS RADIO LIVE: SHINYRIBS & MURALI CORYELL W/ ERNIE DURAWA (6:00) THU 9/3 MURALI CORYELL WITH ERNIE DURAWA (6:30) FRI 9/4 THE BOBBY FUENTES SHOW (6:30) SAT 9/5 THE MATT HUBBARD TRIO (12:00) & THE BREW (2:30) & EL TULE (6:30) SUN 9/6 TRENT TURNER (12:00) & THE RECUPERATORS (3:00) -----------------------------------------------------------------------WED 9/9 TEXAS RADIO LIVE: DAVID HAMBURGER & GOOD EARTH (6:00) THU 9/10 BEYOND THERAPY (6:30) FRI 9/11 THE WEST SIDE HORNS (6:30) SAT 9/12 THE TEXAS TYCOONS (2:30) & LOS AZTEX (6:30) SUN 9/13 AUSTIN HEAT (12:00) & BLUE MIST (3:00) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - WED 9/16 TEXAS RADIO LIVE: FLYING BALALAIKA BROTHERS, NASH HERNANDEZ ORCHESTRA (6:00) THU 9/17 THE JONAS ALVAREZ BAND (6:30) FRI 9/18 THE BOBBY FUENTES SHOW (6:30) SAT 9/19 JIM STRINGER (2:30) & LOS TIPCOS DE CUBA (6:30) SUN 9/20 AMANDA CEVALLOS (12:00) & MITCH WEBB Y LOS SWINDLES (3:00) -----------------------------------------------------------------------WED 9/23 TEXAS RADIO LIVE: ALI HOLDER, COLIN GILMORE WITH BONNIE WHITMORE (6:00) THU 9/24 THE TAILGATORS (6:30) FRI 9/25 THE BOBBY FUENTES SHOW (6:30) SAT 9/26 BONNEVILLE COUNTY PINE BOX (2:30) & THE JUICE JOINT PROPHETS (6:30) SUN 9/27 ERIN JAIMES (12:00) & CHICKEN STRUT (3:00) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - WED 9/30 TEXAS RADIO LIVE: JEFF PLANKENHORN & TONY AND THE ITALICS (6:00)
Saturday, September 26th • 11AM - 10PM // Sunday, September 27th • 11AM - 8PM pecanstreetfestival.org
To Do Música
Oct. 9. For complete tour, see wearethenightowls. com/home
By Liz Lopez
Nikki Lopez released the song, “Voy Por Tu Corazon,” earlier this year and now has a music video featuring Trampia Guzman and Hugo Guerrero. The video release party will include live music by Calle Seis on Sept. 1 at the Blue Moon Bar & Grill, 2200 S. IH 35. Doors open 8 p.m.
Fiestas Patrias of Austin presents its 37th Diez y Seis de Septiembre Fiesta on Saturday, September 12, at Fiesta Gardens. A line-up of top-shelf Tejano and Conjunto acts includes Jimmy Gonzalez y Grupo Mazz, Marcos Orozco, Los Dos Gilbertos, Los Badd Boyz del Valle, and Canonazo, DJ Joe Louis, plus Ballet Folklorico Fiesta from 10 a.m.-2 p.m., traditional festival and Mexican food fare, children’s games, rides and craft vendors. For more info, go to www.diezyseis.org The Pecan Street Association hosts the fall Pecan Street Festival on Saturday-Sunday, September 26-27. One of Central Texas’ oldest and most popular events, the free arts festival fills the street with hundreds of local and national artisans, dozens of musical acts on three stages, a variety of food vendors and family-friendly activities, from street magicians to children activities. Find more at pecanstreetfestival.org Austin based producer and musician Rick Fuentes attended the San Jose Musicians Memorial in August to attend the induction ceremony that included his father, Richard Fuentes, a Texas native, known for his career with the Brown Express band in California. The two day memorial included a Tejano Jam, with a Brown Express Reunion. Fellow Texas artists accompanying Fuentes were Savanah Votion and three members of the Ruben Ramos Mexican Revolution, Chris Rivera, Albert Garcia and Louie Garcia. Johnny Hernandez (Little Joe’s brother) has performed at the event for three years to date. Fuentes produced and arranged a 15 track compilation CD prior to the memorial, “Keeping it Tejano,” and is now available for purchase.
