Togatus Issue #3 2014

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April 2014

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Published by the State Council on behalf of the Tasmania University Union Inc. The opinions expressed herein are not necessarily those of Togatus staff or the publishers. The copyright in each piece of work remains with the contributor; however, the publishers reserve the right to reproduce material on the Togatus website ( The copyright in this magazine remains with the publishers. Editor: Tabitha Fletcher Deputy Print Editor: Olivia Congdon Deputy Web Editor: Kirsty Bennett Design: Jess Curtis, Mahalee Smart Contributors: Olivia Congdon, Joey Crawford, Kate Elphinstone, Brenden Fisher, Mark Glidden, Zara Gudnason, Alexandra Humphries, Stephen Mazza, Jack Pitt, Ken Tng, Brigitte Trobbianni, TUU SRC North, Saraswathy Varatharajullu, Milly Yencken Advertising: Please contact Togatus PO Box 5055 Sandy Bay, Tas 7006 Printing: Franklin Direct Follow us: Twitter: @TogatusMagazine Facebook: Togatus welcomes all your contributions. Please email your work or ideas to It is understood that any contributions sent to Togatus may be used for publication in either the magazine or the website, and that the final decision on whether to publish resides with the editor and the publishers. The editor reserves the right to make changes to submitted material as required. Togatus is published monthly. April edition deadline (contributors): 30 April Front cover art by Jack Pitt. These and all subsequent photographs are produced and owned by the artist.

Moth illustration by Laura Wilkinson: Instgram 7AURA_ 2

CONTENTS SCRAP: Students not found / 4 Anti discrimination: Bigot’s law? / 6 Alumnus Adventures / 7 Public Interest vs ABC / 10 Climate Change: Hot or not? / 12 Forestry wars: An endless battle / 14 Photography: Jack Pitt

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Kendo Club / 18 Queens of the Stone Age / 20 Perfect Tripod / 22 Our House @ Fresh / 24 Short fiction installment one: The Killer Observed / 27 Mark Glidden Poetry / 28 Photography: Kate Richardson

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TUU SRC North (Launceston) / 31 3

LETTER FROM THE EDITOR I wonder whether many people read this section of Togatus. This edition I think you may find it a little more interesting. As I’ve blithely proclaimed, this magazine is a way for students to shed light on all manner of issues concerning us. Whatever way the totality of these articles appears to lean politically, it is only a collection of articles written by students who have volunteered to make a submission. With that said, there is one area where this becomes troublesome; as your student paper, it makes sense that we should include articles which have student issues at their heart. For example we’ve printed messages and contacts

for representatives of the TUU and National Union Students, and posters for the Nationl Day of Action against tertiary funding cuts. These people were elected to represent us to the university, and are paid to do so. The trouble with doing this is that some students may see Togatus being a mouthpiece for the Union. Especially as I sit the TUU SRC South as the rep for Education matters (although this gives me some great insight into changes in the University) - That, and we are not technically independent of the organisation. At the same time we must work in the student interest.

Opening the door for this, is TUU State President, Isaac Foster, who recently decided to tell the TUU State Council that he would publish an apology in Togatus, for upsetting “some members of the student community” during the first few months of his term. So much so that a vote of no confidence to remove him from office occurred early in the semester. He remains in the job is due to a push for mediation. We felt it appropriate to provide you with context for this statement, however, due to printing time restrictions, our investigation is ongoing. One particular issue is utlined below.

This is not something we shy away from.

Stay tuned.

STUDENT UNION RUMBLINGS A student union publication has resulted in complaints about offensive material and false representations. Salad Days: [the] TUU Orientation and Counter Course Guide for 2014, was put together Isaac Foster, the Tasmania University Union (TUU) State President. The guide was published without consultation or approval, and has resulted in a number of complaints, mostly due to its graphic and gendered sexual material. “So what?” You might say, especially if you’ve not laid eyes on Salad Days. Togatus understands there has been a variety of complaints, particularly regarding the section on “sexy sex” advice. Most alarmingly, several female international students. (who wish to remain anonymous) say they now feel unsafe on campus due to the sex section. Page 27 and 28 contain, for example, instructions on how to perform oral sex on a flaccid penis (no mention of vaginas), and safety advice for anal penetration with a fist. The students believed the messages were “supported by the TUU and UTAS”. The students are of varying ages and backgrounds, and said they were not offended on cultural or religious grounds, as they considered themselves moderate, welltravelled and accepting of different values. Rather, they said they felt confronted and

embarrassed as they were reading the booklet in the company of classmates when they encountered the sex section, which they describe as “porn, missing only pictures.” They are now worried about accepting lifts home from their classmates after studying late at night. The students also agreed that if the publication was seen by family back home, their parents would be hestitant to send them to UTAS, and that employers and family would question their moral standing. Togatus understands that entries not written in the first person were written by Isaac Foster. Some students say they received a written contribution request; however only a single Facebook message to two students has surfaced. This writer can find no evidence of receiving one, even though Togatus is represented in the publication, and we are customarily allowed to speak for ourselves. The entry is not inviting, and is demeaning to several subests of students. Although our logo features in the publication, Togatus was not involved with the production of Salad Days and did not authorise the publication and/or any quotes featured. The publication was not vetted or approved by those it represents. We understand the Dean of Law has also complained about the Law School entry. Waqas Durani, General

Secretary of the State Councl (which sits above campus TUU teams) has confirmed Salad Days was never discussed in Council before printing, although they bear ultimate responsibility. Societies President Olivia Jenkins, was “disappointed that there was no real detail of clubs and societies, which is surely what first year’s would want to read about?” Ms Jenkins and other students also questioned why anyone would turn to the TUU handbook for sex advice. All this may have remained fairly unknown, however Mr Foster uploaded the publication to Togatus’ online portal, Issuu, without permission, where it was viewed 5087 times before removal. Mr Foster accessed some passwords to Togatus accounts in a period where he had taken office but a new Togatus Editor had not been employed. Mr Foster has also landed in hot water for the way he engaged with other students on Facebook about sensitive issues, such as calling students homophobic when they questioned this year’s SSAF allocation of $40 000 for construction of a gender-neutral toilet at the Sandy Bay campus. -Which is some of what he is referring to on the next page. More on that and other SSAF allocations next edition. Salad Days, which cost $5600, will mostly be destroyed. Tabitha Fletcher


