Togatus Edition #2 2018

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Published by the TUU State Council on behalf of the Tasmania University Union (henceforth “the publishers”) The copyright in each piece of work remains with the contributor. However, the publishers reserve the right to reproduce material on the Togatus website at Togatus Team: Editor-in-Chief: April Cuison Deputy Editor: Joe Brady Creative Director: Maddie Burrows Marketing & Advertising Manager: Monte Bovill Website Manager: Ella Carrington Graphic Designer: Liam Johnson Content Editors: Chris Ham, Logan Linkston, Steph Morrison, Steph Palmer Editorial Assistants: Bethany Green, Cameron Allen, Morgan Fürst, Richard Siu Togatus welcomes all your contributions. Please email your work and ideas to Togatus Contributors: Andre Abrego, Andrew Grey, Chelsea Wilde, Clark Cooley, Dalipinder Singh Sandhu, Dan Prichard, Eilidh Direen, Eleanor Lyall, Elise Sweeney, Emily Pott, Erin Cooper, Harlan Graves, Javaria Farooqui, John Vo, Jonty Dalton, Joseph Schmidt, Mackenzie Stolp, Nathan Hennessy, Oliver Hovenden, Paulie Wilkinson, Salman Shah, Sharifah Syed Rohan, Sim Howe, Sophie Silskovic, Spencer McGregor, Xingming Wu (Peter Wu), Zoe DouglasKinghorn, Zoe Stott It is understood that any contributions sent to Togatus may be used for publication in either the magazine or the website, and that the final decision on whether to publish submissions resides with the editors. The editors reserve the right to make changes to submitted material as required. Togatus staff reserve the right to use submitted content for Togatus-related promotional material. It is understood that all submissions to Togatus is still the intellectual property of the contributor. The opinions expressed herein are not those of the Togatus staff or the publishers. Contact Togatus: Twitter & Instagram: @togatus_ Facebook: Website: Post: PO Box 5055, UTAS LPO, Sandy Bay 7005 Email: Advertising: Togatus is printed by Monotone Art Printers.



Travel Curse


4 4 Editorial Boundless Plains to Share March at Dawn

6 8 10 12 #SciPubGames #NeverOK

14 16 18 20 December 24th, Berlin Hobart’s Night of Disater

22 24 26

Yo Togatu u s: Ed Ar itio e n 2, He 201 re 8

Kalbi’s Formula The Alphabet of Light and Dark

32 34 36

EarthBound as an Adult

Water is Life


Compass Group’s Monopoly

Syria 101

28 Dark Mofo New Sounds to NOT Study to A Ghost Story The Dreamer’s Companion Council Reports

38 40 42 44 46 48 50 52






“What do you mean we don’t have time to ask a question?”

Dan Prichard

Contributors Eilidh Direen

Sim Howe

Mackenzie Stolp

Nathan Hennessy

Zoe Douglas-Kinghorn

Other Contributors Clark Cooley Eleanor Lyall Emily Pott Harlan Graves Javaria Farooqui John Vo


Jonty Dalton Joseph Schmidt Oliver Hovenden Salman Shah Spencer McGregor Xingming Wu (Peter Wu)

Content Editor: Chris Ham

Togatus Team

Content Editor: Logan Linkston

Editor-in-Chief: April Cuison

Content Editor: Steph Morrison

Deputy Editor: Joe Brady

Content Editor: Steph Palmer

Creative Director: Maddie Burrows

Marketing Manager: Monte Bovill

Editorial Assistant: Bethany Green

Website Manager: Ella Carrington

Editorial Assistant: Cameron Allen

Graphic Designer: Liam Johnson

Editorial Assistant: Morgan FĂźrst

Editorial Assistant: Richard Siu


Editorial Editor-in-Chief April Cuison Welcome to the second edition of Togatus for 2018! Long time, no see! Please sit back, get comfortable, and let this instrument of procrastination be of good use to you in the coming semester ahead. This edition has a strong focus on our home, Australia: our dreams we have for it, our past and our faults as a nation. We also look into the present, and the challenges that Australians currently face. However, this edition has more than just critical insight on these complex issues. In addition, our students have shared their experiences on various subjects, from travel to video games and recent events. We have also increased the amount of artwork, to showcase the wonderful and diverse talent of our fellow UTas students. Finally, as always, we aim for Togatus to be a magazine for students, by students. If you have any ideas or contributions (written or otherwise) that you’d like to share, please shoot us an email at contributions@ or message us on our social media. Good luck with the semester ahead. Remember to dream big and to be kind to each other!

Avocado Scavenger Hunt! The avocados have escaped and are running loose within the publication! They must be recovered at all costs! There are many places to search and only so much time. Now listen, it’s a known fact that the avocados cannot inhabit or hide in the small text of articles so don’t waste your efforts there. The devious little fruits are unlikely to make themselves obvious and they will not always look the same, but they are commonly known to appear pear shaped with a pip in the centre. Do not be fooled though! Any instance of an avocado in any form is sufficient grounds for apprehension!


Image: Joe Brady


Boundless Plains to Share Living in the Lucky Country Dan Prichard

It’s easy to complain, but it’s important to acknowledge it: Australia is a pretty wonderful place, and we’re pretty lucky to call it home. An incredibly diverse landscape. Intriguing wildlife. Producers of such masterpieces as Vegemite and the Big Banana, having proudly raised revolutionaries of the likes of Cathy Freeman, Cate Blanchett and Pauline Hanson. What’s not to love? All sarcasm aside (no shade to Cathy or Cate, I’m a huge fan!), it’s easy to take for granted how lucky we are to live on the soil of the Great Southern Land. Australia, easily criticised for being a baby, spoon-fed by our American friends is home to a mere 24 million. It is a land grounded upon the values of freedom, dignity, equality, and compassion. Without realising it, we’re spoiled to be living here and should not take for granted the fact that each day we are able to wake up, pour ourselves a bowl of whatever-floats-our-boat and go about our daily business. Why shouldn’t this be taken for granted? I don’t think it’s straightforward; in fact, it can be quite difficult for me to get my head around why I should be grateful. Sure, we boast some specky postcard landmarks, but life isn’t perfect. We’ve got bills to pay! We’ve got jobs to do! And, we’re expected to accept the fact that despite minimal population growth in Hobart, Davey Street peak hour traffic on Friday evenings keeps us a full half-hour from our weekends! How are we supposed to deal with such atrocities? We don’t have to be grateful for traffic, or the decrease in Easter chocolate shelved in supermarkets this Autumn… know I for one certainly wasn’t. After all, this is not what makes Australia a lucky country. I believe what makes our nation one of the luckiest places on the planet is that, excluding aggressive pass-the-power-parcel within our Federal Government, Australia is a peaceful place.


We wake up in the morning and the potential held in our day is wonderfully limitless. We can choose what we want to do, where we want to go and which corporatelyowned popstar to whom we want to listen. We can pretty much do anything, all because we live in a peaceful place that is free from fear of outbreaks of violence, vicious extremist political regimes and other legitimate things worth complaining about. Sadly, not everyone has it as lucky as we do. As you read this article, an unforgiving total of over 60 million individuals are currently in search of a new home (UNHCR, 2018). What brings so many people to the property market? In most cases it’s a lack of peace and safety caused by various factors, all of which involve violence and injustice that threaten the livelihood of countless individuals. These individuals experience persecution on the basis of race and religion, extremist groups injecting fear and terror within marginalised communities and insufficient access to basic needs and security as a result of military violence.

Who are these people fleeing their old homes in the hopes of finding sanctuary? They come from all different walks of life and cultural backgrounds. In this day and age, they go by many names. Some of these are understandable: refugees and asylum seekers. Others, often used by Australian politicians, are simply dehumanising: queue jumpers and boat people. I’d personally like to think of these people as just humans. Here’s the dilemma. War leads to destroyed homes and unsafe living conditions. A lack of a safe home forces individuals to seek a new home. Many of these homeseekers come to Australia’s doorstep in the hopes of escaping the violence of their homelands and creating new lives for themselves in this peaceful nation. Apparently, this is often too much to ask of our national policymakers who would rather send these victims of war and terror to a different home.


These alternative arrangements result in asylum seekers often spending multiple years within our offshore detention centres. Positive mental health and wellbeing is compromised by physical harassment, sexual abuse and the denial of basic needs. The people being held in these detention centres are being denied their rights as humans. Alarming data collected from one of these centres presented in the Nauru Files reveal extremely severe cases of trauma, including child self-harm and suicide attempts, all because Australia didn’t say “welcome” to those who had nowhere else to go. Though we have our issues in Australia, one thing is certain… we have room. We have a land mass over double the size of India and a population just over oneninth of India’s. As stated in our national anthem, ‘we’ve boundless plains to share’. As well as plenty of spare land, we have peace, which is the envy of many nations within the contemporary world. One question remains: do we have the heart?

Whilst millions flee from violent persecution and live without access to basic needs or a home, our nation is more appalled by the shame brought by the tampering with a cricket ball than the sexual abuse of children within government-funded processing centres. Something just simply isn’t right. What does it mean to be Australian if our immigration policy sees those denied human rights in their homeland being exploited in the same ways within our borders? We live in a free country, which means many things. It means that nothing can force you to agree with the ideas I’ve been throwing around on this page, or to finish this article at all. For all I know, you could completely disagree and consider these words nothing but the sad result of procrastination (which may be partly true). I’ll leave you be. But please, if not for me, then for the tens of millions currently searching for peace in what can be a very frightening world, consider yourself lucky to live where you do. After all, peace and freedom with a side of traffic beats war and fear any day. Wouldn’t you agree?