The Texas Music Museum presents the Fifth Annual International Music Festival on Saturday, Sept. 12 and Sunday, Sept. 13 from 12:30-6:15 p.m. each day. The event is co-sponsored by and presented at the George Washington Carver Museum and Cultural Arts Center. The Saturday line–up includes the Dragon/Lion Dance Team; Chinese Traditional Music and Dance; Austin Polka Band; Los Bohemios Perdidos; Atash and Gumbo CE’ Soir. The line–up for Sunday starts off with Ustad Amzad Rahman & Company, followed by Batuque Raiz; Indrajit Banerjee & Sri Gourisankar; Kunitan; Flying Balalaika Brothers and Nueva Cancion Social Latinoamericana. There is a $10 suggested donation for adults and this is a family friendly showcase. Flaco Jimenez, Santiago Jimenez Jr. and Los Texas Wranglers will be performing for a fundraiser on Sunday, Sept. 13 at 2 p.m. at the H&H Ballroom, 4404 Brandt Rd. This is a ticketed event with pre-sale tickets at www.handhballroom.net
The Nightowls
at 6:30 p.m. Dekaworwor; 8:30 p.m. Paula Maya; and 10:30 p.m. Son de Rey. The event is BYOB, but food trailers will be available for purchase of food. $10 for adults and children age 12 and under enter free. Friday, Sept. 4, 6:30 p.m.-midnight at 1106 E. 11th St. Look for Gina Chavez performing at KGSR’s
The International Grooves World Music Series is a family friendly event at Kenny Dorham’s Backyard, part of the Coalition of Austin Community Gardens, managed by Diverse Arts. Featured artists include
WobeonFest: ‘All music is World Music’ By Alejandra Cueva
Austin based 10-piece band, The Nightowls, will release their new album, “Fame Sessions,” on Sept. 4 and will also begin their first U.S. tour this month. Featured local dates are Sept. 3 at Stubb’s, Sept. 5 in San Antonio at Sam’s Burger Joint and back in town for the Austin City Limits Music Festival on
Austin will commence its fall festival season with the return of Austin’s three-day World Music festival, WobeonFest. Starting Friday Sept. 11, the fest will celebrate its third anniversary with an expanded program at the Irownwood Hall in downtown Austin. The first Texas World Cultures Conference will also be held the first day as a kick-off to WobeonFest, with a free panel discussion and live music at 7 p.m. provided by Serafia and the Mafia at the festival pre-party. The conference continues on Saturday from 8:30 a.m.-1 p.m.
Jimmy Gonzalez
Nikki Lopez
Through the rest of the weekend, WobeonFest’s annual Austin World Music Festival will take place. With support from its sponsors and organizations such as KUTX Austin, Texas Folklife, City of Austin Cultural Affairs Department of the Economic Development Department, Texas Folklife, Bassboos, Ironwood Hall and others, fest organizers have been able to expand to bring a larger variety of artists for this years’ event. Consequently, the Austin World Music Festival has added the Austin Jazz Fusion Festival to its 2015 lineup.