FROM THE PRESIDENT: AN APOLOGY I am writing to address concerns raised by some members of the student community relating to ways in which I’ve engaged publicly in previous months, and to provide an apology. I believe in striving for positive change and supporting strength in activism across the university community. That being said, I believe my use of personal social media profiles as a battleground has at times been overzealous. This does not reflect the attitude expected of me as the figurehead of an organisation that represents a diverse and wide-ranging student body, each at different stages of exposure to and experience of activism. On reflection it was naïve to behave on the assumption that my personal and professional work could be distinguished on those platforms by the average observer. Indeed, I wouldn’t want to reduce my availability on social media by making myself accessible only to personal friends, wherein I could ensure that the views being represented are understood to be my own. Nor do I want to make myself inaccessible by disengaging students whom I represent, but who do not have experience or abiding interest in causes I personally support. If open social media is necessarily a mouthpiece for myself in my work as your elected representative, it is not an appropriate use of that mouthpiece to express personal views on issues that are necessarily divisive, unless critically relevant to the issues I am elected to respond to. Further and for this reason, I feel it is necessary to apologise for my use of some of those personal profiles to express support for local members during the recent State Election. I believe that was a personal freedom that ought to have been sacrificed for the good of this community, as part of maintaining the influence that we have in Union. That influence comes from building rapport, and from demonstrating we can be understood at all times as representing a bipartisan voice for students on student issues. We pride ourselves in this ability, which has many times in our history seen us receive national media coverage as advocates for students in our state, and as a


body representative of regional universities nation-wide. It is not good enough to say that in the instances above I ought simply to have had a better balance ‘between the personal and the political’; some of you have also expressed a concern, justifiably, that those more ideological interactions have at times become too heated and personal. There is a time and a place for debate on issues where we will differ from the deeply held beliefs of a particular subset of the student population. That is, as long as our interactions always reflect the view arrived at by our team, pursue the best outcomes for the student community at large, and remain civil and respectful of differences of opinion. That standard has not always been upheld, and I sincerely apologise for that as well. One of our tasks is to combat the view, too often held, that student unions cater only to a certain kind of student on campus, and are unable to balance their personal values with the need to represent every student. We risk justifying those unconstructive attitudes when we neglect those high standards we hold to. I accept the responsibility for falling below that standard at times, and I apologise for it. Moving forward, I’m committed to addressing these concerns by ensuring that I meet your expectation of the TUU as single voice advocating for students on the issues that affect them; understanding that each and every voice in any public sphere is a voice of your student union, particularly that of its executive. I am constantly impressed by the responsibility, dedication and enthusiasm of our representatives who stand up for the student voice. Some keep the show running behind the scenes, others are daily fixtures around campus. All of them are a credit to us as students, and I am every bit as proud to be their continued advocate as I am yours. Isaac Foster Statewide President Tasmania University Union


Southern Campus Revitalisation and Activation Project Saraswathy (Saras) Varatharajullu, TUU SRC South Campus President, investigates the current large-scale relocation of student facilities

Most of you by now would have heard of some of the major shifts that are taking place in the Sandy Bay campus buildings and facilities: - The Science Library is currently moving into the Morris Miller Library - The School of Business and Economics is moving to the Centenary Building - SenseT is relocating to the Mathematics Building The division of UTAS in charge, Commercial Services and Development (CSD), explained that this initiative is the product of several years of intensive planning and research into campus development and is aimed at consolidating UTAS’s resources so that the university can deliver top quality facilities that enhance all aspects of the student experience. I asked if given the merger of the libraries, would there not be limited study spaces at Morris Miller Library; students already complain about the lack of study spaces. CSD responded that this will be tackled with the creation of new library storage that will enable UTAS to provide more than 600 ‘learning seats’ within the Morris Miller building.

I also asked the if there was any concern about the already limited parking spaces on the main campus; given that the business faculty is now moving down. CSD responded saying that they were aware that it was a significant issue and that they were monitoring the situation and would reconfigure parking to areas of greatest demand. Although most of us at this stage feel SCRAP is simply limiting student space, CSD says that there are many benefits to these initiatives. These include:

not discuss the students of all these changes in bulk? Students either heard of it through friends as rumours or are completely unaware about it. Given the chance now, here are some student’s thoughts about the changes:

1. How do you feel about the fact that most of these changes are taking place within the year?

- “Reinvigoration of the central Sandy Bay Campus to enhance campus life and vibrancy and encourage collaboration.” “It’s a bit hurried” - Aarthi, BSC-LLB - “Provision of more study areas within the Morris Miller Library for study.” - “Creation of a post-graduate student hub in the Morris Miller building; and delivery of new and refurbished lecture and tutorial rooms such as Harvard-style case-study rooms.” There are however, several questions that need to be answered. What is going to happen to the current business faculty? Hostels? New study spaces? Did CSD


“The time frame doesn’t bother me. But that these changes are taking place at all and without consultation concerns me” - Michael, BSC-BA “If it’s best for the uni and students I’ll be happy”- Waqas, MPAS “Personally I don’t see why the Business building is moving down. I don’t know what is replacing the areas which are moving” Jess Teoh, BMedRes with science subjects “600 learning seats or 600 new customers?” - Gagan

2. "The consolidation of libraries, together with the creation of new library storage space on campus will actually allow UTAS to provide more than 600‘'learning seats'’. What do you feel about this statement? “Moving into the already congested Morris Miller library is not making the library accessible to students” - Aarthi “Most of my learning occurs online, so I believe that more room would be beneficial.” - Miranda “I fail to see how the loss of the entire Business building will provide an increase in ‘learning seats’ - Michael

3. Do you think the University should have asked the students’ opinions on these changes? Why?

4. If you had the opportunity what burning question would you have for the administration?

“I believe so, because everyone has certain preferences when it comes to the environment they study in, and so they should have made sure that they created more viable seats rather than just adding a large quantity” - Ahmed

“Why didn’t you just have a look at the most crowded study area and try to replicate that environment instead of ruining everything and shifting everyone around?”- Ahmed

“We use the premises and they could have asked us to determine what the best solution is” - Aarthi

“Why deprive such a large SET faculty of a library space to study?” - Aarthi

“Yes, it is public university not a private university!!! Everyone should have equal say in it” - Gagan “Absolutely. Students are most impacted by these changes, therefore their opinions are arguably most important” - Michael

Saras Varatharajullu, 3rd year Bachelor of Business & Laws, Hobart



The Government’s push to amend the Racial Discrimination Act has been met with fear and opposition within the Coalition, in Parliament, and across the wider community. This opposition is rooted in a misunderstanding of the effects of the changes. It must be made clear that the changes to the law do not establish a right to bigotry. Contrary to Senator Brandis’ statements in Parliament, the proposed amendments do not create an unfettered right to obstinately or intolerantly express an opinion on racial matters. The expression of such opinions is subject to the prohibition on racial intimidation retained in the draft legislation, and new restrictions on racial vilification which have been applauded as an improvement on existing laws by Human Rights Commissioner Tim Wilson. So why amend the Act? The most fundamental reason is that the law places a significant burden on free speech which is not justified by any benefit to those it is designed to protect. There are real racial issues, such as the definition of aboriginality as it applies towards Indigenous-only benefits, which are affected by the section under review. For example, the fact that a reasonable person with distant Aboriginal ancestry is offended by the suggestion that they ought not to be entitled to Indigenous scholarships or awards ought not to stifle the push for reform, which is supported by the Tasmanian Aboriginal Council. Indigenous leaders and academics admit that changes to the Act are unlikely to affect the prevalence of racial abuse. Warren Mundine, the head of the Indigenous Advisory Council and an opponent of the changes, admitted as much on ABC radio. Furthermore, University of Queensland law Professor James Allen was reported in the Australian as saying that the laws as they stand are ineffective. This suggests that the proposed changes will have very little effect on racial abuse.

