Togatus Yearbook 2017

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Published by State Council on Behalf of the Tasmania University Union (henceforth “the publishers�) The opinions expressed herein are not those of the Togatus staff or the publishers. The copyright in each piece of work remains with the contributor. However, the publishers reserve the right to reproduce material on the Togatus website ( Togatus staff: Editor-in-Chief: April Cuison Print Editor: Maddie Burrows Digital Editor: Ella Carrington Former Digital Editor: April McLennan Assistant Editor: Bethany Green Administration Officer: Stephanie Morrison Marketing & Distribution Officer: Zoey Dwyer Copy Editor: Joe Brady Former Copy Editor: Nathan Hennessy Togatus contributors: Aimee Butler, Amina McCauley, Andrew Grey, Bernard Goh, Callum J. Jones, Cameron Phillips, Chris Ham, Chris Edwards, Claire McCann, Clark Cooley, Connor Munnings, Courtney Salter, Daisy Baker, Dan Prichard, Dominic Davies, Elise Sweeney, Emi Doi, Emma Skalicky, Erin Cooper, Jamez Kelly, James Kitto, Jamie Sands, Jez Ford, Joel Calliss, Joey Crawford, Kasey Wilkins, Liam Salter, Logan Linkston, Mackenzie Stolp, Michelle Moran, Monte Bovill, Nikita McGuire, Nikita Riseley, Sandon Lowe, Steph Palmer, Zoe Douglas, Zoe Stott Togatus welcomes all your contributions. Please email your work and ideas to It is understood that any contributions sent to Togatus may be used for publication in either the magazine or the website, and that the final decision on whether to publish resides with the editors. The editors reserve the right to make changes to submitted material as required. Contact Togatus: Twitter & Instagram: @togatus_ Facebook: Website: Post: PO Box 5055, UTas LPO, Sandy Bay 7005 Email: Advertising: Togatus is printed by Monotone Art Printers.




4 04 06 08 10 12 Six Months in the Uni Studio Apartments

Vox Pops – CBD Living

Arts and Music Festival

14 A Year of Change

You are here

16 18 20 22

The Transformation of UTas

Sydney Campuses

24 26 The Daily Grind

Makers Workshop

In REFlection


28 30 32 34 36 Paper Plane

Art School: A Semi Biased Opinion

A Lana Del Ray T-Shirt

38 40 42 44

An Arist’s Tale

Waffle: UTas’ Sweet New Offering

Cradle Coast Campus

TULS Lowdown



UTas Leading Dementia Research

The Truth Behind Criminal Profiling

Ivan Aivazovsky


The Handmaid’s Tale

Jamez’ Gamez

Fresh Tunes for the Break

… 46 48 50 52 54 56 58 60 Gallery

A Can of Gay Worms

6 62 64 66

Vox Pops – Yearbook Edition

Tog Travels the World

Study Abroad with UTas

68 70 72 Naughty Nineties Night

76 78 Yearbook Signatures


74 80 82 84 86 88

Council Report


Yearbook Contributors ? There’s an app for that.

Andrew Grey

Kasey Wilkins

Is that a rash or a herpes sore? There’s an app for that.

Poor life choices? There’s an app for that.

Callum J Jones Having trouble with baking a cake? There’s an app for that.

Courtney Salter First world problems? There’s an app for that.

Dan Prichard Governing America? There’s an app for that.


Nikita Riseley Covfefe? There’s an app for that.

Elise Sweeney Strange women lying in ponds? There’s an app for that.

Logan Linkston Yippee-ki-yay motherf*****? There’s an app for that.

Monte Bovill

Bernard Goh

Threatening nuclear war? There’s an app for that.

Overcoming class struggle? There’s an app for that.

Steph Palmer

Jez Ford

Club Penguin? There’s an app for that.

Winning big on the pokies? There’s an app for that.

Jamez Kelly Watching paint dry? There’s an app for that.

Chris Ham Ignoring responsibilities? There’s an app for that.

Mackenzie Stolp Trying to find a word to fill a blank space? There’s an app for that.

Erin Cooper Impartial, objective reporting? There’s an app for that.


Print Contributors ? There’s an app for that.

Claire McCann

Nikita McGuire

Spreading the gay agenda? There’s an app for that.

Cards Against Humanity? There’s an app for that.

Joey Crawford

Sandon Lowe

Taxis outside Launceston? There’s an app for that.

Mistaking permutation for creativity? There’s an app for that.

Daisy Baker TripAdvisor for public toilets? There’s an app for that.

Dominic Davies Ph’nglui mglw’nafh Cthulhu R’lyeh wgah’nagl fhtagn? There’s an app for that.


Emma Skalicky

Zoe Douglas

Bees? There’s an app for that.

Life? There’s an app for that.

Chris Edwards

Emi Doi

Having trouble looking for a dwarf? There’s an app for that.

Nicholas Cage? There’s an app for that.

Amina McCauley

Aimee Butler

Spending too much time on your phone? There’s an app for that.

Shower Singers? There’s an app for that.

Digital Contributors Cameron Phillips Clark Cooley Connor Munnings

Jamie Sands James Kitto Joel Calliss

Liam Salter Michelle Moran Zoe Stott


Tog Team ? There’s an app for that.


Editor-in-Chief: April Cuison

Editorial Assistant: Beth Green

Stranger danger? There’s an app for that.

Time management skills? There’s an app for that.

Print Editor: Maddie Burrows

Administrative Officer: Steph Morrison

Share my cat’s life to strangers online? There’s an app for that.

Making friends? There’s an app for that.

Digital Editor: Ella Carrington

Marketing & Distribution Officer: Zoey Dwyer

Liking your in-laws? There’s an app for that.

Being marginalised? There’s an app for that.

Former Digital Editor: April McLennan

Copy Editor: Joe Brady

Need a beer? There’s an app for that.

Destabilising the Middle East? There’s an app for that.

Editorial April Cuison

Former Copy Editor: Nathan Hennessy Fidget spinners? There’s an app for that.

Illustrator: Luke Visentin Snapchat? There’s an app for that.

The biggest and bestest edition is in town! Get ready for some 80-odd pages of goodness! This Yearbook focuses entirely on you, the student! Most yearbook editorials in previous Togatus Yearbooks have generally followed the same formula. That is, the final editorial is usually messages of gratitude towards everyone who has contributed to the magazine. This won’t be any different. It has been such a fantastic journey and all of you who have played a part in this year’s Togatus deserve every thanks that I can possibly give. The Tog team has been wonderful this year. I would like to thank you for your support throughout the year. From getting the first edition off the ground to our quiz night, it was you that provided foundation to what Togatus has become this year.

That. There’s an app for that.

To our contributors, I would like to express my gratitude for your interest to contribute to the magazine. Without you, we wouldn’t have anything to publish! Thank you for your wealth of knowledge, experience, and your general enthusiasm to be a part of Togatus. It has been a pleasure to read your stories, and I’m sure our readers enjoyed it too.

Designer: Liam Johnson

And of course, our wonderful designers. Look at this colourful and ABSOLUTELY FANTASTIC magazine. This would not have been possible without our wonderful design team. I am always in awe with the amount of creativity that shines through the Togatus pages. You have made Togatus vibrant and incredibly pretty. It’s eye-candy, seriously.

Designer: Jonty Dalton

Using an almost decade old slogan repurposed as a popular risqué party game phrase to systematically exasperate and irritate many readers to abnormal proportions? There’s a Togatus for that.

The readers also deserve a special mention. Thank you for interest in Togatus, whether it be interacting on social media or simply picking up a copy. You deserve a big thumbs up and a pat on the back. To everyone graduating this year, I wish you safe and wonderful adventures in the future. To those who are still at uni, fingers crossed that there will be more food during meetings next year, heh. Thank you once again. Readers and contributors alike have made this experience valuable and unforgettable. Much love, April


Digital Editor April McLennan

Hola amigos, As I lay on my hostel bed writing this, the sun shines through the window, turning the small room into a sauna. My window is filled by the tiny Spanish town that surrounds me and it is absolutely stunning. All the while you are stuck in the somewhat crisp weather of Tasmania. Fortunately, you have placed yourself in a win-win situation by picking up this copy of Togatus. It will either provide you with stimulating articles, or if you find it to be absolute rubbish, you can use it to light a little fire to keep yourself warm. I hope this year has been productive and you have fulfilled all your dreams and desires. Here at Togatus, we have been working hard to revamp both the print and online platforms in order to provide our avid readers with a more enjoyable and somewhat juicy magazine. From avocados to UFOs, we pride ourselves on publishing the unexpected. We want this magazine to grab your eye as you strut on by. So, thank you for picking it up! Another great success we have had this year is the increasing number of wonderful contributors that come to the meetings each week and submit their work to us. Without these talented people, Togatus would cease to exist. I would also like to thank the beautiful team at Togatus that I worked alongside all year. Together we have created a better magazine. So, I hope you enjoyed reading this. If not, I can assure you that it will serve as brilliant kindle for the fire.

Love, April McLennan


Print Editor Maddie Burrows

Hey there everybody, and welcome to our final edition of Togatus for the year… the Yearbook! Before we get into this edition, let’s start with a recap of all that’s happened for Togatus for 2017. At the beginning of this year, we promised to you that Togatus would be reborn. Like a phoenix rising from the ashes, the Tog Team decided to give life to a totally new Tog baby, colloquially known as the procrastination bible. Edition one was the genesis, and the positive feedback we received went far beyond our expectation! There’s something about covering UTas campuses in avocado covered magazines that makes the start of semester one less daunting and instantly more amusing. Then edition two came about, full of UFO’s, mythical creatures, myth busters and debunking misconceptions. Coinciding with Dark Mofo, this winter edition let us delve into all things wacky and obscure. Edition three was our most visually beautiful edition, brought to you by our most creative writers. At this time in the year we added a member to our design team who helped bring this illustrative and artistic edition to life. The Yearbook that you are holding in your hands is a celebration of all things UTas and recognises the achievements of students across all UTas campuses. This final edition is the accumulation of a year of cherishing our Tog baby, giving it love and feeding it so it is strong enough to stand on its own two feet. Although our year as editors is ending, it is our hope that this new, fresh, quirky magazine will continue to burst with colour and life in the future. Regardless of what Togatus may become next year, we hope you’ve all enjoyed watching us grow and procrastinating with us. We would like to thank everyone who has contributed to Togatus this year and supported us on our rebranding journey. Now go forth, procrastinate exam study, and enjoy your 2017 Togatus Yearbook!

Toodles! Maddie Burrows


A Year of Change The biggest events, announcements and stories for UTas in 2017 Monte Bovill

In February, the first group of over 400 students moved into the new student accommodation in the Hobart CBD. A Bachelor of Media was offered for the first time at UTas as the old Journalism, Media and Communications degree was phased out. Construction also began on new media facilities in Salamanca Square.

Construction began on the Hedberg in January, the university’s creative industries and performing arts development in the CBD. May saw the announcement that UTas Vice-Chancellor, Professor Peter Rathjen, will be leaving to take up the Vice-Chancellor position at the University of Adelaide at the end of the year. Also in May, the Federal Government released the 2017 budget and with it, significant reforms to higher education. The changes are set to be put to parliament before the end of the year and include fee increases and a lowering of the HECS repayment threshold, which means students will be paying more in university fees and will be repaying them back sooner. Universities Australia also claims that UTas will lose almost $30 million in Federal Government funding. Controversy sparked when a petition circulated calling for UTas to ban Nicolaas Bester, a current student and convicted sex offender, from its campuses.



Images: Monte Bovill and University of Tasmania

The vision for the new Launceston campus at Inveresk was released in July. Public consultation is currently being sought, with the construction of the $260 million project to shift the campus away from Newnham expected to start by the end of the next year. A plan by UTas to build a $400 million STEM Centre in Hobart’s CBD gained momentum in 2017. The science, technology, engineering and maths project has gained support and interest from key government and community groups. If the project goes ahead, UTas would need to decide between moving more courses into the city or redevelop aging facilities at Sandy Bay.

June saw the introduction of a new slogan for UTas: “It’s the same place. Just a New State of Mind”. Behind the slogan is the introduction of a dramatic restructuring of the university’s entire undergraduate curriculum. From next year, courses will be updated to better prepare students for the workplace of the future.

The beginning of August saw the release of the damning results of a Human Rights Commission survey into the sexual assault and harassment of students at Australian universities. The survey found that 54 per cent of students at UTas were sexually harassed last year and 6.5 per cent were sexually assaulted. UTas swiftly announced it had created a new Pro ViceChancellor role focusing on culture and wellbeing.

October was the month where in that

! Tog waz here

and as this would be there in the year.


So it’s six months on and things, for the most part, are going well. The high-vis guys toiling on the bottom floor have installed a swank lobby filled with art and wood paneling, someone managed to fit a beautiful grand piano into the music room, and apartment life is as pleasant as ever; entirely as solitary or as social as you’d like it to be. Togatus contributor and fellow resident Monte Bovill puts it well: “The staff have done an amazing job with the amount of pressure they’ve been under. I think we are all so lucky to live here. It’s in an awesome location, and gives us so much more than what is offered at other UTas accommodation.”