Unplugged at the Grove on Thursday, Sept. 3 at 8 p.m. Finally, the 35th Annual Tejano Music Awards will be held on Oct. 24 at San Antonio’s Tobin Center for the Performing Arts and tickets are available now. For more details, visit www. tejanomusicawards.com On Saturday Sept. 12, Vieux Farka Toure, the son of the legendary Ali Earka Toure, will headline the Austin World Music Festival. Vieux, also referred as the “Jimi Hendrix of the Sahara” mixes fiery electric rock and blues. Sharing the stage with him will be multiinstrumentalist, Kinobe, who will be visiting all the way from Uganda with his band, Kinobe and Global Junction. Festival Founder Jakes Srinivasan shared the following about the new event’s addition: “We are always looking at breaking new ground with the kind of music we curate. All music is world music, as they say, and there’s a huge pool of great artists. World Music falls in that category, so does Jazz Fusion.” The Austin Jazz Fusion Festival will headline Sunday Sept. 13 with drum legend Billy Cobham of the Mahavishnu Orchestra. Cobham will be performing music from his first album along with his Spectrum 40 quartet, composed by jazz greats Gary Husband, Dean Brown and Ric Eirabracci. Scott Henderson, from the bands Tribal Tech and The Zawinul Syndicate, will also be featured with his new trio comprising Travis Carlton and Alan Hertz. Fest tickets are available for advance purchase at http://wobeonfest.com/tickets. For all other event inquiries and sponsorship information, please visit the WobeonFest website, or email info@wobeonfest.com. TODO AUSTIN // SEP 2015 // TODOAUSTIN.COM
Do You Hear What I Hear?
of the Caribbean Islands called a Steel Drum. This drum actually produces many of the same notes that make up the scales utilized in creating melodies. Taken together these two facts would suggest that certain types of drums are in fact musical instruments. Logic would now have to give way to the possibility that drummers really are musicians too. Just when we were about to end the conversation Frosty hit the nail on the head concerning what is really important. He said, “It really doesn’t matter to me what term is used to describe drummers. I am a drummer, I know that I am an artist, and I’ll settle for that!”
By Jimi Calhoun
Jimi Calhoun is lead pastor at Bridging Austin, a reconciling community, and cochairs Community Dreams, an Austin-based nonprofit serving urban youth. He is the author of “A Story of Rhythm and Grace” (2009), a gifted storyteller, and an internationally acclaimed musician who has performed with Buddy Miles, Jimi Hendrix, John Lennon, Elton John, Bobby Womack and Dr. John, to name a few artists. His latest book, “The Art of God: Reflections on Music, Diversity, and the Beauty in You,” is available from wipfandstock.com, Amazon.com and other retailers. The following is an excerpt. What thought comes into your mind when you hear the word music? How would you describe music to a person who is unable to hear? If you were required to write a paper giving the reasons why you like a particular style of music what would you say? I am a musician, but would it surprise you to learn that those questions are difficult for me to answer in a clear and concise manner? They are. Typically what I have tended to do is over conceptualize what music “is” by using my own personal idealized subjective abstractions, instead of simply saying what music “does” to me. I can focus on the execution of a performance and then I hear nothing else. At other times my emotions are carried away as I listen to the beauty of an exquisite arrangement. Still at other times I am in awe of the way a particular musician is able to take the same notes I have used all of my life and create something far beyond my imagination. My point is that we all listen to music but we listen in very different ways. Different people hear different parts within the same piece of music and then single them out for attention. Said another way, most people can appreciate some parts of a piece of music, but can overlook and even dislike others parts. We all listen to music for different reasons and in different ways. Analysis aside, it is in the hearing that we know music and one way that I listen to music is internally. Many times during the day I have music playing “audibly” inside my brain. Weird? Not really. Have you ever sung a song to yourself without making a sound? Sure you have, we all have. That is what I mean when I say that I often have music playing inside my brain. Being a musician I also have the ability to see music. This means that I can visualize playing my instrument, and in my “mind’s ear,” hear what it sounds like. This chapter assumes that many of you have no prior musical expertise and so I will need to get a little technical. My purpose is to give you some basics about how music is put together. Hopefully this brief excursion into the world of music theory will give you a better understanding of what music is. This will also help you to better understand some of the analogies 12
What an insightful choice of words, and they are absolutely relevant to this discussion. In this chapter we are discussing the essence of music and also what it means to be human. Drummers and bassists are not the glamour positions in the majority of rock bands. Those honors are typically reserved for lead singers, guitarists, and occasionally keyboardists. Once people create subsets within a category the subsets are soon evaluated qualitatively and quantitatively. People consider how necessary they are, and what it is they are contributing. This becomes the criteria for legitimacy.