Section 18 D was designed by Parliament to protect the exercise of free speech in public discourse on race issues. However, it has proved ineffective as applied by the Federal Court. This became abundantly clear in the prosecution of Andrew Bolt. As offensive and insensitive as his article was, the finding that the piece was not written in good faith had the effect of stifling a genuine opinion which did not promote hate, intimidation, or vilification. It is only proper that the legislature move to guide courts towards a more permissive approach. J S Mill’s oft-invoked marketplace of ideas is at the heart of any debate on free speech. However, this concept is limited in its application to the issue at hand. There is rarely a chance for victims of racial abuse to respond with an equal voice to perpetrators. To use Mill’s economic language, competition in the marketplace of ideas is far from perfect. However the type of conduct which has been prosecuted under the law has not been the passing slurs and heckles which leave victims unable to respond. It has overwhelmingly been widely published materials subject to significant scrutiny. Banning such material is counterproductive because it makes martyrs of bigots. As a result of his prosecution, Andrew Bolt is frequently referred to as a hero of free speech. This outcome is a direct result of the restrictive operation of racial speech laws. 8

Censorship is occasionally necessary and frequently oppressive. In evaluating laws which limit the freedom of expression, a careful balance between the protection of vulnerable people and the erosion of personal liberties must be struck. As it stands, section 18 acts to limit speech in a way which does not protect racial minorities. The proposed amendments strengthen the protection of individuals unable to respond to abuse, and removes provisions that limit speech without providing a benefit not already offered by the marketplace of ideas. As such, the amended laws better reflect the appropriate balance of rights and interests of a liberal democracy.

Stephen Mazza, 2nd year Bachelor of Law, Hobart



Zara Gudnason,

2nd year Bachelor of Arts, Journalism major, Hobart

This week I met with two exceptionally talented and modest UTAS alumni. Chloe Proud and Steve Devereaux have achieved some impressive and rather unpredicted feats since their Uni days, but it’s likely you haven’t heard of them. These are some of the quiet achievers behind the scenes of some of the big kahunas in Tassie’s tourism and hospitality scene. They gave some fascinating insights into the twists and turns of post-graduation life, and of realising their passions.


Chloe Proud Restaurant Manager (and so much more) of Ethos Eat Drink Studied Bachelor of Arts in Political and Environmental Science.

Chloe Proud is restaurant manager and one half of the driving forces behind Ethos Eat Drink. The palate-pleasing delights of Ethos are relatively inconspicuous, tucked down a romantic alley away off bustling Elizabeth Street. But over the last three years it has gained momentum as one of Tassie’s most successful restaurants, through focus on fresh local produce, minimal wastage and innovation. Not only is the restaurant incredibly functional but it is also beautiful, a collection of exposed brick and sandstone walls with stylish slate and wooden flooring, almost 200 years old. But the world of food, wine and people was not where Chloe began at all. Talking with Chloe about her days at UTAS, she laughs as she recounts being an antistudent, “osmosising that shit” as quick as

possible before retaining large of amounts of information to “regurgitate my way to HD’s”. She didn’t stick around for anything more than what was expected and when she finished she wasn’t overly impressed by the landscape she had emerged in. “When it came down to it, I didn’t actually have an interest in politics in real life,” she says. Taking a job at swanky Salamanca restaurant Smolt, Chloe took up studying again, this time on a path towards medicine. It wasn’t compassion for the sick or an innate interest in medicine that sent her in that direction, she jibes, but more a need to prove to herself that she could do it. Ultimately, the comments of a friend sent her on the path that landed her within the realm of Ethos.


Three years on and Chloe’s passion for the industry within Tasmania, the need for minimal impact consumerism and her defined expertise has seen her take part in projects with MONA, Stephanie Alexander, Spring Bay Mill and the Hobart City Council on a range of issues. The moral of Chloe’s story seems to be that her degree has ended up as the cornerstone of her career, whether she thought it was going to be or not, it just took a few new approaches and experiences in between.

Steve Devereaux Site Project Manager at MONA Studied a Bachelor of Teaching in History, Geography and English.

My second cab off the rank was Steve Devereaux. An integral part of the MONA team for the past twelve years, he has worked closely on the development of the site, from the car park to the museum and just about everything else in between. While spanning quite a few vocations, Steve’s career has been based largely in Tasmania. Starting with a teaching scholarship at UTAS in the 1970s, he studied history, geography and English with a few psychology and sociology units thrown in along the way. Steve describes his degree as something that he came to love, admitting that his first love was the ocean and that something like marine biology would have been right up his alley. Teaching led Steve across the state to places like Rosebery, Devonport and Launceston before his love of the ocean pushed him to

seek an abalone license. He spent quite a few years going between ab diving and teaching, describing many of his colleagues from both professions as some of his closest friends… while some he describes as being a little crazy. Both jobs are something of an extreme sport. When pressed on what ten-year old Steve aspired to, the instinctive answer was a farmer and you may wonder if Steve ever did realise his dream. Turns out he did. Among his adventures, Steve turned a sixty-hectare sheep farm into a vineyard and sold grapes to some of the state’s best winemakers, which incidentally included Moorilla. I think we can see what happened here; the wonder of evolution. With time, Steve’s position transformed from part-time consultancy to overseeing major projects, including the


museum. Steve’s modesty really does precede him, and while having done training for all types of things within these vocations, he counts the ability to relate and communicate to any person on any level as the single greatest skill that he can account for. I questioned Steve on whether he felt like there was more to come. He said it “doesn’t matter if there isn’t, because all up it’s been exciting, challenging and most importantly fulfilling”.

Prime Minister Tony Abbot’s pre-election declaration that there would be “no cuts to the ABC” now appears to be just one more broken promise.


Results of the Coalition’s “efficiency study” into the ABC suggest Australia’s most trusted news and current affairs broadcaster will find themselves on the receiving end of a funding cut.


The Coalition launched its efficiency study into the ABC and SBS earlier this year, after the national broadcaster reported allegations that Australian navy personnel were involved in purposely burning the hands of asylum seekers. Prime Minister Tony Abbott said at the time that the ABC was “taking everyone’s side but Australia’s”. Subsequent allegations of “left wing bias” and a national debate led the Coalition to propose the efficiency study. Two independent audits of the ABC were undertaken in the wake of Mr Abbott’s comments. The findings of both were announced in March. Each audits found absolutely no bias in the ABC’s coverage of the Federal election or the issue of asylum seekers.