For the latest figures and overview of displaced people provided by the United Nations, visit figures-at-a-glance For the data collected and presented by the Nauru Files, visit


March at Dawn Logan Linkston

Fire pits alight, a single drumbeat beckoned five thousand Tasmanians to the 2018 ANZAC Day dawn service.

for those who currently serve in the military and for those called to positions of leadership for Australia as a nation.

The Anglican Dean of Hobart, Richard Humphrey, spoke to the large crowd waiting in the predawn darkness and said, “On this day above all days… We remember those who lie where they were left.”

By now, the sun had risen and city was illuminated. The faces that made up the five thousand could be clearly seen now. They formed a beautiful picture of unity in Australia’s smallest state. Many generations, demographics and races were represented, all somehow compelled by the ANZAC legend to wake up before the break of dawn and attend a service that honours those we refuse to forget.

Guy Barnett, Tasmania Liberal MP, told me, “ANZAC Day is a day to honour the service and sacrifice of those who gave and continue to give so much, and to reflect on how we can and should respond.” At dawn, five thousand Tasmanians stood in respectful silence to remember the human cost of war, to acknowledge the heroes and their sacrifices on which this country is built. Many Tasmanians are closely connected to the ANZAC soldiers. 15 000 Tasmanians answered the call to arms in World War I. For some of those in attendance that morning, the ANZAC legend is so much more than that. MP Barnett is living proof of this. “As the grandson of a World War I veteran and great nephew of a World War II prisoner of war, I have always had a strong personal connection to ANZAC Day,” he said. The sun rose to a chorus of girls from St Mary’s as they sang “O God, Our Help in Ages Past.” However, more touching was the group of elderly men and women who knew the lyrics of the hymn by heart, and joined in the singing. The cenotaph was illuminated by the palest yellow, stark against dark blue clouds. Prayers were lifted up. Not only for those who gave their lives in either of the utterly devastating World Wars, but

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Barnett said this is because “many Tasmanians are descendants of ANZACs and many more have friends or family with a link to current or former defence force personnel. So, many have a story to tell.” Two girls from Guilford Young College told the story of Charlotte Kenny’s great-grandfather, who answered the call to arms in World War I. His story, achingly familiar to current servicemen and women, was defined by sacrifice and bloodshed, but also his return home as a shell of the man who had left. Post-traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) was just as real then as it is today. Soldiers struggling with PTSD were misdiagnosed with “shell-shock.” PTSD as we know it would only come into medicine years after these men arrived back home, often crippled by their experiences in the war. Lest we forget about “the war to end all wars,” or what is simply called “the Great War” on the cenotaph memorial. However, ANZAC Day is not just about the Australian New Zealand Army Corps who fought in the Great War. It is a chance to honour those who died for this country so that all Australians can live in freedom and without


fear. Living in fear is a reality we see much of the world experiencing: civil wars in Syria, Iraq and Somalia, the drug war in Mexico, the ongoing conflict in Afghanistan. Millions of people are fleeing their homelands because of war and running from a life filled with fear. Reverend Humphrey reminded the attendees, “What a privilege it is to stand here and watch the sun rise.” So, five thousand people stood and watched the sun rise. “The Last Post” began to play and men were asked to remove their headdress. Hats were removed and men sheepishly rubbed their heads to rid themselves of bedhead that was previously covered. Police officers were asked to salute during “The Last Post.” As they showed their respect, a young boy of about five gazed up at the two standing closest to him, maybe not fully understanding, but watching. Easily two generations separated the officers and the boy. Reverend Humphrey spoke of how ANZAC Day is not just about remembering the past or connecting family histories. He said that we remember in order to change our present. To avoid war and violence at all costs. “If we are not striving for peace, have we forgotten about the cost of war?” Reverend Humphrey said. This value must continue to be instilled in coming generations, starting with the young boy in awe of the officers saluting fallen soldiers.

many to be the creation of a nation that values mateship, bravery and sacrifice. These values resonate with many young Tasmanians.” Or, in other words, it has created a part of the Australian identity, that persists even a century later. The monument carries the name of not only the First and Second World War, but also the wars in Vietnam, Korea, Afghanistan and Iraq. It was clear that this day is not only to remember the past, but to acknowledge the sacrifices that are still being made today. Current military servicemen and women have many of the same struggles coming home that the ANZACs did in 1919. “Say thank you to veterans or current serving personnel for their service. Attend an ANZAC Day service or parade to express your thankfulness,” MP Barnett said. Once the sun had well and truly risen, the military medals pinned to every other sweater and jacket gave a physical tally of the reasons to be thankful. To name a few: the sacrifices in which this country was built upon, those who are currently serving this country, and the national identity that was built upon ANZAC soldiers’ backs.

Lest we forget.

This is because ANZAC Day is relevant to young Australians, now and always. Barnett said, “ANZAC Day also marks the birth of the ANZAC legend, considered by


Jonty Dalton Fourth Year | Visual Communications Major Website: | Instagram: @jontydalton Email:

A collection of illustrations that have been inspired by the beauty and history of where I live.

Pond, 2017 Inspired by the Coal River in Richmond. Yes there is a platypus, and yes, I saw it just after I completed this work.

Thylacine, 2016 Inspired by the legendary Tasmanian Tiger. I’d like to believe it is still out there, deep in the wilderness. Perhaps it’s better if we never find out.

Train, 2017 Inspired by the Bellerive to Sorell railway line, which operated from 1892 to 1926. Now only a few traces remain, if you know where to look.


Javaria Farooqui PhD in English (First Year) Untitled, 2018 This piece of work is a reflection of the quintessential combination of caffeine and books, in the life of a postgraduate student. I made it particularly for my office.


“I didn’t even know it was a thing” was the comment I heard bandied about by both the panelists and their supporters at April’s Science in the Pub event held at the Republic Bar & Café. Admittedly as a writer primarily driven by popular culture, I don’t go to many science-y events either. I have usually dismissed these when they popped up on my Facebook feed over the past year, and I’ll now admit I’m all the poorer for it. Held in the upstairs space of the Republic with free admission, the Science in the Pub events function as a kind of public lecture that showcases curious topics from speakers in the sciences and lecturers from UTas. Easily digestible for the layman, with booze on tap and comfy seating, this is the kind of cerebrally engaging event that should strike broad appeal for absolutely anybody. Three panelists held the floor: Ian Lewis and Kristi de Salas, senior ICT lecturers at UTas and part of the Giant Margarita games studio, accompanied by Secret Lab’s Paris Buttfield-Addison. They each took turns discussing their ‘serious’ contributions to Tasmania’s video game industry. The takeaway message of the evening is that ‘play’ has now graduated from ‘children’s toy’ to serious commercial product and behavioural tool. These panelists assumed no prior knowledge of their audience’s familiarity to the growth of the medium except messages that had pervaded mainstream media. Throughout discussing how games can be used to target audience behaviour, promote social and environmental awareness, and find purpose beyond the couch, the trio tackled the big questions head on. “Can games be more than just entertainment?” asked Kristi de Salas, who also heads a “Games Research Group” working out of the University. Kristi discussed using the paradigm of the pasttime “playing games” and how it creates an engaging delivery tool for serious ideas.

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An example given was of a UTas PhD student who developed a game about energy conservation for the CSIRO. Rather than using narrative, the game mechanics themselves interfaced with household power usage and restricted/opened progression in the game depending on energy practices. “Can you turn off the light so I can better get to the next area?” Kristi chuckled, while she showed a cool demo of the gameplay. So Kristi posited the primary question that drives her current research, “How can we change behaviour through games?” A lot of Kristi’s research seeks to bridge a gap between computing and psychology. Psychophysiological responses to elements in these games are recorded for further development. Experimental approaches to real world issues through this active participation of ‘play’ is rather unique. Another example was demonstrated of a project undertaken for the Royal Hobart Hospital. This was for stroke rehabilitation victims, practically tricking them into monotonous, repetitive physical exercises. The game, a vivid underwater world which registered interaction through physical movement, provided an attractive behavioural incentive for patients. Ian Lewis’ big questions of “Who plays games?” and “What are the assumptions about the effects of game violence?” Big picture questions stemming from decades of debate, humbly answered for an audience that also expressed familiarity with these queries. This round of the panel served as a kind of palette cleaner. Kristi served a very high-brow appetiser, showing that video games can now be regarded with scientific purpose. Then Ian was able to demonstrate arguments to make us procrastination-prone student gamers feel less guilty, or

