Togatus Edition #1 2017

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Published by State Council on Behalf of the Tasmania University Union (henceforth “the publishers�) The opinions expressed herein are not those of the Togatus staff or the publishers. The copyright in each piece of work remains with the contributor; however, the publishers reserve the right to reproduce material on the Togatus website ( Togatus staff: Editor-in-chief: April Cuison Print Editor: Maddie Burrows Digital Editor: April McLennan Assistant Editors: Bethany Green and Ella Carrington Administration Officer: Stephanie Morrison Marketing & Distribution Officer: Zoey Dwyer Togatus contributors: Amina McCauley, Andrew Grey, Callum J Jones, Courtney Slater, Claire-Louise McCann, Dan Prichard, Dan Probert, Joey Crawford, Joe Brady, Kasey Wilkins, Nikita Riseley, Nikita McGuirem Nathan Hennessy, Sandon Lowe, Cameron Phillips, Clark Cooley, Erin Cooper, Elise Sweeney, Emi Doi, Joel Calliss, Jamie Sands, James Kitto, Liam Salter, Monte Bovill, Michelle Moran, Mackenzie Stolp, Zoe Stott Togatus welcomes all your contributions. Please email your work and ideas to It is understood that any contributors sent to Togatus may be used for publication in either the magazine or the website, and that the final decision on whether to publish resides with the editors. The editor reserves the right to make changes to submitted material as required. Contact Togatus: Twitter & Instagram: @togatus_ Facebook: Website: Post: PO Box 5055, UTas LPO, Sandy Bay 7005 Email: Advertising: Togatus is printed by Monotone Art Printers.


02 06 #NeverOK

08 10 12 Making Tasmania Great Again Dr Neezy’s Love Column

14 16 18 Gallery: Mackenzie Stolp Accomodation: Let’s talk about the UTAS studio apartments VOX POP Debating Avocados

20 22 24 26 28

Racism: Don’t Deal with it Alone

Engineers in Practice

Breadth Units: in Review

4 04 Editorials

You are here

Sacrifices Smiling at Strangers Op Shop till You Drop A Creative Approach to Fitness Dogs SHITSTORM OVER HEADLINE Gallery: Gurmeet Singh Nintendo’s fabulous, frustrating phablet Vale Bill Leak

30 32 34 36 38 40 42 44 46 48 President’s Report Pets of Tog

50 52 54 56

Council Reports

Hyrule: Farming Simulator 2017

Hobart’s Best Student Eats

The Rat and the Robber

On Happiness


Togatus Contributors In three words, how can you best describe yourself?

Amina McCauley

Dan Prichard

Moody, efficient, cuddly.

Smile more often.

Andrew Grey

Dan Probert

Double gin, please.


Callum J Jones

Joe Brady

Creative, honest, reliable.

Likes his words.

Claire-Louise McCann

Joey Crawford

Nerdy Raging Feminist.

Coffee. That’s all.

Courtney Slater

Kasey Wilkins

Saxophone playing rollerblader.

Really loves dogs.

Nathan Hennessy

2017 Digital Contributors

Cute booty connoisseur.

Cameron Phillips Clark Cooley Erin Cooper - Travel, flowers, cappuccinos. Elise Sweeney - loves to travel Emi Doi Joel Calliss - Kanye, Karma, Broccoli Jamie Sands James Kitto Liam Salter Monte Bovill - News, politics, twitter Michelle Moran Mackenzie Stolp - films and music Zoe Stott - Hawaii, books, theatre

Nikita McGuire Obsessed with dinosaurs.

Nikita Riseley


Creative, bubbly, witty.

April McLennan Andrew Grey April Cusion Angela Koh Blake Young Brittany Evans Christy Collins Carly Hickman Courtney Gould Clark Cooley Charlotte Burgess Daisy Baker Erin Cooper Eleni Pavlider Eleanor Snibson Ellie Snibson Grace Williams Holly Ewin Heidi La Paglia

Sandon Lowe Profundity through inanity.

Isaac Foster Jess Flint John Tanner Kendall Boyd Liam Salter Louise Hedger Marvin Thrailkill Maddy Hodgman Mateesha Howard Mark Glidden Mathew Sharp Maddie Burrows Meghan Scolyer Nikita McGuire Nikita Riseley Sophie Dalwood Toby Koerbin Tomas Rolf Zoe Cooney


Tog Team ‘17 In three words, how can you best describe yourself?

Editor-in-Chief: April Cuison

Administrative Officer: Steph Morrison

What went wrong.

Animals, photography, travel.

Print Editor: Maddie Burrows

Marketing & Distribution Officer: Zoey Dwyer

Arts, cats, bibles.

Gucci, Naughties, MariahCarey.

Digital Editor: April McLennan

Designer: Jonty Dalton

Pizza is life.

Three long words.

Editorial Assistant: Beth Green

Designer: Luke Visentin

News, Theology, Caffeine.

Three short words.

Editorial Assistant: Ella Carrington Instagram, Church, Sunburn.


Contribute to Togatus Togatus simply would not exist without the contributions of our fellow students. We want to hear about you, your experiences and your stories. Send us your work or ideas to We look forward to hearing from you!



April Cuison Hello, and welcome to Togatus 2017! I’m April (short April, if you prefer), the new editor-in-chief. Guided by the Holy Trinity (the Hershey’s Kisses, the Red Rock Deli chips, and the Holy Guacamole), the first edition has arrived fashionably late. Nevertheless, hopefully you will find some use with this 56-page edition, from being your bible to simply being a literal toerag. Your call! This year so far has been a series of highlights for Togatus. First and foremost, I must mention the amount of contributors that we have in both print and digital. A surplus of articles is a problem I actually prefer to have. The contributors and the designers are the ones who breathe life into our pages, and I am so grateful to have such a wonderful group of students who are very eager to contribute to our little magazine. With a new year comes a new vision. Let’s be real here folks, Tog hasn’t had the smoothest of rides during the last few years. In 2017, we aim to rebrand Tog into something that university students can relate to. We want to be the platform for your stories, your art, your news, your reviews, and most of all, your experiences as a university student. We aim to increase our diversity in content, and we want to re-establish our connection with the other campuses and various satellite schools. Throughout the year, we hope that you can look at Tog and find something you can relate to.

Alongside this new vision, Tog has also undergone a shift in the visuals department. As you may have already seen, the print edition has been given a facelift. Print editions will have a dash of quirk, a splash of colour, a smattering of avocadoes, and questionable relationship advice. The website has also become fleek (literally)! This year, we are also introducing a category where students may submit pieces up to 2,000 words, aptly(?) named TL;DR. Heh, too long, didn’t read. 2017 also marks the 70th anniversary of the Uni Revue, one of the Tasmania’s greatest treasures. Satirical, controversial, and oh so lewd, the Revue is a performance that provides crude commentary on recent events, from suburban snobbery to political kerfuffle. This year, Uni Revue wants to make Tasmania great again. Perhaps a toupee will be involved. I was given the opportunity to visit their rehearsal space, and to witness script turn to performance was a real treat. To those who are considering watching the Revue, you should be excited! I guarantee that it will be exhilarating, tantalising, and filled with comical antics. If you have something to contribute, whether it’s simply a doodle you did in a lecture or a longform feature, please get in touch. We promise we will welcome you with open arms. :) And remember, be excellent to each other! April C


Maddie Burrows

April McLennan

Welcome back everybody, and a hearty hello from the all of the Tog Team. I am Maddie, your Print Editor for 2017. I’m thrilled to announce that Togatus is ready to give you what you’ve been telling us for years. We’ve heard a lot of negative words thrown about UTas, regarding what should be your favourite publication! So, we saw a ripe opportunity to give our magazine a ‘serious’ update.

Togatus: A uni student’s procrastination bible.

We have rebranded to give you more fun, colour, a dash of quirk, and seasoning of satirical nonsense. Togatus will give you a dose of your daily needs; news that matter, all things UTas, reviews, memes, art, coffee, smashed avocadoes, and our debatably qualified Love Doctor. Why have we done all this? Because from our research, (see the Debating Avocados article), you probably can’t afford your own newspaper, coffee, and smashed avocado. Consider this magazine our attempt to give you those things for free. Now I bet you’re starting to think we’ve become ‘just another art wank magazine’ to pop on your shelf. Do not judge a book, or magazine rather, by its delicious cover. Our aim is to increase diversity within our content and expand student reach across all faculties and campuses. We want to be a platform for as many student voices as possible, not just the Journalism and Media kids. No matter your age, gender, sexuality, or nationality we want to hear from you. Contacting us is easy, so let us share your noteworthy words, art, and pet photos. Regardless of what you’re studying or who you vote for, we hope you’ll consider us a breath of fresh air and enjoy reading us. For this purpose, we bring you the updated, rebranded, all inclusive, avocado filled, hot spanking new Togatus for 2017.

Don’t worry, I am meant to be writing an essay too. But here we both are; flicking through the pages of a magazine that you probably haven’t heard of before. But well it’s free, so why not. You must be extremely bored to be reading the editorial section too… By the way, my name is April and I am your new digital editor for 2017! Woo! *crowds cheering* Cheap food, doggos, and a guide to lovin’. What more could you possibly want from a magazine? This year we have given Togatus a makeover; she is looking fresh and funky. So hold onto your hats (and/or other items of clothing) because she is going to blow you away. We have been gladly surprised by the number of keen contributors turning up to meetings each week. Although it may have something to do with our editor-in-chief providing snacks… But let’s be honest, no one in their right mind is going to turn down free food and coffee. Especially not poor uni students who can’t afford to buy houses because of our avocado addictions. I’m sure I can bring this sacred green vegetable to a meeting one week for all you homeless hipsters out there. I also have some exciting news for you all in regard to what’s occurring on the magical and mystical creature that is known as the Internet… The Togatus website has been revamped! (I can tell that you can barely contain your excitement) But seriously go check it out because it is ‘on fleek’. Literally. Well that’s all from me folks. I hope you keep procrastinating and therefore turning these pages. Lots of Love, April McLennan


#NeverOK Bethany Green

“#NeverOK.” It’s a slogan you may have seen blu-tacked to the Morris Miller walls, graffitied on the toilet doors, or scrawled across a piece of paper, sopping wet and covered in muddy footprints outside Lazenby’s, but what’s it all about? #NeverOK is the TUU’s brand-spanking-new campaign designed to tackle the prevalence of sexual harassment and abuse on campus. With a focus on zero-tolerance and the eradication of victim shaming and embarrassment, this campaign isn’t just for victims or perpetrators: it’s for everyone.

ident North. “This campaign is not about any one incident, but about all.

#NeverOK complements the existing campaign, ‘Respect. Now. Always.’ run throughout all Australian universities, including UTas. However, the new campaign aims to address the issue from a new angle, by working in collaboration with the University to improve the policies and procedures regarding sexual harassment on campus, and to actively inform all UTas students that the TUU and the university have a strict zero-tolerance policy towards sexual assault.

Whilst Dan acknowledges that it is unlikely a change like this will occur overnight, he believes that every small step taken in the right direction is an important one.