By Alexandra Humphries, Honors in Journalism, Hobart


“…the ABC is Australia’s most trusted source of news and current affairs” Polls conducted in December by Essential Research have indicated that the ABC is Australia’s most trusted source of news and current affairs, with 70 per cent of respondents indicating they had some or a lot of trust in the national broadcaster. SBS followed next at 65 per cent. “…the ABC is Australia’s most trusted source of news and current affairs” The efficiency study’s terms of reference indicate that it will focus on the “back of house” day-to-day operations of the ABC and SBS. They make no mention of the national broadcaster’s journalistic practices or programming content. The ABC and SBS have a combined annual budget of $1.4 billion. For some comparison, the British national broadcaster BBC has an annual budget of £3.821 billion, or roughly AUD$7 billion. Federal Communications Minister Malcolm Turnbull has argued that as a recipient of taxpayer money the ABC “has to be aware that it has an obligation to its owners, the Australian people, to run this vast enterprise… as efficiently, as cost effectively

as possible”. He also argued that new technologies might enable ABC and SBS services to be delivered more efficiently. Mr Turnbull has used this same argument to justify changes to media ownership laws in Australia’s already highly concentrated media industry. Turnbull has said that Australia’s cross-media ownership laws must be changed to reflect the influence of the Internet. Australia’s current laws prevent one company holding a major stake in more than two sectors — print, TV or radio. Turnbull signalled changes to laws that prevent one network from reaching 100 per cent of the nation. “We’re committed to a lot less regulation across the board including the telecom and media sectors that I’m responsible for” he told Sky News in March. Less media regulation could see major players such as Rupert Murdoch increase their already vast media influence. Australia has some of the most highly concentrated media ownership in the democratic world, with 98 per cent of print media owned by only three companies. Those three companies, News Limited, Fairfax Media and APN News


and Media all own majority stakes in either TV or Radio Broadcasting as well. Any serious funding cut could jeopardise the ABC’s ability to accurately inform the public and perform its watchdog role. Conversely, if the Federal Government pushes ahead with its changes to media ownership laws the role of the ABC will be critical to maintaining an informed electorate. Efficiency in any business is paramount; in this case however, if government and private interests trump public interest, it becomes a catchphrase for a gaping conflict of interest in the current government.


Honors in Journalism, Hobart


“Australia is set to become the first ever country to repeal laws that compel big business to pay for their carbon output, a tactic widely regarded by economists as the most effective way to reduce emissions.”

Perhaps we’re all a bit weary of hearing about it, but climate change is now, more than ever, a big issue. Whilst the media and the government appear to be pushing it under the radar, there’s no denying that the climate is changing around us and that more action is needed across the board. Adelaide’s 13 days above 40°C, Melbourne’s hottest ever 24 hour period, Canberra’s 20 days above 35°C, the driest summer on record for 38 places in New South Wales and 45 places in Queensland. Tasmania’s hottest April day since our records began. These are just some of the 150 weather records broken in Australia this summer, and the trend looks set to continue. 123 records were broken in Australia’s “Angry Summer” of 2012-13. Tasmania was hit by devastating bushfires that claimed 203 homes, 201 outbuildings and caravans, Dunalley’s primary school, police station and bakery, and 50,000 hectares of world heritage forests. You’ve all heard it - 97 per cent of climate scientists agree that climate change is happening, and that it is caused by human activities. Although debate still exists about the speed of impact it will have on the planet, human-induced climate change is a scientific fact. But despite the extreme and devastating conditions, a study by The Guardian found that during the January heatwave in 2013, the media failed to acknowledge climate change as a factor. The study found that out of 800 articles published during that fiveday period, fewer than ten discussed global warming. While it is tricky to tie a specific event immediately to climate change, the trends are widely evident.

New modelling suggests the planet is on track to warm by 4°C by the end of the century. Global temperatures have so far risen 0.8°C since 1880, a further 3°C would be catastrophic for Australia. And yet, Australia is set to become the first country to repeal laws that compel big business to pay for their carbon output, a tactic widely regarded by economists as the most effective way to reduce emissions. Although the Coalition’s legislation to repeal the Carbon Tax was defeated in the Senate in March, they are expected to reintroduce the legislation when the Senate changes this July. If it fails again the Coalition could trigger a double dissolution election in 2015. This July, the Coalition will introduce their ‘Direct Action’ policy. Rather than penalising big polluters, the policy will offer financial incentives to companies for reducing their emissions, at a cost of $1.45 billion over three years. A Senate inquiry into the policy has so far shown it to be incapable of achieving its stated objectives. Australia is committed to a bipartisan goal of 5 per cent carbon emissions reduction by 2020, which Tony Abbott has indicated his government is dedicated to achieving. Experts have suggested that in order to keep warming to 2 per cent by the end of the century global emissions will need to decline by 60 per cent by 2050. Industrialised countries will need to reduce their emissions by 80 per cent. Australia is currently committed to ensuring 20 per cent of our energy comes from renewable sources by 2020, although the Coalition has launched a formal review into the target. A self-confessed sceptic of manmade climate change, Dick Warburton, will head the review.


In their first week of government the Coalition axed peak independent bodies, the Climate Commission and began scrapping the Climate Change Authority, in an effort to save taxpayers roughly $2.2 million over the coming years. By contrast, and in an interesting show of priorities, the Coalition’s marriage counselling scheme will cost $20 million in its first year. Meanwhile, Australia has further displeased the international community by refusing to include climate change in discussions when G20 when it comes to town – a forum of leading economies (and leading polluters) – a move unprecedented in its stops in other countries. Prime Minister Abbott has expressed a desire to see the meeting agenda free from “clutter.” Australia is known to be one of the countries most significantly impacted by climate change in the coming century. Extreme weather is set to increase and become more severe as the temperature rises, increasing the frequency of catastrophic events such as bushfires, floods, cyclones and drought, as well as significant sea-level rise. Events we’re already all too familiar with. Action is vital real action. The long-term economic costs, if anything, are far too great, and already on trend.


BATTLE by Kate Elphinstone,

5th year Bachelor of Law, Hobart based - Devonport roots The so-called “Forestry War”, a metaphorical bloodshed for a deepseated unrest we experience in Tasmania, has the characteristics which sustain all conflicts: opposition, corruption, misinformation, failed deals and desperate government. But ultimately, as with any kind of war, it is civilians who ultimately suffer. Forestry was once a great industry in Tasmania, but is now a shadow of its former self. The saga is too long (over 30 years and counting) and far too complicated to be summed up fairly in this short space. What can be said is that if a tree falls in a Tasmanian forest, there is guaranteed to be an audience. The actors in the saga are varied and the heroes and villains of this piece are labelled according to which side of the political divide you sit. You are either a ‘Greenie’, responsible for ‘locking up’ half the state and solely responsible for job losses in pursuing conservation, or you are a conservative with a slash and burn mentality, hell bent on destruction of wilderness with only profit in mind. The dominant rhetoric is that there is no middle ground – except middle ground was reached.


The Tasmanian Forestry Agreement (TFA) signed in 2012 was the equivalent of a peace settlement. Over 4 years, forest industry, conservationist and political groups worked on an agreement that would allow all parties to work together. It resulted in the creation of a new law that gave security of wood supply balanced with conservation. But on March 15, 2014, Tasmania voted and the past 4 years became irrelevant. Will Hodgman, our new Premier elect, had been in opposition for over 16 years, and much to his great relief, was finally rewarded for his patience. He was determined to waste no more time, getting straight to work on the mandate that he believes won his party the election: tearing up the Agreement. He went into action within the week of his election victory being announced, making no question of his views. “I would hope that the environment movement accept the will of the people, accept that there is a new way of doing business when it comes to our forestry business,” Mr Hodgman said.