‘Play’ is a Noun, Gaming is Serious Business Nathan Hennessy

perhaps more justified in our “legitimate” pastime. This meant naming the generational gap inherent to video games, in a room full of people of ALL ages. Bold move, and gently delivered. Nervous laughter spread throughout the room when atypical gaming debate, violence, was introduced. Ian deftly used brevity to settle this one by saying, “If people are inside playing games, they’re less likely to be outside fighting one another.” Though this is not quite an argument, it was a fair statement one sandwiched with Kristi’s behavioural research and Paris’ praises for the cognitive and empathy expanding positives of the medium, violence included. Ian was able to pull the audience out of their preconceived notions of the entertainment format for just a moment. He mentioning that two-thirds of Aussie’s currently play games, and how we do not perhaps acknowledge the “active” role that games have when elderly play, and how “active” is then not associated with youth who play. Ian closed by mentioning that we that there is a broad spectrum of games, and ways to play. Everyone plays, whether it’s Solitaire on an iPhone for grandad or your nephew getting into Fortnite. This pastime is an oftenunrecognised equaliser. If games are just for kids, then “why do games matter?” asked Paris Buttfield-Addison, Secret Lab’s renaissance man waxing philosophical with the audience. Apparently games matter quite a lot, as there was resounding applause when he announced that prestigious award nominations were mere hours away from a title that his team had a hand in helping develop: Night in the Woods, awarded the BAFTA for best narrative. Paris beamed, saying that it was like being nominated for the British equivalent of the Academy Awards. “Video games for children are like books. They require

skill, even though they originally began as toys. Games aren’t just for kids.” While bringing up the previously mentioned issues surrounding violence in video games, he used the example of the commercially obscure title Spec Ops: The Line. The player assumes the role of an American military operator on foreign soil, gunning down numerous enemy combatants. Typical fair. Except this then leads to psychological fracturing for the player character, using empathy to situate the player (you) as complicit in this slaughter. This is narrative in a participatory way that other entertainment mediums cannot accomplish, and set up Paris’ talk for how games can exclusively achieve betterment in people. Making reference to the huge commercial success of video games (higher revenue figures than all the competing screen industries), Paris listed proven examples of the benefits of gaming. He measured its cultural capital and its training of mental muscles. Perhaps more importantly was his point about accessibility. Video games require essential input to create a sensory experience. Now there is a growing trend to develop with accessibility options, for hearing and vision impairment. The experiences exclusive to the medium are becoming more inclusive, and developers are listening to the needs of the players and researching more ways to engage. To be honest, it’s great to write all this and you can no doubt see my enthusiasm. I’m glad I can rest assured that these bright academics are passionately legitimising this hobby I so love, with arguments that leave my parents and lecturers satisfied that I’m not “wasting time”. In all seriousness though, the next time you’re looking to unplug and drink away a Wednesday night, check to see if the Republic is hosting a Science at the Pub event. And get in early; the house is full right at the time it begins.

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#NeverOK Logan Linkston

The #NeverOK campaign was launched by the Tasmania University Union in the beginning of 2017. But #NeverOk isn’t relevant only to the University of Tasmania — sexual assault and harassment are global issues and we are seeing campaigns and movements gaining momentum across the world. In 2015, The Hunting Ground documentary was released. It is now a critically acclaimed film (with a Rotten Tomatoes rating of 7.5 out of 10) about sexual assault on university campuses in the United States. The Hunting Ground created such a global impact that there is now a project called “The Hunting Ground Australia Project” which aims to use the documentary to educate and raise awareness about sexual harassment and violence on Australian campuses. The University of Tasmania participated in The Hunting Ground Australia Project with a single on-campus screening of the documentary in August 2016. Many universities have chosen to become ongoing participants in The Hunting Ground Australia Project by screening the documentary multiple times. In 2017, the Australian Human Rights Commission spoke to 30 000 students from 39 universities across the nation about sexual harassment and assault on their campuses. The results are both staggering and heartbreaking. And hit extremely close to home. Out of 484 UTas students who responded to the survey, over half of them were directly affected by this crime. The Human Rights Commission found that 54 per cent of UTas students experienced some kind of sexual assault or harassment on campus. Over half. Heartbreaking.


Kate Jenkins, the Sex Discrimination Commissioner for the Human Rights report called the results of the survey a reflection of the “unacceptably high levels of sexual violence in the broader Australian community.” In the foreword to the report, Jenkins said, “Sexual assault and sexual harassment have a devastating impact on individuals — physically, emotionally and psychologically. The fact that this behaviour is occurring at universities is of serious concern.” The Human Rights Commission into sexual assault and harassment on university campuses found that universities are in a unique position to prevent and respond to these problems, and need to do more. So. Back to #NeverOK. Jess Robinson, TUU State President said, “The #NeverOK campaign and the message it delivers is something that the TUU and the University are continually committed to. It is a very high priority for us to continue to have those discussions and work towards deconstructing the stigma surrounding sexual assault and harassment.” The University is currently in talks with the National Association of Australian University Colleges (NAAUC) about future collaborative opportunities to bring awareness to the topic. Jess said she really wants to encourage students to become champions of change. “Together we can all make a difference, in not only maintaining a safe campus but also a wider community.” The Human Rights report said that we ultimately need to change Australia’s national culture to one that does not tolerate sexual assault or harassment at all.


Jess said that although she cannot provide exact numbers on sexual assault and harassment on UTas campuses since the launch of the campaign, “any number is a number too high when it comes to this.” #NeverOK tells survivors that no matter what they’ve been through, no matter what they survived, the fact that it happened is never okay. Under any circumstances. The Human Rights Commission says that every young person who is considering going to university should be able to expect a safe studying environment. According to the report, fighting sexual assault and harassment on campus has similar problems to combating sexual assault and harassment in the broader community, in that most instances go unreported. There are support services available to UTas students. It is important for survivors to know they do not have to walk this alone. No one has a right to make you feel unsafe on your campus. Because it is YOUR campus. So, let’s continue to break the silence. Tell everyone around you that it is NEVER okay. Survivors can call 1800 RESPECT, which is a national sexual assault and domestic violence counselling service. Alternatively, Laurel House (6431 9711) is a sexual assault support service local to Tasmania. If you are on campus and experiencing sexual assault or harassment, campus security is available to call. There should be no excuses made for inappropriate behaviour. Jess called sexual assault and harassment an “extremely hurtful and underestimated crime.” She spoke of how she does not want UTas to be an institution which victim-blames survivors.

allied individuals who continue to speak out and shed light on these discussions.” Australia is only one of many Western countries that deals with sexual assault and harassment on university campuses. #NeverOK and other similar campaigns are essential to making Australia a nation that does not tolerate inappropriate behaviour and sexual violence. It’s through movements like #NeverOK that we can make a difference and say #notonmycampus. Because if the United States can protest using #notmypresident, why can’t UTas speak up for the 54 per cent of students who said they were sexually harassed or assaulted by saying, “Not on my campus”? “Not okay. Ever.” Use #NeverOK to break the silence. To fight for those who may have been blamed when all they did was survive. To be champions of change. To change the culture. UTas has #NeverOK bumper stickers, laptop decals, posters and T-shirts. Sign the petition. By signing your name, you are telling every survivor that you agree that it isn’t okay. Ever. Also, just a heads up. The Police Citizens Youth Club (PCYC) runs several different kinds of self-defence classes multiple times a week. Many are free to try. There is nothing more empowering than being able to defend yourself… on and off-campus. Even those damn odds.

“No one should feel ashamed, humiliated or fearful,” Jess said. “I am extremely grateful to the many survivors and

Image: Monte Bovill


Xingming Wu (Peter Wu)

the “wrinkle (texture) method� within Song Dynasty ink and wash works in order to innovate the tradition.

PhD in Painting (Last Year)

(Top Left) High Noon and Nightfall, 2017 (Top Right) Midnight and Morn, 2017

All my works were made on Chinese rice paper using ink and wash with Chinese soft brush movement. This series of work is part of my research project, Wrinkles in Time Folding Song Dynasty into Contemporary Art. This research project builds on a study of the ancient Chinese methods of ink and wash landscape painting. My research seeks to produce artworks that explore the potential in, and re-contextualise, the ancient tradition of


These two pieces of work focus on the Tasmanian mountain ranges. The landform is built by strong natural forces. The movement is ever-changing. Although people hardly perceive it, I hope to use the concept of changing time from day to night, at the same time, to make people aware that nature is beautiful but is transitory as well, changing incessantly, and that it is affected and formed by an unknown power.

(Bottom Left) Tranquil World, 2017

(Bottom Right) Dreamful Place, 2016

A mysterious power formed a range of mountains covered by snow, where it seems not many people lived. These mountains are contained by a huge space, but it presents a very tranquil world for us. Where is our life destination?

This is a poetic place and is my ideal world. Water, rockery and falls, this scenery is easy to get captured in. A tranquil lake is surrounded by all kinds of natural shaped stones and vegetation. It composes a private garden and the lake’s surface, like a polished mirror, reflects all views on it. People wander inside through tunnels, under rocks or by climbing over hills.


Emily Pott Masters in Social Work (First Year)

My art is inspired by a mix of my favourite artists: Tim Burton and Mark Ryan. I love to create pop surrealistic art that has a dark/fantasy style to it. Through my drawings I hope to depict loneliness but also a hint of hope and brightness.

I of the Storm, 2013

Skin and Bone, 2016



Travel Curse Monte Bovill

I need to warn you… don’t travel with me. Well, nothing serious has happened, but I’ve certainly been inconvenienced… and then there were the major disasters that have been a bit too close. This is my travel curse. I have been fortunate enough to travel quite a bit. My experiences haven’t always gone smoothly, however. On the first night of my first trip overseas I fell out of bed and concussed myself. Just one day later, a safety gate was released unexpectedly and hit me in the face. In the same trip, I slipped over in a theme park, cut my head and had to be taken to the hospital. It wasn’t a great start to travelling for me, but I was only six years old. You tell me – just clumsy or the start of a curse? Some years later, my family went on a cruise around the Mediterranean. It was a surreal experience. 12 months after our trip, what seemed like an invincible ship hit rocks and sank off the coast of Italy. The Costa Concordia tragedy claimed the lives of 32 people.

