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SA Plastics Pact Reuse Innovation Challenge 2021
THE South African Plastics Pact in partnership with the MAVA Foundation recently held a contest for innovative reusable packaging solutions. Congratulations to the winners, in fi rst place, Waterpod by I-Drop; in second place, Sonke Retail; and in third place, Green Tap.
“The I-Drop Waterpod team are absolutely thrilled to win the inaugural SA Plastics Pact Reuse Innovation Challenge. This is particularly special given the amazing solutions presented by all the competitors, all of whom are a proud showcase of South African innovation in sustainability and new approaches to a more circular plastics economy,” says Kate Thiers, CEO of Waterpod by I-Drop.
Waterpod plans to build and grow the company’s reach to shop-owners looking for a convenient and simple way of selling purifi ed water refi lls for a sustainable alternative to bottled water in single-use plastics.
The fi rst runner up in the challenge was Sonke Retail. ‘Sonke’ is a Zulu word meaning ‘All of Us’. Sonke is an African start-up which was founded to give all people economic incentive to make environmentally friendly choices. Sonke designs, manufactures and manages automated refi ll stations for fast-moving consumer goods (dishwashing liquid, fabric softener, etc).
“Sonke designs, manufactures and manages automated refi ll stations that encourage shoppers to bring their own packaging – for a discount. Sonke refi ll machines are fully automated, ‘smart’, compact and can dispense up to three liquids,” explains Eben De Jongh, founder of Sonke Retail.
Reacting to the announcement, the second runner up, Green Tap’s founder Carmen Francke said: “We are very grateful for the opportunity and generosity we have received which will defi nitely assist our brand growth going forward. We are excited and would like to take some time to put a plan in place as to how we will be spending our winnings but we can say that we will be looking at a community initiative, a marketing campaign, and a new product line.”
The I-Drop Waterpod team are absolutely thrilled to win the inaugural SA Plastics Pact Reuse Innovation Challenge Second place went to Sonke Retail that designs, manufactures and manages automated refi ll stations that encourage shoppers to bring their own packaging – for a discount
Pact Reuse Innovation Challenge 2021
From over 45 entries, the following top six innovators pitched online to a panel of expert judges, hosted by SA Plastics Pact: 1. Waterpod by I-Drop 2. Sonke Retail 3. Green Tap 4. Bag Pack 5. Instore Refi ll Station 6. Earthly
The judging panel was made up of local retailers and brand owners representing Unilever, Tiger Brands, Woolworths, Spur, Spar, Food Lovers Market and international experts in circular plastics, WRAP.
The entries had to propose a reusable packaging solution that could be viably implemented by brand owners and retailers in South Africa. The solution had to be geared towards reducing the amount of single-use packaging in South Africa, ideally addressing currently non-recyclable plastics, or plastics that are often littered.
“For supporting a transition towards a circular economy of plastics, it’s crucial to have concerted and collaborative action across actors (businesses, government/local authorities, NGOs) and the value chain – like the South African Plastics Pact (SAPP) – to transform words into concrete actions.” said Nathalie Cadot, Impact & Sustainability Manager, MAVA Foundation.
“We are thrilled by our collaboration with SAPP aiming to support the pact members’ effort to fi nd reuse of packaging. We hope this fi rst edition of the Reuse Challenge is just a start, many more editions will follow to promote South African reuse innovations and collaborations between startups and larger corporates,” she added.
The prize money of R500 000 will be shared among the three winners, with the potential for product development or implementation assistance through partner companies from the SA Plastics Pact membership.
www.purewaterpod.com www.sonke.org www.thegreentap.co.za
In third place, Green Tap hand-pick sells eco-friendly cleaning and degreasing solutions, oxygen-detergents and hydrosols, wraps and cloths, loofahs and bamboo straws, spritzers, sprays and surface-cleaners