that I will draw from the world of music. I have a friend named Mike Lawrence. Mike is a lawyer, a guitarist, and he is a humanitarian. Recently he asked that I help him teach disadvantaged kids about music utilizing guitars in a way that they actually played the guitars themselves. I believed that there was an enormous amount of potential in what Mike had created. I suggested that we standardize it and then develop a program in order to give more kids access. The program that we are in the process of developing is called T.O.P. That is an acronym for “The Open-tuning Project.” I am extremely proud to be involved in this because kids are able to develop discipline, have fun playing guitars, all while learning values and life skills based on a musical foundation. Allow me to put forward one possible response to the question that opened this chapter. Borrowing the words rhythm, melody, and harmony from our T.O.P. curriculum I was able to settle on one simple answer to what music is, “Music is an auditory performance art primarily composed of rhythm, melody, and harmony.”
Throughout my years as a professional musician there existed a running joke among my fellow instrumentalists, “Are drummers really musicians?” Actually the joke was grounded in solid logic depending on the way one defines music. Some would argue that for there to be music a melody must exist. Since a drum does not produce a wide spectrum of tones, it makes the creation of a melody by a drum very difficult. If a drum does not produce melody, then it is not really a musical instrument. It should then follow that if a drum is not a musical instrument, then the person playing a drum must not be a musician. Logical right? I grew up with a great drummer named Barry “Frosty” Smith. One day I decided to ring him and put that hypothesis to the test. Frosty pointed out that some drummers, such as the late great Tony Williams, are composers who write songs that contain melodies. Frosty opined that Mr. Williams was proof that drummers should qualify as musicians. Then I remembered that there is a type of drum that is used in the music of many
We follow the same pattern of logic prior to granting full personhood to certain segments of our society. If a human being is disabled, lacks expertise in a vocation that we presently value, or is the wrong color, then their personhood is often denied. Are people living with disabilities persons? Yes! Are drummers musicians? Yes! Human beings are different, but just as with the drum, there is a unity and coherence in that difference that makes each different part indispensable to the whole. Acceptance of the difference within is the beauty of art. Just look at music. Drums create rhythm, and rhythm is an essential element in music. Rhythm is also a separate art in and of itself. It is utilized in the art of dance, sport, public speaking, and other performance oriented activities. Additionally, our lives are lived out in various patterns of rhythm whether we are aware of them or not. In order for melody to exist a logical order to the placement of each note must be considered. The ability to create sounds that are different in pitch from each other does not automatically qualify those sounds as melody. These pitches, or frequencies, must be arranged in some type of sequence that adheres to the natural laws of music. Once the desired sequence of the notes is arrived at, it is then repeated. At this point the artist is using rhythm and pitch to create a melody and a song is born. I cannot imagine a way that a melody can be constructed without some type of a rhythm pattern being involved. I also cannot envision a person going through life without developing some type of rhythm pattern to it. We may call it by a different name such as a habit, a routine, or a proclivity. When human beings engage in repetitious patterns of thought and behavior it is directly analogous to a rhythm. These repetitious thought patterns and behavioral rhythms become the foundation for our dance through life.
KLRU celebrates HISPANIC HERITAGE MONTH KLRU-TV, Austin PBS broadcast 18.1 cable 9 klru.org
American Masters:
On Two Fronts:
Pedro E. Guerrero: A Photographer’s Journey
Latinos & Vietnam
Friday, September 18 at 8 pm
Tuesday, September 22 at 9 pm
This film captures the life and work of Pedro Guerrero, a Mexican American photographer, who goes on to an international career as photographer of master American artists of the 20th century.
This documentary examines the Latino experience during a war that placed its heaviest burden on working class youth. In communities where there were few alternatives to service, war impacted every household — especially amongst Latinos.