How could something like that happen? The next family trip, we were flying on Malaysian Airlines from Kuala Lumpur back to Australia. We left at night and landed in Melbourne early in the morning. It soon became apparent that during our flight, the MH17 aeroplane flying to KL had been shot down over Ukraine. Yep, seriously. On the two occasions I have been on group organised trips overseas, there have been some major hiccups. The first was my college arts trip to America. The early flight from Launceston to Melbourne was stranded on the tarmac with mechanical failures – we boarded and then we disembarked. Of course, we then missed our international connection. Last year, a similar situation occurred on a University of Tasmania field trip to Indonesia. My flight from Tasmania was delayed by four hours. I arrived in Melbourne at midnight but the check-in for my international connection was supposed to close at 11.50pm. I literally ran through Melbourne Airport and only just made the flight. That’s not even the end of it. I have had flights cancelled because of weather, engine issues and probably because I booked with a cheap airline (thanks Jetstar!). So, if you are ever travelling with me, be warned to give yourself lots of time, and have insurance. Will I keep travelling? Of course I will – it’s all part of the experience.


I brace myself for the wave of frigid air that rushes in as the train doors open. We’re underground, but that offers no protection from the winter chill, the damp blanket of snow that covers the world above. Despite the temperature I still sweat. I’m nervous, about to see him again. The commuters ascend the staircase as a single swarm, eager to leave behind the transitory space and escape into the streets above. I’m left below, alone in the catacombs of Berlin, waiting at the meeting place I think he meant in his last message. The fluorescent light above flickers, reflecting off the canary yellow tiles and casting everything in a sickly hue. There he is. My chest tightens, my sight dims — I’ve been waiting to see him for such a long time. We embrace, alone on the platform. Bathed in yellow and buried in his neck. I don’t let go because I don’t know what to say once I do. But now he’s here, warm like gold and tasting of ginger and orange. Hands in his pockets and not on my body we walked through his city, towards the cafe we found on my first visit, when we first met. His tea is going cold as we talk, about his life and mine, everything that’s occured in the last three years since I saw him last. I have missed him. Tea becomes gin as twilight approaches, becomes two, becomes five. We occupy the corner lounge, hidden behind a haze of cheap smoke and fuelled by cheaper

spirits. His hands on my thighs, my neck, always seconds away from that kiss, that intoxicating grin. Mine rest playfully close to his crotch - I’m unaware or uncaring of how many people surround us. “Lass uns gehen,” he whispers, his breath hot against the back of my neck. We get on the train, new lovers. Old lovers. He does up my bottom jacket button, laughing lyrically when I fall onto him as the train starts. Soft kisses as he does so. My mouth is filled with his taste, the beer and the smoke, my mind filled with him. I hold onto the corner of his jacket pocket for the entire ride. He still smells like citrus, I still smell like sweat.

His apartment is warm and cast in darkness - it smells like him. He comes in, takes off his boots. Laughs and kisses me over and over. His breath is slightly stale smoke and juniper - but warm. Inviting. Homely. He’s shaved his beard; a different face, but still mine. He takes off his coat. I struggle with mine. His body is sweaty under my hands, his chest hair matting as he moves against me. Suddenly he’s still, the full weight of his body on top of mine. In this moment I brim with content, my legs wrapped around his body, pulling him closer. The heat radiating from his chest to mine. If I could stay in this moment forever, I just might.

24 24th

Chris Ham

In the early hours of the morning I untangle myself from him, venture into the empty spaces of his room. The moon peers dimly through the windowpane, and by its light I try to make out some of his photographs, some of his books. Most of the titles are in German, too advanced for my reading level. There’s the ornate birdcage, but it stands empty now. His canary must have died. I wonder if it suffocated. “Komm ins Bett,” he murmurs. I obey, wrapping myself tightly in his arms. I’m warm against his lithe body, safely tucked under his chin. I trace my fingers down his left side, outlining the birthmark bleeding from his ribcage, seeping into the starched bed sheets.

The final leaves hold stubbornly to the stark branches, the sky broken up by the trees’ silhouettes. The world is monochrome, grey buildings and grey streets and grey sky. Our footsteps echo loudly down the silent street. I can’t think of a single word to say to him. Has something changed since last night, or changed in the last three years and I was too caught up in my memory of him to notice? Our hands break apart as a group of adolescent boys saunter around the corner — trying to hold some sort of connection, I search his face for clues as to what he’s thinking. Will he miss me? He meets my eye and my chest flares weakly, trying to be stoic. We reach the station steps. This is it — I don’t know when I’ll see him again.

“Wann werde ich dich wiedersehen?” I bumble. “Ich weiss es nicht,” is all he says. We’d kissed before we left the apartment, heated and close, with the understanding that this wasn’t appropriate for when we publicly parted ways. I can’t leave without some show of intimacy though, to prove to the passers by that he is mine, was mine for a minute. But it feels forced; he’s stiffened against my advance. I don’t understand why. This is awkward. The first time we parted, on these steps three years earlier, the magic of our affair swelled around us. I’d descended the steps and looked over my shoulder to meet his longing gaze, like countless heroines in all the Hollywood films. But now. Now it feels monochrome, like the street and the sky and his apartment bathed in moonlight. Now, it’s sickly yellow, with hints of our ardent romance lingering – his citrus breath, his devilish grin. The fire has burned to ash and I can’t tell if my heart is broken. I miss him already. I think I miss the man I met three years ago. This man, not so much. “Auf Wiedersehen, mein Lieber,” he whispers and I repeat it back. It doesn’t mean much. I turn and descend the steps. I don’t look back.

25th 25


December 24th, Berlin

Hobart’s Night of Disaster Devastation hit UTas’ Sandy Bay campus and the greater Hobart region on the night of May 10, when a severe weather event pounded the state. Floodwaters inundated a number of buildings and classes were cancelled across Hobart in the day following the intense downpour. Law, Engineering and Corporate Services were the most severely affected areas, with the damage bill reaching well into tens of millions of dollars. Books from the Law Library were swept hundreds of metres away from their shelves, with the Dean of the Faculty of Law, Professor Tim McCormack, sharing his heartache. “It is a traumatic thing to pick up a saturated book full of debris on the grass outside the building dedicated to the proper care of that volume,” he said. “It is distressing to pick it up and have the bound cover slide off the pages as they plummet back onto sodden earth.” It was a night in which years of research, equipment and personal belongings were destroyed in a matter of minutes, a night that everyone hopes isn’t repeated again.

26 Clue: Z = 26

Student Togatus Emergency Number

01-22-15-03-01-04-15 “Strange number, hmm?�

Images: Monte Bovill


Syria 101 Joe Brady

Three years ago, Alan Kurdi’s body washed up on European shores. The photograph of his small figure, his tilted head peaceful, appearing asleep, exemplified the tragedy of the Syrian conflict. Show this photograph to any Tasmanian and they will remember it making waves around the world a few years ago. The Kurdi family were fleeing the conflict in Syria. It is important to understand that there is no single ‘war’ in Syria — it is many different wars, fought between ideological, strategic and sectarian enemies, holding shaky alliances under the watch of international superpowers. Is it any surprise that the Syrian conflict appears to us as a confused series of names and places; ‘Aleppo,’ ‘Islamic State,’ ‘the Kurds,’ ‘Assad,’ ‘Raqqa,’ and so on? Let’s get started. In early 2011, the Arab Spring was sweeping North Africa and the Middle East. In Syria, this manifested as a series of peaceful protests calling for democratic reform in the country, and the resignation of President Bashar al-Assad. When they were met with violence, protesters joined defecting soldiers and established the Free Syrian Army. By the next year, peaceful protest had been usurped by civil war as violence and chaos swept across the country. There could be as many as 1000 different groups swelling the opposition to Assad in Syria today, assembled under the vague banner of ‘rebels’.


In 2014, the Islamic State, the radical religious group seeking a fundamentalist caliphate in Iraq and the Levant, expanded out of its origins in Iraq and into the chaos of Syria, and successfully established a foothold there. The captured city most prized was Raqqa, where the Islamic State (or Daesh in Arabic) constructed a capital and began cleansing the city of religious and political enemies. By late 2014, there were three large factions competing for a handful of dense urban areas in Syria amidst large swaths of land: the government, the rebels, and ISIS. Looking on were the United States and Russia, watching the conflict unfold. Although both are opposed to Daesh and funded efforts to prevent its advance (including bombarding Daesh with airstrikes), the United States has a practice of equipping and training anti-Assad rebels, whereas Russia has maintained a long and intimate relationship with the Syrian government. Most readers will remember the fear in the West of Daesh’s advance throughout the Middle East, destroying priceless antiquities and committing crimes of war as they progressed. After a series of devastating territorial losses, Daesh now occupies just a sliver of the territory it once held, relegated to a few small pockets of rural Syria. So, in addition to the Syrian government, a syndicate of rebel factions, and Daesh, there is another faction born early in the war you’ll want to remember — the Kurds. When Syrian government forces withdrew from Kurdish-majority areas in 2012, it left the area to militias that would organise to become the Y.P.G., or ‘People’s Protection Units’. By the time Daesh had invaded in 2014, the Kurdish-controlled territories had become a functioning state, complete with a constitution and public institutions.

Rojava is not without controversy. Turkey has gone to war against it earlier this year, occupying territory the autonomous state has possessed since 2012. The People’s Protection Units, whom the U.S. has equipped, have successfully helped drive the Islamic State out of most parts of Syria. Now that they’ve claimed victory, Turkey is worried Rojavan attention may turn towards helping their Kurdish allies within Turkey’s borders. The Protection Units were founded in the shadow of the P.K.K., a separatist group in Turkey considered a terrorist organisation by the U.S. and the European Union. President Erdogan of Turkey seeks to hold back the Kurds — a perfect example of the tenuousness of anti-Daesh alliances in Syria.