“But already the attitude of the negotiations has switched, from one of inclusiveness to an almost dictatorial stance.” That new way of business is aimed at creating jobs for Tasmanians. According to the Economist, the forestry industry currently employs around 4,000 people. Tasmania has some of the highest unemployment rates in Australia. As an island of half a million people, part of one of the most prosperous continents on Earth, our size has always been our disadvantage. We consistently come last in any economic race when compared to our larger sibling states. In 2013 Tasmania was reported to be the only Australian state in recession, though denied by Labour Premier Lara Giddings at the time. So, why lock up a marketable resource when 7.6 per cent of our population is unemployed (approximately 40 000 people), and we have the highest level of youth unemployment of any state? This, it is argued, is the reason why the Liberals are taking a hard line. The population demands more jobs. Here, they argue, is the way will we create those jobs and turn around Tasmania’s economic woes.

In an opinion piece written for The Mercury, one week after the election, Jane Calvert wrote that tearing up the deal will cost jobs. As national president of the Construction, Forestry, Mining and Energy Union’s forestry furnishing, building products and manufacturing division, Jane argues that the market prefers conflict free wood. Terry Edwards, head of the Forest Industries Association of Tasmania (FIAT), which also signed the forestry agreement, told The Economist that the deal was “absolutely imperative” in giving the industry certainty. Tearing up the deal could upset its plan to certify Tasmanian timber to the sustainable international standards that many customers ask for. Forestry Tasmania is pursuing Forest Stewardship Council certification, which is seen as a key to boosting sales due to market demand for conflict free wood. The Economist reported on 22nd March 2014 that Ta Ann, a Malaysian-based outfit that turns eucalyptus logs into veneer, says it was ready to quit Tasmania, but the peace deal persuaded it to stay.


Journalist Felicity Ogilvie reported that one of the outcomes of the Forestry Agreement has been environmentalists, like Vica Bayley from The Wilderness Society, helping the timber industry get buyers for their wood in Japan. Mr Bayley told Ms Ogilvie that the buyers will pull out if the agreement is ripped up. That would signal to businesses that the Forestry War, characterised by protests that disrupted work and supply, wouldn’t be worth their trouble. Ms Ogilvie also reported statements by Mr Edwards that the Liberals have assured him they have a plan about potential markets, which he stated FIAT were going to leave to the hands of the Government. Mr Hodgman has been vocal in his opposition of environmentalists who he argues are irrelevant to the discussion. Policy think tank the Australia Institute believes that Tasmania’s forestry industry can survive only with government subsidies. The Forestry Agreement did provide for about $250 million of Commonwealth funding to be provided to Tasmania (although $120 million of that is over 15 years). Forestry Tasmania

“You are either a ‘Greenie’, responsible for ‘locking up’ half the state and solely responsible for job losses in pursuing conservation, or you are a conservative with a slash and burn mentality, hell bent on destruction of wilderness with only profit in mind.”

currently relies on the State Government’s $110 million contingency fund, as it adjusts to a new operating environment driven by the Forestry Peace Agreement. But in the past 2 years, 50 full time jobs were cut from the business. And with the agreement off the table, the funding is now left in limbo. Mr Hodgman’s zealous attitude is supported by a Federal Liberal Government helmed by Tony Abbott, an avid supporter of the logging industry and fully supportive of the move to “unlock” Tasmanian forests. The Economist reports Mr Abbott blames “Green ideology” for Tasmania’s disadvantage. The solution, he believes, is a ‘renaissance’ of the forestry industry. Richard Colbeck, Liberal Senator and Parliamentary secretary for Primary Industry, argued on Triple J’s Hack program that the forestry agreement did not provide for a sustainable industry and only looks 15 years to the future. He argues his party is promising a sustainable industry that will provide 100 years into the future. The Liberals are yet to release their plan on how

it will remain sustainable for so long. Their main focus is on the unprecedented delisting of 74 000 hectares that Mr Colbeck and Mr Abbott, in their assessment of the forest compared to the World Heritage Committee’s assessment, that “shouldn’t have been listed in the first place”. Tom Fairman, a PhD candidate at the University of Melbourne, wrote for online academic news website The Conversation that the degraded parts of the forests account for a very small proportion – the size of 0.4 per cent of the Melbourne Cricket Ground – and were mostly included to make the boundaries clear and understandable. The World Heritage listing was made just last year. They are due to rule on the Abbott government’s request in June. The Liberal Government is already acting as though the agreement doesn’t exist. It isn’t a simple matter of tearing up the paper that the agreement is written on; it will take more time to undo than Mr Hodgman has stated. But already the attitude of the negotiations has switched, from one of inclusiveness to


an almost dictatorial stance. FIAT chief executive Terry Edwards now recently told ABC journalist Felicity Ogilvie that “We’ve always supported the TFA as a way forward, however we now have an elected Liberal majority Government that has a mandate to implement its policy. We have an obligation to work with the Government of the day.” So here it stands. A war resurrected, with no clear victor in sight, and Tasmanians to run the gauntlet of shots fired by higher powers.

JACK PITT. 4th Year Engineering In an effort to avoid the endless mundanity of an engineering student’s life, Jack enjoys chasing surf, sun and excitement as far away from the university as possible. He sometimes takes a camera. To contact the artist, email:



By Ken Tng, President, University of Tasmania Kendo Club

For most people, kendo is a sport; I like to think of it as a way of life. The purpose of Kendo is “to mold the mind and body and to cultivate a vigorous spirit”. This concept is based on ancient samurai codes of conduct. But let’s not go deep into the philosophical aspect of Kendo. Let me put it simply: values such as courage, discipline, honor, selfconfidence, respect, etiquette and mentalfocus are cultivated throughout a kendo career. Kendo basically builds one’s strength of character through the mastery of the sword.

WHAT IS KENDO? Kendo is literally translated as “The Way of The Sword”. It is a Japanese martial art based on traditional swordsmanship tracing back to the feudal samurai era. Two Kendo practitioners put on protective body armor to minimise injuries during a fight against each other using flexible bamboo swords

called “Shinai”. Their aim is to strike specific locations on their opponents’ bodies. These locations are the top of the head, the throat, the hands and the right and left sides of the armor that protects the torso. However merely hitting one’s opponent is not enough. Unlike say, like soccer or tennis, Kendo has a subjective point scoring system that strictly evaluates every Kendo attack. A successful Kendo attack is known as a “Yukodatotsu”. It may be described as a cohesive condition where the Kendo practitioner initiates and executes an instantaneous and accurate strike with all the fundamental elements of “Ki-Ken-Tai-Ichi” (Spirit-Sword-Body-As One) on a specific location of his opponent’s armor. This is the very essence of all kendo practitioners are attempting to accomplish in their fights or in their practices. To do so, they undertake years of instruction and tough training to master various combat sword techniques and movements. Mental development, physical speed and strength are acquired during the coordination of hand


and foot-work sword drills. The University of Tasmania Kendo Club is no exception: we believe in working hard by devoting one’s life towards each and every cut. The Club and Her Founders The club was founded on the 23rd of December 2013 by Ken and Nak who are two passionate kendo enthusiasts (and very firm friends) and international students from Singapore and South Korea respectively. Ken is a final year law student while Nak is a final year pharmacy student. They are trained by Sensei Lars and Heidi Bresler and Paul Lee of the Hobart Kendo Club. Under their guidance, the two blokes were granted permission to form the university club to promote and to nurture the spirit of Kendo. The intention was to build a base from the university campus and to train a group of university students to represent the University of Tasmania at the Australian Uni Games in 2015-2016.