Also This Month
Get the complete list at klru.org
An Eastside Education
Nature: Miracle Orphans
Teachers, staff and students at Eastside Memorial celebrate meeting state accountability standards and discuss the next chapter for the school.
Follow caretakers as they rescue and rehabilitate orphaned wildlife including koalas, wallabies, sloths, kangaroos and fruit bats.
Watch online at klru.org/eastside
Wednesdays, Sept. 23 & 30, at 7 pm
Arts In Context: Beautiful Creatures Austin Bike Zoo uses “Human Powered Puppetry” to combine the beauty and strength of human movement with the artistry and theater of puppets. Thursday, Sept. 24, at 7:30 pm
KLRU-TV, Austin PBS is community supported. More than 85% of our funding comes from the public. Please consider investing in KLRU.
PHYSIQUE Health Expo to benefit Komen Austin By Monica Peña
PHYSIQUE is a health and fitness, wellness, beauty and fashion expo taking place on Saturday, Sept. 19, noon-8 p.m. at the JW Marriott. A portion of the event’s proceeds will be donated to Susan G. Komen Austin to educate and support breast cancer patients locally and fund research. PHYSIQUE also aims to help promote a healthy and active lifestyle. With 90 booths featuring some of the best in health and fitness, guests can learn about Hands On Holistic Healing’s reformative chiropractic care, shop mala beads and sacred jewelry from Atma’s Offerings and vibrant, high-performance apparel from FitFit Activewear. To kick off the event, Dancers Shape will lead guests through a fun Groove Class, barre demo for men and educational lecture on Osteohealth. Guest speakers like celebrity fitness trainer David King will share some of his secrets to fitness success while performing engaging demos. Dean of the Dell Medical School, Dr. Clay Johnston, will offer insightful health and technology information. Courtney Clark, Editorial Director of Fitness Galore, will share women’s wellness tips,
Joan Frances Moran, author and keynote speaker, Terri Gruca, Emmy Award-winning anchor and reporter from KVUE, and other experts will grace the stage. “We encourage all members of the community to support the event while having fun, and to share their experiences with breast cancer,” explained Coral Talavera, of event producer MONÉ Media. “PHYSIQUE is about celebrating life, recognizing the battle cancer patients bravely face, while also remembering with love those who are no longer with us.” Fashion for a Cause Runway Show will feature seven collections on the catwalk including; Chelsey Nordyke of Spire the Label and winner of the 2015 Fashion Fund Award at Austin Fashion Week, Midi Soliz of Black Cross and celebrity stylist, Linda Asaf, beloved local designer, and Fashion Design students from the Art Institute of Austin. For more info, go to physiqueaustin.com
(Court Appointed Special Advocates) of Travis County
VOLUNTEER SPOTLIGHT “We’re called to love others, and this kind of my way to do that,” says Amy Ray, about volunteering with CASA. Amy, a nurse practitioner, is a former triathlete who scaled back to just running after her training schedule cut into family time with her husband, cat and lab puppy. One thing she won’t scale back, though, is volunteering, which she does with CASA, Mobile Loaves and Fishes and at a soup kitchen in Bastrop. Amy was born in Kerrville, but moved to California with her family at age 13. After finishing graduate school in Boston, she knew it was time to come back home. “Texas is definitely where my heart is,” she said. Looking for ways to give back, Amy found CASA and remembered hearing about the role from a graduate school professor. She signed up right away and will begin her second case shortly. Helping her community is essential to Amy, both at the practice where she works and in her spare time. “We see patients from a couple days old to over a hundred,” but there’s a special place in her heart for kids. “I don’t have any kids of my own, so this is my way of impacting our future generation,” she said. “That’s kind of where my heart is.” 14 TODO AUSTIN // SEP 2015 // TODOAUSTIN.COM
Trash Makeover Challenge
waste and recycling issues, volunteered to help and suggested doing a fashion show and contest.
