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Land art
We expressed our perception of discrimination and political correctness by using nature to create "land art". Seven masterpieces made from stones, branches and leaves tell their own stories and inform us about different problems around the world.
We created land art using natural materials like stones, woods, snails, worms and ladybugs to represent diversity, inclusion and discrimination. The different materials were used to create unique shapes and structures that symbolized the diversity of life on Earth. By including snails, worms and ladybugs, we highlighted the importance of embracing all forms of life. Through this project, we aimed to challenge assumptions and encourage viewers to celebrate diversity in all its forms.
The story of our piece of master: Many years ago there was a family who were discriminated for being black skinned protestants. Unfortunately, the residents of the city appreciated their honesty and their kindness after the family died. So now they grieve for not appreciating them in time.
Since the start of the time vampires and romanians were in war. They killed each other and they were making life hard for both sides. One day Razvan Monteoru was going vampire hunting in the hills until he saw a very hurt vampire stuck under a cliff that was going to die. He decided to save him and he revelead himself being George Sarata, the king of Vampires. From that moment on the two population started living together replacing blood with help and hate with cooperation.
In the land art we made we used sticks, leaves and flowers we found on the ground in the woods. The different height and width of the sticks and the different color and shape of leaves and flowers represent the unique beauty of each individual. In order to make a fire we need each and every material we can find. Humanity works just like that. We need each and every different human in order to make something great.
Our story is taking place in a small forest full of green trees and bloomed flowers, but in the middle there is a rotten flower which is inside a stone wall which represents the discrimination it is getting by every other flower because of its differences in appearance.
That is Steve 's face who's been bullied at school because of his hair. He couldn't take it anymore so he decided to run away in the forest and to hide there.
On this photo you can see different sticks-different color, different size, different structure. Some sticks are thick, some of them ,, tall'' and ,,short'' and some even ,, hairy ''. The idea is to show that people are different and we all need to accept them the way they look.