As we roll on into September, the last touches to a lavish and high-ceilinged lobby are being put in place. Installed with it are the new administration offices for the accommodation services — who currently shuffle arriving mail in and out of the old Salvos building across the road — and music rooms for students to practice in. A wide common room has been furnished and decorated on the ground floor. Attached is a communal kitchen, for residents who don’t fancy the kitchenette in their rooms, or are seeking to engage in culinary espionage, swiping recipes and copying technique. We’ve got the first big cookoff on the horizon — Hobart Apartment’s Kitchen Rules.


Six Months in the Uni Studio Apartments Joe Brady

ners of the globe, and they’ve left their family and friends behind to study at UTas. The conscious efforts put in by the accommodation team to welcome our comrades into the UTas social fold is noticed and appreciated. This update on the Hobart apartments ultimately concludes with the simple fact that there isn’t better accommodation, for a better price, with a better administration team at your back — in other words, any viable alternative — for UTas students. As it stands, the uni studio apartments represent a successful investment of the university administration into housing a burgeoning local, interstate, and international student population in modern, private accommodation. It’s a great place to live.


Images: Joe Brady

The construction of subterranean off-street parking is well underway, but we’ve been told it’s not finished, and so for now we hurry between the elevator and carpark across the street. There is a certain anxiety about who will get the precious parking spaces — there aren’t enough for everyone and a certain number are reserved for council parking — but for now that’s speculation. The accommodation services do their best, and that’s been obvious since many of us first moved in here back in February. There has been a consistent effort to engage willing residents of the building with activities — games, sports events, cook-offs, communal dinners, pizza, the whole works. Many of the residents who live here aren’t from the Hobart area, and some have arrived from distant cor-

Vox Pops - CBD Living A brief snapshot of views from residents living in the new UTas Hobart apartments. Monte Bovill

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Where did you live before moving to Hobart? What is your favourite thing you have brought from home? What is your signature dish that you cook up? Describe the apartments in three words. What are the best aspects of living in the apartments? What recommendations would you make to improve the apartments? What advice would you give future residents of the apartments?

Yukino Yokota – Bachelor of Media 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Tokyo, Japan. A necklace from my Mum and Dad. Traditional Japanese food, but I also like Italian. Like a hotel. We can meet a lot of new people. The facilities are fantastic, and I love having my own kitchen. I think it would be good to have a gym with a treadmill at the apartments. Do not be afraid. You have a lot of chances to make friends. Also, only bring the essential things, Target is nearby if you forget anything.

Daniel Anderson – Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.


Sydney, New South Wales. My minion undies. They are really comfy and they look good. Chicken schnitzel, it is my favourite. Eduroam, alarms, construction. Having lots of people around you is great, and everything you need is pretty close and in walking distance. I think we should have more events. There are also these motion sensor lights in the common areas that are really annoying. Balance study with activities around the apartments and university. It is important that you enjoy your time at uni.

Zali Potts – Bachelor of Marine and Antarctic Science

4. 5. 6. 7.

Hervey Bay, Queensland. A photo frame that my friends from Hervey Bay got me. I was craving a pie in the third week of living here. I was heating it up in the microwave, but next thing I know there was smoke everywhere... Comfortable, friendly, nice. Being independent, but also having an awesome community vibe. The cupboards and dryers need to be lowered… Height struggles. Do not be afraid to come out of your room and be part of the community.


1. 2. 3.

Nishee Nattraj – Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Melbourne, Victoria. Chilli flakes. They remind me of home. Dhal and pepper chicken. My mum use to make it and now I can. Convenient, community, clubbing. Having my own kitchen and bathroom is a real positive. There should be more events to bring people together. Do not be intimidated. We are all in the same situation. We all want to meet new people and make friends.

Michaela Torrents – Bachelor of Pharmacy 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Launceston, Tasmania. Probably my TV, because it gives me the comfort of making it sound like there are other people around, just like at home. My meatballs would be my specialty. One time I was cooking them I nearly set the apartments on fire… I had to throw them out the window. Confined, independent, modern. Its central location, because it gives close access to everything around Hobart. Having a complete building would be great. Construction work has been happening all year. Bring more storage, because the cupboard you are given did not have enough space for all my clothes.

Joshua Yeoh – Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. I really started from scratch. I miss my guitar from home, but I settled for one from here. Zoodles - zucchini noodles. Healthy - you can get fibre without the carbs! Convenient, classy, community. The fact that you get your own self-contained studio. The apartments are so close to Menzies and the centre of the city. We need more events to bring everyone out of their rooms and become connected a bit more. Getting settled here is really easy. Make sure you keep an eye on your laundry as well.


Arts and Music Festival Engi Laneway 2017 Nathan Hennessy

It has been a rather quiet year for the Engineering faculty in the pages of Togatus in 2017. Those folks squirrel themselves away, working hard to become the behemoth minds behind our exciting future technology and infrastructure. And yet, without fail, the Engineering society consistently schemes each year’s most ambitious student event. Engineering Laneway (sorry, Engi Laneway) has come and gone in the first half of 2017, the landmark social gathering of the first semester. There has always been something special about these events. Make no mistake, this is not a barrel. Rivalled only by the UTas Societies Day for turnout numbers, the Engi Laneway announcement in the first month of semester always becomes the talk of the Uni town. Despite the common staples of alcohol, food, music, and buzzing students, these folks have pushed for something more. The drinks menu was once again a kindness to the student struggle, responsibly serving cheap drinks without the nasty club prices. No goon, but the tainted Tassie tapwater made an appearance… Bloody Boags… Powergoolo also made its celebrated return, showing off the Engi students’ inventive, fun side. And there is always something humbling and pleasant about the presence of Little Fat Lamb. Frank’s Cider made a showing, bringing with it the crisp tastes of the Hobart markets. Shoutout to Hobart Brewing Company too, bringing their exciting craft selection and really demonstrating Laneway’s uncompromising efforts to source our students the best local drops.


The food was a no gimmicks affair. The Engi folk fired up a BBQ and got the Triabunna High students to throw on some sausage rolls. Although the response leading up to this wasn’t great, the smell seemed to turn favour during the event. There is a blessed simplicity to this BBQ sausage setup too, in light of some complications regarding food trucks at the barrels earlier this year. Remember the free, but not so free, food vans? Music proved the real winner here. At no cost to current students, and $5 entry to the general public, the lineup rivalled the lineups you would get on the typical Friday night at the Brisbane or Republic. Between the likes of popular cool kids Chase City, Festival of Light regulars OOC, and everyone in between, I haven’t seen the Laneway mosh as full and electric in the last few years. It’s awfully cute seeing guys and girls fiercely forge through one another for front stage access on the humble little engineering lawn. The most appreciated new addition to the event was the installation of a rest area. A spacious outdoor lounge area, complete with heaters, ensured attendees had some breathing space from the main stage and crowded lawns. While the barrels are typically seen as the manifestation of students living up to the “work hard, play harder” ethos, Laneway’s brand seems to have sidestepped this. The event has not oversold itself any more than the broad student body who hype its arrival each year. Should the Engineering society continue to label this the University’s sole “arts and music festival”, there is every chance UTas, and the greater public, will too.

TULS Lowdown UTas

Bernard Goh

Bernard Goh, First-year Representative for the Tasmanian University Law Society. The Tasmanian University Law Society (TULS) is the paramount society under the aegis of the University of Tasmania Faculty of Law. To the uninitiated, TULS might appear to be just a ‘student society’. But rest assured, it is much more than that. TULS operates as somewhat of an unofficial branch of the law school, insofar as it addresses the gaps unfilled by the faculty due to its relatively smaller size of the university. For example, the law faculty doesn’t technically employ staff to focus on the student careers portfolio. Instead, TULS acts as the law faculty’s proxy, becoming a pseudo careers department. The law faculty channels funding to TULS which the society uses to publish career guides, and facilitate career discussion panels and various workshops. Much more than an extension of the law faulty, TULS also plays a pivotal role in ensuring the general wellbeing of law students. This is achieved through the appointment of the welfare officer, whose portfolio includes organising “Chai and Chat” and “Health Week”. “Chai and Chat” is basically a free tea and cakes session, usually organised during brunch or afternoon tea in the law faculty common areas. The idea of Chai and Chat is to provide well-needed pick-me-ups to law students who are feeling the pressure of their degree. Offering free tea and tasty baked goods, Chai and Chat also represents a good opportunity to network and catch up with mates, lecturers, and faculty staff. During Health Week, TULS put together a plethora of wonderful wellness events . Some of the notable highlights this year were yoga sessions, trivia night

with “SPEAK UP! Stay ChatTY”, puppy picnic, and a pajama-themed barrel. Health Week was only made possible with support from Clayton Utz and the Southern Young Lawyers Committee. On the social horizon, TULS has had a pretty #lit year with a litany of awesome social events. As per university tradition, the society has served as the purveyor of cheap thrills and even cheaper alcohol by hosting barrels galore. Apart from two standalone barrels, TULS partnered with the engineering and medical society to bring the game to another level — hosting a megabarrel which drew praise and wonderment from all sides of the UTas divide. However, TULS didn’t stop at hosting barrels; the society organised a country club themed law cocktail in May. Last but not least, the society will be organising the much-anticipated law ball in August. This year’s theme is “Masquerade Law Ball” and there’s no hiding the fact that it will be the highlight of the TULS and law school social calendar — get it? “Masquerade”. “Hiding”. Ha. Ha. Ha. I shall conclude on a personal note. My tenure with TULS has been truly remarkable due to the professionalism of the committee. Additionally, the symbiotic relationship between the law faculty and TULS has made for an extremely pleasant working experience, especially as I’ve had the privilege of essentially working for both parties. As I’ve said before, TULS is so much more than a student society, nor is it just an extension of the law school. TULS embodies the spirit and talent of the law school’s students. Bottom line, TULS is the past, present, and future of Tasmania’s law students and legal practitioners.


The Transformation

of UTas Monte Bovill

The University of Tasmania continues to broaden its connections within the Tasmanian community, with campuses in the state’s three main population centres; Hobart, Launceston, and Burnie (Cradle Coast). In addition, the university’s reach extends beyond the island’s boundaries with two campuses focused on nursing and paramedic education in Sydney, and offshore programs in Asia.

the Medical Science Precinct located in the CBD continues to be recognised as a centrepiece of UTas.

2017 has been a year of change and development for UTas. Construction has begun on new buildings in the CBD of Hobart, with the construction start date for new Launceston and Burnie campuses scheduled before the end of next year.

The Institute of Marine and Antarctic Studies has its main location on the waterfront at Salamanca, but there is also a campus at Taroona, which is a dedicated fisheries and aquaculture centre.

In Hobart, 2017 saw the completion of the Hobart Apartments, a new student accommodation complex in the CBD, which is home to over 400 students. Work started on new purpose built facilities in Salamanca Square, which will house the Media School from the beginning of 2018. Construction also began on the Hedberg which will be home to a new Conservatorium of Music, as well as a performing arts venue. Located next to Theatre Royal, the precinct is due for completion at the beginning of 2019. UTas also announced its plans to develop a $400 million STEM Centre in the CBD. Housing science, technology, engineering, and maths disciplines, the project would shift many courses away from the Sandy Bay campus into the city. These new projects build on the many facilities UTas already has outside of Sandy Bay. The Conservatorium of Music is currently located opposite St David’s Park, the School of Creative Arts, formerly known as the Tasmanian College of the Arts, is situated in Hunter Street, and


At the Royal Hobart Hospital the university has its Clinical School, and at the Domain House, which was the original location of UTas and the building pictured on the MyLO login page, nursing, midwifery, and paramedicine is taught.

The Faculty of Science, Engineering, and Technology own the University Farm at Cambridge — a site for agriculture research. The Greenhill Observatory is an optical astronomy observatory that was built for the School of Mathematics and Physics and the Mount Pleasant Radio Observatory and Grote Reber Museum is operated by the School of Physical Sciences. UTas has a strategic vision of developing “modern, centrally located teaching and research facilities” not just in Hobart, but in Launceston and Burnie as well. The university sees a future in which the “injection of thousands of staff and students [will] help re-energise the CBDs” of each city. In the north of the state, significant changes are happening for UTas in Launceston. The existing campus, in the Launceston suburb of Newnham, will be replaced with a new $260 million development that will complement current facilities at Inveresk. Construction will commence before the end of next year. The Australian Maritime College will remain in its current location at the Newnham campus.