We held our first practice on the 7th of March, 2014 with 17 participants under the supervision of both the club’s president and vice-president. The club trains every Friday from 8 p.m. to 9.15 p.m. at the Unigym’s Dojo, on Grace Street, Hobart. We welcome university students and members of the public to join us in training. If you have any more questions, do message us on our Facebook group, UTAS Kendo Club, or visit us at our homepage at

This article is dedicated to all my Japanese Language Sensei (be it in Hobart, in Fukuoka or in America) who not only taught me their wonderful language but also inspired me to go deep into the Japanese culture.


ROCKED BY QUEENS OF THE STONE AGE by Brendan Fisher, Honors in Science, Hobart

It’s a rare occasion that Hobart is treated to stopovers from touring overseas bands, let alone one that’s on a double headline stadium tour. But we were lucky enough to snatch a performance from one of the world’s finest rock bands, Queens of the Stone Age, in Hobart’s humble Odeon Theatre. Most fans had little clue this gem existed, tucked away on Liverpool St with a capacity much smaller than what Queens are capable of playing (the last minute scramble for tickets on social media proved this). The street was filled with energy as punters waited to squeeze into the intimate venue, awaiting an epic performance.

“It wasn’t long after that Queens hit the stage, with Homme taking the stage in his usual swagger; cigarette in hand, and the rest of the band looking just as dapper.”


The crowd were treated to a two-song support slot from QOTSA frontman Josh Homme’s wife, Brody Dalle, who had opened for QOTSA and Nine Inch Nails the whole tour. Dalle is an LA punk scene queen, originally from Melbourne and the former frontwoman for The Distillers and Spinnerette. Her new solo work is fairly different, but her drum machine backed performance was strangely cool. It wasn’t long after that Queens hit the stage, with Homme taking the stage in his usual swagger; cigarette in hand, and the rest of the band looking just as dapper. The set was blistering, they flew through “Millionaire” into the unavoidable crowd favourite “No One Knows”, with new tracks “My God Is The Sun” and “Smooth Sailing” holding up just as well. Homme was in full hipshaking mode for “If I Had a Tail”, before facing technical difficulties in “Little Sister”. Not having any guitar for the entire track,

Homme prompted the band into an extended jam which allowed new drummer (Mars Volta alumni) Jon Theodore to show off his chops (and biceps). The roadies soon gave up and the band left the stage to allow Homme’s guitar to be fixed. The hitch a strange coincidence echoing the last time QOTSA graced our shores, when a fire alarm saw the whole show evacuated for more than an hour. After the short interval, the band swung back into full cowbell mode, finishing off “Little Sister” with 110% audible guitar. The set was then lavished with groove, blues, heavy rock and ballads, with the crowd at its roughest during “Sick, Sick, Sick”. The band took a break before hitting back with sombre ballad and their latest album’s title track “…Like Clockwork”, perfectly suited to the Odeon’s intimate atmosphere. The crowd then tried its hand at clapping along to “Feel Good Hit of the Summer”, however the added desire to list the countless narcotics reeled out in the lyrics proved a task too difficult for some by that stage.


The band finished with all guns blazing, closing with an absolute highlight “A Song for the Dead”. Jon nailed the iconic drum solo, and guitarist Troy Van Leeuwen celebrated by throwing himself and his guitar around every corner of the stage. The crowd revelled in the stop starts and double to half time speed changes, after which nobody was left without a sore neck, ringing ears, or a dry shirt. Just as it should be. Queens proved that they’re not only awesome enough to grace a stadium, but a small theatre in a smaller town on a Monday night, and rock it to the rafters.

A Chat with

Perfect Tripod Two of Australia’s most popular musical comedy acts, Tripod and Eddie Perfect recently joined forces, creating the aptly named, Perfect Tripod. They make their first Tassie appearance at the Festival of Voices in June, showcasing their amazing a cappella renditions of popular Australian songs. The act moves away from their usual comedy style to something more, higlighting their musical talent with humour and heart with clever renditions of iconic Aussie tunes from the Bee Gees to Clare Bowditch, Gotye, Men at Work, Kylie Minogue, Cold Chisel, John Farnham and more. I spoke to the smallest member of Tripod, Simon Hall, AKA Yon – the one you probably remember for his bemused facial expressions and boyish cuteness – about what’s led him and the lads to this legendary new project. For starters, I have always wanted to know where your nickname, Yon, come from? Well, there was an expression when I was growing up called “piffing yonnies,” right? And that describes skipping stones in the river. There was this kid at school who had freckles and I used to call him Yonnie, because it just reminded me of a whole lot of little stones, and then he called me Yonnie back – and it just sort of stuck to me. So, you created your own nickname? Yeah, it kind of backfired on me. The Yon we see in Tripod, do you think of him as a reflection of yourself, or is he more of a stage character? I think it’s a more carefree version of myself.

I think, in some ways, it’s a ‘me’ that I would like to be. In some ways, I think it’s not a sort of me that I could be. It’s sort of a wide-eyed character, but also a bit pitiful sometimes. I get a lot of pity! I don’t think I get as much pity in life as I do as Yon. You seem like such an easy-going person, is there something that makes you really angry? You know when I get the most angry? In cinemas, when people talk. That’s the one area where I really stick up for myself and have a go at people. Like, normally in life, if say I’m in traffic, or there’s a problem in a car, I’ll sort of assume that’s its my fault and be polite. But when I’m in the cinema, I’m very confident in my position, and if someone’s talking I’ll fully tell them off and have a go at them. I’ll have no compunction about that. I think it’s also ‘cos its fairly dark in there and no one can actually tell how big I am. They don’t know if I’m big enough to take them on in a fight. What was the best part about your uni days? Well the best part for me – it was funny, I was watching that movie, Pitch Perfect, one of my kids loves it. Do you like that show? Yes I do, shamelessly! I think it’s great, I really like it. Anyway, that movie really describes my uni experience. You know how Becca kind of won’t engage with anything and is really mopey and off


by herself – that was me. I just lived around the corner from the uni, I would go to my classes and then just ride home. I was totally insular for the first year, then in second year I did a musical, and that’s where I meet Scotty (Tripod) and a lot of my friends who I’m still friends with now. …The meeting like-minded people [was the best part]. So I’m really grateful that I got into uni, even though I didn’t use the course in a standard way. Also ¬– that was in an age where you used to get a lot of money for clubs at uni. So we would put on shows with really big budgets, like $40 000 budgets and stuff. That’s a big budget for a uni show. Then we’d lose all this money and the union would bail us out. We were vey lucky. To me, it seems like there are a much smaller number of you guys, of entertainers; does that make it more collaborative and supportive, or is it rather competitive instead? I think it’s a small number of those who are actually making a living out of it, which is… see my previous answer for that one. But is it collaborative? Well I guess we have a little clique of comedians like Eddie, and a fellow called Casey Bernetto, who we end up mucking around with a lot. So it feels like there is a little clump of people who do similar things and push each other, which I really like. We watch each other’s stuff, enjoy each other’s stuff, get inspired, and get competitive. That’s the nice thing. I think that almost always happens in any field really. You meet a bunch of people you see as contemporaries – it’s good to have.