With the lines between ‘friend’ and ‘foe’ shifting from group to group, the general Syrian population, or at least that which remains, has become increasingly partisan. Ethnic, political, cultural and religious identities pose questions that remain problematic in the Middle East, and Syria exemplifies the chaos of the factionalism to which it has fallen victim. In addition, the Syrian conflict has soured the diplomatic relationship between Russia and the U.S.-led coalition against ISIS. Following the downing of a Syrian government fighter by a U.S. jet, Russia threatened to track all coalition aircraft flying west of the Euphrates river, and consider them targets. The Syrian government has been accused several times of using chemical weapons against civilians, and each time Russia has supported the Syrian government’s denial. So, what does Syria look like right now? The Syrian government control vast swaths of land to the south and centre of the country. The Syrian opposition forces punctuate it with control of eastern urban areas and a few other enclaves. Daesh occupies two pockets of territory, surrounded by the Syrian government, Rojava, and Iraq. Finally, Rojava occupies the North-East of Syria and stretches along the northern border with Turkey, compromised by a few contested territories held by Turkey. As the Darwinian struggle of Syria’s factions slowly reduces the number of competitors, these alliances will change and the borders of territory could shift quickly. Ultimately, the costs of the war are cold and quantifiable — half of all Syrians have been displaced (some 13 million, about half of that have fled abroad) and over 400 thousand have lost their lives. The whole conflict is tragic, but it also represents a culmination of existing tensions — whether political in Syria, or ethnic in Rojava, or religious in Daesh — that have long and complex histories in Syria. While there is hope of democracy, a return to peace, and of a secular government — until that day comes, Syria’s sad state of affairs will continue to echo in our newsfeeds as a beacon of instability of the Middle East.



The Kurdish efforts in Northern Syria have manifested as Rojava, a de facto autonomous state in East Syria. Today, it is a dangerous time to be fighting with pro-Kurdish military forces — Rojava is simultaneously at war with the Syrian government, Daesh, and Turkey. Nonetheless, by most accounts, Rojava is a remarkable secular democratic project, despite the hostility of nearly all its neighbours. Considering the current problems facing women, ethnic and religious minorities in the Middle East, is there any hope for the progressive Rojavan project?

Water is Life Fracking in the Northern Territory Zoe Douglas-Kinghorn

In the Northern Territory, water and climate hang in delicate balance. From the wetlands of Arnhem Land to the arid Simpson desert, over 50% of the territory is currently earmarked for fossil fuel extraction. An independent inquiry revealed insurmountable risks to water from hydraulic fracturing, but the Gunner government has recently decided to lift the ban. Now, young people across Australia are leading the fight to protect country. On the 17th of April, the Northern Territory government removed a moratorium on fracking in the Territory. Fracking is the common term for an unconventional method of gas extraction which involves drilling below 1500 metres underground to access natural gas deposits. The process is complex: as the deep gas wells pierce the water table, chemicals such as hydrochloric acid are pumped into the fractured rock, enabling the gas flow. A side effect of this process includes pollution of aquifers, which are vital for life in the Territory where underground water makes up 90% of consumption, including irrigation, stock and industry. Many are concerned for their future, from traditional owners to farmers, tourism operators and young people. In some communities in the US, fire has spurted from taps due to methane contamination of waterways. If gas leaks are not detected and burnt in flares, large amounts of natural gas can escape into the atmosphere – currently, fugitive emissions are estimated to be responsible for 8% of Australia’s greenhouse gas emissions. Fracking is a divisive issue. The social and environmental impacts have led to a moratorium in Tasmania and Victoria, as well as all-out bans in France, Germany and Canada. Water is of major importance to Australian indigenous communities. According to the Northern Land Council, an independent statutory body of the Commonwealth:


“Water is both steeped in Aboriginal mythology and history, and critical to the present day maintenance of life, culture and livelihoods. Water always has and always will be central to Aboriginal identity and, thus, to the continued maintenance of Aboriginal law and culture in this country.” Tasha Matthews, a UTas student and youth leader at Seed Indigenous Climate Network says, “Contaminating water means risking life. The land is a major part of the identity of First Nations people. To destroy it means to destroy our identity.”

In the Beetaloo Sub-Basin, planned gas projects are estimated to contribute five times the greenhouse gas emissions of the controversial Adani coal mine, according to the Australian Youth Climate Coalition. The Northern Territory inquiry found “very high confidence that warming will continue across the NT, with different climate models predicting between 1 - 1.5 degrees celsius and 2 - 3 degrees’ increases in mean annual surface temperature by 2050.” Heat waves cause the highest death toll of any natural disaster in Australia; the elderly, people in rural areas, and those with limited access to services are the first and worst affected. Because of gigantic fossil fuel projects, disadvantaged communities are on the front lines of global warming. “Climate change disproportionately affects those who are most vulnerable and least responsible for its effects - not only is it an environmental, but a social justice issue,” says Zac Romagnoli-Townsend, the State Coordinator at Seed Indigenous Youth Climate Network. Nicole Hutton, Garawa woman and Campaigns Director for Seed, is adamant. “We’ve seen over the last three

Feature years that fracking has no social license to operate. This government has a responsibility to listen to the people of the NT - despite today’s disappointing announcement, communities across the NT will continue to fight dangerous fracking to protect country, culture and water.” Fracking in the Northern Territory may prevent Australia from fulfilling its international obligations. According to the independent inquiry, “the exploitation of any new Northern Territory gasfields is inconsistent with the Paris 2.0°C target.” Currently 83% of the Northern Territory is under license for fossil fuel production, with around half of this area allocated to hydraulic fracturing.

You can stand with the NT mob and take action at or volunteer with the AYCC/Seed at For more information on fracking, visit: what-is-unconventional-gas


Tash Matthews (UTas/Riawunna student and young leader at SEED Indigenous Youth Climate Network) at anti-fracking rally on March 21.

SEED screening of the Water is Life documentary at Riawunna.

Images: John Vo


Harlan Graves First Year | Drawing Major Obscure Hope, 2018 She looks up into the darkness, aspiring in her own illumination, her hopes, dreams and fears offset by the ambiguous insecurities of the future.


KALBI’s Formula Cameron Allen

Images: KALBI

KALBI opened in August 2017 with minimal hoo-ha or fanfare, perched on the corner of Elizabeth and Newdegate Street. In less than twelve months, this flavour-packed Korean jewel is making loud strides. Revelling in positive word of mouth, the sprightly North Hobart eatery is wooing the local hordes. The formula: exceptional food. The kimchi savoury pancake is an excellent place to start, generously laden with all manner of vegetables and accompanied by a soy dipping sauce. The ssam (lettuce wraps) are a real winner. Garlic marinated barbequed pork belly, with a generous helping of kimchi, black beans, and ssamjang (fermented chilli and bean paste) providing the kicker. The crispy lettuce combines devilishly with the rich and tender pork belly. Herbivores aside, you can’t leave without indulging in a generous portion of twice fried Korean-style fried chicken. Take your pick of sweet and spicy or honey soy – a mouth-watering proposition. Topped with crushed peanuts, shredded spring onion and the pickled goodness of an underutilised member of the radish family – daikon. Be sure to pair the fried chicken with a dollop of the house slaw. Sharp, crunchy and acidic. The interior décor is simple and unobtrusive, with Korean-language newspaper clippings lining the walls of the restaurant. The bamboo tabletops and warm lighting add an inviting touch. Serving portions are generous and equally affordable. Starters will set you back under $10, and mains $20. The KALBI menu is designed for sharing, so be sure to bring your entourage and sample the full array of excellent dishes on offer. In short, KALBI is the perfect union of traditional and contemporary Korean flavours. A bounty of delicious and shareable food in a friendly casual setting. Reservations are strongly encouraged, and takeaway is available. Oh, and did I mention KALBI is BYO? Need I say more?


You can find KALBI at 396A Elizabeth Street, North Hobart or you can call them at 6236 9725.

Monte Bovill


Compass Group’s Monopoly


Image: Monte Bovill

From Lazenby’s and Trade Table at Sandy Bay to the Walk Café in Launceston and Graze on the Cradle Coast, Compass Group’s food empire continues to grow at University of Tasmania campuses.

the bain-marie for too long. The kimchi, spring onion, tempeh and soy glaze loaded fries are certainly for the adventurous and the gravy and cheese version is sure to increase your heart rate.

Compass now has thirteen food and drink locations around the state at different University campuses and its newest offering is Open Standard at the UTas Apartments in Hobart’s CBD.

TUU State President, Jess Robinson, has an office located just above Suzy Lee and is a self-proclaimed food lover, but can’t decide her favourite item on the menu; either dumplings or the bubble tea.

The long awaited café opened earlier this year in the foyer of the Elizabeth Street accommodation complex. Offering hot drinks, sandwiches, pizza and salads to the 400 students living in the apartments as well as the general public, Open Standard’s location is its greatest strength with the seating area being the perfect place to hang out or study. Residents have even proposed the concept of room service, however it looks like that idea is going to remain a wishful thought.

“There is nothing worse than getting a dumpling that has been sitting in the bamboo steamer for too long – nobody likes that! So I always aim to buy them at 11am or 12:32pm… I kid you not, those 2 minutes make a huge difference. Both these times sit either right before the lunch cycle or right in the middle of it, making for prime dumpling time,” Robinson said.

At the Sandy Bay campus, The Refectory, most commonly known as the ‘The Ref’, was replaced earlier this year with Suzy Lee. Located in the Tasmania University Union (TUU) building, Suzy Lee offers Asian-inspired dishes, adding both dumplings as well as bubble tea to Sandy Bay’s offerings. Suzy Lee has also released a range of loaded fries options. At $6.50 each, they aren’t too pricey for the quantity of food – just make sure they haven’t been sitting in

In other Compass changes, located in the hut beside Lazenby’s, Greens replaces Waffle, which lasted just one semester. The kiosk now offers smoothies and snacks. The Uni Bar has also been rebranded as U-Bar. Compass Group’s monopoly of UTas eateries looks set to continue to expand and adapt in the future, hopefully offering further options and variety between locations. However, with rising prices and the University extending outside of its central campuses, it remains to be seen if this eatery empire survives the transition.