UTas Locations * * * * * * *

In the North West, construction is anticipated to begin by the end of 2018 on a new campus at West Park in Burnie. UTas is forging ahead with the transformation of three of Tasmania’s biggest population centres into university cities. With these changes comes both opportunities and challenges. A significant dilemma for UTas in Hobart is deciding if more facilities should be moved into the CBD, continuing outgoing Vice-Chancellor Peter Rathjen’s vision of transforming Hobart into a university city, or choosing to spend hundreds of millions of dollars in revamping facilities at Sandy Bay. This is a substantial decision where issues of parking in the CBD, and the cost of new buildings need to be balanced against aging facilities not designed for 21st century learners. At the same time services, including housing, are closely aligned with the Sandy Bay campus and will need to be factored into the decision making process. As well as these questions, the increase of online delivery of some courses, and the decreasing amount of time students have on campuses, poses a new predicament — are all these spaces needed, and will they be used consistently? The social and personal experience of university is shifting to an external delivery of information, requiring students to spend less time in university facilities. The creation of facilities for multiple purposes may need to be considered in new developments. UTas is central to reinvigorating growth in the state — both economically and socially. Its blueprint for the future to transform the state’s three main population centres into ‘university cities’ is ambitious and complex, but also energising for Tasmania.

* * *

* * * *

Sandy Bay Campus - Churchill Avenue, Sandy Bay The Media School - Salamanca Square, Hobart The Hedberg - Corner of Campbell Street and Collins Street, Hobart The Conservatorium of Music - 5 Sandy Bay Road, Hobart School of Creative Arts - Hunter Street, Hobart Medical Science Precinct - 17 Liverpool Street, Hobart The University Farm - 701 Richmond Road, Cambridge The Greenhill Observatory - Bisdee Tier, east of the Midland Highway at Spring Hill Mount Pleasant Radio Observatory and Grote Reber Museum - 200 Denholms Rd, Cambridge The Institute of Marine and Antarctic Studies 20 Castray Esplanade, Battery Point and 15-21 Nubeena Crescent, Taroona Domain House - Domain, Hobart Hobart Apartments - 157 Elizabeth Street, Hobart Clinical School - Royal Hobart Hospital STEM Centre - Corner of Argyle Street and Melville Street, Hobart LAUNCESTON

* * * *

Newnham Campus - Newnham Drive, Newnham Australian Maritime College - Newnham Drive, Newnham Inveresk Campus - 2 Invermay Road, Invermay Launceston Clinical School - Launceston General Hospital BURNIE - CRADLE COAST

* * *

Cradle Coast Campus - 16-20 Mooreville Road, Burnie Rural Clinical School - North West Regional Hospital West Park Campus - West Park, Burnie SYDNEY

* *

Rozelle - Corner of Church Street and Glover Street, Lilyfield Darlinghurst - 1 Leichhardt Street, Darlinghurst




Sydney Campuses The University of Tasmania established a presence in New South Wales in 2006. Located close to the Sydney CBD in Rozelle and west of the city in Darlinghurst, these campuses offer nursing and paramedic education in partnership with local hospitals and health services. For more info visit:

Rozelle Campus The Rozelle campus is located west of the Sydney CBD. Formerly a psychiatric ward, the campus now offers Bachelor of Paramedic Practice, and a two year fast-tracked Bachelor of Nursing course.



Photography by Maddie Burrows


Darlinghurst Campus The University of Tasmania’s Darlinghurst campus is located in Sydney’s inner city. It offers Nursing and Midwifery through the two year fast track Bachelor of Nursing, in partnership with the St Vincent’s and Mater Health Services.



Photography by Maddie Burrows


The Daily Grind Bethany Green The espresso coffee machine. For many, this humble household appliance is limited to the brewing of that oh-so-important daily caffeine dose. For others, like Bianca Deans and Jeremy Just — both Organic Chemistry PhD candidates at the University of Tasmania, specialising in natural product isolation — the machine serves a rather unique purpose. Instead of using it to brew that daily dose of caffeinated goodness, they use a standard espresso machine to perform Pressurised Hot Water Extractions (PHWE) on a variety of other plant material. This method essentially follows the same process as making a cup of coffee. However, rather than using coffee beans, Bianca and Jeremy use other plant material, such as endemic and native Tasmanian plant species. First, a sample of a plant, such as Banksia marginata or Acacia riceana, two endemic Tasmanian species Bianca has worked with during her PhD, is collected. The sample is then dried out in an oven, ground up in a spice grinder, and placed in the group head. Lastly, the “cappuccino” button is pressed, and hey presto — one organic plant material extract is ready to go. “The coffee machine just happens to be a means to an end,” said Jeremy. “Instead of buying a very expensive accelerated solvent extractor, why not use a bench top coffee machine? That is what it does anyway – it extracts stuff out of plants, such as coffee — coffee is just a mix of chemicals out of a plant.”

Over the past three years (beginning in 2014) the Smith-Bissember group at the University of Tasmania — Bianca and Jeremy’s supervisors — developed the “Espresso Machine” Pressurised Hot Water Extraction (PHWE) procedure for the rapid extraction of plant material. As the story goes, Jason Smith — the “Smith” half of “Smith-Bissember”, and Jeremy and Bianca’s primary supervisor — is an avid coffee drinker. “He just thought, ‘I wonder if this could work?’” Jeremy said with a laugh. “Jason ran a few tests, and when it seemed promising, he passed it off to the only PhD student silly enough to take it on — me.” “I basically did the initial method development,” continued Jeremy. “We had no idea how useful it would really be, but it turned out to be incredibly useful — we get results as good as, or better than, the commercial instruments designed specifically for this purpose.” Traditionally, a variety of methods such as Soxhlet extraction, maceration (stirring plant material in a solvent for typically hours or even days), and steam distillation have been used to extract plant material. However, these methods have notable disadvantages. “They are lengthy processes of extraction,” said Bianca. “They can also require large volumes of toxic solvent — such as methanol, or chlorinated solvents such as chloroform — which environmentally is hazardous.”



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In comparison, the Espresso Machine Procedure is cheaper, faster, and more environmentally friendly. While specialised extraction equipment can cost tens of thousands of dollars, a commercial coffee machine is significantly less expensive. “That’s the thing, you don’t have to spend anything to get started — you can just purchase a coffee machine,” said Jeremy. “The machines break down occasionally — as any piece of kitchenware would. “But if we do break one, it doesn’t matter,” continued Jeremy. “$200 for a machine at a research level budget is nothing. We have probably destroyed five or six over the past four years but even then, that’s only $1500 bucks, which for that amount of time — and the number of extracts we run through it — is nothing.” “Most of the coffee machines we have, Jason has either got second hand off Gumtree or online,” said Bianca. “So, it is fairly sustainable as well!” The method is rapid, with the potential to go from a whole plant, and subsequent extraction via Pressured Hot Water Extraction, to a final pure chemical in a number of hours — an extremely challenging feat to achieve using traditional methods. Another unique feature is the size of the sample the machine can deal with.

“The extracts obtained from this method typically contain fewer or no plant pigments, such as chlorophylls, which is a common impurity within traditional extraction methods,” continued Bianca. “This is another advantage, as by avoiding these green or coloured molecules, we achieve a cleaner, easier to purify extract from the get go.” The “Espresso Machine” method is significantly more environmentally friendly than traditional methods. The solvent used is primarily water, a “green solvent” as it is non-toxic, environmentally friendly, and can be easily disposed of. Often Bianca and Jeremy will add an organic modifier — up to 35% ethanol (% v/v) — to change the polarity of the solvent mixture. This too is a very green method. “Ethanol is something you can just pour down the sink,” said Jeremy. “Getting rid of our waste is exactly the same as pouring a bottle of vodka — which is 35% ethanol — down the sink.” So, is it likely organic chemists will be using industrialised, large-scale coffee machines for extraction in the future? Although it is a novel idea, Jeremy isn’t convinced. “We were looking at trying to figure something like that out with a group in the United Kingdom,” he said. “But the point of this is that you don’t have to engineer anything, it is just there.”

“We can process approximately 10-15 grams of material,” said Bianca. “Often the accelerated solvent extraction instruments can’t deal with that much material in one go.”



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Makers Workshop Not (Yet) An On-Campus Café Jess Flint

Images: Jess Flint

I missed the memo about Burnie’s ugliest building becoming part of UTas; presumably it happened during the relocation plans for the Cradle Coast campus. Yet this building which houses local art, produce, and whiskey tastings now has the little red lion plastered on all its signs. Inside this building is also a café, although I don’t know a lot of locals who frequent it. This café is sure to be given a boost when students begin milling around the waterfront for lessons and labs, but for now they bus tourists up from the cruise ship dock with promises of local produce, souvenirs, and information (the Burnie information centre is located here). The café is operated by the Compass Group; students who have spent time in Hobart would recognise the lolly-pots, slices, and Westpac EFTPOS machines. Possibly due to the fact that there isn’t a UTas campus here yet, the café otherwise isn’t recognisable as an on-campus eatery. The food prices are too high for it to be successful among the youngbroke-student demographic, and the coffee I’m drinking while I write this review is downright undrinkable. I predict two things happening when the Cradle Coast campus moves: either the café will become more student friendly, or they will make a lot of money off students too lazy to go into the city for their food and drink. Although, Cradle Coast students are already used to bringing their own food or driving to buy it. Pro: It has a lovely view of the beach... if you can look past the grey Burnie sky for nine months of the year.



Cradle Coast Campus Bring Your Own Watermelon Jess Flint

The Cradle Coast campus of UTas has a ‘cafe’ located in the hub of student activity. (Although calling it a cafe is such a stretch, I will hereafter refer to is as a ‘kiosk’). With a small population of students, we here in Burnie can benefit from the convenience of having the library, kiosk, and TUU lounge all in one location. The ladies at the kiosk make a great coffee, and you can get relatively cheap food here if you’re feeling peckish. Most students, however, bring their own lunch to campus — which is both frugal and definitely healthier than the offerings from the kiosk. I didn’t realise Chiko rolls were still a thing, but they sell them here along with hot chips, dim sims, and mini quiches — a throwback to tuck shop food if you ever saw one. So if you’re not into hot, greasy food then take a note from a guy I saw in the library today - bring your own watermelon! Pro: I cannot overstate how surprisingly good the coffee is.


In REFlection Jez Ford

“…for some uni students, nothing quite strikes joy into their hearts like receiving a message saying “come to the Ref’.”

As a licensed premises, with a reasonable variety of options (most notably included is Hobart’s iconic beverage, Cassie Blue), you can crack open a cold one with the boys (or girls) to kick start your Friday night (or Monday morning). Hot drinks are also available. For those searching for


an alternative to browsing relatable memes about being a poor uni student, the Ref boasts two pool tables, a TV and a giant Jenga set. The Ref is fairly large and there is an ample amount of seating for groups of various sizes. Prices are quite reasonable, and staff are very friendly! While it sounds like the idyllic paradise, the Ref has a few minor flaws. As a large area, it can often become a bit chilly, particularly in winter. There is only one size portion of curry and stir fry and while this size is good if you’re hungry, it could be beneficial for a smaller option to be offered as an alternative. The other downside is they always seem to be playing Sunrise on TV, regardless of the time of day, but I guess that’s more dependent how much you like Sunrise. All in all, the Ref is everything a uni cafe should be and being a customer there is an excellent experience. We give it a rating of 4/5 cold ones with the boys.

Image: Jez Ford

The Refectory, colloquially known as the Ref, is the eatery I spend most of my time procrastinating in. It presents a spacious and relaxed atmosphere, and for some uni students, nothing quite strikes joy into their hearts like receiving a message saying “come to the Ref”. Food options are excellent, with exotic experiences aplenty, including a range of curries, stir fries, and noodles. There is plenty of western cuisine too, including burgers, chips, pies, toasties, salads, and pizzas. The food is prepared fresh each day, and there are options for everyone from the most carnivorous meat eater, to the strictest vegan. There are also a plethora of sweets for the sugar addicts, including cakes, slices, and an impressive range of chocolate bars.