TUU President Clark Cooley explains that as a student representative body, the TUU felt a duty to respond to calls for more action against sexual harassment and assault on campus. “For us this included calling upon the university to better educate students about the policies and practices we have to minimise the counts of sexual harassment and assault at UTas.” Clark maintains the importance of ensuring that all students, new and returning, are aware of the minimum acceptable standards for behaviour. “It should be clear to every staff member, student and those in the community that the University has a zero-tolerance policy on sexual assault and sexual harassment.” “It’s a sad reality that sexual assault impacts us all at some stage in our lives, whether it be ourselves, a family member, or a friend,” explains Dan Probert, Campus Pres-


“The long-term goal [of the campaign] is a university, and ultimately a community, free from sexual assault. The university students of today are the community leaders tomorrow. What’s more, they are, or will be, mothers, fathers, brothers, sisters and friends. If we eradicate sexual assault here on campus, then the flow on effect of that to the community over time will be enormous.”

So, what is harassment? According to the ‘University Behaviour Policy’, harassment is defined as ‘behaviour which offends, humiliates, intimidates, insults or ridicules another person in circumstances which a reasonable person would have anticipated that the victim would be offended, humiliated, intimidated, insulted or ridiculed.’ This definition of harassment demonstrates how harassment is not always obvious, but could be experienced in something as small as a passing touch, or inappropriate comments and questions. The TUU are advocating that this sort of behaviour is Never OK. Often one of the most challenging aspects for people who experience sexual harassment or abuse is the multitude of emotions that come with choosing to tell someone else, particularly someone in authority. Shame, fear, anxiety, are commonplace when working through questions such as, ‘Will I be judged as making this bigger than it is? Is it just my fault its happening? Will there be some form of retribution? Will the systems that are meant to protect me fail me instead?’ These sorts of questions can delay a person making a report, which can result in further harm.


“It should be clear to every staff member, student and those in the community that the University has a zero-tolerance policy on sexual assault and sexual harassment.”

However, Colin Clark (UTas Head of Student Wellbeing) explains that the process doesn’t have to start with a formal intervention. “At UTas the systems in place aim to provide options for the person reporting. The first step is to simply let another person know something has or is happening that you don’t feel comfortable with. This can be a Behaviour Contact Officer, a Student Adviser, or a Counsellor. They can help you unpack what is happening and the impact it is having for you. They can also advise as to the next possible steps to take. The aim is to give back as much control to the individual as possible.”

terviewed by a university staff member, helping to clarify the situation by considering different perspectives. Each case will then be developed according to how complex the range of issues are. If there is any immediate danger, Security and Police will be contacted.

Students can also make use of the formal UTas reporting mechanisms available, such as the university incident notification form. A new platform, dubbed MySafety, is set to be introduced by the end of April. This will be the primary point for all formal reports of abuse of harassment. Additionally, students may contact an external reporting agency such as the National Hotline - 1800 737 732.

In regards to confidentiality, students can feel confident the information in their report will be treated with sensitivity and respect. “What information needs to be released and to whom is discussed clearly and agreed to,” explains Colin. The first thing that absolutely changes with any report is that someone who needs to know and can help, now knows. Any steps to be taken following the report will be negotiated one at a time.

Another stumbling block for students considering making a report is the question of evidence; is it necessary to have evidence to make a report? And how much would I need to substantiate my claim? However, Colin explains that a lack of evidence should never stop a person making a report. “Evidence helps, but it isn’t essential. Evidence can be hard to substantiate, particularly if there are no witnesses or electronic trails. This often stops people from reporting as they fear it is just ‘my word against someone else’s...’. Report it anyway. All incidents are worth reporting. It’s the only way the university community can work together to help change things for the better.”

“Never underestimate the significance of that first reporting step.”

Each case is considered carefully before any intervention is followed. The nature of an intervention is dependent upon a number of factors, and can range from an initial discussion right through to clear intervention involving disciplinary procedures (University Ordinances)

For the University, sexual harassment and assault is a black and white issue. It’s Never Ok, regardless of the circumstances. As a student body, we can change the culture around sexual assault and harassment on campus. Reporting, supporting and helping those affected by the issue is everybody’s responsibility - no one is alone in these incidents. For more information on the campaign, visit:

So, what can a student expect when they report an incident of sexual harassment? According to Colin, one possible outcome of a report could be that all parties are in-




TUU.COM.AU/NEVEROK Authorised: Clark Cooley, President, Tasmania University Union, 1 Churchill Ave, Sandy Bay, Tasmania 7004

Breadth Units: in Review UTAS

Steph Morrison

“No one has asked what types of breadth units students would like the opportunity to study.” Two years after the introduction of compulsory breadth units for most undergraduate degrees, controversy still surrounds the justification of having to complete and pay for these units. This appears to be the consequence of the confusing announcement of the units, and lack of information given to students. Breadth units concentrate on real-world issues that are appropriate for all students regardless of the discipline they are studying in, such as sustainability, leadership, and ethics. They provide students with vital life and employability skills, ensuring they graduate with UTAS’ generic graduate attributes: knowledge, communication skills, problem-solving skills, global perspective, and social responsibility. This will better prepare them for after graduation. President of the TUU, Clark Cooley says, “breadth units provide a great opportunity for new undergraduate students to develop a deeper understanding of the wider world and the challenges we face…the benefit of studying these units provide students with important, university scale learning, of vital life and career skills while still providing students with options around what areas they want to study.”

Human Rights and Global Justice. Breadth units are more beneficial for first and second year students, which is when the two units are generally scheduled to be studied. However, some degrees (such as combined degrees) are structured in a way which does not allow for the students to complete the units until later. Arts and Science student Alex Mole says that the value of “doing breadth units depends on the degree.” She believes that students in the faculties of Science, Engineering and Technology, and Health are likely to benefit the most as “their course units are often compulsory and quite specific in their content…(and) science-language is different to real world-language”. Arts and Fine Arts student Luke Visentin says the idea behind students completing breadth units is logical as “ideally a university education will…include ideas which are directly relevant and applicable to a student’s life (but the) freedom to pursue the courses of my choice is important to me and I would prefer extra elective units rather than breadth units.” Business and Computing student Spiros Daglas says that he is looking forward to studying his breadth units “because I will have the opportunity to learn about things that aren’t included my regular degree. Hopefully the breadth units will strengthen my overall understanding.” He says that breadth units encourage students to develop worldly and open-minded qualities that will ensure they become successful graduates.

In 2017, there are a total of 29 breadth units being offered, with the possibility that more will be added later. They are available in both semesters, with some available in summer, winter, and spring as well. Not quite the 50 units that the university planned to have available by this year, but a marked improvement from the initial eight in 2015.

The incorporation of breadth units into the more prescribed, professional degrees currently remains unresolved. This means they are yet to become a part of courses such as Medicine, Education, Law, Pharmacy, as well as most Nursing and AMC courses.

They do not offer the same variety that student electives do but they focus more on practical things and less on theory. Some examples are: Developing your Creative and Entrepreneurial Potential; Resilience in the Face of Emergencies; Social Entrepreneurship in the Digital Age and

So far there have been no forums, information sessions or other initiatives to gauge wider student interest or opinions regarding the breadth units. No one has asked what types of breadth units students would like the opportunity to study.


Making Tasmania Great Again Celebrating Uni Revue’s 70 Years of Political Incorrectness Claire-Louise McCann

The Uni Revue is celebrating its seventieth year this year, and if what I’ve seen at rehearsals is any indication, this may be the best year yet. With an opening number that needs to be seen to be believed, it is obvious that ‘Make Tasmania Great Again’ is going to be one hell of a show. As Co-Director Harrison Smith aptly states, “It’s an annual Tasmanian tradition. It’s brilliantly stupid. It’s lewd, rude crude and nude, and unapologetic for being so. Full of energy, effort, bright light and brilliance - our team is incredibly committed to bringing a high-energy show every single night. It’s as much fun as you can have with your clothes on, . . . or off!”

This year’s cast also follows the same formula, featuring

The Uni Revue is the oldest Revue in Australia, and is unequivocally the greatest one. Since its humble beginnings in 1948, the Revue has covered hundreds of controversial and relatable topics through their unique style of hilarious satire; such as the budget, bogans, MONA, Sandy Bay snobbery, local politics, political fails and plenty of other shit-stirring tales in between.

explained that as ‘we are an annual Tasmanian Comedy

When Director and Revue veteran Nick Paine was asked about what was being planned to celebrate 70 years of Revue madness, he informed me that this year was going to be different, excuse the cliché. Instead of hosting a separate show to celebrate the anniversary, Paine plans to incorporate celebrations into ‘Make Tasmania Great Again’. He hinted at possibly bringing back some old sketches from previous shows, as well as keeping quintessential sketches as a staple of what makes the Revue so wonderfully unique.


both Revue veterans alongside Paine and Revue virgins. They hope to introduce more new faces to the Revue world, with both directors stressing that they want to reconnect with uni students, as the Revue and the University have drifted apart over the last couple of years since their split, and the Revue’s subsequent move to the Old Nick Theatre Company. The Revue this year is also special in that they have partnered with Tasmanian Suicide Awareness Charity – Speak Up Stay ChatTY. When asked about this, Paine Performance. It makes sense to help a Tasmanian cause create a broader knowledge of recognising the signs of people struggling with depression. If Revue can assist Speak Up Stay ChatTY, raise both money for their cause, and greater public awareness that’s a really good thing.’ The Revue is a historic Tasmanian theatre institution, boasting alumni as diverse and as notable as Lara Giddings, Tasmania’s first Female Premier. Lara appeared in 1991’s Revue – Little State of Horrors. 70 years strong, and the Revue is showing no signs of slowing down. From Obama Mia to Indiana Joe , the Revue never fails to shock, surprise and titillate with amazing content and laugh-til-you-pee gags. So get yourself to the Uni Revue this year and join the politically incorrect party!







THE 2010



MAY 7-22

THEATRE ROYAL 6233 2299 MAY 25-29


DIRECTED BY BEN PAINE assistant direction GRAEME PAINE oam, musical direction band SCOTT CASHION , musical direction vocals CRAIG WOOD, choreography KRISTY BAKER ADULTS $26, STUDENT/CONCESSION/GROUPS 20 OR MORE $20. ALL SEATS $26 - 14, 15, 21, 22, 28 AND 29 MAY


Dr Neezy’s Love Column “I am having a sexuality crisis. I’ve come to realise that I am more turned on by spending time with my cat than with guys. I have literally turned down dates because I prefer to be with her. Does this mean I’m gay? Or some other sexuality that has not yet been discovered? Please help me!” Anonymous The debut question for this column and you’ve already got me in a sweat. It seems you have a case of ‘pussy on the brain’. Now there is a fair bit to unpack here, but I’ll keep it brief. Is it gender or species that attracts you? This is not a space for judgement. It seems more likely you’re attracted to the cat. It’s just a matter of finding a compromise. There is hope for you. There’s this fantastic television series in the US that I love. It deals with conundrums of the alternatively-minded. It’s called I’m Always Sunny or something. They have proven on that series that it is possible to undergo feline conversion surgery. Start buying generic cat food mate, surgery ain’t likely to be cheap.