So how did Perfect Tripod come about? I guess it was Eddie’s idea. Paul Kelly, years ago, decided he wanted to hear his songs performed by cabaret artists. This was in 2007 - it was bloody ages ago! So Eddie’s like, ‘I’ve got this idea for a four part harmony arrangement for this song, Meet Me in the Middle of the Air, and I want to do it with you guys.’ He’s got this great bass voice so it wasn’t just like he was integrating with Tripod, but he was adding a whole new thing to it. Cos none of us really have that kind of powerful bass voice. So that’s kind of how it started. But the way we end up singing isn’t just [Eddie] singing bass – it does kind of switch around more, once we established the arrangements and stuff. So that’s really how it started, we did that song, and then different TV shows wanted it, we did it at the Logies. And we have the same manager so he’s like ‘you should do a show.

Make a show out of it.’ So that’s what we did. It works well. It’s really fun to have another person and to focus on music we didn’t write. It’s all Australian songs that we’re covering, and that’s a nice change [from] just sitting around trying to think of funny songs. You cover quite an array of popular Australian songs, how did you choose what made the cut? It took a long time. We wanted to make it really broad, and we wanted it to be mostly stuff people knew. And stuff that we liked. So we just went through songs, sat around with YouTube going ‘What about this? What about that?’ and eventually negotiated our way into a set. Sometimes we’d pick a song and start working on it, then go, ‘Nup, we can’t. That’s not working.’ And just abandon it, even if it was something we really liked.

When was the last time that you were in Hobart? It’s been quite a while actually. Too long! I’m looking forward to going back to [Theatre Royal], I love that theatre. It really is beautiful – I’m just not doing that thing of sucking up – it’s possibly our favourite in Australia. It’s really great! Well, thanks Yon, we’re very excited to see you there at the Festival of Voices! Perfect Tripod are performing their acclaimed show Australian Songs as part of the Festival of Voices, at Theatre Royal, Hobart on Friday 6 June and Saturday 7th June.

Olivia Congdon, 4th year Bachelor of Arts & Science,Journalism & Zoology major, Hobart


Photo: Meredith O’Shea



“Fresh is one of the leaders in redefining Launceston as a city in the eyes of those who live here, as well as those who fear it.”

If you’re from Hobart you probably don’t like Launceston or you have a preconceived perspective of Launceston. It’s the classic Launnie vs Hobart thing. If you’re from Hobart it all stems from when your Mum drove you up to Launceston once to watch the cricket and you hated it. Nothing was happening and you left disappointed, complaining for the duration of the dry 2.5 hour drive back.

their great style (think the Jetson’s house with fresh plants, bright colours and comfortable couches), Fresh is one of Launceston’s best and most reliable venues for gigs of all sorts from reggae-themed events to comedy nights, live music gigs and most recently, established over the Summer of 2013, “Our House”, a deep house/progressive techno (and all round good time) night lead by one of the cities best promoters and renown djs, Randall Foxx.

Having lived in both Hobart and Launceston (and being originally born and raised in Melbourne) I know these perspectives all too well. I’ve had my friends from home say similar things about Tasmania in general and my friends from Hobart question my sanity about moving to Launceston.

Happening once a month on a Sunday afternoon, Fresh presents Our House is a collaboration between a great venue and a passionate group with a good concept who’ve filled a gaping gap in the market. There are no deep house music nights or anything much similar up here. It’s an event you look forward to and you save yourself for by not getting too drunk the night before.

These perceptions exist. But they’re slowly being challenged by some of the key players in Launceston’s bar and nightlife scene. Fresh is one of the leaders in redefining Launceston as a city in the eyes of those who live here, as well as those who fear it. If you’re not familiar; it’s a vegetarian cafe and bar with wholesome delicious food and drinks, served by a charismatic and cheeky staff. Aside from 27

Each month, Our House sees local and national DJs (and even a few international ones) travel all the way to Launceston for a big, bangin party. The night I attended on 23rd of March was one of their best yet. With a lineup featuring Luke Warren (Sydney), Roger Davis, M!ster and Randal Foxx,

Photos: Cody Wilson cheap beers, a beautiful sunny afternoon and warm night, Our House was at its peak. There was a great crowd, mainly consisting of uni students, bartenders and off-duty hospos (hospitality workers – love to party) and avid deep house listeners. It was back to the original and first few sessions; people who genuinely enjoyed the music, further reinstating the sense of community this whole events thrives on; good people, good music, good venue, decent drinks. The much needed relationship between a great venue and event helps to reinvent Launceston as it’s own; a much smaller city

in comparison to Hobart, but a developing city that has smaller niche communities of people like the guys behind Our House, and the owners and founders of Fresh. Sure, perceptions of Launceston are probably going to stick around a bit, but there’s several key players helping realise this city as a better place, particularly in terms of culture in bars and nightlife. Fresh and Our House, and the superpower union they’ve formed, are the frontrunners of the progression of Launceston as a city and helping to redefine and contest those classic Hobart vs. Launceston arguments. Definitely watch this space.


Brigitte Trobbianni,

2nd year Bachelor of Contemporary Arts, Launceston

THE KILLER OBSERVED Short Fiction: Installment One

If you take a look outside your own mind, what do you see? I feel myself fearing the idea of doing it. What will I see? A beautiful me? Or maybe I will see the truth. The truth of who I am. The blood is dripping off hands. My hands. But I knew it would come to this, eventually. She caused me more grief than anything else known to man. I would rather be forced into an elevator, something I am truly fearful of, than to pretend to enjoy a fifteen minute coffee with her. I found it remarkably easy to justify my transgressions, a brutal blade through several pounds of flesh. She was my boss, and she nagged for every second of every day. I think we have all had a boss like this, but does that permit me to kill her? Doubtful… So why did I do it? Why did Doug, the competent corporate executive, kill his boss? That I cannot fully answer. She had once hit on my

friend, in a bar. Is that not enough? How about the constant piles of work she pounded onto my desk, every single God damned day. What about how she was always happy? A face that boasts a beautiful smile is appealing and inviting. Hers was not. It was repulsing how it was always there; a crescent on her face projecting her delightful mood. She loved everything. Except the one thing I wanted her to love.

is the reason. It must be? Her smile. There was just something about her that needed to be gone. Was it her eyes? Her personality? How she liked to drink her latte, with her smallest finger extended. Or possibly something a little less tangible, or something less to do with her? The rumination entered my Mind. “It was your love”, it said.