Erin Cooper

Image: Erin Cooper

Dessert cafes have proven to be one of the longer-lasting food trends of the decade. While rainbow bagels and turmeric lattes may come and go, dessert cafes are spreading like wildfire. It seems that after eating dessert for centuries, humans finally realised we could dedicate entire eateries to just the sweet stuff. Even then, Hobart has only cottoned-on in the last three years, with Honey Badger in Salamanca opening in 2015, and San Churro popping up right next door earlier this year. Now, it’s UTas’ turn to attempt to capitalise on the resurgence of dessert. The key to Waffle — the kiosk-style operation next door to Lazenby’s — is in its title. Opening in time for the start of semester two, the window-in-the-wall sells three different types of sweet waffles, a savoury waffle, and different donut varieties daily. They also do cold drinks, but the waters, juices, and milks are all available at Lazenby’s anyway. I went on a Friday for lunch and bought the most expensive item on the menu; the waffle sundae special. At $10.50, it promises waffles with two scoops of ice cream, nuts, and chocolate sauce. The woman who served me was lovely, and the waffles are made to order. As they were completely fresh, I didn’t mind the ten minute wait. Upon receiving my order, I was struck by two things; it’s huge, and it looks amazing. Though I’m no waffle connoisseur, they were really good; crispy on the outside, soft on the inside, and the nuts were a really nice addition

I shared my serve with a friend, and between us, we couldn’t finish it. Which brings me to my next point, which is value for money. Unlike Lazenby’s, which often cops the ire of the student population for its inflated food prices, the waffle sundae special was excellent value. For $10.50 it fed two people as a main meal, with some left over. The other lesser-priced waffles have also had good reviews from those who have had them: Steph, my fellow Togatus contributor, told me the chocolate waffles were fantastic. My friend Chris agreed, and added that the price was reasonable for the serving size and overall quality. While the food is great and well-priced, it’s a shame Waffle was not granted its own indoor dining space. You could take it into Lazenby’s, but seating is usually scarce. The only seating available is two metal tables opposite the window, which can be a) crowded, or b) dreadfully cold. Having some indoor seating would also save on packaging, as although all cutlery and plates are compostable, a sit-down experience would reduce the need for disposable packaging. Furthermore, it would be nice to see the menu expand as business grows. Four waffle options is a nice start, but there’s a lot of scope for different topping varieties. Open for only a matter of weeks, Waffle succeeds in delivering its namesake in a way that’s tasty, speedy, and good value. You might not have a cosy scandi-inspired place to sit, but if you have a sweet tooth (or even a savoury one!), it’s definitely worth giving Waffle a try.


Review UTas

Waffle: UTas’ Sweet New Offering




Sim Howe


Collage by Lotus White Sugito



An Artist’s Tale Callum J Jones

Mature, independent, creative, and imaginative. These are the words that best describe Rosina Beauchamp, a Bachelor of Fine Arts with Honours student at UTas. She’s a passionate self-taught artist, heavily influenced by her mum (who’s also a self-taught artist) to the point where she could use a pencil at the age of three. “Seeing Mum draw as a kid, and seeing her art everywhere, made me go: ‘I want to be like Mummy’,” Rosina said. “It got to the stage where Mum would be sitting at the table and I’d come sit next to her and try to copy what she was drawing.”


“Don’t let people tell you what should or shouldn’t be drawing. Don’t feel pressured to get a certificate – if it’s something you want to do, just do it.”

ours degree, she plans to apply for the police force. Another passion of hers is helping people in need, and she believes that she’ll be able to do this as a police officer. But she’ll still produce art – she intends to spend the time she’s not on duty devoting herself to drawing and painting. She’s even planning on selling her pieces to others who are interested. Her message to aspiring young artists is this: “Don’t let people tell you what should or shouldn’t be drawing. Don’t feel pressured to get a certificate – if it’s something you want to do, just do it.”

Rosina has always loved art. She creates cartoons and animation, mainly drawing characters from Disney movies and anime. She also does tattoo designs. She’s now learning new styles and techniques through her art degree. But due to personal events and circumstances, she lost the confidence to draw and paint during college. It wasn’t until recently that she regained the confidence in her art because of the encouragement of her family and friends. Last year, towards the end of her Police Studies degree, she decided to follow her passion for art and applied for a Bachelor of Fine Arts with Honours. She was accepted. “I wanted to do something that I love while I’m still young enough to do it,” she explained. She’s had her work displayed at Light Up The Lane this year, and has successful Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram pages which she uses to display her art. After she completes her Bachelor of Fine Arts with Hon-

If you’re into art and are keen to see Rosina’s artwork, be sure to follow her on one or more of her social media pages. All of them are called Rose’s Fine Art & Tattoo Designs. Facebook: Instagram: Twitter: @enchanted_art_

Images: Rosina Beauchamp


e n a l P r e p Pa ph Ste

r me l Pa I mark the paper with a pencil, ruling neat lines onto the cardstock.

I fold the paper into mountains and valleys, creasing the lines with my fingernails.

I pinch the paper to form wings, pulling them out into small triangles.

I cut the paper to make a tail, making two slits and flipping it out.



I throw the paper ever so gently, releasing it upwards to its first flight.

I watch the paper with no mechanics, darting about in the soft breeze.

I see the paper float hesitantly, swishing and wavering before it nosedives.

I seize the paper from the ground, tilting it skywards as it glides again.


Image: UTas Library Special & Rare Materials Collection

The University of Tasmania’s art school, currently known as the School of Creative Arts, was once known as the Tasmanian College of the Arts. It was only last semester when the name of the school changed. I don’t understand why. Especially considering when you abbreviate School of Creative Arts it becomes SoCA. Say that out loud. Yeah, it sounds like a sport. We are art students; we don’t do sport. Right? Hunter Street, where the school is located, is the perfect place to hold the art students. It’s the bones of the old jam factory, a place that feels like a collection of jumbled rooms joined together to allow for people to study their own discipline, while being able to


mingle with those who have decided to follow the dark side of the for — I mean, study a different discipline. In my first semester I met painters, furniture makers, sculptors, as well as other photographers and filmmakers. While we get to study the discipline we want, we also get bundled up to study Critical Practices, a new unit replacing Core Studies, a 25 point subject that is still finding its sea legs. After four years of getting a degree in Journalism that I have decided not to use unless I find myself running a political campaign, and to follow my dreams of being half the director that Ridley Scott is, I am

Andrew Grey shocked at the lack of TUU events and involvement at the inner city campus. In the year I have been there, only twice have we had any TUU presence, in the form of a box of sandwiches and cakes. I’m sure to placate us as they continue to favour the main campus.

stead they sit among the the loud art students who want to find a place to sit and eat. Those same art students are then unable to find a place, because all the seats are taken by soulless lawyers in training. I’m kidding, I’m sure they have a soul.

And the legal prac students don’t have a place to study. They go to their lectures and then sit in the cafeteria because they don’t have anywhere else to study. This has created a divide between them and us, one possibly borne out of perceived social class, or one group thinking that their degree is better than the other. That said, it is unfair for the law students to have to study in a place where they don’t have their own rooms to retreat to. In-

What is my point? Or do I even have one? Well yes, I do. Hunter Street is going through a period of change. One that is for the better, yet it seems like the campus that people forgot. It needs a cosmetic update, better student faculties, and a place for the legal prac peeps to study that isn’t in the cafeteria. All in all, though, Hunter Street is pretty cool.



Art School: A Semi-Biased Opinion

A Lana Del Ray T-Shirt Andrew Grey

At the edge of the River Styx, he looked out at the running sapphire blue and the dense population of green and brown. He spread his arms out, the wind tousling his hair, ready to take the plunge. As he leant forward, arms wrapped around him, a head nestled into his neck, a kiss, and then a voice as soft as silk. “Come back to me.” A jump-start back into reality. Jackson sits on the bus, listening to music as the run-down city moves past. He had fallen asleep. He leant his head back against the window, wanting to fall asleep again. There was no reason to be awake, only reasons to find happiness in an endless dreamscape Freddy Krueger would be proud of. Sometimes he dreamt of Freddy killing him in his dreams, but unlike those in the movies, he would go willingly. Jackson was disappointed when he woke. These days his dreams were different. No longer the horror-themed mess that populated every woken moment and unconsciousness, but sadness. Jackson was ready to die, yet would wake to a voice calling him out. He knew that if he jumped he would die within the dreamscape and reality. As the bus came to the end of the line, he had failed to fall asleep. He grabbed his bag and walked home. Home wasn’t much to look at. A three-bedroom house that was falling apart because there wasn’t enough money to fix it. Jackson often found he was using his own money to make repairs and pay the bills. There were some savings, but it wasn’t enough to move out. He couldn’t move, unless he took his sister with him. He knew it was only a matter of time before his grandparents intervened and took her, they were just biding their time. “Hey fag,” came a voice as Jackson walked past the lounge room. He recognised it as his parent’s dealer. His parents laughed. Jackson didn’t bite as he walked up to


his room. His sister was listening to some heavy metal, so he knew to avoid her. He walked into his room, covered in posters of Marilyn Manson, Dita Von Teese, Carrie Fisher, and his own photography, and it was otherwise sparse, save a bed, wardrobe, and a desk. Tom sat at the edge of his bed. “You need to stop ignoring me,” Tom said. “I’m not ignoring, just avoiding,” Jackson replied, pulling out his laptop and settling in at his desk. He noticed an open window. “Did you break in or come through the front?” “Broke in.” “Okay, good. At least you didn’t meet the parents,” Jackson said as he sat next to Tom. “Why are you here?” There was a pause as music bashed the wall shared between Jackson and his sister, Emily. “I miss you,” Tom said. “You say that,” Jackson replied as he got up and put his own music on. Lust for Life was the first song. “I do. I don’t regret the decision I made, even if it was wrong.” “You mean cheating on your girlfriend with me for a year, and then choosing her over me?” Jackson said, sitting down in his computer chair. “Yes, that one. If you didn’t avoid me, you would know we broke up.” Jackson’s heart skipped a beat. It was the news he wanted, yet didn’t. He had made these plans in his head about how they would leave and settle down in a cabin by the lake and bring Emily with him, create a new family. A happy family. “I have a job in L.A. now, I leave in a week and I have a place, you can move in with me. Me, be with me,” Tom continued. “You can’t be serious?”

Creative UTas

“I am. I know that I was foolish, I know that I’m not as strong as you, but this is the bible belt. I can’t come out, even as bisexual. Not here.” “Why not? I did?” Jackson said. “And look at how that turned out,” Tom said, standing up and walking over to Jackson. Warship My Wreck started. “I love you, Jackson.” He stood and walked over to his wardrobe. There wasn’t a lot, mostly different band T-shirts. Jackson started to change into a Lana Del Rey T-shirt. Tom came up behind him, wrapped his arms around him, his head nestled into his neck, a kiss, and then— “Come back to me.” Jackson stood there, his T-shirt half on, torn between the River Styx and reality. The sapphire blue and the dense population of green and brown, his wardrobe and the music. A knock on his door pulled him out of his dream. Pulling on his T-shirt, he opened the door to his mother. “You gonna cook dinner or what?” She asked. “No, I’m not, I need to study,” Jackson said. “What kinda homo is ya, if you ain’t gonna cook?” Jackson didn’t reply, he just shut the door. His mother banged against it and shouted obscenities before walking off. He didn’t talk as he pulled out a suitcase and started to put his entire life into it. It all fit. “If I do this, I leave now. I stay with you until we go,” Jackson said. “Of course.” They kissed. Jackson called his grandparents and told them that he was leaving. They needed to take Emily now. They agreed. Packed and ready to go, Tom took the suitcase and packed it in his car as Jackson knocked on Emily’s

window. She opened it and he crawled through. She was perplexed as to why he was coming through the window, but saw that Tom was waiting by his car. She knew about his secret relationship with Tom, she had seen them together, and agreed to keep it quiet because she loved to see her brother finally happy. She hugged him, tightly. “You’re leaving, aren’t you?” “Yes.” “With him?” “Yep. They are coming for you, okay? I called them, so they should be here in about an hour. I’m sorry I can’t take you, but soon.” “Hey, don’t worry about me. I can handle myself,” Emily said, punching Jackson in the shoulder. Jackson knew that Emily lived out of her suitcase. It was there, packed and ready to go, they both hated living with parents too doped up to even care. “How long before they die?” “I don’t think they will die, but more end up homeless.” They laughed, parted, a final goodbye. Jackson climbed out of his window with everything he wanted to take and met Tom in his car. They waited for his grandparents to arrive and then left, and Jackson never saw his parents again. He bit back the urge to look back as he left, and found himself laughing at the clichéd moment. As time passed, and weeks turned to months that turned to years, a hand reached out to lift the needle as the record spun on static. Jackson reset the record and resumed his drawing, the sound of Easy Living resting on the cold air. He adjusts his blanket and then stares forward, looking at the river as Tom brings him a sandwich. “Here you go, dear,” he said, giving Jackson a kiss on the cheek.





Jez Ford


UTas Leading Dementia Research Coutney Salter

“It is exciting to see that UTas, with students such as Hannah, can be a major player in such a current and wide-reaching health issue…”

More than 413,106 Australians are currently living with dementia, and without a medical breakthrough this is expected to reach 1,100,890 by 2056. The Wicking Dementia Research and Education Centre (WDREC) at UTas is seeking to both aid people in dealing with dementia and research potential methods of reversing its impact. Hannah Fair is one of the scientists involved in the Wicking team. She is currently in her fourth year at UTas, and the latter half of her honours. Her particular field of research looks at causes of TDP-43 Pathology; the origins of a particular type of dementia that affects an average age bracket of 60 years plus. Hannah entered this area through a summer internship, and became interested in it by working alongside her supervisor, who was doing the same kind of work as she does now. “I grow brain cells from mice and I treat them with drugs that might alter their cellular pathways in a way that might cause these kinds of dementia.”