“How do I possibly approach a woman, when I haven’t had sex in so long that a light breeze gets me sporting a half chub? Like seriously, I’m smuggling some blue balls the size of watermelons down here.” Richard Aiken I’m just going to hit you with the 2017 shortlist that’s doing wonders for my other male clients: - Get a place that you call home. Parents are a cockblock - Go to the gym - /r/nofap - No more alcohol until you’re cured. You don’t drink unless she does - Iron your fucking shirt If you can achieve these basic functions of the adult man, you may be able to crack those watermelons. After two or three weeks (don’t rush, your confidence has clearly lapsed), then you can seal the deal. Send this unlucky woman the following message when she’s active on Facebook, “Snugs?”


“Dear Dr Neezy, I have made a mistake and I need your help to try and fix it... I can’t help but be a matchmaker, I am forever setting my friends up with my other friends. Unfortunately my skills got the better of me and I decided to set up my best friends. They are now dating and super happy but I am now alone and neither of them have time for me. If I hang out with either of them all they talk about is each other and I feel like I can’t talk to them about anything anymore. Its making me feel super lonely. I now have to “book” a few weeks in advance to hang out with either of them and majority of the time they forget and makes plans together and I am stood up. Am I being selfish? Do I need to back off and let them have their space? Or should I say something?” Anonymous The matchmaking career is a fickle one. Pride always precedes the fall. I’ll answer with an experience of my own, very similar. I also had (note the tense) two best friends whom I set upon one another. After being ditched constantly because they were absorbed in weekends of filthy lovemaking, I decided that their happiness needed a shot of pragmatism. You know, the hallmark of a real relationship is the ability to handle everyday issues together. So I persuaded the clingy ex to catch the guy’s attention by sending some pretty eye-catching material. He obviously started replying, taking precious time out of their adult cardio sessions. This manoeuvre just ends the honeymoon period sooner, and everyone gets a hard reality check. You may not like the drama, but baby, it’s character building.

Need some wanderlust but can’t afford to travel? Let me turn your bedroom into a holiday resort. Email your love troubles to

Engineers in Practice ;)

Bethany Green


“This is the kind of experience you can’t get anywhere else.”

I sat down for a chat with Hugh Morris, Head Engineer for the UTAS FSAE, to find out what exactly it takes to build a race car, and what the engineering department has in the works for 2017. Beth: What role do the students have in the development of the car?

Somewhere, deep inside the engineering department, a dedicated group of 40-odd students spend their free hours designing, building, testing, and racing a formula style race car. The workshop is in full swing as the engineering students collaborate and innovate, in order to design UTas’s first fully student made electric race car.

Hugh: All of it. They designed and selected all of the components, we make all of the decisions about what goes on the car, what our priorities are, and how we are going to achieve those priorities. It really is an end to end process.

The 2016 combustion engine car can now be found resting proudly in the centre of the engineering workshop. Its construction was undertaken as part of the annual global university student race car competition run by the FSAE (Formula Society of Automotive Engineers). In December 2016, UTas students participated in the Australasian stage of the competition, held in Melbourne, and placed 10th overall.

Hugh: Interesting question. Depends on the time of year. We started 2016 with around 40 students, but by the competition rolled around, we had 23. We have a faculty advisor - and of course the workshop staff. The workshop staff really are our heroes. Without them, we don’t get a car. They advise the students on designs, do the intricate C&C manufacturing, and train us up on a lot of the tools. We build a

Beth: So, how many engineers does it take to build a car?


… lot of the car ourselves, but obviously, nothing happens in isolation. Beth: Is there anything unique about that car? Other than the fact that it has been put together by a group of students? Hugh: One unique element is the air intake. The competition has a very strict set of rules - the idea of this is that you have design limitations. There is a restrictor on the air intake, which basically restricts the amount of power we can have. So, we had to design a special air intake to maximise the air flow, which was quite unique. The ‘wubs’ are another unique component. ‘Wubs’ - I think that may be an inhouse term - are a wheel and hub in one component - the rim of the wheel connects directly to the hub, which is quite unusual. Beth: What is the top speed the car has recorded? Hugh: The top speed we have recorded on a track is 114km/h, with an average of 65 km/h. However, the com-


petition is designed to limit your acceleration distances; on the track, you won’t get a straight of more than say, 75 metres, before you reach a hairpin bend. The idea is then that the car will handle well, rather than go fast - and going fast around corners is a hell of a lot harder than going fast in a straight line. Beth: Who gets to drive the car? Hugh: Students. You need a minimum of 5 student drivers to enter the competition. There are different components to the competition; the acceleration, skid, autocross endurance - all of those you have to have different drivers for. Beth: Has the car ever been crashed? Hugh: *Laughs* not really…. There was a minor incident in 2015, but it wasn’t really so much of a crash as a scrape. All of our cars are still in one piece, minus a little scuff. Safety is paramount when you are doing motorsports, and we only race in places where they are well set up.


Beth: What engine was used in the 2016 combustion car? Hugh: The engine, and the gearbox, is from the CBR600 a motorbike. The engine output was measured at 54.6Kw. Beth: What kind of petrol does the 2016 combustion car use? Hugh: Octane 98. Beth: How is this a beneficial experience for the students involved? Hugh: The project is hugely rewarding. So much of the engineering degree is theory, simply because there is a lot of theory to get through. This gives you experience in more practical applications; trial and error, learning to justify the engineering decisions you make, and workshopping and implementing designs. You learn things that most graduates don’t get until they get to the workforce, such as working with suppliers, manufacturers, and sponsors. This is the kind of experience you can’t get anywhere else.

Beth: What is the motor in 2017 electric car? Hugh: We have two permanent magnet synchronous motors in the electric car. The motors themselves are 208mm in diameter, weigh about 9kg each, and have their own invertors. The motors are at the rear of the car, this means we can independently control each wheel. This will help us to manage our torque so our wheels aren’t slipping essentially. Beth: And why the change to electric? Hugh: I think increasingly, electric is going to be the future of the automotive industry - whether that’s as hybrid, or as a fully electric vehicle. It’s an exciting area with more research opportunities in terms of battery management and motor control. Going electric also broadens the scope of who can be involved, for example, we have seen more participants from ICT this year.




Mackenzie Stolp Instagram: @Macmobi Email:


Accomodation: Let’s talk about the UTAS studio apartments Joe Brady

A few Sundays ago, I sat down with Zoe Stott in her fourth-floor apartment and we talked for a little while. She offered a tea or hot chocolate. She has no instant coffee, because her time waitressing in a high-end coffee shop in Hawaii, her homeland, makes all instant coffee seem inferior. I chose the hot chocolate. We both live in a new apartment complex that towers over the main shopping district of Hobart, a university development that aims to have over four hundred students moved in by the time all the rooms have been finished. As of now, not all rooms are finished and so my commute to the bus stop each morning passes through modern woodwalled lobbies and carpeted corridors, punctuated briefly by bare concrete walls and the subtle vibration of windows as a tradie’s drill battles a wall somewhere nearby. If you are taking the time to read this, you are likely in the same position I was when I signed a 52-week lease to an apartment that I knew almost nothing about. I will tell you exactly what Zoe and I got. Zoe thinks the apartments are worth $230 a week. “If they didn’t have power and water [included in the price], then no,” and my conclusion was the same: compared to similarly priced university accommodation, and really anything more than a share house, $230 a week for a CBD studio apartment is a pretty good price. That does include power and water and currently features access to the eduroam wireless network for free, although Zoe mentioned to me a conspiracy among the residents that the unlimited and free university network would close to force residents to the paid network operated by BigAir. Regardless, the network is decently-priced and fast. For $65 a month you will receive 250gb of bandwidth with speeds ranging from 5-10 megabytes per second depending on the usage around you.



Images: Joe Brady There are two types of apartments available: superior and deluxe. The superior-class apartments are priced at $230 a week. Deluxe apartments are more expensive at $260 per week. Deluxe apartments are not yet completed as they sit on the higher floors, which accounts for the higher price tag. According to sources within construction, the deluxe-class apartments will not be bigger. This means that the selling point of these apartments are that the higher floors give a better view (deluxe apartments start at floors 10 and above) and that you share less amenities with other residents (like laundry) because the floors are smaller. So what about these completed apartments? What exactly do you get for $230 a week? You get a heavy wooden door that doesn’t keep out the sounds in the hallway but will almost certainly stop anything less than a rhinoceros from entering. You have a keycard that opens the door and soon you will be able to open it via a mobile app. The apartment almost makes up for the lack of a soundproofed door, thanks to the double-glazed floor-to-ceiling windows you’ll see as you step in, which do a good job at eliminating the noisy city outside. The walls are thick and I have yet to hear any of my neighbours through them, although perhaps they’re just quiet. You have a kitchenette, with a fridge and cooktop and convection microwave/oven combination. If you managed to find the appropriate documentation for the convection oven (mine arrived a week after I moved in) it’s a very useful and quick way to cook. There is enough pantry space for one person, although the pantry door opens out towards the desk and bed rather than toward the kitchen. The desk itself is sturdy and easy to wipe clean. Any computer monitors or wires will have to run along its length and disappear off the side, as it is firmly

attached to the wall and lacking holes for cable management. Also provided is the most horrifically ugly chair I have ever seen in my life. I can’t argue it isn’t functional, however; you can sit on it. The queen-size bed is comfy, but you’ll be sleeping alone because the tenant agreement only allows for one permanent resident. Extended visits are fine, as long as you run it through accommodation services if they’re staying more than a couple nights (for safety reasons). The bathroom is small, but it’s clean and modern with enough space for toiletries, makeup and cleaning products. I managed to fit a small vacuum cleaner in one of the shelves, although you can borrow one from accommodation services. There is not enough room next to the bed for a sofa, but you can fit a reading chair if you’ve got one. Heading back out of the apartments, garbage and recycling chutes are embedded into either end of the building, flanked by three elevators. These elevators are guarded by locked doors that can be opened with your apartment keycard. Outside is Hobart’s Elizabeth street, and if you’re lucky enough, you’ll have a view of the mountain from your apartment. In closing, I won’t attempt to justify the rent. It sold itself to me, and it was never really the intent of this little review to talk about the price anyway. I have been impressed so far with the willingness and patience of the accommodation services to cater to the residents with their consistent active response to feedback, and their efforts to build a community in this building make me proud to live here. It’s not finished yet. We expect a Lazenby’s 2.0 bar/restaurant downstairs around June/July, along with music practice rooms and quiet study spaces. There’s a lot to come. Keep an eye on this building, because I think it’s pretty great. I’m glad I live here. Zoe is too.


Vox Pops – Edition 1 Nikita Risely

1. What do you study? 2. Describe yourself in three words. 3. Any advice for a first year student? 4. Favourite Hobart hangout? 5. What is your most prized possession? 6. Your first impressions of UTas? 7. Pineapple on pizza? Yay or nay? Belle Riseley 1. Combined Law/Arts, double majoring in international relations and politics and policy. 2. Accepting, curious, sleepy. 3. Just breathe, and don’t be scared to reach out to your unit coordinator/tutor/lecturer. They are usually super helpful and easy to talk to. 4. Probably Cargo. Their back-handed panther cocktail and Caesar salad are amazing! 5. My book collection. 6. I came to UTas after studying in Adelaide on a much larger campus and yet the Sandy Bay campus was so open and refreshing in comparison, making coming to campus a more relaxed feel. 7. Nay!