By Monica Peña
Witness Austin’s most talented minds as they use the theme, “Steampunk meets Nature” as inspiration to create designs out of the old and used into something new and reused at the Trash Makeover Challenge to celebrate Texas Campaign for the Environment’s 24th anniversary. The unique fashion show challenges designers to make clothing out of repurposed materials, followed by an over-the-top dance party with friends at Texas Campaign for the Environment on Saturday, Sept. 26 at 7 p.m., for a night of eco-conscious fashion and fun! The annual Trash Makeover Challenge is a unique competition for innovators in the fashion industry to highlight creative reuse by showcasing outfits made from recycled materials and reconstructed textiles. The night’s events will include a silent auction, live entertainment, a unique runway show and a dance party. The Trash Makeover Challenge started in 2011 when TCE decided to celebrate its 20th anniversary with a fun event that would showcase a passion for recycling. Virginia Fleck, a renowned Austin artist who uses plastic bags to raise awareness on
Red, white and Cru Food and Wine Bar By Rose Di Grazia
If you are looking for a place to have before-or-after dinner drinks, then stop on in at Cru Food & Wine Bar at the Domain, next to Starbucks. Cru is a cozy little bar and restaurant. Customers can peruse the library wall of wine bottles upon entering this intimate bar. Wine-colored lampshades hang over the bar. Purple and floral covered booths adorn the side wall with couples lingering over drinks and appetizers. A hand done mural of various wine labels hangs over bar patrons eating and drinking to their hearts content. Its 6 p.m. and happy hour for one and all. Tables are spread across the crowded patio and purple umbrellas are overhead. The sounds of voices from folks around the bar and the clanking of glasses can be heard along with the friendly waiters taking patrons’ orders. Brown wooden square tables are close enough you can mingle with your neighbors. Not a bad place to be if you are alone and single.
Cru offers specials on various days of the week such as one free pizza on Monday with any bottle of wine purchase. Thursday is half price champagne; my preferred drink of choice. Don’t forget Saturday and Sunday brunch from 11 a.m.-3 p.m. A new brunch menu is also being launched soon. Last Saturday evening, I grazed on the Great American Cheese plate for a mere $16. It came with three kinds of creamy goat cheese, grapes, pears, figs and a basket of rustic bread. It was divine. My cheese plate was washed down with a glass of Riesling. The bar offers an extensive wine list and beer of course. The restaurant is known for its pizza and delectable cheese beignets served with honey. It was all finger licking good. Cru started in Dallas and has been going strong for 14 years with various Texas locations and two locations in Denver and one in Atlanta. The Austin Domain location has a lovely private room for events and seats 12. Cru is an ideal location for family gatherings or business luncheons. This place is your answer to your next brunch, lunch, happy hour or holiday function. Cheers! For more information go to www. cruwinebar.com
Fleck recruited Tina Sparkles, a prominent figure in the Austin fashion circles, who had been canvassed by TCE about recycling electronic waste and was inspired to make a party dress out of computer wires. The collaboration between the fashion community and eco-conscious locals set a strong foundation for an annual celebration showcasing a fun, fashion competition that proved recycling is always in style. Although the theme has changed every year, recycling has remained the heart of the event and is deeply rooted throughout the competition. Garments submitted must be made from 90 percent recycled materials or reconstructed textiles. All proceeds will provide TCE with needed resources to sustain its mission of protecting our quality of life, health, communities and the environment.