“I try and get here [the Menzies building in Hobart] at nine and kind of alternating [sic] between being at my desk doing analysis of my experiments and writing them up or being up in the lab doing experiments.” “Generally, weeks have patterns, so on Mondays I grow cells, Tuesdays I check on cells, Wednesdays I do various other tasks to try and see if my treatments caused things to change in my cells, Thursdays I treat cells with drugs, and on Fridays I harvest them ready to look at them in the next week.” She conveyed excitedly that she has quite recently seen some very interesting results from her experiments. “I’m looking at a particular protein that clumps, and we know that the clumps cause motor-neuron disease and frontotemporal dementia. I got my brain cells to express a fluorescent version of my protein, then I treated them with my drugs that interfere with the scaffolding of the cells, and I watched them every six hours for twenty-four hours.” “I actually came back in at 1am to take some photos of them,” she said, laughingly.


Image: Alex Cronk “Between when I photographed them at twelve hours and when I photographed them at eighteen hours, the protein had formed these little lumps, like it does in disease. It was so cool to look down the microscope and go ‘Oh my goodness, it’s formed a clump.’” This discovery links nicely with one of her co-worker’s findings that overexpressing the protein affects the scaffolding of the cell.

public practically. Wicking runs a free nine-week online course called ‘Understanding Dementia’ that is open to any member of the public and seeks to educate about dementia and dementia awareness. It is exciting to see that UTas, with students such as Hannah, can be a major player in such a current and wide-reaching health issue and is responding to the public needs with innovation, enthusiasm and determination.

The interlinking studies of the Wicking team reflect its goal of accessible research, one of Hannah’s favourite aspects of the group. “We’ve got a whole team of us who are in the lab doing this kind of stuff, trying to work out the causes of dementia. But we’ve also got a team of people working in the public health sphere with the people who actually care for those with dementia, trying to educate and help them to know what we, as scientists, are finding that [our research] could help them care for people with dementia better.” In this regard, UTas has a unique position as the dementia research now being conducted is being shown to the

For information on the UTas course about Dementia, please follow this link:


The Truth Behind Criminal Profiling Logan Linkston

A couple of editions ago, we busted myths about serial killers, and what better way to wrap up Togatus’s 2017 run, but to discuss the truth around “criminal profiling”? We’ve all seen it in the infamous television show, Criminal Minds. Derek Morgan stands in all his perfection calling Penelope “baby girl” (and making us weak in the knees), while simultaneously creating a “profile” based on a crime that’s been committed, along with the ever-stoic Aaron Hotchner, and the very weird, and yet still somehow very attractive, Spencer Reid. “We’re looking for a Caucasian male, aged 35-40, who was abused as a child and now has issues with mother-like figures, drives an old Suburban, and lives alone. He has up to five of the seven antisocial personality disorder traits, and cannot be touched, which is why he lives in isolation.” …Or something along those lines. So, what is criminal profiling, really? It can be defined as “determining the likely characteristics of a crime’s perpetrator by examining the details of the crime itself.” Moral of the story: profiling attempts to predict what kind of person did the bad thing by looking at characteristics of the offence, the victim, and the crime scene. Profiling is most often used in hard core criminal cases like arson, rape, and serial murders. An FBI agent named John Douglas created the process of criminal profiling. Fun Fact: Douglas was the basis for many investigators on crime shows, including two Criminal Minds characters; David Rossi and Jason Gideon, as well as FBI agent Jack Crawford in Silence of the Lambs. According to the FBI’s Crime Classification Manual, there are seven steps in the criminal profiling process. The first is to evaluate the criminal act. The second is to evaluate the crime scene. The third is to analyse the victim. The fourth is to analyse the police reports. The fifth is an eval-

50 50 No.

uation of the autopsy. The sixth, is the creation of a criminal profile based on all the previous information, and includes the critical characteristics of the perpetrator. Lastly, the seventh step is suggestions for the investigation after the profile has been established. Agent John Douglas, the father of criminal profiling specifically says using a psychological profile is only a tool in which to narrow the field of suspects. Or unsub, as they say on Criminal Minds. Unknown subject. The truth about criminal profiling is that it does not have the capability to find a specific individual. It is used only for investigators to have a better grasp on the kind of person for whom they should look. One thing Criminal Minds does get right is that profiling is most useful when the suspect appears to have some kind of psychopathology. That’s a big word to just say the offender is really, really crazy. Douglas says a criminal profile is most helpful when the crime is particularly violent. While agent Douglas may have been the father of criminal profiling, he sure wasn’t the mastermind. Psychological profiling can be found all through history, including in Sir Arthur Conan Doyle’s series of books about Sherlock Holmes. Doyle included many criminal profiles as a result of crime scene analysis (shameless plug for everyone reading this to go watch Sherlock). However, in a very Criminal Minds­-esque way, criminologist and psychiatrist James Brussels profiled the New York City “Mad Bomber” down to his very clothes. Brussels correctly profiled that the bomber would be wearing a double-breasted coat buttoned all the way to the top when he was arrested. Criminal profiling does not have much of a scientific basis, despite how it is portrayed in popular culture. A lot depends on the profilers themselves. In fact, the entire


practice is a lot more complicated than one might think. It is ultimately considered to be pretty much an art form. While profiling might not be a worldwide-accepted practice within the criminal justice system, there are many arguments on its behalf. Criminal profiling has been recognised as an effective way to create a personality assessment in hostage situations. It has also provided information about how much control a perpetrator had over a victim in a crime scene. As previously mentioned, criminal profiling is often used in crimes that are considerably violent in nature, including cases that involve serial killers. Agent Douglas and his associates actually conducted research around criminal profiling by interviewing some of the most notorious criminals in the United States, including Charles Manson, Edward Kemper, and Ted Bundy. Douglas then used his research to create profiles of serial killers in order to categorise different kinds of killers. The largest category is “organised” and “disorganised” killers. There have been subgroups added since the original Crime Classification Manual was published, especially to do with crimes such as arson and others, which move their scope beyond serial killers.

that is typically not enough. Which is why the FBI runs specific training programs for their agents who want to get into the specialty field. Criminal profiling as a career is going to be like the nastiest episode of Law and Order: SVU and Criminal Minds ever. Profilers deal with the worst of the worst. So there you have it; a crash course in the truth about criminal profiling. Now you can go back to watching Derek Morgan and know a little more about this mysterious concept. And don’t worry, my whole entire body melts when he calls Penelope Garcia “baby girl” too.

Christopher Devery, “Criminal Profiling and Criminal Investigation” Journal of Contemporary Criminal Justice Kenneth Baker, Michael Napier, “Criminal Personality Profiling” Forensic Science: An Introduction to Scientific and Investigative Techniques

Just to give a general idea though, the organised killer is one with a crazy high IQ, who is calculating, methodical and tends to be obsessive. He is the killer who is likely to leave no physical evidence at the crime scene. Remind anyone of Ted Bundy?

Allen Burgess, Ann Burgess, John Douglas, Robert Ressler, Crime Classification Manual

The disorganised killer is more likely to have a low IQ and reacts out of rage or previous abuse and is more likely to mutilate or torture the victim and leave physical evidence. It gets more nasty, so we’ll just leave it at that.

Pascale Chifflet, “Questioning the Validity of Criminal Profiling: An Evidence-Based Approach”, Australian & New Zealand Journal of Criminology

Basically, criminal profiling is a job that requires a significant amount of training, usually both law enforcement training as well as a background in psychology, and even

Brent Turvey, Criminal Profiling: An Introduction to Behavioral Evidence Analysis

No. 51

Ivan Aivazovsky Bethany Green

Family history is an area that seems to fascinate many of us. Where did we come from? Who are our ancestors? What did they do? These questions all seem to form an integral part of our identity. For Alexis Miller, a first year Masters of Teaching student at UTas, digging into her family history landed her in Russia. There, she and her family represented her greatgreat-great-great-grandfather, Ivan Aivazovsky — a famous Russian naval painter and Armenian philanthropist — at celebrations of the bicentennial anniversary of his birth. After a flurry of media appearances, lunches with high standing Crimean community members, numerous gallery tours, and memorial services, she has returned to Tasmania with a wider understanding of the life of Ivan Aivazovsky. Ivan Aivazovsky, born 29 July 1817 in the Crimea, attended the Imperial Academy of the Arts in St Petersburg. Aivazovsky painted over 6,000 paintings in his lifetime, the majority of which were seascapes, but he often painted battles scenes, Armenian themes, and portraiture. He was highly regarded as an artist, leading to the saying “worthy of Aivazovsky’s brush”, emerging as common parlance in Russia to describe beautiful scenes. Aivazovsky was alive during the reign of Tsar Nicholas I. He was involved with the Russian navy as the official naval painter. The most notable war he was appointed to paint was the Crimean war (1853 – 1856). He was placed in a fortress in Sevastopol from which he could view, and paint depictions of naval battles occurring out at sea. Alexis Miller is Aivazovsky’s granddaughter, four generations removed. Alexis’s great grandmother, Varvara Lampsi Samoilova (Aivazovsky’s great granddaughter) was born in Aivazovsky’s mansion during his life and lived there into her late teens. However, during the October 1917 revolution, the family was forced to leave behind all their property and flee to Turkey. After World War II, Varvara moved to Australia, where her line of the family has lived ever since. Alexis’s father, Andrew Miller, lived with Varvara during his childhood, and had grown up with stories of the famed Ivan Aivazovsky. The most famous of Aivazovsky’s paintings are spread between galleries in Russia and Armenia. His most famous artwork is called “The 9th Wave,” depicting a group of sailors, whose boat has been sunk, hanging onto a mast as the sun sets.


Alexis and her family saw Aivazovsky’s work in person for the first time during the trip. “My favourite artwork of Aivazovsky’s is called ‘Among the Waves,’” Alexis said. “It is 4 by 3 metres, and he painted it in only 10 days.” “He just has a way of painting waves — I feel like I could put my hand in, and it would come away wet,” said Alexis. “It’s just really amazing what he could do with oil paints. Apparently, people used to accuse him of putting lamps behind his paintings to make them glow — he is just that good.” Alexis and nine other members of her family had timed their trip to coincide with the 200th celebration of Aivazovsky’s birth. As familial representatives of Aivazovsky, they attracted a considerable amount of media attention and excitement. During the trip, they visited the Tretyakov Gallery, had lunch with the Archbishop of the Armenian Apostolic Church, attended a number of memorial services, toured the Feodosia Aivazovsky Gallery, had lunch with the leaders of the Armenian community, were interviewed by a number of Russian news crews, toured the palaces in Yalta, and toured the Russian museum in St Petersburg. “The memorial in the Crimea was a big statue of Aivazovsky and his brother, who was an archbishop,” Alexis said. “It was surreal — it had never really hit home for me just how big a deal he is in Russia — especially in the Crimea.” “Because he was so generous to Theodosia and the Crimea, he has built quite a name for himself. He is very, very big there,” said Alexis. “In Russia, he was the friend of the Tsar, he was quite high up in society, and he was one of their famous painters, so he is quite well known. “Aivazovsky is a very important person in Crimean history. He was a great painter, but also a great philanthropist, particularly for Feodosia.” “As the story goes, there once was a historical water shortage in Feodosia, and while he was alive, Aivazovsky would supply the town with his own personal water — gallons and gallons and gallons a day,” said Alexis. “He built fountains, baths, funded archaeological digs, and built the railroad from Moscow to the Crimea.”


A Can of Gay Worms Chris Ham


Sometimes making a big decision is so hard, you need to ask for help from those around you. The Australian government knows firsthand of this tribulation – unable to decide whether all Australians deserve their civil rights, they’ve asked for every citizen with a letterbox and an opinion to help resolve this issue.

such a public platform. My concern is that these opinions – spouted in protest to political correctness and fuelled by incomprehensible hate – have a detrimental effect on the most vulnerable of the LGBT+ community and the youngest generation who are still finding themselves, or are yet to come out.

In doing so, the can of worms that is nationwide equality has been cracked open and thrust to the centre of Australia’s public sphere, along with every single Australians’ opinion. Many have been supportive, heart-warming, the kind of stories you forward to a stressed friend to brighten their day. Alas, many – too many – have been as emotionally draining as they are full of hate.

Coming to terms with who you are and why you’re different is hard enough as it is, without being exposed to the onslaught of hate the upcoming postal vote has thrown into public view. The battles LGBT+ youth face every day do not need to be facilitated with external voices telling them they matter less than their heterosexual peers.