Jess Cooper 1. Bachelor of Business, majoring in management and tourism. 2. Adventurous, friendly and outgoing maybe. 3. It’s not as scary as it seems and you can put in as little or as much as you like. It doesn’t have to be as serious as people make it out to be. 4. I actually really like Hobart Brewing Company and some of the new breweries that are opening up in Hobart. 5. Probably my guitar. 6. Intimidating. I was definitely intimidated by the big [campus], especially the Sandy Bay campus particularly - but that impression has just changed completely now that I’ve been here for a little over a year. 7. No! Definitely not, a big no from me.


1. Bachelor of Media, majoring in screen - but I need to change that. 2. I don’t know... Dry, Jaded and Witty. 3. Do your drinking now, while your studies allow for it. 4. Sons of Baja on Elizabeth Street in North Hobart. 5. If I told you that, you’d just knick it - I don’t really have that many possessions that I prize. 6. It was exciting. I think? Exciting - yeah. 7. No. No, don’t be ridiculous!

Jade Brazendale 1. Sociology. 2. Hard working, honest and reliable. 3. Lots of work! 4. Home. 5. My partner. 6. Good. 7. Yes!

Freya Evans 1. Business, majoring in tourism and finance. 2. Friendly, determined and outgoing? Maybe? 3. Go to your PASS sessions and try to do your readings - but I don’t do my readings so… Maybe do a little bit of reading? 4. I like Preachers, that’s good. 5. I wouldn’t really call him a possession but Jerry, my puppy! 6. Normally I would say that it’s really nice and big and sunny, and there’s lots of outdoor areas that you’d want to hang out in - obviously not today, because it’s raining. But Lots of different people and lots of good events. 7. No.

Navya Sravani 1. Masters in Pharmacy. 2. Simple. 3. – 4. The UTas student lounge. 5. My gold chain. 6. Good, but cold weather! 7. No.



John Tanner

DEBATING AVOCADOS Article written by Courtney Salter, study conducted by Mackenzie Stolp

Avocado! The Achilles heel of the millennial. Can’t be beaten down by gender, age or government but weakness for a squishy green fruit will be their imminent downfall. At least this is the controversial claim of Bernard Salt, opinion writer for The Australian. In his article published 15th October 2016, he claims that young people are spending more money at “hipster cafes” on “$22 a pop” smashed avocado meals than saving for homes. Unsurprisingly, this has disturbed an army of fork-holding millennials. If you are even remotely familiar with this ‘Late Great Avocado Debate’ (you’d better say that one out loud) then you would’ve seen the debunking articles. However, if you’ve been off in the jungle, or only read your news in meme form, I’m here to help you out. Essentially, housing costs for millennials are a gravity-defying waterslide, or for you statisticians out there, they are going up - rising 4.3 percentage points from 1984 to 2010. Furthermore, millennials now are actually spending less on food than their counterparts 26 years back. So, Bernard Salt my good sir, you are somewhat misinformed. A vox pop was conducted at UTas’ very own ‘hipster café’ Lazenby’s to find out how relevant this information is to the Tassie students. The survey interviewed young people aged 18-27 and had two major findings. Firstly that young people are not spending money as freely as society thinks and, that they consider buying a house to be extremely difficult. Across all participants the total times eating out at a restaurant averaged 1-2 times per week. Chloe aged 20, who is trying to save for a home, stated in response


“In true millennial form, satirical breakfast names have appeared on café chalkboards overnight. Some personal favourites include ‘The Retirement Plan’, ‘Avonomics’ and ‘The Baby Boomer’.” to eating out that it’s “only when I can afford, and with my current financial status that’s…never.” These experiences disprove the belief that millennials don’t want their own homes. Most millennials would like to own their own homes but feel that saving for it is futile. This is all rather dire news so let’s have a look at some of the more interesting outcomes of this uproar. The ‘hipster café’ response. In true millennial form, satirical breakfast names have appeared on café chalkboards overnight. Some personal favourites include ‘The Retirement Plan’, ‘Avonomics’ and ‘The Baby Boomer’. The major backlash however, has bloomed and fruited on social media with people posting delicious photos of avocado in every imaginable presentation. So an awkward high five to all you who refuse to be dissuaded from your avocado! I’m off to look at house prices with some guacamole on hand, it might just catch the tears.


Racism Don’t deal with it alone! Callum J Jones

Eleni Pavlides is one of these people. A Greek-Australian, she’s an outgoing and very observant Bachelor of Arts student at UTas who hopes to go on to do a Masters in Education. Her family is Greek Cypriot. Her paternal grandparents fled to Australia from Cyprus in 1974 after Turkish troops unleashed the atrocities of war onto the Greek island, causing bloodshed, chaos, and poverty. Her father was born soon afterward. Her mother, on the other hand, was actually born in Cyprus. Her grandparents and father were victims of racism. She eventually became a victim herself. “Racism is wrong on so many levels,” she says. “When an individual is subjected to racism, particularly at a young age, they start to think they’re different. That was definitely the case for me.” At various times in her life, she and her family have travelled to Greece to visit her mother’s relatives. After returning to Australia after one of these trips in 2002, she became a target of racism for the first time at the age of eight. A classmate came up to her and said, “My mum said that people with dark skin don’t have showers.” Because Eleni was still learning English at this stage, she didn’t quite understand the hostile meaning behind the comment. In broken English, she simply replied, “No, bath,” explaining that she didn’t have showers. She eventually twigged what her classmate meant, and when she got home later that day, she endeavoured to make her skin the same colour as everyone else’s in an attempt to be accepted. She got a bottle of baby powder out of one of the bathroom cupboards, and smothered herself with it to make herself appear whiter. Eleni continued to be a victim of racism throughout the rest of primary school, which badly affected her self-con-

fidence and self-esteem. “I was called a ‘wog’ a lot in high school, as well,” she explains. “But being a lot older then, and having already experienced racist remarks in primary school, it no longer bothered me.” She turned to her family for support when it got too much for her. She also had a group of close friends who accepted her. She wasn’t subjected to racism in college, however. She hasn’t been the target of racism at UTas, either. For this, she’s extremely grateful. “I think it’s the result of changing times,” she says, “and the changing generations that have let go of backwards mentalities, like the white Australia policy.” Eleni is now a mature young woman who is more confident in herself and her opinions. “I think standing your ground is something that comes with age,” she tells me. “When I was younger, I was very quiet, and got embarrassed easily. So I never spoke up. I think this is why I’m such a dominant person now, because nothing good ever came out of me not speaking up. Australia is a very multicultural country, so when I find an individual who isn’t accepting someone of a different nationality, I definitely don’t stay quiet anymore.” Even though there seems to be less of racism these days, it still exists. All you have to do is read the statistics. Eleni’s advice to those who are currently targets of racism is this: “Don’t deal with it alone! No-one should ever experience it. We live in a day and age where racism is simply not acceptable. So don’t ever feel as if you shouldn’t speak up about because no-one will listen. Everyone is important, and every life is sacred.” – To read a longer version of this article, please visit the Togatus website:



According to the Racism in Australia section on the All Together Now website, one in five people in Australia are a target of racism.

Sacrifices Callum J Jones

Studying at university is stressful, and requires some sacrifices along the way. Some students might have to skip breakfast so that they can get to class on time. Others might have stay up late at to finish an assignment before the fast-approaching deadline. Oh, the list goes on! There are other students, however, who sacrifice even more. One such student is Tina Coverdale. Tina, who describes herself as a shy but outgoing person, is a Bachelor of Media student here at UTas. She works full-time at Connor at Eastlands, and also does freelance work with public relations companies and brands, which she hopes to make her full-time occupation after completing her degree. Living out of home and not eligible for Centrelink funding, she has to work full-time to support herself. Most nights after work, she studies till late as she doesn’t have the time to do so during the day. Sometimes, ‘late’ means not getting into bed until four o’clock in the morning, but she does an incredible job at hiding it. She always wears her long blonde hair neatly; her make-up masks any and all signs of sleep deprivation; and she constantly takes great care with her choice of outfit every day. Despite her shyness, she’s always bubbly, constantly smiling, and frequently jokes and laughs. She also doesn’t dwell on or complain about negative things too much. But a constant struggle with stress and anxiety makes Tina’s life more challenging. “When things get a bit too much I get really, really, really stressed,” she explains. “And when I get like that, I literally can’t get stuff done, which makes things worse for me. It happens a lot when I’ve got a lot of assignments due at around the same time.” But she says that she’s good at sticking to her routine. She knows that in the long-run, it’s all going to be worth it. “It’s like short-term pain for long-term benefit,” she says. After pausing for a moment, she adds jokingly, “Plus I spend a lot of money on coffee!”


‘“When things get a bit too much I get really, really, really stressed,” she explains. “And when I get like that, I literally can’t get stuff done, which makes things worse for me. It happens a lot when I’ve got a lot of assignments due at around the same time.”’

I tell her that other people in similar circumstances as her would probably enrol in off-campus units to make things easier for them. I ask why she hasn’t done this herself. “I would if I could,” she says. “I actually do my sociology classes off-campus, but UTas actually doesn’t offer journalism units that are by distance. So I come in for the tutorials, though I have to take three days off work a week. I technically don’t have to [the tutorials are not compulsory], but I find that I do better if I do go to them.” For Tina, doing everything online is a very lonely experience. “Discussion boards are faceless,” she says, “whereas when you can actually bounce ideas off people in tutorials, it’s really engaging.” Tina’s advice to others in similar circumstances as her is this: “Make time for yourself. At the end of the day, you are paying for your degree. So you really need to focus on it. Also, don’t do four subjects every semester if you’re working full-time as well. You need to create some sort of balance that works for you. But the most important thing is to just look after yourself!”



Smiling at strangers and why you should do it Dan Prichard Life’s pretty good to us. We’re lucky to be living in one of the safest places on the planet at the moment. Fresh water. Political peace. Freedom of speech. But as we know, too many good things sees us taking too much for granted. Swimming in all this good fortune means we often ignore our duty as humans to embrace the day… and each other. I’m guilty of it. You’re guilty of it. Most days we let it happen without even realising. Our shy glances at our feet whilst passing peers in the corridors. On the streets. Whipping out our social web of protection from our pockets to avoid just two seconds of live-action human interaction. We see a potential encounter, a chance to seize the day and light up a drizzly morning. But we blink or we turn or we pretend to cough or we open that Buzzfeed quiz we know we won’t end up taking… and we miss our chance to share something special. To smile. What’s wrong with that? we ask ourselves. Of course, there’s no harm done in saving a smile for later. It’s not illegal. It’s not wrong. But when we consider the implications of holding back on our cheesy grins, it’s easy to see that it’s not right either. There are more people living on this planet right now than have ever been in its lengthy history. Each new life brought into the world provides a new exciting opportunity. This means that we’re surrounded with billions of opportunities to smile. Whilst right now, we’re a bigger human family than we’ve ever been, loneliness is on the prowl, and is more concerning than it has ever been. Recent statistics reveal that in a given year, ‘around 1 million Australian adults have depression’ (Beyondblue, 2016). Furthermore, the White Cloud Foundation alarmingly labels this mental illness as being the second to heart disease as the leading medical cause of death within Australia (2016). We all know this is an issue, and our media circuits and feeds are filled with posts about breaking the mental illness stigma. I don’t know about you, but often I find myself feeling a bit helpless in wanting a practical way through which I can do this.