The Alphabet of Light and Dark Zoe Douglas-Kinghorn

Have you ever noticed how often lighthouses appear in literature? From Woolf’s To the Lighthouse to Cianfrance’s The Light Between Oceans, the glowing towers sweep their beams through novels and blockbusting flicks. I recently sank my teeth into some local lighthouseflavoured fiction. The Alphabet of Light and Dark is the debut novel of Tasmanian author Danielle Wood, who won the Vogel prize in 2003. Wood also lectures and tutors students at UTas on the craft of stories. Her historical fiction forges a bridge between the present-day Australia and memory. Set on Bruny Island, or Lunawanna-Alonnah, The Alphabet interweaves colonial history with the suppressed history of the Indigenous peoples. The story follows Essie and Pete, two characters who are inextricably linked during their tumultuous childhoods. Essie later discovers a trove of mementoes which lead her to decipher the puzzle of her ancestry. As the tide of memory threatens to overwhelm her, Pete comes to her aid in an unexpected and authentic love story. Wood immerses the reader in the sorrowed beauty of the landscape. Her unique descriptions bring shipwrecks, abductions and journeys to life with a tugging sense of place. Evocative imagery highlights the connection between humans and the natural world: “The fact disordered her thoughts, made the name dart to the back of her mind like a blenny fish under a rock.”

36 Thirty-Six

The storyline unspools tantalisingly with the tension of a lateral, shifting narrative. The non-linear sense of time is anchored in different viewpoints. Dialogue and personal histories are achingly lifelike, revealing four-dimensional characters who seem to emerge from within the pages. Embedded folk tales, mythological creatures and sea shanties lend a surreal quality to the novel’s down-to-earth regionalism. Second year English students, take note of intertextuality! There’s also an allusion to Wood’s 2014 novel Mothers Grimm (also a 100/100 read). I won’t give away the ending, as it’s masterfully suspended. Essie and Pete’s contrasting spheres converge to form a kaleidoscopic vision of the past, with their magnetic collision resulting in a mesmeric aurora of light and dark. The ending had me shaking my fist for more closure, but then I’m a sucker for happy endings. Overall, this is a gem of a novel. Savour its bittersweetness. At once haunting and invigorating, sobering and challenging, The Alphabet of Light and Dark is laden with secrets as prickly as an old jumper. This book is definitely one to crack open if you’re curious about Tasmania’s history, feeling far from home or itching for a sense of belonging.



As many gamers do, I often find myself caught up in the hype of the latest whiz-bang title releases. I’ll catch myself waiting patiently as the calendar ticks over while anticipating the arrival of a sleek deluxe edition of the next big thing. Recently however, despite some reluctance, I took a significant and surprisingly rewarding step away from this mindset and explored the scenery of a previous generation’s imagination through Nintendo’s 1994 role-playing game EarthBound. The journey begins with the introduction of the cute little character Ness, who most of you may know as ‘that kid with the baseball bat’ in Super Smash Bros. Ness is woken from his sleep by the nearby impact of a meteorite. Pyjamas and all, he meanders outside to see what the fuss is about. An insect from the future emerges from the debris and with its dying wish, warns Ness that the fate of the universe is at stake. With the help of several friends he meets along the way, Ness sets out to save the world from an evil entity known as Giygas. From the get-go, Earthbound doesn’t shy away from the fact that despite being concerned with saving the world from evil, it presents itself as a children’s game. The art style is unashamedly cute, quirky, full of vibrant colour and dense with exaggerated features. It tells a very clear and vivid story and doesn’t let its age get in the way of offering up a smorgasbord of exciting, amusing dialogue. The music is often very upbeat and supports the eccentric tone established by the other key elements such as psychedelic imagery. To put it simply, this game is just fucking weird, man, but that’s where it excels. Its strength lies in the way it constantly places you within new and unexpected situations, each of which sees you put ever so slightly outside your comfort zone. The game has a powerful and at times unsettling ability to repeatedly get within your head and predict your

next course of action. It seems that each time a sense of normality is felt, a new spanner is thrown in the works. This happens so gradually that eventually, the player becomes quite withdrawn from the innocence of Ness’s hometown where they began, but without necessarily being aware of it. Ness is continually exposed to more confronting opponents as he fights progressively against a police force, religious cultists and then zombies to name a few. The mask of what seems to be a children’s game is stripped away layer by layer to ever so slowly reveal an eclectic face. Where there were once bright colours and upbeat music, adult themes ridden in drug references and metaphysical philosophies take their place. I almost felt at times as if the difficulty curve of the game and the intensity of the themes worked hand in hand to make sure that younger players remained safe from concepts they aren’t necessarily prepared for. Although assumedly a magical adventure as a child, playing EarthBound as an adult provides an incredibly rewarding and refreshing experience. It allows you to think critically about your relationship with the themes of humanity and existence that it eventually deals with, from a position of experience and maturity. The message I’ve taken away here is the old classic to never judge a book, or indeed a game, by its cover. I feel as if I’ve discovered that starting fresh with, or revisiting older games as an adult can present completely unique perspectives on their meaning. EarthBound is widely regarded as a criminally underrated game by many for this reason, and from my end of the table, I can’t disagree in the slightest. It’s a seriously beautiful, moving and thoughtprovoking journey that I can’t recommend enough. It’s a dead set fuzzy pickles/10.


Mackenzie Stolp Second Year | Bachelor of Media

(All) Untitled, 2017

I am currently in my second year of a Bachelor of Media! Art is really something I do on the side. I usually create collages, but last year I broke out of my comfort zone and tried some photography! These are photos from Till the Wheels Fall Off event in Launceston, featuring Camp Cope, Luca Brasi, Dear Seattle and Ivy League.


Joseph Schmidt First Year | Major Undecided

The Calm After the Storm, 2018 Using green cellophane wrapped around a batteryoperated torch, this light drawing photograph represents the relieving aftermath of the storm that occurred on Thursday May 10th, 2018. After horrifically suffering from rushing rain and ghastly winds, grass sprouts up again and alive as ever, and citizens of Tasmania free roam the earth again.





Mofo Hobart came to life in June with the annual Dark Mofo winter art festival firing up the cold nights in Tasmania’s capital. Locals and tourists were enveloped in a festival that certainly doesn’t shy away from controversy, with an artist being buried under one of Hobart’s main roads for 72 hours to inverted crosses lining the waterfront and a nude swim all featuring in this year’s offerings.

Images: Monte Bovill


New Sounds to

Study to T O N

Mackenzie Stolp

Invasion of Privacy (2018) by Cardi B Hip Hop / Rap

Superorganism (2018) by Superorganism Indie / Psychedelic Pop / Lo-Fi

Cardi B is one of those people that you can’t stop watching. From eeeeeow to okuurrrr, Cardi B has the type of personality that the media and talk show hosts love. It gets the views and makes Jimmy Fallon uncomfortable. However, Cardi is not just a pretty face and a Bronx personality, much to the disbelief of some; she makes damn good music too. Cardi released her debut album Invasion of Privacy earlier this year. The album features an insane number of guests, from SZA to Kehlani to Cardi’s husband and the father of her unborn child, Offset. But even with all these incredible featuring acts, Cardi shines the brightest.

How often is it that a debut album is refined, stylistically defined and so good you feel like that band has existed and evolved for decades? Well, it very rarely happens. Superorganism has achieved this level of perfection with their self-titled debut album.

Cardi’s undeniably unique personality is highlighted throughout the entirety of this album. The songs range from fun, upbeat party tunes like ‘I Like It’, all the way to slower, intense rap tracks like ‘Be Careful’. Cardi has created an issue for herself though; this is such a perfect debut album that she will be stretched to top it. Cardi B has some serious talent, and the world recognises it. Cardi has support from everyone in the hip hop and rap game, and also an incredibly loyal fan base that she has built in less than a year. If you’re not listening to Cardi B, what are you doing? Top Tracks: ‘Bartier Cardi’, ‘Bickenhead’ and ‘I Do’


Superorganism is a massive, well, organism, made up of eight incredible and unique musicians, who each bring their own array of influences and sounds to create the masterpiece that is Superorganism. Pop melodies underlay the majority of the songs on this album, with unique ‘found’ noises such as the opening of a cash register and modified vocals layering to create a sound that can only be described as fun. Various sounds feature on numerous tracks, giving the album correlation and bringing each song together as if they’re one. The lyrics are simple (making it easy to sing along with), but cute and uplifting. Definitely the sort of band you listen to to make your rainy day better.

Top Tracks: ‘Something for Your M.I.N.D.’, ‘Night Time’, ‘Everybody Wants to Be Famous’ and ‘The Prawn Song’


Confident Music for Confident People (2018) by Confidence Man - Alternative / Indie

Ecca Vandal (2017) by Ecca Vandal Alternative / Indie

Watching Confidence Man perform is a unique experience all on its own, but listening to their latest album Confident Music for Confident People is a pretty cool experience too. Confidence Man is totally a performance band; you have to watch the whole show to get what’s going on. But, this album has some cool songs to listen to while having “pres”, I mean studying.