Diez y Seis de Septiembre
BRIDGE2BRIDGE From Montopolis Bridge to 360 Bridge, Everything Austin
Ballet Austin’s season begins with one of Stephen Mills’ signature works. “Hamlet” is a contemporary ballet, based on the classic Shakespearean story of a young man and his incredible family drama. The stunning, lush and emotionally driven dance work, set to music by American composer Philip Glass, features live accompaniment from Austin Symphony Orchestra. Sept. 4-6 at the Long Center. balletaustin.org
In Austin, the anniversary of the 1810 Mexican War of Independence against Spain is observed with more vibrancy and pride than any stateside locale. Things kick-off with the free Community Diez Y Seis Celebration on Friday, Sept. 11, 9 a.m.-12 p.m. at the Metz Recreation Center, 2407 Canterbury Street. The Emma S. Barrientos Mexican American Cultural Center’s ¡Viva Mexico! 2015, on Saturday, Sept. 12, features on its program Oaxaca, Arte y Movimiento Dancers, Edgar Yapez, Teatro Espacio Agua Viva’s “Se vende una mula,” Hispanic Alliance for the Performing Arts, Huapango Arribeño Musical Quartet, and the Mariachi Las Coronelas performing the Mexican national anthem. Guest speakers include Austin’s new Consul General de México, Carlos Gonzalez Gutiérrez. Doors open at 6 p.m. for the free event. On Tuesday, Sept. 15, the City of Austin, the Consulate General of Mexico, the Mexican American Legislative Caucus and the Fiesta de Independencia Foundation hold their free Diez y Seis celebration on the south steps of the State Capitol, from 5-10 p.m. This year’s event features a lineup of ballet folklorico, mariachis and music by Noel Torres, Adriel Favela and Helen Ochoa. The highlight of the evening is the 9 p.m. re-enactment of “El Grito,” echoing the moment in history where Father Miguel Hidalgo called for Mexico’s independence, to be conducted by the Consul General de México. “Texas and Mexico are bound together by history, geography and traditions,” said Gloria Mata Pennington, Chair of the event’s committee. “The fact that the Fiesta del Grito is now held at the Texas State Capitol is an acknowledgement of the importance of that connection, the rich culture and the contributions of Texans of Mexican heritage.”
Film, fun and a gaggle of queer identities all deep in the heart of central Texas. The 28th Austin Gay & Lesbian International Film Festival is Sept. 10-13 at Alamo Drafthouse South Lamar. Over 70 films will be shown at the fourth oldest LGBT film festival in the country, including U.S., Texas and Austin premieres. Badges start at $100 with limited film tickets available online and at the theatre. agliff.org
Grammy Award-winning pianist/composer Billy Childs’ “Map to the Treasure: Reimagining Laura Nyro,” featuring vocalists Dianne Reeves, Becca Stevens, and Alicia Olatuja, is performed Thursday, Sept. 10, at Bass Concert Hall. Childs, one of music’s most diversely prolific and acclaimed artists, delves into the expansive catalogue of the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame singer-songwriter. texasperformingarts.org The seventh Centroamericanto Fest will feature the legendary singer-songwriter of the Nicaraguan Revolution, Luis Enrique Mejia Godoy, in collaboration with countryman Luis Pastor Gonzalez, plus pianist Esteban Alvarez of Costa Rica, songwriters Jeana and Juan Carlos Ureña from Costa Rica and Mauricio Callejas from El Salvador. Saturday, Sept. 12, Austin Scottish Rite Theater. $20. cacfest.com Blue Lapis Light aerial dance company celebrates its tenth anniversary with Edge of Grace, WednesdaySunday, Sept. 16-20 and 24-27, at their new studio at 10331 Old Manchaca Rd. The show is inspired by how grace manifests in our lives and is the quiet presence that opens people up to their humanity and compassion. Dancing will take place within the confines of a sparse urban structure. bluelapislight.org Austin Museum Partnership’s Austin Museum Day, a free city-wide celebration of art, culture, history, music, nature and science, is Sunday, Sept. 20. More than 35 museums in the greater Austin area will offer special programming, including guided tours, hands-on activities and more, for visitors of all ages. Last year, more than 28,000 visited Austin’s community cultural institutions. austinmuseums. org Actor Julian Sands is frequently seen worldwide in films, on stage and television. “A Celebration of Harold Pinter,” an evening of outstanding theater, features the extraordinary actor, devoid of pretense or glittery trappings. The show gets to the soul of Pinter—poet, playwright, husband, political activist, Nobel winner, mortal. At McCullough Theatre, Thursday-Friday, Sept. 24-25. texasperformingarts.org