The smile on her face faded away like her skin as she slowly fell from existence. Quite appropriately. I am a corporate executive after all. She was in my job and should not have been. Now it is mine for the taking. Is that not reason enough? Maybe. Perhaps the real reason I stayed behind in her stationery closet after hours was the blend of it all. I might smile time to time, but she will never smile again. Maybe that


Joey Crawford,

Bachelor of Business, Launceston

KOOKABURRAS OF A MORNING I’m rocked awake by laughing bells. How terrible it seems That some unknown hilarity Should steal away my dreams. Reluctantly, I sit up and call out a wicked curse To that incessant jester who Made waking up much worse.

Mark Glidden 3rd year Bachelor of Arts, English Major, Hobart

I stand, groaning, And look outside And what there should I see? A plump kookaburra Who looks and laughs at me.

I hold my ground, glaring at him. He’s laughing all the while. Despite my early morning gloom I cannot help but smile.

The bright, infectious laughter of This gleeful little bird Is still the most enchanting sound That I have ever heard.


SAND My heavy footprints stain the soft sand The imprints swirl with hidden water With each thud and crunch leaving my mark Upon the silent, ageless landscape.

Plain to the eye, unpleasant to touch Though gold, it neither glitters nor shines. It dances upon the wind and water Creating small spiral galaxies.

The sand which morphs with each crashing wave Yet which is unchanging and solid Its features remain throughout each age As constant as the opposing sky.

Looking at my footprints now, I see My own stamp upon eternity.


KATE RICHARDSON. Bachelor of Arts, Journalism and Geography Her photography is greatly inspired by the intricacies of nature and personal interactions. To contact the artist, email:


INTRODUCING YOUR SRC -NORTH Why are we publishing this? Because Togatus is a forum for student representation, of all kinds. These are the people who act as your elected representatives in the University. They are, and should be, available and accountable to all of us. Last edition, Togatus asked SRC reps what they’d like to ask the Prime Minister if they met him. SRC North weren’t as keen on this question, so best ask them in private if you’re awaiting the answer.


Doing my bachelors in engineering (Ocean Engineering), there is nothing more I love than a challenge. Hence there was no hesitation in running for the presidency in the midst of the immense workload engineering offers. Growing up and watching as my parents built and ran their own business has taught me organization and leadership. Also, coming from a Malaysian, multi-cultural school has not only built my social skills, but exposed me to people of different races from all walks of life. I plan on making our campus livelier and more interactive with the help of my council. My only hope is to serve my term humbly and judiciously. Do not hesitate to contact me if you need anything or want to throw in ideas, my door is always open.

Hi, I’m Jesse Benjamin! As Student Welfare Officer for the northern TUU SRC, I would like to ensure that all students are treated equally and are able to enjoy their university experience. It is my hope that we will be able to increase the information available on the TUU website about all clubs and societies to cure the boredom often spoken of by the student population in Launceston.



Hi, I’m Jess Crosswell, your Women’s representative for the North. My course of study at the University of Tasmania is Ocean Engineering at the Australian Maritime College. I’m currently in my third year of study and loving every minute of it. Being in a course with a small female population, I am passionate about changing the stereotypes and helping shift society’s views and labelling of women. As Women’s officer I want to help enable the many students around university to express their views in a new age and open way, no matter the sex, race or age. I aim to do this to the best of my ability.

As the Inveresk Representative, I am mainly responsible for the welfare of the students who are studying on the Inveresk Campus. This includes students under the School of Architecture & Design and the School of Visual & Performing Arts. I hope to meet the various needs of the students, as well as to enrich our student lives by having various events on Inveresk. I also see it as my goal to help foster strong bonds between students from both campuses through school wide events. Apart from immersing myself in the vibrancy of school life, I really love watching dramas and variety shows whenever I can!




Hi everyone! My name is Levenesh Athavan, TUU SRC North’s International Students Officer. My post involves me championing international students rights such as workplace rights, safety and healthcare services. Also if you need advice on day to day stuff, I’m your guy! I’m an Ocean Engineering student at the Australian Maritime College and while I do love the occasional engineering chat, I’m a massive soccer fan who loves his cars, learning about new places, cultures and meeting new people. So if you do see me anywhere, feel free to give me a shout.

I am Johanna Van Der Hek and I am your new education officer. As education officer I am responsible for assisting students in resolving any issues they may have in regards to their education, as well as keeping students up to date with any current education concerns. I aim to support any events that go towards improving the educational opportunities provided to our students and am willing to communicate with higher officials when needed. I am currently in my second year of early childhood education, and as such I am already invested in exploring the educational issues that can arise within any learning environment.



As the ATSI Officer, I will represent indigenous students. I will raise any issues pertaining to the quality of indigenous students’ experience of UTAS. I believe that increasing availability and support for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander People to receive higher education is a leap forward along the path to reconciliation. Therefor I plan to be as open and supportive as possible to all students, in the hope of reaching true racial equality. I am a proud descendant of the Ngemba People, who traditionally lived in western New South Wales.

My name is Chee Yan Tang and I am your new TUU Sports and Societies Convener. Basically, my role is to be the voice of students and societies if they face any difficulties in organising events and to bring them to the attention of the council. I believe one of the ways to bring the student population closer is through sports and societies, and I will do my very best to achieve that through the TUU! During my free time I go for landscape photography. Watching the sunrise or sunset over the horizon just proves how magnificent mother nature is!



My name is Tobias Pearce and I am currently a second year Ocean Engineering student and the AMC representative for the Tasmania University Union. When I am not studying in Launceston or working with the TUU I enjoy exploring Tasmania and visiting some of the beautiful areas in the state that allow me to practise the sports I am passionate about. In the summer months the many coast lines of Tasmania and strong winds allow me to kitesurf for hours on the weekends. In the winter months snow fall at Ben Lomond ski fields means I am able to spend many weekends skiing. As the AMC representative I am responsible for bringing AMC student issues to the attention of the TUU. I also endeavour to help individual students with issue relating to the education at AMC.



Hello! My name is Janice Chan and I am the secretary for the Northern Council of the TUU. Basically my job is like Pepper Potts in Ironman. Though I would like to think I’m as hot as Gwyneth Paltrow. My job is mainly dealing with all the paperwork, thus making sure everyone can do their job smoothly. Something interesting about myself? I am an adrenaline junkie. I have bungee-jumped in South Africa, been treetop trekking in Malaysia, abseiling in Australia and next on my list is sky-diving!

Hi, My name is Michael and I am the northern Environment Officer for 2014. As a final year Marine Conservation student at the Maritime College I have seen how small, seemingly insignificant action can have an effect on a global scale, both positive and negative. During this year I will strive to find ways that my fellow students can take these small actions, such as using reusable water bottles or drinking fair-trade coffee to fuel your (and my own) caffeine addictions. Through these small actions we will see change on a larger scale than we thought possible.



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