By opening up a “controversial topic” for public debate, Australia has granted a platform for hate speech to be freely disseminated by the ignorant and homophobic. Prominent and not-so-prominent Australian figures have appeared in my news feed as I procrastinate studying in my bedroom, demanding I “vote no” to ensure my own community does not get their hands on any of those exclusive civil rights. The spectacular debacle that was the ABS’s 2016 National Census revealed that there are 46,800 same-sex couples in Australia. That’s 46,800 couples who are denied the biggest step a couple can make, as well as everything else that comes with it, including family security, hospital visits, tax breaks – the list goes on. While everyone is entitled to their own stance, and freedom of speech is an integral part of Australia’s values, there are just some opinions that don’t need to be given

As it stands, LGBT+ youth are five times more likely to be diagnosed with depression, and five times more likely to attempt suicide, than the general Australian population, according to the National LGBTI Health Alliance. Their most recent statistic reports that a third of the LGBT+ youth have self-harmed. Already LGBT+ youth are having a tougher go at it, but with no regard for some of the most vulnerable in Australia’s population the great debate rages on. We’ll just have to wait until 15 November to see if the LGBT+ community deserve the same liberties as the rest of the country. While a free vote on this issue should have been passed years ago, and the $112M could be wasted on something less ridiculous, I urge every one of you to vote yes to basic civil rights, if you haven’t already. A final note: the ABS recommends posting your vote by 27 October, make yours count!





Max Rowan




The Handmaid’s Tale Review of the acclaimed dystopian TV series Elise Sweeney

Margaret Atwood’s classic dystopian story has become a visceral warning once again of what we as humans, especially those in first-world countries, have to lose. A masterfully made recent television adaptation of her original novel has come into the world at a perfect time. After the shock US election results, Brexit, and as nationalism across the world grows in volume, debates on human rights, discrimination, and systemic oppression have taken on even stronger relevance. The Handmaid’s Tale is a jarring reminder of the fragility of the world we live in. Set in a dystopian future where all but a few women are infertile, the audience follows June, a fertile woman (or ‘handmaid’) as she lives her day-to-day life in the servitude of her ‘commander’ Fred. The authorities in this future hail this servitude as a sacred duty. Really, it is systemic rape, the US’s solution to ever-decreasing populations across the globe. Handmaids are defined entirely by their relationship to their commanders; those around her know June as ‘Offred’. This dehumanisation continues with the ceremonies surrounding every handmaid duty, commander’s wives must attempt to live their child’s conception and birth vicariously through them. Most horrifying is the hypocrisy and corruption that resides within this society, which is revealed slowly but surely throughout the series, and reinforces the shock of every unjust act. As people grow more conscious of how easy it is to lose rights that can often be taken for granted, this series has become a cautionary tale for the present even though it is over 30 years old.

“…a visceral warning once again of what we as humans… …have to lose.” One of the most notable aspects of this world is the way that oppression is enforced and even encouraged by other women in this society. Aunt Lydia, the maternal figure who is in charge of the handmaids, is an especially fascinating character because of this. She is a harsh enforcer of the same regime that negatively affects her, yet at times shows genuine compassion and love for those in her care. The strength of characterisation is emphasised by awe-inspiring cinematography and quality acting. Director of Photography Colin Watkinson has created a unique aesthetic for the series that perfectly conveys the depth of emotion and emptiness of its world. Elizabeth Moss, Yvonne Strahovski, Joseph Fiennes, and the rest of the cast shine in their roles with a subtlety and skill that is engrossing. Madeline Brewer is especially haunting as the vulnerable Janine, and Alexis Bledel is beautifully understated as Ofglen. The Handmaid’s Tale is an intense, riveting must-see that will remind you to be grateful for the rights you have and make you want to fight for others to gain them. It will resonate for long after watching it. Now available on SBS OnDemand


Jamez’ Gamez There are many games to gander at, but I believe these are the must-plays for the summer holidays. Jamez Kelly My personal penultimate choice that everyone should play has to be Nier: Automata, a true contender for game of the year. There’s so much to express, but there’s also a lot that I won’t spoil whatsoever. You take control of an android called 2B, alongside your companion 9S, and traverse a dystopian world overtaken by machines, large and small. You’ll be accepting quests from both man and machine, and taking on large boss fights that range from a colossal robot fish to a dramatic singing lady machine who performs at a theatre. That’s not even the weirdest aspect. The strangest thing would have to be how the machines contain personalities. Automata goes full force with that idea as the machines act a lot like us… more than the regular humans in the game. They can be friendly, aggressive, lost, depressed, and romantic — the real kicker is that they all act from different centuries. Some could recite Shakespeare; others could decide to speak from the romantic era, and some more modern. What I’ve described isn’t even the icing on the cake. You can see the rest for yourself. The story through further progression becomes rather meta, and expands many questions about artificial intelligence. And with 26 endings to unlock, the story will make you want to play it a second time… maybe even a third or fourth time.

The dystopian world is murky, dry, and desolate — but very beautiful. You’ll be traveling across massive deserts with sandstorms and cities overtaken by nature, that change over the course of the story and feature wildlife such as moose and hippos. A bright wilderness with a large ancient castle, and a lively abandoned amusement park that’d give Disneyland a run for its money. Through these places, you’ll hack and slash through enemies with a fluid and swift combat system which contains a wide variety of swords, axes, and customisable weapon sets. Not to forget the ability to fish for items. As most are vast and open, there’ll also be a few linear areas that change to a 2.5D side-scrolling perspective which changes the play style a bit. There are even some bird’s eye view shooting sections as you control a mech high in the sky The best thing about Automata is the unbelievable soundtrack. The compositions drive a series of emotions with its full orchestral choir. You’ll hear the same track in each area, but what’s amazing is that the dynamic range changes to suit whatever situation you’re in. When there’s no peril, it’ll be quiet, but as you engage in battle, more instruments join in and picks up upon the action. Nier: Automata is a thought-provoking hack and slash game that is more than just hacking and slashing. The further you head down the rabbit hole, the more engaged you’ll become. So you must do yourself a favour and give it a go. You won’t be disappointed.

Nier: Automata Platform: Play Station 4, PC Developer: Square Enix



What Remains of Edith Finch Platform: Play Station 4, Xbox One, PC Developer: Giant Sparrow What Remains of Edith Finch is more of an experience than what you’d usually think of as a video game, yet uses a multitude of different game mechanics and styles to construct its multiple narratives. You play as Edith Finch, as she returns to her old family home. In the vein of other experience games, such as The Vanishing of Ethan Carter and Everybody’s Gone to the Rapture, you’ll explore and interact with the surroundings, uncovering stories about the Finch family. All of the stories from each Finch member are related to the “family curse”, where they all died from a horrific tragedy, or accident, and so forth. You’re not only reading these stories; you become a part of it. While it is all in a first-person perspective, the game provides you with different game functions. In one story, you’re on a swing, and to keep on swinging, you rock the analogue sticks back and forth to gain momentum. Then in another, you’ll be multi-tasking, using the left stick to control the character’s daydream, whilst doing the tedious task of putting fish under a guillotine with the other stick. As the game changes its way of play, the presentation can as well, and the visuals are truly magnificent. The amount of detail put into the Finch estate really shows off the dedication for this project, and even more so with a couple of the narratives that completely change styles. You’ll be reading a comic book, and all of a sudden, you’re

interacting within this book in a cell-shaded palette. In another story, you’ll see through the eyes of a baby who’s playing in the bath. Everything is bright and colourful, as toy ducks and a blue whale swim, with the ‘Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy’ music in the background. The musical score really encapsulates the set of emotions you feel within the Finch stories. Whimsical, soothing, saddening, and enlightening are words that represent the soundtrack. One specific track that tells the story of a kid on a swing really had an emotional impact on myself. Aside from the music, the voice acting is superb. All of the Finches have different personalities and characteristics, and really convey the stories being told. Sometimes it’s not even the characters telling their own story. Sometimes a therapist or brother decide to convey a story from their point of view, making the dialogue a tad more engaging. And surprisingly, the younger voice actors don’t come off as irritating whatsoever. I truly recommend What Remains of Edith Finch. The developers of this experience definitely understand how to make creative narratives in video games, like their previous game The Unfinished Swan which I also recommend you give a go. While Edith Finch may be a small journey, it’ll linger on in your memories days after you’ve played it. It’s really an emotional and relatable tale of… well, you can find out for yourself.


Fresh Tunes for the Break Albums to listen to over the summer while we stroll along the beach... or retreat to our bedroom caves. Mackenzie Stolp (First Half) and Steph Palmer (Second Half)

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Sculpture by Paul Conley Review Gallery

Paul Conley, Two-Lined Table Tasmanian Oak & Oregon, 380 x 380 x 520 cm

Paul Conley, Not the Enterprise Tasmanian Oak & Radiata, 1000 x 920 x 580 cm

Paul Conley, Vessels Tasmanian Oak, Radiata, Oregon & Blackwood, Mixed Dimensions


Photography by Steph Morrison


Photography by Monte Bovill Gallery




Photography by Monte Bovill


Vox Pops - Yearbook Edition Meeting students from across the Sandy Bay Campus. Nikita Riseley

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

What are you studying? What is your best memory of 2017 so far? What are you looking forward to most this summer? If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would you go and why? What is your dream job? Who is your celebrity crush?

Bonnie Ferguson 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.


“Marine and Antarctic Science, majoring in Geology.” “Passing all of my exams for first semester.” “To have some holidays, and get away from studying!” “I would go to Antarctica (because of my degree). I’d really like to work and look at some of the stuff there, the rocks especially.” “Having a sustainable farm.” “Keira Knightley.”

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

“I’m studying a Bachelor of Fine Arts.” “I’d say going back to Japan.” “Getting away and going somewhere more exciting.” “Germany, because I studied German, and I’m interested in checking out a new place.” “Probably working in a museum and telling people not to touch stuff.” “Johnny Depp.”

Lara Webb & Ellie Newton 1. 2. 3. 4.

5. 6.

Lara: “I’m doing a Social Science degree, majoring in Politics and Psych.” Ellie: “I’m doing behavioural science, double majoring in Psych.” Ellie: “Party in the Paddock was fun!” Lara: “Yep, we’ll go with that, Party in the Paddock was a good memory!” Together: “Falls and potentially a group trip to Thailand. Fingers crossed!” Ellie: “I kind of want to go to Spain, because everyone comes back saying that was their favourite place.” Lara: “Yeah, do Europe properly.” Ellie: “Oh and Iceland, I want to go to Iceland.” Together: “Marry a millionaire and not have to work.” Together: “Channing Tatum! Yeah, he’s hot.”

Shaun Boulter 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

“I’m studying a Bachelor of Arts in Japanese.” “Starting the year in Japan!” “Not doing any assignments! And just sleeping.” “Back to Japan, because it’s like my second home now!” “Probably something to do with comedians in Japan... Yeah, something to do with that.” “Takahashi Minami.”



Corinna Howell

Tog Travels the World Our Togatus contributors have travelled near and far on their holidays over the year, here are our favourite snaps of where we’ve been!

Monte Bovill “Bali is incredible. It is an island full of welcoming people, rich culture, and breathtaking sights. It is the perfect destination to take photos, relax, and escape the cold Tassie winter.”

Kasey Wilkins “This was on Miyajima Island, just outside of Hiroshima in Japan. The island is well-known for both its friendly, free-roaming deer and the giant orange floating Grand Torii Gate. Miyajima is considered to be one of the most beautiful places in Japan, and I definitely have to agree.”

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Ella Carrington UTas

“This is me in France, in the city of Marseille, after making my way up to the Notre Dame. The inside was beautiful, but the added bonus of the view from the top was spectacular!”

Joe Brady “When visiting Japan, make sure to indulge in the local cuisine. I picked up this hotdog in a museum cafeteria for ¥500. That’s just over five bucks. Awesome. It was also the only thing on the menu. I’ve eaten many a hotdog in my time, and this one sat firmly in the “I don’t entirely regret it” range. If you’re in Tokyo, make sure to head south to the Hakone Open Air Museum and admire mid-century sculpture from the cafeteria window.”

Bernard Goh “In the land of ruined temples and ancient cities, memories live on. Dissatisfied with life when I was 19, I quit my engineering course and decided to travel Southeast Asia, starting off with the magical city of Siem Reap in Cambodia. Siem Reap was the capital of the Khmer Empire, the ancient and contemporary pride of the Khmer people.”


In a time of “millennial wanderlust” and Instagram travel spam, it is easy to develop feelings of confinement. But it doesn’t have to be that way. One of the greatest opportunities that UTas can provide us is the opportunity to study overseas as a part of your university degree. Here are interviews with seven UTas students who have participated in overseas study as part of their degree.


Kasey Wilkins Degree: I’m in my final year of Bachelor of Arts, double majoring in Journalism, Media, and Communications, and English.

Jess Flint Degree: Bachelor of Arts, majoring in History and minoring in Classics & German. Where: Alpha Sprachinstitut in Vienna, Austria.

Where: The London International Summer School, University of Westminster. How long: One month (short-term program).

How long: Four weeks (short-term program). Why did you choose your exchange university: I chose Alpha Sprachinstitut because it was within my budget (important), and met UTas’s criteria.

Why did you choose your exchange university: I chose the University of Westminster because of their central location in the incredible city of London, and because the university has great media and film facilities.

Study Abroad with UTas Maria Daglas


Naomi Davidson


Where: I’m heading off to the US-of-A! Towson, Maryland, to be exact.