How can we break the stigma? Of course, we can sign petitions online, or share a Facebook post. But once we’ve done these things and have felt that temporary sense of accomplishment that comes with sharing positive words on the internet, many of us will be left wanting, intrigued as to how they can be an ambassador for positive change in their everyday lives. Today, I suggest something daring. Unusual. Socially controversial even. I challenge you, in your brief encounters with passers-by, to keep your head held high, not shy away, and smile. Journalist Andrew Merle in his article ‘The Science of Smiling’ reveals that whilst we experience joy, smiling is a natural reaction, and when we smile voluntarily, scientists argue that our natural response is happiness. Furthermore, he states that ‘even faking or forcing a smile reduces stress and makes you happier’ (2015). Generally, when we receive a smile, be it from the love of our lives or the barista at Lazenby’s, our natural reaction is to smile back, which science argues results in us feeling happy. Smiling at strangers therefore both makes us feel this joy, whilst wishing that happiness on our passers-by. More smiling means more positive feelings. More positive feelings means more dancing and singing and hugging and laughing and loving. Which, in turn, sees us creating a happier world. It all starts with a smile. Just one can go a long way. So next time you’re trudging along your merry way, make that offer, and be the stranger who smiles. It goes further than we’ll ever truly know. – For Beyondblue’s recent statistics on mental illnesses within Australia, visit the-facts For the White Cloud Foundation’s data, visit http:// For Andrew Merle’s article on ‘The Science of Smiling’, visit the-science-of-smiling_b_8570354.htm


On Happiness Joey Crawford

“Happiness is just a teardrop away” – Fairy Godmother. Remember that scene in Shrek 2? Where in his lowest moment he wants to be able to compete with Prince Charming? The giant green ogre sells out his authenticity for a shot at glory with his ‘true love’. He wants to look more attractive, but that was not what she wanted. Right? Repeatedly, human beings choose to sacrifice their innate happiness for what they perceive as potential happiness. The real question is why? Why is it that we sometimes strive to become an accountant, over something we would enjoy more? I made that mistake at the beginning of my undergrad. Enrolled in a business degree, and proceeded to take accounting as a major. A family friend would recite to me: You will be an accountant when you grow up. Accountants do not lose their jobs in recessions or in booms, everyone needs help with money. The problem for me was: it was not my golden ticket to a better life. Financial security perhaps, but at what expense? I learnt this the hard way. Choosing money over innate joy was a mistake. Yet, this does not make me a Marx-loving communist, arguing for free education and the elimination of legal tender.

more money. The cause, in part, is that they are not seeking to do what they love. It is okay to have a few years of potential pain for future growth. Like taking on a university degree whilst managing one or two jobs and trying to keep that slowly shrinking social life going. Just remember where your journey is taking you. To the future motherland of being a doctor, teacher, engineer, or anything else. To close though, just because you have a tough university schedule does not mean that you should not take time for yourself. You are important. Not because you might be a politician or barista in five years, not because you might win the lotto in twelve years, and not because you might be a solid nine in appearance. Take time because everyone is equal, and is entitled to space. “Remember happiness does not depend upon who you are or what you have; it depends solely on what you think”– Dale Carnegie. – Joey Crawford is a Director of the TUU, and Postgraduate President. He blogs at

Doing what we love and making a good living are not polar opposites like pineapple and pizza. They are more the Mickey to the Mouse; the heaped spoons of milo to my vanilla ice cream. It saddens me when humans forget the core of our existence and protest the bourgeoisie for their money, thinking that equal money equates to happiness sprinkled in the lives of those around us. “Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony” – Gandhi. Around the web are the ever-growing volumes of viral videos of impoverished people globally loving their lives. Yet, there are still people struggling to be happy with


Op Shop Till You Drop Nikita Mcguire

The never-ending struggle of figuring out what to wear to Uni is a challenge we all face. Trying to keep an updated wardrobe can be hard when you have a sad-looking bank account. You might end up deciding to wearing the one hoodie you own for the whole week in the hope that no one will realise. With assignments, readings, and the mental overload of uni, the creativity and motivation of deciding what to wear each day can slowly diminish. Do not stress my dears! I have two words for you: op shopping. My life changed when I decided a many years ago to check out the local Salvo’s and Vinnie’s stores. It was a moment of pure excitement as I walked into the store and saw rack after rack of possibilities. Now, I would say a vast majority of clothes I get are from the op shop and I have to admit I am a bit of an addict, as I go at least once a week to my favourite op shops around the city. There is nothing like scouring the racks unaware of what treasures you will find. If you think of op shops as a place where grandmas go to get doilies and horrible clothes from the last century, think again! Op shopping is a great way to get great clothes for an even greater price. Where else can you get


a velvet jacket for $6 or a pair of high heels in pristine condition for $8? Also if you are especially lucky, sometimes you can find big name brands in great condition for a fraction of the price. If you find yourself with a spare afternoon or if you are having a look through your clothes thinking that you have nothing to wear, give the op shop a go. Here are some handy tips that have helped me over the years: 1. Look through everything. Go through every rack. Trust me, it may seem like a look a flicking through and your arms will definitely get tired but it will be worth it. You never know what could be hidden in the racks. If you fit into a smaller size it’s also worth checking out the kids section. I found a pair of overalls in the kids section and it was the best day of my life. Also, girls look in the men’s section and vice versa. Sometimes stuff gets muddled around and you never know what you will find. 2. Op shopping is even more fun when you take a friend or two. You can get input on what looks good on you and what doesn’t. You can both pick the most tragic outfits for each other then make each other try them on which is always a laugh.


“Where else can you get a velvet jacket for $6 or a pair of high heels in pristine condition for $8?” 3. If you are unsure about whether you like something or not, don’t put it back. Keep hold of it until you are 100% sure. I have had the experience of putting something back on the rack only to change my mind and discover that someone else had grabbed it. Truly heartbreaking. 4. Wear clothes and shoes that you can easily take off. There’s nothing worse than seeing a cool pair of shoes but having to spend 5 minutes undoing your shoelaces just to try them on. Another tip is to wear comfy clothes, who knows how long you will be there for. A dress is a good idea, or loose pants and a t-shirt. I have found myself spending nearly a whole afternoon at the op shop. 5. Don’t buy stuff just because it is cheap. I have found myself in the trap of finding a black t-shirt (I already have about 6) and thinking “I NEED THIS. IT’S SO CHEAP.” Pick

out things that you will actually wear. Everyone loves a bargain, but think whether it is actually a good purchase or not. 6. Keep the cycle going. After you have bought some new, snazzy op shop clothes, have a look and see what you don’t wear anymore and donate it. Someone will find great joy in the clothes you no longer wear anymore. Plus, having a clean out of clothes every now and then is good to help get rid of clothes spilling out of your wardrobe. 7. One of my favourite things about op shops is that you find things that are one of a kind. If you aren’t always into the latest trends, op shops are great for finding unique pieces. Op shops are a wonderful place for creativity and imagination to flow. As my mum describes, I look like a ‘hipster grandma mixed with a toddler’ which I think suits me well. To my delight is a never ending surplus of overalls and oversized wool jumpers at my favourite Salvos. Whatever your style, the op shop can be a fantastic place to find something you will like, or even experiment and try new things. Now, go forth and conquer the op shops!


A Creative Approach to Fitness the Art Gym Buddy Challenge By Maddie Burrows and Ella Carrington

Over the summer holidays, two best friends endeavoured to complete a creative fitness challenge at a very unique and aesthetic gym in Hobart. We are Ella and Maddie, and we decided to begin our healthy living journey together with the help of Artgym, a boutique gym located on Liverpool Street in Hobart. We were pleasantly surprised to find a gym where fitness equipment lives harmoniously with artwork and greenery. So we began a unique challenge called the Buddy Challenge, and delved into Artgym’s ‘creative approach to fitness’ Artgym’s history goes back during the mid-90s. Fitness enthusiast and art lover Eilish Kidd wanted to rebel against the ‘art school girl, heroin chick’ stereotype and get healthy. Her dream was to create “a gym that was aesthetically cool, with simple, versatile tools like boxing bags and kettlebells, artwork, and quality training”. In 2015, in a fleeting opportunity, Eilish and her husband Miskad Kidd opened Artgym. The first thing you notice about the gym is the colourful Memphis/80s style. The bold blue walls contrast the popping colour of the many kettlebells and artwork that surround the space. Artgym is also the home to an impressive collection of plants and hanging vines. There is even a piano within the gym where you can relax between sets, or play a melody for the yoga class. The gym’s design provides a space that is both fully functional and visually engaging. In February 2017, The Buddy Challenge was introduced. The purpose of the 21-day challenge was to teach participants the strategies to achieve their health and fitness dreams. What’s the secret to this you ask? Take a buddy with you along for the ride. At the beginning of the challenge, everyone was partnered up, and a supportive community of buddies was formed. The purpose of forming buddies was to provide encouragement and accountability. The buddies scored


points for consistency, interaction and results through completing workouts, gym visits and meal planning. Each day, we documented our meals, water intake, exercise, and sleep. Buddies could also gain points by using social media to share helpful tips with the other buddies, such as posting a recipe, or a roadblock. At the end of the challenge, the points of each buddy pair were tallied and a winner was found. The challenge was designed to help participants feel physically stronger, more energetic, and celebrate being the most confident versions of ourselves. By the end of the 21-day period found we had achieved fitness goals, developed new skills, and established a support network or trainers and peers. The Buddy Challenge brought together people of all different fitness levels and ages, and created a supportive community. This is very important to Artgym: everyone who steps inside should feel welcome, no matter their age, gender, culture, race, or gym experience. The gym aims to accommodate to all members and provide support throughout their fitness journeys. We’ve both been to gyms before, but never have we found a more supportive, creative and aesthetic fitness space. Artgym is a true gem amongst the grey and clunky corporate gym chains in Hobart. In our opinion, Artgym is a hub where creative, like minded people can combine their love for art and fitness in a hipster cornucopia of aesthetic delight. – Artgym hopes to have more themed challenges in the future. To find out more about their philosophy, and be ready for the next challenge, head to To see what the challenge was like for us, see our journeys on instagram at @fit_footsteps and @ellac_lifestyle.