Ecca Vandal is my favourite person in the entire world. Well, maybe in Australia at least. Ecca is easily the coolest musician currently working in Australia. Ecca has mixed punk, R‘n’B, electronic and pop to create a sound that is just SO GOOD.

The opening track, ‘Try Your Luck’, summarises the tone you can expect from the rest of the album, with lyrics like “I’m not surprised, I’m popular with all the guys,” this really is confident music for confident people. I give total props to Confidence Man; they’re attractive, young and cool and they’re well aware of it. I’ve concluded that the band’s persona is somewhat of a pisstake. I could be totally wrong, and they could actually be incredibly confident, cocky people, which is still cool too. This album totally makes you feel confident. It’s hard to explain. If you walk to uni with this album playing through your headphones, you’re going to have a good day, I bet. It’s fun, it’s upbeat, almost every song has a dance break at some point and it’s all good times. Janet’s singing/talking is so laid-back and badass, especially on ‘C.O.O.L. Party’, where’s she retelling the story of the “party of the year”. This album is catchy, will get in your head and people will hate you for singing the lyrics everywhere. Top Tracks: ‘Try Your Luck’, ‘Don’t You Know I’m in a Band’ and ‘Boyfriend (Repeat)’

This album completely blew my mind. From a song about our current refugee crisis - ‘Price of Living’, featuring Refused’s Dennis Lyxzen and Letlive’s Jason Aaron Butler, which is so cool might I add, all the way to a soulful, laidback, hip hop ‘Your Orbit’ featuring the incredible Sampa the Great. Not only are the featuring acts on this album incredible, Ecca melds perfectly with all of them. Even though every song on this album could be defined by a different genre, they work so beautifully together. There are songs where Ecca screams and there are songs where she hits the most incredible high notes; she can do anything and does everything. This album radiates confidence and self-assurance, Ecca knows the music she wants to create and has done it. I always found it a bit hard being a person who listens to both punk and pop music, but Ecca taught me you can make and listen to whatever the hell you want and still make it cool. I’m begging everyone, just listen to Ecca Vandal; she will change your life. Top Tracks: ‘Your Way’, ‘Price of Living’, ‘Broke Days Party Nights’, ‘Future Heroine’, and ugh, ALL OF THEM!


A Ghost Story Chris Ham

GHOSTING. gerund, or mass noun. The practice of ending a personal relationship with someone by suddenly and without explanation withdrawing from all communication. - Merriam Webster.

I was sceptical at first but agreed to get coffee with him anyway. Before they’d even arrived, I was thinking, “How lucky I decided to come!” because he seemed so charming and witty, the kind of man you could bring home to your (also sceptical) parents. More successful dates, constant back and forth texting - I’m starting to think I might really like this guy. But then, seemingly out of nowhere… nothing. A few days pass. ‘Maybe he’s busy?’ I tell myself. A week passes, and the radio silence is deafening. He dwells in my thoughts and I’m completely distracted, thinking of reasons why he hasn’t messaged instead of worrying about my studies, work, bills, etc. For weeks after, my mind is preoccupied with him. Rational turns to irrational. Did he die? Surely not. But what if he has and here I am just thinking about my own selfish self? So, if he’s not dead, why is he ignoring me?

This is certainly not a unique experience, which is comforting yet disheartening. In recent years we’ve seen an explosion in the use of the term ‘ghosting’ when talking about modern dating, so much so that it’s officially entered the dictionary. Culturally, we’re seeing this behaviour as a growing trend, with it now entering the canon of official dating problems. This phenomenon is only increasing, becoming the norm for ending a relationship. In fact, I’d go so far as to say it is the way to end a relationship today — or at least that’s what my previous suitors must believe. Under the guise that they’re letting someone down easy, what is actually occurring is that they’re taking the easy way out but only for themselves.

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Pioneer dating website eHarmony launched in 2000, propelling the dating world into uncharted online territory. Since then, we have been inundated with social media and dating apps that allow us to enact our love lives from the safety of our smartphones. Without care, this brave new dating scene can become impersonal, taking place in a space that is not a part of the real world. This can be encouraged by the detached manner of online interaction, where entire relationships can take place but can be logged out of at any given time. Counsellor and Sex Therapist Darren Radley says that we’re experiencing an increase in ghosting, and this is due to advancements in technology. “In my twelve years working in private practice and for counselling organisations I have certainly seen an increase in ghosting, to the point now where some clients almost expect it, are prepared, and blasé about its psychological and emotional impact,” he says. “Not much has changed in the 21st century except an increase in online technologies and social media platforms that has made it much easier and quicker to get to know someone and build an attraction, attachment, and ‘deep’ love from literally just texting/sexting.” Many studies have been conducted into ghosting — more specifically, the psychological impact ghosting has on the ghostee. Darren says a team of American psychologists in a 2011 study found that social rejection is processed by the brain in the same way as physical pain. Over multiple studies, test subjects were exposed to a localised burn to the forearm and an emotional burn to the heart (they were shown a photo of their ex). Functional MRI scans measured blood flow to the brain, with similar regions of the somatosensory system responding to the pain.

Due to the lack of closure, you begin to spiral. Rational thoughts quickly give way to the dramatic — “Is he all right?” becomes “Is he in hospital?” and ends up as “He’s obviously dead.” At any moment they will break radio silence with a perfectly reasonable explanation as to why they disappeared for a few days, a week, a month.

And finally, once you’ve cottoned on, the anger and confusion you initially feel for your ghoster can very quickly be reflected inwards. Not only do you question how valid this relationship was, but you start to question yourself, overanalysing the final interactions to see where you went wrong. Apparently, this is due to a primal psychological response, where people subconsciously monitor their social environment and interactions to inform their self-esteem and social standing.

What ghosting does is actually deprive the ghostee of a social cue to analyse, meaning that they are left discomforted by emotional dysregulation. The space left by the ghoster haunts the ghostee for a while after the act, the dysregulation shifting all thought to overanalyse the last coffee, conversation or text for a hint as to why they’ve cut you off. I eventually heard back from my ghost, confirming that he was indeed not dead but just avoiding me. He ‘just hated letting ppl down and confrontation’, opting instead to sever all ties with myself and as it turned out, a friend of mine he was also dating. Finally, advice for if you find yourself ghosted by that guy that blocked you on grindr, or girl who disappeared from your tutorial. On their website, eHarmony recommend that you essentially deal with it and move on, and while that’s easier said than done, it’s probably pretty sage advice. Why waste time over someone who isn’t thinking about you? Take a ‘me’ day and dwell for a little while, but get yourself up and out there and eventually you’ll find that special person who will always answer your texts.

The report told: ‘‘fMRI activity related to social rejection and physical pain would activate common regions within networks linked to the sensory and affective components of physical pain.’’ Ghosting is particularly hard to cope with because there is nothing to cope with. Someone you’ve emotionally invested in has inexplicably disappeared, leaving the question of “Why?” in their wake. It’s difficult to react because what you are reacting to is ambiguous — an unexplained absence in your life.

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The reason we’re experiencing ghosting at unprecedented levels is primarily due to the relocation of dating into the online world. While this behaviour is not a new experience, the reliance on ghosting as a means to discontinue seeing an unimpressive date has increased due to the fast-paced and highly accessible dating culture of the world wide web.

The Dreamer’s Companion Eilidh Direen

Every morning at 8:15, Septimus Crane bought himself a coffee and went to sit in the park outside his office and talk to Dusty. Dusty was a small brownish rabbit who by all appearances lived in the park. He wasn’t much for talking, but he was a good listener. Septimus was grateful to have him because there was no one else to talk to, and if he didn’t speak his mind to someone, his thoughts got all jumbled up and kept him awake at night. “You know, Dusty,” Septimus would say, gazing wistfully into the distance over the rim of his small paper cup, “I’d like to make something of myself. I’d like to be someone. Someone like… like… well, I don’t know exactly, but someone exciting. D’you know what I mean?” Dusty did not know what he meant. Dusty’s life was infinitely more complex than Septimus Crane’s. Dusty did not have time to sit around and daydream. Nonetheless, Septimus would take comfort from the rabbit’s solemnity and silence, and he would finish his coffee, thank Dusty for his time and head off to work. Septimus worked in data processing for a moderately large corporation. It was a thankless job, and it brought him no joy, but he was good at it and it paid the bills. And try as he might, he could never settle on a dream to work towards or an industry to break into — and without that, what point was there in leaving? “It’s not fair, though,” he said to Dusty one morning. “Here I am, Septimus Crane, with a name befitting a main character… but what am I? An uncredited extra, that’s what. That’s all my life will ever amount to.” Dusty said nothing, but wondered privately what this strange little man could mean, with all his talk of “main characters” and “uncredited extras.” Did he think he wasn’t being paid enough? Why didn’t he ask for a raise, then? It was too ludicrous for Dusty to comprehend — and anyway, he had more important things to think about. The war council was due to start, and he was required to be there.