Rosie Evans

How long: I will be away for a total of five months (single-semester exchange).

Degree: Bachelor of Arts and Law. Where: Hong Kong. How long: Four months (single-semester exchange). Why did you choose your exchange university: My first choice was actually America, but they do not take undergraduate students as law majors. I chose Hong Kong because I really like Asian culture, their high population density, and the humid weather.

Why did you choose your exchange university: I had a disappointing gap year, by which I mean; despite my best efforts I did not manage to get the money together to go travelling in that year, so I decided to go overseas to study instead.

Kaleb Thomas Degree: I was studying Bachelor of Science, majoring in Geography, and minoring in Spatial Science. Exchange was during 2nd Semester 2014. Where: The University of Montana, Missoula, in the US State of Montana. How long: Four months in Missoula followed by a one month holiday in Mexico. Why did you choose your exchange university: I met a friend the previous year from the University of Montana, who told me about the university and the amenities it has, as well as the recreational activities, such as hiking/bush walking, swimming etc. available in the nearby area.

Kalian Barnes

Nick Vialle and Charli Barclay

Maria Daglas 73


Degree: I am in my second year of  Bachelor of Arts and Fine Arts, majoring in psychology and painting.

EVEN LONGER TERM Alexander Pemberton Degree: Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Laws, Diploma of Languages. Where: Kanagawa University, Japan. How long: 11 months (year-long exchange). Why did you choose your exchange university: I wished to study in Japan to study the Japanese language. I would have been happy to be placed anywhere, however, coming from Hobart I wanted to experience living in a metropolis. So, I chose Kanagawa University because it is in Yokohama, a large city located near Tokyo.

Abbie Rothery Degree: Bachelor of Fine Arts, majoring in painting, and Diploma of Languages. Where: The University of Strasbourg, France. How long: One year (originally only a single semester, but upon finding it to be such a rich and valuable experience in so many ways I extended my stay). Why did you choose your exchange university: I actually chose Strasbourg without knowing very much about the place at all. The selection for me was very simple, basically because Strasbourg is the only partnered university available to UTas Fine Arts students wishing to do an exchange in France (through the UTas Study Abroad Program). However, upon arriving and getting to know the place, I would not have had it any other way.


What were, are, or will be the challenges of your trip? Rosie: Trying to balance study, exploring Hong Kong, making new friends, and exercise.

Did you ever get homesick? If so when, why and what did you do to overcome it?

Kaleb: Some of the challenges were the processes that needed to be completed in order to obtain the relevant visas. UTas was helpful in terms of informing me of what I needed to do, however the process involved finding lots of documents, ringing parents and government. departments and so on, and then having to fly to Melbourne for an interview.

Alexander: I lived relatively homesick free my entire stay in Japan. I can think of only three specific times I had proper homesickness, on my birthday, on Christmas, and during a particularly hard hangover. Personally, I have found the best ways to avoid the homesickness blues is to keep busy, surround yourself with friends, and try not to call your family too often.

What were, are, or will be the highlights of your trip?

What advice would you give to other students considering going on exchange?

Jess: The highlight was definitely Vienna’s coffee culture! Oh, and of course meeting people from all over the world! (My Italian roommate even made pasta for us a few times - Bellissimo!) Also, I saw a hedgehog! That was exciting for me! Rosie: The FOOD. Kasey: The people I met whilst studying were definitely one of the biggest highlights, as they were from all around the world. Honestly, I probably learned more about their cultures and ways of life than I did in my actual classes. Another highlight is the Television Production class I took, which allowed us to do things like film a documentary in London, do a multi-camera shoot, and learn from an inspiring tutor — director and sound engineer David Hoser. How did you overcome issues to do with money? (e.g. did you work a lot prior to leaving, have a tight budget, get the help-loan, get a scholarship, all of the above?) Jess: Money was the biggest issue for me, and in my past travels I’ve failed in the budget department before! It’s stressful, and if you’re not careful the stress can ruin your trip. I don’t have a job, so the budget for my whole trip was the $6,000 OS-Help loan (plus a little money made babysitting). I made sure to put aside cash money for things I absolutely couldn’t miss: opera tickets and museums were at the top of my to-do list! Then once this money had been laid aside I worked out a daily budget. Kaleb: During my time overseas, I still received Centrelink payments, and because I was a SET (Faculty of Science, Engineering and Technology) student, I received an automatic $1,500 scholarship for doing an exchange. Prior to leaving, I did save up a bit of money, but not that much. So, whilst I was overseas, I still had a tight budget (but having been under the legal age, I saved a bit from not buying that much alcohol).

Kasey: I would recommend any students considering studying abroad to go for it! It’s such an amazing experience, and as cheesy as it sounds, you’ll definitely grow as a person, experience so many things, and meet many amazing people! Abbie: Don’t do a long distance relationship unless you feel like putting yourself through a lot of heartache. If you do, expect it to be very difficult. Do talk to local people and students as much as possible, as well as fellow international students. Do it. I guarantee you will not regret going on an exchange. Alexander: Go! It doesn’t matter where or when, just make sure you plan early. If you are concerned about money, there are a number of scholarships that the university really wants to use, and there is always the OS-Help if you need it. Just go chat with the GLOW Lounge and they will be able to point you in the right direction. I’m already planning my next exchange! If overseas study sounds like something that interests you, please don’t hesitate to contact the GLOW (Global Learning Opportunities Worldwide) Lounge team, who will help you make the dream of studying abroad your reality. The GLOW Lounge can be contacted at: eMail: Phone: +61 3 6226 1805 They are physically located on the first floor of the TUU building (near the Co-op).



Naomi: I am expecting the biggest challenge will be balancing study with all the excitement of being in a new place to explore, new people to meet, and all the new touristing to be done. That, and missing my cats.

Abbie: It is my strong belief that people make up at least 80% of what makes a place cherished and special to an individual. I did not get homesick in the traditional sense, it was more the people that I missed than Hobart. But now that I’m home I am really appreciating the place’s natural beauty and charm at a heightened level.

20 1 7 And What It Has Taught Me Dan Prichard

... Reflecting on ‘the year that has been’ is quite a difficult task when ‘the year that has been’ hasn’t even been yet. But it’s at least nice to attempt to do so in the early weeks of semester two, when the assignment deadlines haven’t crunched close enough to prevent long nights of programme bingeing or meaningless scrolling into the witching hours. And for a first-year, new to UTas and the freedom of online lectures and multiple canteen options, it’s been a pretty big year. Mountains have been climbed, good times have been had, and caffeine has been consumed in copious amounts. But what has this year taught me? Of course, witnessing Trump’s first six months of leadership has given me a lot of pointers on how not to treat and/or tweet others. The conflict in Syria has worried me endlessly, and waiting for season two of Stranger Things has been, at times, simply too much to handle. But beyond the international drama, the chaos of 2017 has reminded me of some valuable pointers, without which, I would’ve found the whole thing far less achievable, not to mention less enjoyable.


1st Pointer This one was definitely unexpected. Hobart’s a pretty small town, meaning I’d originally anticipated that finding new friends at UTas would be difficult, given the lack of people around. But I never would have expected to have experienced the exact opposite in my first semester on campus. Meeting new people at society events, lectures, or fine institutions such as the Ref, and bonding over a mutual distaste for fast-moving lecture slides and MyLO, has seen me honestly enjoying my time on campus, which has been such an unexpected highlight of the year for me.

2nd Pointer Uni isn’t scary after all.

Don’t wait aimlessly for the next big thing. I have a confession to make. In all honesty, I have spent the entire year – and longer – waiting for Stranger Things season two. For most of this time, nothing could satisfy my need for fresh material from this modern classic cult. Looking at the big picture, many of us are like this with different things. Waiting for the new iPhone. For exams to be over. For a new job. The new waffle stand outside Lazenby’s. I got to the point a couple of months ago, in the midst of exams and the laughable stress of first year Arts/Law, where I put my pen down, paused my playlist, and realised that waiting wasn’t doing me any good. I ran into the lounge room, and spilled the issue to mum. Pulling her specs down her nose in a Minerva McGonagall fashion, she sighed, and told me not to wait for good things, but to look for and notice them around me.

Coming straight out of college, I was pretty darn scared to start my double degree this February. First day of uni was dreadfully marked on my calendar, and was ignored for many anxious weeks. Funnily enough, by my second day (and second helping of Lazenby’s wedges), there was no looking back. Never did I expect to find the transition so seamless, let alone lecturers incorporating memes into their slides. What a blessing this lesson was.

This has since changed my short happy life. From this point forward, I began investing in music I used to listen to religiously, and remembered just how incredible Florence was in her prime. Before I knew it, exams were over. I picked up the guitar and started playing properly for the first time in donkey’s years. The UTas waffle stand opened without even my noticing it. I dusted off my old camera and went out and about, marvelling at the beauty all around. And just like that, Netflix released an extended trailer for Stranger Things season two.

3rd Pointer


Hard work pays off, but so does self-care. Arguably one of the most important lessons I’ve ever learnt. Study is important. Achieving marks to be proud of is always nice for both your self-esteem and GPA. But a good GPA can’t guarantee a peaceful mind. And I know which of the two I’d prefer. Massive shout out to both the Law Society (TULS) and the Law Faculty on this one: your pastoral care and mental health initiatives are second to none. Don’t forget this one, friends. Nothing beats a smiling mind or happy heart.


Friends are found in funny places.

4th Pointer

(the most important pointer)

The most important lesson the year of Trump and waffle has taught me, upon reflection, is that time will always pass: we can wait all we want for the next big thing, but that will come regardless of if we wait for it or not. 2017 has reminded me that I might as well make the most of my time making myself and others happy. As I’ve learned, enjoying myself won’t prevent the production of Netflix masterpieces. Use time for joy, and share that goodness with others. Enjoy the simple things. Smile more often. Eleven is alive. Here endeth the lesson.


Naughty Nineties Night Togatus Quiz Night Picture this: it’s the decade between ‘95-05, Kate Moss is the brand of ‘Heroin-Chic’, Spice Girls are taking over the world, Backstreet’s BACK, Justin Timberlake has Noodle Hair and is still with Brit and John Howard’s eyebrows ran our country. It’s Tog’s naughties and nineties Trivia Night! We kicked off five rounds of naughty questions and the competition was fiercer than X-Tina in Dirrty. Thanks to all who made it and who made it happen, what a wonderful year for Tog! Images: Maddie Burrows





Tasmanian University Union

Clark Cooley - President

Maria Daglas - Campus President South

2017 has been a fantastic year for our union and the university. A year ago we committed to students that we’d bring “New Ideas and Fresh Thinking” to your union, and I’m happy to report that we’ve delivered. With the help of many we’ve achieved a 75% increase in Societies funding, New and improved student spaces across the university, An open, accountable and representative union with the first public available budget, Disaffiliation from the National Union of Students saving students $50,000 a year, Founding the national #NeverOK campaign against sexual harassment and assault, and Delivering the strongest regional representation in the university’s history.

It is hard to believe that this university year has passed so fast, yet here we are at the later half of semester two. It has been a wild ride, there have been many experiences had, many lessons learnt, and many memories made. I hope the TUU has done enough to support you and make your university experience a little more enjoyable over the course of this year. Thank you to the societies and clubs for all their amazing work to provide us with great quality events each semester. Thank you to the TUU State Council for enriching my TUU experience in a variety of ways. Thank you to the TUU staff for being such good listeners and advice-givers. Most Importantly thank you to the SRC South council who have been so wonderful and passionate and such a pleasure to work with. And thank you to everyone who has made my time in the TUU worthwhile. I wish the best for all of next years student reps and I wish everyone the best of luck for the rest of the academic year, and don’t forget the TUU is always here for you. Don’t hesitate to contact us about any concerns at all.

I want to thank the union and university staff, as well as the student representatives from my Council; for the hard work and dedication they’ve shown this year, as well as from the subsidiary Councils and bodies for their representation of the student body. I look forward to seeing the fantastic work of the 2018 Council, building on the strong foundation built this year.

