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World cafeworkshop

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We learned about political correctness by exploring 4 different tables moderated by Rebecca (SP), Bogdan (RO), Viktorija (MK) and Aladdin (PL). This method is used to encourage and welcome the participants to join a safe environment in which all the ideas are welcome.


On the first table the topic was about the acceptable side of political correctness in our countries. First we tried to find the differences in political correctness between our countries. We realized that our political incorrectness is all the same wherever you are. Gypsies are the most discriminated and there are plenty of rumors for them stealing, being dirty and misbehaving. We reached the conclusion that it's really objective and it's not the same in every situation. But people are still judging them based on this rumors.

In my point of vie this is the only activity where you can improve the debate skill. For my table was a little hard exercise because I had a little hard topic, but was easy to explain it with a good example, same salary in sports. That means all the people need to get the same salary for their effort. We found out that we have a lot of big discrimination and political incorrectness in common. In the end I took the conclusion that if the world could be happy and perfect, discrimination will not disappear at all- People always find what not to approve and to laugh at it or even discriminate it.

-Bogdan (RO)

-Viktorija (MK)

The topic on the second table was about political correctness and solutions/responsibilities. We tried to tackle the issue of political correctness in minorities and came up with several solutions. Some of them were: being as label-free as possible, recognizing that political parties can influence mass media, organizing more public speeches with minorities. Also, we can be more open-minded and good listeners. We also suggested: to be more patient and polite when we express our thoughts. In terms of media representation, we recommended making new stories and books about minority groups without cancelling old ones.

-Aladdin (PL)

The last table had the topic about causes of political correctness measures. They can be very different and it depends on the context. Some of these causes can be the following: disrespect, discrimination, lack of education, evolution etc. The main problem is the lack of education. If we do not have a good education, we can start to lose respect for things we consider different by which disrespect can be increased little by little and turn into discrimination: sexism, racism, islamophobia, homophobia etc.

-Rebecca (SP)

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