Dogs Andrew Grey

“That was delicious, I cannot wait for dessert,” Alicia said as Alexander collected her plate. “Yes, just wonderful,” chimed in the other guests. “Just a simple lemon margarine pie, that I made from scratch,” Alexander said as he walked away. He put the plates in the sink to soak, made a Cointreau Teese, and went back into the dining room. The guests were all chatting, laughing, drinking wine. Alexander picked up an empty bottle of merlot and replaced it with a new one before resuming his seat. “… and not to mention the kids got lice. I at least expect the parents to clean their kids,” Bethany said, sipping her glass of sparkling wine. “Exactly, when I found lice in my child’s hair I was flippant. Something needs to be done about the falling standards at that place,” Alicia replied. “Well, with the tuition you both pay, you’d expect the school to be lice-less,” Alexander interjected in. “It’s the new principal, he has a scholarship program to accept those from less acceptable homes so they can better themselves and get out of poverty, or something like that,” Bethany said with disgust. “He needs to be removed,” said Johanna, joining the conversation. “If my kids came home with lice, I’d pull them out straight away. It’s so unbecoming of a child with our breeding.” Alexander suppressed a giggle. He looked at them for a moment, processing what they were saying. “Breeding,” he finally said. “It sounds like you are talking about dogs.” The look on their faces was palpable. Johanna let out a squeak, while Alicia and Bethany looked like they had planned a murder. “Soon you will call those that you think shouldn’t be in the school ‘mutts’,” Alexander continued. “You said that, not us,” Alicia said. “And then your daughters will be referred to as ‘bitches’.” “Rachel can be sometimes,” Johanna said vacantly. “Johanna!” Alicia and Bethany exclaimed while Al-


exander laughed. Taking a sip of her merlot, Johanna said, “She was screaming because we got her a black pony, not a white one. She had to have a white one. I finally told her if she didn’t accept what we got her, I’d shoot it. Shut her right up,” “My kind of discipline,” Alexander said laughing. “Anyway, I’ll go get the pie,” As he walked into the kitchen, he could hear them arguing about how to discipline a child, and threatening to shoot their pony was not the way to do it. He cut up the pie, took out the first three slices, and then took out his piece with the rest of the pie, before heading back into the kitchen to grab a knife. He stood there, knife in hand, looking out at the water. The light at the end of his little jetty was blinking, water taken into the blackness. He wanted to go there, to swim, yet the guests in his dining room prevent him from going. “Hey, coming back out?” Alicia said, her hand resting on his shoulder. “Yes, of course.” “I get it, I like to just stand and listen to the water.” They walked back into the dining room and sat down. They started their pie. Everyone issued a round of compliments. “So, met anyone new yet?” piped up Johanna. “It’s been three weeks, Johanna,” Alexander said as he sipped a glass of sparkling wine. “But it’s never too early to have sex,” Bethany said as he raised her glass. Alicia and Johanna did so too. “Well, when you are the main suspect in your boyfriend’s disappearance, and I’m guessing soon to be murder case, people tend to not want to fuck you, because they think they might die,” “Well, that’s true,” Alicia said. “That reminds me, Bethany, you did get the body cremated?” “Yes, Alicia’s brother cremated it, and Johanna scattered the ashes.”


The Rat and the Robber Amina McCauley

Two unlikely strangers arrived on the same night roughly a fortnight ago. A rat, and a robber. The latter has been eradicated we hope, whilst the former has since become a true comfort. Even a guardian, perhaps. The insistent chewing of your bedroom wall turns out to be a lullaby compared to the footsteps and creaks of an unknown individual outside your window. The smaller of the strangers has also turned out to be quite a smart little fella, snacking on the peanut butter sandwich whilst avoiding the tiny guillotine which was its plate. The much larger, unwelcome stranger on the other hand seems to have been deterred by simple methods we have put into practice such as locking the back door. Who knew safety was so simple. But I will disclose a piece of embarrassing information… the three of us have only slept alone once since the violation of our little home in South Hobart, and that happened to be the night the robber came back. The main event occurred at 1am on a Wednesday night. I say Wednesday night and not Thursday morning because it was most definitely an incident which occurred in the context of darkness, of sleep, of safety. Somebody, we don’t know who, opened our back door as if walking into their own home and wandered past our bedrooms into the living room. There, they went through Harriet’s bag to find her wallet and pocketed all her cash (including all the coins, I mean who even does that). Testing their luck, they then wandered into the sunroom which opens onto Tasha’s bedroom, when Tasha woke to what she thought was me sleepwalking. She asked me if I was okay, and then the robber ran. And although I usually wake up to even the slightest of human movements, that night I slept completely soundly. Tasha on the other hand did not. And Harriet would find it very hard to from then on. I should also mention that this disgrace of a human who

may as well have made himself a cuppa and tuned our piano made a great fortune that night. On his silent, superhero like sprint through our living room and kitchen, he managed to grab both of Harriet’s precious guitars. I don’t know whether they knew their guitars extremely well or whether they’re the luckiest bastards to have ever stepped foot inside someone else’s house, but they left my guitar (sorry Harriet). It now sits alone, rigid and on edge, strummed every now and then in a tribute to its lost friends. I’ve considered leaving it out by the front gate as a sacrifice, anything to deter the creep. Exactly one week later but this time at 11pm, we decided it was time to sleep in our own beds. Brave, I know. And slept soundly once again. Didn’t even wake to the sound of the landlord’s dog barking from the unit behind us. Didn’t even wake to the hero (being our landlord) chasing the attempting robber from the entrance of our house down the side path. Didn’t even wake to the police arriving at the scene. Just a normal Wednesday night. I now sleep with a bread knife next to my bed, whilst Harriet stops the flow of her lungs at even the sound of a gentle breeze. Tasha has adopted the ritual of closing every single window and door in the house before bed, even double checking the fridge. This all happens after dark of course. Bad people do not exist in the day time. Immediately after this nightmare-like incident the sound of the rat was like feeling your shoulder being tapped on by pale, hooded figure with long, skinny fingers. But once the chew had been differentiated from the footstep, it was like hearing your Grandma knit. The moral of this story, and the only advice I can pass on, is to trust no one ever. And do not buy into sentimentality, it’s much better to own cheap, worthless possessions. Evil exists kids, and it exists in the night time, which in its later hours reveals the absence of all things precious – including your housemates’ sanity.



A litany of conniptions have erupted over the controversial use of an expletive in the headline of a newspaper article, prompting outrage across all divisions of society. Managing to elude both the subeditors and the final review, the paper containing the headline was printed and distributed to a populace soon to be shocked and concerned by the state of the world. The word, which shall not be repeated in this article, is considered taboo by all but the poorly-bred, and has members of several university societies protesting the newspaper. “I could hardly believe it when I first saw the headline; naturally I had to share the article to all my followers to start a grassroots movement against it. Nobody should have to read this kind of filth!” professed Katherine Waterhole, leader of the UTas Indignation Society and a PhD student in Unemployability Studies. “Many of our members have had to retreat into a safe space just to get away from reality for a while. Frankly, printing smut like this is just anti-intellectual. We’ll of course be adding the newspaper to our monthly book burning on Friday.” The Leader of the Opposition was quick to comment on the matter, saying, “The unsavoury content being printed in the papers today reflects a moral decay in an institution that was once a pillar of our society. The question I put to the honourable Prime Minister is how has his government allowed this to happen?” When pressed on the matter, the Prime Minister was unable to answer the question, only insisting that they were delivering good government and that things would be much worse under the opposition.


The Anarchist Party, who publicly supported the previous newspaper scandal, was not able to comment as it is holding internal elections. Wolfgang Lorenzo, the subeditor in charge of the article was caught trying to sneak past the angry crowd picketing his office, and was questioned on both his competency as a journalist and his capacity to get out of bed every morning to look himself in the eye. “I abrogate this opprobrium of obloquy,” declared Mr Lorenzo, and made his escape in the time it took for reporters to open their dictionary apps. His secretary, Rita Lethbridge, said that Mr Lorenzo was an upstanding gentleman in every way and that she should know because she was his mistress. Church leaders were unanimous in their condemnation of the headline. Cardinal Abetz issued a statement calling for all those who had read the offending newspaper to come forth and confess, as they have committed a grave sin whose theological roots are far too complex to explain, and only a donation to the church’s legal team will give them absolution. The Archbishop took a similar tone, calling for donations to be directed to those brave missionaries risking their lives to convert villagers in nations where Christians are persecuted, to Christianity. The newspaper, still reeling from its previous scandal, is yet to announce an official retraction, as it is understood that all employees have taken a vow of silence in solidarity with all those that were left speechless after reading the headline. The author of the shameful headline, posting on a social media platform to be founded in 2023, said that had he known the article would cause such a fuss he would never have written it in the first place.

Hobart’s best student eats ???

Kasey Wilkins


Images: Kasey Wilkins

It’s common knowledge that Hobart has become a paradise for food lovers worldwide. The unfortunate truth is, however, that many of the cities amazing cafes and restaurants can be a little unkind to a student’s wallet. Don’t despair though, I’m going to share with you some of Hobart’s best (and cheapest) eats that won’t break the bank. From starting off as a weekend market stall, it’s no surprise that Pulp Friction Juice Bar have become well known for their delightfully healthy food and juices – most of which are vegan and gluten free. Situated in Collins St at the heart of the city, it’s the perfect place for a fresh, healthy, and affordable lunch, with hardly anything exceeding $10. Their Veggie Lunchbox is perfect if you can’t decide on what to get, and their fresh juices are phenomenal – my favorite is the Au Pear! Straight Up Coffee + Food boasts just that – fresh, simple food and fantastic coffee. Straight Up is both 100% vegetarian and 100% gluten free, plus they serve many low and no refined sugar desserts which are seriously delicious. Though everything is pretty fantastic, my favourite thing on the menu has to be the Toasted Corn Bread with Grill Haloumi and Scrambled Egg – so good! Down the other end of Liverpool St, hidden away in Hudsons Lane, is The Standard. These guys have cemented themselves as one of the best places in the city to grab

a classic American style burger or fries. With so many burgers on offer, ranging from classic hamburgers to the Breaking Bad inspired Los Pollos Hermanos and The Heisenburger, there’s something here to suit everyone’s taste buds. If you love bagels as much as I do, Bury Me Standing Coffee Co. is the place for you. From their little takeaway window on Bathurst St, Bury Me Standing sell the best pot boiled bagels the city has to offer, with flavours changing daily – my favourite so far has been gingerbread flavoured! If you don’t like bagels, they’ve also got some amazing sweet treats, like brownies, cakes, and cookies on offer, plus great coffee! What Sash Coffee in Sandy Bay lacks in size, it really makes up for with its amazing coffee and incredibly friendly customer service – both of which I’d say are the best in Hobart. The vibe in here is so great that you’ll want to stay for hours. Also, their salted caramel shakes are to die for. Very popular with locals, Providence Café is one of North Hobart’s hidden gems. Situated up on Newdegate St, Providence serve some great and simple breakfasts and lunches with many gluten free options. With a lovely courtyard out the back, Providence is the perfect place to sit back and enjoy a relaxing coffee away from the main strip of North Hobart.