Much love, Maria XOX

Dan Probert - Campus President North Hi everyone. This year, the State Council and SRC North have continued to deliver better outcomes and experiences for University of Tasmania students. In the North specifically, this has been marked by an unparalleled level of collaboration with other groups on campus, including a number of international student societies, the Muslim Student Association of Launceston, UTasLife, and the AMCSA. We firmly believe that our Union is most representative, and our University Community strongest, when we support grassroots, membership-based and student-led organisations such, as this gives us, the SSAF-payer, the most direct and democratic control over how our fees are spent. Furthermore, our relationship with the upper echelons of the University has never been stronger. At both the

regional and state level, we have rebuilt old and forged many new connections across the spectrum of the University’s operations. This has resulted in unprecedented levels of consultation and input by your student representatives in all areas, from student spaces, experience, and orientations, to the Northern Transformation Project and Degrees of Difference curriculum renewal. On behalf of the entire SRC North, I would like to extend my thanks once again to you all for your trust and support you have shown us over the course of this year. We strongly encourage you all to continue engaging with your Student Union of the rest of your time here at the University of Tasmania. Best of luck to you all with your exams, theses, and other major assignments. Dan



Council Report

Vivi Perry - Societies President

Jess Robinson - Education President As we come to the end of another semester, I would like to take a moment to reflect on the past year and acknowledge the great many things the Education Council team has achieved this year. The Education Council, has been busy this year setting up access to more student spaces, second-hand book sales, BBQs and study sessions, simply to name a few. It has been a pleasure engaging with the diverse faculties from around the state and listening to peoples experiences about the degrees they are undertaking. The University itself is constantly changing and renewing its dedication to the education of the students enrolled, and it has been an honour to serve the students into making sure that their voices are heard, and a solid relationship between the University and students is laid down. These types of discussions between both parties has allowed for the Education council to continue its commitment to listening to you (as the student body) and making sure that we are able to deliver results, not only now but moving forward in the future too. No matter where you are in your studies; coming to the end of your degree, finishing your first year or simply marking the halfway point! Each and every one of you should look forward to seeing the light at the end of the tunnel! However, I’d love to say it was all smooth sailing but there is still that growing workload, and it is easy to see motivation fall, and sleeping habits and stress take over! The Education Council and the TUU will be here with you every-step of the way, and I encourage everyone to make use of the services provided! I would like to take a moment to thank the Education Council for their hard work and dedication to the cause this year! I certainly couldn’t have done it without your support: Oliver Hopewell (Vice-President), Pragya Gupta (Secretary), Austen Hawkins (Education Officer: South), Iman Sabbagh (Education Officer: North), Justin Brown (Education Officer: Cradle Coast).

I want to congratulate societies on a whole host of fantastic endeavours hosted this year! Every week there are new exciting activities that are being put on, by volunteering students who dedicate their time and energy while also studying. Thank you for allowing me to serve this past year, it’s been an honour to meet and work with so many fantastic people, and being able to help societies this year has been a real pleasure. A Societies Council meeting was held for the first time from Launceston, (as well as video conferenced in from IMAS), hopefully integrating Northern Campuses into meetings, in order to create a more cohesive discussion between the North and South. There have been even more food-related events covered by TUU this year, as Societies have been able to access grants for food for the first time. Societies have finally been able to claim for their BBQs, cultural night markets and muffin giveaways, where this used to be an expense borne by the society. We will soon host the first (of hopefully many) Golden Donkey Quiz night for all clubs, societies and students. Society Awards are also coming up, where we recognise and reward the best among our societies and the hardworking individuals who have dedicated their time and energy. There are still a lot of great events by societies to look forward to; there are cocktails, careers evenings and trivia nights, you can keep updated on the TUU website or Facebook page. Societies all have their respective Annual General Meetings (AGM) coming up, where they elect the executive for the next year. You can learn how your favourite society is run, or join and make friends for life! Societies look great on a resume, as employers look for extra-curriculars and soft skills you get from a Society Exec role, such as effective communication, working in a team and organisation skills. So please, join in and support your societies! You can see them all at but if the one you want isn’t there, you can start one! For any societies, Ingrid in the South and Janez in the North are a wealth of information and experience, and we are always happy to help with any questions you might have.


Joey Crawford - Postgraduate President few months. We’re finalising the Postgraduate Student Experience Report with 327 postgraduates, we released an interim report on the student insights of 218 Newnham-based responses on the Northern Transformation Project, and I’ve just closed another survey of 619 students about the plans for the applied honours program. We’re also supporting some more personalised sessions on the Newnham transformation and focus groups on the Applied Honours program. All in all, I’ve been leading a part of the TUU dedicated to asking for your opinion, so that you can be better represented, and represented more accurately. Keep an eye out for the coming reports and media on some of these projects.

1: Exiting the National Union of Students, who eat motion papers they don’t want to hear (literally), and empowering more students through increased societies funding instead. 2: The launch of the NeverOk campaign, standing against sexual assault and harassment on campus, particularly given the concerning national report released in August by the Australian Human Rights Commission. 3: Our vision for a carbon neutral TUU was one of the first motions I put forward to Council, and one we are working towards achieving. We recently allocated more resources to solar panels and have endorsed the recommendations presented in Gabi Tregurtha’s Energy Audit Report.

SRC Cradle Coast Campus Cathy Walker

Kylie Baumback

TUU Position: Campus President Year of Study: 2nd Year, Bachelor of Arts, First Year Associate degree in Applied Business: Specialisation Tourism and Events Management Cool Facts: I got to work for Channel Seven as part of the 2017 series of My Kitchen Rules with the Tasmanian team. Life Goal: To be a great role model to my beautiful children by teaching them to reach for the stars in everything that they do.

TUU Position: Welfare Officer Year of Study: 1st Year, Arts (via the pathway pre-degree program) Cool Facts: I’m a mature age student discovering the repressed side of myself thanks to UTas. I’m also a volunteer Firefighter and SES member and have competed in the Sydney to Hobart yacht race. Life Goal: To be the best version of myself and have the courage to stand up for my beliefs and live without regrets.

Gene Stewart-Murray

Puspa Sherlock

TUU Position: Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Officer Year of Study: 2nd Year, Bachelor of Arts Cool Facts: Operates a photography business and have travelled Australia in the last three years. Life Goal: To open and operate shelters and support services for individuals that have experience traumatic events.

TUU Position: Post Grad Officer Year of Study: Grad Cert Cool Facts: Awesome sense of humour, American sign language, karate and tai chi instructor. Life Goal: Run empowerment programs and help make the world a more peaceful place.

Davina Smith TUU Position: Regional Secretary Year of Study: 2nd Year, Bachelor of Arts Cool Facts: Fermentation fiend and avid RPG player. Life Goal: To open a café/deli selling my homemade fermented foods and drinks.

Justin Brown TUU Position: Education Officer Year of Study: 2nd Year Cool Facts: I’m a university student who has time for interests. Life Goal: Have a positive influence in the education system.



Since last reporting to Togatus, we’ve had an enormous

I’d like to finish my report, reflecting on a few of the bigger things we’ve done this year, and here’s my top three.

Maria Daglas

Kaleb Thomas

TUU Position: Campus President South Year of Study: 4th (and Final) Year Cool Facts: I got peer-pressured into skydiving (but would 100% do it again). Life Goal: Just be happy 95% of the time (and live in a self-sufficient tiny home with a pet bird).

TUU Position: Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Officer Year of Study: 1st Year Masters Cool Facts: Pretty outdoorsy; hiking, camping, seeing and connecting with the world. Life Goal: To be in a position to help other Indigenous people achieve their goals.

Natalie Oh

Tom Webster

TUU Position: Regional Secretary Year of Study: Final Year Cool Facts: Interests include taxation law, talking about taxation law, aspiring to practice taxation law, and evading paying tax on the avocados I’d consume from my farm. Life Goal: Owner of an avocado farm.

TUU Position: Medical Precinct Representative Year of Study: 2nd Year Cool Facts: Art, music, politics/procrastination. Life Goal: Be the best I can be, whilst also taking the scenic route and having the most fun possible :)))

Claire McCann TUU Position: Women’s Officer Year of Study: 3rd Year Cool Facts: Passionate feminist and unionist. Can be found obsessing over cute dogs on the regular. Life Goal: Change the world.

Jackie Batchelor TUU Position: Queer Officer Year of Study: 3rd Year, BA Cool Facts: My blood is 90% coffee, 10% blood, rainbows follow me everywhere and I’m really interested in aviation, in particular jumbo jets and accident investigations. Life Goal: To help achieve marriage equality and basic human rights especially in the LGBT+ community.

Alice Wanders TUU Position: Environmental Officer Year of Study: 1st Year Masters, 6th Year Uni Cool Facts: I like adventures and hummus. I once ate 17 oliebollen in a day as snacks. Life Goal: Establish adequate marine protection in Australia, including protection of key biodiversity areas and species, and promote a greater awareness of environmental issues that impact on marine life.

Hoo Teng Keng (TK) TUU Position: International Students Officer Year of Study: 3rd Year Cool Facts: In 2006, an Australian man tried to sell New Zealand on eBay. The price rose to $3,000 before eBay shut it down. Life Goal: To get a decent job that allows me to go home and have a life (simple, but somehow unattainable).

Cameron Ross TUU Position: Activities Officer Year of Study: 1st Year, Business/Arts Cool Facts: I can play five instruments, none of them particularly well. Life Goal: To create so much more room for activities!


Stephen Cronin TUU Position: Disabilities Officer Year of Study: 3rd Year, Arts/Law Cool Facts: I have a meme page dedicated to me, I’m producing a play. Life Goal: To defend the rights of the disadvantaged whilst eating smashed avo from my Toorak mansion

Rhys Gray TUU Position: Conservatorium Representative Year of Study: 3rd Year, Bachelor of Music (Composition) Cool Facts: I have a cat called Buttercup, but I have made up so many nicknames for her that she’s forgotten her name and will only reliably respond to ‘cat’. Life Goal: To perfect the scrambled egg.

Austen Hawkins TUU Position: Education Officer Year of Study: 1st/2nd Year Cool Facts: Basically anything that gets me out doors, whether it’s sailing, rafting, hiking, or climbing I love it all! Life Goal: To be able to eat a whole family pizza without any guilt... wait, are these supposed to be serious?

Sharifah Syed Rohan TUU Position: Welfare Officer Year of Study: 2nd Year, Arts/Law Cool Facts: Clark Cooley once got me a Julia Gillard magnet, maybe he’s a Labor supporter after all. Life Goal: To own a house and maintain my addiction to brunch foods.

Abigail (Abbie) Rothery TUU Position: Art School Representative Year of Study: 3rd Year Cool Facts: I like to paint and speak French (At the same time. Whilst wearing a beret. Actually, no. Berets are uncomfortable I find they are always too pinchy. Which annoys me because they look so darn cool). Life Goal: To be a polyglot, and to continue travelling and making art.

SRC South & North Campuses TUU

Dan Probert

Iman Sabbagh

TUU Position: Campus President North Year of Study: 4th Year, Marine and Offshore Engineering Cool Facts: I have more watches than I care to count. Life Goal: To live out if by Rudyard Kipling.

TUU Position: Education Officer Year of Study: 4th Year, Bachelor of Engineering (Naval Architecture) Cools Facts: I was a gymnast for 8 years till the age of 16, dancing is my life, I was raised in Dubai and a foodie. Life Goals: Travel around the world, own a bakery/café and to design a cruise ship.

Suchada Lim TUU Position: Activity Officer Year of Study: Final Year, Bachelor of Applied Science (Maritime Technology Management) Cool Facts: Box, dance, cook. Enjoys learning new stuff, discussing entrepreneurship and exchanging new ideas. First ever female Asian President of Australia Maritime College Student’s Association. Life Goal: Successful Business Woman.

Jessica Robinson TUU Position: Education President Year of Study: 4th Year, Primary Education Cool Facts: I take naps in random places on campus. Life Goal: To be the curator of the Smithsonian.

Kirthana Kunasegaran TUU Position: Welfare Officer Year of Study: Final Year, Bachelor of Business (Maritime Logistics Management) Cool Facts: Am a musician who majors in drums, loves the gym and a bit of a boogie, moved to Launceston when I was seven. Life Goal: To have a top management job, see the world and be wealthy enough to buy an awesome car.

Nurul Syafinaz Mahmood TUU Position: Women’s Officer Year of Study: Final Year, Bachelor of Ocean Engineering Cool Facts: Provide me food, we’re the next best friend. Life Goal: To never doubt in my ability to achieve anything in life and to continue enjoy eating every single time I can.

Angel AnQi Yeoh TUU Position: AMCSA representative Year of Study: 3rd Year, Bachelor of Business Cools Facts: Foodophile. Life Goal: Retire at 40 and travel around.

Shijo Joy TUU Position: TUU Representative (Rozelle Campus) Year of Study: 1st Year, Bachelor of Paramedic Practice Cool Facts: I am qualified Electrical Engineer, currently developing some paramedic skills to serve the community. I am a very sportive person and loves adventure sports. Life Goal: To help people and to reduce the pain and struggles that they have in their life.

Samuel Price TUU Position: Environmental Officer Year of Study: 1st Year, Bachelor of Engineering Cool Facts: Dog lover, rugby player, British street foods best burger 2016 maker. Life Goal: Travel and work overseas.

Caleb Dunn TUU Position: Queer Officer Year of Study: Graduate Diploma in Maritime Logistics and Management

Afiq Arshad TUU Position: International Officer Year of Study: 4th Year, Ocean Engineering

Thomas Robinson TUU Position: Disabilities Officer Year of Study: Honours in Maritime Logistics and Management

Erin Chick TUU Position: Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Officer Year of Study: 3rd Year, Exercise Science





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