By Meredith Cox
In a darkened theatre, a fantasy film fan emits a long squawk, feet stomping arbitrarily as the voices of George Romero, Roger Corman and Tim Burton echo in unison, “What’s not to love about Austin’s greatest annual geek gathering?” Fantastic Fest is back this month, Sept. 24-Oct. 1, at Alamo Drafthouse Cinema. The largest genre film festival in the U.S., specializing in horror, fantasy, sci-fi, animation and action movies from around the world, invites regulars and newcomers to a schedule of films that are said to be nourishing to the soul. On the 2015 calendar are: “My Body Hungers,” “Bone Tomahawk,” “Der Bunker,” “Darling,” “The Deathless Devil,” “Farewell Uncle Tom,” “German Angst,” “The Invitation,” “Liza the Fox Fairy,” “Love and Peace,” “Lovemilla,” “The Man Who Saves the World,” “Office,” “Remak, Remix, Rip-off,” “Ruined Heart,” “In Search of the Ultra-Sex,” “Sensoria,” “The Similars,” “Speed,” “Stand By for Tape Back-up,” “Tarkan vs the Viking,” “Victoria,” and “X-rated Supermarket.” World premieres of major motion pictures have been launched here in the past, from “There Will Be Blood” to “Frankenweenie.” The fest also features world, national and regional premieres of new, up-and-coming genre films. There are notable actors, producers, directors and writers of cinema all about, joining in the fun at what is universally acclaimed in the industry as one of the coolest collective screenings on earth. In addition to the film fest, Fantastic Arcade provides a unique showcase of independent gaming, free and open to the public from Sept. 28-Oct. 1 at the Highball, next to the Drafthouse. The best new indie videogames, plus talks, tournaments and special events, are on offer, highlighted by six original Fantastic Arcade game cabinets. Daytime badges go for $125. Other badges include guaranteed time slots, Fantastic Fest parties and exclusive items. For more info go to fantasticfest.com TODO AUSTIN // SEP 2015 // TODOAUSTIN.COM
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Texas Performing arTs Julian Sands in A Celebration of Harold Pinter
Billy Childs Map to the Treasure: Reimagining Laura Nyro
featuring Dianne Reeves, Becca Stevens and Alicia Olatuja
Directed by John Malkovich Sep 24 & 25 / Mccullough TheaTre
Sep 10 / baSS concerT hall
Five-time Grammy Award-winning jazz vocalist Dianne Reeves joins pianist and composer Billy Childs for a unique tribute to Laura Nyro!
An evening of outstanding theater with an extraordinary actor, great words, and an audience. “... a performance that captures the pugnacity, precision and a little of the dry humor of an exacting writer.” —Variety
The Seldoms Power Goes
Jelly Rags & Monk Turtle Island Quartet
with Special Guest Cyrus Chestnut, piano
Sep 16 & 18 / Mccullough TheaTre
Sep 27 / Mccullough TheaTre
The Chicago-based dance company presents a new work inspired by President Lyndon Baines Johnson, a man who voraciously sought and acquired power.
upcoming performances
Sep 17 / baTeS reciTal hall
The Diary of Anne Frank
o c T 8 –1 8
Ukrainian pianist and winner of the coveted gold medal at the 14th Van Cliburn International Piano Competition performs an intimate recital.
Twyla Tharp
ocT 20
Frankenstein (1931) with UT Wind Ensemble
ocT 29
Spectrum Dance Theater The Minstrel Show Revisited
n ov 4
David Finckel and Wu Han, cello and piano
n ov 6
David Daniels, countertenor
n ov 1 0
texasPerformingarts.org $10 Student Tickets / $12 Military Tickets
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Classical music programming is made possible by a generous grant from The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation.
Photo: jerris madison, nathan keay, ellen aPPel, astor morgan, Bill reitzel
Vadym Kholodenko, piano
Classical meets jazz in this brand new program that embraces a range of composers—from Jelly Roll Morton to Thelonious Monk.