Gurmeet Singh Gallery


Nintendo’s fabulous, frustrating phablet NINTENDO SWITCH REVIEW Nathan Hennessey

The Switch aspires to be both a living-room console and portable handheld device. It also envisions itself as a tablet, but it only looks the part. Nintendo’s hybrid console wants to occupy a space in your living room, your bedroom, your bus, and your lecture theatre. Some shortcomings become apparent for every situation this game console can inhabit. By throwing all of Nintendo’s past video game systems together, the Switch emerges. The primary controllers, or Joy-Cons, resemble a Nintendo Wii’s Wiimote and Nunchuck devices merged together. The screen looks strikingly similar to the WiiU’s gamepad when in handheld mode. The screen is touch sensitive and renders a gorgeous but relatively low 720p resolution, or up to 1080p full high definition when docked. The included dock doubles as a charging station for the unit and mirrors the display to a connected TV. Due to the lack of a disk drive or multimedia playback capabilities at this time, its living room entertainment capacities are limited. Docking the Switch and removing the Joy-Cons creates a familiar home console environment. The ‘grip controller’, a traditional controller-like shell to house the Joy-Cons dampens the experience. The design is unpleasantly plain and square, and feels cheap compared to the high production quality of the overall package. If $90 can be spared, a Nintendo ‘pro controller’ is recommended for games such as The Legend of Zelda: Breath of The Wild. The Joy-Cons can also be used individually with a wrist strap component that feels snug in hand and resembles playing the Wii with fewer waggling fits. One widespread problem reported with the controllers is that the left Joy-Con can become sluggish and unresponsive during lengthy sessions when wireless. This occurred during review. The handheld and tablet modes also have problems. The


Images: Nikita Riseley

battery rarely endures beyond 2.5 hours when playing in these modes. Be mindful when taking this on a domestic flight, it will likely struggle to reach the destination. The tablet stand is flimsy and will tip the unit over at the first vibration. The awkward weight and size of the unit makes hand cramps an issue when in handheld mode. How does the Switch stack up against its competitors the PS4 and Xbox One, and is it worth buying? Short answers: very poorly and not yet. When playing on the TV, the UI and features are almost non-existent. Netflix, YouTube, or even a web browser are not available. These features are considered the standard for gaming consoles in 2017. Nintendo has confirmed these applications are coming, though no date has been given. If a wireless JoyCon’s battery goes flat, they currently need to be redocked in order to charge. Third party peripherals will likely address this in the coming months. This means the Switch cannot be played on a TV during this time without an alternative controller. Severe slowdowns are also experienced when playing Zelda on a television, but remedied in handheld mode with the less-demanding 720p screen. The launch price of $470 places the Switch in the midst of its competitors, without the games or technical power to actually make a convincing argument. The Switch currently stands as a package of novel-yet-flawed ideas resting on the back of Nintendo’s trusted household name. Score: 7/10

Hyrule: Farming Simulator 2017

Images: Nathan Hennessy

Think back to the first time you played a Legend of Zelda game and had one of those “HOLY SHIT” moments. You were probably left breathless, aware of the tightening excitement in your chest. Or the burn across your cheek as Mum slapped you up the side of the head. Sorry, but you had a sub-par childhood if you did not experience that green elf your schoolmates called ‘Zelda’.

given unprecedented control and interaction. Move over

On launch, I gathered a group of friends around the new Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild. Within our first few hours, we survived frosty mountains by eating spicy dishes. Then, we discovered that walking around swamps during a lightning storm strapped with metal is objects is a deathwise. There was no shortage of surprised expletives. Superlatives echoed throughout the lounge. Laughter mixed with tears. Prepare to feel young again.

androgynous hero, wakes up. Ganon has decided to fuck

Careful not to speak to soon and ruin the magic, I slowly realised something. This game is the best thing since Ocarina of Time. And sliced bread. It just beats food in general. Putting this game down during semester will be a greater feat that quitting sugar...

al activities within this overwhelming sandbox. With a

Has Nintendo managed to completely redefined the video game medium twice within 20 years?

terChef. Fill out your Compendium by snapping every

Admittedly, I have found the series incredibly stale of late. Wind Waker was burdened by more boring water sections than Pokemon ORAS. Nice meme. Twilight Princess tried to spice up the core gameplay with Wiimote waggling. Skyward Sword came with slightly less frustrating waggly gameplay. At the end of the day, the series has been beholden to the formula of Ocarina of Time, albeit with some gimmicks and colourful visual aesthetics along the way. These mad Japanese have seemingly infused this title with an ethos, “If you can imagine it, you can do it. If you can see it, you can explore it.” The players have been

Skyrim. No more mere hacking-and-slashing up mountains and across countrysides. Hang gliding, scaling any surfaces like Spider-Man, and skating down hills on pot lids do not even scratch the surface of possibilities here. The fundamental plot of a Zelda game returns. Link, our up Hyrule. Zelda behaves all passive and Tumblr gets angsty. A few dungeons along the way to finally smiting old mate, Calamity Ganon. Or, you can wander straight over to the big bad after the first hour or so. Give it a go, worth a laugh. I would be remiss to not mention the other vocationthreadbare tutorial and no manual, the game thrusts you out of the nest and expects you to glide. This leads to the beauty of discovery. Every bug, herb, insect and goblin appendage can lead to your own series of Hyrule Masdetail of the environment with your in-game camera. Sometimes it’s nice to slow down, though. Pick up a hoe, show that pumpkin patch who’s boss! Play catch-em-all by taming and collecting horses around the countryside. Don’t let the AgScience kids get their hands on this. You will be absorbed in dozens of hours of doing absolutely everything except saving the world. It’s really up to you. Nintendo, why? Semester just started. Rating: 10/10




Vale Bill Leak Dan Probert The Chinese philosopher Lao Tzu observed that “The flame that burns twice as bright burns half as long.” So it was with Australian artist Desmond Robert “Bill” Leak, who passed away at the age of just 61 on the tenth of March. Such was his presence in my life: bright, but all too brief. Before I became an engineering student, I used to have this thing called free time, which I used to use for reading books that weren’t about finite element analysis or state space models (don’t ask). Amongst other things, I used to read books on European and Australian history. I love this country, and I will not apologise for that. But my love for this great nation is not founded on some blind, racist nationalism, but a strong intellectual appreciation that our nation is an heir to a great tradition of liberty. We are one of the world’s youngest nations, but also one of its oldest liberal democracies, and this is because our society and our institutions are built on the rich cultural fruits of the Old World: the essential freedoms of speech, worship, and association. These freedoms were forged in the fire of the Protestant Reformation, where the likes of Martin Luther, John Calvin, and Thomas Cranmer fought and often died for the right to worship God as they saw fit. They were sharpened by the great minds of the Enlightenment, such as Galileo and Newton, who were at times persecuted and punished for seeking freedom of thought. And they were tempered through the long decades of revolution that followed, where British, French, and Americans struggled for the right to decide their political futures. But in my lifetime, we have seen these fundamental freedoms come under insidious assault from all sides. Chief amongst these is Section 18C of the Commonwealth Racial Discrimination Act, which, by making it illegal to “offend or insult” someone, has become a blunt instrument which “progressive” ideologues use to bludgeon anyone who fails to adhere to the commandments of their strict civic religion: identity politics. No man recognised this more than Bill Leak, and no one fought harder than he to preserve them. It was his valiant defence of freedom of expression that brought Bill Leak to my attention. On the 4th of August 2016, Bill, in his daily strip for The Australian, published a cartoon critiquing the lack of parental responsibility


among some Aboriginal men. It was immediately seized upon by our self-appointed moral overlords, who decried Bill as a degenerate racist, and attempted to bring charges against him under 18C through the Human Rights Commission. I had been following the debate on amending or repealing 18C for some time by that point, and it was Bill’s case that really sealed it for me. When a cartoonist, the essence of whose job it is to make fun of absolutely everyone and everything thing is pursued by the thought police, and hauled before an inquisition, you begin to realise just how far down the road to serfdom we have let ourselves be dragged. Bill fought these trumped-up charges until the day he died, tirelessly advocating for his political and artistic rights to speak the hard truths, regardless of the sensibilities of special snowflakes who would rather bake a cake out of rainbows and smiles than address the real and pressing issues in our society. He also continued to produce daily cartoons, in the true spirit of the Australian larrikin, poking fun at his accusers, and whosoever else took his fancy. Whilst he was always a man of extraordinary talent, there can be no doubt that, when faced with a horrendous ordeal that would have cowed many a lesser man into silence, he instead went on to produce some of the best and most memorable works of his career. I enjoyed every minute of it. In his final speech, he surmised his attitude towards the so-called tolerant forces that had assailed him: “Political correctness, is a poison that attacks the sense of humour... For people with chronic PC, feeling offended is about as good as it gets.” I couldn’t agree more. However, the stress of all this evidently took its toll. There is no doubt in my mind: 18C killed Bill Leak. It not only robbed a man of his life, tormented him to death, it also robbed Australia of a great and talented artist, a cartoonist of world class. In the days that followed Bill’s death, I quickly realised that I had only just scratched the surface of what this incredible Australian had to offer. Not only was he an incredible cartoonist, he was also an exceptional portraitist, and had been a finalist for the Archibald Prize a dozen times. He was a loving and dedicated family man. What’s more, he had been fighting for creative and political freedom since well before the Human Rights Commission went after him. You see, it turns out snowflakes don’t


Source: The Australian March 10, 2017 just come from the hard-left of politics, they are also to be found amidst radical Islamic terrorists. And the people Bill offended in his critiques of violent extremism wanted to go a lot further in censoring him than the HRC ever did – they wanted to slaughter him. As a result, Bill and his family spent the last couple of years of his life in hiding to avoid beheading. And yet, as with the HRC, he continued to publish cartoons exposing the truth about radical Islamism. I soon realised that Bill Leak was one of the most courageous Australians ever to live. As I read eulogies to him from the many, diverse people he has touched in his life, I learned that, like me, Bill’s love of freedom was grounded in an appreciation of Western civilisation and our Enlightenment heritage. I instantly felt closer to this man I never met. One quote from Bill, recalled by the editor-at-large of The Australian, completely summarised my own attitude towards postmodern ‘art’: “There’s no artist’s statement next to Picasso’s Guernica, Beethoven didn’t write a list of instructions for people to read before listening to his symphonies, and you didn’t need a degree in philosophy to find Groucho Marx funny.” As a tribute to this great man, I have recently acquired a copy of his latest book, the aptly titled Trigger Warning. It is displayed prominently in my home, so all who enter know that their freedom to speak is guaranteed in my presence. Perhaps I should have placed a trigger warning at the beginning of this piece, as I know that, sadly, there are many people who do not share my grief at Bill’s

loss, and have danced gleefully on his grave. They think they have finally silenced him. Truly I tell you that this is not the case. Bill’s death has sparked a flame that will not easily be extinguished. It is the duty of those of us who remain to make sure that Bill’s light is not placed under a bowl, but instead put on a stand, so it gives light to everyone in the nation. We could have started by killing that piece of legislation that killed Bill. As I write this, the Government’s plans to amend 18C to remove the words “offend and insult”, and replace them with the less-legally subjective term of “harass”, has been rejected by the Senate crossbench. This is a huge blow to freedom of speech in this country. This very modest reform would have been a small step in the right direction. No reform, however, will ever blot out the essence of 18C: the suppression of freedom of expression. I agree with Bill, in his submission to the recent inquiry on 18C reform, who said that the section must not be amended, but repealed entirely. It is the only way we can adequately honour his sacrifice. Lord Acton once said that “At all times sincere friends of freedom have been rare”. The path to liberty is perpetually washed clean by the blood of those who give their lives in its defence, like Crusader Knights guarding the faithful on their pilgrimages. Bill Leak has well and truly earned his place in those hallowed halls. Vale Bill Leak – artist and freedom fighter.


textbooks are the

n0. 1 Upfront cost
 for students



*Productivity Commission,. Competition Policy Review 2015. Canberra, Australia 2015. 
 Authorised: Clark Cooley, President, Tasmania University Union, 1 Churchill Ave, Sandy Bay, Tasmania 7004

Council Reports TUU

Maria Daglas

Sports President Currently there are over 40 different sporting clubs affiliated to the TUU statewide, with thousands of student members and associate members. Sporting clubs meet together once a month during the university year at Sports Council to discuss relevant issues, funding applications, and upcoming events. Clubs and Societies play a vital role in campus life, making a significant contribution to student retention, and both campus and ‘wider-community’ culture (through both on-campus and off-campus events). Over the last few years, UTas clubs have performed exceedingly well against other universities at the Uni-Games in a wide range of sports. The diversity of our clubs ranges from social sport to competitions and in disciplines from field sports to martial arts and outdoor adventure. No matter what your sporting interests, there is definitely a UTas Sports Club for you.