“Bye, then,” Septimus said sadly, as Dusty disappeared down the drain. “Talk to you again tomorrow.” Dusty was a brigadier-general in the Rabbit Army, which was currently at war with the rats. The campaign, fought in bloody skirmishes deep within the city sewers, had taken a bad turn of late, and the rabbit casualties were piling up. During his time as a colonel, Dusty had been the only officer whose unit had maintained a relatively low mortality rate, hence his promotion at a young age to the strategic division; his tactical genius was far beyond what most animals could hope to achieve in their lifetimes. And yet, as he joined his superiors in the designated drain pipe, Dusty found his thoughts wandering to the man on the park bench, glumly drinking his coffee as he strove to find something worth striving for. It was tragic, or it would have been if Dusty had been able to understand it. Oblivious of the rabbit’s thoughts towards him, Septimus worked late into the evening, having nothing better awaiting him at home. Maybe he could be a writer, or an artist, he mused. He could keep his day job and spend his nights and weekends pouring himself into a creative outlet. How romantic that would be. But deep down, he knew he would do nothing of the sort. He lacked the passion, the talent, the inspiration. So the months wore on, and Septimus worked, and searched, and found nothing; and Dusty fought the war, and the war showed no sign of ending; and Septimus talked to Dusty, and Dusty listened to Septimus. One morning, Septimus found himself in an uncharacteristically jovial mood. “You know what we should be?” he said. “We should be action fantasy protagonists! I’d be the heroic wizard, Septimus Crane, and you’d be my faithful animal companion! What do you think of that?” Dusty thought that perhaps Septimus was talking of entering him in some kind of pet show. It did not particularly appeal to him, and he indicated as much

Creative when he left. Septimus on the other hand was quite taken with his idea, and he began to daydream at work, concocting a magnificent and magical land inside his head where he could be Septimus Crane, the dashing and powerful and oh-so-heroic magician, who went on marvellous adventures with his loyal friend and sidekick, Dusty the rabbit. Over time these fantasies became more powerful, breaking into his sleep at night. The quality of his work declined, and he was reprimanded by his boss one day. But he didn’t care. The dreams took up his every moment, and they were all that mattered to him. Of course, he continued his daily pilgrimage to the park, where he would give Dusty an animated description of the dreams he’d had the night before, and a run-down of the imaginings he intended to have throughout the day. And Dusty would listen dispassionately, then head back to meet with the other generals. But one day, Septimus arrived at the park and saw that Dusty wasn’t there. He waited for an hour and there was no sign of him. Eventually he gave up and went in to work, but with no one to talk to, his thoughts became tangled, and his sleep was troubled that night. Dusty did not appear the next day, either. Or the day after that. Finally, Septimus was forced to confront the possibility that he would never see his friend again. And at first he was sad. But then he wasn’t any more. “That’s okay,” he said aloud to the empty park — and for a moment he was able to imagine that the rabbit was there, listening. “I’ve got you right here, Dusty. You’re my faithful animal companion, and you’re going to be with me always, and we’re going to go on adventures forever, and ever, and ever…”


TUU President

Campus President North

Jessica Robinson

Sean Kebbell

Congratulations to you, on wherever you are in your journey here at UTas. While studying at the University of Tasmania you have access to all the Tasmania University Union (TUU) has to offer. There is certainly more to studying than just making sure you manage to read the countless readings you are set each week. Whilst I encourage you to stay on top of your learning, I urge you to make the most of the endless opportunities and assistance your student union can provide you. Why get involved you might ask? Well… here are five:

With Semester 1 drawing to a close, it is a great time to look back and reflect on what has been happening over this semester. Our welcome week was an incredible success, with awesome events like the outdoor movie theatre, FREE food trucks and a great concert from some local Launie acts. Our international women’s day breakfast was very yummy and collectively we donated an incredible amount of supplies for our Karinya women’s drive. We have been collecting a great amount of feedback from our feedback boards in the foyer, so I would like to take the time to thank you for that, and I can promise we are looking at it.

1. It helps you as a student connect to what you’re studying: Faculty-based clubs and societies have buckets of knowledgeable and enthusiastic students who are eager to help and assist you. The students who head up these clubs and societies know what it is like to study in the field you have chosen. However, the responsibility is still on you to connect the dots, take the helpful tips and seek out what works for you within your learning journey. 2. It aids you in building your University community: Studying can be tough, especially if you are leaving your friends and family behind! At the TUU, we offer a range of opportunities for you to be involved and cultivate new friends who share similar interests. We are here to help facilitate and assist you as you find your feet in our greater University community. 3. It gives you a chance to discover what your passions and strengths are: Unlocking and tapping into your strengths and passions is one of the greatest things you will ever have the chance to do at Uni. Throughout your time at UTas, the TUU will be there to help you channel your passions into spaces that can make a difference, while also engaging with students who share similar passions. 4. It holds stead for the future: Engaging with the TUU on a student representative level or even just standing for a role within one of the clubs/societies will help you learn some great skills that you will be able to take with you into the workforce. 5. It helps with time management: Being involved in things outside of your studies helps to build those time management skills. However, if you do find that you’re feeling a little swamped, our TUU Advocates are here to support you and help you find that balance once more. At the end of the day, it is important to support one another, and the TUU (as your student union) is here to do just that. To find out more about what is offered please visit All the best!


Looking into Semester 2, we are planning an epic welcome week, so look forward to some more awesome live music and a lot of free food. We are now collaborating with the Northern Transformation project team on how we can involve students in shaping our new Inveresk campus. I hope you all had a great break, and wish you all the best for this next semester.

Campus President Cradle Coast Davina Smith The last couple of months have been a time of caring and sharing at Cradle Coast Campus. The first week in May we hosted our first three-day event, Pajamarama, when many chose to wear their comfiest clothes to campus and enjoy cups of hot chocolate, marshmallows and Tiny Teddies. The same week also saw the culmination of our participation in the City Mission’s Mission Possible food drive. Following my visit to Hobart at the time of the May flooding, Cradle Coast campus followed up from the food drive by donating clothing and bedding through the Salvation Army to aid those affected by the intense storms. White Ribbon Day, usually held in November, happened in Week 11 with an info board, delicious muffins from a local bakery and refreshments. Week 12 we hosted our traditional Stressless Day with masseurs, our popular build-a-burger barbecue and very welcomed study packs provided by the Education Council. This year saw many more students still on campus leading up to the exam period and this made for a relaxed party feel on the day.

Images: Monte Bovill

Tasmania University Union

Education President Dillon Ong Hey guys! Dillon here, your Education President for the TUU. It’s been a jam-packed semester, and I certainly hope everyone has had a fruitful year so far. As the Education President, and more importantly an advocate to the student body here at UTas, the Education Council and I are committed to making your voices heard by the University through the TUU. Across the three campuses, your student representatives are: Lemuel Chin (North), Alex Spillane (South) and Bethany Aiken (Cradle Coast). If you need any more information on how to contact them to get your voices heard, more details can be found on the TUU website. A couple of years ago, as a first year, finding student leaders and people who were open to conversations about settling into University was my biggest challenge. I’m confident that the Education Council has elected empowering representatives – representatives that will project your voice towards the right avenues and direct you to the help you require. University isn’t meant to be a struggle, but rather a platform for everyone to learn and explore new experiences! If you’d like more information on the smorgasbord of services and assistance that the TUU can provide you with, do feel free to approach me or any of the student leaders here at the TUU. We’re always willing to lend a helping hand and become your companion to get through the tough times!



Council Rep rt

Campus President South

Sports President

Sharifah Syed Rohan

Ali Ghahremanlou

Hi guys! We had a fully-packed Semester 1 with a diverse number of events at all of our campuses. This year, the TUU SRC South have been committed to hosting events that can be enjoyed by our entire student population. If you have any suggestions for us please get in touch with Campus President South, Sharifah Syed-Rohan by emailing

Chasing deadlines, running late to lectures and sitting in a class for a few hours every day can be detrimental to your overall wellbeing. Getting involved in a sport can help you stay active and fit. Playing on a sport team has many benefits such as teaching you time management, leadership skills, concentration and teamwork. All of which are of great significance in a student’s life.

We also have a very exciting Welcome Week 2.0 schedule planned for you, there’ll be quiz nights, petting zoos, free BBQs, pop up booths and a night market and free concert. It’s bound to be a wonderful week so check out the Tasmania University Union Facebook and Instagram pages for all the deets.

From a social standpoint, sport creates a sense of community and belonging and brings everyone together to achieve a common goal set by teammates. This gives students motivation to overcome obstacles in their university life and enhance their work integrity. Being a student at the University of Tasmania provides plenty of opportunities to get involved in your favourite sport and to stay active. There is also potential to progress up the sports ladder and represent the University at a national level by joining the Nationals (formerly known as UniGames) and compete against other universities around Australia. To view the A-Z listing of Tasmania University Union affiliated sports clubs available at the University of Tasmania, search the TUU website at tuu.

Semester 2 is going to be lit, so be sure to stay tuned and get involved in all the events we have planned for you. Love, #yourTUU SRC South

Postgraduate President Arno Dubois

Societies President Morgan Read The Societies Council have been very busy in Semester 1, with tens of thousands of dollars worth of grants being given to societies to attend conferences and create exciting activities for students. We have been delighted to welcome plenty of new societies as well! So, whatever your interest may be, we have a society for you to meet like-minded people or just to have fun trying something new. If you can’t find a society that suits you, then why not create your own? Check out the TUU website for the freshly updated societies handbook and the societies listings or email me as I can give you a hand with anything to do with societies at


The 2018 Postgraduate Council had a bit of a rough and tough start with only the President’s and Vice President’s positions filled. Fortunately, the by-elections resulted in the election of officers on all campuses and we are finally able to kick our year off properly. Over the coming months, the Council will launch initiatives in three important areas: thesis and publication writing (with writing groups and a writing retreat), community building (through morning teas and the organisation of our own TEDx event), and surveying our postgrads students on their student experience (which is intended to be sent out to students by mid Semester 2). With all of these initiatives, we are still looking for enthusiastic postgrad students willing to help out. Additionally, we are also open to provide support (both in person and monetary) for any of your own initiatives aimed at improving the postgrad student experience. If you would like to contact us, have any questions or issues you would wish to raise, please feel free to contact the Postgraduate President, Arno Dubois, by sending an email to



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