Campus President South Hello! I am Maria and I am happy to be here with the opportunity to help represent my fellow UTas students as Campus President South. The SRC South team are a friendly, passionate and energetic group of students from all backgrounds. Our aim is to provide UTas students throughout Hobart with a well-rounded, comfortable, and enjoyable university experience. We hope everyone enjoyed the events of Orientation

Illustrations: Maria Daglas

Gaby Tregurtha

Cathy Walker

Week and Welcome Week to start the year, and are now settling into the rhythm of lectures, tutorials and pracs. Keep an eye out TUU events and opportunities, there are plenty to come! The TUU SRC is here to be your voice, your support, and your representation so please do not hesitate to contact us, or a member of TUU staff. Whether you study by distance or on campus, undergrad or postgrad, we are here for you. Here’s to a great 2017!

Campus President Cradle Coast Cradle Coast SRC have had a great start to the year, the team is very enthusiastic and always willing to go above and beyond to represent students on the Cradle Coast Campus. We had a very successful orientation week and Market Day, with engagement from many new and returning students. We have also run free food events which have been very well received, with a lot of positive feedback from students. I am grateful to have a team of enthusiastic members who have the best interests of students a heart. We have many more events planned for the year, and we are excited to see so much engagement from students on our lovely little campus.

Education President Over the past decade or two the University’s student population has become largely diverse. University education in Australia is no longer solely dominated by the 18 to 21 year olds that live on campus, are full-time students and


Jess Robinson

Clark Cooley

attend classes, enjoying the social life and being taught by a single privileged academic elite. No, a large number of students work long hours in paid jobs, study via distance or in the workplace, learn in a flexible manner that includes the use of networked technologies as well as face to face teaching. These students also live at home and commute to university. Most students belong to social networks that extend past the higher education system. Their expectations are as varied as their experiences. It has been the job of the TUU Education Council so far to begin the process of connecting all these dots and making it easier for students to channel their concerns or queries in a productive manner. We encourage students of all degrees to communicate their thoughts regarding their studies and (if so) be the change they wish to see.

President It’s been a busy four months for the Union in 2017. I’m proud to lead our University-wide team on delivering on our commitments to our members, the students. I’ve visited every campus of our university from our southern Hobart-based campuses, to our far northern Sydney campuses, our northwestern Cradle Coast campus, and our Launceston campuses as well. No matter where I visit I meet students who are passionate about what they are at university to study, our diverse community, and the opportunities they have as a University of Tasmania student. I want to congratulate my State Council and our subsidiary Councils members on their work in orientation. Orientation is an important time for students, it’s where you meet your new friends, join your societies and sporting


Joey Crawford

clubs, attend your first classes, buy your expensive textbooks and maybe even enjoy your first $3 beer. Working with the University, our Union helped deliver a stellar start for 2017 for all students. I’m looking forward to the months ahead and continuing to provide an even greater student experience.

Postgraduate President The members of the Postgraduate Council (PGC) have begun their terms, excelling in their roles. To finish the year, 150 postgraduates joined us for lunch across Newnham and Sandy Bay. We formed a partnership with the Northern Young Professionals Network, to provide better networking opportunities with industry to Newnham-postgraduates. Our intention is to continue this with a similar partnership in Hobart. Postgraduates face isolation at varying times in their studies, and our networking opportunities aim to address this. It can be a challenge being a student, and postgraduate, and our council is striving to address some of the key issues. To do this, we are preparing a survey to better understand the postgraduate student experience, and drill down into the key issues for postgraduates. If you are a postgrad, we really encourage you to have your say when we distribute it. The PGC is leading the formation of a statewide Postgraduate Society to improve social engagement among postgraduates, so stay tuned for more in this space. If you are a Postgrad, I encourage you to join the TUU Postgraduate Forum on Facebook, so that we listen to you and provide information about upcoming events and opportunities.


Vivi Perry

Tarek Muhtaseb

Dan Probert

Societies President

And secondly, manage the correspondence between the

It’s been a busy few months settling into this role; travelling to other campuses, working with amazing people, and helping the team with Welcome Week South has proved to be an exhilarating experience!

ty. Thankfully we have great council members who are

Thanks to everyone who came along to O-Day, and well done to all the Societies, staff and everyone involved for your hard work and initiative in making Clubs and Societies Day the best one yet! My number one goal for 2017 is to ensure Societies have the support they need, so they can continue providing quality events and opportunities to students, and continue enhancing the student experience for all. So this year, Societies received a $30,000 boost for grants, thanks to the generous contributions of Sports and State Councils. Societies can now advertise their events on the TUU website as well as the Facebook page, just by filling out the Event Notifications form in the TUU portal. We also begin the process of integrating Northern Campuses into videoconferencing and visits from the Exec, in order to create a more cohesive discussion between the North and South. With these changes, we hope Societies across the state have the tools that they need to create an incredible 2017. So everyone, get involved! Join a society (or five), or come to me or Ingrid to start your own!

General Secretary As general secretary, I have two main jobs. Firstly, it’s to ensure meetings are effectively organised and recorded.

council members and other entities within the universinot only passionate about their roles but are also understanding when I mess up mine. Since December last year, the TUU has affected my life in a positive way. My role allows me to take an active part representing student’s opinions on several committees. I feel like I can fulfil my promise for greater student representation within the decision-making bodies of the university. At times my life has become a bit stressful due to my position but so as long as I feel like our team is doing the right thing I’ll stick with it.

Campus President North As your TUU representatives mark 100 days in office, I am extraordinarily proud of what we have achieved. Over the past weeks, I have been privileged to be able to able to visit all four northern campuses. It has been fantastic meeting you all, and hearing your ideas and aspirations. My time in Sydney was particularly eye-opening, as these campuses operate in a completely different environment to what is found in Tasmania – I am amazed by what they manage to achieve with so little. Orientation in the North was bigger and better than ever. It was a pleasure to address our incoming students at the convocation, where I stressed the importance of involvement with our student union, as civic engagement is the foundation of our democracy. I was pleased with how our events went, I look forward to continuing to engage with you all as the year progresses.


President’s Report Clark Cooley

Welcome to the University of Tasmania, from your Union. I’m Clark Cooley, the President of the Tasmania University Union (TUU). If you’re a new student to UTas, congratulations! You’ve done it, all your hard work has paid off and your place in a truly global institution is secure. If you’re returning, welcome back to another year of being a part of a strong vibrant community that is the University of Tasmania. The TUU is the peak representative body for all students, advocating and furthering the interests of our members: you and your fellow students. While we’re most wellknown for coordinating large scale social events such as O-Week and the Scav-Hunt as well as providing funding to the 150+ clubs and societies on campus, the TUU plays a substantial role in providing free and confidential services to students through our Welfare and Advocacy Department. We provide financial aid, student meals, help with budgeting, and academic advocacy for those in need. The TUU is made up of over 40 elected students’ representatives, from our campuses in Launceston, Hobart, the Cradle Coast, and Sydney. We represent you on a diverse range of University Committees ranging from the University Council, Academic Senate, Student Experience Committee, and many more. We’re off to a flying start for 2017, with a stellar O-Week and Orientation. The priorities we’ve set ourselves as part of the 2017 Voice! campaign commitments have already in many cases been met and exceeded. We’re providing new amenities, like free newspapers, tea/ coffee and refreshments, plus new furniture coupled with longer opening times for our student spaces. We’ll also be rolling out 5 new device charging stations in the Sandy Bay Underground Student Lounge, the Launceston TUU


Lounge, the Cradle Coast Common Area, and both Sydney Campus student lounges. Our Council has implemented new policies around building a more accountable, open, and representative union, including the first ever publicly published Union budget, available on our website to all students. We’re the first council in 4 years to provide a list of our council meetings with times, dates and locations of our meetings so that students have the option to attend and make their voice heard. Not only do we have the strongest regional representation in the TUU’s history but we’re the first Council to hold meetings in Launceston and the Cradle Coast. We’ve continued to deliver on our commitment to a more transparent union and we’ve committed to publish reports of our student representatives activities in every edition of Togatus this year. We delivered on our Voice! campaign promise to increase societies’ funding, with an additional $30,000 of grants funding available this year, which is an added 75% increase to the overall funding pool. With access to funding for large scale and free food events, we’ll see a boost to activities, initiatives, and services provided throughout our excellent student societies. Along with this funding boost, we’ve rolled out new measures that embrace video conferencing to ensure that our Launceston and Cradle Coast societies can attend meetings and play an active role in the deliberation of societies council meetings. Personally, one of the best accomplishments I’ve been able to spearhead this year is our new refugee scholarship. This scholarship will provide financial assistance to refugees and the children of refugees studying at the University. Applications for the scholarship will be made available to new and continuing students in August for the 2018 academic year.


The Union has focused on two overarching major public campaigns for 2017. Our Cheaper Textbooks Now campaign has received widespread support from students as we’ve come back for Semester One. Textbooks are by far the single largest expense for students, costing around $700 a year on average and Australian students pay 35% more than our US counterparts for the same books. The campaign calls upon the Federal Government to remove a tariff on the importance of books from overseas, called parallel import restrictions (PIR). Our second major public campaign for the year has been our #NeverOK campaign, raising awareness of the issue of sexual assault and harassment on campus, as well as calling upon the university to make changes to its policies around the area to better enforce its zero tolerance stance. We’re calling upon the university to introduce a new mandatory induction unit for new students to educate them on the responsibilities they have around not only this issue, but the standards we expect of all students at the university. I’m looking forward to building on our work so far this year and I couldn’t be more excited to be working with such a brilliant team, full of passionate representatives in our Union. If you want to get involved, come by the TUU offices in Launceston, Hobart or Cradle Coast, drop us a line by email or come to any of our meetings. We’re always open to new ideas and feedback because we exist to make your student experience the best it can be. There’s never been a better time to be a UTas student, so get involved, join a club or society and I look forward to meeting you.


Pets of Tog The Tog Family

Claire-Louise McCann’s Fish The Harry Potter squad – Luna, Fang, Norbert (RIP) and Neville.

April McLennan’s Dog Rowdy

Maddie’s Cat Chloe

Rowdy is a beagle like no other. He is highly intelligent and thus above the law.

Chloe hates all cat food and prefers vegan cuisine, such as avocado chocolate mousse.



Elise’s Cat Smudge

Monte Bovill’s Dog Bonnie

Smudge loves beanbags, rubbing his face against shoes and basking in the sun.

This is my Labrador Bonnie. Mick Fanning watch out!

Zoe’s Dog Ziggy

Steph Morrison’s Cat Smokey

His name is Ziggy! Chews my shoes and cries everytime I leave the house.

This is Smokey. He does not like it when he is put in washing baskets.



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